module core.lifetime;

import core.internal.attributes : betterC;

// emplace
Given a pointer `chunk` to uninitialized memory (but already typed
as `T`), constructs an object of non-`class` type `T` at that
address. If `T` is a class, initializes the class reference to null.
Returns: A pointer to the newly constructed object (which is the same
as `chunk`).
T* emplace(T)(T* chunk) @safe pure nothrow
    import core.internal.lifetime : emplaceRef;

    return chunk;

@system unittest
    static struct S
        int i = 42;
    S[2] s2 = void;
    assert(s2[0].i == 42 && s2[1].i == 42);

@system unittest
    interface I {}
    class K : I {}

    K k = void;
    assert(k is null);

    I i = void;
    assert(i is null);

Given a pointer `chunk` to uninitialized memory (but already typed
as a non-class type `T`), constructs an object of type `T` at
that address from arguments `args`. If `T` is a class, initializes
the class reference to `args[0]`.
This function can be `@trusted` if the corresponding constructor of
`T` is `@safe`.
Returns: A pointer to the newly constructed object (which is the same
as `chunk`).
T* emplace(T, Args...)(T* chunk, auto ref Args args)
    if (is(T == struct) || Args.length == 1)
    import core.internal.lifetime : emplaceRef;

    emplaceRef!T(*chunk, forward!args);
    return chunk;

@system unittest
    int a;
    int b = 42;
    assert(*emplace!int(&a, b) == 42);

@system unittest
    shared int i;
    emplace(&i, 42);
    assert(i == 42);

Given a raw memory area `chunk` (but already typed as a class type `T`),
constructs an object of `class` type `T` at that address. The constructor
is passed the arguments `Args`.
If `T` is an inner class whose `outer` field can be used to access an instance
of the enclosing class, then `Args` must not be empty, and the first member of it
must be a valid initializer for that `outer` field. Correct initialization of
this field is essential to access members of the outer class inside `T` methods.
This function is `@safe` if the corresponding constructor of `T` is `@safe`.
Returns: The newly constructed object.
T emplace(T, Args...)(T chunk, auto ref Args args)
    if (is(T == class))
    import core.internal.traits : isInnerClass;

    static assert(!__traits(isAbstractClass, T), T.stringof ~
        " is abstract and it can't be emplaced");

    // Initialize the object in its pre-ctor state
    const initializer = __traits(initSymbol, T);
    (() @trusted { (cast(void*) chunk)[0 .. initializer.length] = initializer[]; })();

    static if (isInnerClass!T)
        static assert(Args.length > 0,
            "Initializing an inner class requires a pointer to the outer class");
        static assert(is(Args[0] : typeof(T.outer)),
            "The first argument must be a pointer to the outer class");

        chunk.outer = args[0];
        alias args1 = args[1..$];
    else alias args1 = args;

    // Call the ctor if any
    static if (is(typeof(chunk.__ctor(forward!args1))))
        // T defines a genuine constructor accepting args
        // Go the classic route: write .init first, then call ctor
        static assert(args1.length == 0 && !is(typeof(&T.__ctor)),
            "Don't know how to initialize an object of type "
            ~ T.stringof ~ " with arguments " ~ typeof(args1).stringof);
    return chunk;

@safe unittest
    () @safe {
        class SafeClass
            int x;
            @safe this(int x) { this.x = x; }

        auto buf = new void[__traits(classInstanceSize, SafeClass)];
        auto support = (() @trusted => cast(SafeClass)(buf.ptr))();
        auto safeClass = emplace!SafeClass(support, 5);
        assert(safeClass.x == 5);

        class UnsafeClass
            int x;
            @system this(int x) { this.x = x; }

        auto buf2 = new void[__traits(classInstanceSize, UnsafeClass)];
        auto support2 = (() @trusted => cast(UnsafeClass)(buf2.ptr))();
        static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace!UnsafeClass(support2, 5)));
        static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace!UnsafeClass(buf2, 5)));

@safe unittest
    class Outer
        int i = 3;
        class Inner
            @safe auto getI() { return i; }
    auto outerBuf = new void[__traits(classInstanceSize, Outer)];
    auto outerSupport = (() @trusted => cast(Outer)(outerBuf.ptr))();

    auto innerBuf = new void[__traits(classInstanceSize, Outer.Inner)];
    auto innerSupport = (() @trusted => cast(Outer.Inner)(innerBuf.ptr))();

    auto inner = innerSupport.emplace!(Outer.Inner)(outerSupport.emplace!Outer);
    assert(inner.getI == 3);

Given a raw memory area `chunk`, constructs an object of `class` type `T` at
that address. The constructor is passed the arguments `Args`.
If `T` is an inner class whose `outer` field can be used to access an instance
of the enclosing class, then `Args` must not be empty, and the first member of it
must be a valid initializer for that `outer` field. Correct initialization of
this field is essential to access members of the outer class inside `T` methods.
`chunk` must be at least as large as `T` needs and should have an alignment
multiple of `T`'s alignment. (The size of a `class` instance is obtained by using
$(D __traits(classInstanceSize, T))).
This function can be `@trusted` if the corresponding constructor of `T` is `@safe`.
Returns: The newly constructed object.
T emplace(T, Args...)(void[] chunk, auto ref Args args)
    if (is(T == class))
    import core.internal.traits : maxAlignment;

    enum classSize = __traits(classInstanceSize, T);
    assert(chunk.length >= classSize, "chunk size too small.");

    enum alignment = maxAlignment!(void*, typeof(T.tupleof));
    assert((cast(size_t) chunk.ptr) % alignment == 0, "chunk is not aligned.");

    return emplace!T(cast(T)(chunk.ptr), forward!args);

@system unittest
    static class C
        int i;
        this(int i){this.i = i;}
    auto buf = new void[__traits(classInstanceSize, C)];
    auto c = emplace!C(buf, 5);
    assert(c.i == 5);

@nogc pure nothrow @system unittest
    // works with -betterC too:

    static extern (C++) class C
        @nogc pure nothrow @safe:
        int i = 3;
        this(int i)
            assert(this.i == 3);
            this.i = i;
        int virtualGetI() { return i; }

    import core.internal.traits : classInstanceAlignment;

    align(classInstanceAlignment!C) byte[__traits(classInstanceSize, C)] buffer;
    C c = emplace!C(buffer[], 42);
    assert(c.virtualGetI() == 42);

@system unittest
    class Outer
        int i = 3;
        class Inner
            auto getI() { return i; }
    auto outerBuf = new void[__traits(classInstanceSize, Outer)];
    auto innerBuf = new void[__traits(classInstanceSize, Outer.Inner)];
    auto inner = innerBuf.emplace!(Outer.Inner)(outerBuf.emplace!Outer);
    assert(inner.getI == 3);

@nogc pure nothrow @safe unittest
    static class __conv_EmplaceTestClass
        @nogc @safe pure nothrow:
        int i = 3;
        this(int i)
            assert(this.i == 3);
            this.i = 10 + i;
        this(ref int i)
            assert(this.i == 3);
            this.i = 20 + i;
        this(int i, ref int j)
            assert(this.i == 3 && i == 5 && j == 6);
            this.i = i;

    int var = 6;
    align(__conv_EmplaceTestClass.alignof) ubyte[__traits(classInstanceSize, __conv_EmplaceTestClass)] buf;
    auto support = (() @trusted => cast(__conv_EmplaceTestClass)(buf.ptr))();

    auto fromRval = emplace!__conv_EmplaceTestClass(support, 1);
    assert(fromRval.i == 11);

    auto fromLval = emplace!__conv_EmplaceTestClass(support, var);
    assert(fromLval.i == 26);

    auto k = emplace!__conv_EmplaceTestClass(support, 5, var);
    assert(k.i == 5);
    assert(var == 7);

Given a raw memory area `chunk`, constructs an object of non-$(D
class) type `T` at that address. The constructor is passed the
arguments `args`, if any.
`chunk` must be at least as large
as `T` needs and should have an alignment multiple of `T`'s
This function can be `@trusted` if the corresponding constructor of
`T` is `@safe`.
Returns: A pointer to the newly constructed object.
T* emplace(T, Args...)(void[] chunk, auto ref Args args)
    if (!is(T == class))
    import core.internal.traits : Unqual;
    import core.internal.lifetime : emplaceRef;

    assert(chunk.length >= T.sizeof, "chunk size too small.");
    assert((cast(size_t) chunk.ptr) % T.alignof == 0, "emplace: Chunk is not aligned.");

    emplaceRef!(T, Unqual!T)(*cast(Unqual!T*) chunk.ptr, forward!args);
    return cast(T*) chunk.ptr;

@system unittest
    struct S
        int a, b;
    void[S.sizeof] buf = void;
    S s;
    s.a = 42;
    s.b = 43;
    auto s1 = emplace!S(buf, s);
    assert(s1.a == 42 && s1.b == 43);

// Bulk of emplace unittests starts here

@system unittest /* unions */
    static union U
        string a;
        int b;
            long c;
            int[] d;
    U u1 = void;
    U u2 = { "hello" };
    emplace(&u1, u2);
    assert(u1.a == "hello");

@system unittest // bugzilla 15772
    abstract class Foo {}
    class Bar: Foo {}
    void[] memory;
    // test in emplaceInitializer
    static assert(!is(typeof(emplace!Foo(cast(Foo*) memory.ptr))));
    static assert( is(typeof(emplace!Bar(cast(Bar*) memory.ptr))));
    // test in the emplace overload that takes void[]
    static assert(!is(typeof(emplace!Foo(memory))));
    static assert( is(typeof(emplace!Bar(memory))));

@system unittest
    struct S { @disable this(); }
    S s = void;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&s)));
    emplace(&s, S.init);

@system unittest
    struct S1

    struct S2
        void opAssign(S2);

    S1 s1 = void;
    S2 s2 = void;
    S1[2] as1 = void;
    S2[2] as2 = void;

@system unittest
    static struct S1
        this(this) @disable;
    static struct S2
        this() @disable;
    S1[2] ss1 = void;
    S2[2] ss2 = void;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&ss2)));
    S1 s1 = S1.init;
    S2 s2 = S2.init;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&ss1, s1)));
    emplace(&ss2, s2);

@system unittest
    struct S
        immutable int i;
    S s = void;
    S[2] ss1 = void;
    S[2] ss2 = void;
    emplace(&s, 5);
    assert(s.i == 5);
    emplace(&ss1, s);
    assert(ss1[0].i == 5 && ss1[1].i == 5);
    emplace(&ss2, ss1);
    assert(ss2 == ss1);

//Start testing emplace-args here

@system unittest
    interface I {}
    class K : I {}

    K k = null, k2 = new K;
    assert(k !is k2);
    emplace!K(&k, k2);
    assert(k is k2);

    I i = null;
    assert(i !is k);
    emplace!I(&i, k);
    assert(i is k);

@system unittest
    static struct S
        int i = 5;
        void opAssign(S){assert(0);}
    S[2] sa = void;
    S[2] sb;
    emplace(&sa, sb);
    assert(sa[0].i == 5 && sa[1].i == 5);

//Start testing emplace-struct here

// Test constructor branch
@system unittest
    struct S
        double x = 5, y = 6;
        this(int a, int b)
            assert(x == 5 && y == 6);
            x = a;
            y = b;

    void[S.sizeof] s1 = void;
    auto s2 = S(42, 43);
    assert(*emplace!S(cast(S*) s1.ptr, s2) == s2);
    assert(*emplace!S(cast(S*) s1, 44, 45) == S(44, 45));

@system unittest
    static struct __conv_EmplaceTest
        int i = 3;
        this(int i)
            assert(this.i == 3 && i == 5);
            this.i = i;
        this(int i, ref int j)
            assert(i == 5 && j == 6);
            this.i = i;

        void opAssign();

    __conv_EmplaceTest k = void;
    emplace(&k, 5);
    assert(k.i == 5);

    int var = 6;
    __conv_EmplaceTest x = void;
    emplace(&x, 5, var);
    assert(x.i == 5);
    assert(var == 7);

    var = 6;
    auto z = emplace!__conv_EmplaceTest(new void[__conv_EmplaceTest.sizeof], 5, var);
    assert(z.i == 5);
    assert(var == 7);

// Test matching fields branch
@system unittest
    struct S { uint n; }
    S s;
    emplace!S(&s, 2U);
    assert(s.n == 2);

@safe unittest
    struct S { int a, b; this(int){} }
    S s;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace!S(&s, 2, 3)));

@system unittest
    struct S { int a, b = 7; }
    S s1 = void, s2 = void;

    emplace!S(&s1, 2);
    assert(s1.a == 2 && s1.b == 7);

    emplace!S(&s2, 2, 3);
    assert(s2.a == 2 && s2.b == 3);

@system unittest
    static struct S
        int i = 5;
        void opAssign(int){assert(0);}
        void opAssign(S){assert(0);}
    S sa1 = void;
    S sa2 = void;
    S sb1 = S(1);
    emplace(&sa1, sb1);
    emplace(&sa2, 2);
    assert(sa1.i == 1);
    assert(sa2.i == 2);

//postblit precedence
@system unittest
    //Works, but breaks in "-w -O" because of @@@9332@@@.
    //Uncomment test when 9332 is fixed.
    static struct S
        int i;

        this(S other){assert(false);}
        this(int i){this.i = i;}
    S a = void;
    assert(is(typeof({S b = a;})));    //Postblit
    assert(is(typeof({S b = S(a);}))); //Constructor
    auto b = S(5);
    emplace(&a, b);
    assert(a.i == 5);

    static struct S2
        int* p;
        this(const S2){}
    static assert(!is(immutable S2 : S2));
    S2 s2 = void;
    immutable is2 = (immutable S2).init;
    emplace(&s2, is2);

//nested structs and postblit
@system unittest
    static struct S
        int* p;
        this(int i){p = [i].ptr;}
            if (p)
                p = [*p].ptr;
    static struct SS
        S s;
        void opAssign(const SS)
    SS ssa = void;
    SS ssb = SS(S(5));
    emplace(&ssa, ssb);
    assert(*ssa.s.p == 5);
    assert(ssa.s.p != ssb.s.p);

//disabled postblit
@system unittest
    static struct S1
        int i;
        @disable this(this);
    S1 s1 = void;
    emplace(&s1, 1);
    assert(s1.i == 1);
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&s1, s1))); // copy disabled
    static assert(__traits(compiles, emplace(&s1, move(s1)))); // move not affected

    static struct S2
        int i;
        @disable this(this);
        this(ref S2){}
    S2 s2 = void;
    //static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&s2, 1)));
    emplace(&s2, S2.init);

    static struct SS1
        S1 s;
    SS1 ss1 = void;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&ss1, ss1))); // copying disabled
    static assert(__traits(compiles, emplace(&ss1, move(ss1)))); // move unaffected

    static struct SS2
        S2 s;
    SS2 ss2 = void;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&ss2, ss2))); // copying disabled
    static assert(__traits(compiles, emplace(&ss2, SS2.init))); // move is OK

    // SS1 sss1 = s1;      //This doesn't compile
    // SS1 sss1 = SS1(s1); //This doesn't compile
    // So emplace shouldn't compile either
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&sss1, s1)));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&sss2, s2)));

@system unittest
    //Castable immutability
        static struct S1
            int i;
        static assert(is( immutable(S1) : S1));
        S1 sa = void;
        auto sb = immutable(S1)(5);
        emplace(&sa, sb);
        assert(sa.i == 5);
    //Un-castable immutability
        static struct S2
            int* p;
        static assert(!is(immutable(S2) : S2));
        S2 sa = void;
        auto sb = immutable(S2)(null);
        assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&sa, sb)));

@system unittest
    static struct S
        immutable int i;
        immutable(int)* j;
    S s = void;
    emplace(&s, 1, null);
    emplace(&s, 2, &s.i);
    assert(s is S(2, &s.i));

//Context pointer
@system unittest
    int i = 0;
        struct S1
            void foo(){++i;}
        S1 sa = void;
        S1 sb;
        emplace(&sa, sb);;
        assert(i == 1);
        struct S2
            void foo(){++i;}
        S2 sa = void;
        S2 sb;
        emplace(&sa, sb);;
        assert(i == 2);

//Alias this
@system unittest
    static struct S
        int i;
    //By Ref
        static struct SS1
            int j;
            S s;
            alias s this;
        S s = void;
        SS1 ss = SS1(1, S(2));
        emplace(&s, ss);
        assert(s.i == 2);
    //By Value
        static struct SS2
            int j;
            S s;
            S foo() @property{return s;}
            alias foo this;
        S s = void;
        SS2 ss = SS2(1, S(2));
        emplace(&s, ss);
        assert(s.i == 2);

version (CoreUnittest)
    private struct __std_conv_S
        int i;
        this(__std_conv_SS ss)         {assert(0);}
        static opCall(__std_conv_SS ss)
            __std_conv_S s; s.i = ss.j;
            return s;
    private struct __std_conv_SS
        int j;
        __std_conv_S s;
        ref __std_conv_S foo() return @property {s.i = j; return s;}
        alias foo this;

@system unittest
    static assert(is(__std_conv_SS : __std_conv_S));
    __std_conv_S s = void;
    __std_conv_SS ss = __std_conv_SS(1);

    __std_conv_S sTest1 = ss; //this calls "SS alias this" (and not "S.this(SS)")
    emplace(&s, ss); //"alias this" should take precedence in emplace over "opCall"
    assert(s.i == 1);

//Nested classes
@system unittest
    class A{}
    static struct S
        A a;
    S s1 = void;
    S s2 = S(new A);
    emplace(&s1, s2);
    assert(s1.a is s2.a);

//safety & nothrow & CTFE
@system unittest
    //emplace should be safe for anything with no elaborate opassign
    static struct S1
        int i;
    static struct S2
        int i;
        this(int j)@safe nothrow{i = j;}

    int i;
    S1 s1 = void;
    S2 s2 = void;

    auto pi = &i;
    auto ps1 = &s1;
    auto ps2 = &s2;

    void foo() @safe nothrow
        emplace(pi, 5);
        emplace(ps1, 5);
        emplace(ps1, S1.init);
        emplace(ps2, 5);
        emplace(ps2, S2.init);

    T bar(T)() @property
        T t/+ = void+/; //CTFE void illegal
        emplace(&t, 5);
        return t;
    // CTFE
    enum a = bar!int;
    static assert(a == 5);
    enum b = bar!S1;
    static assert(b.i == 5);
    enum c = bar!S2;
    static assert(c.i == 5);
    // runtime
    auto aa = bar!int;
    assert(aa == 5);
    auto bb = bar!S1;
    assert(bb.i == 5);
    auto cc = bar!S2;
    assert(cc.i == 5);

@system unittest
    struct S
        int[2] get(){return [1, 2];}
        alias get this;
    struct SS
        int[2] ii;
    struct ISS
        int[2] ii;
    S s;
    SS ss = void;
    ISS iss = void;
    emplace(&ss, s);
    emplace(&iss, s);
    assert(ss.ii == [1, 2]);
    assert(iss.ii == [1, 2]);

//disable opAssign
@system unittest
    static struct S
        @disable void opAssign(S);
    S s;
    emplace(&s, S.init);

@system unittest
    int i;
    //Without constructor
        static struct S1
            int i;
            static S1 opCall(int*){assert(0);}
        S1 s = void;
        static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&s,  1)));
    //With constructor
        static struct S2
            int i = 0;
            static S2 opCall(int*){assert(0);}
            static S2 opCall(int){assert(0);}
            this(int i){this.i = i;}
        S2 s = void;
        emplace(&s,  1);
        assert(s.i == 1);
    //With postblit ambiguity
        static struct S3
            int i = 0;
            static S3 opCall(ref S3){assert(0);}
        S3 s = void;
        emplace(&s, S3.init);

//static arrays
@system unittest
    static struct S
        int[2] ii;
    static struct IS
        immutable int[2] ii;
    int[2] ii;
    S  s   = void;
    IS ims = void;
    ubyte ub = 2;
    emplace(&s, ub);
    emplace(&s, ii);
    emplace(&ims, ub);
    emplace(&ims, ii);
    uint[2] uu;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, {S ss = S(uu);}));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplace(&s, uu)));

@system unittest
    int[2]  sii;
    int[2]  sii2;
    uint[2] uii;
    uint[2] uii2;
    emplace(&sii, 1);
    emplace(&sii, 1U);
    emplace(&uii, 1);
    emplace(&uii, 1U);
    emplace(&sii, sii2);
    //emplace(&sii, uii2); //Sorry, this implementation doesn't know how to...
    //emplace(&uii, sii2); //Sorry, this implementation doesn't know how to...
    emplace(&uii, uii2);
    emplace(&sii, sii2[]);
    //emplace(&sii, uii2[]); //Sorry, this implementation doesn't know how to...
    //emplace(&uii, sii2[]); //Sorry, this implementation doesn't know how to...
    emplace(&uii, uii2[]);

@system unittest
    bool allowDestruction = false;
    struct S
        int i;
    S s = S(1);
    S[2] ss1 = void;
    S[2] ss2 = void;
    S[2] ss3 = void;
    emplace(&ss1, s);
    emplace(&ss2, ss1);
    emplace(&ss3, ss2[]);
    assert(ss1[1] == s);
    assert(ss2[1] == s);
    assert(ss3[1] == s);
    allowDestruction = true;

@system unittest
    //Checks postblit, construction, and context pointer
    int count = 0;
    struct S

    S s;
        S[4] ss = void;
        emplace(&ss, s);
        assert(count == 4);
    assert(count == 0);

@system unittest
    struct S
        int i;
    S s;
    S[2][2][2] sss = void;
    emplace(&sss, s);

@system unittest //Constness
    import core.internal.lifetime : emplaceRef;

    int a = void;
    emplaceRef!(const int)(a, 5);

    immutable i = 5;
    const(int)* p = void;
    emplaceRef!(const int*)(p, &i);

    struct S
        int* p;
    alias IS = immutable(S);
    S s = void;
    emplaceRef!IS(s, IS());
    S[2] ss = void;
    emplaceRef!(IS[2])(ss, IS());

    IS[2] iss = IS.init;
    emplaceRef!(IS[2])(ss, iss);
    emplaceRef!(IS[2])(ss, iss[]);

pure nothrow @safe @nogc unittest
    import core.internal.lifetime : emplaceRef;

    int i;
    emplaceRef(i, 5);
    emplaceRef!int(i, 5);

// Test attribute propagation for UDTs
pure nothrow @safe /* @nogc */ unittest
    import core.internal.lifetime : emplaceRef;

    static struct Safe
        this(this) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {}

    Safe safe = void;
    emplaceRef(safe, Safe());

    Safe[1] safeArr = [Safe()];
    Safe[1] uninitializedSafeArr = void;
    emplaceRef(uninitializedSafeArr, safe);
    emplaceRef(uninitializedSafeArr, safeArr);

    static struct Unsafe
        this(this) @system {}

    Unsafe unsafe = void;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplaceRef(unsafe, unsafe)));

    Unsafe[1] unsafeArr = [Unsafe()];
    Unsafe[1] uninitializedUnsafeArr = void;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplaceRef(uninitializedUnsafeArr, unsafe)));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, emplaceRef(uninitializedUnsafeArr, unsafeArr)));

@system unittest
    // Issue 15313
    static struct Node
        int payload;
        Node* next;
        uint refs;

    import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;
    void[] buf = malloc(Node.sizeof)[0 .. Node.sizeof];

    const Node* n = emplace!(const Node)(buf, 42, null, 10);
    assert(n.payload == 42);
    assert( == null);
    assert(n.refs == 10);

@system unittest
    class A
        int x = 5;
        int y = 42;
        this(int z)
            assert(x == 5 && y == 42);
            x = y = z;
    void[] buf;

    static align(A.alignof) byte[__traits(classInstanceSize, A)] sbuf;
    buf = sbuf[];
    auto a = emplace!A(buf, 55);
    assert(a.x == 55 && a.y == 55);

    // emplace in bigger buffer
    buf = new byte[](__traits(classInstanceSize, A) + 10);
    a = emplace!A(buf, 55);
    assert(a.x == 55 && a.y == 55);

    // need ctor args
    static assert(!is(typeof(emplace!A(buf))));

//constructor arguments forwarding
@system unittest
    static struct S
        this()(auto ref long arg)
            // assert that arg is an lvalue
            static assert(__traits(isRef, arg));
        this()(auto ref double arg)
            // assert that arg is an rvalue
            static assert(!__traits(isRef, arg));
    S obj = void;
    long i;
    emplace(&obj, i);   // lvalue
    emplace(&obj, 0.0); // rvalue
// Bulk of emplace unittests ends here

 * Emplaces a copy of the specified source value into uninitialized memory,
 * i.e., simulates `T target = source` copy-construction for cases where the
 * target memory is already allocated and to be initialized with a copy.
 * Params:
 *   source = value to be copied into target
 *   target = uninitialized value to be initialized with a copy of source
void copyEmplace(S, T)(ref S source, ref T target) @system
    if (is(immutable S == immutable T))
    import core.internal.traits : BaseElemOf, hasElaborateCopyConstructor, Unconst, Unqual;

    // cannot have the following as simple template constraint due to nested-struct special case...
    static if (!__traits(compiles, (ref S src) { T tgt = src; }))
        alias B = BaseElemOf!T;
        enum isNestedStruct = is(B == struct) && __traits(isNested, B);
        static assert(isNestedStruct, "cannot copy-construct " ~ T.stringof ~ " from " ~ S.stringof);

    void blit()
        import core.stdc.string : memcpy;
        memcpy(cast(Unqual!(T)*) &target, cast(Unqual!(T)*) &source, T.sizeof);

    static if (is(T == struct))
        static if (__traits(hasPostblit, T))
            (cast() target).__xpostblit();
        else static if (__traits(hasCopyConstructor, T))
            import core.internal.lifetime : emplaceInitializer;
            static if (__traits(isNested, T))
                 // copy context pointer
                *(cast(void**) &target.tupleof[$-1]) = cast(void*) source.tupleof[$-1];
            target.__ctor(source); // invoke copy ctor
            blit(); // no opAssign
    else static if (is(T == E[n], E, size_t n))
        static if (hasElaborateCopyConstructor!E)
            size_t i;
                for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    copyEmplace(source[i], target[i]);
            catch (Exception e)
                // destroy, in reverse order, what we've constructed so far
                while (i--)
                    destroy(*cast(Unconst!(E)*) &target[i]);
                throw e;
        else // trivial copy
            blit(); // all elements at once
        *cast(Unconst!(T)*) &target = *cast(Unconst!(T)*) &source;

@system pure nothrow @nogc unittest
    int source = 123;
    int target = void;
    copyEmplace(source, target);
    assert(target == 123);

@system pure nothrow @nogc unittest
    immutable int[1][1] source = [ [123] ];
    immutable int[1][1] target = void;
    copyEmplace(source, target);
    assert(target[0][0] == 123);

@system pure nothrow @nogc unittest
    struct S
        int x;
        void opAssign(const scope ref S rhs) @safe pure nothrow @nogc

    S source = S(42);
    S target = void;
    copyEmplace(source, target);
    assert(target.x == 42);

// preserve shared-ness
@system pure nothrow unittest
    auto s = new Object();
    auto ss = new shared Object();

    Object t;
    shared Object st;

    copyEmplace(s, t);
    assert(t is s);

    copyEmplace(ss, st);
    assert(st is ss);

    static assert(!__traits(compiles, copyEmplace(s, st)));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, copyEmplace(ss, t)));

@system pure nothrow @nogc unittest
    static struct S
        @disable this();
        this(int) @safe pure nothrow @nogc{}
        this(ref const(S) other) @safe pure nothrow @nogc {}

    S s1 = S(1);
    S s2 = void;
    copyEmplace(s1, s2);
    assert(s2 == S(1));

version (DigitalMars) version (X86) version (Posix) version = DMD_X86_Posix;

// don't violate immutability for reference types
@system pure nothrow unittest
    auto s = new Object();
    auto si = new immutable Object();

    Object t;
    immutable Object ti;

    copyEmplace(s, t);
    assert(t is s);

    copyEmplace(si, ti);
    version (DMD_X86_Posix) { /* wrongly fails without -O */ } else
        assert(ti is si);

    static assert(!__traits(compiles, copyEmplace(s, ti)));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, copyEmplace(si, t)));

version (CoreUnittest)
    private void testCopyEmplace(S, T)(const scope T* expected = null)
        S source;
        T target = void;
        copyEmplace(source, target);
        if (expected)
            assert(target == *expected);
            T expectedCopy = source;
            assert(target == expectedCopy);

// postblit
@system pure nothrow @nogc unittest
    static struct S
        @safe pure nothrow @nogc:
        int x = 42;
        this(this) { x += 10; }

    testCopyEmplace!(S, S)();
    testCopyEmplace!(immutable S, S)();
    testCopyEmplace!(S, immutable S)();
    testCopyEmplace!(immutable S, immutable S)();

    testCopyEmplace!(S[1], S[1])();
    testCopyEmplace!(immutable S[1], S[1])();

    // copying to an immutable static array works, but `T expected = source`
    // wrongly ignores the postblit:
    immutable S[1] expectedImmutable = [S(52)];
    testCopyEmplace!(S[1], immutable S[1])(&expectedImmutable);
    testCopyEmplace!(immutable S[1], immutable S[1])(&expectedImmutable);

// copy constructors
@system pure nothrow @nogc unittest
    static struct S
        @safe pure nothrow @nogc:
        int x = 42;
        this(int x) { this.x = x; }
        this(const scope ref S rhs) { x = rhs.x + 10; }
        this(const scope ref S rhs) immutable { x = rhs.x + 20; }

    testCopyEmplace!(S, S)();
    testCopyEmplace!(immutable S, S)();
    testCopyEmplace!(S, immutable S)();
    testCopyEmplace!(immutable S, immutable S)();

    // static arrays work, but `T expected = source` wrongly ignores copy ctors
    S[1] expectedMutable = [S(52)];
    immutable S[1] expectedImmutable = [immutable S(62)];
    testCopyEmplace!(S[1], S[1])(&expectedMutable);
    testCopyEmplace!(immutable S[1], S[1])(&expectedMutable);
    testCopyEmplace!(S[1], immutable S[1])(&expectedImmutable);
    testCopyEmplace!(immutable S[1], immutable S[1])(&expectedImmutable);

// copy constructor in nested struct
@system pure nothrow unittest
    int copies;
    struct S
        @safe pure nothrow @nogc:
        size_t x = 42;
        this(size_t x) { this.x = x; }
        this(const scope ref S rhs)
            assert(x == 42); // T.init
            x = rhs.x;

        copies = 0;
        S source = S(123);
        immutable S target = void;
        copyEmplace(source, target);
        assert(target is source);
        assert(copies == 1);

        copies = 0;
        immutable S[1] source = [immutable S(456)];
        S[1] target = void;
        copyEmplace(source, target);
        assert(target[0] is source[0]);
        assert(copies == 1);

// destruction of partially copied static array
@system unittest
    static struct S
        __gshared int[] deletions;
        int x;
        this(this) { if (x == 5) throw new Exception(""); }
        ~this() { deletions ~= x; }

    alias T = immutable S[3][2];
    T source = [ [S(1), S(2), S(3)], [S(4), S(5), S(6)] ];
    T target = void;
        copyEmplace(source, target);
    catch (Exception)
        static immutable expectedDeletions = [ 4, 3, 2, 1 ];
        version (DigitalMars)
            assert(S.deletions == expectedDeletions ||
                   S.deletions == [ 4 ]); // FIXME: happens with -O
            assert(S.deletions == expectedDeletions);

Forwards function arguments while keeping `out`, `ref`, and `lazy` on
the parameters.

    args = a parameter list or an $(REF AliasSeq,std,meta).
    An `AliasSeq` of `args` with `out`, `ref`, and `lazy` saved.
template forward(args...)
    import core.internal.traits : AliasSeq;

    template fwd(alias arg)
        // by ref || lazy || const/immutable
        static if (__traits(isRef,  arg) ||
                   __traits(isOut,  arg) ||
                   __traits(isLazy, arg) ||
            alias fwd = arg;
        // (r)value
            @property auto fwd(){ pragma(inline, true); return move(arg); }

    alias Result = AliasSeq!();
    static foreach (arg; args)
        Result = AliasSeq!(Result, fwd!arg);
    static if (Result.length == 1)
        alias forward = Result[0];
        alias forward = Result;

@safe unittest
    class C
        static int foo(int n) { return 1; }
        static int foo(ref int n) { return 2; }

    // with forward
    int bar()(auto ref int x) { return!x); }

    // without forward
    int baz()(auto ref int x) { return; }

    int i;
    assert(bar(1) == 1);
    assert(bar(i) == 2);

    assert(baz(1) == 2);
    assert(baz(i) == 2);

@safe unittest
    void foo(int n, ref string s) { s = null; foreach (i; 0 .. n) s ~= "Hello"; }

    // forwards all arguments which are bound to parameter tuple
    void bar(Args...)(auto ref Args args) { return foo(forward!args); }

    // forwards all arguments with swapping order
    void baz(Args...)(auto ref Args args) { return foo(forward!args[$/2..$], forward!args[0..$/2]); }

    string s;
    bar(1, s);
    assert(s == "Hello");
    baz(s, 2);
    assert(s == "HelloHello");

@safe unittest
    auto foo(TL...)(auto ref TL args)
        string result = "";
        foreach (i, _; args)
            //pragma(msg, "[",i,"] ", __traits(isRef, args[i]) ? "L" : "R");
            result ~= __traits(isRef, args[i]) ? "L" : "R";
        return result;

    string bar(TL...)(auto ref TL args)
        return foo(forward!args);
    string baz(TL...)(auto ref TL args)
        int x;
        return foo(forward!args[3], forward!args[2], 1, forward!args[1], forward!args[0], x);

    struct S {}
    S makeS(){ return S(); }
    int n;
    string s;
    assert(bar(S(), makeS(), n, s) == "RRLL");
    assert(baz(S(), makeS(), n, s) == "LLRRRL");

@safe unittest
    ref int foo(return ref int a) { return a; }
    ref int bar(Args)(auto ref Args args)
        return foo(forward!args);
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto x1 = bar(3); })); // case of NG
    int value = 3;
    auto x2 = bar(value); // case of OK

@safe unittest
    struct X {
        int i;

    struct Y
        private X x_;
        this()(auto ref X x)
            x_ = forward!x;

    struct Z
        private const X x_;
        this()(auto ref X x)
            x_ = forward!x;
        this()(auto const ref X x)
            x_ = forward!x;

    X x;
    const X cx;
    auto constX = (){ const X x; return x; };
    static assert(__traits(compiles, { Y y = x; }));
    static assert(__traits(compiles, { Y y = X(); }));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, { Y y = cx; }));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, { Y y = constX(); }));
    static assert(__traits(compiles, { Z z = x; }));
    static assert(__traits(compiles, { Z z = X(); }));
    static assert(__traits(compiles, { Z z = cx; }));
    static assert(__traits(compiles, { Z z = constX(); }));

    Y y1 = x;
    // ref lvalue, copy
    assert(y1.x_.i == 1);
    Y y2 = X();
    // rvalue, move
    assert(y2.x_.i == 0);

    Z z1 = x;
    // ref lvalue, copy
    assert(z1.x_.i == 1);
    Z z2 = X();
    // rvalue, move
    assert(z2.x_.i == 0);
    Z z3 = cx;
    // ref const lvalue, copy
    assert(z3.x_.i == 1);
    Z z4 = constX();
    // const rvalue, copy
    assert(z4.x_.i == 1);

// lazy -> lazy
@safe unittest
    int foo1(lazy int i) { return i; }
    int foo2(A)(auto ref A i) { return foo1(forward!i); }
    int foo3(lazy int i) { return foo2(i); }

    int numCalls = 0;
    assert(foo3({ ++numCalls; return 42; }()) == 42);
    assert(numCalls == 1);

// lazy -> non-lazy
@safe unittest
    int foo1(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
    int foo2(A...)(auto ref A args) { return foo1(forward!args); }
    int foo3(int a, lazy int b) { return foo2(a, b); }

    int numCalls;
    assert(foo3(11, { ++numCalls; return 31; }()) == 42);
    assert(numCalls == 1);

// non-lazy -> lazy
@safe unittest
    int foo1(int a, lazy int b) { return a + b; }
    int foo2(A...)(auto ref A args) { return foo1(forward!args); }
    int foo3(int a, int b) { return foo2(a, b); }

    assert(foo3(11, 31) == 42);

// out
@safe unittest
    void foo1(int a, out int b) { b = a; }
    void foo2(A...)(auto ref A args) { foo1(forward!args); }
    void foo3(int a, out int b) { foo2(a, b); }

    int b;
    foo3(42, b);
    assert(b == 42);

// move
Moves `source` into `target`, via a destructive copy when necessary.

If `T` is a struct with a destructor or postblit defined, source is reset
to its `.init` value after it is moved into target, otherwise it is
left unchanged.

If source has internal pointers that point to itself and doesn't define
opPostMove, it cannot be moved, and will trigger an assertion failure.

    source = Data to copy.
    target = Where to copy into. The destructor, if any, is invoked before the
        copy is performed.
void move(T)(ref T source, ref T target)
    moveImpl(target, source);

/// For non-struct types, `move` just performs `target = source`:
@safe unittest
    Object obj1 = new Object;
    Object obj2 = obj1;
    Object obj3;

    move(obj2, obj3);
    assert(obj3 is obj1);
    // obj2 unchanged
    assert(obj2 is obj1);

pure nothrow @safe @nogc unittest
    // Structs without destructors are simply copied
    struct S1
        int a = 1;
        int b = 2;
    S1 s11 = { 10, 11 };
    S1 s12;

    move(s11, s12);

    assert(s12 == S1(10, 11));
    assert(s11 == s12);

    // But structs with destructors or postblits are reset to their .init value
    // after copying to the target.
    struct S2
        int a = 1;
        int b = 2;

        ~this() pure nothrow @safe @nogc { }
    S2 s21 = { 3, 4 };
    S2 s22;

    move(s21, s22);

    assert(s21 == S2(1, 2));
    assert(s22 == S2(3, 4));

@safe unittest
    import core.internal.traits;

        Object obj1 = new Object;
        Object obj2 = obj1;
        Object obj3;
        move(obj2, obj3);
        assert(obj3 is obj1);

        static struct S1 { int a = 1, b = 2; }
        S1 s11 = { 10, 11 };
        S1 s12;
        move(s11, s12);
        assert(s11.a == 10 && s11.b == 11 && s12.a == 10 && s12.b == 11);

        static struct S2 { int a = 1; int * b; }
        S2 s21 = { 10, null };
        s21.b = new int;
        S2 s22;
        move(s21, s22);
        assert(s21 == s22);
    // Issue 5661 test(1)
    static struct S3
        static struct X { int n = 0; ~this(){n = 0;} }
        X x;
    static assert(hasElaborateDestructor!S3);
    S3 s31, s32;
    s31.x.n = 1;
    move(s31, s32);
    assert(s31.x.n == 0);
    assert(s32.x.n == 1);

    // Issue 5661 test(2)
    static struct S4
        static struct X { int n = 0; this(this){n = 0;} }
        X x;
    static assert(hasElaborateCopyConstructor!S4);
    S4 s41, s42;
    s41.x.n = 1;
    move(s41, s42);
    assert(s41.x.n == 0);
    assert(s42.x.n == 1);

    // Issue 13990 test
    class S5;

    S5 s51;
    S5 s52 = s51;
    S5 s53;
    move(s52, s53);
    assert(s53 is s51);

/// Ditto
T move(T)(return scope ref T source)
    return moveImpl(source);

/// Non-copyable structs can still be moved:
pure nothrow @safe @nogc unittest
    struct S
        int a = 1;
        @disable this(this);
        ~this() pure nothrow @safe @nogc {}
    S s1;
    s1.a = 2;
    S s2 = move(s1);
    assert(s1.a == 1);
    assert(s2.a == 2);

// `move` should propagate the attributes of `opPostMove`
@system unittest
    static struct S
        void opPostMove(const ref S old) nothrow @system
            __gshared int i;
            new int(i++); // Force @gc impure @system

    alias T = void function() @system nothrow;
    static assert(is(typeof({ S s; move(s); }) == T));
    static assert(is(typeof({ S s; move(s, s); }) == T));

private void moveImpl(T)(scope ref T target, return scope ref T source)
    import core.internal.traits : hasElaborateDestructor;

    static if (is(T == struct))
        //  Unsafe when compiling without -preview=dip1000
        if ((() @trusted => &source == &target)()) return;
        // Destroy target before overwriting it
        static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T) target.__xdtor();
    // move and emplace source into target
    moveEmplaceImpl(target, source);

private T moveImpl(T)(return scope ref T source)
    // Properly infer safety from moveEmplaceImpl as the implementation below
    // might void-initialize pointers in result and hence needs to be @trusted
    if (false) moveEmplaceImpl(source, source);

    return trustedMoveImpl(source);

private T trustedMoveImpl(T)(return scope ref T source) @trusted
    T result = void;
    moveEmplaceImpl(result, source);
    return result;

@safe unittest
    import core.internal.traits;

        Object obj1 = new Object;
        Object obj2 = obj1;
        Object obj3 = move(obj2);
        assert(obj3 is obj1);

        static struct S1 { int a = 1, b = 2; }
        S1 s11 = { 10, 11 };
        S1 s12 = move(s11);
        assert(s11.a == 10 && s11.b == 11 && s12.a == 10 && s12.b == 11);

        static struct S2 { int a = 1; int * b; }
        S2 s21 = { 10, null };
        s21.b = new int;
        S2 s22 = move(s21);
        assert(s21 == s22);

    // Issue 5661 test(1)
    static struct S3
        static struct X { int n = 0; ~this(){n = 0;} }
        X x;
    static assert(hasElaborateDestructor!S3);
    S3 s31;
    s31.x.n = 1;
    S3 s32 = move(s31);
    assert(s31.x.n == 0);
    assert(s32.x.n == 1);

    // Issue 5661 test(2)
    static struct S4
        static struct X { int n = 0; this(this){n = 0;} }
        X x;
    static assert(hasElaborateCopyConstructor!S4);
    S4 s41;
    s41.x.n = 1;
    S4 s42 = move(s41);
    assert(s41.x.n == 0);
    assert(s42.x.n == 1);

    // Issue 13990 test
    class S5;

    S5 s51;
    S5 s52 = s51;
    S5 s53;
    s53 = move(s52);
    assert(s53 is s51);

@system unittest
    static struct S { int n = 0; ~this() @system { n = 0; } }
    S a, b;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, () @safe { move(a, b); }));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, () @safe { move(a); }));
    a.n = 1;
    () @trusted { move(a, b); }();
    assert(a.n == 0);
    a.n = 1;
    () @trusted { move(a); }();
    assert(a.n == 0);
/+ this can't be tested in druntime, tests are still run in phobos
@safe unittest//Issue 6217
    import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
    auto x = map!"a"([1,2,3]);
    x = move(x);
@safe unittest// Issue 8055
    static struct S
        int x;
            assert(x == 0);
    S foo(S s)
        return move(s);
    S a;
    a.x = 0;
    auto b = foo(a);
    assert(b.x == 0);

@system unittest// Issue 8057
    int n = 10;
    struct S
        int x;
            // Access to enclosing scope
            assert(n == 10);
    S foo(S s)
        // Move nested struct
        return move(s);
    S a;
    a.x = 1;
    auto b = foo(a);
    assert(b.x == 1);

    // Regression 8171
    static struct Array(T)
        // nested struct has no member
        struct Payload
            ~this() {}
    Array!int.Payload x = void;
    move(x, x);

private enum bool hasContextPointers(T) = {
    static if (__traits(isStaticArray, T))
        return hasContextPointers!(typeof(T.init[0]));
    else static if (is(T == struct))
        import core.internal.traits : anySatisfy;
        return __traits(isNested, T) || anySatisfy!(hasContextPointers, typeof(T.tupleof));
    else return false;
} ();

@safe @nogc nothrow pure unittest
    static assert(!hasContextPointers!int);
    static assert(!hasContextPointers!(void*));

    static struct S {}
    static assert(!hasContextPointers!S);
    static assert(!hasContextPointers!(S[1]));

    struct Nested
        void foo() {}

    static assert(hasContextPointers!Nested);
    static assert(hasContextPointers!(Nested[1]));

    static struct OneLevel
        int before;
        Nested n;
        int after;

    static assert(hasContextPointers!OneLevel);
    static assert(hasContextPointers!(OneLevel[1]));

    static struct TwoLevels
        int before;
        OneLevel o;
        int after;

    static assert(hasContextPointers!TwoLevels);
    static assert(hasContextPointers!(TwoLevels[1]));

    union U
        Nested n;

    // unions can have false positives, so this query ignores them
    static assert(!hasContextPointers!U);

// target must be first-parameter, because in void-functions DMD + dip1000 allows it to take the place of a return-scope
private void moveEmplaceImpl(T)(scope ref T target, return scope ref T source)
    // TODO: this assert pulls in half of phobos. we need to work out an alternative assert strategy.
//    static if (!is(T == class) && hasAliasing!T) if (!__ctfe)
//    {
//        import std.exception : doesPointTo;
//        assert(!doesPointTo(source, source) && !hasElaborateMove!T),
//              "Cannot move object with internal pointer unless `opPostMove` is defined.");
//    }

    import core.internal.traits : hasElaborateAssign, isAssignable, hasElaborateMove,
                                  hasElaborateDestructor, hasElaborateCopyConstructor;
    static if (is(T == struct))

        //  Unsafe when compiling without -preview=dip1000
        assert((() @trusted => &source !is &target)(), "source and target must not be identical");

        static if (hasElaborateAssign!T || !isAssignable!T)
            import core.stdc.string : memcpy;
            () @trusted { memcpy(&target, &source, T.sizeof); }();
            target = source;

        static if (hasElaborateMove!T)
            __move_post_blt(target, source);

        // If the source defines a destructor or a postblit hook, we must obliterate the
        // object in order to avoid double freeing and undue aliasing
        static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T || hasElaborateCopyConstructor!T)
            // If there are members that are nested structs, we must take care
            // not to erase any context pointers, so we might have to recurse
            static if (__traits(isZeroInit, T))
                wipe(source, ref () @trusted { return *cast(immutable(T)*) __traits(initSymbol, T).ptr; } ());
    else static if (__traits(isStaticArray, T))
        static if (T.length)
            static if (!hasElaborateMove!T &&
                       !hasElaborateDestructor!T &&
                // Single blit if no special per-instance handling is required
                () @trusted
                    assert(source.ptr !is target.ptr, "source and target must not be identical");
                    *cast(ubyte[T.sizeof]*) &target = *cast(ubyte[T.sizeof]*) &source;
                } ();
                for (size_t i = 0; i < source.length; ++i)
                    moveEmplaceImpl(target[i], source[i]);
        // Primitive data (including pointers and arrays) or class -
        // assignment works great
        target = source;

 * Similar to $(LREF move) but assumes `target` is uninitialized. This
 * is more efficient because `source` can be blitted over `target`
 * without destroying or initializing it first.
 * Params:
 *   source = value to be moved into target
 *   target = uninitialized value to be filled by source
void moveEmplace(T)(ref T source, ref T target) @system
    moveEmplaceImpl(target, source);

pure nothrow @nogc @system unittest
    static struct Foo
    pure nothrow @nogc:
        this(int* ptr) { _ptr = ptr; }
        ~this() { if (_ptr) ++*_ptr; }
        int* _ptr;

    int val;
    Foo foo1 = void; // uninitialized
    auto foo2 = Foo(&val); // initialized
    assert(foo2._ptr is &val);

    // Using `move(foo2, foo1)` would have an undefined effect because it would destroy
    // the uninitialized foo1.
    // moveEmplace directly overwrites foo1 without destroying or initializing it first.
    moveEmplace(foo2, foo1);
    assert(foo1._ptr is &val);
    assert(foo2._ptr is null);
    assert(val == 0);

pure nothrow @nogc @system unittest
    static struct Foo
    pure nothrow @nogc:
        this(int* ptr) { _ptr = ptr; }
        ~this() { if (_ptr) ++*_ptr; }
        int* _ptr;

    int val;
        Foo[1] foo1 = void; // uninitialized
        Foo[1] foo2 = [Foo(&val)];// initialized
        assert(foo2[0]._ptr is &val);

        // Using `move(foo2, foo1)` would have an undefined effect because it would destroy
        // the uninitialized foo1.
        // moveEmplace directly overwrites foo1 without destroying or initializing it first.
        moveEmplace(foo2, foo1);
        assert(foo1[0]._ptr is &val);
        assert(foo2[0]._ptr is null);
        assert(val == 0);
    assert(val == 1);

// issue 18913
@safe unittest
    static struct NoCopy
        int payload;
        ~this() { }
        @disable this(this);

    static void f(NoCopy[2]) { }

    NoCopy[2] ncarray = [ NoCopy(1), NoCopy(2) ];

    static assert(!__traits(compiles, f(ncarray)));

//debug = PRINTF;

    import core.stdc.stdio;

/// Implementation of `_d_delstruct` and `_d_delstructTrace`
template _d_delstructImpl(T)
    private void _d_delstructImpure(ref T p)
        debug(PRINTF) printf("_d_delstruct(%p)\n", p);

        import core.memory : GC;

        p = null;

     * This is called for a delete statement where the value being deleted is a
     * pointer to a struct with a destructor but doesn't have an overloaded
     * `delete` operator.
     * Params:
     *   p = pointer to the value to be deleted
     * Bugs:
     *   This function template was ported from a much older runtime hook that
     *   bypassed safety, purity, and throwabilty checks. To prevent breaking
     *   existing code, this function template is temporarily declared
     *   `@trusted` until the implementation can be brought up to modern D
     *   expectations.
    void _d_delstruct(ref T p) @trusted @nogc pure nothrow
        if (p)
            alias Type = void function(ref T P) @nogc pure nothrow;
            (cast(Type) &_d_delstructImpure)(p);

    import core.internal.array.utils : _d_HookTraceImpl;

    private enum errorMessage = "Cannot delete struct if compiling without support for runtime type information!";

     * TraceGC wrapper around $(REF _d_delstruct, core,lifetime,_d_delstructImpl).
     * Bugs:
     *   This function template was ported from a much older runtime hook that
     *   bypassed safety, purity, and throwabilty checks. To prevent breaking
     *   existing code, this function template is temporarily declared
     *   `@trusted` until the implementation can be brought up to modern D
     *   expectations.
    alias _d_delstructTrace = _d_HookTraceImpl!(T, _d_delstruct, errorMessage);

@system pure nothrow unittest
    int dtors = 0;
    struct S { ~this() nothrow { ++dtors; } }

    S *s = new S();

    assert(s == null);
    assert(dtors == 1);

@system pure unittest
    int innerDtors = 0;
    int outerDtors = 0;

    struct Inner { ~this() { ++innerDtors; } }
    struct Outer
        Inner *i1;
        Inner *i2;

        this(int x)
            i1 = new Inner();
            i2 = new Inner();


            assert(i1 == null);

            assert(i2 == null);

    Outer *o = new Outer(0);

    assert(o == null);
    assert(innerDtors == 2);
    assert(outerDtors == 1);

// issue 25552
pure nothrow @system unittest
    int i;
    struct Nested
    pure nothrow @nogc:
        char[1] arr; // char.init is not 0
        ~this() { ++i; }

        Nested[1] dst = void;
        Nested[1] src = [Nested(['a'])];

        moveEmplace(src, dst);
        assert(i == 0);
        assert(dst[0].arr == ['a']);
        assert(src[0].arr == [char.init]);
        assert(dst[0].tupleof[$-1] is src[0].tupleof[$-1]);
    assert(i == 2);

// issue 25552
@safe unittest
    int i;
    struct Nested
        ~this() { ++i; }

    static struct NotNested
        Nested n;

    static struct Deep
        NotNested nn;

    static struct Deeper
        NotNested[1] nn;

    static assert(__traits(isZeroInit, Nested));
    static assert(__traits(isZeroInit, NotNested));
    static assert(__traits(isZeroInit, Deep));
    static assert(__traits(isZeroInit, Deeper));

        auto a = NotNested(Nested());
        auto b = move(a);
        assert(a.n.tupleof[$-1] is b.n.tupleof[$-1]);

        auto c = Deep(NotNested(Nested()));
        auto d = move(c);
        assert(c.nn.n.tupleof[$-1] is d.nn.n.tupleof[$-1]);

        auto e = Deeper([NotNested(Nested())]);
        auto f = move(e);
        assert(e.nn[0].n.tupleof[$-1] is f.nn[0].n.tupleof[$-1]);
    assert(i == 6);

// issue 25552
@safe unittest
    int i;
    struct Nested
        align(32) // better still find context pointer correctly!
        int[3] stuff = [0, 1, 2];
        ~this() { ++i; }

    static struct NoAssign
        int value;
        @disable void opAssign(typeof(this));

    static struct NotNested
        int before = 42;
        align(Nested.alignof * 4) // better still find context pointer correctly!
        Nested n;
        auto after = NoAssign(43);

    static struct Deep
        NotNested nn;

    static struct Deeper
        NotNested[1] nn;

    static assert(!__traits(isZeroInit, Nested));
    static assert(!__traits(isZeroInit, NotNested));
    static assert(!__traits(isZeroInit, Deep));
    static assert(!__traits(isZeroInit, Deeper));

        auto a = NotNested(1, Nested([3, 4, 5]), NoAssign(2));
        auto b = move(a);
        assert(a.n.tupleof[$-1] is b.n.tupleof[$-1]);
        assert(a.n.stuff == [0, 1, 2]);
        assert(a.before == 42);
        assert(a.after == NoAssign(43));

        auto c = Deep(NotNested(1, Nested([3, 4, 5]), NoAssign(2)));
        auto d = move(c);
        assert(c.nn.n.tupleof[$-1] is d.nn.n.tupleof[$-1]);
        assert(c.nn.n.stuff == [0, 1, 2]);
        assert(c.nn.before == 42);
        assert(c.nn.after == NoAssign(43));

        auto e = Deeper([NotNested(1, Nested([3, 4, 5]), NoAssign(2))]);
        auto f = move(e);
        assert(e.nn[0].n.tupleof[$-1] is f.nn[0].n.tupleof[$-1]);
        assert(e.nn[0].n.stuff == [0, 1, 2]);
        assert(e.nn[0].before == 42);
        assert(e.nn[0].after == NoAssign(43));
    assert(i == 6);

// wipes source after moving
pragma(inline, true)
private void wipe(T, Init...)(return scope ref T source, ref const scope Init initializer) @trusted
if (!Init.length ||
    ((Init.length == 1) && (is(immutable T == immutable Init[0]))))
    static if (__traits(isStaticArray, T) && hasContextPointers!T)
        for (auto i = 0; i < T.length; i++)
            static if (Init.length)
                wipe(source[i], initializer[0][i]);
    else static if (is(T == struct) && hasContextPointers!T)
        import core.internal.traits : anySatisfy;
        static if (anySatisfy!(hasContextPointers, typeof(T.tupleof)))
            static foreach (i; 0 .. T.tupleof.length - __traits(isNested, T))
                static if (Init.length)
                    wipe(source.tupleof[i], initializer[0].tupleof[i]);
            static if (__traits(isNested, T))
                enum sz = T.tupleof[$-1].offsetof;
                enum sz = T.sizeof;

            static if (Init.length)
                *cast(ubyte[sz]*) &source = *cast(ubyte[sz]*) &initializer[0];
                *cast(ubyte[sz]*) &source = 0;
        import core.internal.traits : hasElaborateAssign, isAssignable;
        static if (Init.length)
            static if (hasElaborateAssign!T || !isAssignable!T)
                *cast(ubyte[T.sizeof]*) &source = *cast(ubyte[T.sizeof]*) &initializer[0];
                source = *cast(T*) &initializer[0];
            *cast(ubyte[T.sizeof]*) &source = 0;

 * Allocate an exception of type `T` from the exception pool and call its constructor.
 * It has the same interface as `rt.lifetime._d_newclass()`.
 * `T` must be Throwable or derived from it, must declare an explicit ctor
 * and cannot be a COM or C++ class.
 * Returns:
 *      constructed instance of the type
T _d_newThrowable(T, Args...)(auto ref Args args) @trusted
    if (is(T : Throwable) && is(typeof(T.__ctor(forward!args))) &&
        __traits(getLinkage, T) == "D")
    debug(PRINTF) printf("_d_newThrowable(%s)\n", cast(char*) T.stringof);

    import core.memory : pureMalloc;
    auto init = __traits(initSymbol, T);
    void* p = pureMalloc(init.length);
    if (!p)
        import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryError;

    debug(PRINTF) printf(" p = %p\n", p);

    // initialize it
    p[0 .. init.length] = init[];

    import core.internal.traits : hasIndirections;
    if (hasIndirections!T)
        // Inform the GC about the pointers in the object instance
        import core.memory : GC;
        GC.addRange(p, init.length);

    debug(PRINTF) printf("initialization done\n");

    (cast(Throwable) p).refcount() = 1;

    auto t = cast(T) p;

    return t;

@system unittest
    class E : Exception
        int x;

        this(int x, string msg = "", Throwable nextInChain = null)
            super(msg, nextInChain);
            this.x = x;

    auto exc = _d_newThrowable!Exception("Exception");
    assert(exc.refcount() == 1);
    assert(exc.msg == "Exception");

    static assert(!__traits(compiles, _d_newThrowable!E()));

    auto e = _d_newThrowable!E(42, "E", null);
    assert(e.refcount() == 1);
    assert(e.x == 42);
    assert(e.msg == "E");