#!/bin/sh # We want to support both legacy and current autoconf - this is a bit ugly... AC_VERSION=`autoconf --version 2>&1 |head -n1 |sed -e "s/.* //;s/\.//;s/[a-z]//"` if test -z "$AC_VERSION"; then echo "Warning: Couldn't determine autoconf version. Assuming a current version." AC_VERSION=252 fi if test "$AC_VERSION" -lt 250; then rm -f acinclude.m4 echo "#undef ssize_t" >acconfig.h for i in m4/*.m4; do if cat $i |grep -q "jm_"; then cat $i >>acinclude.m4 elif test ! -e `aclocal --print-ac-dir`/`basename $i`; then cat $i >>acinclude.m4 fi done aclocal else aclocal -I m4 fi autoheader automake -a if test "$AC_VERSION" -lt 250; then # Workaround for a bug in ancient versions of autoheader sed -e 's,#undef $,/* your autoheader is buggy */,g' config.hin >config.hin.new rm config.hin mv config.hin.new config.hin # Make sure config.hin doesn't get rebuilt after the workaround sed -e 's,@AUTOHEADER@,true,' Makefile.in >Makefile.in.new rm Makefile.in mv Makefile.in.new Makefile.in fi autoconf