# # $Id: utils.rb,v 2022/10/17 07:37:08 mrg Exp $ # # Commont classes # # # The hash containing non-unique mappings # It can have a->b and a->c together # Also, for every mapping it counts the number of times this mapping was set # class NonuniqueCountingHash < Hash alias get_original [] alias put_original []= def []=(key, value) own = self.get_original(key) hash = get_original(key) if hash.nil? put_original(key, hash = Hash.new) end if hash.has_key?(value) hash[value] += 1 else hash[value] = 1 end end # # Number of all mappings (a->b and a->c counted as 2 mappings) # def full_length() values.inject(0) do | rv, hash | rv + hash.length end end def cardinality(key1, key2) if has_key?(key1) hash = get_original(key1) if hash.has_key?(key2) hash[key2] else 0 end else 0 end end def filter(limit) find_all do | key, hash | hash.find_all do | key1, counter | if (counter <= limit) hash.delete(key1) end end if hash.empty? delete(key) end end end end