/* $NetBSD: rbacuser.c,v 1.2 2021/08/14 16:14:53 christos Exp $ */ /* rbacuser.c - RBAC users */ /* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. * * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ /* ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __RCSID("$NetBSD: rbacuser.c,v 1.2 2021/08/14 16:14:53 christos Exp $"); #include "portable.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <ac/string.h> #include "slap.h" #include "slap-config.h" #include "lutil.h" #include "rbac.h" static int ppolicy_cid = -1; static rbac_user_t * rbac_alloc_user() { rbac_user_t *userp = ch_calloc( 1, sizeof(rbac_user_t) ); BER_BVZERO( &userp->tenantid ); BER_BVZERO( &userp->uid ); BER_BVZERO( &userp->dn ); BER_BVZERO( &userp->password ); BER_BVZERO( &userp->constraints ); BER_BVZERO( &userp->msg ); userp->roles = NULL; userp->role_constraints = NULL; return userp; } static int rbac_read_user_cb( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs ) { rbac_callback_info_t *cbp = op->o_callback->sc_private; rbac_ad_t *user_ads; rbac_user_t *userp = NULL; int rc = 0, i; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "rbac_read_user_cb\n" ); if ( rs->sr_type != REP_SEARCH ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "rbac_read_user_cb: " "sr_type != REP_SEARCH\n" ); return 0; } assert( cbp ); user_ads = cbp->tenantp->schema->user_ads; userp = rbac_alloc_user(); if ( !userp ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "rbac_read_user_cb: " "rbac_alloc_user failed\n" ); goto done; } ber_dupbv( &userp->dn, &rs->sr_entry->e_name ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "DEBUG rbac_read_user_cb (%s): " "rc (%d)\n", userp->dn.bv_val, rc ); for ( i = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &user_ads[i].attr ); i++ ) { Attribute *attr = NULL; attr = attr_find( rs->sr_entry->e_attrs, *user_ads[i].ad ); if ( attr != NULL ) { switch ( user_ads[i].type ) { case RBAC_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT: ber_bvarray_dup_x( &userp->roles, attr->a_nvals, NULL ); break; case RBAC_ROLE_CONSTRAINTS: ber_bvarray_dup_x( &userp->role_constraints, attr->a_nvals, NULL ); break; case RBAC_USER_CONSTRAINTS: ber_dupbv_x( &userp->constraints, &attr->a_nvals[0], NULL ); break; case RBAC_UID: ber_dupbv_x( &userp->uid, &attr->a_nvals[0], NULL ); break; default: break; } } } done:; cbp->private = userp; return 0; } static int rbac_bind_cb( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs ) { rbac_user_t *ui = op->o_callback->sc_private; LDAPControl *ctrl = ldap_control_find( LDAP_CONTROL_PASSWORDPOLICYRESPONSE, rs->sr_ctrls, NULL ); if ( ctrl ) { LDAP *ld; ber_int_t expire, grace; LDAPPasswordPolicyError error; ldap_create( &ld ); if ( ld ) { int rc = ldap_parse_passwordpolicy_control( ld, ctrl, &expire, &grace, &error ); if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { ui->authz = RBAC_PASSWORD_GOOD; if ( grace > 0 ) { //ui->msg.bv_len = sprintf(ui->msg.bv_val, // "Password expired; %d grace logins remaining", // grace); ui->authz = RBAC_BIND_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD; } else if ( error != PP_noError ) { ber_str2bv( ldap_passwordpolicy_err2txt( error ), 0, 0, &ui->msg ); switch ( error ) { case PP_passwordExpired: ui->authz = RBAC_PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_WARNING; if ( expire >= 0 ) { char *unit = "seconds"; if ( expire > 60 ) { expire /= 60; unit = "minutes"; } if ( expire > 60 ) { expire /= 60; unit = "hours"; } if ( expire > 24 ) { expire /= 24; unit = "days"; } #if 0 /* Who warns about expiration so far in advance? */ if (expire > 7) { expire /= 7; unit = "weeks"; } if (expire > 4) { expire /= 4; unit = "months"; } if (expire > 12) { expire /= 12; unit = "years"; } #endif } //rs->sr_err = ; break; case PP_accountLocked: ui->authz = RBAC_ACCOUNT_LOCKED; //rs->sr_err = ; break; case PP_changeAfterReset: ui->authz = RBAC_CHANGE_AFTER_RESET; rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; break; case PP_passwordModNotAllowed: ui->authz = RBAC_NO_MODIFICATIONS; //rs->sr_err = ; break; case PP_mustSupplyOldPassword: ui->authz = RBAC_MUST_SUPPLY_OLD; //rs->sr_err = ; break; case PP_insufficientPasswordQuality: ui->authz = RBAC_INSUFFICIENT_QUALITY; //rs->sr_err = ; break; case PP_passwordTooShort: ui->authz = RBAC_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT; //rs->sr_err = ; break; case PP_passwordTooYoung: ui->authz = RBAC_PASSWORD_TOO_YOUNG; //rs->sr_err = ; break; case PP_passwordInHistory: ui->authz = RBAC_HISTORY_VIOLATION; //rs->sr_err = ; break; case PP_noError: default: // do nothing //ui->authz = RBAC_PASSWORD_GOOD; rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; break; } // switch (error) { // case PP_passwordExpired: /* report this during authz */ // rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS; /* fallthru */ // case PP_changeAfterReset: // ui->authz = RBAC_BIND_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD; // } } } ldap_unbind_ext( ld, NULL, NULL ); } } return 0; } /* exported user functions */ int rbac_authenticate_user( Operation *op, rbac_user_t *userp ) { int rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; slap_callback cb = { 0 }; SlapReply rs2 = { REP_RESULT }; Operation op2 = *op; LDAPControl *sctrls[4]; LDAPControl sctrl[3]; int nsctrls = 0; LDAPControl c; struct berval ber_bvnull = BER_BVNULL; struct berval dn, ndn; rc = dnPrettyNormal( 0, &userp->dn, &dn, &ndn, NULL ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { goto done; } cb.sc_response = rbac_bind_cb; cb.sc_private = userp; op2.o_callback = &cb; op2.o_dn = ber_bvnull; op2.o_ndn = ber_bvnull; op2.o_tag = LDAP_REQ_BIND; op2.o_protocol = LDAP_VERSION3; op2.orb_method = LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE; op2.orb_cred = userp->password; op2.o_req_dn = dn; op2.o_req_ndn = ndn; // loading the ldap pw policy controls loaded into here, added by smm: c.ldctl_oid = LDAP_CONTROL_PASSWORDPOLICYREQUEST; c.ldctl_value.bv_val = NULL; c.ldctl_value.bv_len = 0; c.ldctl_iscritical = 0; sctrl[nsctrls] = c; sctrls[nsctrls] = &sctrl[nsctrls]; sctrls[++nsctrls] = NULL; op2.o_ctrls = sctrls; if ( ppolicy_cid < 0 ) { rc = slap_find_control_id( LDAP_CONTROL_PASSWORDPOLICYREQUEST, &ppolicy_cid ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { goto done; } } // smm - need to set the control flag too: op2.o_ctrlflag[ppolicy_cid] = SLAP_CONTROL_CRITICAL; slap_op_time( &op2.o_time, &op2.o_tincr ); op2.o_bd = frontendDB; rc = op2.o_bd->be_bind( &op2, &rs2 ); if ( userp->authz > 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "rbac_authenticate_user (%s): " "password policy violation (%d)\n", userp->dn.bv_val ? userp->dn.bv_val : "NULL", userp->authz ); } done:; ch_free( dn.bv_val ); ch_free( ndn.bv_val ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "rbac_authenticate_user (%s): " "rc (%d)\n", userp->dn.bv_val ? userp->dn.bv_val : "NULL", rc ); return rc; } /* isvalidusername(): from OpenLDAP ~/contrib/slapd-modules/nssov/passwd.c Checks to see if the specified name is a valid user name. This test is based on the definition from POSIX (IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004, 3.426 User Name and 3.276 Portable Filename Character Set): http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/xbd_chap03.html#tag_03_426 http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/xbd_chap03.html#tag_03_276 The standard defines user names valid if they contain characters from the set [A-Za-z0-9._-] where the hyphen should not be used as first character. As an extension this test allows the dolar '$' sign as the last character to support Samba special accounts. */ static int isvalidusername( struct berval *bv ) { int i; char *name = bv->bv_val; if ( (name == NULL) || ( name[0] == '\0' ) ) return 0; /* check first character */ if ( !( ( name[0] >= 'A' && name[0] <= 'Z' ) || ( name[0] >= 'a' && name[0] <= 'z' ) || ( name[0] >= '0' && name[0] <= '9' ) || name[0] == '.' || name[0] == '_' ) ) return 0; /* check other characters */ for ( i = 1; i < bv->bv_len; i++ ) { if ( name[i] == '$' ) { /* if the char is $ we require it to be the last char */ if ( name[i + 1] != '\0' ) return 0; } else if ( !( ( name[i] >= 'A' && name[i] <= 'Z' ) || ( name[i] >= 'a' && name[i] <= 'z' ) || ( name[i] >= '0' && name[i] <= '9' ) || name[i] == '.' || name[i] == '_' || name[i] == '-' ) ) return 0; } /* no test failed so it must be good */ return -1; } rbac_user_t * rbac_read_user( Operation *op, rbac_req_t *reqp ) { int rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; tenant_info_t *tenantp = rbac_tid2tenant( &reqp->tenantid ); rbac_user_t *userp = NULL; char fbuf[RBAC_BUFLEN]; struct berval filter = { sizeof(fbuf), fbuf }; SlapReply rs2 = { REP_RESULT }; Operation op2 = *op; slap_callback cb = { 0 }; rbac_callback_info_t rbac_cb; if ( !tenantp ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "rbac_read_user: " "missing tenant information\n" ); rc = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; goto done; } /* uid is a pre-requisite for reading the user information */ if ( BER_BVISNULL( &reqp->uid ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "rbac_read_user: " "missing uid, unable to read user entry\n" ); rc = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; goto done; } if ( !isvalidusername( &reqp->uid ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "rbac_read_user: " "invalid user id\n" ); rc = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; goto done; } rbac_cb.tenantp = tenantp; rbac_cb.private = NULL; memset( fbuf, 0, sizeof(fbuf) ); strcpy( fbuf, "uid=" ); strncat( fbuf, reqp->uid.bv_val, reqp->uid.bv_len ); filter.bv_val = fbuf; filter.bv_len = strlen( fbuf ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "rbac_create_session: " "invalid DN syntax\n" ); goto done; } cb.sc_private = &rbac_cb; cb.sc_response = rbac_read_user_cb; op2.o_callback = &cb; op2.o_tag = LDAP_REQ_SEARCH; op2.o_dn = tenantp->admin; op2.o_ndn = tenantp->admin; op2.o_req_dn = tenantp->users_basedn; op2.o_req_ndn = tenantp->users_basedn; op2.ors_filterstr = filter; op2.ors_filter = str2filter_x( &op2, filter.bv_val ); op2.ors_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE; op2.ors_attrs = tenantp->schema->user_attrs; op2.ors_tlimit = SLAP_NO_LIMIT; op2.ors_slimit = SLAP_NO_LIMIT; op2.ors_attrsonly = 0; op2.o_bd = frontendDB; op2.ors_limit = NULL; rc = op2.o_bd->be_search( &op2, &rs2 ); filter_free_x( &op2, op2.ors_filter, 1 ); done:; if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS && rbac_cb.private ) { userp = (rbac_user_t *)rbac_cb.private; if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &reqp->authtok ) ) ber_dupbv( &userp->password, &reqp->authtok ); rbac_cb.private = NULL; return userp; } else { userp = (rbac_user_t *)rbac_cb.private; rbac_free_user( userp ); return NULL; } } /* evaluate temporal constraints for the user */ int rbac_user_temporal_constraint( rbac_user_t *userp ) { int rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; rbac_constraint_t *cp = NULL; if ( BER_BVISNULL( &userp->constraints ) ) { /* no temporal constraint */ goto done; } cp = rbac_bv2constraint( &userp->constraints ); if ( !cp ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "rbac_user_temporal_constraint: " "invalid user constraint \n" ); rc = LDAP_OTHER; goto done; } rc = rbac_check_time_constraint( cp ); done:; rbac_free_constraint( cp ); return rc; } /* rbac_constraint_t * rbac_user_role_constraintsx(rbac_user_t *userp) { rbac_constraint_t *tmp, *cp = NULL; int i = 0; if (!userp || !userp->role_constraints) goto done; while (!BER_BVISNULL(&userp->role_constraints[i])) { tmp = rbac_bv2constraint(&userp->role_constraints[i++]); if (tmp) { if (!cp) { cp = tmp; } else { tmp->next = cp; cp = tmp; } } } done:; return cp; } */ rbac_constraint_t * rbac_user_role_constraints( BerVarray values ) { rbac_constraint_t *curr, *head = NULL; int i = 0; if ( values ) { while ( !BER_BVISNULL( &values[i] ) ) { curr = rbac_bv2constraint( &values[i++] ); if ( curr ) { curr->next = head; head = curr; } } } return head; } /* void main() { item * curr, * head; int i; head = NULL; for(i=1;i<=10;i++) { curr = (item *)malloc(sizeof(item)); curr->val = i; curr->next = head; head = curr; } curr = head; while(curr) { printf("%d\n", curr->val); curr = curr->next ; } } */ /* * rbac_user_role_constraints2(BerVarray values) { rbac_constraint_t *tmp, *cp = NULL; int i = 0; if (!values) goto done; while (!BER_BVISNULL(&values[i])) { tmp = rbac_bv2constraint(&values[i++]); if (tmp) { if (!cp) { cp = tmp; } else { tmp->next = cp; cp = tmp; //cp->next = tmp; //cp = tmp->next; } } } done:; return cp; } rbac_user_role_constraints3(rbac_constraint_t *values) { rbac_constraint_t *tmp, *cp = NULL; int i = 0; if (!values) goto done; while (!BER_BVISNULL(values[i])) { tmp = rbac_bv2constraint(&values[i++]); if (tmp) { if (!cp) { cp = tmp; } else { tmp->next = cp; cp = tmp; } } } done:; return cp; } */ void rbac_free_user( rbac_user_t *userp ) { if ( !userp ) return; if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &userp->tenantid ) ) { ber_memfree( userp->tenantid.bv_val ); } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &userp->uid ) ) { ber_memfree( userp->uid.bv_val ); } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &userp->dn ) ) { ber_memfree( userp->dn.bv_val ); } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &userp->constraints ) ) { ber_memfree( userp->constraints.bv_val ); } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &userp->password ) ) { ber_memfree( userp->password.bv_val ); } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &userp->msg ) ) { ber_memfree( userp->msg.bv_val ); } if ( userp->roles ) ber_bvarray_free( userp->roles ); if ( userp->role_constraints ) ber_bvarray_free( userp->role_constraints ); ch_free( userp ); }