# Check the decomposition of the topological sort. # This decomposition is only performed by the incremental scheduler. # OPTIONS: --no-schedule-whole-component # # This test case was contributed by Nana CK <1429802329@qq.com>. domain: { sync[0:64, 0:32]; stB[0:64, 0:64]; stC[0:64, 0:64] } validity: { stC[j = 0:64, 0:64] -> sync[j, 0]; stB[j = 0:64, 0:64] -> sync[j, 0] } proximity: { stC[j = 0:64, 0:64] -> sync[j, 0]; stB[j = 0:64, 0:64] -> sync[j, 0] } coincidence: { stC[j = 0:64, 0:64] -> sync[j, 0]; stB[j = 0:64, 0:64] -> sync[j, 0] }