#!/bin/sh -e # Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. # shellcheck source=conf.sh . ../../conf.sh echo_i "ns3/setup.sh" setup() { zone="$1" echo_i "setting up zone: $zone" zonefile="${zone}.db" infile="${zone}.db.infile" } # Make lines shorter by storing key states in environment variables. H="HIDDEN" R="RUMOURED" O="OMNIPRESENT" U="UNRETENTIVE" # Set up a zone with auto-dnssec maintain to migrate to dnssec-policy. setup migrate.kasp echo "$zone" >>zones ksktimes="-P now -A now -P sync now" zsktimes="-P now -A now" KSK=$($KEYGEN -a $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM -L 7200 -f KSK $ksktimes $zone 2>keygen.out.$zone.1) ZSK=$($KEYGEN -a $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM -L 7200 $zsktimes $zone 2>keygen.out.$zone.2) cat template.db.in "${KSK}.key" "${ZSK}.key" >"$infile" private_type_record $zone $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_NUMBER "$KSK" >>"$infile" private_type_record $zone $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_NUMBER "$ZSK" >>"$infile" $SIGNER -S -x -s now-1h -e now+2w -o $zone -O full -f $zonefile $infile >signer.out.$zone.1 2>&1 # Set up Single-Type Signing Scheme zones with auto-dnssec maintain to # migrate to dnssec-policy. This is a zone that has 'update-check-ksk no;' # configured, meaning the zone is signed with a single CSK. setup csk.kasp echo "$zone" >>zones csktimes="-P now -A now -P sync now" CSK=$($KEYGEN -a $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM -L 7200 -f KSK $csktimes $zone 2>keygen.out.$zone.1) cat template.db.in "${CSK}.key" >"$infile" private_type_record $zone $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_NUMBER "$CSK" >>"$infile" $SIGNER -S -z -s now-1h -e now+2w -o $zone -O full -f $zonefile $infile >signer.out.$zone.1 2>&1 setup csk-nosep.kasp echo "$zone" >>zones csktimes="-P now -A now -P sync now" CSK=$($KEYGEN -a $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM -L 7200 $csktimes $zone 2>keygen.out.$zone.1) cat template.db.in "${CSK}.key" >"$infile" private_type_record $zone $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_NUMBER "$CSK" >>"$infile" $SIGNER -S -z -s now-1h -e now+2w -o $zone -O full -f $zonefile $infile >signer.out.$zone.1 2>&1 # Set up a zone with auto-dnssec maintain to migrate to dnssec-policy, but this # time the existing keys do not match the policy. The existing keys are # RSASHA256 keys, and will be migrated to a dnssec-policy that dictates # ECDSAP256SHA256 keys. setup migrate-nomatch-algnum.kasp echo "$zone" >>zones Tds="now-3h" # Time according to dnssec-policy that DS will be OMNIPRESENT Tkey="now-3900s" # DNSKEY TTL + propagation delay Tsig="now-12h" # Zone's maximum TTL + propagation delay ksktimes="-P ${Tkey} -A ${Tkey} -P sync ${Tds}" zsktimes="-P ${Tkey} -A ${Tsig}" KSK=$($KEYGEN -a RSASHA256 -b 2048 -L 300 -f KSK $ksktimes $zone 2>keygen.out.$zone.1) ZSK=$($KEYGEN -a RSASHA256 -b 2048 -L 300 $zsktimes $zone 2>keygen.out.$zone.2) cat template.db.in "${KSK}.key" "${ZSK}.key" >"$infile" private_type_record $zone 5 "$KSK" >>"$infile" private_type_record $zone 5 "$ZSK" >>"$infile" $SIGNER -S -x -s now-1h -e now+2w -o $zone -O full -f $zonefile $infile >signer.out.$zone.1 2>&1 # Set up a zone with auto-dnssec maintain to migrate to dnssec-policy, but this # time the existing keys do not match the policy. The existing keys are # 2048 bits RSASHA256 keys, and will be migrated to a dnssec-policy that # dictates 3072 bits RSASHA256 keys. setup migrate-nomatch-alglen.kasp echo "$zone" >>zones Tds="now-3h" # Time according to dnssec-policy that DS will be OMNIPRESENT Tkey="now-3900s" # DNSKEY TTL + propagation delay Tsig="now-12h" # Zone's maximum TTL + propagation delay ksktimes="-P ${Tkey} -A ${Tkey} -P sync ${Tds}" zsktimes="-P ${Tkey} -A ${Tsig}" KSK=$($KEYGEN -a RSASHA256 -b 2048 -L 300 -f KSK $ksktimes $zone 2>keygen.out.$zone.1) ZSK=$($KEYGEN -a RSASHA256 -b 2048 -L 300 $zsktimes $zone 2>keygen.out.$zone.2) cat template.db.in "${KSK}.key" "${ZSK}.key" >"$infile" private_type_record $zone 5 "$KSK" >>"$infile" private_type_record $zone 5 "$ZSK" >>"$infile" $SIGNER -S -x -s now-1h -e now+2w -o $zone -O full -f $zonefile $infile >signer.out.$zone.1 2>&1 # Set up a zone with auto-dnssec maintain to migrate to default dnssec-policy. # The zone is signed with KSK/ZSK split, but the dnssec-policy uses CSK. setup migrate-nomatch-kzc.kasp echo "$zone" >>zones Tds="now-3h" # Time according to dnssec-policy that DS will be OMNIPRESENT Tkey="now-3900s" # DNSKEY TTL + propagation delay Tsig="now-12h" # Zone's maximum TTL + propagation delay ksktimes="-P ${Tkey} -A ${Tkey} -P sync ${Tds}" zsktimes="-P ${Tkey} -A ${Tsig}" KSK=$($KEYGEN -a $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM -L 300 -f KSK $ksktimes $zone 2>keygen.out.$zone.1) ZSK=$($KEYGEN -a $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM -L 300 $zsktimes $zone 2>keygen.out.$zone.2) cat template.db.in "${KSK}.key" "${ZSK}.key" >"$infile" cp $infile $zonefile private_type_record $zone 5 "$KSK" >>"$infile" private_type_record $zone 5 "$ZSK" >>"$infile" $SIGNER -PS -x -s now-1h -e now+2w -o $zone -O raw -f "${zonefile}.signed" $infile >signer.out.$zone.1 2>&1 # # Set up zones to test time metadata correctly sets state. # # Key states expected to be rumoured after migration. setup rumoured.kasp echo "$zone" >>zones Tds="now-2h" Tkey="now-300s" Tsig="now-11h" ksktimes="-P ${Tkey} -A ${Tkey} -P sync ${Tds}" zsktimes="-P ${Tkey} -A ${Tsig}" KSK=$($KEYGEN -a $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM -L 300 -f KSK $ksktimes $zone 2>keygen.out.$zone.1) ZSK=$($KEYGEN -a $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM -L 300 $zsktimes $zone 2>keygen.out.$zone.2) cat template.db.in "${KSK}.key" "${ZSK}.key" >"$infile" private_type_record $zone $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_NUMBER "$KSK" >>"$infile" private_type_record $zone $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_NUMBER "$ZSK" >>"$infile" $SIGNER -S -x -s now-1h -e now+2w -o $zone -O full -f $zonefile $infile >signer.out.$zone.1 2>&1 # Key states expected to be omnipresent after migration. setup omnipresent.kasp echo "$zone" >>zones Tds="now-3h" # Time according to dnssec-policy that DS will be OMNIPRESENT Tkey="now-3900s" # DNSKEY TTL + propagation delay Tsig="now-12h" # Zone's maximum TTL + propagation delay ksktimes="-P ${Tkey} -A ${Tkey} -P sync ${Tds}" zsktimes="-P ${Tkey} -A ${Tsig}" KSK=$($KEYGEN -a $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM -L 300 -f KSK $ksktimes $zone 2>keygen.out.$zone.1) ZSK=$($KEYGEN -a $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM -L 300 $zsktimes $zone 2>keygen.out.$zone.2) cat template.db.in "${KSK}.key" "${ZSK}.key" >"$infile" private_type_record $zone $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_NUMBER "$KSK" >>"$infile" private_type_record $zone $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_NUMBER "$ZSK" >>"$infile" $SIGNER -S -x -s now-1h -e now+2w -o $zone -O full -f $zonefile $infile >signer.out.$zone.1 2>&1