/* $NetBSD: denyop.c,v 1.3 2021/08/14 16:14:51 christos Exp $ */ /* denyop.c - Denies operations */ /* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. * * Copyright 2004-2021 The OpenLDAP Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ /* ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: * This work was initially developed by Pierangelo Masarati for inclusion in * OpenLDAP Software. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __RCSID("$NetBSD: denyop.c,v 1.3 2021/08/14 16:14:51 christos Exp $"); #include "portable.h" #ifdef SLAPD_OVER_DENYOP #include <stdio.h> #include <ac/string.h> #include <ac/socket.h> #include "slap.h" /* This overlay provides a quick'n'easy way to deny selected operations * for a database whose backend implements the operations. It is intended * to be less expensive than ACLs because its evaluation occurs before * any backend specific operation is actually even initiated. */ enum { denyop_add = 0, denyop_bind, denyop_compare, denyop_delete, denyop_extended, denyop_modify, denyop_modrdn, denyop_search, denyop_unbind } denyop_e; typedef struct denyop_info { int do_op[denyop_unbind + 1]; } denyop_info; static int denyop_func( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs ) { slap_overinst *on = (slap_overinst *) op->o_bd->bd_info; denyop_info *oi = (denyop_info *)on->on_bi.bi_private; int deny = 0; switch( op->o_tag ) { case LDAP_REQ_BIND: deny = oi->do_op[denyop_bind]; break; case LDAP_REQ_ADD: deny = oi->do_op[denyop_add]; break; case LDAP_REQ_DELETE: deny = oi->do_op[denyop_delete]; break; case LDAP_REQ_MODRDN: deny = oi->do_op[denyop_modrdn]; break; case LDAP_REQ_MODIFY: deny = oi->do_op[denyop_modify]; break; case LDAP_REQ_COMPARE: deny = oi->do_op[denyop_compare]; break; case LDAP_REQ_SEARCH: deny = oi->do_op[denyop_search]; break; case LDAP_REQ_EXTENDED: deny = oi->do_op[denyop_extended]; break; case LDAP_REQ_UNBIND: deny = oi->do_op[denyop_unbind]; break; } if ( !deny ) { return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; } op->o_bd->bd_info = (BackendInfo *)on->on_info; send_ldap_error( op, rs, LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, "operation not allowed within namingContext" ); return 0; } static int denyop_over_init( BackendDB *be, ConfigReply *cr ) { slap_overinst *on = (slap_overinst *) be->bd_info; denyop_info *oi; oi = (denyop_info *)ch_malloc(sizeof(denyop_info)); memset(oi, 0, sizeof(denyop_info)); on->on_bi.bi_private = oi; return 0; } static int denyop_config( BackendDB *be, const char *fname, int lineno, int argc, char **argv ) { slap_overinst *on = (slap_overinst *) be->bd_info; denyop_info *oi = (denyop_info *)on->on_bi.bi_private; if ( strcasecmp( argv[0], "denyop" ) == 0 ) { char *op; if ( argc != 2 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "operation list missing in " "\"denyop <op-list>\" line.\n", fname, lineno ); return( 1 ); } /* The on->on_bi.bi_private pointer can be used for * anything this instance of the overlay needs. */ op = argv[1]; do { char *next = strchr( op, ',' ); if ( next ) { next[0] = '\0'; next++; } if ( strcmp( op, "add" ) == 0 ) { oi->do_op[denyop_add] = 1; } else if ( strcmp( op, "bind" ) == 0 ) { oi->do_op[denyop_bind] = 1; } else if ( strcmp( op, "compare" ) == 0 ) { oi->do_op[denyop_compare] = 1; } else if ( strcmp( op, "delete" ) == 0 ) { oi->do_op[denyop_delete] = 1; } else if ( strcmp( op, "extended" ) == 0 ) { oi->do_op[denyop_extended] = 1; } else if ( strcmp( op, "modify" ) == 0 ) { oi->do_op[denyop_modify] = 1; } else if ( strcmp( op, "modrdn" ) == 0 ) { oi->do_op[denyop_modrdn] = 1; } else if ( strcmp( op, "search" ) == 0 ) { oi->do_op[denyop_search] = 1; } else if ( strcmp( op, "unbind" ) == 0 ) { oi->do_op[denyop_unbind] = 1; } else { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s: line %d: " "unknown operation \"%s\" at " "\"denyop <op-list>\" line.\n", fname, lineno, op ); return( 1 ); } op = next; } while ( op ); } else { return SLAP_CONF_UNKNOWN; } return 0; } static int denyop_destroy( BackendDB *be, ConfigReply *cr ) { slap_overinst *on = (slap_overinst *) be->bd_info; denyop_info *oi = (denyop_info *)on->on_bi.bi_private; if ( oi ) { ch_free( oi ); } return 0; } /* This overlay is set up for dynamic loading via moduleload. For static * configuration, you'll need to arrange for the slap_overinst to be * initialized and registered by some other function inside slapd. */ static slap_overinst denyop; int denyop_initialize( void ) { memset( &denyop, 0, sizeof( slap_overinst ) ); denyop.on_bi.bi_type = "denyop"; denyop.on_bi.bi_flags = SLAPO_BFLAG_SINGLE; denyop.on_bi.bi_db_init = denyop_over_init; denyop.on_bi.bi_db_config = denyop_config; denyop.on_bi.bi_db_destroy = denyop_destroy; denyop.on_bi.bi_op_bind = denyop_func; denyop.on_bi.bi_op_search = denyop_func; denyop.on_bi.bi_op_compare = denyop_func; denyop.on_bi.bi_op_modify = denyop_func; denyop.on_bi.bi_op_modrdn = denyop_func; denyop.on_bi.bi_op_add = denyop_func; denyop.on_bi.bi_op_delete = denyop_func; denyop.on_bi.bi_extended = denyop_func; denyop.on_bi.bi_op_unbind = denyop_func; denyop.on_response = NULL /* denyop_response */ ; return overlay_register( &denyop ); } #if SLAPD_OVER_DENYOP == SLAPD_MOD_DYNAMIC int init_module( int argc, char *argv[] ) { return denyop_initialize(); } #endif /* SLAPD_OVER_DENYOP == SLAPD_MOD_DYNAMIC */ #endif /* defined(SLAPD_OVER_DENYOP) */