/* $NetBSD: rbacaudit.c,v 1.2 2021/08/14 16:14:53 christos Exp $ */ /* rbacaudit.c - RBAC Audit */ /* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. * * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ /* ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __RCSID("$NetBSD: rbacaudit.c,v 1.2 2021/08/14 16:14:53 christos Exp $"); #include "portable.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <ac/string.h> #include "slap.h" #include "slap-config.h" #include "lutil.h" #include "rbac.h" static struct rbac_audit_op { audit_op_t op; struct berval op_bv; } rbac_audit_ops[] = { { CreateSession, BER_BVC("CreateSession") }, { CheckAccess, BER_BVC("CheckAccess") }, { AddActiveRole, BER_BVC("AddActiveRole") }, { DropActiveRole, BER_BVC("DropActiveRole") }, { SessionPermissions, BER_BVC("SessionPermissions") }, { DeleteSession, BER_BVC("DeleteSession") }, { SessionRoles, BER_BVC("SessionRoles") }, { -1, BER_BVNULL } }; static int rbac_audit_fake_cb( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "rbac_audit_fake_cb\n" ); return 0; } void rbac_audit( Operation *op, audit_op_t rbac_op, rbac_session_t *sessp, rbac_req_t *reqp, int result, char *msg ) { int op_idx, rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; int found = 0; struct berval timestamp; tenant_info_t *tenantp = rbac_tid2tenant( &sessp->tenantid ); slap_callback cb = { 0 }; SlapReply rs2 = { REP_RESULT }; Entry *e = NULL; struct berval auditObjectClass = BER_BVC("rbacAudit"); struct berval auditResultSuccess = BER_BVC("success"); struct berval auditResultFailed = BER_BVC("failed"); struct berval bv, rdn, nrdn; char rdnbuf[RBAC_BUFLEN]; time_t now; char nowstr[LDAP_LUTIL_GENTIME_BUFSIZE]; for ( op_idx = 0; rbac_audit_ops[op_idx].op != -1; op_idx++ ) { if ( rbac_op == rbac_audit_ops[op_idx].op ) { /* legit audit op */ found = 1; break; } } if ( !found ) goto done; e = entry_alloc(); /* audit timestamp */ now = slap_get_time(); /* stored for later consideration */ timestamp.bv_val = nowstr; timestamp.bv_len = sizeof(nowstr); slap_timestamp( &now, ×tamp ); /* construct audit record DN; FIXME: random() call */ sprintf( rdnbuf, "%s%d", RBAC_AUDIT_RDN_EQ, (int)op->o_tid ); strcat( rdnbuf, "-" ); strncat( rdnbuf, timestamp.bv_val, timestamp.bv_len ); bv.bv_val = &rdnbuf[0]; bv.bv_len = strlen( &rdnbuf[0] ); rc = dnPrettyNormal( NULL, &bv, &rdn, &nrdn, NULL ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "rbac_audit: " "unable to normalize audit rDN (rc=%d)\n", rc ); goto done; } /* FIXME: audit_basedn should have been normalized */ build_new_dn( &e->e_name, &tenantp->audit_basedn, &rdn, NULL ); build_new_dn( &e->e_nname, &tenantp->audit_basedn, &nrdn, NULL ); ch_free( rdn.bv_val ); ch_free( nrdn.bv_val ); /* add timestamp */ attr_merge_one( e, slap_rbac_schema.ad_audit_timestamp, ×tamp, NULL ); /* add rbac audit objectClass */ attr_merge_one( e, slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass, &auditObjectClass, NULL ); attr_merge_one( e, slap_schema.si_ad_structuralObjectClass, &auditObjectClass, NULL ); /* audit op */ attr_merge_one( e, slap_rbac_schema.ad_audit_op, &rbac_audit_ops[op_idx].op_bv, NULL ); /* userid */ if ( sessp && !BER_BVISNULL( &sessp->uid ) ) { attr_merge_one( e, slap_schema.si_ad_uid, &sessp->uid, NULL ); } /* session id */ if ( sessp && !BER_BVISNULL( &sessp->sessid ) ) { AttributeDescription *ad = NULL; const char *text = NULL; struct berval sessid = BER_BVC("rbacSessid"); rc = slap_bv2ad( &sessid, &ad, &text ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { goto done; } attr_merge_one( e, ad, &sessp->sessid, NULL ); } /* audit result */ attr_merge_one( e, slap_rbac_schema.ad_audit_result, result == LDAP_SUCCESS ? &auditResultSuccess : &auditResultFailed, NULL ); switch ( rbac_op ) { case CreateSession: /* audit roles */ if ( sessp && sessp->roles ) { attr_merge( e, slap_rbac_schema.ad_audit_roles, sessp->roles, NULL ); } if ( reqp && reqp->roles ) { attr_merge( e, slap_rbac_schema.ad_audit_requested_roles, reqp->roles, NULL ); } break; case CheckAccess: if ( sessp && sessp->roles ) { attr_merge( e, slap_rbac_schema.ad_audit_roles, sessp->roles, NULL ); } if ( reqp && !BER_BVISEMPTY( &reqp->opname ) ) { attr_merge_one( e, slap_rbac_schema.ad_audit_operations, &reqp->opname, NULL ); } if ( reqp && !BER_BVISEMPTY( &reqp->objname ) ) { attr_merge_one( e, slap_rbac_schema.ad_audit_objects, &reqp->objname, NULL ); } break; case AddActiveRole: if ( reqp && reqp->roles ) { attr_merge( e, slap_rbac_schema.ad_audit_requested_roles, reqp->roles, NULL ); } break; case DropActiveRole: /* audit roles */ if ( reqp && reqp->roles ) { attr_merge( e, slap_rbac_schema.ad_audit_requested_roles, reqp->roles, NULL ); } break; case SessionPermissions: if ( sessp && sessp->roles ) { attr_merge( e, slap_rbac_schema.ad_audit_roles, sessp->roles, NULL ); } break; case DeleteSession: case SessionRoles: default: break; } /* record the audit record */ Operation op2 = *op; rbac_callback_info_t rbac_cb; cb.sc_private = &rbac_cb; cb.sc_response = rbac_audit_fake_cb; op2.o_callback = &cb; op2.o_tag = LDAP_REQ_ADD; op2.o_protocol = LDAP_VERSION3; op2.o_req_dn = e->e_name; op2.o_req_ndn = e->e_nname; op2.ora_e = e; op2.o_bd = select_backend( &op2.o_req_ndn, 0 ); op2.o_dn = op2.o_bd->be_rootdn; op2.o_ndn = op2.o_bd->be_rootndn; op2.ors_limit = NULL; rc = op2.o_bd->be_add( &op2, &rs2 ); done: if ( e ) entry_free( e ); return; }