.TH vopstat 1m "$Date: 2015/09/30 22:01:09 $" "USER COMMANDS" .SH NAME vopstat \- vnode interface statistics. Uses DTrace. .SH SYNOPSIS .B vopstat [\-t] [/mountname] .SH DESCRIPTION This will either produce summary reports of vnode statistics, or trace activity. Since this uses DTrace, only the root user or users with the dtrace_kernel privilege can run this command. .SH OS Solaris .SH STABILITY unstable - this script uses fbt provider probes which may change for future updates of the OS, invalidating this script. Please read Docs/Notes/ALLfbt_notes.txt for further details about these fbt scripts. .SH OPTIONS .TP \-t trace activity as it occurs .TP /mountname examine this FS only .PP .SH EXAMPLES .TP default output, summary each 5 secs, # .B vopstat .TP only examine /var, # .B vopstat /var .TP trace activity to /var, # .B vopstat \-t /var .PP .SH FIELDS .TP Count number of calls .TP mSeconds total of elapsed times .TP Event vop call name .TP Device device instance name .TP Path full pathname to file .TP RW Read or Write .TP Size size in bytes, if available .TP Offset offset in bytes, if available .PP .SH DOCUMENTATION See the DTraceToolkit for further documentation under the Docs directory. The DTraceToolkit docs may include full worked examples with verbose descriptions explaining the output. .SH EXIT vopstat will sample until Ctrl\-C is hit. .SH AUTHOR Richard McDougall .SH SEE ALSO dtrace(1M)