/* $NetBSD: ure.c,v 1.3 2021/08/14 16:14:57 christos Exp $ */ /* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. * * Copyright 1998-2021 The OpenLDAP Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ /* Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 Computing Research Labs, * New Mexico State University * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE COMPUTING RESEARCH LAB OR NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT * OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR * THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* Id: ure.c,v 1.2 1999/09/21 15:47:43 mleisher Exp " */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __RCSID("$NetBSD: ure.c,v 1.3 2021/08/14 16:14:57 christos Exp $"); #include "portable.h" #include <ac/stdlib.h> #include <ac/string.h> #include <ac/unistd.h> #include "ure.h" /* * Flags used internally in the DFA. */ #define _URE_DFA_CASEFOLD 0x01 #define _URE_DFA_BLANKLINE 0x02 static unsigned long cclass_flags[] = { 0, _URE_NONSPACING, _URE_COMBINING, _URE_NUMDIGIT, _URE_NUMOTHER, _URE_SPACESEP, _URE_LINESEP, _URE_PARASEP, _URE_CNTRL, _URE_PUA, _URE_UPPER, _URE_LOWER, _URE_TITLE, _URE_MODIFIER, _URE_OTHERLETTER, _URE_DASHPUNCT, _URE_OPENPUNCT, _URE_CLOSEPUNCT, _URE_OTHERPUNCT, _URE_MATHSYM, _URE_CURRENCYSYM, _URE_OTHERSYM, _URE_LTR, _URE_RTL, _URE_EURONUM, _URE_EURONUMSEP, _URE_EURONUMTERM, _URE_ARABNUM, _URE_COMMONSEP, _URE_BLOCKSEP, _URE_SEGMENTSEP, _URE_WHITESPACE, _URE_OTHERNEUT, }; /* * Symbol types for the DFA. */ #define _URE_ANY_CHAR 1 #define _URE_CHAR 2 #define _URE_CCLASS 3 #define _URE_NCCLASS 4 #define _URE_BOL_ANCHOR 5 #define _URE_EOL_ANCHOR 6 /* * Op codes for converting the NFA to a DFA. */ #define _URE_SYMBOL 10 #define _URE_PAREN 11 #define _URE_QUEST 12 #define _URE_STAR 13 #define _URE_PLUS 14 #define _URE_ONE 15 #define _URE_AND 16 #define _URE_OR 17 #define _URE_NOOP 0xffff #define _URE_REGSTART 0x8000 #define _URE_REGEND 0x4000 /* * Structure used to handle a compacted range of characters. */ typedef struct { ucs4_t min_code; ucs4_t max_code; } _ure_range_t; typedef struct { _ure_range_t *ranges; ucs2_t ranges_used; ucs2_t ranges_size; } _ure_ccl_t; typedef union { ucs4_t chr; _ure_ccl_t ccl; } _ure_sym_t; /* * This is a general element structure used for expressions and stack * elements. */ typedef struct { ucs2_t reg; ucs2_t onstack; ucs2_t type; ucs2_t lhs; ucs2_t rhs; } _ure_elt_t; /* * This is a structure used to track a list or a stack of states. */ typedef struct { ucs2_t *slist; ucs2_t slist_size; ucs2_t slist_used; } _ure_stlist_t; /* * Structure to track the list of unique states for a symbol * during reduction. */ typedef struct { ucs2_t id; ucs2_t type; unsigned long mods; unsigned long props; _ure_sym_t sym; _ure_stlist_t states; } _ure_symtab_t; /* * Structure to hold a single state. */ typedef struct { ucs2_t id; ucs2_t accepting; ucs2_t pad; _ure_stlist_t st; _ure_elt_t *trans; ucs2_t trans_size; ucs2_t trans_used; } _ure_state_t; /* * Structure used for keeping lists of states. */ typedef struct { _ure_state_t *states; ucs2_t states_size; ucs2_t states_used; } _ure_statetable_t; /* * Structure to track pairs of DFA states when equivalent states are * merged. */ typedef struct { ucs2_t l; ucs2_t r; } _ure_equiv_t; /* * Structure used for constructing the NFA and reducing to a minimal DFA. */ typedef struct _ure_buffer_t { int reducing; int error; unsigned long flags; _ure_stlist_t stack; /* * Table of unique symbols encountered. */ _ure_symtab_t *symtab; ucs2_t symtab_size; ucs2_t symtab_used; /* * Tracks the unique expressions generated for the NFA and when the NFA is * reduced. */ _ure_elt_t *expr; ucs2_t expr_used; ucs2_t expr_size; /* * The reduced table of unique groups of NFA states. */ _ure_statetable_t states; /* * Tracks states when equivalent states are merged. */ _ure_equiv_t *equiv; ucs2_t equiv_used; ucs2_t equiv_size; } _ure_buffer_t; typedef struct { ucs2_t symbol; ucs2_t next_state; } _ure_trans_t; typedef struct { ucs2_t accepting; ucs2_t ntrans; _ure_trans_t *trans; } _ure_dstate_t; typedef struct _ure_dfa_t { unsigned long flags; _ure_symtab_t *syms; ucs2_t nsyms; _ure_dstate_t *states; ucs2_t nstates; _ure_trans_t *trans; ucs2_t ntrans; } _ure_dfa_t; /************************************************************************* * * Functions. * *************************************************************************/ static void _ure_memmove(char *dest, char *src, unsigned long bytes) { long i, j; i = (long) bytes; j = i & 7; i = (i + 7) >> 3; /* * Do a memmove using Ye Olde Duff's Device for efficiency. */ if (src < dest) { src += bytes; dest += bytes; switch (j) { case 0: do { *--dest = *--src; case 7: *--dest = *--src; case 6: *--dest = *--src; case 5: *--dest = *--src; case 4: *--dest = *--src; case 3: *--dest = *--src; case 2: *--dest = *--src; case 1: *--dest = *--src; } while (--i > 0); } } else if (src > dest) { switch (j) { case 0: do { *dest++ = *src++; case 7: *dest++ = *src++; case 6: *dest++ = *src++; case 5: *dest++ = *src++; case 4: *dest++ = *src++; case 3: *dest++ = *src++; case 2: *dest++ = *src++; case 1: *dest++ = *src++; } while (--i > 0); } } } static void _ure_push(ucs2_t v, _ure_buffer_t *b) { _ure_stlist_t *s; if (b == 0) return; /* * If the `reducing' parameter is non-zero, check to see if the value * passed is already on the stack. */ if (b->reducing != 0 && b->expr[v].onstack != 0) return; s = &b->stack; if (s->slist_used == s->slist_size) { if (s->slist_size == 0) s->slist = (ucs2_t *) malloc(sizeof(ucs2_t) << 3); else s->slist = (ucs2_t *) realloc((char *) s->slist, sizeof(ucs2_t) * (s->slist_size + 8)); s->slist_size += 8; } s->slist[s->slist_used++] = v; /* * If the `reducing' parameter is non-zero, flag the element as being on * the stack. */ if (b->reducing != 0) b->expr[v].onstack = 1; } static ucs2_t _ure_peek(_ure_buffer_t *b) { if (b == 0 || b->stack.slist_used == 0) return _URE_NOOP; return b->stack.slist[b->stack.slist_used - 1]; } static ucs2_t _ure_pop(_ure_buffer_t *b) { ucs2_t v; if (b == 0 || b->stack.slist_used == 0) return _URE_NOOP; v = b->stack.slist[--b->stack.slist_used]; if (b->reducing) b->expr[v].onstack = 0; return v; } /************************************************************************* * * Start symbol parse functions. * *************************************************************************/ /* * Parse a comma-separated list of integers that represent character * properties. Combine them into a mask that is returned in the `mask' * variable, and return the number of characters consumed. */ static unsigned long _ure_prop_list(ucs2_t *pp, unsigned long limit, unsigned long *mask, _ure_buffer_t *b) { unsigned long n, m; ucs2_t *sp, *ep; sp = pp; ep = sp + limit; for (m = n = 0; b->error == _URE_OK && sp < ep; sp++) { if (*sp == ',') { /* * Encountered a comma, so select the next character property flag * and reset the number. */ m |= cclass_flags[n]; n = 0; } else if (*sp >= '0' && *sp <= '9') /* * Encountered a digit, so start or continue building the cardinal * that represents the character property flag. */ n = (n * 10) + (*sp - '0'); else /* * Encountered something that is not part of the property list. * Indicate that we are done. */ break; /* * If a property number greater than 32 occurs, then there is a * problem. Most likely a missing comma separator. */ if (n > 32) b->error = _URE_INVALID_PROPERTY; } if (b->error == _URE_OK && n != 0) m |= cclass_flags[n]; /* * Set the mask that represents the group of character properties. */ *mask = m; /* * Return the number of characters consumed. */ return sp - pp; } /* * Collect a hex number with 1 to 4 digits and return the number * of characters used. */ static unsigned long _ure_hex(ucs2_t *np, unsigned long limit, ucs4_t *n) { ucs2_t i; ucs2_t *sp, *ep; ucs4_t nn; sp = np; ep = sp + limit; for (nn = 0, i = 0; i < 4 && sp < ep; i++, sp++) { if (*sp >= '0' && *sp <= '9') nn = (nn << 4) + (*sp - '0'); else if (*sp >= 'A' && *sp <= 'F') nn = (nn << 4) + ((*sp - 'A') + 10); else if (*sp >= 'a' && *sp <= 'f') nn = (nn << 4) + ((*sp - 'a') + 10); else /* * Encountered something that is not a hex digit. */ break; } /* * Assign the character code collected and return the number of * characters used. */ *n = nn; return sp - np; } /* * Insert a range into a character class, removing duplicates and ordering * them in increasing range-start order. */ static void _ure_add_range(_ure_ccl_t *ccl, _ure_range_t *r, _ure_buffer_t *b) { ucs2_t i; ucs4_t tmp; _ure_range_t *rp; /* * If the `casefold' flag is set, then make sure both endpoints of the * range are converted to lower case. */ if (b->flags & _URE_DFA_CASEFOLD) { r->min_code = _ure_tolower(r->min_code); r->max_code = _ure_tolower(r->max_code); } /* * Swap the range endpoints if they are not in increasing order. */ if (r->min_code > r->max_code) { tmp = r->min_code; r->min_code = r->max_code; r->max_code = tmp; } for (i = 0, rp = ccl->ranges; i < ccl->ranges_used && r->min_code < rp->min_code; i++, rp++) ; /* * Check for a duplicate. */ if (i < ccl->ranges_used && r->min_code == rp->min_code && r->max_code == rp->max_code) return; if (ccl->ranges_used == ccl->ranges_size) { if (ccl->ranges_size == 0) ccl->ranges = (_ure_range_t *) malloc(sizeof(_ure_range_t) << 3); else ccl->ranges = (_ure_range_t *) realloc((char *) ccl->ranges, sizeof(_ure_range_t) * (ccl->ranges_size + 8)); ccl->ranges_size += 8; } rp = ccl->ranges + ccl->ranges_used; if (i < ccl->ranges_used) _ure_memmove((char *) (rp + 1), (char *) rp, sizeof(_ure_range_t) * (ccl->ranges_used - i)); ccl->ranges_used++; rp->min_code = r->min_code; rp->max_code = r->max_code; } #define _URE_ALPHA_MASK (_URE_UPPER|_URE_LOWER|_URE_OTHERLETTER|\ _URE_MODIFIER|_URE_TITLE|_URE_NONSPACING|_URE_COMBINING) #define _URE_ALNUM_MASK (_URE_ALPHA_MASK|_URE_NUMDIGIT) #define _URE_PUNCT_MASK (_URE_DASHPUNCT|_URE_OPENPUNCT|_URE_CLOSEPUNCT|\ _URE_OTHERPUNCT) #define _URE_GRAPH_MASK (_URE_NUMDIGIT|_URE_NUMOTHER|_URE_ALPHA_MASK|\ _URE_MATHSYM|_URE_CURRENCYSYM|_URE_OTHERSYM) #define _URE_PRINT_MASK (_URE_GRAPH_MASK|_URE_SPACESEP) #define _URE_SPACE_MASK (_URE_SPACESEP|_URE_LINESEP|_URE_PARASEP) typedef void (*_ure_cclsetup_t)( _ure_symtab_t *sym, unsigned long mask, _ure_buffer_t *b ); typedef struct { ucs2_t key; unsigned long len; unsigned long next; _ure_cclsetup_t func; unsigned long mask; } _ure_trie_t; static void _ure_ccl_setup(_ure_symtab_t *sym, unsigned long mask, _ure_buffer_t *b) { sym->props |= mask; } static void _ure_space_setup(_ure_symtab_t *sym, unsigned long mask, _ure_buffer_t *b) { _ure_range_t range; sym->props |= mask; /* * Add the additional characters needed for handling isspace(). */ range.min_code = range.max_code = '\t'; _ure_add_range(&sym->sym.ccl, &range, b); range.min_code = range.max_code = '\r'; _ure_add_range(&sym->sym.ccl, &range, b); range.min_code = range.max_code = '\n'; _ure_add_range(&sym->sym.ccl, &range, b); range.min_code = range.max_code = '\f'; _ure_add_range(&sym->sym.ccl, &range, b); range.min_code = range.max_code = 0xfeff; _ure_add_range(&sym->sym.ccl, &range, b); } static void _ure_xdigit_setup(_ure_symtab_t *sym, unsigned long mask, _ure_buffer_t *b) { _ure_range_t range; /* * Add the additional characters needed for handling isxdigit(). */ range.min_code = '0'; range.max_code = '9'; _ure_add_range(&sym->sym.ccl, &range, b); range.min_code = 'A'; range.max_code = 'F'; _ure_add_range(&sym->sym.ccl, &range, b); range.min_code = 'a'; range.max_code = 'f'; _ure_add_range(&sym->sym.ccl, &range, b); } static _ure_trie_t cclass_trie[] = { {0x003a, 1, 1, 0, 0}, {0x0061, 9, 10, 0, 0}, {0x0063, 8, 19, 0, 0}, {0x0064, 7, 24, 0, 0}, {0x0067, 6, 29, 0, 0}, {0x006c, 5, 34, 0, 0}, {0x0070, 4, 39, 0, 0}, {0x0073, 3, 49, 0, 0}, {0x0075, 2, 54, 0, 0}, {0x0078, 1, 59, 0, 0}, {0x006c, 1, 11, 0, 0}, {0x006e, 2, 13, 0, 0}, {0x0070, 1, 16, 0, 0}, {0x0075, 1, 14, 0, 0}, {0x006d, 1, 15, 0, 0}, {0x003a, 1, 16, _ure_ccl_setup, _URE_ALNUM_MASK}, {0x0068, 1, 17, 0, 0}, {0x0061, 1, 18, 0, 0}, {0x003a, 1, 19, _ure_ccl_setup, _URE_ALPHA_MASK}, {0x006e, 1, 20, 0, 0}, {0x0074, 1, 21, 0, 0}, {0x0072, 1, 22, 0, 0}, {0x006c, 1, 23, 0, 0}, {0x003a, 1, 24, _ure_ccl_setup, _URE_CNTRL}, {0x0069, 1, 25, 0, 0}, {0x0067, 1, 26, 0, 0}, {0x0069, 1, 27, 0, 0}, {0x0074, 1, 28, 0, 0}, {0x003a, 1, 29, _ure_ccl_setup, _URE_NUMDIGIT}, {0x0072, 1, 30, 0, 0}, {0x0061, 1, 31, 0, 0}, {0x0070, 1, 32, 0, 0}, {0x0068, 1, 33, 0, 0}, {0x003a, 1, 34, _ure_ccl_setup, _URE_GRAPH_MASK}, {0x006f, 1, 35, 0, 0}, {0x0077, 1, 36, 0, 0}, {0x0065, 1, 37, 0, 0}, {0x0072, 1, 38, 0, 0}, {0x003a, 1, 39, _ure_ccl_setup, _URE_LOWER}, {0x0072, 2, 41, 0, 0}, {0x0075, 1, 45, 0, 0}, {0x0069, 1, 42, 0, 0}, {0x006e, 1, 43, 0, 0}, {0x0074, 1, 44, 0, 0}, {0x003a, 1, 45, _ure_ccl_setup, _URE_PRINT_MASK}, {0x006e, 1, 46, 0, 0}, {0x0063, 1, 47, 0, 0}, {0x0074, 1, 48, 0, 0}, {0x003a, 1, 49, _ure_ccl_setup, _URE_PUNCT_MASK}, {0x0070, 1, 50, 0, 0}, {0x0061, 1, 51, 0, 0}, {0x0063, 1, 52, 0, 0}, {0x0065, 1, 53, 0, 0}, {0x003a, 1, 54, _ure_space_setup, _URE_SPACE_MASK}, {0x0070, 1, 55, 0, 0}, {0x0070, 1, 56, 0, 0}, {0x0065, 1, 57, 0, 0}, {0x0072, 1, 58, 0, 0}, {0x003a, 1, 59, _ure_ccl_setup, _URE_UPPER}, {0x0064, 1, 60, 0, 0}, {0x0069, 1, 61, 0, 0}, {0x0067, 1, 62, 0, 0}, {0x0069, 1, 63, 0, 0}, {0x0074, 1, 64, 0, 0}, {0x003a, 1, 65, _ure_xdigit_setup, 0}, }; /* * Probe for one of the POSIX colon delimited character classes in the static * trie. */ static unsigned long _ure_posix_ccl(ucs2_t *cp, unsigned long limit, _ure_symtab_t *sym, _ure_buffer_t *b) { int i; unsigned long n; _ure_trie_t *tp; ucs2_t *sp, *ep; /* * If the number of characters left is less than 7, then this cannot be * interpreted as one of the colon delimited classes. */ if (limit < 7) return 0; sp = cp; ep = sp + limit; tp = cclass_trie; for (i = 0; sp < ep && i < 8; i++, sp++) { n = tp->len; for (; n > 0 && tp->key != *sp; tp++, n--) ; if (n == 0) return 0; if (*sp == ':' && (i == 6 || i == 7)) { sp++; break; } if (sp + 1 < ep) tp = cclass_trie + tp->next; } if (tp->func == 0) return 0; (*tp->func)(sym, tp->mask, b); return sp - cp; } /* * Construct a list of ranges and return the number of characters consumed. */ static unsigned long _ure_cclass(ucs2_t *cp, unsigned long limit, _ure_symtab_t *symp, _ure_buffer_t *b) { int range_end; unsigned long n; ucs2_t *sp, *ep; ucs4_t c, last; _ure_ccl_t *cclp; _ure_range_t range; sp = cp; ep = sp + limit; if (*sp == '^') { symp->type = _URE_NCCLASS; sp++; } else symp->type = _URE_CCLASS; for (last = 0, range_end = 0; b->error == _URE_OK && sp < ep && *sp != ']'; ) { c = *sp++; if (c == '\\') { if (sp == ep) { /* * The EOS was encountered when expecting the reverse solidus * to be followed by the character it is escaping. Set an * error code and return the number of characters consumed up * to this point. */ b->error = _URE_UNEXPECTED_EOS; return sp - cp; } c = *sp++; switch (c) { case 'a': c = 0x07; break; case 'b': c = 0x08; break; case 'f': c = 0x0c; break; case 'n': c = 0x0a; break; case 'r': c = 0x0d; break; case 't': c = 0x09; break; case 'v': c = 0x0b; break; case 'p': case 'P': sp += _ure_prop_list(sp, ep - sp, &symp->props, b); /* * Invert the bit mask of the properties if this is a negated * character class or if 'P' is used to specify a list of * character properties that should *not* match in a * character class. */ if (c == 'P') symp->props = ~symp->props; continue; break; case 'x': case 'X': case 'u': case 'U': if (sp < ep && ((*sp >= '0' && *sp <= '9') || (*sp >= 'A' && *sp <= 'F') || (*sp >= 'a' && *sp <= 'f'))) sp += _ure_hex(sp, ep - sp, &c); } } else if (c == ':') { /* * Probe for a POSIX colon delimited character class. */ sp--; if ((n = _ure_posix_ccl(sp, ep - sp, symp, b)) == 0) sp++; else { sp += n; continue; } } cclp = &symp->sym.ccl; /* * Check to see if the current character is a low surrogate that needs * to be combined with a preceding high surrogate. */ if (last != 0) { if (c >= 0xdc00 && c <= 0xdfff) /* * Construct the UTF16 character code. */ c = 0x10000 + (((last & 0x03ff) << 10) | (c & 0x03ff)); else { /* * Add the isolated high surrogate to the range. */ if (range_end == 1) range.max_code = last & 0xffff; else range.min_code = range.max_code = last & 0xffff; _ure_add_range(cclp, &range, b); range_end = 0; } } /* * Clear the last character code. */ last = 0; /* * This slightly awkward code handles the different cases needed to * construct a range. */ if (c >= 0xd800 && c <= 0xdbff) { /* * If the high surrogate is followed by a range indicator, simply * add it as the range start. Otherwise, save it in case the next * character is a low surrogate. */ if (*sp == '-') { sp++; range.min_code = c; range_end = 1; } else last = c; } else if (range_end == 1) { range.max_code = c; _ure_add_range(cclp, &range, b); range_end = 0; } else { range.min_code = range.max_code = c; if (*sp == '-') { sp++; range_end = 1; } else _ure_add_range(cclp, &range, b); } } if (sp < ep && *sp == ']') sp++; else /* * The parse was not terminated by the character class close symbol * (']'), so set an error code. */ b->error = _URE_CCLASS_OPEN; return sp - cp; } /* * Probe for a low surrogate hex code. */ static unsigned long _ure_probe_ls(ucs2_t *ls, unsigned long limit, ucs4_t *c) { ucs4_t i, code; ucs2_t *sp, *ep; for (i = code = 0, sp = ls, ep = sp + limit; i < 4 && sp < ep; sp++) { if (*sp >= '0' && *sp <= '9') code = (code << 4) + (*sp - '0'); else if (*sp >= 'A' && *sp <= 'F') code = (code << 4) + ((*sp - 'A') + 10); else if (*sp >= 'a' && *sp <= 'f') code = (code << 4) + ((*sp - 'a') + 10); else break; } *c = code; return (0xdc00 <= code && code <= 0xdfff) ? sp - ls : 0; } static unsigned long _ure_compile_symbol(ucs2_t *sym, unsigned long limit, _ure_symtab_t *symp, _ure_buffer_t *b) { ucs4_t c; ucs2_t *sp, *ep; sp = sym; ep = sym + limit; if ((c = *sp++) == '\\') { if (sp == ep) { /* * The EOS was encountered when expecting the reverse solidus to * be followed by the character it is escaping. Set an error code * and return the number of characters consumed up to this point. */ b->error = _URE_UNEXPECTED_EOS; return sp - sym; } c = *sp++; switch (c) { case 'p': case 'P': symp->type = (c == 'p') ? _URE_CCLASS : _URE_NCCLASS; sp += _ure_prop_list(sp, ep - sp, &symp->props, b); break; case 'a': symp->type = _URE_CHAR; symp->sym.chr = 0x07; break; case 'b': symp->type = _URE_CHAR; symp->sym.chr = 0x08; break; case 'f': symp->type = _URE_CHAR; symp->sym.chr = 0x0c; break; case 'n': symp->type = _URE_CHAR; symp->sym.chr = 0x0a; break; case 'r': symp->type = _URE_CHAR; symp->sym.chr = 0x0d; break; case 't': symp->type = _URE_CHAR; symp->sym.chr = 0x09; break; case 'v': symp->type = _URE_CHAR; symp->sym.chr = 0x0b; break; case 'x': case 'X': case 'u': case 'U': /* * Collect between 1 and 4 digits representing a UCS2 code. Fall * through to the next case. */ if (sp < ep && ((*sp >= '0' && *sp <= '9') || (*sp >= 'A' && *sp <= 'F') || (*sp >= 'a' && *sp <= 'f'))) sp += _ure_hex(sp, ep - sp, &c); /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: /* * Simply add an escaped character here. */ symp->type = _URE_CHAR; symp->sym.chr = c; } } else if (c == '^' || c == '$') /* * Handle the BOL and EOL anchors. This actually consists simply of * setting a flag that indicates that the user supplied anchor match * function should be called. This needs to be done instead of simply * matching line/paragraph separators because beginning-of-text and * end-of-text tests are needed as well. */ symp->type = (c == '^') ? _URE_BOL_ANCHOR : _URE_EOL_ANCHOR; else if (c == '[') /* * Construct a character class. */ sp += _ure_cclass(sp, ep - sp, symp, b); else if (c == '.') symp->type = _URE_ANY_CHAR; else { symp->type = _URE_CHAR; symp->sym.chr = c; } /* * If the symbol type happens to be a character and is a high surrogate, * then probe forward to see if it is followed by a low surrogate that * needs to be added. */ if (sp < ep && symp->type == _URE_CHAR && 0xd800 <= symp->sym.chr && symp->sym.chr <= 0xdbff) { if (0xdc00 <= *sp && *sp <= 0xdfff) { symp->sym.chr = 0x10000 + (((symp->sym.chr & 0x03ff) << 10) | (*sp & 0x03ff)); sp++; } else if (*sp == '\\' && (*(sp + 1) == 'x' || *(sp + 1) == 'X' || *(sp + 1) == 'u' || *(sp + 1) == 'U')) { sp += _ure_probe_ls(sp + 2, ep - (sp + 2), &c); if (0xdc00 <= c && c <= 0xdfff) { /* * Take into account the \[xu] in front of the hex code. */ sp += 2; symp->sym.chr = 0x10000 + (((symp->sym.chr & 0x03ff) << 10) | (c & 0x03ff)); } } } /* * Last, make sure any _URE_CHAR type symbols are changed to lower case if * the `casefold' flag is set. */ if ((b->flags & _URE_DFA_CASEFOLD) && symp->type == _URE_CHAR) symp->sym.chr = _ure_tolower(symp->sym.chr); /* * If the symbol constructed is anything other than one of the anchors, * make sure the _URE_DFA_BLANKLINE flag is removed. */ if (symp->type != _URE_BOL_ANCHOR && symp->type != _URE_EOL_ANCHOR) b->flags &= ~_URE_DFA_BLANKLINE; /* * Return the number of characters consumed. */ return sp - sym; } static int _ure_sym_neq(_ure_symtab_t *a, _ure_symtab_t *b) { if (a->type != b->type || a->mods != b->mods || a->props != b->props) return 1; if (a->type == _URE_CCLASS || a->type == _URE_NCCLASS) { if (a->sym.ccl.ranges_used != b->sym.ccl.ranges_used) return 1; if (a->sym.ccl.ranges_used > 0 && memcmp((char *) a->sym.ccl.ranges, (char *) b->sym.ccl.ranges, sizeof(_ure_range_t) * a->sym.ccl.ranges_used) != 0) return 1; } else if (a->type == _URE_CHAR && a->sym.chr != b->sym.chr) return 1; return 0; } /* * Construct a symbol, but only keep unique symbols. */ static ucs2_t _ure_make_symbol(ucs2_t *sym, unsigned long limit, unsigned long *consumed, _ure_buffer_t *b) { ucs2_t i; _ure_symtab_t *sp, symbol; /* * Build the next symbol so we can test to see if it is already in the * symbol table. */ (void) memset((char *) &symbol, '\0', sizeof(_ure_symtab_t)); *consumed = _ure_compile_symbol(sym, limit, &symbol, b); /* * Check to see if the symbol exists. */ for (i = 0, sp = b->symtab; i < b->symtab_used && _ure_sym_neq(&symbol, sp); i++, sp++) ; if (i < b->symtab_used) { /* * Free up any ranges used for the symbol. */ if ((symbol.type == _URE_CCLASS || symbol.type == _URE_NCCLASS) && symbol.sym.ccl.ranges_size > 0) free((char *) symbol.sym.ccl.ranges); return b->symtab[i].id; } /* * Need to add the new symbol. */ if (b->symtab_used == b->symtab_size) { if (b->symtab_size == 0) b->symtab = (_ure_symtab_t *) malloc(sizeof(_ure_symtab_t) << 3); else b->symtab = (_ure_symtab_t *) realloc((char *) b->symtab, sizeof(_ure_symtab_t) * (b->symtab_size + 8)); sp = b->symtab + b->symtab_size; (void) memset((char *) sp, '\0', sizeof(_ure_symtab_t) << 3); b->symtab_size += 8; } symbol.id = b->symtab_used++; (void) AC_MEMCPY((char *) &b->symtab[symbol.id], (char *) &symbol, sizeof(_ure_symtab_t)); return symbol.id; } /************************************************************************* * * End symbol parse functions. * *************************************************************************/ static ucs2_t _ure_make_expr(ucs2_t type, ucs2_t lhs, ucs2_t rhs, _ure_buffer_t *b) { ucs2_t i; if (b == 0) return _URE_NOOP; /* * Determine if the expression already exists or not. */ for (i = 0; i < b->expr_used; i++) { if (b->expr[i].type == type && b->expr[i].lhs == lhs && b->expr[i].rhs == rhs) break; } if (i < b->expr_used) return i; /* * Need to add a new expression. */ if (b->expr_used == b->expr_size) { if (b->expr_size == 0) b->expr = (_ure_elt_t *) malloc(sizeof(_ure_elt_t) << 3); else b->expr = (_ure_elt_t *) realloc((char *) b->expr, sizeof(_ure_elt_t) * (b->expr_size + 8)); b->expr_size += 8; } b->expr[b->expr_used].onstack = 0; b->expr[b->expr_used].type = type; b->expr[b->expr_used].lhs = lhs; b->expr[b->expr_used].rhs = rhs; return b->expr_used++; } static unsigned char spmap[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }; #define _ure_isspecial(cc) ((cc) > 0x20 && (cc) < 0x7f && \ (spmap[(cc) >> 3] & (1 << ((cc) & 7)))) /* * Convert the regular expression into an NFA in a form that will be easy to * reduce to a DFA. The starting state for the reduction will be returned. */ static ucs2_t _ure_re2nfa(ucs2_t *re, unsigned long relen, _ure_buffer_t *b) { ucs2_t c, state, top, sym, *sp, *ep; unsigned long used; state = _URE_NOOP; sp = re; ep = sp + relen; while (b->error == _URE_OK && sp < ep) { c = *sp++; switch (c) { case '(': _ure_push(_URE_PAREN, b); break; case ')': /* * Check for the case of too many close parentheses. */ if (_ure_peek(b) == _URE_NOOP) { b->error = _URE_UNBALANCED_GROUP; break; } while ((top = _ure_peek(b)) == _URE_AND || top == _URE_OR) /* * Make an expression with the AND or OR operator and its right * hand side. */ state = _ure_make_expr(_ure_pop(b), _ure_pop(b), state, b); /* * Remove the _URE_PAREN off the stack. */ (void) _ure_pop(b); break; case '*': state = _ure_make_expr(_URE_STAR, state, _URE_NOOP, b); break; case '+': state = _ure_make_expr(_URE_PLUS, state, _URE_NOOP, b); break; case '?': state = _ure_make_expr(_URE_QUEST, state, _URE_NOOP, b); break; case '|': while ((top = _ure_peek(b)) == _URE_AND || top == _URE_OR) /* * Make an expression with the AND or OR operator and its right * hand side. */ state = _ure_make_expr(_ure_pop(b), _ure_pop(b), state, b); _ure_push(state, b); _ure_push(_URE_OR, b); break; default: sp--; sym = _ure_make_symbol(sp, ep - sp, &used, b); sp += used; state = _ure_make_expr(_URE_SYMBOL, sym, _URE_NOOP, b); break; } if (c != '(' && c != '|' && sp < ep && (!_ure_isspecial(*sp) || *sp == '(')) { _ure_push(state, b); _ure_push(_URE_AND, b); } } while ((top = _ure_peek(b)) == _URE_AND || top == _URE_OR) /* * Make an expression with the AND or OR operator and its right * hand side. */ state = _ure_make_expr(_ure_pop(b), _ure_pop(b), state, b); if (b->stack.slist_used > 0) b->error = _URE_UNBALANCED_GROUP; return (b->error == _URE_OK) ? state : _URE_NOOP; } static void _ure_add_symstate(ucs2_t sym, ucs2_t state, _ure_buffer_t *b) { ucs2_t i, *stp; _ure_symtab_t *sp; /* * Locate the symbol in the symbol table so the state can be added. * If the symbol doesn't exist, then a real problem exists. */ for (i = 0, sp = b->symtab; i < b->symtab_used && sym != sp->id; i++, sp++) ; /* * Now find out if the state exists in the symbol's state list. */ for (i = 0, stp = sp->states.slist; i < sp->states.slist_used && state > *stp; i++, stp++) ; if (i == sp->states.slist_used || state < *stp) { /* * Need to add the state in order. */ if (sp->states.slist_used == sp->states.slist_size) { if (sp->states.slist_size == 0) sp->states.slist = (ucs2_t *) malloc(sizeof(ucs2_t) << 3); else sp->states.slist = (ucs2_t *) realloc((char *) sp->states.slist, sizeof(ucs2_t) * (sp->states.slist_size + 8)); sp->states.slist_size += 8; } if (i < sp->states.slist_used) (void) _ure_memmove((char *) (sp->states.slist + i + 1), (char *) (sp->states.slist + i), sizeof(ucs2_t) * (sp->states.slist_used - i)); sp->states.slist[i] = state; sp->states.slist_used++; } } static ucs2_t _ure_add_state(ucs2_t nstates, ucs2_t *states, _ure_buffer_t *b) { ucs2_t i; _ure_state_t *sp; for (i = 0, sp = b->states.states; i < b->states.states_used; i++, sp++) { if (sp->st.slist_used == nstates && memcmp((char *) states, (char *) sp->st.slist, sizeof(ucs2_t) * nstates) == 0) break; } if (i == b->states.states_used) { /* * Need to add a new DFA state (set of NFA states). */ if (b->states.states_used == b->states.states_size) { if (b->states.states_size == 0) b->states.states = (_ure_state_t *) malloc(sizeof(_ure_state_t) << 3); else b->states.states = (_ure_state_t *) realloc((char *) b->states.states, sizeof(_ure_state_t) * (b->states.states_size + 8)); sp = b->states.states + b->states.states_size; (void) memset((char *) sp, '\0', sizeof(_ure_state_t) << 3); b->states.states_size += 8; } sp = b->states.states + b->states.states_used++; sp->id = i; if (sp->st.slist_used + nstates > sp->st.slist_size) { if (sp->st.slist_size == 0) sp->st.slist = (ucs2_t *) malloc(sizeof(ucs2_t) * (sp->st.slist_used + nstates)); else sp->st.slist = (ucs2_t *) realloc((char *) sp->st.slist, sizeof(ucs2_t) * (sp->st.slist_used + nstates)); sp->st.slist_size = sp->st.slist_used + nstates; } sp->st.slist_used = nstates; (void) AC_MEMCPY((char *) sp->st.slist, (char *) states, sizeof(ucs2_t) * nstates); } /* * Return the ID of the DFA state representing a group of NFA states. */ return i; } static void _ure_reduce(ucs2_t start, _ure_buffer_t *b) { ucs2_t i, j, state, eval, syms, rhs; ucs2_t s1, s2, ns1, ns2; _ure_state_t *sp; _ure_symtab_t *smp; b->reducing = 1; /* * Add the starting state for the reduction. */ _ure_add_state(1, &start, b); /* * Process each set of NFA states that get created. */ for (i = 0; i < b->states.states_used; i++) { sp = b->states.states + i; /* * Push the current states on the stack. */ for (j = 0; j < sp->st.slist_used; j++) _ure_push(sp->st.slist[j], b); /* * Reduce the NFA states. */ for (j = sp->accepting = syms = 0; j < b->stack.slist_used; j++) { state = b->stack.slist[j]; eval = 1; /* * This inner loop is the iterative equivalent of recursively * reducing subexpressions generated as a result of a reduction. */ while (eval) { switch (b->expr[state].type) { case _URE_SYMBOL: ns1 = _ure_make_expr(_URE_ONE, _URE_NOOP, _URE_NOOP, b); _ure_add_symstate(b->expr[state].lhs, ns1, b); syms++; eval = 0; break; case _URE_ONE: sp->accepting = 1; eval = 0; break; case _URE_QUEST: s1 = b->expr[state].lhs; ns1 = _ure_make_expr(_URE_ONE, _URE_NOOP, _URE_NOOP, b); state = _ure_make_expr(_URE_OR, ns1, s1, b); break; case _URE_PLUS: s1 = b->expr[state].lhs; ns1 = _ure_make_expr(_URE_STAR, s1, _URE_NOOP, b); state = _ure_make_expr(_URE_AND, s1, ns1, b); break; case _URE_STAR: s1 = b->expr[state].lhs; ns1 = _ure_make_expr(_URE_ONE, _URE_NOOP, _URE_NOOP, b); ns2 = _ure_make_expr(_URE_PLUS, s1, _URE_NOOP, b); state = _ure_make_expr(_URE_OR, ns1, ns2, b); break; case _URE_OR: s1 = b->expr[state].lhs; s2 = b->expr[state].rhs; _ure_push(s1, b); _ure_push(s2, b); eval = 0; break; case _URE_AND: s1 = b->expr[state].lhs; s2 = b->expr[state].rhs; switch (b->expr[s1].type) { case _URE_SYMBOL: _ure_add_symstate(b->expr[s1].lhs, s2, b); syms++; eval = 0; break; case _URE_ONE: state = s2; break; case _URE_QUEST: ns1 = b->expr[s1].lhs; ns2 = _ure_make_expr(_URE_AND, ns1, s2, b); state = _ure_make_expr(_URE_OR, s2, ns2, b); break; case _URE_PLUS: ns1 = b->expr[s1].lhs; ns2 = _ure_make_expr(_URE_OR, s2, state, b); state = _ure_make_expr(_URE_AND, ns1, ns2, b); break; case _URE_STAR: ns1 = b->expr[s1].lhs; ns2 = _ure_make_expr(_URE_AND, ns1, state, b); state = _ure_make_expr(_URE_OR, s2, ns2, b); break; case _URE_OR: ns1 = b->expr[s1].lhs; ns2 = b->expr[s1].rhs; ns1 = _ure_make_expr(_URE_AND, ns1, s2, b); ns2 = _ure_make_expr(_URE_AND, ns2, s2, b); state = _ure_make_expr(_URE_OR, ns1, ns2, b); break; case _URE_AND: ns1 = b->expr[s1].lhs; ns2 = b->expr[s1].rhs; ns2 = _ure_make_expr(_URE_AND, ns2, s2, b); state = _ure_make_expr(_URE_AND, ns1, ns2, b); break; } } } } /* * Clear the state stack. */ while (_ure_pop(b) != _URE_NOOP) ; /* * Reset the state pointer because the reduction may have moved it * during a reallocation. */ sp = b->states.states + i; /* * Generate the DFA states for the symbols collected during the * current reduction. */ if (sp->trans_used + syms > sp->trans_size) { if (sp->trans_size == 0) sp->trans = (_ure_elt_t *) malloc(sizeof(_ure_elt_t) * (sp->trans_used + syms)); else sp->trans = (_ure_elt_t *) realloc((char *) sp->trans, sizeof(_ure_elt_t) * (sp->trans_used + syms)); sp->trans_size = sp->trans_used + syms; } /* * Go through the symbol table and generate the DFA state transitions * for each symbol that has collected NFA states. */ for (j = syms = 0, smp = b->symtab; j < b->symtab_used; j++, smp++) { sp = b->states.states + i; if (smp->states.slist_used > 0) { sp->trans[syms].lhs = smp->id; rhs = _ure_add_state(smp->states.slist_used, smp->states.slist, b); /* * Reset the state pointer in case the reallocation moves it * in memory. */ sp = b->states.states + i; sp->trans[syms].rhs = rhs; smp->states.slist_used = 0; syms++; } } /* * Set the number of transitions actually used. */ sp->trans_used = syms; } b->reducing = 0; } static void _ure_add_equiv(ucs2_t l, ucs2_t r, _ure_buffer_t *b) { ucs2_t tmp; l = b->states.states[l].id; r = b->states.states[r].id; if (l == r) return; if (l > r) { tmp = l; l = r; r = tmp; } /* * Check to see if the equivalence pair already exists. */ for (tmp = 0; tmp < b->equiv_used && (b->equiv[tmp].l != l || b->equiv[tmp].r != r); tmp++) ; if (tmp < b->equiv_used) return; if (b->equiv_used == b->equiv_size) { if (b->equiv_size == 0) b->equiv = (_ure_equiv_t *) malloc(sizeof(_ure_equiv_t) << 3); else b->equiv = (_ure_equiv_t *) realloc((char *) b->equiv, sizeof(_ure_equiv_t) * (b->equiv_size + 8)); b->equiv_size += 8; } b->equiv[b->equiv_used].l = l; b->equiv[b->equiv_used].r = r; b->equiv_used++; } /* * Merge the DFA states that are equivalent. */ static void _ure_merge_equiv(_ure_buffer_t *b) { ucs2_t i, j, k, eq, done; _ure_state_t *sp1, *sp2, *ls, *rs; for (i = 0; i < b->states.states_used; i++) { sp1 = b->states.states + i; if (sp1->id != i) continue; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { sp2 = b->states.states + j; if (sp2->id != j) continue; b->equiv_used = 0; _ure_add_equiv(i, j, b); for (eq = 0, done = 0; eq < b->equiv_used; eq++) { ls = b->states.states + b->equiv[eq].l; rs = b->states.states + b->equiv[eq].r; if (ls->accepting != rs->accepting || ls->trans_used != rs->trans_used) { done = 1; break; } for (k = 0; k < ls->trans_used && ls->trans[k].lhs == rs->trans[k].lhs; k++) ; if (k < ls->trans_used) { done = 1; break; } for (k = 0; k < ls->trans_used; k++) _ure_add_equiv(ls->trans[k].rhs, rs->trans[k].rhs, b); } if (done == 0) break; } for (eq = 0; j < i && eq < b->equiv_used; eq++) b->states.states[b->equiv[eq].r].id = b->states.states[b->equiv[eq].l].id; } /* * Renumber the states appropriately. */ for (i = eq = 0, sp1 = b->states.states; i < b->states.states_used; sp1++, i++) sp1->id = (sp1->id == i) ? eq++ : b->states.states[sp1->id].id; } /************************************************************************* * * API. * *************************************************************************/ ure_buffer_t ure_buffer_create(void) { ure_buffer_t b; b = (ure_buffer_t) calloc(1, sizeof(_ure_buffer_t)); return b; } void ure_buffer_free(ure_buffer_t buf) { unsigned long i; if (buf == 0) return; if (buf->stack.slist_size > 0) free((char *) buf->stack.slist); if (buf->expr_size > 0) free((char *) buf->expr); for (i = 0; i < buf->symtab_size; i++) { if (buf->symtab[i].states.slist_size > 0) free((char *) buf->symtab[i].states.slist); } if (buf->symtab_size > 0) free((char *) buf->symtab); for (i = 0; i < buf->states.states_size; i++) { if (buf->states.states[i].trans_size > 0) free((char *) buf->states.states[i].trans); if (buf->states.states[i].st.slist_size > 0) free((char *) buf->states.states[i].st.slist); } if (buf->states.states_size > 0) free((char *) buf->states.states); if (buf->equiv_size > 0) free((char *) buf->equiv); free((char *) buf); } ure_dfa_t ure_compile(ucs2_t *re, unsigned long relen, int casefold, ure_buffer_t buf) { ucs2_t i, j, state; _ure_state_t *sp; _ure_dstate_t *dsp; _ure_trans_t *tp; ure_dfa_t dfa; if (re == 0 || *re == 0 || relen == 0 || buf == 0) return 0; /* * Reset the various fields of the compilation buffer. Default the flags * to indicate the presence of the "^$" pattern. If any other pattern * occurs, then this flag will be removed. This is done to catch this * special pattern and handle it specially when matching. */ buf->flags = _URE_DFA_BLANKLINE | ((casefold) ? _URE_DFA_CASEFOLD : 0); buf->reducing = 0; buf->stack.slist_used = 0; buf->expr_used = 0; for (i = 0; i < buf->symtab_used; i++) buf->symtab[i].states.slist_used = 0; buf->symtab_used = 0; for (i = 0; i < buf->states.states_used; i++) { buf->states.states[i].st.slist_used = 0; buf->states.states[i].trans_used = 0; } buf->states.states_used = 0; /* * Construct the NFA. If this stage returns a 0, then an error occurred or * an empty expression was passed. */ if ((state = _ure_re2nfa(re, relen, buf)) == _URE_NOOP) return 0; /* * Do the expression reduction to get the initial DFA. */ _ure_reduce(state, buf); /* * Merge all the equivalent DFA states. */ _ure_merge_equiv(buf); /* * Construct the minimal DFA. */ dfa = (ure_dfa_t) malloc(sizeof(_ure_dfa_t)); (void) memset((char *) dfa, '\0', sizeof(_ure_dfa_t)); dfa->flags = buf->flags & (_URE_DFA_CASEFOLD|_URE_DFA_BLANKLINE); /* * Free up the NFA state groups and transfer the symbols from the buffer * to the DFA. */ for (i = 0; i < buf->symtab_size; i++) { if (buf->symtab[i].states.slist_size > 0) free((char *) buf->symtab[i].states.slist); } dfa->syms = buf->symtab; dfa->nsyms = buf->symtab_used; buf->symtab_used = buf->symtab_size = 0; /* * Collect the total number of states and transitions needed for the DFA. */ for (i = state = 0, sp = buf->states.states; i < buf->states.states_used; i++, sp++) { if (sp->id == state) { dfa->nstates++; dfa->ntrans += sp->trans_used; state++; } } /* * Allocate enough space for the states and transitions. */ dfa->states = (_ure_dstate_t *) malloc(sizeof(_ure_dstate_t) * dfa->nstates); dfa->trans = (_ure_trans_t *) malloc(sizeof(_ure_trans_t) * dfa->ntrans); /* * Actually transfer the DFA states from the buffer. */ dsp = dfa->states; tp = dfa->trans; for (i = state = 0, sp = buf->states.states; i < buf->states.states_used; i++, sp++) { if (sp->id == state) { dsp->trans = tp; dsp->ntrans = sp->trans_used; dsp->accepting = sp->accepting; /* * Add the transitions for the state. */ for (j = 0; j < dsp->ntrans; j++, tp++) { tp->symbol = sp->trans[j].lhs; tp->next_state = buf->states.states[sp->trans[j].rhs].id; } dsp++; state++; } } return dfa; } void ure_dfa_free(ure_dfa_t dfa) { ucs2_t i; if (dfa == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < dfa->nsyms; i++) { if ((dfa->syms[i].type == _URE_CCLASS || dfa->syms[i].type == _URE_NCCLASS) && dfa->syms[i].sym.ccl.ranges_size > 0) free((char *) dfa->syms[i].sym.ccl.ranges); } if (dfa->nsyms > 0) free((char *) dfa->syms); if (dfa->nstates > 0) free((char *) dfa->states); if (dfa->ntrans > 0) free((char *) dfa->trans); free((char *) dfa); } void ure_write_dfa(ure_dfa_t dfa, FILE *out) { ucs2_t i, j, k, h, l; _ure_dstate_t *sp; _ure_symtab_t *sym; _ure_range_t *rp; if (dfa == 0 || out == 0) return; /* * Write all the different character classes. */ for (i = 0, sym = dfa->syms; i < dfa->nsyms; i++, sym++) { if (sym->type == _URE_CCLASS || sym->type == _URE_NCCLASS) { fprintf(out, "C%hd = ", sym->id); if (sym->sym.ccl.ranges_used > 0) { putc('[', out); if (sym->type == _URE_NCCLASS) putc('^', out); } if (sym->props != 0) { if (sym->type == _URE_NCCLASS) fprintf(out, "\\P"); else fprintf(out, "\\p"); for (k = h = 0; k < 32; k++) { if (sym->props & (1 << k)) { if (h != 0) putc(',', out); fprintf(out, "%d", k + 1); h = 1; } } } /* * Dump the ranges. */ for (k = 0, rp = sym->sym.ccl.ranges; k < sym->sym.ccl.ranges_used; k++, rp++) { /* * Check for UTF16 characters. */ if (0x10000 <= rp->min_code && rp->min_code <= 0x10ffff) { h = (ucs2_t) (((rp->min_code - 0x10000) >> 10) + 0xd800); l = (ucs2_t) (((rp->min_code - 0x10000) & 1023) + 0xdc00); fprintf(out, "\\x%04hX\\x%04hX", h, l); } else fprintf(out, "\\x%04lX", rp->min_code & 0xffff); if (rp->max_code != rp->min_code) { putc('-', out); if (rp->max_code >= 0x10000 && rp->max_code <= 0x10ffff) { h = (ucs2_t) (((rp->max_code - 0x10000) >> 10) + 0xd800); l = (ucs2_t) (((rp->max_code - 0x10000) & 1023) + 0xdc00); fprintf(out, "\\x%04hX\\x%04hX", h, l); } else fprintf(out, "\\x%04lX", rp->max_code & 0xffff); } } if (sym->sym.ccl.ranges_used > 0) putc(']', out); putc('\n', out); } } for (i = 0, sp = dfa->states; i < dfa->nstates; i++, sp++) { fprintf(out, "S%hd = ", i); if (sp->accepting) { fprintf(out, "1 "); if (sp->ntrans) fprintf(out, "| "); } for (j = 0; j < sp->ntrans; j++) { if (j > 0) fprintf(out, "| "); sym = dfa->syms + sp->trans[j].symbol; switch (sym->type) { case _URE_CHAR: if (0x10000 <= sym->sym.chr && sym->sym.chr <= 0x10ffff) { /* * Take care of UTF16 characters. */ h = (ucs2_t) (((sym->sym.chr - 0x10000) >> 10) + 0xd800); l = (ucs2_t) (((sym->sym.chr - 0x10000) & 1023) + 0xdc00); fprintf(out, "\\x%04hX\\x%04hX ", h, l); } else fprintf(out, "\\x%04lX ", sym->sym.chr & 0xffff); break; case _URE_ANY_CHAR: fprintf(out, "<any> "); break; case _URE_BOL_ANCHOR: fprintf(out, "<bol-anchor> "); break; case _URE_EOL_ANCHOR: fprintf(out, "<eol-anchor> "); break; case _URE_CCLASS: case _URE_NCCLASS: fprintf(out, "[C%hd] ", sym->id); break; } fprintf(out, "S%hd", sp->trans[j].next_state); if (j + 1 < sp->ntrans) putc(' ', out); } putc('\n', out); } } #define _ure_issep(cc) ((cc) == '\n' || (cc) == '\r' || (cc) == 0x2028 ||\ (cc) == 0x2029) int ure_exec(ure_dfa_t dfa, int flags, ucs2_t *text, unsigned long textlen, unsigned long *match_start, unsigned long *match_end) { int i, j, matched, found, skip; unsigned long ms, me; ucs4_t c; ucs2_t *sp, *ep, *lp; _ure_dstate_t *stp; _ure_symtab_t *sym; _ure_range_t *rp; if (dfa == 0 || text == 0) return 0; /* * Handle the special case of an empty string matching the "^$" pattern. */ if (textlen == 0 && (dfa->flags & _URE_DFA_BLANKLINE)) { *match_start = *match_end = 0; return 1; } sp = text; ep = sp + textlen; ms = me = ~0; stp = dfa->states; for (found = skip = 0; found == 0 && sp < ep; ) { lp = sp; c = *sp++; /* * Check to see if this is a high surrogate that should be * combined with a following low surrogate. */ if (sp < ep && 0xd800 <= c && c <= 0xdbff && 0xdc00 <= *sp && *sp <= 0xdfff) c = 0x10000 + (((c & 0x03ff) << 10) | (*sp++ & 0x03ff)); /* * Determine if the character is non-spacing and should be skipped. */ if (_ure_matches_properties(_URE_NONSPACING, c) && (flags & URE_IGNORE_NONSPACING)) { sp++; continue; } if (dfa->flags & _URE_DFA_CASEFOLD) c = _ure_tolower(c); /* * See if one of the transitions matches. */ for (i = 0, matched = 0; matched == 0 && i < stp->ntrans; i++) { sym = dfa->syms + stp->trans[i].symbol; switch (sym->type) { case _URE_ANY_CHAR: if ((flags & URE_DOT_MATCHES_SEPARATORS) || !_ure_issep(c)) matched = 1; break; case _URE_CHAR: if (c == sym->sym.chr) matched = 1; break; case _URE_BOL_ANCHOR: if (lp == text) { sp = lp; matched = 1; } else if (_ure_issep(c)) { if (c == '\r' && sp < ep && *sp == '\n') sp++; lp = sp; matched = 1; } break; case _URE_EOL_ANCHOR: if (_ure_issep(c)) { /* * Put the pointer back before the separator so the match * end position will be correct. This case will also * cause the `sp' pointer to be advanced over the current * separator once the match end point has been recorded. */ sp = lp; matched = 1; } break; case _URE_CCLASS: case _URE_NCCLASS: if (sym->props != 0) matched = _ure_matches_properties(sym->props, c); for (j = 0, rp = sym->sym.ccl.ranges; j < sym->sym.ccl.ranges_used; j++, rp++) { if (rp->min_code <= c && c <= rp->max_code) matched = 1; } if (sym->type == _URE_NCCLASS) matched = !matched; break; } if (matched) { if (ms == ~0UL) ms = lp - text; else me = sp - text; stp = dfa->states + stp->trans[i].next_state; /* * If the match was an EOL anchor, adjust the pointer past the * separator that caused the match. The correct match * position has been recorded already. */ if (sym->type == _URE_EOL_ANCHOR) { /* * Skip the character that caused the match. */ sp++; /* * Handle the infamous CRLF situation. */ if (sp < ep && c == '\r' && *sp == '\n') sp++; } } } if (matched == 0) { if (stp->accepting == 0) { /* * If the last state was not accepting, then reset * and start over. */ stp = dfa->states; ms = me = ~0; } else /* * The last state was accepting, so terminate the matching * loop to avoid more work. */ found = 1; } else if (sp == ep) { if (!stp->accepting) { /* * This ugly hack is to make sure the end-of-line anchors * match when the source text hits the end. This is only done * if the last subexpression matches. */ for (i = 0; found == 0 && i < stp->ntrans; i++) { sym = dfa->syms + stp->trans[i].symbol; if (sym->type ==_URE_EOL_ANCHOR) { stp = dfa->states + stp->trans[i].next_state; if (stp->accepting) { me = sp - text; found = 1; } else break; } } } else { /* * Make sure any conditions that match all the way to the end * of the string match. */ found = 1; me = sp - text; } } } if (found == 0) ms = me = ~0; *match_start = ms; *match_end = me; return (ms != ~0UL) ? 1 : 0; }