# slapo-retcode standard track response codes configuration example
# $OpenLDAP$
## This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>.
## Copyright 1998-2021 The OpenLDAP Foundation.
## All rights reserved.
## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
## modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
## Public License.
## A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
## top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
## <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>.
# From "ldap.h", revised as per <draft-ietf-ldapbis-protocol>

retcode-item	"cn=success"				0x00

retcode-item	"cn=success w/ delay"			0x00	sleeptime=2

retcode-item	"cn=operationsError"			0x01
retcode-item	"cn=protocolError"			0x02
retcode-item	"cn=timeLimitExceeded"			0x03	op=search
retcode-item	"cn=sizeLimitExceeded"			0x04	op=search
retcode-item	"cn=compareFalse"			0x05	op=compare
retcode-item	"cn=compareTrue"			0x06	op=compare
retcode-item	"cn=authMethodNotSupported"		0x07
retcode-item	"cn=strongAuthNotSupported"		0x07	text="same as authMethodNotSupported"
retcode-item	"cn=strongAuthRequired"			0x08
retcode-item	"cn=strongerAuthRequired"		0x08	text="same as strongAuthRequired"
#retcode-item	"cn=partialResults"			0x09	text="LDAPv2+ (not LDAPv3)"

retcode-item	"cn=referral"				0x0a	text="LDAPv3"	ref="ldap://:9019"
retcode-item	"cn=adminLimitExceeded"			0x0b	text="LDAPv3"
retcode-item	"cn=unavailableCriticalExtension"	0x0c	text="LDAPv3"
retcode-item	"cn=confidentialityRequired"		0x0d	text="LDAPv3"
retcode-item	"cn=saslBindInProgress"			0x0e	text="LDAPv3"

# LDAP_ATTR_ERROR(n)	LDAP_RANGE((n),0x10,0x15) /* 16-21 */

retcode-item	"cn=noSuchAttribute"			0x10
retcode-item	"cn=undefinedAttributeType"		0x11
retcode-item	"cn=inappropriateMatching"		0x12
retcode-item	"cn=constraintViolation"		0x13
retcode-item	"cn=attributeOrValueExists"		0x14
retcode-item	"cn=invalidAttributeSyntax"		0x15

# LDAP_NAME_ERROR(n)	LDAP_RANGE((n),0x20,0x24) /* 32-34,36 */

retcode-item	"cn=noSuchObject"			0x20
retcode-item	"cn=aliasProblem"			0x21
retcode-item	"cn=invalidDNSyntax"			0x22
#retcode-item	"cn=isLeaf"				0x23	text="not LDAPv3"
retcode-item	"cn=aliasDereferencingProblem"		0x24

# LDAP_SECURITY_ERROR(n)	LDAP_RANGE((n),0x2F,0x32) /* 47-50 */

retcode-item	"cn=proxyAuthzFailure"			0x2F	text="LDAPv3 proxy authorization"
retcode-item	"cn=inappropriateAuthentication"	0x30
retcode-item	"cn=invalidCredentials"			0x31
retcode-item	"cn=insufficientAccessRights"		0x32

# LDAP_SERVICE_ERROR(n)	LDAP_RANGE((n),0x33,0x36) /* 51-54 */

retcode-item	"cn=busy"				0x33
retcode-item	"cn=unavailable"			0x34
retcode-item	"cn=unwillingToPerform"			0x35
retcode-item	"cn=loopDetect"				0x36

# LDAP_UPDATE_ERROR(n)	LDAP_RANGE((n),0x40,0x47) /* 64-69,71 */

retcode-item	"cn=namingViolation"			0x40
retcode-item	"cn=objectClassViolation"		0x41
retcode-item	"cn=notAllowedOnNonleaf"		0x42
retcode-item	"cn=notAllowedOnRDN"			0x43
retcode-item	"cn=entryAlreadyExists"			0x44
retcode-item	"cn=objectClassModsProhibited"		0x45
retcode-item	"cn=resultsTooLarge"			0x46	text="CLDAP"
retcode-item	"cn=affectsMultipleDSAs"		0x47	text="LDAPv3"

retcode-item	"cn=other"				0x50

# /* LCUP operation codes (113-117) - not implemented */
retcode-item	"cn=cupResourcesExhausted"		0x71
retcode-item	"cn=cupSecurityViolation"		0x72
retcode-item	"cn=cupInvalidData"			0x73
retcode-item	"cn=cupUnsupportedScheme"		0x74
retcode-item	"cn=cupReloadRequired"			0x75

# /* Cancel operation codes (118-121) */
retcode-item	"cn=cancelled"				0x76
retcode-item	"cn=noSuchOperation"			0x77
retcode-item	"cn=tooLate"				0x78
retcode-item	"cn=cannotCancel"			0x79

# /* Experimental result codes */
# LDAP_E_ERROR(n)	LDAP_RANGE((n),0x1000,0x3FFF) /* experimental */
# LDAP_X_ERROR(n)	LDAP_RANGE((n),0x4000,0xFFFF) /* private use */

# /* for the LDAP Sync operation */
retcode-item	"cn=syncRefreshRequired"		0x4100

# /* for the LDAP No-Op control */
retcode-item	"cn=noOperation"			0x410e

# /* for the Assertion control */
retcode-item	"cn=assertionFailed"			0x410f

# /* for the Chaining Behavior control (consecutive result codes requested;
#  * see <draft-sermersheim-ldap-chaining> ) */
retcode-item	"cn=noReferralsFound"			0x4110
retcode-item	"cn=cannotChain"			0x4111