.TH xvmstat 1m "$Date: 2015/09/30 22:01:09 $" "USER COMMANDS" .SH NAME xvmstat \- extended vmstat demo in DTrace. Uses DTrace. .SH SYNOPSIS .B xvmstat [interval [count]] .SH DESCRIPTION This has been written to demonstrate fetching similar data as vmstat from DTrace, with a few extra fields. Since this uses DTrace, only the root user or users with the dtrace_kernel privilege can run this command. .SH OS Solaris .SH STABILITY unstable - needs various kernel symbols. .SH EXAMPLES .TP Print virtual memory statistics every second, # .B xvmstat .TP Print every 5 seconds, 6 times, # .B xvmstat 5 6 .PP .SH FIELDS .TP w swapped out LWPs, number .TP swap virtual memory free, Mb .TP free free RAM, Mb .TP re page reclaims, pages .TP maj major faults, pages .TP mf minor faults, pages .TP cow copy-on-write faults, pages .TP pro protection faults, pages sr scan rate, pages .TP epi executable page ins, pages .TP epo executable page outs, pages .TP epf executable frees, pages .TP api anonymous page ins, pages .TP apo anonymous page outs, pages .TP apf anonymous frees, pages .TP fpi filesystem page ins, pages .TP fpo filesystem page outs, pages .TP fpf filesystem frees, pages .PP .SH NOTES Most of the statistics are in units of pages, unlike the original vmstat command which sometimes uses kilobytes. All page values are per second values. As this program does not use Kstat, there is no summary since boot line. Free RAM is both free free + cache free. .PP .SH DOCUMENTATION See the DTraceToolkit for further documentation under the Docs directory. The DTraceToolkit docs may include full worked examples with verbose descriptions explaining the output. .SH EXIT xvmstat will run until Ctrl\-C is hit, or until the count argument has been satisfied. .SH AUTHOR Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia] .SH SEE ALSO vmstat(1M), dtrace(1M)