# $NetBSD: mn_MN.UTF-8.src,v 1.2 2009/01/02 00:20:22 tnozaki Exp $ # # Mongolian Language Monetary Locale for Mongolia # # WARNING: Empty lines and/or blank spaces may be essential. # # From: $FreeBSD: src/share/monetdef/mn_MN.UTF-8.src,v 1.1 2006/10/02 00:36:51 ache Exp $ # # International Currency Symbol (int_curr_symbol) # NOTE: Last character is always SPACE # MNT # # Currency Symbol (currency_symbol) # ₮ # # Monetary Decimal Point (mon_decimal_point) # . # # Monetary Thousands Separator (mon_thousands_sep) # , # # Monetary Grouping Sequence (mon_grouping) # A sequence of integers separated by semi-colons ';'. # 3;3 # # Positive Sign (positive_sign) # # # Negative Sign (negative_sign) # - # # International Fractional Digits (int_frac_digits) # 2 # # Fractional Digits (frac_digits) # 2 # # Currency Symbol Precedes Positive Value (p_cs_precedes) # Must be either 1 or 0. # 1 # # Separation of Currency Symbol, Sign, and Positive Value # by a Space (p_sep_by_space) # Must be 0, 1, or 2 # 0 # # Currency Symbol Precedes Negative Value (n_cs_precedes) # Must be either 1 or 0. # 1 # # Separation of Currency Symbol, Sign, and Negative Value (n_sep_by_space) # Must be 0, 1, or 2 # 0 # # Positive Sign Position (p_sign_posn) # Must be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 # 1 # # Negative Sign Position (n_sign_posn) # Must be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 # 1 # # International Currency Symbol Precedes Positive Value (int_p_cs_precedes) # Must be either 1 or 0. # 1 # # Separation of International Currency Symbol, Sign, and # Positive Value (int_p_sep_by_space) # Must be 0, 1, or 2 # 0 # # International Currency Symbol Precedes Negative Value (int_n_cs_precedes) # Must be either 1 or 0. # 1 # # Separation of International Currency Symbol, Sign, and # Negative Value (int_n_sep_by_space) # Must be 0, 1, or 2 # 0 # # International Positive Sign Position (int_p_sign_posn) # Must be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 # 1 # # International Negative Sign Position (int_n_sign_posn) # Must be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 # 1 # EOF