#!/bin/sh ## $OpenLDAP$ ## This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. ## ## Copyright 1998-2021 The OpenLDAP Foundation. ## All rights reserved. ## ## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP ## Public License. ## ## A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the ## top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at ## <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. ## ## ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: ## This module was written in 2016 by OndÅ™ej KuznÃk for Symas Corp. USAGE="$0 [-b <backend>] [-c] [-k] [-l #] [-p] [-s {ro|rp}] [-u] [-w] <script>" TOPSRCDIR="${SRCDIR-$LDAP_SRC}" SRCDIR="${TOPSRCDIR}/tests" eval `grep EGREP_CMD= ${LDAP_BUILD}/tests/run` eval `$EGREP_CMD -e '^LN_S=' ${LDAP_BUILD}/tests/run` export SRCDIR TOPSRCDIR LN_S EGREP_CMD . "${SRCDIR}/scripts/defines.sh" BACKEND= CLEAN=no WAIT=0 KILLSERVERS=yes PRESERVE=${PRESERVE-no} SYNCMODE=${SYNCMODE-rp} USERDATA=no LOOP=1 COUNTER=1 while test $# -gt 0 ; do case "$1" in -b | -backend) BACKEND="$2" shift; shift ;; -c | -clean) CLEAN=yes shift ;; -k | -kill) KILLSERVERS=no shift ;; -l | -loop) NUM="`echo $2 | sed 's/[0-9]//g'`" if [ -z "$NUM" ]; then LOOP=$2 else echo "Loop variable not an int: $2" echo "$USAGE"; exit 1 fi shift ; shift ;; -p | -preserve) PRESERVE=yes shift ;; -s | -syncmode) case "$2" in ro | rp) SYNCMODE="$2" ;; *) echo "unknown sync mode $2" echo "$USAGE"; exit 1 ;; esac shift; shift ;; -u | -userdata) USERDATA=yes shift ;; -w | -wait) WAIT=1 shift ;; -) shift break ;; -*) echo "$USAGE"; exit 1 ;; *) break ;; esac done eval `$EGREP_CMD -e '^AC' ${LDAP_BUILD}/tests/run` export `$EGREP_CMD -e '^AC' ${LDAP_BUILD}/tests/run | sed 's/=.*//'` if test -z "$BACKEND" ; then for b in mdb ; do if eval "test \"\$AC_$b\" != no" ; then BACKEND=$b break fi done if test -z "$BACKEND" ; then echo "No suitable default database backend configured" >&2 exit 1 fi fi BACKENDTYPE=`eval 'echo $AC_'$BACKEND` if test "x$BACKENDTYPE" = "x" ; then BACKENDTYPE="unknown" fi # Backend features. indexdb: indexing and unchecked limit. # maindb: main storage backend. Currently index,limits,mode,paged results. INDEXDB=noindexdb MAINDB=nomaindb case $BACKEND in mdb) INDEXDB=indexdb MAINDB=maindb ;; ndb) INDEXDB=indexdb ;; esac export BACKEND BACKENDTYPE INDEXDB MAINDB \ WAIT KILLSERVERS PRESERVE SYNCMODE USERDATA \ SRCDIR if test $# = 0 ; then echo "$USAGE"; exit 1 fi # need defines.sh for the definitions of the directories . $SRCDIR/scripts/defines.sh SCRIPTDIR="${TOPDIR}/tests/scripts" export SCRIPTDIR SCRIPTNAME="$1" shift if test -x "${SCRIPTDIR}/${SCRIPTNAME}" ; then SCRIPT="${SCRIPTDIR}/${SCRIPTNAME}" elif test -x "`echo ${SCRIPTDIR}/test*-${SCRIPTNAME}`"; then SCRIPT="`echo ${SCRIPTDIR}/test*-${SCRIPTNAME}`" elif test -x "`echo ${SCRIPTDIR}/${SCRIPTNAME}-*`"; then SCRIPT="`echo ${SCRIPTDIR}/${SCRIPTNAME}-*`" else echo "run: ${SCRIPTNAME} not found (or not executable)" exit 1; fi if test ! -r ${DATADIR}/test.ldif ; then ${LN_S} ${SRCDIR}/data ${DATADIR} fi if test ! -r ${SCHEMADIR}/core.schema ; then ${LN_S} ${TOPSRCDIR}/servers/slapd/schema ${SCHEMADIR} fi if test ! -r ./data; then ${LN_S} ${TOPDIR}/tests/data ./ fi if test -d ${TESTDIR} ; then if test $PRESERVE = no ; then echo "Cleaning up test run directory leftover from previous run." /bin/rm -rf ${TESTDIR} elif test $PRESERVE = yes ; then echo "Cleaning up only database directories leftover from previous run." /bin/rm -rf ${TESTDIR}/db.* fi fi if test $BACKEND = ndb ; then mysql --user root <<EOF drop database if exists db_1; drop database if exists db_2; drop database if exists db_3; drop database if exists db_4; drop database if exists db_5; drop database if exists db_6; EOF fi mkdir -p ${TESTDIR} if test $USERDATA = yes ; then if test ! -d userdata ; then echo "User data directory (userdata) does not exist." exit 1 fi cp -R userdata/* ${TESTDIR} fi # disable LDAP initialization LDAPNOINIT=true; export LDAPNOINIT echo "Running ${SCRIPT} for ${BACKEND}..." while [ $COUNTER -le $LOOP ]; do if [ $LOOP -gt 1 ]; then echo "Running $COUNTER of $LOOP iterations" fi $SCRIPT $* RC=$? if test $CLEAN = yes ; then echo "Cleaning up test run directory from this run." /bin/rm -rf ${TESTDIR} echo "Cleaning up symlinks." /bin/rm -f ${DATADIR} ${SCHEMADIR} fi if [ $RC -ne 0 ]; then if [ $LOOP -gt 1 ]; then echo "Failed after $COUNTER of $LOOP iterations" fi exit $RC else COUNTER=`expr $COUNTER + 1` if [ $COUNTER -le $LOOP ]; then echo "Cleaning up test run directory from this run." /bin/rm -rf ${TESTDIR} fi fi done exit $RC