/* $NetBSD: componentlib.c,v 1.2 2021/08/14 16:14:51 christos Exp $ */ /* Copyright 2004 IBM Corporation * All rights reserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. */ /* ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS * This work originally developed by Sang Seok Lim * 2004/06/18 03:20:00 slim@OpenLDAP.org */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __RCSID("$NetBSD: componentlib.c,v 1.2 2021/08/14 16:14:51 christos Exp $"); #include "portable.h" #include <ac/string.h> #include <ac/socket.h> #include <ldap_pvt.h> #include "lutil.h" #include <ldap.h> #include "slap.h" #include "component.h" #include "componentlib.h" #include "asn.h" #include <asn-gser.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifndef SLAPD_COMP_MATCH #define SLAPD_COMP_MATCH SLAPD_MOD_DYNAMIC #endif #ifdef SLAPD_COMP_MATCH /* * Matching function : BIT STRING */ int MatchingComponentBits ( char* oid, ComponentSyntaxInfo *csi_attr, ComponentSyntaxInfo *csi_assert ) { int rc; MatchingRule* mr; ComponentBits *a, *b; if ( oid ) { mr = retrieve_matching_rule(oid, (AsnTypeId)csi_attr->csi_comp_desc->cd_type_id ); if ( mr ) return component_value_match( mr, csi_attr , csi_assert ); } a = ((ComponentBits*)csi_attr); b = ((ComponentBits*)csi_assert); rc = ( a->value.bitLen == b->value.bitLen && strncmp( a->value.bits,b->value.bits,a->value.bitLen ) == 0 ); return rc ? LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE:LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; } /* * Free function: BIT STRING */ void FreeComponentBits ( ComponentBits* v ) { FreeAsnBits( &v->value ); } /* * GSER Encoder : BIT STRING */ int GEncComponentBits ( GenBuf *b, ComponentBits *in ) { GAsnBits bits = {0}; bits.value = in->value; if ( !in ) return (-1); return GEncAsnBitsContent ( b, &bits); } /* * GSER Decoder : BIT STRING */ int GDecComponentBits ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen; void* component_values; ComponentBits* k, **k2; GAsnBits result; k = (ComponentBits*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentBits**) v; *k2 = (ComponentBits*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentBits ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( GDecAsnBitsContent ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ) < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result.value; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_BITSTRING); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER Decoder : BIT STRING */ int BDecComponentBitsTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentBits ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentBits ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentBits* k, **k2; AsnBits result; k = (ComponentBits*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentBits**) v; *k2 = (ComponentBits*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentBits ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecAsnBits ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecAsnBitsContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_BITSTRING); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component GSER BMPString Encoder */ int GEncComponentBMPString ( GenBuf *b, ComponentBMPString *in ) { GBMPString t = {0}; if ( !in || in->value.octetLen <= 0 ) return (-1); t.value = in->value; return GEncBMPStringContent ( b, &t ); } /* * Component GSER BMPString Decoder */ int GDecComponentBMPString ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen; void* component_values; ComponentBMPString* k, **k2; GBMPString result; k = (ComponentBMPString*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentBMPString**) v; *k2 = (ComponentBMPString*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentBMPString ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } *bytesDecoded = 0; if ( GDecBMPStringContent ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ) < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result.value; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_BMP_STR); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER BMPString Decoder */ int BDecComponentBMPStringTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentBMPString ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentBMPString ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentBMPString* k, **k2; BMPString result; k = (ComponentBMPString*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentBMPString**) v; *k2 = (ComponentBMPString*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentBMPString ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecBMPString ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecBMPStringContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_BMP_STR); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component GSER Encoder : UTF8 String */ int GEncComponentUTF8String ( GenBuf *b, ComponentUTF8String *in ) { GUTF8String t = {0}; if ( !in || in->value.octetLen <= 0 ) return (-1); t.value = in->value; return GEncUTF8StringContent ( b, &t ); } /* * Component GSER Decoder : UTF8 String */ int GDecComponentUTF8String ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen; void* component_values; ComponentUTF8String* k, **k2; GUTF8String result; k = (ComponentUTF8String*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentUTF8String**) v; *k2 = (ComponentUTF8String*)CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentUTF8String ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } *bytesDecoded = 0; if ( GDecUTF8StringContent ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ) < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result.value; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_UTF8_STR); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER Decoder : UTF8String */ int BDecComponentUTF8StringTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentUTF8String ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentUTF8String ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentUTF8String* k, **k2; UTF8String result; k = (ComponentUTF8String*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentUTF8String**) v; *k2 = (ComponentUTF8String*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentUTF8String ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecUTF8String ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecUTF8StringContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_UTF8_STR); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component GSER Encoder : Teletex String */ int GEncComponentTeletexString ( GenBuf *b, ComponentTeletexString *in ) { GTeletexString t = {0}; if ( !in || in->value.octetLen <= 0 ) return (-1); t.value = in->value; return GEncTeletexStringContent ( b, &t ); } /* * Component GSER Decoder : Teletex String */ int GDecComponentTeletexString ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen; void* component_values; ComponentTeletexString* k, **k2; GTeletexString result; k = (ComponentTeletexString*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentTeletexString**) v; *k2 = (ComponentTeletexString*)CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentTeletexString ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } *bytesDecoded = 0; if ( GDecTeletexStringContent ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ) < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result.value; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_VIDEOTEX_STR); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Matching function : BOOLEAN */ int MatchingComponentBool(char* oid, ComponentSyntaxInfo* csi_attr, ComponentSyntaxInfo* csi_assert ) { MatchingRule* mr; ComponentBool *a, *b; if( oid ) { mr = retrieve_matching_rule(oid, csi_attr->csi_comp_desc->cd_type_id ); if ( mr ) return component_value_match( mr, csi_attr , csi_assert ); } a = ((ComponentBool*)csi_attr); b = ((ComponentBool*)csi_assert); return (a->value == b->value) ? LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE:LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; } /* * GSER Encoder : BOOLEAN */ int GEncComponentBool ( GenBuf *b, ComponentBool *in ) { GAsnBool t = {0}; if ( !in ) return (-1); t.value = in->value; return GEncAsnBoolContent ( b, &t ); } /* * GSER Decoder : BOOLEAN */ int GDecComponentBool ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen; ComponentBool* k, **k2; GAsnBool result; k = (ComponentBool*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentBool**) v; *k2 = (ComponentBool*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentBool ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( GDecAsnBoolContent( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ) < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result.value; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_BOOLEAN); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER Decoder : BOOLEAN */ int BDecComponentBoolTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentBool ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentBool ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; ComponentBool* k, **k2; AsnBool result; k = (ComponentBool*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentBool**) v; *k2 = (ComponentBool*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentBool ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecAsnBool ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecAsnBoolContent( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_BOOLEAN); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Matching function : ENUMERATE */ int MatchingComponentEnum ( char* oid, ComponentSyntaxInfo *csi_attr, ComponentSyntaxInfo *csi_assert ) { int rc; MatchingRule* mr; ComponentEnum *a, *b; if( oid ) { mr = retrieve_matching_rule(oid, csi_attr->csi_comp_desc->cd_type_id ); if ( mr ) return component_value_match( mr, csi_attr , csi_assert ); } a = ((ComponentEnum*)csi_attr); b = ((ComponentEnum*)csi_assert); rc = (a->value == b->value); return rc ? LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE:LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; } /* * GSER Encoder : ENUMERATE */ int GEncComponentEnum ( GenBuf *b, ComponentEnum *in ) { GAsnEnum t = {0}; if ( !in ) return (-1); t.value = in->value; return GEncAsnEnumContent ( b, &t ); } /* * GSER Decoder : ENUMERATE */ int GDecComponentEnum ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen; void* component_values; ComponentEnum* k, **k2; GAsnEnum result; k = (ComponentEnum*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentEnum**) v; *k2 = (ComponentEnum*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentEnum ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( GDecAsnEnumContent ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ) < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value_identifier.bv_val = result.value_identifier; k->value_identifier.bv_len = result.len; k->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !k->comp_desc ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)GEncComponentEnum; k->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentEnum; k->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentEnum; k->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_BASIC; k->comp_desc->cd_type_id = BASICTYPE_ENUMERATED; k->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentEnum; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER Decoder : ENUMERATE */ int BDecComponentEnumTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentEnum ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentEnum ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentEnum* k, **k2; AsnEnum result; k = (ComponentEnum*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentEnum**) v; *k2 = (ComponentEnum*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentEnum ) ); if ( k ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecAsnEnum ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecAsnEnumContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !k->comp_desc ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)GEncComponentEnum; k->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentEnum; k->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentEnum; k->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_BASIC; k->comp_desc->cd_type_id = BASICTYPE_ENUMERATED; k->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentEnum; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component GSER Encoder : IA5String */ int GEncComponentIA5Stirng ( GenBuf *b, ComponentIA5String* in ) { GIA5String t = {0}; t.value = in->value; if ( !in || in->value.octetLen <= 0 ) return (-1); return GEncIA5StringContent( b, &t ); } /* * Component BER Decoder : IA5String */ int BDecComponentIA5StringTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentIA5String ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentIA5String ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentIA5String* k, **k2; IA5String result; k = (ComponentIA5String*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentIA5String**) v; *k2 = (ComponentIA5String*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentIA5String ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecIA5String ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecIA5StringContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !k->comp_desc ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)GEncComponentIA5String; k->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentIA5String; k->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentIA5String; k->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)FreeComponentIA5String; k->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_BASIC; k->comp_desc->cd_type_id = BASICTYPE_IA5_STR; k->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentIA5String; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Matching function : INTEGER */ int MatchingComponentInt(char* oid, ComponentSyntaxInfo* csi_attr, ComponentSyntaxInfo* csi_assert ) { MatchingRule* mr; ComponentInt *a, *b; if( oid ) { /* check if this ASN type's matching rule is overridden */ mr = retrieve_matching_rule(oid, csi_attr->csi_comp_desc->cd_type_id ); /* if existing function is overridden, call the overriding function*/ if ( mr ) return component_value_match( mr, csi_attr , csi_assert ); } a = ((ComponentInt*)csi_attr); b = ((ComponentInt*)csi_assert); return ( a->value == b->value ) ? LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE:LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; } /* * GSER Encoder : INTEGER */ int GEncComponentInt ( GenBuf *b, ComponentInt* in ) { GAsnInt t = {0}; if ( !in ) return (-1); t.value = in->value; return GEncAsnIntContent ( b, &t ); } /* * GSER Decoder : INTEGER */ int GDecComponentInt( void* mem_op, GenBuf * b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen; void* component_values; ComponentInt* k, **k2; GAsnInt result; k = (ComponentInt*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentInt**) v; *k2 = (ComponentInt*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentInt ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( GDecAsnIntContent ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ) < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result.value; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_INTEGER ); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER Decoder : INTEGER */ int BDecComponentIntTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentInt ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentInt ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentInt* k, **k2; AsnInt result; k = (ComponentInt*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentInt**) v; *k2 = (ComponentInt*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentInt ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecAsnInt ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecAsnIntContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_INTEGER ); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Matching function : NULL */ int MatchingComponentNull ( char *oid, ComponentSyntaxInfo *csi_attr, ComponentSyntaxInfo *csi_assert ) { MatchingRule* mr; ComponentNull *a, *b; if( oid ) { mr = retrieve_matching_rule(oid, csi_attr->csi_comp_desc->cd_type_id ); if ( mr ) return component_value_match( mr, csi_attr , csi_assert ); } a = ((ComponentNull*)csi_attr); b = ((ComponentNull*)csi_assert); return (a->value == b->value) ? LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE:LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; } /* * GSER Encoder : NULL */ int GEncComponentNull ( GenBuf *b, ComponentNull *in ) { GAsnNull t = {0}; if ( !in ) return (-1); t.value = in->value; return GEncAsnNullContent ( b, &t ); } /* * GSER Decoder : NULL */ int GDecComponentNull ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen; void* component_values; ComponentNull* k, **k2; GAsnNull result; k = (ComponentNull*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentNull**) v; *k2 = (ComponentNull*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentNull ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( GDecAsnNullContent ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ) < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result.value; k->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !k->comp_desc ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)GEncComponentNull; k->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentNull; k->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentNull; k->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)FreeComponentNull; k->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_BASIC; k->comp_desc->cd_type_id = BASICTYPE_NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentNull; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER Decoder : NULL */ int BDecComponentNullTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentNull ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v,bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentNull ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentNull* k, **k2; AsnNull result; k = (ComponentNull*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentNull**) v; *k2 = (ComponentNull*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentNull ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecAsnNull ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecAsnNullContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !k->comp_desc ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)GEncComponentNull; k->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentNull; k->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentNull; k->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)FreeComponentNull; k->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_BASIC; k->comp_desc->cd_type_id = BASICTYPE_NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentNull; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER Decoder : NumericString */ int BDecComponentNumericStringTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentNumericString ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentNumericString ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentNumericString* k, **k2; NumericString result; k = (ComponentNumericString*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentNumericString**) v; *k2 = (ComponentNumericString*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentNumericString ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecNumericString ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecNumericStringContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !k->comp_desc ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)GEncComponentNumericString; k->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentNumericString; k->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentNumericString; k->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)FreeComponentNumericString; k->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_BASIC; k->comp_desc->cd_type_id = BASICTYPE_NUMERIC_STR; k->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentNumericString; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Free function : OCTET STRING */ void FreeComponentOcts ( ComponentOcts* v) { FreeAsnOcts( &v->value ); } /* * Matching function : OCTET STRING */ int MatchingComponentOcts ( char* oid, ComponentSyntaxInfo* csi_attr, ComponentSyntaxInfo* csi_assert ) { int rc; MatchingRule* mr; ComponentOcts *a, *b; if( oid ) { mr = retrieve_matching_rule(oid, csi_attr->csi_comp_desc->cd_type_id ); if ( mr ) return component_value_match( mr, csi_attr , csi_assert ); } a = (ComponentOcts*) csi_attr; b = (ComponentOcts*) csi_assert; /* Assume that both of OCTET string has end of string character */ if ( (a->value.octetLen == b->value.octetLen) && strncmp ( a->value.octs, b->value.octs, a->value.octetLen ) == 0 ) return LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE; else return LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; } /* * GSER Encoder : OCTET STRING */ int GEncComponentOcts ( GenBuf* b, ComponentOcts *in ) { GAsnOcts t = {0}; if ( !in || in->value.octetLen <= 0 ) return (-1); t.value = in->value; return GEncAsnOctsContent ( b, &t ); } /* * GSER Decoder : OCTET STRING */ int GDecComponentOcts ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char *peek_head, *data; int i, j, strLen; void* component_values; ComponentOcts* k, **k2; GAsnOcts result; k = (ComponentOcts*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentOcts**) v; *k2 = (ComponentOcts*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentOcts ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( GDecAsnOctsContent ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ) < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result.value; k->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !k->comp_desc ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)GEncComponentOcts; k->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentOcts; k->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentOcts; k->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)FreeComponentOcts; k->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_BASIC; k->comp_desc->cd_type_id = BASICTYPE_OCTETSTRING; k->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentOcts; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER Decoder : OCTET STRING */ int BDecComponentOctsTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentOcts ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentOcts ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char *peek_head, *data; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentOcts* k, **k2; AsnOcts result; k = (ComponentOcts*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentOcts**) v; *k2 = (ComponentOcts*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentOcts ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecAsnOcts ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecAsnOctsContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !k->comp_desc ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)GEncComponentOcts; k->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentOcts; k->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentOcts; k->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)FreeComponentOcts; k->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_BASIC; k->comp_desc->cd_type_id = BASICTYPE_OCTETSTRING; k->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentOcts; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Matching function : OBJECT IDENTIFIER */ int MatchingComponentOid ( char *oid, ComponentSyntaxInfo *csi_attr , ComponentSyntaxInfo *csi_assert ) { int rc; MatchingRule* mr; ComponentOid *a, *b; if( oid ) { mr = retrieve_matching_rule(oid, csi_attr->csi_comp_desc->cd_type_id ); if ( mr ) return component_value_match( mr, csi_attr , csi_assert ); } a = (ComponentOid*)csi_attr; b = (ComponentOid*)csi_assert; if ( a->value.octetLen != b->value.octetLen ) return LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; rc = ( strncmp( a->value.octs, b->value.octs, a->value.octetLen ) == 0 ); return rc ? LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE:LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; } /* * GSER Encoder : OID */ GEncComponentOid ( GenBuf *b, ComponentOid *in ) { GAsnOid t = {0}; if ( !in || in->value.octetLen <= 0 ) return (-1); t.value = in->value; return GEncAsnOidContent( b, (GAsnOcts*)&t ); } /* * GSER Decoder : OID */ int GDecAsnDescOidContent ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, GAsnOid *result, AsnLen *bytesDecoded ){ AttributeType *ad_type; struct berval name; char* peek_head; int strLen; strLen = LocateNextGSERToken ( mem_op, b, &peek_head, GSER_NO_COPY ); name.bv_val = peek_head; name.bv_len = strLen; ad_type = at_bvfind( &name ); if ( !ad_type ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; peek_head = ad_type->sat_atype.at_oid; strLen = strlen ( peek_head ); result->value.octs = (char*)EncodeComponentOid ( mem_op, peek_head , &strLen ); result->value.octetLen = strLen; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } int IsNumericOid ( char* peek_head , int strLen ) { int i; int num_dot; for ( i = 0, num_dot = 0 ; i < strLen ; i++ ) { if ( peek_head[i] == '.' ) num_dot++; else if ( peek_head[i] > '9' || peek_head[i] < '0' ) return (-1); } if ( num_dot ) return (1); else return (-1); } int GDecComponentOid ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentOid* k, **k2; GAsnOid result; k = (ComponentOid*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentOid**) v; *k2 = (ComponentOid*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentOid ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } strLen = LocateNextGSERToken ( mem_op, b, &peek_head, GSER_PEEK ); if ( IsNumericOid ( peek_head , strLen ) >= 1 ) { /* numeric-oid */ if ( GDecAsnOidContent ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ) < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } } else { /*descr*/ if ( GDecAsnDescOidContent ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ) < 0 ){ if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } } k->value = result.value; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_OID); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER Decoder : OID */ int BDecComponentOidTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentOid ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentOid ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentOid* k, **k2; AsnOid result; k = (ComponentOid*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentOid**) v; *k2 = (ComponentOid*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentOid ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecAsnOid ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecAsnOidContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_OID); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER Decoder : PrintableString */ int BDecComponentPrintableStringTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentPrintableString ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentPrintableString( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentPrintableString* k, **k2; AsnOid result; k = (ComponentPrintableString*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentPrintableString**) v; *k2 = (ComponentPrintableString*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentPrintableString ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ) { mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecPrintableString ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecPrintableStringContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_PRINTABLE_STR); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER Decoder : TeletexString */ int BDecComponentTeletexStringTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentTeletexString ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentTeletexString( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentTeletexString* k, **k2; AsnOid result; k = (ComponentTeletexString*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentTeletexString**) v; *k2 = (ComponentTeletexString*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentTeletexString ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ) { mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecTeletexString ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecTeletexStringContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_T61_STR); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Matching function : Real */ int MatchingComponentReal (char* oid, ComponentSyntaxInfo *csi_attr, ComponentSyntaxInfo *csi_assert ) { int rc; MatchingRule* mr; ComponentReal *a, *b; if( oid ) { mr = retrieve_matching_rule(oid, csi_attr->csi_comp_desc->cd_type_id ); if ( mr ) return component_value_match( mr, csi_attr , csi_assert ); } a = (ComponentReal*)csi_attr; b = (ComponentReal*)csi_assert; rc = (a->value == b->value); return rc ? LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE:LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; } /* * GSER Encoder : Real */ int GEncComponentReal ( GenBuf *b, ComponentReal *in ) { GAsnReal t = {0}; if ( !in ) return (-1); t.value = in->value; return GEncAsnRealContent ( b, &t ); } /* * GSER Decoder : Real */ int GDecComponentReal ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen; void* component_values; ComponentReal* k, **k2; GAsnReal result; k = (ComponentReal*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentReal**) v; *k2 = (ComponentReal*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentReal ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( GDecAsnRealContent ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ) < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result.value; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_REAL); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER Decoder : Real */ int BDecComponentRealTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentReal ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentReal ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentReal* k, **k2; AsnReal result; k = (ComponentReal*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentReal**) v; *k2 = (ComponentReal*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentReal ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecAsnReal ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecAsnRealContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_REAL); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Matching function : Relative OID */ int MatchingComponentRelativeOid ( char* oid, ComponentSyntaxInfo *csi_attr, ComponentSyntaxInfo *csi_assert ) { int rc; MatchingRule* mr; ComponentRelativeOid *a, *b; if( oid ) { mr = retrieve_matching_rule(oid, csi_attr->csi_comp_desc->cd_type_id ); if ( mr ) return component_value_match( mr, csi_attr , csi_assert ); } a = (ComponentRelativeOid*)csi_attr; b = (ComponentRelativeOid*)csi_assert; if ( a->value.octetLen != b->value.octetLen ) return LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; rc = ( strncmp( a->value.octs, b->value.octs, a->value.octetLen ) == 0 ); return rc ? LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE:LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; } /* * GSER Encoder : RELATIVE_OID. */ int GEncComponentRelativeOid ( GenBuf *b, ComponentRelativeOid *in ) { GAsnRelativeOid t = {0}; if ( !in || in->value.octetLen <= 0 ) return (-1); t.value = in->value; return GEncAsnRelativeOidContent ( b , (GAsnOcts*)&t ); } /* * GSER Decoder : RELATIVE_OID. */ int GDecComponentRelativeOid ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b,void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen; void* component_values; ComponentRelativeOid* k, **k2; GAsnRelativeOid result; k = (ComponentRelativeOid*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentRelativeOid**) v; *k2 = (ComponentRelativeOid*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentRelativeOid ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( GDecAsnRelativeOidContent ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ) < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result.value; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_OID); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER Decoder : RELATIVE_OID. */ int BDecComponentRelativeOidTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentRelativeOid ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentRelativeOid ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentRelativeOid* k, **k2; AsnRelativeOid result; k = (ComponentRelativeOid*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentRelativeOid**) v; *k2 = (ComponentRelativeOid*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentRelativeOid ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecAsnRelativeOid ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecAsnRelativeOidContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_OID); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * GSER Encoder : UniversalString */ int GEncComponentUniversalString ( GenBuf *b, ComponentUniversalString *in ) { GUniversalString t = {0}; if ( !in || in->value.octetLen <= 0 ) return (-1); t.value = in->value; return GEncUniversalStringContent( b, &t ); } /* * GSER Decoder : UniversalString */ static int UTF8toUniversalString( char* octs, int len){ /* Need to be Implemented */ return LDAP_SUCCESS; } int GDecComponentUniversalString ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { if ( GDecComponentUTF8String ( mem_op, b, v, bytesDecoded, mode) < 0 ) UTF8toUniversalString( ((ComponentUniversalString*)v)->value.octs, ((ComponentUniversalString*)v)->value.octetLen ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } /* * Component BER Decoder : UniverseString */ int BDecComponentUniversalStringTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentUniversalString ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentUniversalString ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentUniversalString* k, **k2; UniversalString result; k = (ComponentUniversalString*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentUniversalString**) v; *k2 = (ComponentUniversalString*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentUniversalString ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecUniversalString ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecUniversalStringContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } if ( rc < 0 ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_UNIVERSAL_STR); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Component BER Decoder : VisibleString */ int BDecComponentVisibleStringTag ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { return BDecComponentVisibleString ( mem_op, b, 0, 0, v, bytesDecoded, mode|CALL_TAG_DECODER ); } int BDecComponentVisibleString ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, AsnTag tagId, AsnLen len, void *v, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode ) { char* peek_head; int i, strLen, rc; void* component_values; ComponentVisibleString* k, **k2; VisibleString result; k = (ComponentVisibleString*) v; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentVisibleString**) v; *k2 = (ComponentVisibleString*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentVisibleString ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ( mode & CALL_TAG_DECODER ){ mode = mode & CALL_CONTENT_DECODER; rc = BDecVisibleString ( mem_op, b, &result, bytesDecoded ); } else { rc = BDecVisibleStringContent ( mem_op, b, tagId, len, &result, bytesDecoded ); } k->value = result; k->comp_desc = get_component_description (BASICTYPE_VISIBLE_STR); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Routines for handling an ANY DEFINED Type */ /* Check if the <select> type CR and the OID of the given ANY type */ int CheckSelectTypeCorrect ( void* mem_op, ComponentAnyInfo* cai, struct berval* select ) { int strLen; AttributeType* ad_type; char* oid; char* result; if ( IsNumericOid ( select->bv_val , select->bv_len ) ) { oid = select->bv_val; strLen = select->bv_len; } else { ad_type = at_bvfind( select ); if ( !ad_type ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; oid = ad_type->sat_atype.at_oid; strLen = strlen ( oid ); } result = EncodeComponentOid ( mem_op, oid , &strLen ); if ( !result || strLen <= 0 ) return (-1); if ( cai->oid.octetLen == strLen && strncmp ( cai->oid.octs, result, strLen ) == 0 ) return (1); else return (-1); } int SetAnyTypeByComponentOid ( ComponentAny *v, ComponentOid *id ) { Hash hash; void *anyInfo; /* use encoded oid as hash string */ hash = MakeHash (id->value.octs, id->value.octetLen); if (CheckForAndReturnValue (anyOidHashTblG, hash, &anyInfo)) v->cai = (ComponentAnyInfo*) anyInfo; else v->cai = NULL; if ( !v->cai ) { /* * If not found, the data considered as octet chunk * Yet-to-be-Implemented */ } return LDAP_SUCCESS; } void SetAnyTypeByComponentInt( ComponentAny *v, ComponentInt id) { Hash hash; void *anyInfo; hash = MakeHash ((char*)&id, sizeof (id)); if (CheckForAndReturnValue (anyIntHashTblG, hash, &anyInfo)) v->cai = (ComponentAnyInfo*) anyInfo; else v->cai = NULL; } int GEncComponentAny ( GenBuf *b, ComponentAny *in ) { if ( in->cai != NULL && in->cai->Encode != NULL ) return in->cai->Encode(b, &in->value ); else return (-1); } int BEncComponentAny ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, ComponentAny *result, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode) { ComponentAny *k, **k2; k = (ComponentAny*) result; if ( !k ) return (-1); if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentAny**) result; *k2 = (ComponentAny*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentAny ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ((result->cai != NULL) && (result->cai->BER_Decode != NULL)) { result->value = (void*) CompAlloc ( mem_op, result->cai->size ); if ( !result->value ) return 0; result->cai->BER_Decode ( mem_op, b, result->value, (int*)bytesDecoded, DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1); k->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !k->comp_desc ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)GEncComponentAny; k->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentAny; k->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentAny; k->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)FreeComponentAny; k->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_BASIC; k->comp_desc->cd_type_id = BASICTYPE_ANY; k->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentAny; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } else { Asn1Error ("ERROR - Component ANY Decode routine is NULL\n"); return 0; } } int BDecComponentAny ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, ComponentAny *result, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode) { int rc; ComponentAny *k, **k2; k = (ComponentAny*) result; if ( !k ) return (-1); if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentAny**) result; *k2 = (ComponentAny*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentAny ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ((result->cai != NULL) && (result->cai->BER_Decode != NULL)) { result->cai->BER_Decode ( mem_op, b, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)&result->value, (int*)bytesDecoded, DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ); k->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !k->comp_desc ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)GEncComponentAny; k->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentAny; k->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentAny; k->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)FreeComponentAny; k->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_BASIC; k->comp_desc->cd_type_id = BASICTYPE_ANY; k->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentAny; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } else { Asn1Error ("ERROR - Component ANY Decode routine is NULL\n"); return 0; } } int GDecComponentAny ( void* mem_op, GenBuf *b, ComponentAny *result, AsnLen *bytesDecoded, int mode) { ComponentAny *k, **k2; k = (ComponentAny*) result; if ( mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ) { k2 = (ComponentAny**) result; *k2 = (ComponentAny*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentAny ) ); if ( !*k2 ) return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; k = *k2; } if ((result->cai != NULL) && (result->cai->GSER_Decode != NULL)) { result->value = (void*) CompAlloc ( mem_op, result->cai->size ); if ( !result->value ) return 0; result->cai->GSER_Decode ( mem_op, b, result->value, (int*)bytesDecoded, DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1); k->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !k->comp_desc ) { if ( k ) CompFree ( mem_op, k ); return LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; } k->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)GEncComponentAny; k->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentAny; k->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentAny; k->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)FreeComponentAny; k->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_BASIC; k->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_type_id = BASICTYPE_ANY; k->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentAny; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } else { Asn1Error ("ERROR - ANY Decode routine is NULL\n"); return 0; } } int MatchingComponentAny (char* oid, ComponentAny *result, ComponentAny *result2) { void *comp1, *comp2; if ( result->comp_desc->cd_type_id == BASICTYPE_ANY ) comp1 = result->value; else comp1 = result; if ( result2->comp_desc->cd_type_id == BASICTYPE_ANY ) comp2 = result2->value; else comp2 = result2; if ((result->cai != NULL) && (result->cai->Match != NULL)) { if ( result->comp_desc->cd_type_id == BASICTYPE_ANY ) return result->cai->Match(oid, comp1, comp2 ); else if ( result2->comp_desc->cd_type_id == BASICTYPE_ANY ) return result2->cai->Match(oid, comp1, comp2); else return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; } else { Asn1Error ("ERROR - ANY Matching routine is NULL\n"); return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; } } void* ExtractingComponentAny ( void* mem_op, ComponentReference* cr, ComponentAny *result ) { if ((result->cai != NULL) && (result->cai->Extract != NULL)) { return (void*) result->cai->Extract( mem_op, cr , result->value ); } else { Asn1Error ("ERROR - ANY Extracting routine is NULL\n"); return (void*)NULL; } } void FreeComponentAny (ComponentAny* any) { if ( any->cai != NULL && any->cai->Free != NULL ) { any->cai->Free( any->value ); free ( ((ComponentSyntaxInfo*)any->value)->csi_comp_desc ); free ( any->value ); } else Asn1Error ("ERROR - ANY Free routine is NULL\n"); } void InstallAnyByComponentInt (int anyId, ComponentInt intId, unsigned int size, EncodeFcn encode, gser_decoder_func* G_decode, ber_tag_decoder_func* B_decode, ExtractFcn extract, MatchFcn match, FreeFcn free, PrintFcn print) { ComponentAnyInfo *a; Hash h; a = (ComponentAnyInfo*) malloc(sizeof (ComponentAnyInfo)); a->anyId = anyId; a->oid.octs = NULL; a->oid.octetLen = 0; a->intId = intId; a->size = size; a->Encode = encode; a->GSER_Decode = G_decode; a->BER_Decode = B_decode; a->Match = match; a->Extract = extract; a->Free = free; a->Print = print; if (anyIntHashTblG == NULL) anyIntHashTblG = InitHash(); h = MakeHash ((char*)&intId, sizeof (intId)); if(anyIntHashTblG != NULL) Insert(anyIntHashTblG, a, h); } /* * OID and its corresponding decoder can be registered with this func. * If contained types constrained by <select> are used, * their OID and decoder MUST be registered, otherwise it will return no entry. * An open type(ANY type) also need be registered. */ void InstallOidDecoderMapping ( char* ch_oid, EncodeFcn encode, gser_decoder_func* G_decode, ber_tag_decoder_func* B_decode, ExtractFcn extract, MatchFcn match ) { AsnOid oid; int strLen; void* mem_op; strLen = strlen( ch_oid ); if( strLen <= 0 ) return; mem_op = comp_nibble_memory_allocator ( 128, 16 ); oid.octs = EncodeComponentOid ( mem_op, ch_oid, &strLen ); oid.octetLen = strLen; if( strLen <= 0 ) return; InstallAnyByComponentOid ( 0, &oid, 0, encode, G_decode, B_decode, extract, match, NULL, NULL); comp_nibble_memory_free(mem_op); } /* * Look up Oid-decoder mapping table by berval have either * oid or description */ OidDecoderMapping* RetrieveOidDecoderMappingbyBV( struct berval* in ) { if ( IsNumericOid ( in->bv_val, in->bv_len ) ) return RetrieveOidDecoderMappingbyOid( in->bv_val, in->bv_len ); else return RetrieveOidDecoderMappingbyDesc( in->bv_val, in->bv_len ); } /* * Look up Oid-decoder mapping table by dotted OID */ OidDecoderMapping* RetrieveOidDecoderMappingbyOid( char* ch_oid, int oid_len ) { Hash hash; void *anyInfo; AsnOid oid; int strLen; void* mem_op; mem_op = comp_nibble_memory_allocator ( 128, 16 ); oid.octs = EncodeComponentOid ( mem_op, ch_oid, &oid_len); oid.octetLen = oid_len; if( oid_len <= 0 ) { comp_nibble_memory_free( mem_op ); return NULL; } /* use encoded oid as hash string */ hash = MakeHash ( oid.octs, oid.octetLen); comp_nibble_memory_free( mem_op ); if (CheckForAndReturnValue (anyOidHashTblG, hash, &anyInfo)) return (OidDecoderMapping*) anyInfo; else return (OidDecoderMapping*) NULL; } /* * Look up Oid-decoder mapping table by description */ OidDecoderMapping* RetrieveOidDecoderMappingbyDesc( char* desc, int desc_len ) { Hash hash; void *anyInfo; AsnOid oid; AttributeType* ad_type; struct berval bv; void* mem_op; bv.bv_val = desc; bv.bv_len = desc_len; ad_type = at_bvfind( &bv ); oid.octs = ad_type->sat_atype.at_oid; oid.octetLen = strlen ( oid.octs ); if ( !ad_type ) return (OidDecoderMapping*) NULL; mem_op = comp_nibble_memory_allocator ( 128, 16 ); oid.octs = EncodeComponentOid ( mem_op, oid.octs , (int*)&oid.octetLen ); if( oid.octetLen <= 0 ) { comp_nibble_memory_free( mem_op ); return (OidDecoderMapping*) NULL; } /* use encoded oid as hash string */ hash = MakeHash ( oid.octs, oid.octetLen); comp_nibble_memory_free( mem_op ); if (CheckForAndReturnValue (anyOidHashTblG, hash, &anyInfo)) return (OidDecoderMapping*) anyInfo; else return (OidDecoderMapping*) NULL; } void InstallAnyByComponentOid (int anyId, AsnOid *oid, unsigned int size, EncodeFcn encode, gser_decoder_func* G_decode, ber_tag_decoder_func* B_decode, ExtractFcn extract, MatchFcn match, FreeFcn free, PrintFcn print) { ComponentAnyInfo *a; Hash h; a = (ComponentAnyInfo*) malloc (sizeof (ComponentAnyInfo)); a->anyId = anyId; if ( oid ) { a->oid.octs = malloc( oid->octetLen ); memcpy ( a->oid.octs, oid->octs, oid->octetLen ); a->oid.octetLen = oid->octetLen; } a->size = size; a->Encode = encode; a->GSER_Decode = G_decode; a->BER_Decode = B_decode; a->Match = match; a->Extract = extract; a->Free = free; a->Print = print; h = MakeHash (oid->octs, oid->octetLen); if (anyOidHashTblG == NULL) anyOidHashTblG = InitHash(); if(anyOidHashTblG != NULL) Insert(anyOidHashTblG, a, h); } int BDecComponentTop ( ber_decoder_func *decoder _AND_ void* mem_op _AND_ GenBuf *b _AND_ AsnTag tag _AND_ AsnLen elmtLen _AND_ void **v _AND_ AsnLen *bytesDecoded _AND_ int mode) { tag = BDecTag ( b, bytesDecoded ); elmtLen = BDecLen ( b, bytesDecoded ); if ( elmtLen <= 0 ) return (-1); if ( tag != MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, SEQ_TAG_CODE) ) { return (-1); } return (*decoder)( mem_op, b, tag, elmtLen, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)v,(int*)bytesDecoded, mode ); } /* * ASN.1 specification of a distinguished name * DistinguishedName ::= RDNSequence * RDNSequence ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName * RelativeDistinguishedName ::= SET SIZE(1..MAX) OF AttributeTypeandValue * AttributeTypeandValue ::= SEQUENCE { * type AttributeType * value AttributeValue * } * When dnMatch/rdnMatch is used in a component assertion value * the component in DistinguishedName/RelativeDistinguishedName * need to be converted to the LDAP encodings in RFC2253 * in order to be matched against the assertion value * If allComponentMatch is used, the assertion value may be * decoded into the Internal Representation(Component Tree) * by the corresponding GSER or BER decoder * Following routine converts a component tree(DistinguishedName) into * LDAP encodings in RFC2253 * Example) * IR : ComponentRDNSequence * GSER : { { type cn, value sang },{ type o, value ibm}, {type c, value us} } * LDAP Encodings : cn=sang,o=ibm,c=us */ increment_bv_mem_by_size ( struct berval* in, int size ) { int new_size = in->bv_len + size; in->bv_val = realloc( in->bv_val, new_size ); in->bv_len = new_size; } int ConvertBER2Desc( char* in, int size, struct berval* out, int* pos ) { int desc_size; char* desc_ptr; unsigned int firstArcNum; unsigned int arcNum; int i, rc, start_pos = *pos; char buf[MAX_OID_LEN]; AttributeType *at; struct berval bv_name; /*convert BER oid to desc*/ for ( i = 0, arcNum = 0; (i < size) && (in[i] & 0x80 ); i++ ) arcNum = (arcNum << 7) + (in[i] & 0x7f); arcNum = (arcNum << 7) + (in[i] & 0x7f); i++; firstArcNum = (unsigned short)(arcNum/40); if ( firstArcNum > 2 ) firstArcNum = 2; arcNum = arcNum - (firstArcNum * 40 ); rc = intToAscii ( arcNum, buf ); /*check if the buffer can store the first/second arc and two dots*/ if ( out->bv_len < *pos + 2 + 1 + rc ) increment_bv_mem_by_size ( out, INCREMENT_SIZE ); if ( firstArcNum == 1) out->bv_val[*pos] = '1'; else out->bv_val[*pos] = '2'; (*pos)++; out->bv_val[*pos] = '.'; (*pos)++; memcpy( out->bv_val + *pos, buf, rc ); *pos += rc; out->bv_val[*pos] = '.'; (*pos)++; for ( ; i < size ; ) { for ( arcNum=0; (i < size) && (in[i] & 0x80) ; i++ ) arcNum = (arcNum << 7) + (in[i] & 0x7f); arcNum = (arcNum << 7) + (in[i] & 0x7f); i++; rc = intToAscii ( arcNum, buf ); if ( out->bv_len < *pos + rc + 1 ) increment_bv_mem_by_size ( out, INCREMENT_SIZE ); memcpy( out->bv_val + *pos, buf, rc ); *pos += rc; out->bv_val[*pos] = '.'; (*pos)++; } (*pos)--;/*remove the last '.'*/ /* * lookup OID database to locate desc * then overwrite OID with desc in *out * If failed to look up desc, OID form is used */ bv_name.bv_val = out->bv_val + start_pos; bv_name.bv_len = *pos - start_pos; at = at_bvfind( &bv_name ); if ( !at ) return LDAP_SUCCESS; desc_size = at->sat_cname.bv_len; memcpy( out->bv_val + start_pos, at->sat_cname.bv_val, desc_size ); *pos = start_pos + desc_size; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } int ConvertComponentAttributeTypeAndValue2RFC2253 ( irAttributeTypeAndValue* in, struct berval* out, int *pos ) { int rc; int value_size = ((ComponentUTF8String*)in->value.value)->value.octetLen; char* value_ptr = ((ComponentUTF8String*)in->value.value)->value.octs; rc = ConvertBER2Desc( in->type.value.octs, in->type.value.octetLen, out, pos ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; if ( out->bv_len < *pos + 1/*for '='*/ ) increment_bv_mem_by_size ( out, INCREMENT_SIZE ); /*Between type and value, put '='*/ out->bv_val[*pos] = '='; (*pos)++; /*Assume it is string*/ if ( out->bv_len < *pos + value_size ) increment_bv_mem_by_size ( out, INCREMENT_SIZE ); memcpy( out->bv_val + *pos, value_ptr, value_size ); out->bv_len += value_size; *pos += value_size; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } int ConvertRelativeDistinguishedName2RFC2253 ( irRelativeDistinguishedName* in, struct berval *out , int* pos) { irAttributeTypeAndValue* attr_typeNvalue; int rc; FOR_EACH_LIST_ELMT( attr_typeNvalue, &in->comp_list) { rc = ConvertComponentAttributeTypeAndValue2RFC2253( attr_typeNvalue, out, pos ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; if ( out->bv_len < *pos + 1/*for '+'*/ ) increment_bv_mem_by_size ( out, INCREMENT_SIZE ); /*between multivalued RDNs, put comma*/ out->bv_val[(*pos)++] = '+'; } (*pos)--;/*remove the last '+'*/ return LDAP_SUCCESS; } int ConvertRDN2RFC2253 ( irRelativeDistinguishedName* in, struct berval *out ) { int rc, pos = 0; out->bv_val = (char*)malloc( INITIAL_DN_SIZE ); out->bv_len = INITIAL_DN_SIZE; rc = ConvertRelativeDistinguishedName2RFC2253 ( in, out , &pos); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; out->bv_val[pos] = '\0'; out->bv_len = pos; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } int ConvertRDNSequence2RFC2253( irRDNSequence *in, struct berval* out ) { irRelativeDistinguishedName* rdn_seq; AsnList* seq = &in->comp_list; int pos = 0, rc ; out->bv_val = (char*)malloc( INITIAL_DN_SIZE ); out->bv_len = INITIAL_DN_SIZE; FOR_EACH_LIST_ELMT( rdn_seq, seq ) { rc = ConvertRelativeDistinguishedName2RFC2253( rdn_seq, out, &pos ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; if ( out->bv_len < pos + 1/*for ','*/ ) increment_bv_mem_by_size ( out, INCREMENT_SIZE ); /*Between RDN, put comma*/ out->bv_val[pos++] = ','; } pos--;/*remove the last '+'*/ out->bv_val[pos] = '\0'; out->bv_len =pos; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } #endif