.\" $NetBSD: pnozz.man,v 1.1 2009/08/26 22:28:26 macallan Exp $ .\" shorthand for double quote that works everywhere. .ds q \N'34' .TH PNOZZ __drivermansuffix__ __vendorversion__ .SH NAME pnozz \- Weitek P9100 SBus driver .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B "Section \*qDevice\*q" .BI " Identifier \*q" devname \*q .B " Driver \*qpnozz\*q" \ \ ... .B EndSection .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .B pnozz is an XFree86 driver for Weitek POWER 9100 graphics controllers found in SPARCbook 3GX and other models. THIS MAN PAGE NEEDS TO BE FILLED IN. .SH SUPPORTED HARDWARE The .B pnozz driver supports... .SH CONFIGURATION DETAILS Please refer to XF86Config(__filemansuffix__) for general configuration details. This section only covers configuration details specific to this driver. .SH "SEE ALSO" XFree86(1), XF86Config(__filemansuffix__), xf86config(1), Xserver(1), X(__miscmansuffix__) .SH AUTHORS Authors include: Michael Lorenz