/* $NetBSD: account_usability.c,v 1.2 2021/08/14 16:14:55 christos Exp $ */ /* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. * * Copyright 2004-2021 The OpenLDAP Foundation. * Portions Copyright 2004 Hewlett-Packard Company. * Portions Copyright 2004 Howard Chu, Symas Corp. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ /* ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: * This work was developed by Howard Chu for inclusion in * OpenLDAP Software, based on prior work by Neil Dunbar (HP). * This work was sponsored by the Hewlett-Packard Company. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __RCSID("$NetBSD: account_usability.c,v 1.2 2021/08/14 16:14:55 christos Exp $"); #include "portable.h" #include "ldap-int.h" #ifdef LDAP_CONTROL_X_ACCOUNT_USABILITY int ldap_create_accountusability_control( LDAP *ld, LDAPControl **ctrlp ) { assert( ld != NULL ); assert( LDAP_VALID( ld ) ); assert( ctrlp != NULL ); ld->ld_errno = ldap_control_create( LDAP_CONTROL_X_ACCOUNT_USABILITY, 0, NULL, 0, ctrlp ); return ld->ld_errno; } int ldap_parse_accountusability_control( LDAP *ld, LDAPControl *ctrl, int *availablep, LDAPAccountUsability *usabilityp ) { BerElement *ber; int available = 0; ber_tag_t tag; ber_len_t berLen; char *last; assert( ld != NULL ); assert( LDAP_VALID( ld ) ); assert( ctrl != NULL ); if ( !ctrl->ldctl_value.bv_val ) { ld->ld_errno = LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; return(ld->ld_errno); } /* Create a BerElement from the berval returned in the control. */ ber = ber_init(&ctrl->ldctl_value); if (ber == NULL) { ld->ld_errno = LDAP_NO_MEMORY; return(ld->ld_errno); } tag = ber_peek_tag( ber, &berLen ); if ( tag == LDAP_TAG_X_ACCOUNT_USABILITY_AVAILABLE ) { available = 1; if ( usabilityp != NULL ) { if (ber_get_int( ber, &usabilityp->seconds_remaining ) == LBER_DEFAULT) goto exit; } } else if ( tag == LDAP_TAG_X_ACCOUNT_USABILITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) { available = 0; LDAPAccountUsabilityMoreInfo more_info = { 0, 0, 0, -1, -1 }; ber_skip_tag( ber, &berLen ); while ( (tag = ber_peek_tag( ber, &berLen )) != LBER_DEFAULT ) { switch (tag) { case LDAP_TAG_X_ACCOUNT_USABILITY_INACTIVE: if (ber_get_boolean( ber, &more_info.inactive ) == LBER_DEFAULT) goto exit; break; case LDAP_TAG_X_ACCOUNT_USABILITY_RESET: if (ber_get_boolean( ber, &more_info.reset ) == LBER_DEFAULT) goto exit; break; case LDAP_TAG_X_ACCOUNT_USABILITY_EXPIRED: if (ber_get_boolean( ber, &more_info.expired ) == LBER_DEFAULT) goto exit; break; case LDAP_TAG_X_ACCOUNT_USABILITY_REMAINING_GRACE: if (ber_get_int( ber, &more_info.remaining_grace ) == LBER_DEFAULT) goto exit; break; case LDAP_TAG_X_ACCOUNT_USABILITY_UNTIL_UNLOCK: if (ber_get_int( ber, &more_info.seconds_before_unlock ) == LBER_DEFAULT) goto exit; break; default: goto exit; } } if ( usabilityp != NULL ) { usabilityp->more_info = more_info; } } else { goto exit; } if ( availablep != NULL ) { *availablep = available; } ber_free(ber, 1); ld->ld_errno = LDAP_SUCCESS; return(ld->ld_errno); exit: ber_free(ber, 1); ld->ld_errno = LDAP_DECODING_ERROR; return(ld->ld_errno); } #endif /* LDAP_CONTROL_X_ACCOUNT_USABILITY */