/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Chris Wilson <chris@chris-wilson.co.uk> * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "sna.h" #include "sna_reg.h" #include "sna_video.h" #include "rop.h" #include "intel_options.h" #include <X11/fonts/font.h> #include <X11/fonts/fontstruct.h> #undef FontSetPrivate #include <dixfontstr.h> #include <mi.h> #include <migc.h> #include <miline.h> #include <micmap.h> #ifdef RENDER #include <mipict.h> #endif #include <shmint.h> #include <X11/extensions/damageproto.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <unistd.h> #ifdef HAVE_VALGRIND #include <valgrind.h> #include <memcheck.h> #endif #define FAULT_INJECTION 0 #define FORCE_INPLACE 0 #define FORCE_FALLBACK 0 #define FORCE_FLUSH 0 #define FORCE_FULL_SYNC 0 /* https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=61628 */ #define DEFAULT_PIXMAP_TILING I915_TILING_X #define DEFAULT_SCANOUT_TILING I915_TILING_X #define USE_INPLACE 1 #define USE_SPANS 0 /* -1 force CPU, 1 force GPU */ #define USE_CPU_BO 1 #define USE_USERPTR_UPLOADS 1 #define USE_USERPTR_DOWNLOADS 1 #define USE_COW 1 #define UNDO 1 #define MIGRATE_ALL 0 #define DBG_NO_PARTIAL_MOVE_TO_CPU 0 #define DBG_NO_CPU_UPLOAD 0 #define DBG_NO_CPU_DOWNLOAD 0 #define ACCEL_FILL_SPANS 1 #define ACCEL_SET_SPANS 1 #define ACCEL_PUT_IMAGE 1 #define ACCEL_GET_IMAGE 1 #define ACCEL_COPY_AREA 1 #define ACCEL_COPY_PLANE 1 #define ACCEL_COPY_WINDOW 1 #define ACCEL_POLY_POINT 1 #define ACCEL_POLY_LINE 1 #define ACCEL_POLY_SEGMENT 1 #define ACCEL_POLY_RECTANGLE 1 #define ACCEL_POLY_ARC 1 #define ACCEL_POLY_FILL_POLYGON 1 #define ACCEL_POLY_FILL_RECT 1 #define ACCEL_POLY_FILL_ARC 1 #define ACCEL_POLY_TEXT8 1 #define ACCEL_POLY_TEXT16 1 #define ACCEL_POLY_GLYPH 1 #define ACCEL_IMAGE_TEXT8 1 #define ACCEL_IMAGE_TEXT16 1 #define ACCEL_IMAGE_GLYPH 1 #define ACCEL_PUSH_PIXELS 1 #define NO_TILE_8x8 0 #define NO_STIPPLE_8x8 0 #define IS_COW_OWNER(ptr) ((uintptr_t)(ptr) & 1) #define MAKE_COW_OWNER(ptr) ((void*)((uintptr_t)(ptr) | 1)) #define COW(ptr) (void *)((uintptr_t)(ptr) & ~1) #define IS_CLIPPED 0x2 #define RECTILINEAR 0x4 #define OVERWRITES 0x8 #if XFONT2_CLIENT_FUNCS_VERSION >= 1 #define AllocateFontPrivateIndex() xfont2_allocate_font_private_index() #define FontSetPrivate(font, idx, data) xfont2_font_set_private(font, idx, data) #endif #if 0 static void __sna_fallback_flush(DrawablePtr d) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(d); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv; BoxRec box; PixmapPtr tmp; int i, j; char *src, *dst; DBG(("%s: uploading CPU damage...\n", __FUNCTION__)); priv = sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(pixmap, MOVE_READ); if (priv == NULL) return; DBG(("%s: downloading GPU damage...\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(pixmap, MOVE_READ)) return; box.x1 = box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = pixmap->drawable.width; box.y2 = pixmap->drawable.height; tmp = sna_pixmap_create_unattached(pixmap->drawable.pScreen, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.depth, 0); DBG(("%s: comparing with direct read...\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_read_boxes(sna, tmp, priv->gpu_bo, &box, 1); src = pixmap->devPrivate.ptr; dst = tmp->devPrivate.ptr; for (i = 0; i < tmp->drawable.height; i++) { if (memcmp(src, dst, tmp->drawable.width * tmp->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 3)) { for (j = 0; src[j] == dst[j]; j++) ; ERR(("mismatch at (%d, %d)\n", 8*j / tmp->drawable.bitsPerPixel, i)); abort(); } src += pixmap->devKind; dst += tmp->devKind; } tmp->drawable.pScreen->DestroyPixmap(tmp); } #define FALLBACK_FLUSH(d) __sna_fallback_flush(d) #else #define FALLBACK_FLUSH(d) #endif static int sna_font_key; static const uint8_t copy_ROP[] = { ROP_0, /* GXclear */ ROP_DSa, /* GXand */ ROP_SDna, /* GXandReverse */ ROP_S, /* GXcopy */ ROP_DSna, /* GXandInverted */ ROP_D, /* GXnoop */ ROP_DSx, /* GXxor */ ROP_DSo, /* GXor */ ROP_DSon, /* GXnor */ ROP_DSxn, /* GXequiv */ ROP_Dn, /* GXinvert */ ROP_SDno, /* GXorReverse */ ROP_Sn, /* GXcopyInverted */ ROP_DSno, /* GXorInverted */ ROP_DSan, /* GXnand */ ROP_1 /* GXset */ }; static const uint8_t fill_ROP[] = { ROP_0, ROP_DPa, ROP_PDna, ROP_P, ROP_DPna, ROP_D, ROP_DPx, ROP_DPo, ROP_DPon, ROP_PDxn, ROP_Dn, ROP_PDno, ROP_Pn, ROP_DPno, ROP_DPan, ROP_1 }; static const GCOps sna_gc_ops; static const GCOps sna_gc_ops__cpu; static GCOps sna_gc_ops__tmp; static const GCFuncs sna_gc_funcs; static const GCFuncs sna_gc_funcs__cpu; static void sna_shm_watch_flush(struct sna *sna, int enable); static void sna_poly_fill_rect__gpu(DrawablePtr draw, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *rect); static inline void region_set(RegionRec *r, const BoxRec *b) { r->extents = *b; r->data = NULL; } static inline bool region_maybe_clip(RegionRec *r, RegionRec *clip) { if (clip->data && !RegionIntersect(r, r, clip)) return false; return !box_empty(&r->extents); } static inline bool region_is_singular(const RegionRec *r) { return r->data == NULL; } static inline bool region_is_unclipped(const RegionRec *r, int w, int h) { return (region_is_singular(r) && w == r->extents.x2 - r->extents.x1 && h == r->extents.y2 - r->extents.y1); } typedef struct box32 { int32_t x1, y1, x2, y2; } Box32Rec; #define PM_IS_SOLID(_draw, _pm) \ (((_pm) & FbFullMask((_draw)->depth)) == FbFullMask((_draw)->depth)) #ifndef NDEBUG static void _assert_pixmap_contains_box(PixmapPtr pixmap, const BoxRec *box, const char *function) { if (box->x1 < 0 || box->y1 < 0 || box->x2 > pixmap->drawable.width || box->y2 > pixmap->drawable.height) { FatalError("%s: damage box [(%d, %d), (%d, %d)] is beyond the pixmap=%ld size=%dx%d\n", function, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2, box->y2, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height); } } static void _assert_pixmap_contains_damage(PixmapPtr pixmap, struct sna_damage *damage, const char *function) { if (damage == NULL) return; _assert_pixmap_contains_box(pixmap, &DAMAGE_PTR(damage)->extents, function); } #define assert_pixmap_contains_damage(p,d) _assert_pixmap_contains_damage(p, d, __FUNCTION__) #else #define assert_pixmap_contains_damage(p,d) #endif #define __assert_pixmap_damage(p) do { \ struct sna_pixmap *priv__ = sna_pixmap(p); \ if (priv__) { \ assert(priv__->gpu_damage == NULL || priv__->gpu_bo); \ assert(priv__->gpu_bo == NULL || priv__->gpu_bo->refcnt); \ assert(priv__->cpu_bo == NULL || priv__->cpu_bo->refcnt); \ assert_pixmap_contains_damage(p, priv__->gpu_damage); \ assert_pixmap_contains_damage(p, priv__->cpu_damage); \ assert_pixmap_map(p, priv__); \ } \ } while (0) #ifdef DEBUG_PIXMAP static void _assert_pixmap_contains_box_with_offset(PixmapPtr pixmap, const BoxRec *box, int dx, int dy, const char *function) { BoxRec b = *box; b.x1 += dx; b.x2 += dx; b.y1 += dy; b.y2 += dy; _assert_pixmap_contains_box(pixmap, &b, function); } static void _assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(PixmapPtr pixmap, const BoxRec *box, int n, int dx, int dy, const char *function) { BoxRec extents; extents = *box; while (--n) { ++box; if (box->x1 < extents.x1) extents.x1 = box->x1; if (box->x2 > extents.x2) extents.x2 = box->x2; if (box->y1 < extents.y1) extents.y1 = box->y1; if (box->y2 > extents.y2) extents.y2 = box->y2; } extents.x1 += dx; extents.x2 += dx; extents.y1 += dy; extents.y2 += dy; _assert_pixmap_contains_box(pixmap, &extents, function); } static void _assert_pixmap_contains_points(PixmapPtr pixmap, const DDXPointRec *pt, int n, int dx, int dy, const char *function) { BoxRec extents; extents.x2 = extents.x1 = pt->x; extents.y2 = extents.y1 = pt->y; while (--n) { ++pt; if (pt->x < extents.x1) extents.x1 = pt->x; else if (pt->x > extents.x2) extents.x2 = pt->x; if (pt->y < extents.y1) extents.y1 = pt->y; else if (pt->y > extents.y2) extents.y2 = pt->y; } extents.x1 += dx; extents.x2 += dx + 1; extents.y1 += dy; extents.y2 += dy + 1; _assert_pixmap_contains_box(pixmap, &extents, function); } static void _assert_drawable_contains_box(DrawablePtr drawable, const BoxRec *box, const char *function) { if (box->x1 < drawable->x || box->y1 < drawable->y || box->x2 > drawable->x + drawable->width || box->y2 > drawable->y + drawable->height) { FatalError("%s: damage box is beyond the drawable: box=(%d, %d), (%d, %d), drawable=(%d, %d)x(%d, %d)\n", function, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2, box->y2, drawable->x, drawable->y, drawable->width, drawable->height); } } static void assert_pixmap_damage(PixmapPtr p) { struct sna_pixmap *priv; RegionRec reg, cpu, gpu; priv = sna_pixmap(p); if (priv == NULL) return; __assert_pixmap_damage(p); if (priv->clear) { assert(DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)); assert(priv->cpu_damage == NULL); } if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage) && DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)) { /* special upload buffer */ assert(priv->gpu_bo && priv->gpu_bo->proxy); assert(priv->cpu_bo == NULL); return; } assert(!DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage) || priv->cpu_damage == NULL); assert(!DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage) || priv->gpu_damage == NULL); /* Avoid reducing damage to minimise interferrence */ RegionNull(®); RegionNull(&gpu); RegionNull(&cpu); if (priv->gpu_damage) _sna_damage_debug_get_region(DAMAGE_PTR(priv->gpu_damage), &gpu); if (priv->cpu_damage) _sna_damage_debug_get_region(DAMAGE_PTR(priv->cpu_damage), &cpu); RegionIntersect(®, &cpu, &gpu); assert(RegionNil(®)); RegionUninit(®); RegionUninit(&gpu); RegionUninit(&cpu); } #define assert_pixmap_contains_box(p, b) _assert_pixmap_contains_box(p, b, __FUNCTION__) #define assert_pixmap_contains_box_with_offset(p, b, dx, dy) _assert_pixmap_contains_box_with_offset(p, b, dx, dy, __FUNCTION__) #define assert_drawable_contains_box(d, b) _assert_drawable_contains_box(d, b, __FUNCTION__) #define assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(p, b, n, x, y) _assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(p, b, n, x, y, __FUNCTION__) #define assert_pixmap_contains_points(p, pt, n, x, y) _assert_pixmap_contains_points(p, pt, n, x, y, __FUNCTION__) #else #define assert_pixmap_contains_box(p, b) #define assert_pixmap_contains_box_with_offset(p, b, dx, dy) #define assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(p, b, n, x, y) #define assert_pixmap_contains_points(p, pt, n, x, y) #define assert_drawable_contains_box(d, b) #ifndef NDEBUG #define assert_pixmap_damage(p) __assert_pixmap_damage(p) #else #define assert_pixmap_damage(p) #endif #endif jmp_buf sigjmp[4]; volatile sig_atomic_t sigtrap; static int sigtrap_handler(int sig) { /* XXX rate-limited squawk? */ DBG(("%s(sig=%d) sigtrap=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, sig, sigtrap)); sna_threads_trap(sig); if (sigtrap) siglongjmp(sigjmp[--sigtrap], sig); return -1; } static void sigtrap_init(void) { #if XORG_VERSION_CURRENT >= XORG_VERSION_NUMERIC(1,6,99,900,0) OsRegisterSigWrapper(sigtrap_handler); #endif } inline static bool sna_fill_init_blt(struct sna_fill_op *fill, struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap, struct kgem_bo *bo, uint8_t alu, uint32_t pixel, unsigned flags) { return sna->render.fill(sna, alu, pixmap, bo, pixel, flags, fill); } static bool sna_copy_init_blt(struct sna_copy_op *copy, struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr src, struct kgem_bo *src_bo, PixmapPtr dst, struct kgem_bo *dst_bo, uint8_t alu) { memset(copy, 0, sizeof(*copy)); return sna->render.copy(sna, alu, src, src_bo, dst, dst_bo, copy); } static void sna_pixmap_free_gpu(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *priv) { DBG(("%s: handle=%d (pinned? %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->gpu_bo ? priv->gpu_bo->handle : 0, priv->pinned)); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL || priv->gpu_bo); if (priv->cow) sna_pixmap_undo_cow(sna, priv, MOVE_WRITE); assert(priv->cow == NULL); if (priv->move_to_gpu) { sna_pixmap_discard_shadow_damage(priv, NULL); priv->move_to_gpu(sna, priv, MOVE_WRITE); } sna_damage_destroy(&priv->gpu_damage); priv->clear = false; if (priv->gpu_bo) { if (!priv->pinned) { assert(!priv->flush); assert(!priv->move_to_gpu); sna_pixmap_unmap(priv->pixmap, priv); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); priv->gpu_bo = NULL; } else kgem_bo_undo(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); } /* and reset the upload counter */ priv->source_count = SOURCE_BIAS; } static bool must_check sna_pixmap_alloc_cpu(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap, struct sna_pixmap *priv, unsigned flags) { /* Restore after a GTT mapping? */ assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL || priv->gpu_bo); assert(!priv->shm); if (priv->ptr) goto done; DBG(("%s: pixmap=%ld\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); assert(priv->stride); if (priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_CPU) { unsigned hint; DBG(("%s: allocating CPU buffer (%dx%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)); hint = CREATE_CPU_MAP | CREATE_INACTIVE | CREATE_NO_THROTTLE; if ((flags & MOVE_ASYNC_HINT) || (priv->gpu_damage && !priv->clear && kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo) && sna->kgem.can_blt_cpu)) hint = 0; priv->cpu_bo = kgem_create_cpu_2d(&sna->kgem, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, hint); if (priv->cpu_bo) { priv->ptr = kgem_bo_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo); if (priv->ptr) { DBG(("%s: allocated CPU handle=%d (snooped? %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->cpu_bo->handle, priv->cpu_bo->snoop)); priv->stride = priv->cpu_bo->pitch; #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY sna->debug_memory.cpu_bo_allocs++; sna->debug_memory.cpu_bo_bytes += kgem_bo_size(priv->cpu_bo); #endif } else { kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo); priv->cpu_bo = NULL; } } } if (priv->ptr == NULL) { DBG(("%s: allocating ordinary memory for shadow pixels [%d bytes]\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->stride * pixmap->drawable.height)); priv->ptr = malloc(priv->stride * pixmap->drawable.height); } done: assert(priv->stride); assert(!priv->mapped); pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = PTR(priv->ptr); pixmap->devKind = priv->stride; return priv->ptr != NULL; } static void __sna_pixmap_free_cpu(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *priv) { if (priv->cpu_bo) { DBG(("%s: discarding CPU buffer, handle=%d, size=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->cpu_bo->handle, kgem_bo_size(priv->cpu_bo))); #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY sna->debug_memory.cpu_bo_allocs--; sna->debug_memory.cpu_bo_bytes -= kgem_bo_size(priv->cpu_bo); #endif if (priv->cpu_bo->flush) { assert(!priv->cpu_bo->reusable); kgem_bo_sync__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo); sna_shm_watch_flush(sna, -1); } kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo); } else if (!IS_STATIC_PTR(priv->ptr)) free(priv->ptr); } static bool sna_pixmap_free_cpu(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *priv, bool active) { if (active) return false; if (IS_STATIC_PTR(priv->ptr)) return false; if (priv->ptr == NULL) return true; DBG(("%s(pixmap=%ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); __sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv); priv->cpu_bo = NULL; priv->ptr = NULL; if (priv->mapped == MAPPED_NONE) priv->pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = NULL; return true; } static inline uint32_t default_tiling(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap) { #if DEFAULT_PIXMAP_TILING == I915_TILING_NONE return I915_TILING_NONE; #elif DEFAULT_PIXMAP_TILING == I915_TILING_X return I915_TILING_X; #else /* Try to avoid hitting the Y-tiling GTT mapping bug on 855GM */ if (sna->kgem.gen == 021) return I915_TILING_X; /* Only on later generations was the render pipeline * more flexible than the BLT. So on gen2/3, prefer to * keep large objects accessible through the BLT. */ if (sna->kgem.gen < 040 && (pixmap->drawable.width > sna->render.max_3d_size || pixmap->drawable.height > sna->render.max_3d_size)) return I915_TILING_X; return I915_TILING_Y; #endif } pure static uint32_t sna_pixmap_default_tiling(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap) { /* Also adjust tiling if it is not supported or likely to * slow us down, */ return kgem_choose_tiling(&sna->kgem, default_tiling(sna, pixmap), pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel); } struct kgem_bo *sna_pixmap_change_tiling(PixmapPtr pixmap, uint32_t tiling) { struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct kgem_bo *bo; BoxRec box; DBG(("%s: changing tiling %d -> %d for %dx%d pixmap\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->gpu_bo->tiling, tiling, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL || priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->gpu_bo->tiling != tiling); if (priv->pinned) { DBG(("%s: can't convert pinned bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); return NULL; } if (wedged(sna)) { DBG(("%s: can't convert bo, wedged\n", __FUNCTION__)); return NULL; } assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); assert(!priv->move_to_gpu); bo = kgem_create_2d(&sna->kgem, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, tiling, 0); if (bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: allocation failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return NULL; } if (bo->tiling == priv->gpu_bo->tiling) { DBG(("%s: tiling request failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, bo); return NULL; } box.x1 = box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = pixmap->drawable.width; box.y2 = pixmap->drawable.height; if (!sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &pixmap->drawable, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, &pixmap->drawable, bo, 0, 0, &box, 1, 0)) { DBG(("%s: copy failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, bo); return NULL; } sna_pixmap_unmap(pixmap, priv); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); return priv->gpu_bo = bo; } static inline void sna_set_pixmap(PixmapPtr pixmap, struct sna_pixmap *sna) { ((void **)__get_private(pixmap, sna_pixmap_key))[1] = sna; assert(sna_pixmap(pixmap) == sna); } static struct sna_pixmap * _sna_pixmap_init(struct sna_pixmap *priv, PixmapPtr pixmap) { list_init(&priv->flush_list); list_init(&priv->cow_list); priv->source_count = SOURCE_BIAS; priv->pixmap = pixmap; return priv; } static struct sna_pixmap * _sna_pixmap_reset(PixmapPtr pixmap) { struct sna_pixmap *priv; assert(pixmap->drawable.type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP); assert(pixmap->drawable.class == 0); assert(pixmap->drawable.x == 0); assert(pixmap->drawable.y == 0); priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); assert(priv != NULL); memset(priv, 0, sizeof(*priv)); return _sna_pixmap_init(priv, pixmap); } static struct sna_pixmap *sna_pixmap_attach(PixmapPtr pixmap) { struct sna_pixmap *priv; priv = calloc(1, sizeof(*priv)); if (!priv) return NULL; sna_set_pixmap(pixmap, priv); return _sna_pixmap_init(priv, pixmap); } struct sna_pixmap *sna_pixmap_attach_to_bo(PixmapPtr pixmap, struct kgem_bo *bo) { struct sna_pixmap *priv; assert(bo); assert(bo->proxy == NULL); assert(bo->unique_id); priv = sna_pixmap_attach(pixmap); if (!priv) return NULL; DBG(("%s: attaching %s handle=%d to pixmap=%ld\n", __FUNCTION__, bo->snoop ? "CPU" : "GPU", bo->handle, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); assert(!priv->mapped); assert(!priv->move_to_gpu); if (bo->snoop) { priv->cpu_bo = bo; sna_damage_all(&priv->cpu_damage, pixmap); } else { priv->gpu_bo = bo; sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); } return priv; } static int bits_per_pixel(int depth) { switch (depth) { case 1: return 1; case 4: case 8: return 8; case 15: case 16: return 16; case 24: case 30: case 32: return 32; default: return 0; } } static PixmapPtr create_pixmap(struct sna *sna, ScreenPtr screen, int width, int height, int depth, unsigned usage_hint) { PixmapPtr pixmap; size_t datasize; size_t stride; int base, bpp; bpp = bits_per_pixel(depth); if (bpp == 0) return NullPixmap; stride = ((width * bpp + FB_MASK) >> FB_SHIFT) * sizeof(FbBits); if (stride / 4 > 32767 || height > 32767) return NullPixmap; datasize = height * stride; base = screen->totalPixmapSize; if (datasize && base & 15) { int adjust = 16 - (base & 15); base += adjust; datasize += adjust; } DBG(("%s: allocating pixmap %dx%d, depth=%d/%d, size=%ld\n", __FUNCTION__, width, height, depth, bpp, (long)datasize)); pixmap = AllocatePixmap(screen, datasize); if (!pixmap) return NullPixmap; ((void **)__get_private(pixmap, sna_pixmap_key))[0] = sna; assert(to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap) == sna); pixmap->drawable.type = DRAWABLE_PIXMAP; pixmap->drawable.class = 0; pixmap->drawable.pScreen = screen; pixmap->drawable.depth = depth; pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel = bpp; pixmap->drawable.id = 0; pixmap->drawable.serialNumber = NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER; pixmap->drawable.x = 0; pixmap->drawable.y = 0; pixmap->drawable.width = width; pixmap->drawable.height = height; pixmap->devKind = stride; pixmap->refcnt = 1; pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = datasize ? (char *)pixmap + base : NULL; #ifdef COMPOSITE pixmap->screen_x = 0; pixmap->screen_y = 0; #endif pixmap->usage_hint = usage_hint; #if DEBUG_MEMORY sna->debug_memory.pixmap_allocs++; #endif DBG(("%s: serial=%ld, usage=%d, %dx%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, pixmap->usage_hint, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)); return pixmap; } static PixmapPtr __pop_freed_pixmap(struct sna *sna) { PixmapPtr pixmap; assert(sna->freed_pixmap); pixmap = sna->freed_pixmap; sna->freed_pixmap = pixmap->devPrivate.ptr; DBG(("%s: reusing freed pixmap=%ld header\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); assert(pixmap->refcnt == 0); assert(pixmap->devKind = 0xdeadbeef); assert(sna_pixmap(pixmap)); assert(sna_pixmap(pixmap)->header); #if DEBUG_MEMORY sna->debug_memory.pixmap_cached--; #endif return pixmap; } inline static PixmapPtr create_pixmap_hdr(struct sna *sna, ScreenPtr screen, int width, int height, int depth, int usage, struct sna_pixmap **priv) { PixmapPtr pixmap; if (sna->freed_pixmap == NULL) { pixmap = create_pixmap(sna, screen, 0, 0, depth, usage); if (pixmap == NullPixmap) return NullPixmap; *priv = sna_pixmap_attach(pixmap); if (!*priv) { FreePixmap(pixmap); return NullPixmap; } } else { pixmap = __pop_freed_pixmap(sna); *priv = _sna_pixmap_reset(pixmap); assert(pixmap->drawable.type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP); assert(pixmap->drawable.class == 0); assert(pixmap->drawable.pScreen == screen); assert(pixmap->drawable.x == 0); assert(pixmap->drawable.y == 0); pixmap->drawable.id = 0; pixmap->drawable.depth = depth; pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel = bits_per_pixel(depth); pixmap->drawable.serialNumber = NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER; pixmap->devKind = 0; pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = NULL; #ifdef COMPOSITE pixmap->screen_x = 0; pixmap->screen_y = 0; #endif #if DEBUG_MEMORY sna->debug_memory.pixmap_allocs++; #endif pixmap->refcnt = 1; } DBG(("%s: pixmap=%ld, width=%d, height=%d, usage=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, width, height, usage)); pixmap->drawable.width = width; pixmap->drawable.height = height; pixmap->usage_hint = usage; (*priv)->header = true; return pixmap; } static PixmapPtr sna_pixmap_create_shm(ScreenPtr screen, int width, int height, int depth, char *addr) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_screen(screen); int bpp = bits_per_pixel(depth); int pitch = PixmapBytePad(width, depth); struct sna_pixmap *priv; PixmapPtr pixmap; DBG(("%s(%dx%d, depth=%d, bpp=%d, pitch=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, width, height, depth, bpp, pitch)); if (wedged(sna) || bpp == 0 || pitch*height < 4096) { fallback: pixmap = sna_pixmap_create_unattached(screen, 0, 0, depth); if (pixmap == NULL) return NULL; if (!screen->ModifyPixmapHeader(pixmap, width, height, depth, bpp, pitch, addr)) { screen->DestroyPixmap(pixmap); return NULL; } return pixmap; } pixmap = create_pixmap_hdr(sna, screen, width, height, depth, 0, &priv); if (pixmap == NullPixmap) { DBG(("%s: allocation failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } priv->cpu_bo = kgem_create_map(&sna->kgem, addr, pitch*height, false); if (priv->cpu_bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: mapping SHM segment failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_pixmap_destroy(pixmap); goto fallback; } priv->cpu_bo->pitch = pitch; kgem_bo_mark_unreusable(priv->cpu_bo); sna_shm_watch_flush(sna, 1); #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY sna->debug_memory.cpu_bo_allocs++; sna->debug_memory.cpu_bo_bytes += kgem_bo_size(priv->cpu_bo); #endif /* Be wary as we cannot cache SHM Pixmap in our freed cache */ priv->header = false; priv->cpu = true; priv->shm = true; priv->stride = pitch; priv->ptr = MAKE_STATIC_PTR(addr); sna_damage_all(&priv->cpu_damage, pixmap); pixmap->devKind = pitch; pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = addr; DBG(("%s: serial=%ld, %dx%d, usage=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->usage_hint)); return pixmap; } PixmapPtr sna_pixmap_create_unattached(ScreenPtr screen, int width, int height, int depth) { return create_pixmap(to_sna_from_screen(screen), screen, width, height, depth, -1); } static PixmapPtr sna_pixmap_create_scratch(ScreenPtr screen, int width, int height, int depth, uint32_t tiling) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_screen(screen); struct sna_pixmap *priv; PixmapPtr pixmap; int bpp; DBG(("%s(%d, %d, %d, tiling=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, width, height, depth, tiling)); bpp = bits_per_pixel(depth); if (tiling == I915_TILING_Y && (sna->render.prefer_gpu & PREFER_GPU_RENDER) == 0) tiling = I915_TILING_X; if (tiling == I915_TILING_Y && (width > sna->render.max_3d_size || height > sna->render.max_3d_size)) tiling = I915_TILING_X; tiling = kgem_choose_tiling(&sna->kgem, tiling, width, height, bpp); /* you promise never to access this via the cpu... */ pixmap = create_pixmap_hdr(sna, screen, width, height, depth, CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_SCRATCH, &priv); if (pixmap == NullPixmap) return NullPixmap; priv->stride = PixmapBytePad(width, depth); priv->gpu_bo = kgem_create_2d(&sna->kgem, width, height, bpp, tiling, CREATE_TEMPORARY); if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) { free(priv); FreePixmap(pixmap); return NullPixmap; } sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); assert(to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap) == sna); assert(pixmap->drawable.pScreen == screen); assert(pixmap->refcnt == 1); DBG(("%s: serial=%ld, %dx%d, usage=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->usage_hint)); return pixmap; } static unsigned small_copy(const RegionRec *region) { if ((region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1)*(region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1) < 1024) { DBG(("%s: region:%dx%d\n", __FUNCTION__, (region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1), (region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1))); return COPY_SMALL; } return 0; } #ifdef CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_SHARED static Bool sna_share_pixmap_backing(PixmapPtr pixmap, ScreenPtr slave, void **fd_handle) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv; int fd; DBG(("%s: pixmap=%ld\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); priv = sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(pixmap, MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE | __MOVE_DRI | __MOVE_PRIME | __MOVE_FORCE); if (priv == NULL) return FALSE; assert(!priv->shm); assert(priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->stride); /* XXX negotiate format and stride restrictions */ if (priv->gpu_bo->tiling != I915_TILING_NONE || priv->gpu_bo->pitch & 255) { struct kgem_bo *bo; BoxRec box; DBG(("%s: removing tiling %d, and aligning pitch %d for %dx%d pixmap=%ld\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->gpu_bo->tiling, priv->gpu_bo->pitch, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); if (priv->pinned) { DBG(("%s: can't convert pinned %x bo\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->pinned)); return FALSE; } assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); bo = kgem_create_2d(&sna->kgem, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, I915_TILING_NONE, CREATE_GTT_MAP | CREATE_SCANOUT | CREATE_PRIME | CREATE_EXACT); if (bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: allocation failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return FALSE; } box.x1 = box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = pixmap->drawable.width; box.y2 = pixmap->drawable.height; assert(!wedged(sna)); /* XXX */ if (!sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &pixmap->drawable, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, &pixmap->drawable, bo, 0, 0, &box, 1, 0)) { DBG(("%s: copy failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, bo); return FALSE; } sna_pixmap_unmap(pixmap, priv); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); priv->gpu_bo = bo; } assert(priv->gpu_bo->tiling == I915_TILING_NONE); assert((priv->gpu_bo->pitch & 255) == 0); /* And export the bo->pitch via pixmap->devKind */ if (!priv->mapped) { void *ptr; ptr = kgem_bo_map__async(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (ptr == NULL) return FALSE; pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = ptr; pixmap->devKind = priv->gpu_bo->pitch; priv->mapped = ptr == MAP(priv->gpu_bo->map__cpu) ? MAPPED_CPU : MAPPED_GTT; } assert_pixmap_map(pixmap, priv); fd = kgem_bo_export_to_prime(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (fd == -1) return FALSE; priv->pinned |= PIN_PRIME; *fd_handle = (void *)(intptr_t)fd; return TRUE; } static Bool sna_set_shared_pixmap_backing(PixmapPtr pixmap, void *fd_handle) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv; struct kgem_bo *bo; DBG(("%s: pixmap=%ld, size=%dx%d, depth=%d/%d, stride=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.depth, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, pixmap->devKind)); priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); if (priv == NULL) return FALSE; if (priv->pinned & ~PIN_PRIME) return FALSE; assert(!priv->flush); if (priv->gpu_bo) { priv->clear = false; sna_damage_destroy(&priv->gpu_damage); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); priv->gpu_bo = NULL; priv->pinned = 0; } assert(!priv->pinned); assert(priv->cpu_bo == NULL); assert(priv->cpu_damage == NULL); assert(priv->gpu_bo == NULL); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); bo = kgem_create_for_prime(&sna->kgem, (intptr_t)fd_handle, pixmap->devKind * pixmap->drawable.height); if (bo == NULL) return FALSE; sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); bo->pitch = pixmap->devKind; priv->stride = pixmap->devKind; assert(!priv->mapped); priv->gpu_bo = bo; priv->pinned |= PIN_PRIME; close((intptr_t)fd_handle); return TRUE; } static PixmapPtr sna_create_pixmap_shared(struct sna *sna, ScreenPtr screen, int width, int height, int depth) { PixmapPtr pixmap; struct sna_pixmap *priv; DBG(("%s: width=%d, height=%d, depth=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, width, height, depth)); /* Create a stub to be attached later */ pixmap = create_pixmap_hdr(sna, screen, width, height, depth, 0, &priv); if (pixmap == NullPixmap) return NullPixmap; assert(!priv->mapped); priv->stride = 0; priv->create = 0; if (width|height) { priv->gpu_bo = kgem_create_2d(&sna->kgem, width, height, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, I915_TILING_NONE, CREATE_GTT_MAP | CREATE_SCANOUT | CREATE_PRIME | CREATE_EXACT); if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) { free(priv); FreePixmap(pixmap); return NullPixmap; } /* minimal interface for sharing is linear, 256 byte pitch */ assert(priv->gpu_bo->tiling == I915_TILING_NONE); assert((priv->gpu_bo->pitch & 255) == 0); pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = kgem_bo_map__async(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == NULL) { kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); free(priv); FreePixmap(pixmap); return FALSE; } pixmap->devKind = priv->gpu_bo->pitch; priv->stride = priv->gpu_bo->pitch; priv->mapped = pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == MAP(priv->gpu_bo->map__cpu) ? MAPPED_CPU : MAPPED_GTT; assert_pixmap_map(pixmap, priv); sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); } return pixmap; } #endif static PixmapPtr sna_create_pixmap(ScreenPtr screen, int width, int height, int depth, unsigned int usage) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_screen(screen); PixmapPtr pixmap; struct sna_pixmap *priv; unsigned flags; int pad; void *ptr; DBG(("%s(%d, %d, %d, usage=%x)\n", __FUNCTION__, width, height, depth, usage)); #ifdef CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_SHARED if (usage == CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_SHARED) return sna_create_pixmap_shared(sna, screen, width, height, depth); #endif if ((width|height) == 0) { usage = -1; goto fallback; } assert(width && height); flags = kgem_can_create_2d(&sna->kgem, width, height, depth); if (flags == 0) { DBG(("%s: can not use GPU, just creating shadow\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (unlikely((sna->render.prefer_gpu & PREFER_GPU_RENDER) == 0)) flags &= ~KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GPU; if (wedged(sna) && usage != SNA_CREATE_FB) flags &= ~KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GTT; DBG(("%s: usage=%d, flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, usage, flags)); switch (usage) { case CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_SCRATCH: if (flags & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GPU) return sna_pixmap_create_scratch(screen, width, height, depth, I915_TILING_X); else goto fallback; case SNA_CREATE_SCRATCH: if (flags & (KGEM_CAN_CREATE_CPU | KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GPU)) return sna_pixmap_create_scratch(screen, width, height, depth, I915_TILING_Y); else return NullPixmap; } if (usage == CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_GLYPH_PICTURE) flags &= ~KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GPU; if (usage == CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_BACKING_PIXMAP) usage = 0; pad = PixmapBytePad(width, depth); if (pad * height < 4096) { DBG(("%s: small buffer [%d], attaching to shadow pixmap\n", __FUNCTION__, pad * height)); pixmap = create_pixmap(sna, screen, width, height, depth, usage); if (pixmap == NullPixmap) return NullPixmap; ptr = MAKE_STATIC_PTR(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr); pad = pixmap->devKind; flags &= ~(KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GPU | KGEM_CAN_CREATE_CPU); priv = sna_pixmap_attach(pixmap); if (priv == NULL) { free(pixmap); goto fallback; } } else { DBG(("%s: creating GPU pixmap %dx%d, stride=%d, flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, width, height, pad, flags)); pixmap = create_pixmap_hdr(sna, screen, width, height, depth, usage, &priv); if (pixmap == NullPixmap) return NullPixmap; ptr = NULL; } priv->stride = pad; priv->create = flags; priv->ptr = ptr; assert(to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap) == sna); assert(pixmap->drawable.pScreen == screen); assert(pixmap->refcnt == 1); DBG(("%s: serial=%ld, %dx%d, usage=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->usage_hint)); return pixmap; fallback: return create_pixmap(sna, screen, width, height, depth, usage); } void sna_add_flush_pixmap(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *priv, struct kgem_bo *bo) { DBG(("%s: marking pixmap=%ld for flushing\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); assert(bo); assert(bo->flush); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL || priv->gpu_bo); list_move(&priv->flush_list, &sna->flush_pixmaps); if (bo->exec == NULL && sna->kgem.nbatch && kgem_is_idle(&sna->kgem)) { DBG(("%s: new flush bo, flushing before\n", __FUNCTION__)); _kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); } } static void __sna_free_pixmap(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap, struct sna_pixmap *priv) { DBG(("%s(pixmap=%ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); list_del(&priv->flush_list); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); assert(priv->cpu_damage == NULL); __sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv); if (priv->flush) sna_watch_flush(sna, -1); #if !NDEBUG pixmap->devKind = 0xdeadbeef; #endif if (priv->header) { assert(pixmap->drawable.pScreen == to_screen_from_sna(sna)); assert(!priv->shm); pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = sna->freed_pixmap; sna->freed_pixmap = pixmap; #if DEBUG_MEMORY sna->debug_memory.pixmap_cached++; #endif } else { free(priv); FreePixmap(pixmap); } } static Bool sna_destroy_pixmap(PixmapPtr pixmap) { struct sna *sna; struct sna_pixmap *priv; assert(pixmap->refcnt > 0); if (--pixmap->refcnt) return TRUE; #if DEBUG_MEMORY to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap)->debug_memory.pixmap_allocs--; #endif priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); DBG(("%s: pixmap=%ld, attached?=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, priv != NULL)); if (priv == NULL) { FreePixmap(pixmap); return TRUE; } assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->gpu_damage); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); list_del(&priv->cow_list); if (priv->cow) { struct sna_cow *cow = COW(priv->cow); DBG(("%s: pixmap=%ld discarding cow, refcnt=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, cow->refcnt)); assert(cow->refcnt); if (!--cow->refcnt) free(cow); priv->cow = NULL; } else kgem_bo_pair_undo(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, priv->cpu_bo); if (priv->move_to_gpu) (void)priv->move_to_gpu(sna, priv, 0); /* Always release the gpu bo back to the lower levels of caching */ if (priv->gpu_bo) { sna_pixmap_unmap(pixmap, priv); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); priv->gpu_bo = NULL; } if (priv->shm && kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->cpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s: deferring release of active SHM pixmap=%ld\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); add_shm_flush(sna, priv); kgem_bo_submit(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo); /* XXX ShmDetach */ } else __sna_free_pixmap(sna, pixmap, priv); return TRUE; } void sna_pixmap_destroy(PixmapPtr pixmap) { assert(pixmap->refcnt == 1); assert(sna_pixmap(pixmap) == NULL || sna_pixmap(pixmap)->header == true); sna_destroy_pixmap(pixmap); } static inline bool has_coherent_map(struct sna *sna, struct kgem_bo *bo, unsigned flags) { assert(bo); if (kgem_bo_mapped(&sna->kgem, bo)) return true; if (bo->tiling == I915_TILING_Y) return false; return kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, bo, flags & MOVE_WRITE); } static inline bool has_coherent_ptr(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *priv, unsigned flags) { if (priv == NULL) return true; if (flags & MOVE_ASYNC_HINT) { /* Not referencing the pointer itself, so do not care */ return true; } if (!priv->mapped) { if (!priv->cpu_bo) return true; assert(!priv->cpu_bo->needs_flush || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); assert(priv->pixmap->devKind == priv->cpu_bo->pitch); return priv->pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == MAP(priv->cpu_bo->map__cpu); } assert(!priv->move_to_gpu || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); assert_pixmap_map(priv->pixmap, priv); assert(priv->pixmap->devKind == priv->gpu_bo->pitch); if (priv->pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == MAP(priv->gpu_bo->map__cpu)) { assert(priv->mapped == MAPPED_CPU); if (priv->gpu_bo->tiling != I915_TILING_NONE) return false; return flags & MOVE_READ || kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, flags & MOVE_WRITE); } if (priv->pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == MAP(priv->gpu_bo->map__gtt)) { assert(priv->mapped == MAPPED_GTT); if (priv->gpu_bo->tiling == I915_TILING_Y && sna->kgem.gen == 0x21) return false; return true; } if (priv->pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == MAP(priv->gpu_bo->map__wc)) { assert(priv->mapped == MAPPED_GTT); return true; } return false; } static inline bool pixmap_inplace(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap, struct sna_pixmap *priv, unsigned flags) { if (FORCE_INPLACE) return FORCE_INPLACE > 0; if (wedged(sna) && !priv->pinned) { DBG(("%s: no, wedged and unpinned; pull pixmap back to CPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (priv->move_to_gpu && flags & MOVE_WRITE) return false; if (priv->gpu_bo && kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo)) { if (priv->clear) { DBG(("%s: no, clear GPU bo is busy\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (flags & MOVE_ASYNC_HINT) { DBG(("%s: no, async hint and GPU bo is busy\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if ((flags & (MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_READ)) == (MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_READ)) { DBG(("%s: no, GPU bo is busy\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if ((flags & MOVE_READ) == 0) { DBG(("%s: %s, GPU bo is busy, but not reading\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->pinned ? "no" : "yes")); return !priv->pinned; } } if (priv->mapped) { DBG(("%s: %s, already mapped\n", __FUNCTION__, has_coherent_map(sna, priv->gpu_bo, flags) ? "yes" : "no")); return has_coherent_map(sna, priv->gpu_bo, flags); } if (priv->cpu_bo && kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->cpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s: yes, has CPU bo and is active on CPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } if (priv->cpu_bo && priv->cpu) { DBG(("%s: no, has CPU bo and was last active on CPU, presume future CPU activity\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (flags & MOVE_READ && (priv->cpu || priv->cpu_damage || priv->gpu_damage == NULL)) { DBG(("%s:, no, reading and has CPU damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } return (priv->stride * pixmap->drawable.height >> 12) > sna->kgem.half_cpu_cache_pages; } static bool sna_pixmap_alloc_gpu(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap, struct sna_pixmap *priv, unsigned flags) { uint32_t tiling; /* Use tiling by default, but disable per user request */ if (pixmap->usage_hint == SNA_CREATE_FB && (sna->flags & SNA_LINEAR_FB) == 0) { flags |= CREATE_SCANOUT; tiling = kgem_choose_tiling(&sna->kgem, -DEFAULT_SCANOUT_TILING, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel); } else tiling = sna_pixmap_default_tiling(sna, pixmap); DBG(("%s: pixmap=%ld\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); priv->gpu_bo = kgem_create_2d(&sna->kgem, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, tiling, flags); return priv->gpu_bo != NULL; } static bool sna_pixmap_create_mappable_gpu(PixmapPtr pixmap, bool can_replace) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); if (wedged(sna)) goto out; if ((priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GTT) == 0) goto out; assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); if (can_replace && priv->gpu_bo && (!kgem_bo_can_map(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo) || __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo))) { if (priv->pinned) return false; DBG(("%s: discard busy GPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_pixmap_free_gpu(sna, priv); } if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) { assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); sna_pixmap_alloc_gpu(sna, pixmap, priv, CREATE_GTT_MAP | CREATE_INACTIVE); } out: if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) return false; return (kgem_bo_can_map(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo) && !kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo)); } static inline bool gpu_bo_download(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *priv, int n, const BoxRec *box, bool idle) { char *src; if (!USE_INPLACE) return false; switch (priv->gpu_bo->tiling) { case I915_TILING_Y: return false; case I915_TILING_X: if (!sna->kgem.memcpy_from_tiled_x) return false; default: break; } if (!kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, FORCE_FULL_SYNC)) return false; if (idle) { if (__kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo)) return false; if (priv->cpu_bo && __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo)) return false; } src = kgem_bo_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (src == NULL) return false; kgem_bo_sync__cpu_full(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, FORCE_FULL_SYNC); if (priv->cpu_bo) kgem_bo_sync__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo); assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, priv, MOVE_WRITE)); if (sigtrap_get()) return false; if (priv->gpu_bo->tiling) { int bpp = priv->pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel; void *dst = priv->pixmap->devPrivate.ptr; int dst_pitch = priv->pixmap->devKind; DBG(("%s: download through a tiled CPU map\n", __FUNCTION__)); do { DBG(("%s: box (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2, box->y2)); memcpy_from_tiled_x(&sna->kgem, src, dst, bpp, priv->gpu_bo->pitch, dst_pitch, box->x1, box->y1, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); } else { int bpp = priv->pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel; void *dst = priv->pixmap->devPrivate.ptr; int dst_pitch = priv->pixmap->devKind; DBG(("%s: download through a linear CPU map\n", __FUNCTION__)); do { DBG(("%s: box (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2, box->y2)); memcpy_blt(src, dst, bpp, priv->gpu_bo->pitch, dst_pitch, box->x1, box->y1, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); } sigtrap_put(); return true; } static inline bool cpu_bo_download(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *priv, int n, const BoxRec *box) { if (DBG_NO_CPU_DOWNLOAD) return false; if (wedged(sna)) return false; if (priv->cpu_bo == NULL || !sna->kgem.can_blt_cpu) return false; if (!kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo) && !kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->cpu_bo)) { /* Is it worth detiling? */ assert(box[0].y1 < box[n-1].y2); if (kgem_bo_can_map(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo) && (box[n-1].y2 - box[0].y1 - 1) * priv->gpu_bo->pitch < 4096) { DBG(("%s: no, tiny transfer (height=%d, pitch=%d) expect to read inplace\n", __FUNCTION__, box[n-1].y2-box[0].y1, priv->gpu_bo->pitch)); return false; } } DBG(("%s: using GPU write to CPU bo for download from GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); return sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &priv->pixmap->drawable, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, &priv->pixmap->drawable, priv->cpu_bo, 0, 0, box, n, COPY_LAST); } static void download_boxes(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *priv, int n, const BoxRec *box) { bool ok; DBG(("%s: nbox=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n)); ok = gpu_bo_download(sna, priv, n, box, true); if (!ok) ok = cpu_bo_download(sna, priv, n, box); if (!ok) ok = gpu_bo_download(sna, priv, n, box, false); if (!ok) { if (priv->cpu_bo) kgem_bo_sync__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo); assert(priv->mapped == MAPPED_NONE); assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, priv, MOVE_WRITE)); sna_read_boxes(sna, priv->pixmap, priv->gpu_bo, box, n); } } static inline bool use_cpu_bo_for_upload(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *priv, unsigned flags) { if (DBG_NO_CPU_UPLOAD) return false; if (wedged(sna)) return false; if (priv->cpu_bo == NULL) return false; DBG(("%s? flags=%x, gpu busy?=%d, cpu busy?=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, flags, kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo), kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->cpu_bo))); if (!priv->cpu) return true; if (flags & (MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) return true; if (priv->gpu_bo->tiling) return true; return kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo) || kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->cpu_bo); } bool sna_pixmap_undo_cow(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *priv, unsigned flags) { struct sna_cow *cow = COW(priv->cow); DBG(("%s: pixmap=%ld, handle=%d [refcnt=%d], cow refcnt=%d, flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, priv->gpu_bo->handle, priv->gpu_bo->refcnt, cow->refcnt, flags)); assert(priv->gpu_bo == cow->bo); assert(cow->refcnt); if (flags && /* flags == 0 => force decouple */ (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0 && (((flags & __MOVE_FORCE) == 0) || IS_COW_OWNER(priv->cow))) return true; if (!IS_COW_OWNER(priv->cow)) list_del(&priv->cow_list); if (!--cow->refcnt) { DBG(("%s: freeing cow\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(list_is_empty(&cow->list)); free(cow); } else if (IS_COW_OWNER(priv->cow) && priv->pinned) { PixmapPtr pixmap = priv->pixmap; struct kgem_bo *bo; BoxRec box; DBG(("%s: copying the Holy cow\n", __FUNCTION__)); box.x1 = box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = pixmap->drawable.width; box.y2 = pixmap->drawable.height; bo = kgem_create_2d(&sna->kgem, box.x2, box.y2, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, sna_pixmap_default_tiling(sna, pixmap), 0); if (bo == NULL) { cow->refcnt++; DBG(("%s: allocation failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (!sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &pixmap->drawable, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, &pixmap->drawable, bo, 0, 0, &box, 1, 0)) { DBG(("%s: copy failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, bo); cow->refcnt++; return false; } assert(!list_is_empty(&cow->list)); while (!list_is_empty(&cow->list)) { struct sna_pixmap *clone; clone = list_first_entry(&cow->list, struct sna_pixmap, cow_list); list_del(&clone->cow_list); assert(clone->gpu_bo == cow->bo); sna_pixmap_unmap(clone->pixmap, clone); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, clone->gpu_bo); clone->gpu_bo = kgem_bo_reference(bo); } cow->bo = bo; kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, bo); } else { struct kgem_bo *bo = NULL; if (flags & MOVE_READ) { PixmapPtr pixmap = priv->pixmap; unsigned create, tiling; BoxRec box; DBG(("%s: copying cow\n", __FUNCTION__)); box.x1 = box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = pixmap->drawable.width; box.y2 = pixmap->drawable.height; if (flags & __MOVE_PRIME) { create = CREATE_GTT_MAP | CREATE_SCANOUT | CREATE_PRIME | CREATE_EXACT; tiling = I915_TILING_NONE; } else { create = 0; tiling = sna_pixmap_default_tiling(sna, pixmap); } bo = kgem_create_2d(&sna->kgem, box.x2, box.y2, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, tiling, create); if (bo == NULL) { cow->refcnt++; DBG(("%s: allocation failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (!sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &pixmap->drawable, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, &pixmap->drawable, bo, 0, 0, &box, 1, 0)) { DBG(("%s: copy failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, bo); cow->refcnt++; return false; } } assert(priv->gpu_bo); sna_pixmap_unmap(priv->pixmap, priv); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); priv->gpu_bo = bo; } priv->cow = NULL; return true; } static bool sna_pixmap_make_cow(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *src_priv, struct sna_pixmap *dst_priv) { struct sna_cow *cow; assert(src_priv->gpu_bo); if (!USE_COW) return false; if (src_priv->gpu_bo->proxy) return false; DBG(("%s: make cow src=%ld, dst=%ld, handle=%d (already cow? src=%d, dst=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, src_priv->pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, dst_priv->pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, src_priv->gpu_bo->handle, src_priv->cow ? IS_COW_OWNER(src_priv->cow) ? 1 : -1 : 0, dst_priv->cow ? IS_COW_OWNER(dst_priv->cow) ? 1 : -1 : 0)); if (dst_priv->pinned) { DBG(("%s: can't cow, dst_pinned=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, dst_priv->pinned)); return false; } assert(dst_priv->move_to_gpu == NULL); assert(!dst_priv->flush); assert(list_is_empty(&dst_priv->cow_list)); cow = COW(src_priv->cow); if (cow == NULL) { cow = malloc(sizeof(*cow)); if (cow == NULL) return false; list_init(&cow->list); cow->bo = src_priv->gpu_bo; cow->refcnt = 1; DBG(("%s: moo! attaching source cow to pixmap=%ld, handle=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, src_priv->pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, cow->bo->handle)); src_priv->cow = MAKE_COW_OWNER(cow); if (src_priv->flush & FLUSH_WRITE) { assert(!src_priv->shm); sna_add_flush_pixmap(sna, src_priv, src_priv->gpu_bo); } } if (cow == COW(dst_priv->cow)) { assert(dst_priv->gpu_bo == cow->bo); return true; } if (dst_priv->cow) sna_pixmap_undo_cow(sna, dst_priv, 0); if (dst_priv->gpu_bo) { sna_pixmap_unmap(dst_priv->pixmap, dst_priv); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, dst_priv->gpu_bo); } assert(!dst_priv->mapped); dst_priv->gpu_bo = kgem_bo_reference(cow->bo); dst_priv->cow = cow; list_add(&dst_priv->cow_list, &cow->list); cow->refcnt++; DBG(("%s: moo! attaching clone to pixmap=%ld (source=%ld, handle=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, dst_priv->pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, src_priv->pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, cow->bo->handle)); return true; } static inline bool operate_inplace(struct sna_pixmap *priv, unsigned flags) { if (!USE_INPLACE) return false; if ((flags & MOVE_INPLACE_HINT) == 0) { DBG(("%s: no, inplace operation not suitable\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } assert((flags & MOVE_ASYNC_HINT) == 0 || (priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_LARGE)); if (priv->move_to_gpu && flags & MOVE_WRITE) { DBG(("%s: no, has pending move-to-gpu\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (priv->cow && flags & MOVE_WRITE) { DBG(("%s: no, has COW\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if ((priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GTT) == 0) { DBG(("%s: no, not accessible via GTT\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if ((priv->gpu_damage == NULL || priv->cpu_damage) && flags & MOVE_READ) { DBG(("%s: no, has CPU damage and requires readback\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (priv->cpu_bo && kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->cpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s: yes, CPU is busy\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } if (priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_LARGE) { DBG(("%s: large object, has GPU? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->gpu_bo ? priv->gpu_bo->handle : 0)); return priv->gpu_bo != NULL; } if (flags & MOVE_WRITE && priv->gpu_bo&&kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s: no, GPU is busy, so stage write\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } return true; } bool _sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(PixmapPtr pixmap, unsigned int flags) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv; DBG(("%s(pixmap=%ld, %dx%d, flags=%x)\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, flags)); assert(flags & (MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE)); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); if (priv == NULL) { DBG(("%s: not attached\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } DBG(("%s: gpu_bo=%d, gpu_damage=%p, cpu_damage=%p, is-clear?=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->gpu_bo ? priv->gpu_bo->handle : 0, priv->gpu_damage, priv->cpu_damage, priv->clear)); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL || priv->gpu_bo); if ((flags & MOVE_READ) == 0 && UNDO) { kgem_bo_pair_undo(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, priv->cpu_bo); if (priv->move_to_gpu) sna_pixmap_discard_shadow_damage(priv, NULL); } if (kgem_bo_discard_cache(priv->gpu_bo, flags & MOVE_WRITE)) { assert(DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)); if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)) { DBG(("%s: using magical upload buffer\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto skip; } DBG(("%s: discarding cached upload buffer\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); assert(!priv->pinned); assert(!priv->mapped); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); priv->gpu_bo = NULL; } if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)) { DBG(("%s: CPU all-damaged\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL || DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); goto done; } if (USE_INPLACE && (flags & MOVE_READ) == 0 && !(priv->cow || priv->move_to_gpu)) { assert(flags & MOVE_WRITE); DBG(("%s: no readback, discarding gpu damage [%d], pending clear[%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->gpu_damage != NULL, priv->clear)); if ((priv->gpu_bo || priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GPU) && pixmap_inplace(sna, pixmap, priv, flags) && sna_pixmap_create_mappable_gpu(pixmap, true)) { void *ptr; DBG(("%s: write inplace\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(!priv->shm); assert(priv->cow == NULL); assert(priv->move_to_gpu == NULL); assert(priv->gpu_bo->exec == NULL); assert((flags & MOVE_READ) == 0 || priv->cpu_damage == NULL); ptr = kgem_bo_map(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (ptr == NULL) goto skip_inplace_map; pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = ptr; pixmap->devKind = priv->gpu_bo->pitch; priv->mapped = ptr == MAP(priv->gpu_bo->map__cpu) ? MAPPED_CPU : MAPPED_GTT; assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, priv, flags)); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); priv->clear = false; list_del(&priv->flush_list); assert(!priv->shm); assert(priv->cpu_bo == NULL || !priv->cpu_bo->flush); sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, priv->cpu); priv->cpu &= priv->mapped == MAPPED_CPU; assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); return true; } skip_inplace_map: sna_damage_destroy(&priv->gpu_damage); priv->clear = false; if ((flags & MOVE_ASYNC_HINT) == 0 && priv->cpu_bo && !priv->cpu_bo->flush && __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s: discarding busy CPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(!priv->shm); assert(priv->gpu_bo == NULL || priv->gpu_damage == NULL); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, false); assert(priv->mapped == MAPPED_NONE); if (!sna_pixmap_alloc_cpu(sna, pixmap, priv, 0)) return false; assert(priv->mapped == MAPPED_NONE); assert(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == PTR(priv->ptr)); goto mark_damage; } } assert(priv->gpu_bo == NULL || priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); if (operate_inplace(priv, flags) && pixmap_inplace(sna, pixmap, priv, flags) && sna_pixmap_create_mappable_gpu(pixmap, (flags & MOVE_READ) == 0)) { void *ptr; DBG(("%s: try to operate inplace (GTT)\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->cow == NULL || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); assert(!priv->move_to_gpu); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); assert((flags & MOVE_READ) == 0 || priv->cpu_damage == NULL); /* XXX only sync for writes? */ kgem_bo_submit(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->gpu_bo->exec == NULL); ptr = kgem_bo_map(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (ptr != NULL) { pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = ptr; pixmap->devKind = priv->gpu_bo->pitch; priv->mapped = ptr == MAP(priv->gpu_bo->map__cpu) ? MAPPED_CPU : MAPPED_GTT; assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, priv, flags)); if (flags & MOVE_WRITE) { assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, priv->cpu); list_del(&priv->flush_list); priv->clear = false; } priv->cpu &= priv->mapped == MAPPED_CPU; assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); DBG(("%s: operate inplace (GTT)\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } } sna_pixmap_unmap(pixmap, priv); if (USE_INPLACE && (flags & MOVE_WRITE ? (void *)priv->gpu_bo : (void *)priv->gpu_damage) && priv->cpu_damage == NULL && priv->gpu_bo->tiling == I915_TILING_NONE && (flags & MOVE_READ || kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, flags & MOVE_WRITE)) && (!priv->clear || !kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo)) && ((flags & (MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) == 0 || (!priv->cow && !priv->move_to_gpu && !__kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo)))) { void *ptr; DBG(("%s: try to operate inplace (CPU)\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->cow == NULL || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); assert(priv->move_to_gpu == NULL || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); assert(!priv->mapped); assert(priv->gpu_bo->tiling == I915_TILING_NONE); ptr = kgem_bo_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (ptr != NULL) { pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = ptr; pixmap->devKind = priv->gpu_bo->pitch; priv->mapped = MAPPED_CPU; assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, priv, flags)); if (flags & MOVE_WRITE) { assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, priv->cpu); list_del(&priv->flush_list); priv->clear = false; priv->cpu = true; } assert(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == MAP(priv->gpu_bo->map__cpu)); kgem_bo_sync__cpu_full(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, FORCE_FULL_SYNC || flags & MOVE_WRITE); assert((flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0 || !kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo)); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, priv, flags)); DBG(("%s: operate inplace (CPU)\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } } assert(priv->mapped == MAPPED_NONE); if (((flags & MOVE_READ) == 0 || priv->clear) && priv->cpu_bo && !priv->cpu_bo->flush && __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo)) { assert(!priv->shm); sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, false); } assert(priv->mapped == MAPPED_NONE); if (pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == NULL && !sna_pixmap_alloc_cpu(sna, pixmap, priv, flags)) return false; assert(priv->mapped == MAPPED_NONE); assert(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == PTR(priv->ptr)); if (flags & MOVE_READ) { if (priv->clear) { DBG(("%s: applying clear [%08x] size=%dx%d, stride=%d (total=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->clear_color, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->devKind, pixmap->devKind * pixmap->drawable.height)); if (priv->cpu_bo) { kgem_bo_undo(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo); if ((flags & MOVE_ASYNC_HINT || priv->cpu_bo->exec) && sna->kgem.can_blt_cpu && sna->render.fill_one(sna, pixmap, priv->cpu_bo, priv->clear_color, 0, 0, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, GXcopy)) goto clear_done; DBG(("%s: syncing CPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); kgem_bo_sync__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo); assert(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == MAP(priv->cpu_bo->map__cpu)); } if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { assert(pixmap->devKind); sigtrap_assert_active(); if (priv->clear_color == 0 || pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel == 8 || priv->clear_color == (1 << pixmap->drawable.depth) - 1) { memset(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, priv->clear_color, (size_t)pixmap->devKind * pixmap->drawable.height); } else { pixman_fill(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, pixmap->devKind/sizeof(uint32_t), pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, 0, 0, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, priv->clear_color); } sigtrap_put(); } else return false; clear_done: sna_damage_all(&priv->cpu_damage, pixmap); sna_pixmap_free_gpu(sna, priv); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); assert(priv->clear == false); } if (priv->gpu_damage) { const BoxRec *box; int n; DBG(("%s: flushing GPU damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(priv->gpu_bo); n = sna_damage_get_boxes(priv->gpu_damage, &box); if (n) { if (priv->move_to_gpu && !priv->move_to_gpu(sna, priv, MOVE_READ)) { DBG(("%s: move-to-gpu override failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } download_boxes(sna, priv, n, box); } __sna_damage_destroy(DAMAGE_PTR(priv->gpu_damage)); priv->gpu_damage = NULL; } } if (flags & MOVE_WRITE || priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_LARGE) { mark_damage: DBG(("%s: marking as damaged\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_damage_all(&priv->cpu_damage, pixmap); sna_pixmap_free_gpu(sna, priv); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); assert(priv->clear == false); if (priv->flush) { assert(!priv->shm); sna_add_flush_pixmap(sna, priv, priv->gpu_bo); } } done: if (flags & MOVE_WRITE) { assert(DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); assert(priv->gpu_bo == NULL || priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); if (priv->cow) sna_pixmap_undo_cow(sna, priv, 0); if (priv->gpu_bo && priv->gpu_bo->rq == NULL) { DBG(("%s: discarding idle GPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_pixmap_free_gpu(sna, priv); } if (priv->flush) { assert(!priv->shm); sna_add_flush_pixmap(sna, priv, priv->gpu_bo); } priv->source_count = SOURCE_BIAS; } if (priv->cpu_bo) { if ((flags & MOVE_ASYNC_HINT) == 0) { DBG(("%s: syncing CPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == MAP(priv->cpu_bo->map__cpu)); kgem_bo_sync__cpu_full(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo, FORCE_FULL_SYNC || flags & MOVE_WRITE); assert((flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0 || !kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->cpu_bo)); } } skip: priv->cpu |= (flags & (MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) == MOVE_WRITE; assert(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == PTR(priv->ptr)); assert(pixmap->devKind); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, sna_pixmap(pixmap), flags)); return true; } static bool region_overlaps_damage(const RegionRec *region, struct sna_damage *damage, int dx, int dy) { const BoxRec *re, *de; DBG(("%s?\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (damage == NULL) return false; if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(damage)) return true; re = ®ion->extents; de = &DAMAGE_PTR(damage)->extents; DBG(("%s: region (%d, %d), (%d, %d), damage (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, re->x1, re->y1, re->x2, re->y2, de->x1, de->y1, de->x2, de->y2)); return (re->x1 + dx < de->x2 && re->x2 + dx > de->x1 && re->y1 + dy < de->y2 && re->y2 + dy > de->y1); } static inline bool region_inplace(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap, RegionPtr region, struct sna_pixmap *priv, unsigned flags) { assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); if (FORCE_INPLACE) return FORCE_INPLACE > 0; if (wedged(sna) && !priv->pinned) return false; if (priv->gpu_damage && (priv->clear || (flags & MOVE_READ) == 0) && kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo)) return false; if (flags & MOVE_READ && (priv->cpu || priv->gpu_damage == NULL || region_overlaps_damage(region, priv->cpu_damage, 0, 0))) { DBG(("%s: no, uncovered CPU damage pending\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (priv->mapped) { DBG(("%s: %s, already mapped, continuing\n", __FUNCTION__, has_coherent_map(sna, priv->gpu_bo, flags) ? "yes" : "no")); return has_coherent_map(sna, priv->gpu_bo, flags); } if (priv->flush) { DBG(("%s: yes, exported via dri, will flush\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)) { DBG(("%s: yes, already wholly damaged on the GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(priv->gpu_bo); return true; } if (priv->cpu_bo && priv->cpu) { DBG(("%s: no, has CPU bo and was last active on CPU, presume future CPU activity\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } DBG(("%s: (%dx%d), inplace? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1, region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1, ((int)(region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1) * (int)(region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1) * pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 12) >= sna->kgem.half_cpu_cache_pages)); return ((int)(region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1) * (int)(region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1) * pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 12) >= sna->kgem.half_cpu_cache_pages; } static bool cpu_clear_boxes(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap, struct sna_pixmap *priv, const BoxRec *box, int n) { struct sna_fill_op fill; if (!sna->kgem.can_blt_cpu) return false; if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, sna, pixmap, priv->cpu_bo, GXcopy, priv->clear_color, FILL_BOXES)) { DBG(("%s: unsupported fill\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, n); fill.done(sna, &fill); return true; } bool sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(DrawablePtr drawable, RegionPtr region, unsigned flags) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv; int16_t dx, dy; DBG(("%s(pixmap=%ld (%dx%d), [(%d, %d), (%d, %d)], flags=%x)\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, RegionExtents(region)->x1, RegionExtents(region)->y1, RegionExtents(region)->x2, RegionExtents(region)->y2, flags)); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); if (flags & MOVE_WRITE) { assert_drawable_contains_box(drawable, ®ion->extents); } assert(flags & (MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_READ)); if (box_empty(®ion->extents)) return true; if (MIGRATE_ALL || DBG_NO_PARTIAL_MOVE_TO_CPU) { if (!region_subsumes_pixmap(region, pixmap)) flags |= MOVE_READ; return _sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(pixmap, flags); } priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); if (priv == NULL) { DBG(("%s: not attached to pixmap %ld (depth %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, pixmap->drawable.depth)); return true; } assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL || priv->gpu_bo); if (kgem_bo_discard_cache(priv->gpu_bo, flags & MOVE_WRITE)) { assert(DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)); if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)) { DBG(("%s: using magical upload buffer\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto skip; } DBG(("%s: discarding cached upload buffer\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); assert(!priv->pinned); assert(!priv->mapped); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); priv->gpu_bo = NULL; } if (sna_damage_is_all(&priv->cpu_damage, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)) { bool discard_gpu = priv->cpu; DBG(("%s: pixmap=%ld all damaged on CPU\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); assert(!priv->clear); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->gpu_damage); if ((flags & (MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) == 0 && priv->cpu_bo && !priv->cpu_bo->flush && __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s: active CPU bo replacing\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(!priv->shm); assert(!IS_STATIC_PTR(priv->ptr)); if (!region_subsumes_pixmap(region, pixmap)) { DBG(("%s: partial replacement\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy)) RegionTranslate(region, dx, dy); if (sna->kgem.has_llc && !priv->pinned && sna_pixmap_default_tiling(sna, pixmap) == I915_TILING_NONE) { #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY sna->debug_memory.cpu_bo_allocs--; sna->debug_memory.cpu_bo_bytes -= kgem_bo_size(priv->cpu_bo); #endif DBG(("%s: promoting CPU bo to GPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (priv->gpu_bo) sna_pixmap_free_gpu(sna, priv); priv->gpu_bo = priv->cpu_bo; priv->cpu_bo = NULL; priv->ptr = NULL; pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = NULL; priv->gpu_damage = priv->cpu_damage; priv->cpu_damage = NULL; sna_damage_subtract(&priv->gpu_damage, region); discard_gpu = false; } else { DBG(("%s: pushing surrounding damage to GPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_damage_subtract(&priv->cpu_damage, region); assert(priv->cpu_damage); if (sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(pixmap, MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) { sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, false); if (priv->flush) sna_add_flush_pixmap(sna, priv, priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->cpu_damage == NULL); sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); sna_damage_subtract(&priv->gpu_damage, region); discard_gpu = false; } } sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(&priv->cpu_damage, region, pixmap); if (priv->flush) { assert(!priv->shm); sna_add_flush_pixmap(sna, priv, priv->gpu_bo); } if (dx | dy) RegionTranslate(region, -dx, -dy); } else sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, false); } if (flags & MOVE_WRITE && discard_gpu) sna_pixmap_free_gpu(sna, priv); sna_pixmap_unmap(pixmap, priv); assert(priv->mapped == MAPPED_NONE); if (pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == NULL && !sna_pixmap_alloc_cpu(sna, pixmap, priv, flags)) return false; assert(priv->mapped == MAPPED_NONE); assert(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == PTR(priv->ptr)); goto out; } if (USE_INPLACE && (priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_LARGE || ((flags & (MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) == 0 && (priv->flush || (flags & MOVE_WHOLE_HINT && whole_pixmap_inplace(pixmap)) || box_inplace(pixmap, ®ion->extents))))) { DBG(("%s: marking for inplace hint (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->flush, box_inplace(pixmap, ®ion->extents))); flags |= MOVE_INPLACE_HINT; } if (region_subsumes_pixmap(region, pixmap)) { DBG(("%s: region (%d, %d), (%d, %d) + (%d, %d) subsumes pixmap (%dx%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region->extents.x1, region->extents.y1, region->extents.x2, region->extents.y2, get_drawable_dx(drawable), get_drawable_dy(drawable), pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)); return _sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(pixmap, flags); } assert(priv->gpu_bo == NULL || priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); if (get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy)) { DBG(("%s: delta=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, dx, dy)); RegionTranslate(region, dx, dy); } if (priv->move_to_gpu) { DBG(("%s: applying move-to-gpu override\n", __FUNCTION__)); if ((flags & MOVE_READ) == 0) sna_pixmap_discard_shadow_damage(priv, region); if (!priv->move_to_gpu(sna, priv, MOVE_READ)) { DBG(("%s: move-to-gpu override failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return NULL; } } if (operate_inplace(priv, flags) && region_inplace(sna, pixmap, region, priv, flags) && sna_pixmap_create_mappable_gpu(pixmap, false)) { void *ptr; DBG(("%s: try to operate inplace\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->cow == NULL || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); assert(priv->move_to_gpu == NULL || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); /* XXX only sync for writes? */ kgem_bo_submit(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->gpu_bo->exec == NULL); ptr = kgem_bo_map(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (ptr != NULL) { pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = ptr; pixmap->devKind = priv->gpu_bo->pitch; priv->mapped = ptr == MAP(priv->gpu_bo->map__cpu) ? MAPPED_CPU : MAPPED_GTT; assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, priv, flags)); if (flags & MOVE_WRITE) { if (!DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)) { assert(!priv->clear); sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(&priv->gpu_damage, region, pixmap); if (sna_damage_is_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)) { DBG(("%s: replaced entire pixmap, destroying CPU shadow\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); list_del(&priv->flush_list); } else sna_damage_subtract(&priv->cpu_damage, region); } priv->clear = false; } priv->cpu &= priv->mapped == MAPPED_CPU; assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); if (dx | dy) RegionTranslate(region, -dx, -dy); DBG(("%s: operate inplace\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } } if (priv->clear && flags & MOVE_WRITE) { DBG(("%s: pending clear, moving whole pixmap for partial write\n", __FUNCTION__)); demote_to_cpu: if (dx | dy) RegionTranslate(region, -dx, -dy); return _sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(pixmap, flags | MOVE_READ); } if (flags & MOVE_WHOLE_HINT) { DBG(("%s: region (%d, %d), (%d, %d) marked with WHOLE hint, pixmap %dx%d\n", __FUNCTION__, region->extents.x1, region->extents.y1, region->extents.x2, region->extents.y2, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)); move_to_cpu: if ((flags & MOVE_READ) == 0) sna_damage_subtract(&priv->gpu_damage, region); goto demote_to_cpu; } sna_pixmap_unmap(pixmap, priv); if (USE_INPLACE && priv->gpu_damage && priv->gpu_bo->tiling == I915_TILING_NONE && ((priv->cow == NULL && priv->move_to_gpu == NULL) || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0) && (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage) || sna_damage_contains_box__no_reduce(priv->gpu_damage, ®ion->extents)) && kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, flags & MOVE_WRITE) && ((flags & (MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) == 0 || !__kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo))) { void *ptr; DBG(("%s: try to operate inplace (CPU), read? %d, write? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, !!(flags & MOVE_READ), !!(flags & MOVE_WRITE))); assert(priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->gpu_damage, ®ion->extents) == PIXMAN_REGION_IN); assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->cpu_damage, ®ion->extents) == PIXMAN_REGION_OUT); ptr = kgem_bo_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (ptr != NULL) { pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = ptr; pixmap->devKind = priv->gpu_bo->pitch; priv->mapped = MAPPED_CPU; assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, priv, flags)); if (flags & MOVE_WRITE) { if (!DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)) { assert(!priv->clear); sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(&priv->gpu_damage, region, pixmap); if (sna_damage_is_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)) { DBG(("%s: replaced entire pixmap, destroying CPU shadow\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); list_del(&priv->flush_list); } else sna_damage_subtract(&priv->cpu_damage, region); } priv->clear = false; } assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); kgem_bo_sync__cpu_full(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, FORCE_FULL_SYNC || flags & MOVE_WRITE); priv->cpu = true; assert_pixmap_map(pixmap, priv); assert((flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0 || !kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo)); if (dx | dy) RegionTranslate(region, -dx, -dy); DBG(("%s: operate inplace (CPU)\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } } if ((priv->clear || (flags & MOVE_READ) == 0) && priv->cpu_bo && !priv->cpu_bo->flush && __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo)) { sna_damage_subtract(&priv->cpu_damage, region); if (sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(pixmap, MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) { assert(priv->gpu_bo); sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, false); } } assert(priv->mapped == MAPPED_NONE); if (pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == NULL && !sna_pixmap_alloc_cpu(sna, pixmap, priv, flags)) { DBG(("%s: CPU bo allocation failed, trying full move-to-cpu\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto move_to_cpu; } assert(priv->mapped == MAPPED_NONE); assert(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == PTR(priv->ptr)); if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) { assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); goto done; } assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); if ((flags & MOVE_READ) == 0) { assert(flags & MOVE_WRITE); sna_damage_subtract(&priv->gpu_damage, region); priv->clear = false; goto done; } if (priv->clear) { int n = region_num_rects(region); const BoxRec *box = region_rects(region); assert(DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)); assert(priv->cpu_damage == NULL); DBG(("%s: pending clear, doing partial fill\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (priv->cpu_bo) { if ((flags & MOVE_ASYNC_HINT || priv->cpu_bo->exec) && cpu_clear_boxes(sna, pixmap, priv, box, n)) goto clear_done; DBG(("%s: syncing CPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); kgem_bo_sync__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo); assert(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == MAP(priv->cpu_bo->map__cpu)); } if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { assert(pixmap->devKind); sigtrap_assert_active(); do { pixman_fill(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, pixmap->devKind/sizeof(uint32_t), pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1, priv->clear_color); box++; } while (--n); sigtrap_put(); } else return false; clear_done: if (flags & MOVE_WRITE || region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1 > 1 || region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1 > 1) { sna_damage_subtract(&priv->gpu_damage, region); priv->clear = false; } goto done; } if (priv->gpu_damage && (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage) || sna_damage_overlaps_box(priv->gpu_damage, ®ion->extents))) { DBG(("%s: region (%dx%d) overlaps gpu damage\n", __FUNCTION__, region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1, region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1)); assert(priv->gpu_bo); if (priv->cpu_damage == NULL) { if ((flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0 && region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1 == 1 && region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1 == 1) { /* Often associated with synchronisation, KISS */ DBG(("%s: single pixel read\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_read_boxes(sna, pixmap, priv->gpu_bo, ®ion->extents, 1); goto done; } } else { if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage) || sna_damage_contains_box__no_reduce(priv->cpu_damage, ®ion->extents)) { assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->gpu_damage, ®ion->extents) == PIXMAN_REGION_OUT); assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->cpu_damage, ®ion->extents) == PIXMAN_REGION_IN); DBG(("%s: region already in CPU damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto already_damaged; } } if (sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->gpu_damage, ®ion->extents) != PIXMAN_REGION_OUT) { RegionRec want, *r = region; DBG(("%s: region (%dx%d) intersects gpu damage\n", __FUNCTION__, region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1, region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1)); if ((flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0 && region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1 == 1 && region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1 == 1) { sna_read_boxes(sna, pixmap, priv->gpu_bo, ®ion->extents, 1); goto done; } /* Expand the region to move 32x32 pixel blocks at a * time, as we assume that we will continue writing * afterwards and so aim to coallesce subsequent * reads. */ if (flags & MOVE_WRITE) { int n = region_num_rects(region), i; const BoxRec *boxes = region_rects(region); BoxPtr blocks; blocks = NULL; if (priv->cpu_damage == NULL) blocks = malloc(sizeof(BoxRec) * n); if (blocks) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { blocks[i].x1 = boxes[i].x1 & ~31; if (blocks[i].x1 < 0) blocks[i].x1 = 0; blocks[i].x2 = (boxes[i].x2 + 31) & ~31; if (blocks[i].x2 > pixmap->drawable.width) blocks[i].x2 = pixmap->drawable.width; blocks[i].y1 = boxes[i].y1 & ~31; if (blocks[i].y1 < 0) blocks[i].y1 = 0; blocks[i].y2 = (boxes[i].y2 + 31) & ~31; if (blocks[i].y2 > pixmap->drawable.height) blocks[i].y2 = pixmap->drawable.height; } if (pixman_region_init_rects(&want, blocks, i)) r = &want; free(blocks); } } if (region_subsumes_damage(r, priv->gpu_damage)) { const BoxRec *box; int n; DBG(("%s: region wholly contains damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); n = sna_damage_get_boxes(priv->gpu_damage, &box); if (n) download_boxes(sna, priv, n, box); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->gpu_damage); } else if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage) || sna_damage_contains_box__no_reduce(priv->gpu_damage, &r->extents)) { DBG(("%s: region wholly inside damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->gpu_damage, &r->extents) == PIXMAN_REGION_IN); assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->cpu_damage, &r->extents) == PIXMAN_REGION_OUT); download_boxes(sna, priv, region_num_rects(r), region_rects(r)); sna_damage_subtract(&priv->gpu_damage, r); } else { RegionRec need; pixman_region_init(&need); if (sna_damage_intersect(priv->gpu_damage, r, &need)) { DBG(("%s: region intersects damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); download_boxes(sna, priv, region_num_rects(&need), region_rects(&need)); sna_damage_subtract(&priv->gpu_damage, r); RegionUninit(&need); } } if (r == &want) pixman_region_fini(&want); } } done: if ((flags & (MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) == MOVE_WRITE) { DBG(("%s: applying cpu damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(!DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)); assert_pixmap_contains_box(pixmap, RegionExtents(region)); sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(&priv->cpu_damage, region, pixmap); sna_damage_reduce_all(&priv->cpu_damage, pixmap); if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)) { DBG(("%s: replaced entire pixmap\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_pixmap_free_gpu(sna, priv); } if (priv->flush) { assert(!priv->shm); sna_add_flush_pixmap(sna, priv, priv->gpu_bo); } } already_damaged: if (dx | dy) RegionTranslate(region, -dx, -dy); out: if (flags & MOVE_WRITE) { assert(!DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)); priv->source_count = SOURCE_BIAS; assert(priv->gpu_bo == NULL || priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); assert(priv->gpu_bo || priv->gpu_damage == NULL); assert(!priv->flush || !list_is_empty(&priv->flush_list)); assert(!priv->clear); } if ((flags & MOVE_ASYNC_HINT) == 0 && priv->cpu_bo) { DBG(("%s: syncing cpu bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == MAP(priv->cpu_bo->map__cpu)); kgem_bo_sync__cpu_full(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo, FORCE_FULL_SYNC || flags & MOVE_WRITE); assert((flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0 || !kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->cpu_bo)); } skip: priv->cpu |= (flags & (MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) == MOVE_WRITE; assert(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == PTR(priv->ptr)); assert(pixmap->devKind); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, priv, flags)); return true; } bool sna_drawable_move_to_cpu(DrawablePtr drawable, unsigned flags) { RegionRec region; PixmapPtr pixmap; int16_t dx, dy; if (drawable->type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) return sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu((PixmapPtr)drawable, flags); pixmap = get_window_pixmap((WindowPtr)drawable); get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); DBG(("%s: (%d, %d)x(%d, %d) + (%d, %d), flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, drawable->x, drawable->y, drawable->width, drawable->height, dx, dy, flags)); region.extents.x1 = drawable->x + dx; region.extents.y1 = drawable->y + dy; region.extents.x2 = region.extents.x1 + drawable->width; region.extents.y2 = region.extents.y1 + drawable->height; region.data = NULL; if (region.extents.x1 < 0) region.extents.x1 = 0; if (region.extents.y1 < 0) region.extents.y1 = 0; if (region.extents.x2 > pixmap->drawable.width) region.extents.x2 = pixmap->drawable.width; if (region.extents.y2 > pixmap->drawable.height) region.extents.y2 = pixmap->drawable.height; if (box_empty(®ion.extents)) return true; return sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(&pixmap->drawable, ®ion, flags); } pure static bool alu_overwrites(uint8_t alu) { switch (alu) { case GXclear: case GXcopy: case GXcopyInverted: case GXset: return true; default: return false; } } inline static bool drawable_gc_inplace_hint(DrawablePtr draw, GCPtr gc) { if (!alu_overwrites(gc->alu)) return false; if (!PM_IS_SOLID(draw, gc->planemask)) return false; if (gc->fillStyle == FillStippled) return false; return true; } inline static unsigned drawable_gc_flags(DrawablePtr draw, GCPtr gc, bool partial) { assert(sna_gc(gc)->changes == 0); if (gc->fillStyle == FillStippled) { DBG(("%s: read due to fill %d\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->fillStyle)); return MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE; } if (fb_gc(gc)->and | fb_gc(gc)->bgand) { DBG(("%s: read due to rrop %d:%x\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->alu, (unsigned)fb_gc(gc)->and)); return MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE; } DBG(("%s: try operating on drawable inplace [hint? %d]\n", __FUNCTION__, drawable_gc_inplace_hint(draw, gc))); return (partial ? MOVE_READ : 0) | MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_INPLACE_HINT; } static inline struct sna_pixmap * sna_pixmap_mark_active(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *priv) { assert(priv->gpu_bo); DBG(("%s: pixmap=%ld, handle=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, priv->gpu_bo->handle)); return priv; } inline static struct sna_pixmap * __sna_pixmap_for_gpu(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap, unsigned flags) { struct sna_pixmap *priv; assert(flags & (MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE | __MOVE_FORCE)); if ((flags & __MOVE_FORCE) == 0 && wedged(sna)) return NULL; priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); if (priv == NULL) { DBG(("%s: not attached\n", __FUNCTION__)); if ((flags & (__MOVE_DRI | __MOVE_SCANOUT)) == 0) return NULL; if (pixmap->usage_hint == -1) { DBG(("%s: not promoting SHM Pixmap for DRI\n", __FUNCTION__)); return NULL; } DBG(("%s: forcing the creation on the GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); priv = sna_pixmap_attach(pixmap); if (priv == NULL) return NULL; sna_damage_all(&priv->cpu_damage, pixmap); assert(priv->gpu_bo == NULL); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); } return priv; } inline static void sna_pixmap_unclean(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *priv, unsigned flags) { struct drm_i915_gem_busy busy; assert(DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)); assert(priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); assert_pixmap_map(priv->pixmap, priv); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); list_del(&priv->flush_list); if (flags & (__MOVE_DRI | __MOVE_SCANOUT)) return; if (!priv->flush || priv->gpu_bo->exec) return; busy.handle = priv->gpu_bo->handle; busy.busy = 0; ioctl(sna->kgem.fd, DRM_IOCTL_I915_GEM_BUSY, &busy); DBG(("%s(pixmap=%ld): cleaning foreign bo handle=%u, busy=%x [ring=%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, busy.handle, busy.busy, !!(busy.busy & (0xfffe << 16)))); if (busy.busy) { unsigned mode = KGEM_RENDER; if (busy.busy & (0xfffe << 16)) mode = KGEM_BLT; kgem_bo_mark_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, mode); } else __kgem_bo_clear_busy(priv->gpu_bo); } struct sna_pixmap * sna_pixmap_move_area_to_gpu(PixmapPtr pixmap, const BoxRec *box, unsigned int flags) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv; RegionRec i, r; DBG(("%s: pixmap=%ld box=(%d, %d), (%d, %d), flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2, box->y2, flags)); priv = __sna_pixmap_for_gpu(sna, pixmap, flags); if (priv == NULL) return NULL; assert(box->x2 > box->x1 && box->y2 > box->y1); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); assert_pixmap_contains_box(pixmap, box); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL || priv->gpu_bo); if ((flags & MOVE_READ) == 0) sna_damage_subtract_box(&priv->cpu_damage, box); if (priv->move_to_gpu) { unsigned int hint; DBG(("%s: applying move-to-gpu override\n", __FUNCTION__)); hint = flags | MOVE_READ; if ((flags & MOVE_READ) == 0) { RegionRec region; region.extents = *box; region.data = NULL; sna_pixmap_discard_shadow_damage(priv, ®ion); if (region_subsumes_pixmap(®ion, pixmap)) hint &= ~MOVE_READ; } else { if (priv->cpu_damage) hint |= MOVE_WRITE; } if (!priv->move_to_gpu(sna, priv, hint)) { DBG(("%s: move-to-gpu override failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return NULL; } } if (priv->cow) { unsigned cow = flags & (MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE | __MOVE_FORCE); assert(cow); if ((flags & MOVE_READ) == 0) { if (priv->gpu_damage) { r.extents = *box; r.data = NULL; if (!region_subsumes_damage(&r, priv->gpu_damage)) cow |= MOVE_READ | __MOVE_FORCE; } } else { if (priv->cpu_damage) { r.extents = *box; r.data = NULL; if (region_overlaps_damage(&r, priv->cpu_damage, 0, 0)) cow |= MOVE_WRITE; } } if (!sna_pixmap_undo_cow(sna, priv, cow)) return NULL; if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) sna_damage_destroy(&priv->gpu_damage); } if (sna_damage_is_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)) { DBG(("%s: already all-damaged\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_pixmap_unclean(sna, priv, flags); goto done; } if (kgem_bo_discard_cache(priv->gpu_bo, flags & (MOVE_WRITE | __MOVE_FORCE))) { DBG(("%s: discarding cached upload buffer\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL || DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)); /* magical upload buffer */ assert(!priv->pinned); assert(!priv->mapped); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->gpu_damage); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); priv->gpu_bo = NULL; } sna_damage_reduce(&priv->cpu_damage); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); if (priv->cpu_damage == NULL) { list_del(&priv->flush_list); return sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(pixmap, MOVE_READ | flags); } if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) { assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); if (flags & __MOVE_FORCE || priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GPU) sna_pixmap_alloc_gpu(sna, pixmap, priv, CREATE_INACTIVE); if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) return NULL; DBG(("%s: created gpu bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); } if (priv->gpu_bo->proxy) { DBG(("%s: reusing cached upload\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert((flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); return priv; } add_shm_flush(sna, priv); assert(priv->cpu_damage); region_set(&r, box); if (MIGRATE_ALL || region_subsumes_damage(&r, priv->cpu_damage)) { bool ok = false; int n; n = sna_damage_get_boxes(priv->cpu_damage, &box); assert(n); if (use_cpu_bo_for_upload(sna, priv, 0)) { DBG(("%s: using CPU bo for upload to GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); ok = sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &pixmap->drawable, priv->cpu_bo, 0, 0, &pixmap->drawable, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, box, n, 0); } if (!ok) { sna_pixmap_unmap(pixmap, priv); if (pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == NULL) return NULL; assert(pixmap->devKind); if (n == 1 && !priv->pinned && box->x1 <= 0 && box->y1 <= 0 && box->x2 >= pixmap->drawable.width && box->y2 >= pixmap->drawable.height) { ok = sna_replace(sna, pixmap, pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, pixmap->devKind); } else { ok = sna_write_boxes(sna, pixmap, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, pixmap->devKind, 0, 0, box, n); } if (!ok) return NULL; } sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); } else if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage) || sna_damage_contains_box__no_reduce(priv->cpu_damage, box)) { bool ok = false; assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->gpu_damage, box) == PIXMAN_REGION_OUT); assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->cpu_damage, box) == PIXMAN_REGION_IN); if (use_cpu_bo_for_upload(sna, priv, 0)) { DBG(("%s: using CPU bo for upload to GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); ok = sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &pixmap->drawable, priv->cpu_bo, 0, 0, &pixmap->drawable, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, box, 1, 0); } if (!ok) { sna_pixmap_unmap(pixmap, priv); if (pixmap->devPrivate.ptr != NULL) { assert(pixmap->devKind); ok = sna_write_boxes(sna, pixmap, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, pixmap->devKind, 0, 0, box, 1); } } if (!ok) return NULL; sna_damage_subtract(&priv->cpu_damage, &r); } else if (sna_damage_intersect(priv->cpu_damage, &r, &i)) { int n = region_num_rects(&i); bool ok; box = region_rects(&i); ok = false; if (use_cpu_bo_for_upload(sna, priv, 0)) { DBG(("%s: using CPU bo for upload to GPU, %d boxes\n", __FUNCTION__, n)); ok = sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &pixmap->drawable, priv->cpu_bo, 0, 0, &pixmap->drawable, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, box, n, 0); } if (!ok) { sna_pixmap_unmap(pixmap, priv); if (pixmap->devPrivate.ptr != NULL) { assert(pixmap->devKind); ok = sna_write_boxes(sna, pixmap, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, pixmap->devKind, 0, 0, box, n); } } if (!ok) return NULL; sna_damage_subtract(&priv->cpu_damage, &r); RegionUninit(&i); } done: if (priv->cpu_damage == NULL && priv->flush) list_del(&priv->flush_list); if (flags & MOVE_WRITE) { priv->clear = false; if (!DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage) && priv->cpu_damage == NULL && (box_covers_pixmap(pixmap, &r.extents) || box_inplace(pixmap, &r.extents))) { DBG(("%s: large operation on undamaged, discarding CPU shadow\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); if (sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, priv->cpu)) { DBG(("%s: large operation on undamaged, promoting to full GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); } } if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)) { sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, priv->cpu); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); list_del(&priv->flush_list); } priv->cpu = false; } assert(!priv->gpu_bo->proxy || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); return sna_pixmap_mark_active(sna, priv); } struct kgem_bo * sna_drawable_use_bo(DrawablePtr drawable, unsigned flags, const BoxRec *box, struct sna_damage ***damage) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna *sna; RegionRec region; int16_t dx, dy; int ret; DBG(("%s pixmap=%ld, box=((%d, %d), (%d, %d)), flags=%x...\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2, box->y2, flags)); assert(box->x2 > box->x1 && box->y2 > box->y1); assert(pixmap->refcnt); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); assert_drawable_contains_box(drawable, box); if (priv == NULL) { DBG(("%s: not attached\n", __FUNCTION__)); return NULL; } if (priv->cow) { unsigned cow = MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_READ | __MOVE_FORCE; assert(cow); if (flags & IGNORE_DAMAGE) { if (priv->gpu_damage) { region.extents = *box; if (get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy)) { region.extents.x1 += dx; region.extents.x2 += dx; region.extents.y1 += dy; region.extents.y2 += dy; } region.data = NULL; if (region_subsumes_damage(®ion, priv->gpu_damage)) cow &= ~MOVE_READ; } else cow &= ~MOVE_READ; } if (!sna_pixmap_undo_cow(to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap), priv, cow)) return NULL; if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) sna_damage_destroy(&priv->gpu_damage); } if (kgem_bo_discard_cache(priv->gpu_bo, true)) { DBG(("%s: cached upload proxy, discard and revert to GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL || DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)); /* magical upload buffer */ assert(!priv->pinned); assert(!priv->mapped); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->gpu_damage); kgem_bo_destroy(&to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap)->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); priv->gpu_bo = NULL; goto use_cpu_bo; } if (priv->flush) { DBG(("%s: exported target, set PREFER_GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); flags |= PREFER_GPU; } if (priv->shm) { DBG(("%s: shm target, discard PREFER_GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); flags &= ~PREFER_GPU; } if (priv->pinned) { DBG(("%s: pinned, never REPLACES\n", __FUNCTION__)); flags &= ~REPLACES; } if (priv->cpu && (flags & (FORCE_GPU | IGNORE_DAMAGE)) == 0) { DBG(("%s: last on cpu and needs damage, discard PREFER_GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); flags &= ~PREFER_GPU; } if ((flags & (PREFER_GPU | IGNORE_DAMAGE)) == IGNORE_DAMAGE) { if (priv->gpu_bo && (box_covers_pixmap(pixmap, box) || box_inplace(pixmap, box))) { DBG(("%s: not reading damage and large, set PREFER_GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); flags |= PREFER_GPU; } } DBG(("%s: flush=%d, shm=%d, cpu=%d => flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->flush, priv->shm, priv->cpu, flags)); if ((flags & PREFER_GPU) == 0 && (flags & (REPLACES | IGNORE_DAMAGE) || !priv->gpu_damage || !kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo))) { DBG(("%s: try cpu as GPU bo is idle\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto use_cpu_bo; } if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)) { DBG(("%s: use GPU fast path (all-damaged)\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(priv->cpu_damage == NULL); assert(priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); goto use_gpu_bo; } if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)) { assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); if ((flags & FORCE_GPU) == 0 || priv->cpu_bo) { DBG(("%s: use CPU fast path (all-damaged), and not forced-gpu\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto use_cpu_bo; } } DBG(("%s: gpu? %d, damaged? %d; cpu? %d, damaged? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->gpu_bo ? priv->gpu_bo->handle : 0, priv->gpu_damage != NULL, priv->cpu_bo ? priv->cpu_bo->handle : 0, priv->cpu_damage != NULL)); if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) { unsigned int move; if ((flags & FORCE_GPU) == 0 && (priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GPU) == 0) { DBG(("%s: untiled, will not force allocation\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto use_cpu_bo; } if ((flags & IGNORE_DAMAGE) == 0) { if (priv->cpu_bo) { if (to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap)->kgem.can_blt_cpu) { if (kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->cpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s: already using CPU bo, will not force allocation\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto use_cpu_bo; } if ((flags & RENDER_GPU) == 0) { DBG(("%s: prefer cpu", __FUNCTION__)); goto use_cpu_bo; } } else { if (kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->cpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s: CPU bo active, must force allocation\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto create_gpu_bo; } } } if ((flags & FORCE_GPU) == 0 && priv->cpu_damage) { if ((flags & PREFER_GPU) == 0) { DBG(("%s: already damaged and prefer cpu", __FUNCTION__)); goto use_cpu_bo; } if (!box_inplace(pixmap, box)) { DBG(("%s: damaged with a small operation, will not force allocation\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto use_cpu_bo; } } } else if (priv->cpu_damage) { region.extents = *box; if (get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy)) { region.extents.x1 += dx; region.extents.x2 += dx; region.extents.y1 += dy; region.extents.y2 += dy; } region.data = NULL; sna_damage_subtract(&priv->cpu_damage, ®ion); if (priv->cpu_damage == NULL) { list_del(&priv->flush_list); priv->cpu = false; } } create_gpu_bo: move = MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT; if (flags & FORCE_GPU) move |= __MOVE_FORCE; if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(pixmap, move)) goto use_cpu_bo; DBG(("%s: allocated GPU bo for operation\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto done; } region.extents = *box; if (get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy)) { region.extents.x1 += dx; region.extents.x2 += dx; region.extents.y1 += dy; region.extents.y2 += dy; } region.data = NULL; DBG(("%s extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); if (priv->gpu_damage) { assert(priv->gpu_bo); if (!priv->cpu_damage || flags & IGNORE_DAMAGE) { if (flags & REPLACES || box_covers_pixmap(pixmap, ®ion.extents)) { unsigned int move; if (flags & IGNORE_DAMAGE) move = MOVE_WRITE; else move = MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT; if (sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(pixmap, move)) { sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); goto use_gpu_bo; } } if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage) || sna_damage_contains_box__no_reduce(priv->gpu_damage, ®ion.extents)) { DBG(("%s: region wholly contained within GPU damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->gpu_damage, ®ion.extents) == PIXMAN_REGION_IN); assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->cpu_damage, ®ion.extents) == PIXMAN_REGION_OUT); goto use_gpu_bo; } else { DBG(("%s: partial GPU damage with no CPU damage, continuing to use GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto move_to_gpu; } } ret = sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->gpu_damage, ®ion.extents); if (ret == PIXMAN_REGION_IN) { DBG(("%s: region wholly contained within GPU damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto use_gpu_bo; } if (ret != PIXMAN_REGION_OUT) { DBG(("%s: region partially contained within GPU damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto move_to_gpu; } } if ((flags & IGNORE_DAMAGE) == 0 && priv->cpu_damage) { ret = sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->cpu_damage, ®ion.extents); if (ret == PIXMAN_REGION_IN) { DBG(("%s: region wholly contained within CPU damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto use_cpu_bo; } if (box_inplace(pixmap, box)) { DBG(("%s: forcing inplace\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto move_to_gpu; } if (ret != PIXMAN_REGION_OUT) { DBG(("%s: region partially contained within CPU damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto use_cpu_bo; } } move_to_gpu: if (!sna_pixmap_move_area_to_gpu(pixmap, ®ion.extents, flags & IGNORE_DAMAGE ? MOVE_WRITE : MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE)) { DBG(("%s: failed to move-to-gpu, fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(priv->gpu_bo == NULL); goto use_cpu_bo; } done: assert(priv->move_to_gpu == NULL); assert(priv->gpu_bo != NULL); assert(priv->gpu_bo->refcnt); if (sna_damage_is_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)) { sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); list_del(&priv->flush_list); *damage = NULL; } else *damage = &priv->gpu_damage; DBG(("%s: using GPU bo with damage? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, *damage != NULL)); assert(*damage == NULL || !DAMAGE_IS_ALL(*damage)); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); assert(priv->clear == false); assert(priv->cpu == false); assert(!priv->shm); return priv->gpu_bo; use_gpu_bo: if (priv->move_to_gpu) { unsigned hint = MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE; sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); DBG(("%s: applying move-to-gpu override\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (flags & IGNORE_DAMAGE) { region.extents = *box; region.data = NULL; if (get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy)) { region.extents.x1 += dx; region.extents.x2 += dx; region.extents.y1 += dy; region.extents.y2 += dy; } sna_pixmap_discard_shadow_damage(priv, ®ion); if (region_subsumes_pixmap(®ion, pixmap)) { DBG(("%s: discarding move-to-gpu READ for subsumed pixmap\n", __FUNCTION__)); hint = MOVE_WRITE; } } if (!priv->move_to_gpu(sna, priv, hint)) { DBG(("%s: move-to-gpu override failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto use_cpu_bo; } } if (priv->shm) { assert(!priv->flush); list_move(&priv->flush_list, &sna->flush_pixmaps); } DBG(("%s: using whole GPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(priv->gpu_bo != NULL); assert(priv->gpu_bo->refcnt); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); assert(priv->gpu_damage); priv->cpu = false; priv->clear = false; *damage = NULL; return priv->gpu_bo; use_cpu_bo: if (!USE_CPU_BO || priv->cpu_bo == NULL) { if ((flags & FORCE_GPU) == 0) { DBG(("%s: no CPU bo, and GPU not forced\n", __FUNCTION__)); return NULL; } flags &= ~FORCE_GPU; region.extents = *box; if (get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy)) { region.extents.x1 += dx; region.extents.x2 += dx; region.extents.y1 += dy; region.extents.y2 += dy; } region.data = NULL; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(&pixmap->drawable, ®ion, (flags & IGNORE_DAMAGE ? 0 : MOVE_READ) | MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT) || priv->cpu_bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: did not create CPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); cpu_fail: if (priv->gpu_bo) goto move_to_gpu; return NULL; } } assert(priv->cpu_bo->refcnt); sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); if ((flags & FORCE_GPU) == 0 && !__kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s: has CPU bo, but is idle and acceleration not forced\n", __FUNCTION__)); return NULL; } region.extents = *box; if (get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy)) { region.extents.x1 += dx; region.extents.x2 += dx; region.extents.y1 += dy; region.extents.y2 += dy; } region.data = NULL; if (priv->gpu_bo && kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s: both CPU and GPU are busy, prefer to use the GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto move_to_gpu; } assert(priv->gpu_bo == NULL || priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); if (flags & RENDER_GPU) { flags &= ~RENDER_GPU; if ((flags & IGNORE_DAMAGE) == 0 && priv->gpu_damage) { DBG(("%s: prefer to use GPU bo for rendering whilst reading from GPU damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); prefer_gpu_bo: if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) { if ((flags & FORCE_GPU) == 0) { DBG(("%s: untiled, will not force allocation\n", __FUNCTION__)); return NULL; } if (flags & IGNORE_DAMAGE) { sna_damage_subtract(&priv->cpu_damage, ®ion); if (priv->cpu_damage == NULL) { list_del(&priv->flush_list); priv->cpu = false; } } if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(pixmap, MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT | __MOVE_FORCE)) return NULL; sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); DBG(("%s: allocated GPU bo for operation\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto done; } goto move_to_gpu; } if (!priv->shm) { if ((priv->cpu_damage == NULL || flags & IGNORE_DAMAGE)) { if (priv->gpu_bo && priv->gpu_bo->tiling) { DBG(("%s: prefer to use GPU bo for rendering large pixmaps\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto prefer_gpu_bo; } if (priv->cpu_bo->pitch >= 4096) { DBG(("%s: prefer to use GPU bo for rendering wide pixmaps\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto prefer_gpu_bo; } } if ((flags & IGNORE_DAMAGE) == 0 && priv->cpu_bo->snoop) { DBG(("%s: prefer to use GPU bo for reading from snooped target bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto prefer_gpu_bo; } if (!sna->kgem.can_blt_cpu) { DBG(("%s: can't render to CPU bo, try to use GPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto prefer_gpu_bo; } } } if (!sna->kgem.can_blt_cpu) goto cpu_fail; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(&pixmap->drawable, ®ion, (flags & IGNORE_DAMAGE ? 0 : MOVE_READ) | MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) { DBG(("%s: failed to move-to-cpu, fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto cpu_fail; } if (priv->shm) { add_shm_flush(sna, priv); /* As we may have flushed and retired,, recheck for busy bo */ if ((flags & FORCE_GPU) == 0 && !kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->cpu_bo)) return NULL; } if (priv->flush) { assert(!priv->shm); sna_add_flush_pixmap(sna, priv, priv->gpu_bo); } if (sna_damage_is_all(&priv->cpu_damage, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)) { sna_damage_destroy(&priv->gpu_damage); *damage = NULL; } else { assert(!DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)); if (priv->cpu_damage && sna_damage_contains_box__no_reduce(priv->cpu_damage, ®ion.extents)) { assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->gpu_damage, ®ion.extents) == PIXMAN_REGION_OUT); assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->cpu_damage, ®ion.extents) == PIXMAN_REGION_IN); *damage = NULL; } else *damage = &priv->cpu_damage; } DBG(("%s: using CPU bo with damage? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, *damage != NULL)); assert(damage == NULL || !DAMAGE_IS_ALL(*damage)); assert(priv->clear == false); priv->cpu = false; return priv->cpu_bo; } PixmapPtr sna_pixmap_create_upload(ScreenPtr screen, int width, int height, int depth, unsigned flags) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_screen(screen); PixmapPtr pixmap; struct sna_pixmap *priv; void *ptr; DBG(("%s(%d, %d, %d, flags=%x)\n", __FUNCTION__, width, height, depth, flags)); assert(width); assert(height); if (depth < 8) return create_pixmap(sna, screen, width, height, depth, CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_SCRATCH); pixmap = create_pixmap_hdr(sna, screen, width, height, depth, CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_SCRATCH, &priv); if (!pixmap) return NullPixmap; priv->gpu_bo = kgem_create_buffer_2d(&sna->kgem, width, height, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, flags, &ptr); if (!priv->gpu_bo) { free(priv); FreePixmap(pixmap); return NullPixmap; } /* Marking both the shadow and the GPU bo is a little dubious, * but will work so long as we always check before doing the * transfer. */ sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); sna_damage_all(&priv->cpu_damage, pixmap); pixmap->devKind = priv->gpu_bo->pitch; pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = ptr; priv->ptr = MAKE_STATIC_PTR(ptr); priv->stride = priv->gpu_bo->pitch; priv->create = 0; pixmap->usage_hint = 0; if (!kgem_buffer_is_inplace(priv->gpu_bo)) pixmap->usage_hint = 1; DBG(("%s: serial=%ld, %dx%d, usage=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->usage_hint)); return pixmap; } static bool can_convert_to_gpu(struct sna_pixmap *priv, unsigned flags) { assert(priv->gpu_bo == NULL); if (priv->cpu_bo == NULL) return false; if (priv->shm) return false; /* Linear scanout have a restriction that their pitch must be * 64 byte aligned. Force the creation of a proper GPU bo if * this CPU bo is not suitable for scanout. */ if (priv->pixmap->usage_hint == SNA_CREATE_FB || flags & __MOVE_SCANOUT) if (priv->cpu_bo->pitch & 63) return false; if (flags & __MOVE_PRIME) if (priv->cpu_bo->pitch & 255) return false; return true; } struct sna_pixmap * sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(PixmapPtr pixmap, unsigned flags) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv; const BoxRec *box; int n; DBG(("%s(pixmap=%ld, usage=%d), flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, pixmap->usage_hint, flags)); priv = __sna_pixmap_for_gpu(sna, pixmap, flags); if (priv == NULL) return NULL; assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); if (priv->move_to_gpu && !priv->move_to_gpu(sna, priv, flags | ((priv->cpu_damage && (flags & MOVE_READ)) ? MOVE_WRITE : 0))) { DBG(("%s: move-to-gpu override failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return NULL; } if ((flags & MOVE_READ) == 0 && UNDO) kgem_bo_pair_undo(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, priv->cpu_bo); if (priv->cow) { unsigned cow = flags & (MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE | __MOVE_FORCE); assert(cow); if (flags & MOVE_READ && priv->cpu_damage) cow |= MOVE_WRITE; if (!sna_pixmap_undo_cow(sna, priv, cow)) return NULL; if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) sna_damage_destroy(&priv->gpu_damage); } if (sna_damage_is_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)) { DBG(("%s: already all-damaged\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_pixmap_unclean(sna, priv, flags); goto active; } if ((flags & MOVE_READ) == 0) sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); sna_damage_reduce(&priv->cpu_damage); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); DBG(("%s: CPU damage? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->cpu_damage != NULL)); if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL || kgem_bo_discard_cache(priv->gpu_bo, flags & (MOVE_WRITE | __MOVE_FORCE))) { struct kgem_bo *proxy; proxy = priv->gpu_bo; priv->gpu_bo = NULL; DBG(("%s: creating GPU bo (%dx%d@%d), create=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, priv->create)); assert(!priv->mapped); assert(list_is_empty(&priv->flush_list)); if (flags & __MOVE_FORCE || priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GPU) { bool is_linear; assert(pixmap->drawable.width > 0); assert(pixmap->drawable.height > 0); assert(pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel >= 8); if (flags & __MOVE_PRIME) { assert((flags & __MOVE_TILED) == 0); is_linear = true; } else { is_linear = sna_pixmap_default_tiling(sna, pixmap) == I915_TILING_NONE; if (is_linear && flags & __MOVE_TILED) { DBG(("%s: not creating linear GPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); return NULL; } } if (is_linear && can_convert_to_gpu(priv, flags) && kgem_bo_convert_to_gpu(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo, flags)) { assert(!priv->mapped); assert(!IS_STATIC_PTR(priv->ptr)); #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY sna->debug_memory.cpu_bo_allocs--; sna->debug_memory.cpu_bo_bytes -= kgem_bo_size(priv->cpu_bo); #endif priv->gpu_bo = priv->cpu_bo; priv->cpu_bo = NULL; priv->ptr = NULL; pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = NULL; sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); } else { unsigned create = 0; if (flags & MOVE_INPLACE_HINT || (priv->cpu_damage && priv->cpu_bo == NULL)) create = CREATE_GTT_MAP | CREATE_INACTIVE; if (flags & __MOVE_PRIME) create |= CREATE_GTT_MAP | CREATE_SCANOUT | CREATE_PRIME | CREATE_EXACT; sna_pixmap_alloc_gpu(sna, pixmap, priv, create); } } if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: not creating GPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); priv->gpu_bo = proxy; if (proxy) sna_damage_all(&priv->cpu_damage, pixmap); return NULL; } if (proxy) { DBG(("%s: promoting upload proxy handle=%d to GPU\n", __FUNCTION__, proxy->handle)); if (priv->cpu_damage && sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &pixmap->drawable, proxy, 0, 0, &pixmap->drawable, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, region_rects(DAMAGE_REGION(priv->cpu_damage)), region_num_rects(DAMAGE_REGION(priv->cpu_damage)), 0)) sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, proxy); } if (flags & MOVE_WRITE && priv->cpu_damage == NULL) { /* Presume that we will only ever write to the GPU * bo. Readbacks are expensive but fairly constant * in cost for all sizes i.e. it is the act of * synchronisation that takes the most time. This is * mitigated by avoiding fallbacks in the first place. */ assert(priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); DBG(("%s: marking as all-damaged for GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto active; } } if (priv->gpu_bo->proxy) { DBG(("%s: reusing cached upload\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert((flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); return priv; } if (priv->cpu_damage == NULL) goto done; if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage) && priv->cpu_bo && !priv->pinned && !priv->shm && priv->gpu_bo->tiling == I915_TILING_NONE && kgem_bo_convert_to_gpu(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo, flags)) { assert(!priv->mapped); assert(!IS_STATIC_PTR(priv->ptr)); #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY sna->debug_memory.cpu_bo_allocs--; sna->debug_memory.cpu_bo_bytes -= kgem_bo_size(priv->cpu_bo); #endif sna_pixmap_free_gpu(sna, priv); priv->gpu_bo = priv->cpu_bo; priv->cpu_bo = NULL; priv->ptr = NULL; pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = NULL; sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); goto done; } add_shm_flush(sna, priv); n = sna_damage_get_boxes(priv->cpu_damage, &box); assert(n); if (n) { bool ok; assert_pixmap_contains_damage(pixmap, priv->cpu_damage); DBG(("%s: uploading %d damage boxes\n", __FUNCTION__, n)); ok = false; if (use_cpu_bo_for_upload(sna, priv, flags)) { DBG(("%s: using CPU bo for upload to GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); ok = sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &pixmap->drawable, priv->cpu_bo, 0, 0, &pixmap->drawable, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, box, n, 0); } if (!ok) { sna_pixmap_unmap(pixmap, priv); if (pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == NULL) return NULL; assert(pixmap->devKind); if (n == 1 && !priv->pinned && (box->x2 - box->x1) >= pixmap->drawable.width && (box->y2 - box->y1) >= pixmap->drawable.height) { ok = sna_replace(sna, pixmap, pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, pixmap->devKind); } else { ok = sna_write_boxes(sna, pixmap, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, pixmap->devKind, 0, 0, box, n); } if (!ok) return NULL; } } __sna_damage_destroy(DAMAGE_PTR(priv->cpu_damage)); priv->cpu_damage = NULL; /* For large bo, try to keep only a single copy around */ if (priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_LARGE || flags & MOVE_SOURCE_HINT) { DBG(("%s: disposing of system copy for large/source\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(!priv->shm); assert(priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, (priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_LARGE) ? false : priv->cpu); } done: list_del(&priv->flush_list); sna_damage_reduce_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)) sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, priv->cpu); active: if (flags & MOVE_WRITE) { priv->clear = false; priv->cpu = false; } assert(!priv->gpu_bo->proxy || (flags & MOVE_WRITE) == 0); return sna_pixmap_mark_active(sna, priv); } static bool must_check sna_validate_pixmap(DrawablePtr draw, PixmapPtr pixmap) { DBG(("%s: target bpp=%d, source bpp=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, draw->bitsPerPixel, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel)); if (draw->bitsPerPixel == pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel && FbEvenTile(pixmap->drawable.width * pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel)) { DBG(("%s: flushing pixmap\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(pixmap, MOVE_READ)) return false; fbPadPixmap(pixmap); } return true; } static bool must_check sna_gc_move_to_cpu(GCPtr gc, DrawablePtr drawable, RegionPtr region) { struct sna_gc *sgc = sna_gc(gc); long changes = sgc->changes; DBG(("%s(%p) changes=%lx\n", __FUNCTION__, gc, changes)); assert(drawable); assert(region); assert(gc->ops == (GCOps *)&sna_gc_ops); gc->ops = (GCOps *)&sna_gc_ops__cpu; assert(gc->funcs); sgc->old_funcs = gc->funcs; gc->funcs = (GCFuncs *)&sna_gc_funcs__cpu; assert(gc->pCompositeClip); sgc->priv = gc->pCompositeClip; gc->pCompositeClip = region; #if XORG_VERSION_CURRENT < XORG_VERSION_NUMERIC(1,16,99,901,0) if (gc->clientClipType == CT_PIXMAP) { PixmapPtr clip = gc->clientClip; gc->clientClip = region_from_bitmap(gc->pScreen, clip); gc->pScreen->DestroyPixmap(clip); gc->clientClipType = gc->clientClip ? CT_REGION : CT_NONE; changes |= GCClipMask; } else changes &= ~GCClipMask; #else changes &= ~GCClipMask; #endif if (changes || drawable->serialNumber != (sgc->serial & DRAWABLE_SERIAL_BITS)) { long tmp = gc->serialNumber; gc->serialNumber = sgc->serial; if (fb_gc(gc)->bpp != drawable->bitsPerPixel) { changes |= GCStipple | GCForeground | GCBackground | GCPlaneMask; fb_gc(gc)->bpp = drawable->bitsPerPixel; } if (changes & GCTile && !gc->tileIsPixel) { DBG(("%s: flushing tile pixmap\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!sna_validate_pixmap(drawable, gc->tile.pixmap)) return false; } if (changes & GCStipple && gc->stipple) { DBG(("%s: flushing stipple pixmap\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!sna_validate_pixmap(drawable, gc->stipple)) return false; } fbValidateGC(gc, changes, drawable); gc->serialNumber = tmp; } sgc->changes = 0; switch (gc->fillStyle) { case FillTiled: DBG(("%s: moving tile to cpu\n", __FUNCTION__)); return sna_drawable_move_to_cpu(&gc->tile.pixmap->drawable, MOVE_READ); case FillStippled: case FillOpaqueStippled: DBG(("%s: moving stipple to cpu\n", __FUNCTION__)); return sna_drawable_move_to_cpu(&gc->stipple->drawable, MOVE_READ); default: return true; } } static void sna_gc_move_to_gpu(GCPtr gc) { DBG(("%s(%p)\n", __FUNCTION__, gc)); assert(gc->ops == (GCOps *)&sna_gc_ops__cpu); assert(gc->funcs == (GCFuncs *)&sna_gc_funcs__cpu); gc->ops = (GCOps *)&sna_gc_ops; gc->funcs = (GCFuncs *)sna_gc(gc)->old_funcs; assert(gc->funcs); gc->pCompositeClip = sna_gc(gc)->priv; assert(gc->pCompositeClip); } static inline bool clip_box(BoxPtr box, GCPtr gc) { const BoxRec *clip; bool clipped; assert(gc->pCompositeClip); clip = &gc->pCompositeClip->extents; clipped = !region_is_singular(gc->pCompositeClip); if (box->x1 < clip->x1) box->x1 = clip->x1, clipped = true; if (box->x2 > clip->x2) box->x2 = clip->x2, clipped = true; if (box->y1 < clip->y1) box->y1 = clip->y1, clipped = true; if (box->y2 > clip->y2) box->y2 = clip->y2, clipped = true; return clipped; } static inline void translate_box(BoxPtr box, DrawablePtr d) { box->x1 += d->x; box->x2 += d->x; box->y1 += d->y; box->y2 += d->y; } static inline bool trim_and_translate_box(BoxPtr box, DrawablePtr d, GCPtr gc) { translate_box(box, d); return clip_box(box, gc); } static inline bool box32_clip(Box32Rec *box, GCPtr gc) { bool clipped = !region_is_singular(gc->pCompositeClip); const BoxRec *clip = &gc->pCompositeClip->extents; if (box->x1 < clip->x1) box->x1 = clip->x1, clipped = true; if (box->x2 > clip->x2) box->x2 = clip->x2, clipped = true; if (box->y1 < clip->y1) box->y1 = clip->y1, clipped = true; if (box->y2 > clip->y2) box->y2 = clip->y2, clipped = true; return clipped; } static inline void box32_translate(Box32Rec *box, DrawablePtr d) { box->x1 += d->x; box->x2 += d->x; box->y1 += d->y; box->y2 += d->y; } static inline bool box32_trim_and_translate(Box32Rec *box, DrawablePtr d, GCPtr gc) { box32_translate(box, d); return box32_clip(box, gc); } static inline void box_add_xy(BoxPtr box, int16_t x, int16_t y) { if (box->x1 > x) box->x1 = x; else if (box->x2 < x) box->x2 = x; if (box->y1 > y) box->y1 = y; else if (box->y2 < y) box->y2 = y; } static inline void box_add_pt(BoxPtr box, const DDXPointRec *pt) { box_add_xy(box, pt->x, pt->y); } static inline bool box32_to_box16(const Box32Rec *b32, BoxRec *b16) { b16->x1 = b32->x1; b16->y1 = b32->y1; b16->x2 = b32->x2; b16->y2 = b32->y2; return b16->x2 > b16->x1 && b16->y2 > b16->y1; } static inline void box32_add_rect(Box32Rec *box, const xRectangle *r) { int32_t v; v = r->x; if (box->x1 > v) box->x1 = v; v += r->width; if (box->x2 < v) box->x2 = v; v = r->y; if (box->y1 > v) box->y1 = v; v += r->height; if (box->y2 < v) box->y2 = v; } static bool can_create_upload_tiled_x(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap, struct sna_pixmap *priv, bool replaces) { if (priv->shm || (priv->cpu && !replaces)) return false; if ((priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GPU) == 0) return false; if (sna->kgem.has_llc) return true; if (!sna->kgem.has_wc_mmap && sna_pixmap_default_tiling(sna, pixmap)) return false; return true; } static bool create_upload_tiled_x(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap, struct sna_pixmap *priv, bool replaces) { unsigned create; if (!can_create_upload_tiled_x(sna, pixmap, priv, replaces)) return false; assert(priv->gpu_bo == NULL); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL); if (sna->kgem.has_llc) create = CREATE_CPU_MAP | CREATE_INACTIVE; else if (sna->kgem.has_wc_mmap) create = CREATE_GTT_MAP | CREATE_INACTIVE; else create = CREATE_CPU_MAP | CREATE_INACTIVE | CREATE_CACHED; return sna_pixmap_alloc_gpu(sna, pixmap, priv, create); } static bool can_upload__tiled_x(struct kgem *kgem, struct kgem_bo *bo) { return kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(kgem, bo, true) || kgem->has_wc_mmap; } static bool try_upload__tiled_x(PixmapPtr pixmap, RegionRec *region, int x, int y, int w, int h, char *bits, int stride) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); const BoxRec *box; uint8_t *dst; int n; if (!can_upload__tiled_x(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s: no, cannot map through the CPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (!sna_pixmap_move_area_to_gpu(pixmap, ®ion->extents, MOVE_WRITE | (region->data ? MOVE_READ : 0))) return false; if ((priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_LARGE) == 0 && __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo)) return false; if (kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, true)) { dst = kgem_bo_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (dst == NULL) return false; kgem_bo_sync__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); } else { dst = kgem_bo_map__wc(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (dst == NULL) return false; kgem_bo_sync__gtt(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); } box = region_rects(region); n = region_num_rects(region); DBG(("%s: upload(%d, %d, %d, %d) x %d\n", __FUNCTION__, x, y, w, h, n)); if (sigtrap_get()) return false; if (priv->gpu_bo->tiling) { do { DBG(("%s: copy tiled box (%d, %d)->(%d, %d)x(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1 - x, box->y1 - y, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1)); assert(box->x2 > box->x1); assert(box->y2 > box->y1); assert(box->x1 >= 0); assert(box->y1 >= 0); assert(box->x2 <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(box->y2 <= pixmap->drawable.height); assert(box->x1 - x >= 0); assert(box->y1 - y >= 0); assert(box->x2 - x <= w); assert(box->y2 - y <= h); memcpy_to_tiled_x(&sna->kgem, bits, dst, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, stride, priv->gpu_bo->pitch, box->x1 - x, box->y1 - y, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); } else { do { DBG(("%s: copy lined box (%d, %d)->(%d, %d)x(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1 - x, box->y1 - y, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1)); assert(box->x2 > box->x1); assert(box->y2 > box->y1); assert(box->x1 >= 0); assert(box->y1 >= 0); assert(box->x2 <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(box->y2 <= pixmap->drawable.height); assert(box->x1 - x >= 0); assert(box->y1 - y >= 0); assert(box->x2 - x <= w); assert(box->y2 - y <= h); memcpy_blt(bits, dst, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, stride, priv->gpu_bo->pitch, box->x1 - x, box->y1 - y, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); if (!priv->shm) { pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = dst; pixmap->devKind = priv->gpu_bo->pitch; if (dst == MAP(priv->gpu_bo->map__cpu)) { priv->mapped = MAPPED_CPU; priv->cpu = true; } else priv->mapped = MAPPED_GTT; assert_pixmap_map(pixmap, priv); } } sigtrap_put(); return true; } static bool try_upload__inplace(PixmapPtr pixmap, RegionRec *region, int x, int y, int w, int h, char *bits, int stride) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); bool ignore_cpu = false; bool replaces; const BoxRec *box; uint8_t *dst; int n; if (!USE_INPLACE) return false; assert(priv); if (priv->shm && priv->gpu_damage == NULL) return false; replaces = region_subsumes_pixmap(region, pixmap); DBG(("%s: bo? %d, can map? %d, replaces? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->gpu_bo != NULL, priv->gpu_bo ? kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, true) : 0, replaces)); if (kgem_bo_discard_cache(priv->gpu_bo, true)) { DBG(("%s: discarding cached upload buffer\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL || DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)); /* magical upload buffer */ assert(!priv->pinned); assert(!priv->mapped); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->gpu_damage); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); priv->gpu_bo = NULL; } if (priv->gpu_bo && replaces) { if (UNDO) kgem_bo_pair_undo(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, priv->cpu_bo); if (can_create_upload_tiled_x(sna, pixmap, priv, true) && (priv->cow || __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo) || !kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, true))) { DBG(("%s: discarding unusable target bo (busy? %d, mappable? %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo), kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, true))); sna_pixmap_free_gpu(sna, priv); ignore_cpu = true; } } assert(priv->gpu_bo == NULL || priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); if (priv->cow || (priv->move_to_gpu && !sna_pixmap_discard_shadow_damage(priv, replaces ? NULL : region))) { DBG(("%s: no, has pending COW? %d or move-to-gpu? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->cow != NULL, priv->move_to_gpu != NULL)); return false; } if (priv->gpu_damage && region_subsumes_damage(region, priv->gpu_damage)) { if (UNDO) kgem_bo_undo(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (can_create_upload_tiled_x(sna, pixmap, priv, priv->cpu_damage == NULL) && (__kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo) || !kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, true))) { DBG(("%s: discarding unusable partial target bo (busy? %d, mappable? %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo), kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, true))); sna_pixmap_free_gpu(sna, priv); ignore_cpu = priv->cpu_damage == NULL; if (priv->ptr) sna_damage_all(&priv->cpu_damage, pixmap); } } if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL && !create_upload_tiled_x(sna, pixmap, priv, ignore_cpu)) return false; DBG(("%s: tiling=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->gpu_bo->tiling)); switch (priv->gpu_bo->tiling) { case I915_TILING_Y: break; case I915_TILING_X: if (!sna->kgem.memcpy_to_tiled_x) break; default: if (try_upload__tiled_x(pixmap, region, x, y, w, h, bits, stride)) goto done; break; } if (priv->gpu_damage == NULL && !box_inplace(pixmap, ®ion->extents)) { DBG(("%s: no, too small to bother with using the GTT\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (!kgem_bo_can_map(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s: no, cannot map through the CPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (!sna_pixmap_move_area_to_gpu(pixmap, ®ion->extents, MOVE_WRITE | (region->data ? MOVE_READ : 0))) return false; if ((priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_LARGE) == 0 && __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo)) return false; dst = kgem_bo_map(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (dst == NULL) return false; pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = dst; pixmap->devKind = priv->gpu_bo->pitch; priv->mapped = dst == MAP(priv->gpu_bo->map__cpu) ? MAPPED_CPU : MAPPED_GTT; priv->cpu &= priv->mapped == MAPPED_CPU; assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, priv, MOVE_WRITE)); box = region_rects(region); n = region_num_rects(region); DBG(("%s: upload(%d, %d, %d, %d) x %d\n", __FUNCTION__, x, y, w, h, n)); if (sigtrap_get()) return false; do { DBG(("%s: copy lined box (%d, %d)->(%d, %d)x(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1 - x, box->y1 - y, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1)); assert(box->x2 > box->x1); assert(box->y2 > box->y1); assert(box->x1 >= 0); assert(box->y1 >= 0); assert(box->x2 <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(box->y2 <= pixmap->drawable.height); assert(box->x1 - x >= 0); assert(box->y1 - y >= 0); assert(box->x2 - x <= w); assert(box->y2 - y <= h); memcpy_blt(bits, dst, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, stride, priv->gpu_bo->pitch, box->x1 - x, box->y1 - y, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); sigtrap_put(); done: if (!DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)) { if (replaces) { sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); } else { sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(&priv->gpu_damage, region, pixmap); sna_damage_reduce_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); } if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)) sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); else sna_damage_subtract(&priv->cpu_damage, region); if (priv->cpu_damage == NULL) { list_del(&priv->flush_list); sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); } add_shm_flush(sna, priv); } assert(!priv->clear); return true; } static bool try_upload__blt(PixmapPtr pixmap, RegionRec *region, int x, int y, int w, int h, char *bits, int stride) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv; struct kgem_bo *src_bo; bool ok; if (!sna->kgem.has_userptr || !USE_USERPTR_UPLOADS) return false; priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); assert(priv); assert(priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); if (priv->cpu_damage && (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage) || sna_damage_contains_box__no_reduce(priv->cpu_damage, ®ion->extents)) && !box_inplace(pixmap, ®ion->extents)) { DBG(("%s: no, damage on CPU and too small\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } src_bo = kgem_create_map(&sna->kgem, bits, stride * h, true); if (src_bo == NULL) return false; src_bo->pitch = stride; kgem_bo_mark_unreusable(src_bo); if (!sna_pixmap_move_area_to_gpu(pixmap, ®ion->extents, MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT | (region->data ? MOVE_READ : 0))) { kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, src_bo); return false; } DBG(("%s: upload(%d, %d, %d, %d) x %d through a temporary map\n", __FUNCTION__, x, y, w, h, region_num_rects(region))); if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { ok = sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &pixmap->drawable, src_bo, -x, -y, &pixmap->drawable, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, region_rects(region), region_num_rects(region), COPY_LAST); sigtrap_put(); } else ok = false; kgem_bo_sync__cpu(&sna->kgem, src_bo); assert(src_bo->rq == NULL); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, src_bo); if (!ok) { DBG(("%s: copy failed!\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (!DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)) { assert(!priv->clear); if (region_subsumes_drawable(region, &pixmap->drawable)) { sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); } else { sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(&priv->gpu_damage, region, pixmap); sna_damage_reduce_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); } if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)) sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); else sna_damage_subtract(&priv->cpu_damage, region); if (priv->cpu_damage == NULL) { list_del(&priv->flush_list); if (sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, priv->cpu)) sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); } } priv->cpu = false; priv->clear = false; return true; } static bool ignore_cpu_damage(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *priv, const RegionRec *region) { if (region_subsumes_pixmap(region, priv->pixmap)) return true; if (priv->cpu_damage != NULL) { if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)) return false; if (!box_inplace(priv->pixmap, ®ion->extents)) return false; if (sna_damage_contains_box__no_reduce(priv->cpu_damage, ®ion->extents)) return false; } return priv->gpu_bo == NULL || !__kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); } static bool try_upload__fast(PixmapPtr pixmap, RegionRec *region, int x, int y, int w, int h, char *bits, int stride) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv; if (wedged(sna)) return false; priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); if (priv == NULL) return false; if (ignore_cpu_damage(sna, priv, region)) { DBG(("%s: ignore existing cpu damage (if any)\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (try_upload__inplace(pixmap, region, x, y, w, h, bits, stride)) return true; } if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage) || priv->gpu_damage == NULL || priv->cpu) { DBG(("%s: no, no gpu damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } assert(priv->gpu_bo); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); if (try_upload__blt(pixmap, region, x, y, w, h, bits, stride)) return true; if (try_upload__inplace(pixmap, region, x, y, w, h, bits, stride)) return true; return false; } static bool sna_put_zpixmap_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, RegionPtr region, int x, int y, int w, int h, char *bits, int stride) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); unsigned int hint; const BoxRec *box; int16_t dx, dy; int n; assert_pixmap_contains_box(pixmap, RegionExtents(region)); if (gc->alu != GXcopy) return false; if (drawable->depth < 8) return false; get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); x += dx + drawable->x; y += dy + drawable->y; assert(region->extents.x1 >= x); assert(region->extents.y1 >= y); assert(region->extents.x2 <= x + w); assert(region->extents.y2 <= y + h); if (try_upload__fast(pixmap, region, x, y, w, h, bits, stride)) return true; hint = MOVE_WRITE; if (region_is_unclipped(region, pixmap->drawable.width, h) && (h+1)*stride > 65536) { DBG(("%s: segmented, unclipped large upload (%d bytes), marking WHOLE_HINT\n", __FUNCTION__, h*stride)); hint |= MOVE_WHOLE_HINT; } if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(&pixmap->drawable, region, hint)) return false; if (sigtrap_get()) return false; /* Region is pre-clipped and translated into pixmap space */ box = region_rects(region); n = region_num_rects(region); DBG(("%s: upload(%d, %d, %d, %d) x %d boxes\n", __FUNCTION__, x, y, w, h, n)); do { DBG(("%s: copy box (%d, %d)->(%d, %d)x(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1 - x, box->y1 - y, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1)); assert(box->x2 > box->x1); assert(box->y2 > box->y1); assert(box->x1 >= 0); assert(box->y1 >= 0); assert(box->x2 <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(box->y2 <= pixmap->drawable.height); assert(box->x1 - x >= 0); assert(box->y1 - y >= 0); assert(box->x2 - x <= w); assert(box->y2 - y <= h); assert(has_coherent_ptr(to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap), sna_pixmap(pixmap), MOVE_WRITE)); assert(pixmap->devKind); memcpy_blt(bits, pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, stride, pixmap->devKind, box->x1 - x, box->y1 - y, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); sigtrap_put(); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); return true; } static inline uint8_t byte_reverse(uint8_t b) { return ((b * 0x80200802ULL) & 0x0884422110ULL) * 0x0101010101ULL >> 32; } static inline uint8_t blt_depth(int depth) { switch (depth) { case 8: return 0; case 15: return 0x2; case 16: return 0x1; default: return 0x3; } } inline static void blt_done(struct sna *sna) { sna->blt_state.fill_bo = 0; if (sna->kgem.nbatch && __kgem_ring_empty(&sna->kgem)) { DBG(("%s: flushing BLT operation on empty ring\n", __FUNCTION__)); _kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); } } static bool sna_put_xybitmap_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, RegionPtr region, int x, int y, int w, int h, char *bits) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_damage **damage; struct kgem_bo *bo; const BoxRec *box; int16_t dx, dy; int n; uint8_t rop = copy_ROP[gc->alu]; bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(&pixmap->drawable, PREFER_GPU, ®ion->extents, &damage); if (bo == NULL) return false; if (bo->tiling == I915_TILING_Y) { DBG(("%s: converting bo from Y-tiling\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(bo == __sna_pixmap_get_bo(pixmap)); bo = sna_pixmap_change_tiling(pixmap, I915_TILING_X); if (bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- unable to change tiling\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } } if (!kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; assert_pixmap_contains_box(pixmap, RegionExtents(region)); if (damage) sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(damage, region, pixmap); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); DBG(("%s: upload(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, x, y, w, h)); get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); x += dx + drawable->x; y += dy + drawable->y; kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT, bo); assert(kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); /* Region is pre-clipped and translated into pixmap space */ box = region_rects(region); n = region_num_rects(region); do { int bx1 = (box->x1 - x) & ~7; int bx2 = (box->x2 - x + 7) & ~7; int bw = (bx2 - bx1)/8; int bh = box->y2 - box->y1; int bstride = ALIGN(bw, 2); struct kgem_bo *upload; void *ptr; if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 10) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_check_reloc_and_exec(&sna->kgem, 2)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); upload = kgem_create_buffer(&sna->kgem, bstride*bh, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE, &ptr); if (!upload) break; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { int src_stride = BitmapBytePad(w); uint8_t *dst = ptr; uint8_t *src = (uint8_t*)bits + (box->y1 - y) * src_stride + bx1/8; uint32_t *b; bstride -= bw; src_stride -= bw; do { int i = bw; assert(src >= (uint8_t *)bits); do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); } while (--i); assert(src <= (uint8_t *)bits + BitmapBytePad(w) * h); assert(dst <= (uint8_t *)ptr + kgem_bo_size(upload)); dst += bstride; src += src_stride; } while (--bh); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY | 3 << 20 | 8; b[0] |= ((box->x1 - x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = bo->pitch; if (bo->tiling) { b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] >>= 2; } b[1] |= blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24; b[1] |= rop << 16; b[2] = box->y1 << 16 | box->x1; b[3] = box->y2 << 16 | box->x2; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); *(uint64_t *)(b+6) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 6, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[8] = gc->bgPixel; b[9] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY | 3 << 20 | 6; b[0] |= ((box->x1 - x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] >>= 2; } b[1] |= blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24; b[1] |= rop << 16; b[2] = box->y1 << 16 | box->x1; b[3] = box->y2 << 16 | box->x2; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 5, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } sigtrap_put(); } kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, upload); box++; } while (--n); blt_done(sna); return true; } static bool sna_put_xypixmap_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, RegionPtr region, int x, int y, int w, int h, int left,char *bits) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_damage **damage; struct kgem_bo *bo; int16_t dx, dy; unsigned i, skip; if (gc->alu != GXcopy) return false; bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(&pixmap->drawable, PREFER_GPU, ®ion->extents, &damage); if (bo == NULL) return false; if (bo->tiling == I915_TILING_Y) { DBG(("%s: converting bo from Y-tiling\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(bo == __sna_pixmap_get_bo(pixmap)); bo = sna_pixmap_change_tiling(pixmap, I915_TILING_X); if (bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- unable to change tiling\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } } if (!kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; assert_pixmap_contains_box(pixmap, RegionExtents(region)); if (damage) sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(damage, region, pixmap); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); DBG(("%s: upload(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, x, y, w, h)); get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); x += dx + drawable->x; y += dy + drawable->y; kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT, bo); assert(kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); skip = h * BitmapBytePad(w + left); for (i = 1 << (gc->depth-1); i; i >>= 1, bits += skip) { const BoxRec *box = region_rects(region); int n = region_num_rects(region); if ((gc->planemask & i) == 0) continue; /* Region is pre-clipped and translated into pixmap space */ do { int bx1 = (box->x1 - x) & ~7; int bx2 = (box->x2 - x + 7) & ~7; int bw = (bx2 - bx1)/8; int bh = box->y2 - box->y1; int bstride = ALIGN(bw, 2); struct kgem_bo *upload; void *ptr; if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 14) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_check_reloc_and_exec(&sna->kgem, 2)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); upload = kgem_create_buffer(&sna->kgem, bstride*bh, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE, &ptr); if (!upload) break; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { int src_stride = BitmapBytePad(w); uint8_t *src = (uint8_t*)bits + (box->y1 - y) * src_stride + bx1/8; uint8_t *dst = ptr; uint32_t *b; bstride -= bw; src_stride -= bw; do { int j = bw; assert(src >= (uint8_t *)bits); do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); } while (--j); assert(src <= (uint8_t *)bits + BitmapBytePad(w) * h); assert(dst <= (uint8_t *)ptr + kgem_bo_size(upload)); dst += bstride; src += src_stride; } while (--bh); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; b[0] = XY_FULL_MONO_PATTERN_MONO_SRC_BLT | 3 << 20 | 12; b[0] |= ((box->x1 - x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = bo->pitch; if (bo->tiling) { b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] >>= 2; } b[1] |= 1 << 31; /* solid pattern */ b[1] |= blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24; b[1] |= 0xce << 16; /* S or (D and !P) */ b[2] = box->y1 << 16 | box->x1; b[3] = box->y2 << 16 | box->x2; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); *(uint64_t *)(b+6) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 6, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[8] = 0; b[9] = i; b[10] = i; b[11] = i; b[12] = -1; b[13] = -1; sna->kgem.nbatch += 14; } else { b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; b[0] = XY_FULL_MONO_PATTERN_MONO_SRC_BLT | 3 << 20 | 10; b[0] |= ((box->x1 - x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] >>= 2; } b[1] |= 1 << 31; /* solid pattern */ b[1] |= blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24; b[1] |= 0xce << 16; /* S or (D and !P) */ b[2] = box->y1 << 16 | box->x1; b[3] = box->y2 << 16 | box->x2; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 5, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = 0; b[7] = i; b[8] = i; b[9] = i; b[10] = -1; b[11] = -1; sna->kgem.nbatch += 12; } sigtrap_put(); } kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, upload); box++; } while (--n); } blt_done(sna); return true; } static void sna_put_image(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int depth, int x, int y, int w, int h, int left, int format, char *bits) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); RegionRec region; int16_t dx, dy; DBG(("%s((%d, %d)x(%d, %d), depth=%d, format=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, x, y, w, h, depth, format)); if (w == 0 || h == 0) return; region.extents.x1 = x + drawable->x; region.extents.y1 = y + drawable->y; region.extents.x2 = region.extents.x1 + w; region.extents.y2 = region.extents.y1 + h; region.data = NULL; if (!region_is_singular(gc->pCompositeClip) || gc->pCompositeClip->extents.x1 > region.extents.x1 || gc->pCompositeClip->extents.y1 > region.extents.y1 || gc->pCompositeClip->extents.x2 < region.extents.x2 || gc->pCompositeClip->extents.y2 < region.extents.y2) { if (!RegionIntersect(®ion, ®ion, gc->pCompositeClip) || box_empty(®ion.extents)) return; } if (get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy)) RegionTranslate(®ion, dx, dy); if (priv == NULL) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- unattached(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, x, y, w, h)); goto fallback; } if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (wedged(sna)) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_PUT_IMAGE) goto fallback; switch (format) { case ZPixmap: if (!PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; if (sna_put_zpixmap_blt(drawable, gc, ®ion, x, y, w, h, bits, PixmapBytePad(w, depth))) return; break; case XYBitmap: if (!PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; if (sna_put_xybitmap_blt(drawable, gc, ®ion, x, y, w, h, bits)) return; break; case XYPixmap: if (sna_put_xypixmap_blt(drawable, gc, ®ion, x, y, w, h, left, bits)) return; break; default: return; } fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); RegionTranslate(®ion, -dx, -dy); if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, ®ion)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, ®ion, format == XYPixmap ? MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE : drawable_gc_flags(drawable, gc, false))) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fbPutImage(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, x, y, w, h)); fbPutImage(drawable, gc, depth, x, y, w, h, left, format, bits); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); RegionUninit(®ion); } static bool source_contains_region(struct sna_damage *damage, const RegionRec *region, int16_t dx, int16_t dy) { BoxRec box; if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(damage)) return true; if (damage == NULL) return false; box = region->extents; box.x1 += dx; box.x2 += dx; box.y1 += dy; box.y2 += dy; return sna_damage_contains_box__no_reduce(damage, &box); } static bool move_to_gpu(PixmapPtr pixmap, struct sna_pixmap *priv, RegionRec *region, int16_t dx, int16_t dy, uint8_t alu, bool dst_is_gpu) { int w = region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1; int h = region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1; int count; assert_pixmap_map(pixmap, priv); if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)) { assert(priv->gpu_bo); return true; } if (dst_is_gpu && priv->cpu_bo && priv->cpu_damage) { DBG(("%s: can use CPU bo? cpu_damage=%d, gpu_damage=%d, cpu hint=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->cpu_damage ? DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage) ? -1 : 1 : 0, priv->gpu_damage ? DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage) ? -1 : 1 : 0, priv->cpu)); if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage) || priv->gpu_damage == NULL) return false; if (priv->cpu && source_contains_region(priv->cpu_damage, region, dx, dy)) return false; } if (priv->gpu_bo) { DBG(("%s: has gpu bo (cpu damage?=%d, cpu=%d, gpu tiling=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->cpu_damage ? DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage) ? -1 : 1 : 0, priv->cpu, priv->gpu_bo->tiling)); if (priv->cpu_damage == NULL) return true; if (alu != GXcopy) return true; if (!priv->cpu) return true; if (priv->gpu_bo->tiling) return true; RegionTranslate(region, dx, dy); count = region_subsumes_damage(region, priv->cpu_damage); RegionTranslate(region, -dx, -dy); if (count) return true; } else { if ((priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GPU) == 0) return false; if (priv->shm) return false; } count = priv->source_count++; if (priv->cpu_bo) { if (priv->cpu_bo->flush && count > SOURCE_BIAS) return true; if (sna_pixmap_default_tiling(to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap), pixmap) == I915_TILING_NONE) return false; if (priv->cpu) return false; return count > SOURCE_BIAS; } else { if (w == pixmap->drawable.width && h == pixmap->drawable.height) return count > SOURCE_BIAS; return count * w*h >= (SOURCE_BIAS+2) * (int)pixmap->drawable.width * pixmap->drawable.height; } } static const BoxRec * reorder_boxes(const BoxRec *box, int n, int dx, int dy) { const BoxRec *next, *base; BoxRec *new; DBG(("%s x %d dx=%d, dy=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n, dx, dy)); if (dy <= 0 && dx <= 0) { BoxRec *tmp; new = malloc(sizeof(BoxRec) * n); if (new == NULL) return NULL; tmp = new; next = box + n; do { *tmp++ = *--next; } while (next != box); } else if (dy < 0) { new = malloc(sizeof(BoxRec) * n); if (new == NULL) return NULL; base = next = box + n - 1; while (base >= box) { const BoxRec *tmp; while (next >= box && base->y1 == next->y1) next--; tmp = next + 1; while (tmp <= base) *new++ = *tmp++; base = next; } new -= n; } else { new = malloc(sizeof(BoxRec) * n); if (!new) return NULL; base = next = box; while (base < box + n) { const BoxRec *tmp; while (next < box + n && next->y1 == base->y1) next++; tmp = next; while (tmp != base) *new++ = *--tmp; base = next; } new -= n; } return new; } static void sna_self_copy_boxes(DrawablePtr src, DrawablePtr dst, GCPtr gc, RegionPtr region,int dx, int dy, Pixel bitplane, void *closure) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(src); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); const BoxRec *box = region_rects(region); int n = region_num_rects(region); int alu = gc ? gc->alu : GXcopy; int16_t tx, ty, sx, sy; assert(pixmap == get_drawable_pixmap(dst)); assert(region_num_rects(region)); if (((dx | dy) == 0 && alu == GXcopy)) return; if (n > 1 && (dx | dy) < 0) { box = reorder_boxes(box, n, dx, dy); if (box == NULL) return; } DBG(("%s (boxes=%dx[(%d, %d), (%d, %d)...], src=+(%d, %d), alu=%d, pix.size=%dx%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, n, region->extents.x1, region->extents.y1, region->extents.x2, region->extents.y2, dx, dy, alu, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)); get_drawable_deltas(dst, pixmap, &tx, &ty); get_drawable_deltas(src, pixmap, &sx, &sy); sx += dx; sy += dy; if (priv == NULL || DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)) { DBG(("%s: unattached, or all damaged on CPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (priv->gpu_damage || (priv->cpu_damage == NULL && priv->gpu_bo)) { assert(priv->gpu_bo); if (alu == GXcopy && priv->clear) goto free_boxes; assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(pixmap, MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) { DBG(("%s: fallback - not a pure copy and failed to move dst to GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } assert(priv->cpu_damage == NULL); if (!sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, alu, &pixmap->drawable, priv->gpu_bo, sx, sy, &pixmap->drawable, priv->gpu_bo, tx, ty, box, n, small_copy(region))) { DBG(("%s: fallback - accelerated copy boxes failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (!DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)) { assert(!priv->clear); if (sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, false)) { sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); } else { RegionTranslate(region, tx, ty); sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(&priv->gpu_damage, region, pixmap); } } assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); } else { fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(pixmap, MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE)) goto free_boxes; if (alu == GXcopy && pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel >= 8) { assert(pixmap->devKind); if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { FbBits *dst_bits, *src_bits; int stride = pixmap->devKind; int bpp = pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel; int i; dst_bits = (FbBits *) ((char *)pixmap->devPrivate.ptr + ty * stride + tx * bpp / 8); src_bits = (FbBits *) ((char *)pixmap->devPrivate.ptr + sy * stride + sx * bpp / 8); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) memmove_box(src_bits, dst_bits, bpp, stride, box+i, dx, dy); sigtrap_put(); } } else { if (gc && !sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, dst, region)) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { miCopyRegion(src, dst, gc, region, dx, dy, fbCopyNtoN, 0, NULL); sigtrap_put(); } if (gc) out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); } } free_boxes: if (box != region_rects(region)) free((void *)box); } static inline bool sna_pixmap_is_gpu(PixmapPtr pixmap) { struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); if (priv == NULL || priv->clear) return false; if (DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage) || (priv->gpu_bo && kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->gpu_bo) && !priv->gpu_bo->proxy)) return true; return priv->cpu_bo && kgem_bo_is_busy(priv->cpu_bo); } static int copy_prefer_gpu(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *dst_priv, struct sna_pixmap *src_priv, RegionRec *region, int16_t dx, int16_t dy) { assert(dst_priv); if (wedged(sna) && !dst_priv->pinned) return 0; if (src_priv == NULL) { DBG(("%s: source unattached, use cpu\n", __FUNCTION__)); return 0; } if (src_priv->clear) { DBG(("%s: source is clear, don't force use of GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); return 0; } if (src_priv->gpu_damage && !source_contains_region(src_priv->cpu_damage, region, dx, dy)) { DBG(("%s: source has gpu damage, force gpu? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, src_priv->cpu_damage == NULL)); assert(src_priv->gpu_bo); return src_priv->cpu_damage ? PREFER_GPU : PREFER_GPU | FORCE_GPU; } if (src_priv->cpu_bo && kgem_bo_is_busy(src_priv->cpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s: source has busy CPU bo, force gpu\n", __FUNCTION__)); return PREFER_GPU | FORCE_GPU; } if (source_contains_region(src_priv->cpu_damage, region, dx, dy)) return src_priv->cpu_bo && kgem_is_idle(&sna->kgem); DBG(("%s: source has GPU bo? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, src_priv->gpu_bo != NULL)); return src_priv->gpu_bo != NULL; } static bool use_shm_bo(struct sna *sna, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_pixmap *priv, int alu, bool replaces) { if (priv == NULL || priv->cpu_bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: no, not attached\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (!priv->shm && !priv->cpu) { DBG(("%s: yes, ordinary CPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } if (alu != GXcopy) { DBG(("%s: yes, complex alu=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, alu)); return true; } if (!replaces && __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, bo)) { DBG(("%s: yes, dst is busy\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } if (priv->cpu_bo->needs_flush && __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->cpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s: yes, src is busy\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } return false; } static bool sna_damage_contains_box__no_reduce__offset(struct sna_damage *damage, const BoxRec *extents, int16_t dx, int16_t dy) { BoxRec _extents; if (dx | dy) { _extents.x1 = extents->x1 + dx; _extents.x2 = extents->x2 + dx; _extents.y1 = extents->y1 + dy; _extents.y2 = extents->y2 + dy; extents = &_extents; } return sna_damage_contains_box__no_reduce(damage, extents); } static bool sna_copy_boxes__inplace(struct sna *sna, RegionPtr region, int alu, PixmapPtr src_pixmap, struct sna_pixmap *src_priv, int dx, int dy, PixmapPtr dst_pixmap, struct sna_pixmap *dst_priv, bool replaces) { const BoxRec *box; char *ptr; int n; assert(src_pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel == dst_pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel); if (alu != GXcopy) { DBG(("%s - no, complex alu [%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, alu)); return false; } if (!USE_INPLACE) { DBG(("%s - no, compile time disabled\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (dst_priv == src_priv) { DBG(("%s - no, dst == src\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (src_priv == NULL || src_priv->gpu_bo == NULL) { if (dst_priv && dst_priv->gpu_bo) goto upload_inplace; DBG(("%s - no, no src or dst GPU bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } switch (src_priv->gpu_bo->tiling) { case I915_TILING_Y: DBG(("%s - no, bad src tiling [Y]\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; case I915_TILING_X: if (!sna->kgem.memcpy_from_tiled_x) { DBG(("%s - no, bad src tiling [X]\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } default: break; } if (src_priv->move_to_gpu && !src_priv->move_to_gpu(sna, src_priv, MOVE_READ)) { DBG(("%s - no, pending src move-to-gpu failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (!kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, src_priv->gpu_bo, FORCE_FULL_SYNC)) { DBG(("%s - no, cannot map src for reads into the CPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (src_priv->gpu_damage == NULL || !(DAMAGE_IS_ALL(src_priv->gpu_damage) || sna_damage_contains_box__no_reduce__offset(src_priv->gpu_damage, ®ion->extents, dx, dy))) { DBG(("%s - no, src is not damaged on the GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } assert(sna_damage_contains_box__offset(&src_priv->gpu_damage, ®ion->extents, dx, dy) == PIXMAN_REGION_IN); assert(sna_damage_contains_box__offset(&src_priv->cpu_damage, ®ion->extents, dx, dy) == PIXMAN_REGION_OUT); ptr = kgem_bo_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, src_priv->gpu_bo); if (ptr == NULL) { DBG(("%s - no, map failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (dst_priv && !sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(&dst_pixmap->drawable, region, MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_INPLACE_HINT)) { DBG(("%s - no, dst sync failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } kgem_bo_sync__cpu_full(&sna->kgem, src_priv->gpu_bo, FORCE_FULL_SYNC); if (sigtrap_get()) return false; box = region_rects(region); n = region_num_rects(region); if (src_priv->gpu_bo->tiling) { DBG(("%s: copy from a tiled CPU map\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(dst_pixmap->devKind); do { memcpy_from_tiled_x(&sna->kgem, ptr, dst_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, src_pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, src_priv->gpu_bo->pitch, dst_pixmap->devKind, box->x1 + dx, box->y1 + dy, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); } else { DBG(("%s: copy from a linear CPU map\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(dst_pixmap->devKind); do { memcpy_blt(ptr, dst_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, src_pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, src_priv->gpu_bo->pitch, dst_pixmap->devKind, box->x1 + dx, box->y1 + dy, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); if (!src_priv->shm) { assert(ptr == MAP(src_priv->gpu_bo->map__cpu)); src_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = ptr; src_pixmap->devKind = src_priv->gpu_bo->pitch; src_priv->mapped = MAPPED_CPU; assert_pixmap_map(src_pixmap, src_priv); src_priv->cpu = true; } } sigtrap_put(); return true; upload_inplace: switch (dst_priv->gpu_bo->tiling) { case I915_TILING_Y: DBG(("%s - no, bad dst tiling [Y]\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; case I915_TILING_X: if (!sna->kgem.memcpy_to_tiled_x) { DBG(("%s - no, bad dst tiling [X]\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } default: break; } if (dst_priv->move_to_gpu) { DBG(("%s - no, pending dst move-to-gpu\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (!can_upload__tiled_x(&sna->kgem, dst_priv->gpu_bo) || __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, dst_priv->gpu_bo)) { if (replaces && !dst_priv->pinned) { unsigned create; struct kgem_bo *bo; create = CREATE_CPU_MAP | CREATE_INACTIVE; if (dst_priv->gpu_bo->scanout) create |= CREATE_SCANOUT; bo = kgem_create_2d(&sna->kgem, dst_pixmap->drawable.width, dst_pixmap->drawable.height, dst_pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, dst_priv->gpu_bo->tiling, create); if (bo == NULL) return false; sna_pixmap_unmap(dst_pixmap, dst_priv); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, dst_priv->gpu_bo); dst_priv->gpu_bo = bo; } else { DBG(("%s - no, dst is busy\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (!can_upload__tiled_x(&sna->kgem, dst_priv->gpu_bo)) { DBG(("%s - no, cannot map dst for reads into the CPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } } if (src_priv && !sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(&src_pixmap->drawable, region, MOVE_READ)) { DBG(("%s - no, src sync failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, dst_priv->gpu_bo, true)) { ptr = kgem_bo_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, dst_priv->gpu_bo); if (ptr == NULL) { DBG(("%s - no, map failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } kgem_bo_sync__cpu(&sna->kgem, dst_priv->gpu_bo); } else { ptr = kgem_bo_map__wc(&sna->kgem, dst_priv->gpu_bo); if (ptr == NULL) { DBG(("%s - no, map failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } kgem_bo_sync__gtt(&sna->kgem, dst_priv->gpu_bo); } if (!DAMAGE_IS_ALL(dst_priv->gpu_damage)) { assert(!dst_priv->clear); sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(&dst_priv->gpu_damage, region, dst_pixmap); if (sna_damage_is_all(&dst_priv->gpu_damage, dst_pixmap->drawable.width, dst_pixmap->drawable.height)) { DBG(("%s: replaced entire pixmap, destroying CPU shadow\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_damage_destroy(&dst_priv->cpu_damage); list_del(&dst_priv->flush_list); } else sna_damage_subtract(&dst_priv->cpu_damage, region); } dst_priv->clear = false; assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, src_priv, MOVE_READ)); if (sigtrap_get()) return false; box = region_rects(region); n = region_num_rects(region); if (dst_priv->gpu_bo->tiling) { DBG(("%s: copy to a tiled CPU map\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(dst_priv->gpu_bo->tiling == I915_TILING_X); assert(src_pixmap->devKind); do { memcpy_to_tiled_x(&sna->kgem, src_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, ptr, src_pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, src_pixmap->devKind, dst_priv->gpu_bo->pitch, box->x1 + dx, box->y1 + dy, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); } else { DBG(("%s: copy to a linear CPU map\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(src_pixmap->devKind); do { memcpy_blt(src_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, ptr, src_pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, src_pixmap->devKind, dst_priv->gpu_bo->pitch, box->x1 + dx, box->y1 + dy, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); if (!dst_priv->shm) { dst_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = ptr; dst_pixmap->devKind = dst_priv->gpu_bo->pitch; if (ptr == MAP(dst_priv->gpu_bo->map__cpu)) { dst_priv->mapped = MAPPED_CPU; dst_priv->cpu = true; } else dst_priv->mapped = MAPPED_GTT; assert_pixmap_map(dst_pixmap, dst_priv); } } sigtrap_put(); return true; } static void discard_cpu_damage(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *priv) { if (priv->cpu_damage == NULL && !priv->shm) return; DBG(("%s: discarding existing CPU damage\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (kgem_bo_discard_cache(priv->gpu_bo, true)) { DBG(("%s: discarding cached upload buffer\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->cpu_damage)); assert(priv->gpu_damage == NULL || DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)); /* magical upload buffer */ assert(!priv->pinned); assert(!priv->mapped); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->gpu_damage); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); priv->gpu_bo = NULL; } sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); list_del(&priv->flush_list); if (priv->gpu_bo && sna_pixmap_free_cpu(sna, priv, priv->cpu)) sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, priv->pixmap); priv->cpu = false; } static void sna_copy_boxes(DrawablePtr src, DrawablePtr dst, GCPtr gc, RegionPtr region, int dx, int dy, Pixel bitplane, void *closure) { PixmapPtr src_pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(src); struct sna_pixmap *src_priv = sna_pixmap(src_pixmap); PixmapPtr dst_pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(dst); struct sna_pixmap *dst_priv = sna_pixmap(dst_pixmap); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(src_pixmap); struct sna_damage **damage; struct kgem_bo *bo; int16_t src_dx, src_dy; int16_t dst_dx, dst_dy; const BoxRec *box = region_rects(region); int n = region_num_rects(region); int alu = gc->alu; int stride, bpp; char *bits; bool replaces; assert(region_num_rects(region)); if (src_priv && src_priv->gpu_bo == NULL && src_priv->cpu_bo == NULL && src_priv->ptr == NULL) { /* Rare but still happens, nothing to copy */ DBG(("%s: src pixmap=%ld is empty\n", __FUNCTION__, src_pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); return; } if (src_pixmap == dst_pixmap) return sna_self_copy_boxes(src, dst, gc, region, dx, dy, bitplane, closure); DBG(("%s (boxes=%dx[(%d, %d), (%d, %d)...], src pixmap=%ld+(%d, %d), dst pixmap=%ld+(%d, %d), alu=%d, src.size=%dx%d, dst.size=%dx%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, n, box[0].x1, box[0].y1, box[0].x2, box[0].y2, src_pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, dx, dy, dst_pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, get_drawable_dx(dst), get_drawable_dy(dst), alu, src_pixmap->drawable.width, src_pixmap->drawable.height, dst_pixmap->drawable.width, dst_pixmap->drawable.height)); assert_pixmap_damage(dst_pixmap); assert_pixmap_damage(src_pixmap); bpp = dst_pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel; if (get_drawable_deltas(dst, dst_pixmap, &dst_dx, &dst_dy)) RegionTranslate(region, dst_dx, dst_dy); get_drawable_deltas(src, src_pixmap, &src_dx, &src_dy); src_dx += dx - dst_dx; src_dy += dy - dst_dy; assert_pixmap_contains_box(dst_pixmap, RegionExtents(region)); assert_pixmap_contains_box_with_offset(src_pixmap, RegionExtents(region), src_dx, src_dy); replaces = n == 1 && alu_overwrites(alu) && box->x1 <= 0 && box->y1 <= 0 && box->x2 >= dst_pixmap->drawable.width && box->y2 >= dst_pixmap->drawable.height; DBG(("%s: dst=(priv=%p, gpu_bo=%d, cpu_bo=%d), src=(priv=%p, gpu_bo=%d, cpu_bo=%d), replaces=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, dst_priv, dst_priv && dst_priv->gpu_bo ? dst_priv->gpu_bo->handle : 0, dst_priv && dst_priv->cpu_bo ? dst_priv->cpu_bo->handle : 0, src_priv, src_priv && src_priv->gpu_bo ? src_priv->gpu_bo->handle : 0, src_priv && src_priv->cpu_bo ? src_priv->cpu_bo->handle : 0, replaces)); if (dst_priv == NULL) { DBG(("%s: unattached dst failed, fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (alu == GXcopy && src_priv && src_priv->cow && COW(src_priv->cow) == COW(dst_priv->cow)) { if ((dx | dy) == 0) { DBG(("%s: ignoring cow for no op\n", __FUNCTION__)); return; } else if (IS_COW_OWNER(dst_priv->cow)) { /* XXX hack for firefox -- subsequent uses of src will be corrupt! */ DBG(("%s: ignoring cow reference for cousin copy\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(src_priv->cpu_damage == NULL); assert(dst_priv->move_to_gpu == NULL); bo = dst_priv->gpu_bo; damage = NULL; } else goto discard_cow; } else { unsigned hint; discard_cow: hint = copy_prefer_gpu(sna, dst_priv, src_priv, region, src_dx, src_dy); if (replaces) { discard_cpu_damage(sna, dst_priv); hint |= REPLACES | IGNORE_DAMAGE; } else if (alu_overwrites(alu)) { if (region->data == NULL) hint |= IGNORE_DAMAGE; if (dst_priv->cpu_damage && region_subsumes_damage(region, dst_priv->cpu_damage)) discard_cpu_damage(sna, dst_priv); } bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(&dst_pixmap->drawable, hint, ®ion->extents, &damage); } if (bo) { if (alu == GXset || alu == GXclear || (src_priv && src_priv->clear)) { uint32_t color; if (alu == GXset) color = (1 << dst_pixmap->drawable.depth) - 1; else if (alu == GXclear) color = 0; else color = src_priv->clear_color; DBG(("%s: applying src clear [%08x] to dst\n", __FUNCTION__, src_priv->clear_color)); if (n == 1) { if (replaces && UNDO) kgem_bo_pair_undo(&sna->kgem, dst_priv->gpu_bo, dst_priv->cpu_bo); if (!sna->render.fill_one(sna, dst_pixmap, bo, color, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2, box->y2, alu)) { DBG(("%s: unsupported fill\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (replaces && bo == dst_priv->gpu_bo) { DBG(("%s: marking dst handle=%d as all clear [%08x]\n", __FUNCTION__, dst_priv->gpu_bo->handle, src_priv->clear_color)); dst_priv->clear = true; dst_priv->clear_color = color; sna_damage_all(&dst_priv->gpu_damage, dst_pixmap); sna_damage_destroy(&dst_priv->cpu_damage); list_del(&dst_priv->flush_list); return; } } else { struct sna_fill_op fill; if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, sna, dst_pixmap, bo, alu, color, FILL_BOXES)) { DBG(("%s: unsupported fill\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, n); fill.done(sna, &fill); } if (damage) sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(damage, region, dst_pixmap); return; } if (src_priv && move_to_gpu(src_pixmap, src_priv, region, src_dx, src_dy, alu, bo == dst_priv->gpu_bo) && sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(src_pixmap, MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) { DBG(("%s: move whole src_pixmap to GPU and copy\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (replaces && UNDO) kgem_bo_pair_undo(&sna->kgem, dst_priv->gpu_bo, dst_priv->cpu_bo); if (replaces && src_pixmap->drawable.width == dst_pixmap->drawable.width && src_pixmap->drawable.height == dst_pixmap->drawable.height) { assert(src_pixmap->drawable.depth == dst_pixmap->drawable.depth); assert(src_pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel == dst_pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel); if (sna_pixmap_make_cow(sna, src_priv, dst_priv)) { assert(dst_priv->gpu_bo == src_priv->gpu_bo); sna_damage_all(&dst_priv->gpu_damage, dst_pixmap); sna_damage_destroy(&dst_priv->cpu_damage); list_del(&dst_priv->flush_list); add_shm_flush(sna, dst_priv); return; } } if (!sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, alu, &src_pixmap->drawable, src_priv->gpu_bo, src_dx, src_dy, &dst_pixmap->drawable, bo, 0, 0, box, n, small_copy(region))) { DBG(("%s: fallback - accelerated copy boxes failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (damage) sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(damage, region, dst_pixmap); return; } if (src_priv && region_overlaps_damage(region, src_priv->gpu_damage, src_dx, src_dy)) { BoxRec area; DBG(("%s: region overlaps GPU damage, upload and copy\n", __FUNCTION__)); area = region->extents; area.x1 += src_dx; area.x2 += src_dx; area.y1 += src_dy; area.y2 += src_dy; if (!sna_pixmap_move_area_to_gpu(src_pixmap, &area, MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) { DBG(("%s: move-to-gpu(src) failed, fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (replaces && UNDO) kgem_bo_pair_undo(&sna->kgem, dst_priv->gpu_bo, dst_priv->cpu_bo); if (!sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, alu, &src_pixmap->drawable, src_priv->gpu_bo, src_dx, src_dy, &dst_pixmap->drawable, bo, 0, 0, box, n, small_copy(region))) { DBG(("%s: fallback - accelerated copy boxes failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (damage) sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(damage, region, dst_pixmap); return; } if (bo != dst_priv->gpu_bo) goto fallback; if (use_shm_bo(sna, bo, src_priv, alu, replaces && !dst_priv->pinned)) { bool ret; DBG(("%s: region overlaps CPU damage, copy from CPU bo (shm? %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, src_priv->shm)); assert(bo != dst_priv->cpu_bo); RegionTranslate(region, src_dx, src_dy); ret = sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(&src_pixmap->drawable, region, MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT); RegionTranslate(region, -src_dx, -src_dy); if (!ret) { DBG(("%s: move-to-cpu(src) failed, fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (replaces && UNDO) kgem_bo_pair_undo(&sna->kgem, dst_priv->gpu_bo, dst_priv->cpu_bo); add_shm_flush(sna, src_priv); if (!sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, alu, &src_pixmap->drawable, src_priv->cpu_bo, src_dx, src_dy, &dst_pixmap->drawable, bo, 0, 0, box, n, small_copy(region) | (src_priv->shm ? COPY_LAST : 0))) { DBG(("%s: fallback - accelerated copy boxes failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (damage) sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(damage, region, dst_pixmap); return; } if (src_priv) { bool ret; RegionTranslate(region, src_dx, src_dy); ret = sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(&src_pixmap->drawable, region, MOVE_READ); RegionTranslate(region, -src_dx, -src_dy); if (!ret) { DBG(("%s: move-to-cpu(src) failed, fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } assert(!src_priv->mapped); if (src_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr == NULL) /* uninitialised!*/ return; } if (USE_USERPTR_UPLOADS && sna->kgem.has_userptr && (alu != GXcopy || (box_inplace(src_pixmap, ®ion->extents) && __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, bo)))) { struct kgem_bo *src_bo; bool ok = false; DBG(("%s: upload through a temporary map\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(src_pixmap->devKind); src_bo = kgem_create_map(&sna->kgem, src_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, src_pixmap->devKind * src_pixmap->drawable.height, true); if (src_bo) { src_bo->pitch = src_pixmap->devKind; kgem_bo_mark_unreusable(src_bo); ok = sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, alu, &src_pixmap->drawable, src_bo, src_dx, src_dy, &dst_pixmap->drawable, bo, 0, 0, box, n, small_copy(region) | COPY_LAST); kgem_bo_sync__cpu(&sna->kgem, src_bo); assert(src_bo->rq == NULL); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, src_bo); } if (ok) { if (damage) sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(damage, region, dst_pixmap); return; } } if (alu != GXcopy) { PixmapPtr tmp; struct kgem_bo *src_bo; int i; assert(src_pixmap->drawable.depth != 1); DBG(("%s: creating temporary source upload for non-copy alu [%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, alu)); tmp = sna_pixmap_create_upload(src->pScreen, region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1, region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1, src->depth, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE); if (tmp == NullPixmap) return; src_bo = __sna_pixmap_get_bo(tmp); assert(src_bo != NULL); dx = -region->extents.x1; dy = -region->extents.y1; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { assert(box[i].x1 + src_dx >= 0); assert(box[i].y1 + src_dy >= 0); assert(box[i].x2 + src_dx <= src_pixmap->drawable.width); assert(box[i].y2 + src_dy <= src_pixmap->drawable.height); assert(box[i].x1 + dx >= 0); assert(box[i].y1 + dy >= 0); assert(box[i].x2 + dx <= tmp->drawable.width); assert(box[i].y2 + dy <= tmp->drawable.height); assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, sna_pixmap(src_pixmap), MOVE_READ)); assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, sna_pixmap(tmp), MOVE_WRITE)); assert(src_pixmap->devKind); assert(tmp->devKind); memcpy_blt(src_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, tmp->devPrivate.ptr, src_pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, src_pixmap->devKind, tmp->devKind, box[i].x1 + src_dx, box[i].y1 + src_dy, box[i].x1 + dx, box[i].y1 + dy, box[i].x2 - box[i].x1, box[i].y2 - box[i].y1); } if (n == 1 && tmp->drawable.width == src_pixmap->drawable.width && tmp->drawable.height == src_pixmap->drawable.height) { DBG(("%s: caching upload for src bo\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(src_priv->gpu_damage == NULL); assert(src_priv->gpu_bo == NULL); kgem_proxy_bo_attach(src_bo, &src_priv->gpu_bo); } if (!sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, alu, &tmp->drawable, src_bo, dx, dy, &dst_pixmap->drawable, bo, 0, 0, box, n, 0)) { DBG(("%s: fallback - accelerated copy boxes failed\n", __FUNCTION__)); tmp->drawable.pScreen->DestroyPixmap(tmp); goto fallback; } tmp->drawable.pScreen->DestroyPixmap(tmp); if (damage) sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(damage, region, dst_pixmap); return; } else { DBG(("%s: dst is on the GPU, src is on the CPU, uploading into dst\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(src_pixmap->devKind); if (!dst_priv->pinned && replaces) { stride = src_pixmap->devKind; bits = src_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr; bits += (src_dy + box->y1) * stride + (src_dx + box->x1) * bpp / 8; if (!sna_replace(sna, dst_pixmap, bits, stride)) { DBG(("%s: replace failed, fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } } else { assert(!DAMAGE_IS_ALL(dst_priv->cpu_damage)); if (!sna_write_boxes(sna, dst_pixmap, dst_priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, src_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, src_pixmap->devKind, src_dx, src_dy, box, n)) { DBG(("%s: write failed, fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } } assert(dst_priv->clear == false); dst_priv->cpu = false; if (damage) { assert(!dst_priv->clear); assert(dst_priv->gpu_bo); assert(dst_priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); assert(*damage == dst_priv->gpu_damage); if (replaces) { sna_damage_destroy(&dst_priv->cpu_damage); sna_damage_all(&dst_priv->gpu_damage, dst_pixmap); list_del(&dst_priv->flush_list); } else sna_damage_add(&dst_priv->gpu_damage, region); assert_pixmap_damage(dst_pixmap); } } return; } fallback: if (alu == GXcopy && src_priv && src_priv->clear) { DBG(("%s: copying clear [%08x]\n", __FUNCTION__, src_priv->clear_color)); if (dst_priv) { if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(&dst_pixmap->drawable, region, MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_INPLACE_HINT)) return; } if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { assert(dst_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr); assert(dst_pixmap->devKind); sigtrap_assert_active(); do { pixman_fill(dst_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, dst_pixmap->devKind/sizeof(uint32_t), dst_pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1, src_priv->clear_color); box++; } while (--n); sigtrap_put(); } } else if (!sna_copy_boxes__inplace(sna, region, alu, src_pixmap, src_priv, src_dx, src_dy, dst_pixmap, dst_priv, replaces)) { FbBits *dst_bits, *src_bits; int dst_stride, src_stride; DBG(("%s: fallback -- src=(%d, %d), dst=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, src_dx, src_dy, dst_dx, dst_dy)); if (src_priv) { unsigned mode; RegionTranslate(region, src_dx, src_dy); assert_pixmap_contains_box(src_pixmap, RegionExtents(region)); mode = MOVE_READ; if (!sna->kgem.can_blt_cpu || (src_priv->cpu_bo == NULL && (src_priv->create & KGEM_CAN_CREATE_CPU) == 0)) mode |= MOVE_INPLACE_HINT; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(&src_pixmap->drawable, region, mode)) return; RegionTranslate(region, -src_dx, -src_dy); } assert(src_priv == sna_pixmap(src_pixmap)); if (dst_priv) { unsigned mode; if (alu_overwrites(alu)) mode = MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_INPLACE_HINT; else mode = MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_READ; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(&dst_pixmap->drawable, region, mode)) return; } assert(dst_priv == sna_pixmap(dst_pixmap)); assert(dst_pixmap->devKind); assert(src_pixmap->devKind); dst_stride = dst_pixmap->devKind; src_stride = src_pixmap->devKind; if (alu == GXcopy && bpp >= 8) { dst_bits = (FbBits *)dst_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr; src_bits = (FbBits *) ((char *)src_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr + src_dy * src_stride + src_dx * bpp / 8); if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { do { DBG(("%s: memcpy_blt(box=(%d, %d), (%d, %d), src=(%d, %d), pitches=(%d, %d))\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1, src_dx, src_dy, src_stride, dst_stride)); assert(box->x1 >= 0); assert(box->y1 >= 0); assert(box->x2 <= dst_pixmap->drawable.width); assert(box->y2 <= dst_pixmap->drawable.height); assert(box->x1 + src_dx >= 0); assert(box->y1 + src_dy >= 0); assert(box->x2 + src_dx <= src_pixmap->drawable.width); assert(box->y2 + src_dy <= src_pixmap->drawable.height); assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, src_priv, MOVE_READ)); assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, dst_priv, MOVE_WRITE)); assert(src_stride); assert(dst_stride); memcpy_blt(src_bits, dst_bits, bpp, src_stride, dst_stride, box->x1, box->y1, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); sigtrap_put(); } } else { DBG(("%s: fallback -- miCopyRegion\n", __FUNCTION__)); RegionTranslate(region, -dst_dx, -dst_dy); if (sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, dst, region) && sigtrap_get() == 0) { miCopyRegion(src, dst, gc, region, dx, dy, fbCopyNtoN, 0, NULL); sigtrap_put(); } sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); } } } typedef void (*sna_copy_func)(DrawablePtr src, DrawablePtr dst, GCPtr gc, RegionPtr region, int dx, int dy, Pixel bitPlane, void *closure); static inline bool box_equal(const BoxRec *a, const BoxRec *b) { return *(const uint64_t *)a == *(const uint64_t *)b; } static inline bool has_clip(GCPtr gc) { #if XORG_VERSION_CURRENT < XORG_VERSION_NUMERIC(1,16,99,901,0) return gc->clientClipType != CT_NONE; #else return gc->clientClip != NULL; #endif } static RegionPtr sna_do_copy(DrawablePtr src, DrawablePtr dst, GCPtr gc, int sx, int sy, int width, int height, int dx, int dy, sna_copy_func copy, Pixel bitPlane, void *closure) { RegionPtr clip; RegionRec region; BoxRec src_extents; bool expose; DBG(("%s: src=(%d, %d), dst=(%d, %d), size=(%dx%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, sx, sy, dx, dy, width, height)); /* Short cut for unmapped windows */ if (dst->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW && !((WindowPtr)dst)->realized) { DBG(("%s: unmapped/unrealized dst (pixmap=%ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, get_window_pixmap((WindowPtr)dst))); return NULL; } SourceValidate(src, sx, sy, width, height, gc->subWindowMode); sx += src->x; sy += src->y; dx += dst->x; dy += dst->y; DBG(("%s: after drawable: src=(%d, %d), dst=(%d, %d), size=(%dx%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, sx, sy, dx, dy, width, height)); region.extents.x1 = dx; region.extents.y1 = dy; region.extents.x2 = bound(dx, width); region.extents.y2 = bound(dy, height); region.data = NULL; DBG(("%s: dst extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d), dst clip extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d), dst size=%dx%d\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2, gc->pCompositeClip->extents.x1, gc->pCompositeClip->extents.y1, gc->pCompositeClip->extents.x2, gc->pCompositeClip->extents.y2, dst->width, dst->height)); if (!box_intersect(®ion.extents, &gc->pCompositeClip->extents)) { DBG(("%s: dst clipped out\n", __FUNCTION__)); return NULL; } DBG(("%s: clipped dst extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); assert_drawable_contains_box(dst, ®ion.extents); region.extents.x1 = clamp(region.extents.x1, sx - dx); region.extents.x2 = clamp(region.extents.x2, sx - dx); region.extents.y1 = clamp(region.extents.y1, sy - dy); region.extents.y2 = clamp(region.extents.y2, sy - dy); src_extents = region.extents; expose = true; DBG(("%s: unclipped src extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); if (region.extents.x1 < src->x) region.extents.x1 = src->x; if (region.extents.y1 < src->y) region.extents.y1 = src->y; if (region.extents.x2 > src->x + (int) src->width) region.extents.x2 = src->x + (int) src->width; if (region.extents.y2 > src->y + (int) src->height) region.extents.y2 = src->y + (int) src->height; DBG(("%s: clipped src extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); if (box_empty(®ion.extents)) { DBG(("%s: src clipped out\n", __FUNCTION__)); return NULL; } /* Compute source clip region */ if (src->type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) { if (src == dst && !has_clip(gc)) { DBG(("%s: pixmap -- using gc clip\n", __FUNCTION__)); clip = gc->pCompositeClip; } else { DBG(("%s: pixmap -- no source clipping\n", __FUNCTION__)); expose = false; clip = NULL; } } else { WindowPtr w = (WindowPtr)src; if (gc->subWindowMode == IncludeInferiors) { DBG(("%s: window -- include inferiors\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (w->winSize.data) RegionIntersect(®ion, ®ion, &w->winSize); else box_intersect(®ion.extents, &w->winSize.extents); clip = &w->borderClip; } else { DBG(("%s: window -- clip by children\n", __FUNCTION__)); clip = &w->clipList; } } if (clip != NULL) { if (clip->data == NULL) { box_intersect(®ion.extents, &clip->extents); if (box_equal(&src_extents, ®ion.extents)) expose = false; } else RegionIntersect(®ion, ®ion, clip); } DBG(("%s: src extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d) x %d\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2, region_num_rects(®ion))); RegionTranslate(®ion, dx-sx, dy-sy); if (gc->pCompositeClip->data) RegionIntersect(®ion, ®ion, gc->pCompositeClip); DBG(("%s: copy region (%d, %d), (%d, %d) x %d + (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2, region_num_rects(®ion), sx-dx, sy-dy)); if (!box_empty(®ion.extents)) copy(src, dst, gc, ®ion, sx-dx, sy-dy, bitPlane, closure); assert(gc->pCompositeClip != ®ion); RegionUninit(®ion); /* Pixmap sources generate a NoExposed (we return NULL to do this) */ clip = NULL; if (expose && gc->fExpose) clip = miHandleExposures(src, dst, gc, sx - src->x, sy - src->y, width, height, dx - dst->x, dy - dst->y, (unsigned long) bitPlane); return clip; } static void sna_fallback_copy_boxes(DrawablePtr src, DrawablePtr dst, GCPtr gc, RegionPtr region, int dx, int dy, Pixel bitplane, void *closure) { DBG(("%s (boxes=%dx[(%d, %d), (%d, %d)...], src=+(%d, %d), alu=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, region_num_rects(region), region->extents.x1, region->extents.y1, region->extents.x2, region->extents.y2, dx, dy, gc->alu)); if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, dst, region)) goto out; RegionTranslate(region, dx, dy); if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(src, region, MOVE_READ)) goto out; RegionTranslate(region, -dx, -dy); if (src == dst || get_drawable_pixmap(src) == get_drawable_pixmap(dst)) { DBG(("%s: self-copy\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!sna_drawable_move_to_cpu(dst, MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_READ)) goto out; } else { if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(dst, region, drawable_gc_flags(dst, gc, false))) goto out; } if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { miCopyRegion(src, dst, gc, region, dx, dy, fbCopyNtoN, 0, NULL); FALLBACK_FLUSH(dst); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); } static RegionPtr sna_copy_area(DrawablePtr src, DrawablePtr dst, GCPtr gc, int src_x, int src_y, int width, int height, int dst_x, int dst_y) { struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_drawable(dst); sna_copy_func copy; if (gc->planemask == 0) return NULL; if (sna->ignore_copy_area) return NULL; DBG(("%s: src=pixmap=%ld:(%d, %d)x(%d, %d)+(%d, %d) -> dst=pixmap=%ld:(%d, %d)+(%d, %d); alu=%d, pm=%lx, depth=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, get_drawable_pixmap(src)->drawable.serialNumber, src_x, src_y, width, height, src->x, src->y, get_drawable_pixmap(dst)->drawable.serialNumber, dst_x, dst_y, dst->x, dst->y, gc->alu, gc->planemask, gc->depth)); if (FORCE_FALLBACK || !ACCEL_COPY_AREA || wedged(sna) || !PM_IS_SOLID(dst, gc->planemask) || gc->depth < 8) { DBG(("%s: fallback copy\n", __FUNCTION__)); copy = sna_fallback_copy_boxes; } else if (src == dst) { DBG(("%s: self copy\n", __FUNCTION__)); copy = sna_self_copy_boxes; } else { DBG(("%s: normal copy\n", __FUNCTION__)); copy = sna_copy_boxes; } return sna_do_copy(src, dst, gc, src_x, src_y, width, height, dst_x, dst_y, copy, 0, NULL); } const BoxRec * __find_clip_box_for_y(const BoxRec *begin, const BoxRec *end, int16_t y) { assert(end - begin > 1); do { const BoxRec *mid = begin + (end - begin) / 2; if (mid->y2 > y) end = mid; else begin = mid; } while (end > begin + 1); if (begin->y2 > y) return begin; else return end; } struct sna_fill_spans { struct sna *sna; PixmapPtr pixmap; RegionRec region; unsigned flags; uint32_t phase; struct kgem_bo *bo; struct sna_damage **damage; int16_t dx, dy; void *op; }; static void sna_poly_point__cpu(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt) { fbPolyPoint(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt, -1); } static void sna_poly_point__fill(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; struct sna_fill_op *op = data->op; BoxRec box[512]; DDXPointRec last; DBG(("%s: count=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n)); if (n == 0) return; last.x = drawable->x + data->dx; last.y = drawable->y + data->dy; if (op->points && mode != CoordModePrevious) { op->points(data->sna, op, last.x, last.y, pt, n); } else do { BoxRec *b = box; unsigned nbox = n; if (nbox > ARRAY_SIZE(box)) nbox = ARRAY_SIZE(box); n -= nbox; do { *(DDXPointRec *)b = *pt++; b->x1 += last.x; b->y1 += last.y; if (mode == CoordModePrevious) last = *(DDXPointRec *)b; b->x2 = b->x1 + 1; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; b++; } while (--nbox); op->boxes(data->sna, op, box, b - box); } while (n); } static void sna_poly_point__gpu(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; struct sna_fill_op fill; BoxRec box[512]; DDXPointRec last; if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, data->sna, data->pixmap, data->bo, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel, FILL_POINTS)) return; DBG(("%s: count=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n)); last.x = drawable->x; last.y = drawable->y; while (n) { BoxRec *b = box; unsigned nbox = n; if (nbox > ARRAY_SIZE(box)) nbox = ARRAY_SIZE(box); n -= nbox; do { *(DDXPointRec *)b = *pt++; b->x1 += last.x; b->y1 += last.y; if (mode == CoordModePrevious) last = *(DDXPointRec *)b; if (RegionContainsPoint(&data->region, b->x1, b->y1, NULL)) { b->x1 += data->dx; b->y1 += data->dy; b->x2 = b->x1 + 1; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; b++; } } while (--nbox); if (b != box) fill.boxes(data->sna, &fill, box, b - box); } fill.done(data->sna, &fill); } static void sna_poly_point__fill_clip_extents(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; struct sna_fill_op *op = data->op; const BoxRec *extents = &data->region.extents; BoxRec box[512], *b = box; const BoxRec *const last_box = b + ARRAY_SIZE(box); DDXPointRec last; DBG(("%s: count=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n)); last.x = drawable->x + data->dx; last.y = drawable->y + data->dy; while (n--) { *(DDXPointRec *)b = *pt++; b->x1 += last.x; b->y1 += last.y; if (mode == CoordModePrevious) last = *(DDXPointRec *)b; if (b->x1 >= extents->x1 && b->x1 < extents->x2 && b->y1 >= extents->y1 && b->y1 < extents->y2) { b->x2 = b->x1 + 1; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; if (++b == last_box) { op->boxes(data->sna, op, box, last_box - box); b = box; } } } if (b != box) op->boxes(data->sna, op, box, b - box); } static void sna_poly_point__fill_clip_boxes(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; struct sna_fill_op *op = data->op; RegionRec *clip = &data->region; BoxRec box[512], *b = box; const BoxRec *const last_box = b + ARRAY_SIZE(box); DDXPointRec last; DBG(("%s: count=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n)); last.x = drawable->x + data->dx; last.y = drawable->y + data->dy; while (n--) { *(DDXPointRec *)b = *pt++; b->x1 += last.x; b->y1 += last.y; if (mode == CoordModePrevious) last = *(DDXPointRec *)b; if (RegionContainsPoint(clip, b->x1, b->y1, NULL)) { b->x2 = b->x1 + 1; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; if (++b == last_box) { op->boxes(data->sna, op, box, last_box - box); b = box; } } } if (b != box) op->boxes(data->sna, op, box, b - box); } static void sna_poly_point__dash(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; if (data->phase == gc->fgPixel) sna_poly_point__fill(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt); } static void sna_poly_point__dash_clip_extents(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; if (data->phase == gc->fgPixel) sna_poly_point__fill_clip_extents(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt); } static void sna_poly_point__dash_clip_boxes(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; if (data->phase == gc->fgPixel) sna_poly_point__fill_clip_boxes(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt); } static void sna_fill_spans__fill(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, int *width, int sorted) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; struct sna_fill_op *op = data->op; BoxRec box[512]; DBG(("%s: alu=%d, fg=%08lx, count=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel, n)); while (n) { BoxRec *b = box; int nbox = n; if (nbox > ARRAY_SIZE(box)) nbox = ARRAY_SIZE(box); n -= nbox; do { *(DDXPointRec *)b = *pt++; b->x2 = b->x1 + (int)*width++; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; DBG(("%s: (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, b->x1, b->y1, b->x2, b->y2)); assert(b->x1 >= drawable->x); assert(b->x2 <= drawable->x + drawable->width); assert(b->y1 >= drawable->y); assert(b->y2 <= drawable->y + drawable->height); if (b->x2 > b->x1) { if (b != box && b->y1 == b[-1].y2 && b->x1 == b[-1].x1 && b->x2 == b[-1].x2) b[-1].y2 = b->y2; else b++; } } while (--nbox); if (b != box) op->boxes(data->sna, op, box, b - box); } } static void sna_fill_spans__dash(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, int *width, int sorted) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; if (data->phase == gc->fgPixel) sna_fill_spans__fill(drawable, gc, n, pt, width, sorted); } static void sna_fill_spans__fill_offset(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, int *width, int sorted) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; struct sna_fill_op *op = data->op; BoxRec box[512]; DBG(("%s: alu=%d, fg=%08lx\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel)); while (n) { BoxRec *b = box; int nbox = n; if (nbox > ARRAY_SIZE(box)) nbox = ARRAY_SIZE(box); n -= nbox; do { *(DDXPointRec *)b = *pt++; b->x1 += data->dx; b->y1 += data->dy; b->x2 = b->x1 + (int)*width++; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; if (b->x2 > b->x1) b++; } while (--nbox); if (b != box) op->boxes(data->sna, op, box, b - box); } } static void sna_fill_spans__dash_offset(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, int *width, int sorted) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; if (data->phase == gc->fgPixel) sna_fill_spans__fill_offset(drawable, gc, n, pt, width, sorted); } static void sna_fill_spans__fill_clip_extents(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, int *width, int sorted) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; struct sna_fill_op *op = data->op; const BoxRec *extents = &data->region.extents; BoxRec box[512], *b = box, *const last_box = box + ARRAY_SIZE(box); DBG(("%s: alu=%d, fg=%08lx, count=%d, extents=(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel, n, extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2, extents->y2)); while (n--) { DBG(("%s: [%d] pt=(%d, %d), width=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n, pt->x, pt->y, *width)); *(DDXPointRec *)b = *pt++; b->x2 = b->x1 + (int)*width++; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; if (box_intersect(b, extents)) { DBG(("%s: [%d] clipped=(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, n, b->x1, b->y1, b->x2, b->y2)); if (data->dx|data->dy) { b->x1 += data->dx; b->x2 += data->dx; b->y1 += data->dy; b->y2 += data->dy; } if (b != box && b->y1 == b[-1].y2 && b->x1 == b[-1].x1 && b->x2 == b[-1].x2) { b[-1].y2 = b->y2; } else if (++b == last_box) { op->boxes(data->sna, op, box, last_box - box); b = box; } } } if (b != box) op->boxes(data->sna, op, box, b - box); } static void sna_fill_spans__dash_clip_extents(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, int *width, int sorted) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; if (data->phase == gc->fgPixel) sna_fill_spans__fill_clip_extents(drawable, gc, n, pt, width, sorted); } static void sna_fill_spans__fill_clip_boxes(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, int *width, int sorted) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; struct sna_fill_op *op = data->op; BoxRec box[512], *b = box, *const last_box = box + ARRAY_SIZE(box); const BoxRec * const clip_start = RegionBoxptr(&data->region); const BoxRec * const clip_end = clip_start + data->region.data->numRects; DBG(("%s: alu=%d, fg=%08lx, count=%d, extents=(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel, n, data->region.extents.x1, data->region.extents.y1, data->region.extents.x2, data->region.extents.y2)); while (n--) { int16_t X1 = pt->x; int16_t y = pt->y; int16_t X2 = X1 + (int)*width; const BoxRec *c; pt++; width++; if (y < data->region.extents.y1 || data->region.extents.y2 <= y) continue; if (X1 < data->region.extents.x1) X1 = data->region.extents.x1; if (X2 > data->region.extents.x2) X2 = data->region.extents.x2; if (X1 >= X2) continue; c = find_clip_box_for_y(clip_start, clip_end, y); while (c != clip_end) { if (y + 1 <= c->y1 || X2 <= c->x1) break; if (X1 >= c->x2) { c++; continue; } b->x1 = c->x1; b->x2 = c->x2; c++; if (b->x1 < X1) b->x1 = X1; if (b->x2 > X2) b->x2 = X2; if (b->x2 <= b->x1) continue; b->x1 += data->dx; b->x2 += data->dx; b->y1 = y + data->dy; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; if (++b == last_box) { op->boxes(data->sna, op, box, last_box - box); b = box; } } } if (b != box) op->boxes(data->sna, op, box, b - box); } static void sna_fill_spans__dash_clip_boxes(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, int *width, int sorted) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; if (data->phase == gc->fgPixel) sna_fill_spans__fill_clip_boxes(drawable, gc, n, pt, width, sorted); } static bool sna_fill_spans_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, uint32_t pixel, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, int *width, int sorted, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); int16_t dx, dy; struct sna_fill_op fill; BoxRec box[512], *b = box, *const last_box = box + ARRAY_SIZE(box); static void * const jump[] = { &&no_damage, &&damage, &&no_damage_clipped, &&damage_clipped, }; unsigned v; DBG(("%s: alu=%d, fg=%08lx, damge=%p, clipped?=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel, damage, clipped)); if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, sna, pixmap, bo, gc->alu, pixel, FILL_SPANS)) return false; get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); v = (damage != NULL) | clipped; goto *jump[v]; no_damage: if (dx|dy) { do { int nbox = n; if (nbox > last_box - box) nbox = last_box - box; n -= nbox; do { *(DDXPointRec *)b = *pt++; b->x1 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->x2 = b->x1 + (int)*width++; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; b++; } while (--nbox); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, b - box); b = box; } while (n); } else { do { int nbox = n; if (nbox > last_box - box) nbox = last_box - box; n -= nbox; do { *(DDXPointRec *)b = *pt++; b->x2 = b->x1 + (int)*width++; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; b++; } while (--nbox); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, b - box); b = box; } while (n); } goto done; damage: do { *(DDXPointRec *)b = *pt++; b->x1 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->x2 = b->x1 + (int)*width++; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; if (++b == last_box) { assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, box, last_box-box, 0, 0); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, last_box - box); sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, box, last_box - box, 0, 0); b = box; } } while (--n); if (b != box) { assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, box, b-box, 0, 0); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, b - box); sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, box, b - box, 0, 0); } goto done; no_damage_clipped: { RegionRec clip; region_set(&clip, extents); if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) return true; assert(dx + clip.extents.x1 >= 0); assert(dy + clip.extents.y1 >= 0); assert(dx + clip.extents.x2 <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(dy + clip.extents.y2 <= pixmap->drawable.height); DBG(("%s: clip %d x [(%d, %d), (%d, %d)] x %d [(%d, %d)...]\n", __FUNCTION__, region_num_rects(&clip), clip.extents.x1, clip.extents.y1, clip.extents.x2, clip.extents.y2, n, pt->x, pt->y)); if (clip.data == NULL) { do { *(DDXPointRec *)b = *pt++; b->x2 = b->x1 + (int)*width++; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; if (box_intersect(b, &clip.extents)) { if (dx|dy) { b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->y2 += dy; } if (++b == last_box) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, last_box - box); b = box; } } } while (--n); } else { const BoxRec * const clip_start = RegionBoxptr(&clip); const BoxRec * const clip_end = clip_start + clip.data->numRects; do { int16_t X1 = pt->x; int16_t y = pt->y; int16_t X2 = X1 + (int)*width; const BoxRec *c; pt++; width++; if (y < extents->y1 || extents->y2 <= y) continue; if (X1 < extents->x1) X1 = extents->x1; if (X2 > extents->x2) X2 = extents->x2; if (X1 >= X2) continue; c = find_clip_box_for_y(clip_start, clip_end, y); while (c != clip_end) { if (y + 1 <= c->y1 || X2 <= c->x1) break; if (X1 >= c->x2) { c++; continue; } b->x1 = c->x1; b->x2 = c->x2; c++; if (b->x1 < X1) b->x1 = X1; if (b->x2 > X2) b->x2 = X2; if (b->x2 <= b->x1) continue; b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 = y + dy; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; if (++b == last_box) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, last_box - box); b = box; } } } while (--n); RegionUninit(&clip); } if (b != box) fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, b - box); goto done; } damage_clipped: { RegionRec clip; region_set(&clip, extents); if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) return true; assert(dx + clip.extents.x1 >= 0); assert(dy + clip.extents.y1 >= 0); assert(dx + clip.extents.x2 <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(dy + clip.extents.y2 <= pixmap->drawable.height); DBG(("%s: clip %d x [(%d, %d), (%d, %d)] x %d [(%d, %d)...]\n", __FUNCTION__, region_num_rects(&clip), clip.extents.x1, clip.extents.y1, clip.extents.x2, clip.extents.y2, n, pt->x, pt->y)); if (clip.data == NULL) { do { *(DDXPointRec *)b = *pt++; b->x2 = b->x1 + (int)*width++; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; if (box_intersect(b, &clip.extents)) { b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->y2 += dy; if (++b == last_box) { assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, box, b-box, 0, 0); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, last_box - box); sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, box, b - box, 0, 0); b = box; } } } while (--n); } else { const BoxRec * const clip_start = RegionBoxptr(&clip); const BoxRec * const clip_end = clip_start + clip.data->numRects; do { int16_t X1 = pt->x; int16_t y = pt->y; int16_t X2 = X1 + (int)*width; const BoxRec *c; pt++; width++; if (y < extents->y1 || extents->y2 <= y) continue; if (X1 < extents->x1) X1 = extents->x1; if (X2 > extents->x2) X2 = extents->x2; if (X1 >= X2) continue; c = find_clip_box_for_y(clip_start, clip_end, y); while (c != clip_end) { if (y + 1 <= c->y1 || X2 <= c->x1) break; if (X1 >= c->x2) { c++; continue; } b->x1 = c->x1; b->x2 = c->x2; c++; if (b->x1 < X1) b->x1 = X1; if (b->x2 > X2) b->x2 = X2; if (b->x2 <= b->x1) continue; b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 = y + dy; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; if (++b == last_box) { assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, box, last_box-box, 0, 0); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, last_box - box); sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, box, last_box - box, 0, 0); b = box; } } } while (--n); RegionUninit(&clip); } if (b != box) { assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, box, b-box, 0, 0); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, b - box); sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, box, b - box, 0, 0); } goto done; } done: fill.done(sna, &fill); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); return true; } static bool sna_poly_fill_rect_tiled_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *rect, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped); static bool sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *rect, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped); static inline bool gc_is_solid(GCPtr gc, uint32_t *color) { assert(FbFullMask(gc->depth) == (FbFullMask(gc->depth) & gc->planemask)); if (gc->alu == GXclear) { *color = 0; return true; } if (gc->alu == GXset) { *color = (1 << gc->depth) - 1; return true; } if (gc->fillStyle == FillSolid || (gc->fillStyle == FillTiled && gc->tileIsPixel) || (gc->fillStyle == FillOpaqueStippled && gc->bgPixel == gc->fgPixel)) { *color = gc->fillStyle == FillTiled ? gc->tile.pixel : gc->fgPixel; return true; } return false; } static void sna_fill_spans__gpu(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, int *width, int sorted) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; uint32_t color; DBG(("%s(n=%d, pt[0]=(%d, %d)+%d, sorted=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n, pt[0].x, pt[0].y, width[0], sorted)); assert(PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)); if (n == 0) return; /* The mi routines do not attempt to keep the spans it generates * within the clip, so we must run them through the clipper. */ if (gc_is_solid(gc, &color)) { sna_fill_spans_blt(drawable, data->bo, NULL, gc, color, n, pt, width, sorted, &data->region.extents, 2); } else { /* Try converting these to a set of rectangles instead */ xRectangle *rect; int i; DBG(("%s: converting to rectagnles\n", __FUNCTION__)); rect = malloc (n * sizeof (xRectangle)); if (rect == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { rect[i].x = pt[i].x - drawable->x; rect[i].width = width[i]; rect[i].y = pt[i].y - drawable->y; rect[i].height = 1; } if (gc->fillStyle == FillTiled) { (void)sna_poly_fill_rect_tiled_blt(drawable, data->bo, NULL, gc, n, rect, &data->region.extents, 2); } else { (void)sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_blt(drawable, data->bo, NULL, gc, n, rect, &data->region.extents, 2); } free (rect); } } static unsigned sna_spans_extents(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, int *width, BoxPtr out) { BoxRec box; bool clipped = false; if (n == 0) return 0; box.x1 = pt->x; box.x2 = box.x1 + *width; box.y2 = box.y1 = pt->y; while (--n) { pt++; width++; if (box.x1 > pt->x) box.x1 = pt->x; if (box.x2 < pt->x + *width) box.x2 = pt->x + *width; if (box.y1 > pt->y) box.y1 = pt->y; else if (box.y2 < pt->y) box.y2 = pt->y; } box.y2++; if (gc) clipped = clip_box(&box, gc); if (box_empty(&box)) return 0; *out = box; return 1 | clipped << 1; } static void sna_fill_spans(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, int *width, int sorted) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_damage **damage; struct kgem_bo *bo; RegionRec region; unsigned flags; uint32_t color; DBG(("%s(n=%d, pt[0]=(%d, %d)+%d, sorted=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n, pt[0].x, pt[0].y, width[0], sorted)); flags = sna_spans_extents(drawable, gc, n, pt, width, ®ion.extents); if (flags == 0) return; DBG(("%s: extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_FILL_SPANS) goto fallback; if (wedged(sna)) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } DBG(("%s: fillStyle=%x [%d], mask=%lx [%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->fillStyle, gc->fillStyle == FillSolid, gc->planemask, PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask))); if (!PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(drawable, PREFER_GPU, ®ion.extents, &damage); if (bo) { if (gc_is_solid(gc, &color)) { DBG(("%s: trying solid fill [alu=%d, pixel=%08lx] blt paths\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel)); sna_fill_spans_blt(drawable, bo, damage, gc, color, n, pt, width, sorted, ®ion.extents, flags & IS_CLIPPED); } else { /* Try converting these to a set of rectangles instead */ xRectangle *rect; int i; DBG(("%s: converting to rectagnles\n", __FUNCTION__)); rect = malloc (n * sizeof (xRectangle)); if (rect == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { rect[i].x = pt[i].x - drawable->x; rect[i].width = width[i]; rect[i].y = pt[i].y - drawable->y; rect[i].height = 1; } if (gc->fillStyle == FillTiled) { i = sna_poly_fill_rect_tiled_blt(drawable, bo, damage, gc, n, rect, ®ion.extents, flags & IS_CLIPPED); } else { i = sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_blt(drawable, bo, damage, gc, n, rect, ®ion.extents, flags & IS_CLIPPED); } free (rect); if (i) return; } } fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); region.data = NULL; if (!region_maybe_clip(®ion, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, ®ion)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, ®ion, drawable_gc_flags(drawable, gc, n > 1))) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fbFillSpans\n", __FUNCTION__)); fbFillSpans(drawable, gc, n, pt, width, sorted); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); RegionUninit(®ion); } static void sna_set_spans(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, char *src, DDXPointPtr pt, int *width, int n, int sorted) { RegionRec region; if (sna_spans_extents(drawable, gc, n, pt, width, ®ion.extents) == 0) return; DBG(("%s: extents=(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_SET_SPANS) goto fallback; fallback: region.data = NULL; if (!region_maybe_clip(®ion, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, ®ion)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, ®ion, drawable_gc_flags(drawable, gc, n > 1))) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fbSetSpans\n", __FUNCTION__)); fbSetSpans(drawable, gc, src, pt, width, n, sorted); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); RegionUninit(®ion); } struct sna_copy_plane { struct sna_damage **damage; struct kgem_bo *bo; }; static void sna_copy_bitmap_blt(DrawablePtr _bitmap, DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, RegionRec *region, int sx, int sy, Pixel bitplane, void *closure) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_copy_plane *arg = closure; PixmapPtr bitmap = (PixmapPtr)_bitmap; uint32_t br00, br13; int16_t dx, dy; const BoxRec *box; int n; DBG(("%s: plane=%x (%d,%d),(%d,%d)xld\n", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned)bitplane, region->extents.x1, region->extents.y1, region->extents.x2, region->extents.y2, region_num_rects(region))); box = region_rects(region); n = region_num_rects(region); assert(n); get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, box, n, dx, dy); br00 = 3 << 20; br13 = arg->bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && arg->bo->tiling) { br00 |= BLT_DST_TILED; br13 >>= 2; } br13 |= blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24; br13 |= copy_ROP[gc->alu] << 16; DBG(("%s: target-depth=%d, alu=%d, bg=%08x, fg=%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, drawable->depth, gc->alu, gc->bgPixel, gc->fgPixel)); kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT, arg->bo); assert(kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, arg->bo)); do { int bx1 = (box->x1 + sx) & ~7; int bx2 = (box->x2 + sx + 7) & ~7; int bw = (bx2 - bx1)/8; int bh = box->y2 - box->y1; int bstride = ALIGN(bw, 2); int src_stride; uint8_t *dst, *src; uint32_t *b; DBG(("%s: box(%d, %d), (%d, %d), sx=(%d,%d) bx=[%d, %d]\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2, box->y2, sx, sy, bx1, bx2)); src_stride = bstride*bh; assert(src_stride > 0); if (src_stride <= 128) { src_stride = ALIGN(src_stride, 8) / 4; assert(src_stride <= 32); if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 8+src_stride) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, arg->bo) || !kgem_check_reloc(&sna->kgem, 1)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, arg->bo)) return; /* XXX fallback? */ _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, arg->bo); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY_IMM | (6 + src_stride) | br00; b[0] |= ((box->x1 + sx) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box->y1 + dy) << 16 | (box->x1 + dx); b[3] = (box->y2 + dy) << 16 | (box->x2 + dx); *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, arg->bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; dst = (uint8_t *)&b[8]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8 + src_stride; } else { b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY_IMM | (5 + src_stride) | br00; b[0] |= ((box->x1 + sx) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box->y1 + dy) << 16 | (box->x1 + dx); b[3] = (box->y2 + dy) << 16 | (box->x2 + dx); b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, arg->bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; dst = (uint8_t *)&b[7]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 7 + src_stride; } assert(bitmap->devKind); src_stride = bitmap->devKind; src = bitmap->devPrivate.ptr; src += (box->y1 + sy) * src_stride + bx1/8; src_stride -= bstride; do { int i = bstride; assert(src >= (uint8_t *)bitmap->devPrivate.ptr); do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); i -= 2; } while (i); assert(src <= (uint8_t *)bitmap->devPrivate.ptr + bitmap->devKind * bitmap->drawable.height); src += src_stride; } while (--bh); } else { struct kgem_bo *upload; void *ptr; if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 10) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, arg->bo) || !kgem_check_reloc_and_exec(&sna->kgem, 2)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, arg->bo)) return; /* XXX fallback? */ _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, arg->bo); upload = kgem_create_buffer(&sna->kgem, bstride*bh, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE, &ptr); if (!upload) break; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY | br00 | 8; b[0] |= ((box->x1 + sx) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box->y1 + dy) << 16 | (box->x1 + dx); b[3] = (box->y2 + dy) << 16 | (box->x2 + dx); *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, arg->bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); *(uint64_t *)(b+6) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 6, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[8] = gc->bgPixel; b[9] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY | br00 | 6; b[0] |= ((box->x1 + sx) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box->y1 + dy) << 16 | (box->x1 + dx); b[3] = (box->y2 + dy) << 16 | (box->x2 + dx); b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, arg->bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 5, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } dst = ptr; assert(bitmap->devKind); src_stride = bitmap->devKind; src = bitmap->devPrivate.ptr; src += (box->y1 + sy) * src_stride + bx1/8; src_stride -= bstride; do { int i = bstride; assert(src >= (uint8_t *)bitmap->devPrivate.ptr); do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); i -= 2; } while (i); assert(src <= (uint8_t *)bitmap->devPrivate.ptr + bitmap->devKind * bitmap->drawable.height); assert(dst <= (uint8_t *)ptr + kgem_bo_size(upload)); src += src_stride; } while (--bh); sigtrap_put(); } kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, upload); } box++; } while (--n); if (arg->damage) { RegionTranslate(region, dx, dy); sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(arg->damage, region, pixmap); } assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); blt_done(sna); } static void sna_copy_plane_blt(DrawablePtr source, DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, RegionPtr region, int sx, int sy, Pixel bitplane, void *closure) { PixmapPtr dst_pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); PixmapPtr src_pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(source); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(dst_pixmap); struct sna_copy_plane *arg = closure; int16_t dx, dy; int bit = ffs(bitplane) - 1; uint32_t br00, br13; const BoxRec *box = region_rects(region); int n = region_num_rects(region); DBG(("%s: plane=%x [%d] x%d\n", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned)bitplane, bit, n)); if (n == 0) return; if (get_drawable_deltas(source, src_pixmap, &dx, &dy)) sx += dx, sy += dy; get_drawable_deltas(drawable, dst_pixmap, &dx, &dy); assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(dst_pixmap, box, n, dx, dy); br00 = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY | 3 << 20; br13 = arg->bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && arg->bo->tiling) { br00 |= BLT_DST_TILED; br13 >>= 2; } br13 |= blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24; br13 |= copy_ROP[gc->alu] << 16; kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT, arg->bo); assert(kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, arg->bo)); do { int bx1 = (box->x1 + sx) & ~7; int bx2 = (box->x2 + sx + 7) & ~7; int bw = (bx2 - bx1)/8; int bh = box->y2 - box->y1; int bstride = ALIGN(bw, 2); struct kgem_bo *upload; void *ptr; DBG(("%s: box(%d, %d), (%d, %d), sx=(%d,%d) bx=[%d, %d]\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2, box->y2, sx, sy, bx1, bx2)); if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 10) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, arg->bo) || !kgem_check_reloc_and_exec(&sna->kgem, 2)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, arg->bo)) return; /* XXX fallback? */ _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, arg->bo); upload = kgem_create_buffer(&sna->kgem, bstride*bh, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE, &ptr); if (!upload) break; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { uint32_t *b; assert(src_pixmap->devKind); switch (source->bitsPerPixel) { case 32: { uint32_t *src = src_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr; int src_stride = src_pixmap->devKind/sizeof(uint32_t); uint8_t *dst = ptr; src += (box->y1 + sy) * src_stride; src += bx1; src_stride -= bw * 8; bstride -= bw; do { int i = bw; do { uint8_t v = 0; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 7; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 6; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 5; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 4; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 3; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 2; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 1; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 0; *dst++ = v; } while (--i); dst += bstride; src += src_stride; } while (--bh); break; } case 16: { uint16_t *src = src_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr; int src_stride = src_pixmap->devKind/sizeof(uint16_t); uint8_t *dst = ptr; src += (box->y1 + sy) * src_stride; src += bx1; src_stride -= bw * 8; bstride -= bw; do { int i = bw; do { uint8_t v = 0; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 7; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 6; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 5; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 4; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 3; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 2; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 1; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 0; *dst++ = v; } while (--i); dst += bstride; src += src_stride; } while (--bh); break; } default: assert(0); case 8: { uint8_t *src = src_pixmap->devPrivate.ptr; int src_stride = src_pixmap->devKind/sizeof(uint8_t); uint8_t *dst = ptr; src += (box->y1 + sy) * src_stride; src += bx1; src_stride -= bw * 8; bstride -= bw; do { int i = bw; do { uint8_t v = 0; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 7; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 6; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 5; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 4; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 3; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 2; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 1; v |= ((*src++ >> bit) & 1) << 0; *dst++ = v; } while (--i); dst += bstride; src += src_stride; } while (--bh); break; } } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, upload, arg->bo); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = br00 | ((box->x1 + sx) & 7) << 17 | 8; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box->y1 + dy) << 16 | (box->x1 + dx); b[3] = (box->y2 + dy) << 16 | (box->x2 + dx); *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, arg->bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); *(uint64_t *)(b+6) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 6, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[8] = gc->bgPixel; b[9] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = br00 | ((box->x1 + sx) & 7) << 17 | 6; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box->y1 + dy) << 16 | (box->x1 + dx); b[3] = (box->y2 + dy) << 16 | (box->x2 + dx); b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, arg->bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 5, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } sigtrap_put(); } kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, upload); box++; } while (--n); if (arg->damage) { RegionTranslate(region, dx, dy); sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(arg->damage, region, dst_pixmap); } assert_pixmap_damage(dst_pixmap); blt_done(sna); } static RegionPtr sna_copy_plane(DrawablePtr src, DrawablePtr dst, GCPtr gc, int src_x, int src_y, int w, int h, int dst_x, int dst_y, unsigned long bit) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(dst); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); RegionRec region, *ret = NULL; struct sna_copy_plane arg; DBG(("%s: src=(%d, %d), dst=(%d, %d), size=%dx%d\n", __FUNCTION__, src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, w, h)); if (gc->planemask == 0) goto empty; if (src->bitsPerPixel == 1 && (bit&1) == 0) goto empty; region.extents.x1 = dst_x + dst->x; region.extents.y1 = dst_y + dst->y; region.extents.x2 = region.extents.x1 + w; region.extents.y2 = region.extents.y1 + h; region.data = NULL; RegionIntersect(®ion, ®ion, gc->pCompositeClip); DBG(("%s: dst extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); { RegionRec clip; clip.extents.x1 = src->x - (src->x + src_x) + (dst->x + dst_x); clip.extents.y1 = src->y - (src->y + src_y) + (dst->y + dst_y); clip.extents.x2 = clip.extents.x1 + src->width; clip.extents.y2 = clip.extents.y1 + src->height; clip.data = NULL; DBG(("%s: src extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, clip.extents.x1, clip.extents.y1, clip.extents.x2, clip.extents.y2)); RegionIntersect(®ion, ®ion, &clip); } DBG(("%s: dst^src extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); if (box_empty(®ion.extents)) goto empty; RegionTranslate(®ion, src_x - dst_x - dst->x + src->x, src_y - dst_y - dst->y + src->y); if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(src, ®ion, MOVE_READ)) goto out; RegionTranslate(®ion, -(src_x - dst_x - dst->x + src->x), -(src_y - dst_y - dst->y + src->y)); if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_COPY_PLANE) goto fallback; if (wedged(sna)) goto fallback; if (!PM_IS_SOLID(dst, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; arg.bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(dst, PREFER_GPU, ®ion.extents, &arg.damage); if (arg.bo) { if (arg.bo->tiling == I915_TILING_Y) { assert(arg.bo == __sna_pixmap_get_bo(pixmap)); arg.bo = sna_pixmap_change_tiling(pixmap, I915_TILING_X); if (arg.bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- unable to change tiling\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } } if (!kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, arg.bo)) return false; RegionUninit(®ion); return sna_do_copy(src, dst, gc, src_x, src_y, w, h, dst_x, dst_y, src->depth == 1 ? sna_copy_bitmap_blt : sna_copy_plane_blt, (Pixel)bit, &arg); } fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, dst, ®ion)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(dst, ®ion, drawable_gc_flags(dst, gc, false))) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fbCopyPlane(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d,%d) %x\n", __FUNCTION__, src_x, src_y, w, h, dst_x, dst_y, (unsigned)bit)); ret = miDoCopy(src, dst, gc, src_x, src_y, w, h, dst_x, dst_y, src->bitsPerPixel > 1 ? fbCopyNto1 : fbCopy1toN, bit, 0); FALLBACK_FLUSH(dst); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); RegionUninit(®ion); return ret; empty: return miHandleExposures(src, dst, gc, src_x, src_y, w, h, dst_x, dst_y, bit); } static bool sna_poly_point_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, bool clipped) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); BoxRec box[512], *b = box, * const last_box = box + ARRAY_SIZE(box); struct sna_fill_op fill; DDXPointRec last; int16_t dx, dy; DBG(("%s: alu=%d, pixel=%08lx, clipped?=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel, clipped)); if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, sna, pixmap, bo, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel, FILL_POINTS)) return false; get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); last.x = drawable->x; last.y = drawable->y; if (!clipped) { last.x += dx; last.y += dy; assert_pixmap_contains_points(pixmap, pt, n, last.x, last.y); sna_damage_add_points(damage, pt, n, last.x, last.y); if (fill.points && mode != CoordModePrevious) { fill.points(sna, &fill, last.x, last.y, pt, n); } else { do { unsigned nbox = n; if (nbox > ARRAY_SIZE(box)) nbox = ARRAY_SIZE(box); n -= nbox; do { *(DDXPointRec *)b = *pt++; b->x1 += last.x; b->y1 += last.y; if (mode == CoordModePrevious) last = *(DDXPointRec *)b; b->x2 = b->x1 + 1; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; b++; } while (--nbox); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, b - box); b = box; } while (n); } } else { RegionPtr clip = gc->pCompositeClip; while (n--) { int x, y; x = pt->x; y = pt->y; pt++; if (mode == CoordModePrevious) { x += last.x; y += last.y; last.x = x; last.y = y; } else { x += drawable->x; y += drawable->y; } if (RegionContainsPoint(clip, x, y, NULL)) { b->x1 = x + dx; b->y1 = y + dy; b->x2 = b->x1 + 1; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; if (++b == last_box){ assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, box, last_box-box, 0, 0); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, last_box - box); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, box, last_box-box, 0, 0); b = box; } } } if (b != box){ assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, box, b-box, 0, 0); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, b - box); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, box, b-box, 0, 0); } } fill.done(sna, &fill); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); return true; } static unsigned sna_poly_point_extents(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, BoxPtr out) { BoxRec box; bool clipped; if (n == 0) return 0; box.x2 = box.x1 = pt->x; box.y2 = box.y1 = pt->y; if (mode == CoordModePrevious) { DDXPointRec last = *pt++; while (--n) { last.x += pt->x; last.y += pt->y; pt++; box_add_xy(&box, last.x, last.y); } } else { while (--n) box_add_pt(&box, ++pt); } box.x2++; box.y2++; clipped = trim_and_translate_box(&box, drawable, gc); if (box_empty(&box)) return 0; *out = box; return 1 | clipped << 1; } static void sna_poly_point(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); RegionRec region; unsigned flags; DBG(("%s(mode=%d, n=%d, pt[0]=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, mode, n, pt[0].x, pt[0].y)); flags = sna_poly_point_extents(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt, ®ion.extents); if (flags == 0) return; DBG(("%s: extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d), flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2, flags)); if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_POLY_POINT) goto fallback; if (wedged(sna)) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)) { struct sna_damage **damage; struct kgem_bo *bo; DBG(("%s: trying solid fill [%08lx] blt paths\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->fgPixel)); if ((bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(drawable, PREFER_GPU, ®ion.extents, &damage)) && sna_poly_point_blt(drawable, bo, damage, gc, mode, n, pt, flags & IS_CLIPPED)) return; } fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); region.data = NULL; if (!region_maybe_clip(®ion, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, ®ion)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, ®ion, MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE)) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fbPolyPoint\n", __FUNCTION__)); fbPolyPoint(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt, flags); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); RegionUninit(®ion); } static bool sna_poly_zero_line_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, int mode, const int _n, const DDXPointRec * const _pt, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) { static void * const _jump[] = { &&no_damage, &&damage, &&no_damage_offset, &&damage_offset, }; PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); int x2, y2, xstart, ystart, oc2; unsigned int bias = miGetZeroLineBias(drawable->pScreen); bool degenerate = true; struct sna_fill_op fill; RegionRec clip; BoxRec box[512], *b, * const last_box = box + ARRAY_SIZE(box); const BoxRec *last_extents; int16_t dx, dy; void *jump, *ret; DBG(("%s: alu=%d, pixel=%lx, n=%d, clipped=%d, damage=%p\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel, _n, clipped, damage)); if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, sna, pixmap, bo, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel, FILL_SPANS)) return false; get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); region_set(&clip, extents); if (clipped) { if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) return true; } jump = _jump[(damage != NULL) | !!(dx|dy) << 1]; DBG(("%s: [clipped=%x] extents=(%d, %d), (%d, %d), delta=(%d, %d), damage=%p\n", __FUNCTION__, clipped, clip.extents.x1, clip.extents.y1, clip.extents.x2, clip.extents.y2, dx, dy, damage)); extents = region_rects(&clip); last_extents = extents + region_num_rects(&clip); b = box; do { int n = _n; const DDXPointRec *pt = _pt; xstart = pt->x + drawable->x; ystart = pt->y + drawable->y; x2 = xstart; y2 = ystart; oc2 = 0; OUTCODES(oc2, x2, y2, extents); while (--n) { int16_t sdx, sdy; int adx, ady, length; int e, e1, e2, e3; int x1 = x2, x; int y1 = y2, y; int oc1 = oc2; int octant; ++pt; x2 = pt->x; y2 = pt->y; if (mode == CoordModePrevious) { x2 += x1; y2 += y1; } else { x2 += drawable->x; y2 += drawable->y; } DBG(("%s: segment (%d, %d) to (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, x1, y1, x2, y2)); if (x2 == x1 && y2 == y1) continue; degenerate = false; oc2 = 0; OUTCODES(oc2, x2, y2, extents); if (oc1 & oc2) continue; CalcLineDeltas(x1, y1, x2, y2, adx, ady, sdx, sdy, 1, 1, octant); DBG(("%s: adx=(%d, %d), sdx=(%d, %d), oc1=%x, oc2=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, adx, ady, sdx, sdy, oc1, oc2)); if (adx == 0 || ady == 0) { if (x1 <= x2) { b->x1 = x1; b->x2 = x2; } else { b->x1 = x2; b->x2 = x1; } if (y1 <= y2) { b->y1 = y1; b->y2 = y2; } else { b->y1 = y2; b->y2 = y1; } b->x2++; b->y2++; if (oc1 | oc2) { bool intersects; intersects = box_intersect(b, extents); assert(intersects); } if (++b == last_box) { ret = &&rectangle_continue; goto *jump; rectangle_continue: b = box; } } else if (adx >= ady) { int x2_clipped = x2, y2_clipped = y2; bool dirty; /* X-major segment */ e1 = ady << 1; e2 = e1 - (adx << 1); e = e1 - adx; length = adx; FIXUP_ERROR(e, octant, bias); x = x1; y = y1; if (oc1 | oc2) { int pt1_clipped, pt2_clipped; if (miZeroClipLine(extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2-1, extents->y2-1, &x, &y, &x2_clipped, &y2_clipped, adx, ady, &pt1_clipped, &pt2_clipped, octant, bias, oc1, oc2) == -1) continue; length = abs(x2_clipped - x); if (length == 0) continue; if (pt1_clipped) { int clipdx = abs(x - x1); int clipdy = abs(y - y1); e += clipdy * e2 + (clipdx - clipdy) * e1; } } e3 = e2 - e1; e = e - e1; b->x1 = x; b->y1 = y; dirty = false; while (length--) { e += e1; dirty = true; if (e >= 0) { e += e3; if (sdx < 0) { b->x2 = b->x1 + 1; b->x1 = x; } else b->x2 = x + 1; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; if (++b == last_box) { ret = &&X_continue; goto *jump; X_continue: b = box; } b->x1 = x + sdx; b->y1 = y += sdy; dirty = false; } x += sdx; } if (dirty) { x -= sdx; if (sdx < 0) { b->x2 = b->x1 + 1; b->x1 = x; } else b->x2 = x + 1; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; if (++b == last_box) { ret = &&X2_continue; goto *jump; X2_continue: b = box; } } } else { int x2_clipped = x2, y2_clipped = y2; bool dirty; /* Y-major segment */ e1 = adx << 1; e2 = e1 - (ady << 1); e = e1 - ady; length = ady; SetYMajorOctant(octant); FIXUP_ERROR(e, octant, bias); x = x1; y = y1; if (oc1 | oc2) { int pt1_clipped, pt2_clipped; if (miZeroClipLine(extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2-1, extents->y2-1, &x, &y, &x2_clipped, &y2_clipped, adx, ady, &pt1_clipped, &pt2_clipped, octant, bias, oc1, oc2) == -1) continue; length = abs(y2_clipped - y); if (length == 0) continue; if (pt1_clipped) { int clipdx = abs(x - x1); int clipdy = abs(y - y1); e += clipdx * e2 + (clipdy - clipdx) * e1; } } e3 = e2 - e1; e = e - e1; b->x1 = x; b->y1 = y; dirty = false; while (length--) { e += e1; dirty = true; if (e >= 0) { e += e3; if (sdy < 0) { b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; b->y1 = y; } else b->y2 = y + 1; b->x2 = x + 1; if (++b == last_box) { ret = &&Y_continue; goto *jump; Y_continue: b = box; } b->x1 = x += sdx; b->y1 = y + sdy; dirty = false; } y += sdy; } if (dirty) { y -= sdy; if (sdy < 0) { b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; b->y1 = y; } else b->y2 = y + 1; b->x2 = x + 1; if (++b == last_box) { ret = &&Y2_continue; goto *jump; Y2_continue: b = box; } } } } #if 0 /* Only do the CapNotLast check on the last segment * and only if the endpoint wasn't clipped. And then, if the last * point is the same as the first point, do not draw it, unless the * line is degenerate */ if (!pt2_clipped && gc->capStyle != CapNotLast && !(xstart == x2 && ystart == y2 && !degenerate)) { b->x2 = x2; b->y2 = y2; if (b->x2 < b->x1) { int16_t t = b->x1; b->x1 = b->x2; b->x2 = t; } if (b->y2 < b->y1) { int16_t t = b->y1; b->y1 = b->y2; b->y2 = t; } b->x2++; b->y2++; b++; } #endif } while (++extents != last_extents); if (b != box) { ret = &&done; goto *jump; } done: fill.done(sna, &fill); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); RegionUninit(&clip); return true; damage: assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, box, b-box, 0, 0); sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, box, b-box, 0, 0); no_damage: fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, b-box); goto *ret; no_damage_offset: { BoxRec *bb = box; do { bb->x1 += dx; bb->x2 += dx; bb->y1 += dy; bb->y2 += dy; } while (++bb != b); assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, box, b-box, 0, 0); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, b - box); } goto *ret; damage_offset: { BoxRec *bb = box; do { bb->x1 += dx; bb->x2 += dx; bb->y1 += dy; bb->y2 += dy; } while (++bb != b); assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, box, b-box, 0, 0); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, b - box); sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, box, b - box, 0, 0); } goto *ret; } static bool sna_poly_line_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, uint32_t pixel, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, const BoxRec *extents, bool clipped) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); BoxRec boxes[512], *b = boxes, * const last_box = boxes + ARRAY_SIZE(boxes); struct sna_fill_op fill; DDXPointRec last; int16_t dx, dy; DBG(("%s: alu=%d, fg=%08x, clipped=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->alu, (unsigned)pixel, clipped)); if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, sna, pixmap, bo, gc->alu, pixel, FILL_BOXES)) return false; get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); if (!clipped) { dx += drawable->x; dy += drawable->y; last.x = pt->x + dx; last.y = pt->y + dy; pt++; while (--n) { DDXPointRec p; p = *pt++; if (mode == CoordModePrevious) { p.x += last.x; p.y += last.y; } else { p.x += dx; p.y += dy; } DBG(("%s: line (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, last.x, last.y, p.x, p.y)); if (last.x == p.x) { b->x1 = last.x; b->x2 = last.x + 1; } else if (last.x < p.x) { b->x1 = last.x; b->x2 = p.x; } else { b->x1 = p.x; b->x2 = last.x; } if (last.y == p.y) { b->y1 = last.y; b->y2 = last.y + 1; } else if (last.y < p.y) { b->y1 = last.y; b->y2 = p.y; } else { b->y1 = p.y; b->y2 = last.y; } b->y2 += last.x == p.x && last.y != p.y; b->x2 += last.y == p.y && last.x != p.x; DBG(("%s: blt (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, b->x1, b->y1, b->x2, b->y2)); if (++b == last_box) { assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, boxes, last_box-boxes, 0, 0); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, last_box - boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, last_box - boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } last = p; } } else { RegionRec clip; region_set(&clip, extents); if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) return true; last.x = pt->x + drawable->x; last.y = pt->y + drawable->y; pt++; if (clip.data == NULL) { while (--n) { DDXPointRec p; p = *pt++; if (mode == CoordModePrevious) { p.x += last.x; p.y += last.y; } else { p.x += drawable->x; p.y += drawable->y; } if (last.x == p.x) { b->x1 = last.x; b->x2 = last.x + 1; } else if (last.x < p.x) { b->x1 = last.x; b->x2 = p.x; } else { b->x1 = p.x; b->x2 = last.x; } if (last.y == p.y) { b->y1 = last.y; b->y2 = last.y + 1; } else if (last.y < p.y) { b->y1 = last.y; b->y2 = p.y; } else { b->y1 = p.y; b->y2 = last.y; } b->y2 += last.x == p.x && last.y != p.y; b->x2 += last.y == p.y && last.x != p.x; DBG(("%s: blt (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, b->x1, b->y1, b->x2, b->y2)); if (box_intersect(b, &clip.extents)) { b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->y2 += dy; if (++b == last_box) { assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, boxes, last_box-boxes, 0, 0); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, last_box - boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, last_box - boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } } last = p; } } else { const BoxRec * const clip_start = RegionBoxptr(&clip); const BoxRec * const clip_end = clip_start + clip.data->numRects; const BoxRec *c; while (--n) { DDXPointRec p; BoxRec box; p = *pt++; if (mode == CoordModePrevious) { p.x += last.x; p.y += last.y; } else { p.x += drawable->x; p.y += drawable->y; } if (last.x == p.x) { box.x1 = last.x; box.x2 = last.x + 1; } else if (last.x < p.x) { box.x1 = last.x; box.x2 = p.x; } else { box.x1 = p.x; box.x2 = last.x; } if (last.y == p.y) { box.y1 = last.y; box.y2 = last.y + 1; } else if (last.y < p.y) { box.y1 = last.y; box.y2 = p.y; } else { box.y1 = p.y; box.y2 = last.y; } b->y2 += last.x == p.x && last.y != p.y; b->x2 += last.y == p.y && last.x != p.x; DBG(("%s: blt (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2)); c = find_clip_box_for_y(clip_start, clip_end, box.y1); while (c != clip_end) { if (box.y2 <= c->y1) break; *b = box; if (box_intersect(b, c++)) { b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->y2 += dy; if (++b == last_box) { assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, boxes, last_box-boxes, 0, 0); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, last_box-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, last_box-boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } } } last = p; } } RegionUninit(&clip); } if (b != boxes) { assert_pixmap_contains_boxes(pixmap, boxes, b-boxes, 0, 0); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, b - boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, b - boxes, 0, 0); } fill.done(sna, &fill); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); return true; } static unsigned sna_poly_line_extents(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt, BoxPtr out) { BoxRec box; bool clip, blt = true; if (n == 0) return 0; box.x2 = box.x1 = pt->x; box.y2 = box.y1 = pt->y; if (mode == CoordModePrevious) { int x = box.x1; int y = box.y1; while (--n) { pt++; x += pt->x; y += pt->y; if (blt) blt &= pt->x == 0 || pt->y == 0; box_add_xy(&box, x, y); } } else { int x = box.x1; int y = box.y1; while (--n) { pt++; if (blt) { blt &= pt->x == x || pt->y == y; x = pt->x; y = pt->y; } box_add_pt(&box, pt); } } box.x2++; box.y2++; if (gc->lineWidth) { int extra = gc->lineWidth >> 1; if (n > 1) { if (gc->joinStyle == JoinMiter) extra = 6 * gc->lineWidth; else if (gc->capStyle == CapProjecting) extra = gc->lineWidth; } if (extra) { box.x1 -= extra; box.x2 += extra; box.y1 -= extra; box.y2 += extra; } } clip = trim_and_translate_box(&box, drawable, gc); if (box_empty(&box)) return 0; *out = box; return 1 | blt << 2 | clip << 1; } inline static int _use_line_spans(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned flags) { uint32_t ignored; if (USE_SPANS) return USE_SPANS > 0; if (flags & RECTILINEAR) return PREFER_GPU; if (gc->lineStyle != LineSolid && gc->lineWidth == 0) return 0; if (gc_is_solid(gc, &ignored)) return PREFER_GPU; return !drawable_gc_inplace_hint(drawable, gc); } inline static int use_line_spans(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned flags) { int ret = _use_line_spans(drawable, gc, extents, flags); DBG(("%s? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret)); return ret; } static void sna_poly_line(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt) { struct sna_pixmap *priv; struct sna_fill_spans data; uint32_t color; DBG(("%s(mode=%d, n=%d, pt[0]=(%d, %d), lineWidth=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, mode, n, pt[0].x, pt[0].y, gc->lineWidth)); data.flags = sna_poly_line_extents(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt, &data.region.extents); if (data.flags == 0) return; DBG(("%s: extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d), flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, data.region.extents.x1, data.region.extents.y1, data.region.extents.x2, data.region.extents.y2, data.flags)); data.region.data = NULL; if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_POLY_LINE) goto fallback; data.pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); data.sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(data.pixmap); if (wedged(data.sna)) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } DBG(("%s: fill=%d [%d], line=%d [%d], width=%d, mask=%lx [%d], rectlinear=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->fillStyle, gc->fillStyle == FillSolid, gc->lineStyle, gc->lineStyle == LineSolid, gc->lineWidth, gc->planemask, PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask), data.flags & RECTILINEAR)); if (!PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; priv = sna_pixmap(data.pixmap); if (!priv) { DBG(("%s: not attached to pixmap %ld\n", __FUNCTION__, data.pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); goto fallback; } if (gc->lineStyle != LineSolid) { DBG(("%s: lineStyle, %d, is not solid\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->lineStyle)); goto spans_fallback; } if (!(gc->lineWidth == 0 || (gc->lineWidth == 1 && (n == 1 || gc->alu == GXcopy)))) { DBG(("%s: non-zero lineWidth %d\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->lineWidth)); goto spans_fallback; } data.bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(drawable, PREFER_GPU, &data.region.extents, &data.damage); if (data.bo == NULL) goto fallback; if (gc_is_solid(gc, &color)) { DBG(("%s: trying solid fill [%08x]\n", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned)color)); if (data.flags & RECTILINEAR) { if (sna_poly_line_blt(drawable, data.bo, data.damage, gc, color, mode, n, pt, &data.region.extents, data.flags & IS_CLIPPED)) return; } else { /* !rectilinear */ if (sna_poly_zero_line_blt(drawable, data.bo, data.damage, gc, mode, n, pt, &data.region.extents, data.flags & IS_CLIPPED)) return; } } else if (data.flags & RECTILINEAR) { /* Try converting these to a set of rectangles instead */ DDXPointRec p1, p2; xRectangle *rect; int i; DBG(("%s: converting to rectagnles\n", __FUNCTION__)); rect = malloc (n * sizeof (xRectangle)); if (rect == NULL) return; p1 = pt[0]; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { if (mode == CoordModePrevious) { p2.x = p1.x + pt[i].x; p2.y = p1.y + pt[i].y; } else p2 = pt[i]; if (p1.x < p2.x) { rect[i].x = p1.x; rect[i].width = p2.x - p1.x + 1; } else if (p1.x > p2.x) { rect[i].x = p2.x; rect[i].width = p1.x - p2.x + 1; } else { rect[i].x = p1.x; rect[i].width = 1; } if (p1.y < p2.y) { rect[i].y = p1.y; rect[i].height = p2.y - p1.y + 1; } else if (p1.y > p2.y) { rect[i].y = p2.y; rect[i].height = p1.y - p2.y + 1; } else { rect[i].y = p1.y; rect[i].height = 1; } /* don't paint last pixel */ if (gc->capStyle == CapNotLast) { if (p1.x == p2.x) rect[i].height--; else rect[i].width--; } p1 = p2; } if (gc->fillStyle == FillTiled) { i = sna_poly_fill_rect_tiled_blt(drawable, data.bo, data.damage, gc, n - 1, rect + 1, &data.region.extents, data.flags & IS_CLIPPED); } else { i = sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_blt(drawable, data.bo, data.damage, gc, n - 1, rect + 1, &data.region.extents, data.flags & IS_CLIPPED); } free (rect); if (i) return; } spans_fallback: if ((data.bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(drawable, use_line_spans(drawable, gc, &data.region.extents, data.flags), &data.region.extents, &data.damage))) { DBG(("%s: converting line into spans\n", __FUNCTION__)); get_drawable_deltas(drawable, data.pixmap, &data.dx, &data.dy); sna_gc(gc)->priv = &data; if (gc->lineWidth == 0 && gc_is_solid(gc, &color)) { struct sna_fill_op fill; if (gc->lineStyle == LineSolid) { if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, data.sna, data.pixmap, data.bo, gc->alu, color, FILL_POINTS | FILL_SPANS)) goto fallback; data.op = &fill; if ((data.flags & IS_CLIPPED) == 0) { if (data.dx | data.dy) sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_offset; else sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__fill; } else { if (!region_maybe_clip(&data.region, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; if (region_is_singular(&data.region)) { sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_clip_extents; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__fill_clip_extents; } else { sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_clip_boxes; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__fill_clip_boxes; } } assert(gc->miTranslate); gc->ops = &sna_gc_ops__tmp; DBG(("%s: miZeroLine (solid fill)\n", __FUNCTION__)); miZeroLine(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt); fill.done(data.sna, &fill); } else { data.op = &fill; if ((data.flags & IS_CLIPPED) == 0) { if (data.dx | data.dy) sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__dash_offset; else sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__dash; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__dash; } else { if (!region_maybe_clip(&data.region, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; if (region_is_singular(&data.region)) { sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__dash_clip_extents; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__dash_clip_extents; } else { sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__dash_clip_boxes; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__dash_clip_boxes; } } assert(gc->miTranslate); DBG(("%s: miZeroLine (solid dash, clipped? %d (complex? %d)), fg pass [%08x]\n", __FUNCTION__, !!(data.flags & IS_CLIPPED), data.flags & IS_CLIPPED && !region_is_singular(&data.region), gc->fgPixel)); if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, data.sna, data.pixmap, data.bo, gc->alu, color, FILL_POINTS | FILL_SPANS)) goto fallback; gc->ops = &sna_gc_ops__tmp; data.phase = gc->fgPixel; miZeroDashLine(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt); fill.done(data.sna, &fill); DBG(("%s: miZeroLine (solid dash, clipped? %d (complex? %d)), bg pass [%08x]\n", __FUNCTION__, !!(data.flags & IS_CLIPPED), data.flags & IS_CLIPPED && !region_is_singular(&data.region), gc->bgPixel)); if (sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, data.sna, data.pixmap, data.bo, gc->alu, gc->bgPixel, FILL_POINTS | FILL_SPANS)) { data.phase = gc->bgPixel; miZeroDashLine(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt); fill.done(data.sna, &fill); } } } else { /* Note that the WideDash functions alternate * between filling using fgPixel and bgPixel * so we need to reset state between FillSpans and * cannot use the fill fast paths. */ sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__gpu; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyFillRect = sna_poly_fill_rect__gpu; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__gpu; gc->ops = &sna_gc_ops__tmp; switch (gc->lineStyle) { default: assert(0); case LineSolid: if (gc->lineWidth == 0) { DBG(("%s: miZeroLine\n", __FUNCTION__)); miZeroLine(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt); } else { DBG(("%s: miWideLine\n", __FUNCTION__)); miWideLine(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt); } break; case LineOnOffDash: case LineDoubleDash: if (gc->lineWidth == 0) { DBG(("%s: miZeroDashLine\n", __FUNCTION__)); miZeroDashLine(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt); } else { DBG(("%s: miWideDash\n", __FUNCTION__)); miWideDash(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt); } break; } } gc->ops = (GCOps *)&sna_gc_ops; if (data.damage) { if (data.dx | data.dy) pixman_region_translate(&data.region, data.dx, data.dy); assert_pixmap_contains_box(data.pixmap, &data.region.extents); sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(data.damage, &data.region, data.pixmap); assert_pixmap_damage(data.pixmap); } RegionUninit(&data.region); return; } fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!region_maybe_clip(&data.region, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, &data.region)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, &data.region, drawable_gc_flags(drawable, gc, !(data.flags & RECTILINEAR && n == 2)))) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fbPolyLine\n", __FUNCTION__)); fbPolyLine(drawable, gc, mode, n, pt); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); RegionUninit(&data.region); } static inline bool box_from_seg(BoxPtr b, const xSegment *seg, GCPtr gc) { if (seg->x1 == seg->x2) { if (seg->y1 > seg->y2) { b->y2 = seg->y1 + 1; b->y1 = seg->y2 + 1; if (gc->capStyle != CapNotLast) b->y1--; } else { b->y1 = seg->y1; b->y2 = seg->y2; if (gc->capStyle != CapNotLast) b->y2++; } if (b->y1 >= b->y2) return false; b->x1 = seg->x1; b->x2 = seg->x1 + 1; } else { if (seg->x1 > seg->x2) { b->x2 = seg->x1 + 1; b->x1 = seg->x2 + 1; if (gc->capStyle != CapNotLast) b->x1--; } else { b->x1 = seg->x1; b->x2 = seg->x2; if (gc->capStyle != CapNotLast) b->x2++; } if (b->x1 >= b->x2) return false; b->y1 = seg->y1; b->y2 = seg->y1 + 1; } DBG(("%s: seg=(%d,%d),(%d,%d); box=(%d,%d),(%d,%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, seg->x1, seg->y1, seg->x2, seg->y2, b->x1, b->y1, b->x2, b->y2)); return true; } static bool sna_poly_segment_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, uint32_t pixel, int n, xSegment *seg, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); BoxRec boxes[512], *b = boxes, * const last_box = boxes + ARRAY_SIZE(boxes); struct sna_fill_op fill; int16_t dx, dy; DBG(("%s: n=%d, alu=%d, fg=%08lx, clipped=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel, clipped)); if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, sna, pixmap, bo, gc->alu, pixel, FILL_SPANS)) return false; get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); if (!clipped) { dx += drawable->x; dy += drawable->y; if (dx|dy) { do { unsigned nbox = n; if (nbox > ARRAY_SIZE(boxes)) nbox = ARRAY_SIZE(boxes); n -= nbox; do { if (box_from_seg(b, seg++, gc)) { assert(!box_empty(b)); b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->y2 += dy; assert(!box_empty(b)); b++; } } while (--nbox); if (b != boxes) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, b-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, b-boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } } while (n); } else { do { unsigned nbox = n; if (nbox > ARRAY_SIZE(boxes)) nbox = ARRAY_SIZE(boxes); n -= nbox; do { if (box_from_seg(b, seg++, gc)) { assert(!box_empty(b)); b++; } } while (--nbox); if (b != boxes) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, b-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, b-boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } } while (n); } } else { RegionRec clip; region_set(&clip, extents); if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) goto done; if (clip.data) { const BoxRec * const clip_start = RegionBoxptr(&clip); const BoxRec * const clip_end = clip_start + clip.data->numRects; const BoxRec *c; do { BoxRec box; if (!box_from_seg(&box, seg++, gc)) continue; assert(!box_empty(&box)); box.x1 += drawable->x; box.x2 += drawable->x; box.y1 += drawable->y; box.y2 += drawable->y; c = find_clip_box_for_y(clip_start, clip_end, box.y1); while (c != clip_end) { if (box.y2 <= c->y1) break; *b = box; if (box_intersect(b, c++)) { b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->y2 += dy; assert(!box_empty(b)); if (++b == last_box) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, last_box-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, last_box-boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } } } } while (--n); } else { do { if (!box_from_seg(b, seg++, gc)) continue; assert(!box_empty(b)); b->x1 += drawable->x; b->x2 += drawable->x; b->y1 += drawable->y; b->y2 += drawable->y; if (box_intersect(b, &clip.extents)) { b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->y2 += dy; assert(!box_empty(b)); if (++b == last_box) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, last_box-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, last_box-boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } } } while (--n); } RegionUninit(&clip); } if (b != boxes) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, b - boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, b - boxes, 0, 0); } done: fill.done(sna, &fill); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); return true; } static bool sna_poly_zero_segment_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, const int _n, const xSegment *_s, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) { static void * const _jump[] = { &&no_damage, &&damage, &&no_damage_offset, &&damage_offset, }; PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); unsigned int bias = miGetZeroLineBias(drawable->pScreen); struct sna_fill_op fill; RegionRec clip; const BoxRec *last_extents; BoxRec box[512], *b; BoxRec *const last_box = box + ARRAY_SIZE(box); int16_t dx, dy; void *jump, *ret; DBG(("%s: alu=%d, pixel=%lx, n=%d, clipped=%d, damage=%p\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel, _n, clipped, damage)); if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, sna, pixmap, bo, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel, FILL_BOXES)) return false; get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); region_set(&clip, extents); if (clipped) { if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) return true; } DBG(("%s: [clipped] extents=(%d, %d), (%d, %d), delta=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, clip.extents.x1, clip.extents.y1, clip.extents.x2, clip.extents.y2, dx, dy)); jump = _jump[(damage != NULL) | !!(dx|dy) << 1]; b = box; extents = region_rects(&clip); last_extents = extents + region_num_rects(&clip); do { int n = _n; const xSegment *s = _s; do { int16_t sdx, sdy; int adx, ady, length; int e, e1, e2, e3; int x1, x2; int y1, y2; int oc1, oc2; int octant; x1 = s->x1 + drawable->x; y1 = s->y1 + drawable->y; x2 = s->x2 + drawable->x; y2 = s->y2 + drawable->y; s++; DBG(("%s: segment (%d, %d) to (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, x1, y1, x2, y2)); if (x2 == x1 && y2 == y1) continue; oc1 = 0; OUTCODES(oc1, x1, y1, extents); oc2 = 0; OUTCODES(oc2, x2, y2, extents); if (oc1 & oc2) continue; CalcLineDeltas(x1, y1, x2, y2, adx, ady, sdx, sdy, 1, 1, octant); DBG(("%s: adx=(%d, %d), sdx=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, adx, ady, sdx, sdy)); if (adx == 0 || ady == 0) { if (x1 <= x2) { b->x1 = x1; b->x2 = x2; } else { b->x1 = x2; b->x2 = x1; } if (y1 <= y2) { b->y1 = y1; b->y2 = y2; } else { b->y1 = y2; b->y2 = y1; } b->x2++; b->y2++; if ((oc1 | oc2) && !box_intersect(b, extents)) continue; assert(!box_empty(b)); if (++b == last_box) { ret = &&rectangle_continue; goto *jump; rectangle_continue: b = box; } } else if (adx >= ady) { bool dirty; /* X-major segment */ e1 = ady << 1; e2 = e1 - (adx << 1); e = e1 - adx; length = adx; /* don't draw endpoint in main loop */ FIXUP_ERROR(e, octant, bias); if (oc1 | oc2) { int pt1_clipped, pt2_clipped; int x = x1, y = y1; if (miZeroClipLine(extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2-1, extents->y2-1, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, adx, ady, &pt1_clipped, &pt2_clipped, octant, bias, oc1, oc2) == -1) continue; length = abs(x2 - x1); if (length == 0) continue; if (pt1_clipped) { int clipdx = abs(x1 - x); int clipdy = abs(y1 - y); e += clipdy * e2 + (clipdx - clipdy) * e1; } } e3 = e2 - e1; e = e - e1; b->x1 = x1; b->y1 = y1; dirty = false; while (length--) { dirty = true; e += e1; if (e >= 0) { e += e3; if (sdx < 0) { b->x2 = b->x1 + 1; b->x1 = x1; } else b->x2 = x1 + 1; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; DBG(("%s: horizontal step: (%d, %d), box: (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, x1, y1, b->x1, b->y1, b->x2, b->y2)); assert(!box_empty(b)); if (++b == last_box) { ret = &&X_continue; goto *jump; X_continue: b = box; } b->x1 = x1 + sdx; b->y1 = y1 += sdy; dirty = false; } x1 += sdx; } if (dirty) { x1 -= sdx; DBG(("%s: horizontal tail: (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, x1, y1)); if (sdx < 0) { b->x2 = b->x1 + 1; b->x1 = x1; } else b->x2 = x1 + 1; b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; assert(!box_empty(b)); if (++b == last_box) { ret = &&X2_continue; goto *jump; X2_continue: b = box; } } } else { bool dirty; /* Y-major segment */ e1 = adx << 1; e2 = e1 - (ady << 1); e = e1 - ady; length = ady; /* don't draw endpoint in main loop */ SetYMajorOctant(octant); FIXUP_ERROR(e, octant, bias); if (oc1 | oc2) { int pt1_clipped, pt2_clipped; int x = x1, y = y1; if (miZeroClipLine(extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2-1, extents->y2-1, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, adx, ady, &pt1_clipped, &pt2_clipped, octant, bias, oc1, oc2) == -1) continue; length = abs(y2 - y1); if (length == 0) continue; if (pt1_clipped) { int clipdx = abs(x1 - x); int clipdy = abs(y1 - y); e += clipdx * e2 + (clipdy - clipdx) * e1; } } e3 = e2 - e1; e = e - e1; b->x1 = x1; b->y1 = y1; dirty = false; while (length--) { e += e1; dirty = true; if (e >= 0) { e += e3; if (sdy < 0) { b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; b->y1 = y1; } else b->y2 = y1 + 1; b->x2 = x1 + 1; assert(!box_empty(b)); if (++b == last_box) { ret = &&Y_continue; goto *jump; Y_continue: b = box; } b->x1 = x1 += sdx; b->y1 = y1 + sdy; dirty = false; } y1 += sdy; } if (dirty) { y1 -= sdy; if (sdy < 0) { b->y2 = b->y1 + 1; b->y1 = y1; } else b->y2 = y1 + 1; b->x2 = x1 + 1; assert(!box_empty(b)); if (++b == last_box) { ret = &&Y2_continue; goto *jump; Y2_continue: b = box; } } } } while (--n); } while (++extents != last_extents); if (b != box) { ret = &&done; goto *jump; } done: fill.done(sna, &fill); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); RegionUninit(&clip); return true; damage: sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, box, b-box, 0, 0); no_damage: fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, b-box); goto *ret; no_damage_offset: { BoxRec *bb = box; do { bb->x1 += dx; bb->x2 += dx; bb->y1 += dy; bb->y2 += dy; } while (++bb != b); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, b - box); } goto *ret; damage_offset: { BoxRec *bb = box; do { bb->x1 += dx; bb->x2 += dx; bb->y1 += dy; bb->y2 += dy; } while (++bb != b); fill.boxes(sna, &fill, box, b - box); sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, box, b - box, 0, 0); } goto *ret; } static unsigned sna_poly_segment_extents(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, xSegment *seg, BoxPtr out) { BoxRec box; bool clipped, can_blit; if (n == 0) return 0; if (seg->x2 >= seg->x1) { box.x1 = seg->x1; box.x2 = seg->x2; } else { box.x2 = seg->x1; box.x1 = seg->x2; } if (seg->y2 >= seg->y1) { box.y1 = seg->y1; box.y2 = seg->y2; } else { box.y2 = seg->y1; box.y1 = seg->y2; } can_blit = seg->x1 == seg->x2 || seg->y1 == seg->y2; while (--n) { seg++; if (seg->x2 > seg->x1) { if (seg->x1 < box.x1) box.x1 = seg->x1; if (seg->x2 > box.x2) box.x2 = seg->x2; } else { if (seg->x2 < box.x1) box.x1 = seg->x2; if (seg->x1 > box.x2) box.x2 = seg->x1; } if (seg->y2 > seg->y1) { if (seg->y1 < box.y1) box.y1 = seg->y1; if (seg->y2 > box.y2) box.y2 = seg->y2; } else { if (seg->y2 < box.y1) box.y1 = seg->y2; if (seg->y1 > box.y2) box.y2 = seg->y1; } if (can_blit && !(seg->x1 == seg->x2 || seg->y1 == seg->y2)) can_blit = false; } box.x2++; box.y2++; if (gc->lineWidth) { int extra = gc->lineWidth; if (gc->capStyle != CapProjecting) extra >>= 1; if (extra) { box.x1 -= extra; box.x2 += extra; box.y1 -= extra; box.y2 += extra; } } DBG(("%s: unclipped, untranslated extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2)); clipped = trim_and_translate_box(&box, drawable, gc); if (box_empty(&box)) return 0; *out = box; return 1 | clipped << 1 | can_blit << 2; } static void sna_poly_segment(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, xSegment *seg) { struct sna_pixmap *priv; struct sna_fill_spans data; uint32_t color; DBG(("%s(n=%d, first=((%d, %d), (%d, %d)), lineWidth=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n, seg->x1, seg->y1, seg->x2, seg->y2, gc->lineWidth)); data.flags = sna_poly_segment_extents(drawable, gc, n, seg, &data.region.extents); if (data.flags == 0) return; DBG(("%s: extents=(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, data.region.extents.x1, data.region.extents.y1, data.region.extents.x2, data.region.extents.y2)); data.region.data = NULL; if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_POLY_SEGMENT) goto fallback; data.pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); data.sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(data.pixmap); priv = sna_pixmap(data.pixmap); if (priv == NULL) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- unattached\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (wedged(data.sna)) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } DBG(("%s: fill=%d [%d], line=%d [%d], width=%d, mask=%lu [%d], rectlinear=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->fillStyle, gc->fillStyle == FillSolid, gc->lineStyle, gc->lineStyle == LineSolid, gc->lineWidth, gc->planemask, PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask), data.flags & RECTILINEAR)); if (!PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; if (gc->lineStyle != LineSolid || gc->lineWidth > 1) goto spans_fallback; data.bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(drawable, PREFER_GPU, &data.region.extents, &data.damage); if (data.bo == NULL) goto fallback; if (gc_is_solid(gc, &color)) { DBG(("%s: trying blt solid fill [%08x, flags=%x] paths\n", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned)color, data.flags)); if (data.flags & RECTILINEAR) { if (sna_poly_segment_blt(drawable, data.bo, data.damage, gc, color, n, seg, &data.region.extents, data.flags & IS_CLIPPED)) return; } else { if (sna_poly_zero_segment_blt(drawable, data.bo, data.damage, gc, n, seg, &data.region.extents, data.flags & IS_CLIPPED)) return; } } else if (data.flags & RECTILINEAR) { /* Try converting these to a set of rectangles instead */ xRectangle *rect; int i; DBG(("%s: converting to rectangles\n", __FUNCTION__)); rect = malloc (n * sizeof (xRectangle)); if (rect == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (seg[i].x1 < seg[i].x2) { rect[i].x = seg[i].x1; rect[i].width = seg[i].x2 - seg[i].x1 + 1; } else if (seg[i].x1 > seg[i].x2) { rect[i].x = seg[i].x2; rect[i].width = seg[i].x1 - seg[i].x2 + 1; } else { rect[i].x = seg[i].x1; rect[i].width = 1; } if (seg[i].y1 < seg[i].y2) { rect[i].y = seg[i].y1; rect[i].height = seg[i].y2 - seg[i].y1 + 1; } else if (seg[i].y1 > seg[i].y2) { rect[i].y = seg[i].y2; rect[i].height = seg[i].y1 - seg[i].y2 + 1; } else { rect[i].y = seg[i].y1; rect[i].height = 1; } /* don't paint last pixel */ if (gc->capStyle == CapNotLast) { if (seg[i].x1 == seg[i].x2) rect[i].height--; else rect[i].width--; } } if (gc->fillStyle == FillTiled) { i = sna_poly_fill_rect_tiled_blt(drawable, data.bo, data.damage, gc, n, rect, &data.region.extents, data.flags); } else { i = sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_blt(drawable, data.bo, data.damage, gc, n, rect, &data.region.extents, data.flags); } free (rect); if (i) return; } spans_fallback: if ((data.bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(drawable, use_line_spans(drawable, gc, &data.region.extents, data.flags), &data.region.extents, &data.damage))) { void (*line)(DrawablePtr, GCPtr, int, int, DDXPointPtr); int i; DBG(("%s: converting segments into spans\n", __FUNCTION__)); switch (gc->lineStyle) { default: case LineSolid: if (gc->lineWidth == 0) line = miZeroLine; else line = miWideLine; break; case LineOnOffDash: case LineDoubleDash: if (gc->lineWidth == 0) line = miZeroDashLine; else line = miWideDash; break; } get_drawable_deltas(drawable, data.pixmap, &data.dx, &data.dy); sna_gc(gc)->priv = &data; if (gc->lineWidth == 0 && gc->lineStyle == LineSolid && gc_is_solid(gc, &color)) { struct sna_fill_op fill; if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, data.sna, data.pixmap, data.bo, gc->alu, color, FILL_POINTS | FILL_SPANS)) goto fallback; data.op = &fill; if ((data.flags & IS_CLIPPED) == 0) { if (data.dx | data.dy) sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_offset; else sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__fill; } else { if (!region_maybe_clip(&data.region, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; if (region_is_singular(&data.region)) { sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_clip_extents; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__fill_clip_extents; } else { sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_clip_boxes; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__fill_clip_boxes; } } assert(gc->miTranslate); gc->ops = &sna_gc_ops__tmp; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) line(drawable, gc, CoordModeOrigin, 2, (DDXPointPtr)&seg[i]); fill.done(data.sna, &fill); } else { sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__gpu; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyFillRect = sna_poly_fill_rect__gpu; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__gpu; gc->ops = &sna_gc_ops__tmp; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) line(drawable, gc, CoordModeOrigin, 2, (DDXPointPtr)&seg[i]); } gc->ops = (GCOps *)&sna_gc_ops; if (data.damage) { if (data.dx | data.dy) pixman_region_translate(&data.region, data.dx, data.dy); assert_pixmap_contains_box(data.pixmap, &data.region.extents); sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(data.damage, &data.region, data.pixmap); } assert_pixmap_damage(data.pixmap); RegionUninit(&data.region); return; } fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!region_maybe_clip(&data.region, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, &data.region)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, &data.region, drawable_gc_flags(drawable, gc, !(data.flags & RECTILINEAR && n == 1)))) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fbPolySegment\n", __FUNCTION__)); fbPolySegment(drawable, gc, n, seg); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); RegionUninit(&data.region); } static unsigned sna_poly_rectangle_extents(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *r, BoxPtr out) { Box32Rec box; int extra = gc->lineWidth >> 1; bool clipped; bool zero = false; if (n == 0) return 0; box.x1 = r->x; box.y1 = r->y; box.x2 = box.x1 + r->width; box.y2 = box.y1 + r->height; zero |= (r->width | r->height) == 0; while (--n) { r++; zero |= (r->width | r->height) == 0; box32_add_rect(&box, r); } box.x2++; box.y2++; if (extra) { box.x1 -= extra; box.x2 += extra; box.y1 -= extra; box.y2 += extra; zero = !zero; } else zero = true; DBG(("%s: unclipped original extents: (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2)); clipped = box32_trim_and_translate(&box, drawable, gc); if (!box32_to_box16(&box, out)) return 0; DBG(("%s: extents: (%d, %d), (%d, %d), clipped? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, out->x1, out->y1, out->x2, out->y2, clipped)); return 1 | clipped << 1 | zero << 2; } static bool sna_poly_rectangle_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *r, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_fill_op fill; BoxRec boxes[512], *b = boxes, *const last_box = boxes+ARRAY_SIZE(boxes); int16_t dx, dy; static void * const jump[] = { &&wide, &&zero, &&wide_clipped, &&zero_clipped, }; DBG(("%s: n=%d, alu=%d, width=%d, fg=%08lx, damge=%p, clipped?=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n, gc->alu, gc->lineWidth, gc->fgPixel, damage, clipped)); if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, sna, pixmap, bo, gc->alu, gc->fgPixel, FILL_BOXES)) return false; get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); goto *jump[(gc->lineWidth <= 1) | clipped]; zero: dx += drawable->x; dy += drawable->y; do { xRectangle rr = *r++; if ((rr.width | rr.height) == 0) continue; /* XXX -> PolyLine */ DBG(("%s - zero : r[%d] = (%d, %d) x (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, n, rr.x, rr.y, rr.width, rr.height)); rr.x += dx; rr.y += dy; if (b+4 > last_box) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, b-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, b-boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } if (rr.width <= 1 || rr.height <= 1) { b->x1 = rr.x; b->y1 = rr.y; b->x2 = rr.x + rr.width + (rr.height != 0); b->y2 = rr.y + rr.height + (rr.width != 0); DBG(("%s: blt (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, b->x1, b->y1, b->x2,b->y2)); b++; } else { b[0].x1 = rr.x; b[0].y1 = rr.y; b[0].x2 = rr.x + rr.width + 1; b[0].y2 = rr.y + 1; b[1] = b[0]; b[1].y1 += rr.height; b[1].y2 += rr.height; b[2].y1 = rr.y + 1; b[2].y2 = rr.y + rr.height; b[2].x1 = rr.x; b[2].x2 = rr.x + 1; b[3] = b[2]; b[3].x1 += rr.width; b[3].x2 += rr.width; b += 4; } } while (--n); goto done; zero_clipped: { RegionRec clip; BoxRec box[4]; int count; region_set(&clip, extents); if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) goto done; if (clip.data) { const BoxRec * const clip_start = RegionBoxptr(&clip); const BoxRec * const clip_end = clip_start + clip.data->numRects; const BoxRec *c; do { xRectangle rr = *r++; DBG(("%s - zero, clipped complex: r[%d] = (%d, %d) x (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, n, rr.x, rr.y, rr.width, rr.height)); if ((rr.width | rr.height) == 0) continue; /* XXX -> PolyLine */ rr.x += drawable->x; rr.y += drawable->y; if (rr.width <= 1 || rr.height <= 1) { box[0].x1 = rr.x; box[0].y1 = rr.y; box[0].x2 = rr.x + rr.width + (rr.height != 0); box[0].y2 = rr.y + rr.height + (rr.width != 0); count = 1; } else { box[0].x1 = rr.x; box[0].y1 = rr.y; box[0].x2 = rr.x + rr.width + 1; box[0].y2 = rr.y + 1; box[1] = box[0]; box[1].y1 += rr.height; box[1].y2 += rr.height; box[2].y1 = rr.y + 1; box[2].y2 = rr.y + rr.height; box[2].x1 = rr.x; box[2].x2 = rr.x + 1; box[3] = box[2]; box[3].x1 += rr.width; box[3].x2 += rr.width; count = 4; } while (count--) { c = find_clip_box_for_y(clip_start, clip_end, box[count].y1); while (c != clip_end) { if (box[count].y2 <= c->y1) break; *b = box[count]; if (box_intersect(b, c++)) { b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->y2 += dy; if (++b == last_box) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, last_box-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, last_box-boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } } } } } while (--n); } else { do { xRectangle rr = *r++; DBG(("%s - zero, clip: r[%d] = (%d, %d) x (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, n, rr.x, rr.y, rr.width, rr.height)); if ((rr.width | rr.height) == 0) continue; /* XXX -> PolyLine */ rr.x += drawable->x; rr.y += drawable->y; if (rr.width <= 1 || rr.height <= 1) { box[0].x1 = rr.x; box[0].y1 = rr.y; box[0].x2 = rr.x + rr.width + (rr.height != 0); box[0].y2 = rr.y + rr.height + (rr.width != 0); count = 1; } else { box[0].x1 = rr.x; box[0].y1 = rr.y; box[0].x2 = rr.x + rr.width + 1; box[0].y2 = rr.y + 1; box[1] = box[0]; box[1].y1 += rr.height; box[1].y2 += rr.height; box[2].y1 = rr.y + 1; box[2].y2 = rr.y + rr.height; box[2].x1 = rr.x; box[2].x2 = rr.x + 1; box[3] = box[2]; box[3].x1 += rr.width; box[3].x2 += rr.width; count = 4; } while (count--) { *b = box[count]; if (box_intersect(b, &clip.extents)) { b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->y2 += dy; if (++b == last_box) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, last_box-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, last_box-boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } } } } while (--n); } RegionUninit(&clip); } goto done; wide_clipped: { RegionRec clip; BoxRec box[4]; int16_t offset2 = gc->lineWidth; int16_t offset1 = offset2 >> 1; int16_t offset3 = offset2 - offset1; region_set(&clip, extents); if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) goto done; DBG(("%s: wide clipped: extents=((%d, %d), (%d, %d))\n", __FUNCTION__, clip.extents.x1, clip.extents.y1, clip.extents.x2, clip.extents.y2)); if (clip.data) { const BoxRec * const clip_start = RegionBoxptr(&clip); const BoxRec * const clip_end = clip_start + clip.data->numRects; const BoxRec *c; do { xRectangle rr = *r++; int count; if ((rr.width | rr.height) == 0) continue; /* XXX -> PolyLine */ rr.x += drawable->x; rr.y += drawable->y; if (rr.height <= offset2 || rr.width <= offset2) { if (rr.height == 0) { box[0].x1 = rr.x; box[0].x2 = rr.x + rr.width; } else { box[0].x1 = rr.x - offset1; box[0].x2 = rr.x + rr.width + offset3; } if (rr.width == 0) { box[0].y1 = rr.y; box[0].y2 = rr.y + rr.height; } else { box[0].y1 = rr.y - offset1; box[0].y2 = rr.y + rr.height + offset3; } count = 1; } else { box[0].x1 = rr.x - offset1; box[0].x2 = box[0].x1 + rr.width + offset2; box[0].y1 = rr.y - offset1; box[0].y2 = box[0].y1 + offset2; box[1].x1 = rr.x - offset1; box[1].x2 = box[1].x1 + offset2; box[1].y1 = rr.y + offset3; box[1].y2 = rr.y + rr.height - offset1; box[2] = box[1]; box[2].x1 += rr.width; box[2].x2 += rr.width; box[3] = box[0]; box[3].y1 += rr.height; box[3].y2 += rr.height; count = 4; } while (count--) { c = find_clip_box_for_y(clip_start, clip_end, box[count].y1); while (c != clip_end) { if (box[count].y2 <= c->y1) break; *b = box[count]; if (box_intersect(b, c++)) { b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->y2 += dy; if (++b == last_box) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, last_box-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, last_box-boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } } } } } while (--n); } else { DBG(("%s: singular clip offset1=%d, offset2=%d, offset3=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, offset1, offset2, offset3)); do { xRectangle rr = *r++; int count; rr.x += drawable->x; rr.y += drawable->y; DBG(("%s: r=(%d, %d)x(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, rr.x, rr.y, rr.width, rr.height)); if (rr.height <= offset2 || rr.width <= offset2) { if (rr.height == 0) { box[0].x1 = rr.x; box[0].x2 = rr.x + rr.width; } else { box[0].x1 = rr.x - offset1; box[0].x2 = box[0].x1 + rr.width + offset2; } if (rr.width == 0) { box[0].y1 = rr.y; box[0].y2 = rr.y + rr.height; } else { box[0].y1 = rr.y - offset1; box[0].y2 = box[0].y1 + rr.height + offset2; } count = 1; } else { box[0].x1 = rr.x - offset1; box[0].x2 = box[0].x1 + rr.width + offset2; box[0].y1 = rr.y - offset1; box[0].y2 = box[0].y1 + offset2; DBG(("%s: box[0]=(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box[0].x1, box[0].y1, box[0].x2, box[0].y2)); box[1].x1 = rr.x - offset1; box[1].x2 = box[1].x1 + offset2; box[1].y1 = rr.y + offset3; box[1].y2 = rr.y + rr.height - offset1; DBG(("%s: box[1]=(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box[1].x1, box[1].y1, box[1].x2, box[1].y2)); box[2] = box[1]; box[2].x1 += rr.width; box[2].x2 += rr.width; DBG(("%s: box[2]=(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box[2].x1, box[2].y1, box[2].x2, box[2].y2)); box[3] = box[0]; box[3].y1 += rr.height; box[3].y2 += rr.height; DBG(("%s: box[3]=(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box[3].x1, box[3].y1, box[3].x2, box[3].y2)); count = 4; } while (count--) { *b = box[count]; if (box_intersect(b, &clip.extents)) { b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->y2 += dy; if (++b == last_box) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, last_box-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, last_box-boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } } } } while (--n); } RegionUninit(&clip); } goto done; wide: { int offset2 = gc->lineWidth; int offset1 = offset2 >> 1; int offset3 = offset2 - offset1; dx += drawable->x; dy += drawable->y; do { xRectangle rr = *r++; if ((rr.width | rr.height) == 0) continue; /* XXX -> PolyLine */ rr.x += dx; rr.y += dy; if (b+4 > last_box) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, last_box-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, last_box-boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } if (rr.height <= offset2 || rr.width <= offset2) { if (rr.height == 0) { b->x1 = rr.x; b->x2 = rr.x + rr.width; } else { b->x1 = rr.x - offset1; b->x2 = rr.x + rr.width + offset3; } if (rr.width == 0) { b->y1 = rr.y; b->y2 = rr.y + rr.height; } else { b->y1 = rr.y - offset1; b->y2 = rr.y + rr.height + offset3; } b++; } else { b[0].x1 = rr.x - offset1; b[0].x2 = b[0].x1 + rr.width + offset2; b[0].y1 = rr.y - offset1; b[0].y2 = b[0].y1 + offset2; b[1].x1 = rr.x - offset1; b[1].x2 = b[1].x1 + offset2; b[1].y1 = rr.y + offset3; b[1].y2 = rr.y + rr.height - offset1; b[2] = b[1]; b[2].x1 += rr.width; b[2].x2 += rr.width; b[3] = b[0]; b[3].y1 += rr.height; b[3].y2 += rr.height; b += 4; } } while (--n); } goto done; done: if (b != boxes) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, b-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, b-boxes, 0, 0); } fill.done(sna, &fill); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); return true; } static void sna_poly_rectangle(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *r) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_damage **damage; struct kgem_bo *bo; RegionRec region; unsigned flags; DBG(("%s(n=%d, first=((%d, %d)x(%d, %d)), lineWidth=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n, r->x, r->y, r->width, r->height, gc->lineWidth)); flags = sna_poly_rectangle_extents(drawable, gc, n, r, ®ion.extents); if (flags == 0) return; DBG(("%s: extents=(%d, %d), (%d, %d), flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2, flags)); if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_POLY_RECTANGLE) goto fallback; if (wedged(sna)) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } DBG(("%s: fill=%d [%d], line=%d [%d], join=%d [%d], mask=%lu [%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->fillStyle, gc->fillStyle == FillSolid, gc->lineStyle, gc->lineStyle == LineSolid, gc->joinStyle, gc->joinStyle == JoinMiter, gc->planemask, PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask))); if (!PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; if (flags & RECTILINEAR && gc->fillStyle == FillSolid && gc->lineStyle == LineSolid && gc->joinStyle == JoinMiter) { DBG(("%s: trying blt solid fill [%08lx] paths\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->fgPixel)); if ((bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(drawable, PREFER_GPU, ®ion.extents, &damage)) && sna_poly_rectangle_blt(drawable, bo, damage, gc, n, r, ®ion.extents, flags&2)) return; } else { /* Not a trivial outline, but we still maybe able to break it * down into simpler operations that we can accelerate. */ if (sna_drawable_use_bo(drawable, PREFER_GPU, ®ion.extents, &damage)) { miPolyRectangle(drawable, gc, n, r); return; } } fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback, clip=%dx[(%d, %d), (%d, %d)]\n", __FUNCTION__, region_num_rects(gc->pCompositeClip), gc->pCompositeClip->extents.x1, gc->pCompositeClip->extents.y1, gc->pCompositeClip->extents.x2, gc->pCompositeClip->extents.y2)); region.data = NULL; if (!region_maybe_clip(®ion, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; DBG(("%s: CPU region=%dx[(%d, %d), (%d, %d)]\n", __FUNCTION__, region_num_rects(®ion), region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, ®ion)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, ®ion, drawable_gc_flags(drawable, gc, true))) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: miPolyRectangle\n", __FUNCTION__)); miPolyRectangle(drawable, gc, n, r); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); RegionUninit(®ion); } static unsigned sna_poly_arc_extents(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, xArc *arc, BoxPtr out) { BoxRec box; bool clipped; int v; if (n == 0) return 0; box.x1 = arc->x; box.x2 = bound(box.x1, arc->width); box.y1 = arc->y; box.y2 = bound(box.y1, arc->height); while (--n) { arc++; if (box.x1 > arc->x) box.x1 = arc->x; v = bound(arc->x, arc->width); if (box.x2 < v) box.x2 = v; if (box.y1 > arc->y) box.y1 = arc->y; v = bound(arc->y, arc->height); if (box.y2 < v) box.y2 = v; } v = gc->lineWidth >> 1; if (v) { box.x1 -= v; box.x2 += v; box.y1 -= v; box.y2 += v; } box.x2++; box.y2++; clipped = trim_and_translate_box(&box, drawable, gc); if (box_empty(&box)) return 0; *out = box; return 1 | clipped << 1; } static void sna_poly_arc(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int n, xArc *arc) { struct sna_fill_spans data; struct sna_pixmap *priv; DBG(("%s(n=%d, lineWidth=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n, gc->lineWidth)); data.flags = sna_poly_arc_extents(drawable, gc, n, arc, &data.region.extents); if (data.flags == 0) return; DBG(("%s: extents=(%d, %d), (%d, %d), flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, data.region.extents.x1, data.region.extents.y1, data.region.extents.x2, data.region.extents.y2, data.flags)); data.region.data = NULL; if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_POLY_ARC) goto fallback; data.pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); data.sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(data.pixmap); priv = sna_pixmap(data.pixmap); if (priv == NULL) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- unattached\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (wedged(data.sna)) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (!PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; if ((data.bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(drawable, PREFER_GPU, &data.region.extents, &data.damage))) { uint32_t color; DBG(("%s: converting arcs into spans\n", __FUNCTION__)); get_drawable_deltas(drawable, data.pixmap, &data.dx, &data.dy); if (gc_is_solid(gc, &color)) { sna_gc(gc)->priv = &data; assert(gc->miTranslate); if (gc->lineStyle == LineSolid) { struct sna_fill_op fill; if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, data.sna, data.pixmap, data.bo, gc->alu, color, FILL_POINTS | FILL_SPANS)) goto fallback; if ((data.flags & IS_CLIPPED) == 0) { if (data.dx | data.dy) sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_offset; else sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__fill; } else { if (!region_maybe_clip(&data.region, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; if (region_is_singular(&data.region)) { sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_clip_extents; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__fill_clip_extents; } else { sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_clip_boxes; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__fill_clip_boxes; } } data.op = &fill; gc->ops = &sna_gc_ops__tmp; if (gc->lineWidth == 0) miZeroPolyArc(drawable, gc, n, arc); else miPolyArc(drawable, gc, n, arc); gc->ops = (GCOps *)&sna_gc_ops; fill.done(data.sna, &fill); } else { if (!region_maybe_clip(&data.region, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__gpu; sna_gc_ops__tmp.PolyPoint = sna_poly_point__gpu; gc->ops = &sna_gc_ops__tmp; if (gc->lineWidth == 0) miZeroPolyArc(drawable, gc, n, arc); else miPolyArc(drawable, gc, n, arc); gc->ops = (GCOps *)&sna_gc_ops; } if (data.damage) { if (data.dx | data.dy) pixman_region_translate(&data.region, data.dx, data.dy); assert_pixmap_contains_box(data.pixmap, &data.region.extents); sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(data.damage, &data.region, data.pixmap); } assert_pixmap_damage(data.pixmap); RegionUninit(&data.region); return; } /* XXX still around 10x slower for x11perf -ellipse */ if (gc->lineWidth == 0) miZeroPolyArc(drawable, gc, n, arc); else miPolyArc(drawable, gc, n, arc); return; } fallback: DBG(("%s -- fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!region_maybe_clip(&data.region, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, &data.region)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, &data.region, drawable_gc_flags(drawable, gc, true))) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s -- fbPolyArc\n", __FUNCTION__)); fbPolyArc(drawable, gc, n, arc); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); RegionUninit(&data.region); } static bool sna_poly_fill_rect_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, uint32_t pixel, int n, const xRectangle *rect, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned flags) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_fill_op fill; BoxRec boxes[512], *b = boxes, *const last_box = boxes+ARRAY_SIZE(boxes); int16_t dx, dy; DBG(("%s pixmap=%ld x %d [(%d, %d)x(%d, %d)...]+(%d,%d), clipped?=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, n, rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height, drawable->x, drawable->y, flags&2)); if (n == 1 && region_is_singular(gc->pCompositeClip)) { BoxRec r; bool success = true; r.x1 = rect->x + drawable->x; r.y1 = rect->y + drawable->y; r.x2 = bound(r.x1, rect->width); r.y2 = bound(r.y1, rect->height); if (box_intersect(&r, &gc->pCompositeClip->extents)) { if (get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy)) { r.x1 += dx; r.y1 += dy; r.x2 += dx; r.y2 += dy; } DBG(("%s: using fill_one() fast path: (%d, %d), (%d, %d). alu=%d, pixel=%08x, damage?=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, r.x1, r.y1, r.x2, r.y2, gc->alu, pixel, damage != NULL)); assert_pixmap_contains_box(pixmap, &r); if (sna->render.fill_one(sna, pixmap, bo, pixel, r.x1, r.y1, r.x2, r.y2, gc->alu)) { if (r.x2 - r.x1 == pixmap->drawable.width && r.y2 - r.y1 == pixmap->drawable.height) { if (damage) { sna_damage_all(damage, pixmap); damage = NULL; } if (flags & OVERWRITES) { struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); if (bo == priv->gpu_bo) { assert(damage == NULL || damage == &priv->gpu_damage); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); list_del(&priv->flush_list); priv->clear = true; priv->clear_color = gc->alu == GXcopyInverted ? ~pixel & ((1 << gc->depth) - 1) : pixel; DBG(("%s: pixmap=%ld, marking clear [%08x]\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, priv->clear_color)); } } } if (damage) sna_damage_add_box(damage, &r); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); } else success = false; } return success; } if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, sna, pixmap, bo, gc->alu, pixel, FILL_BOXES)) { DBG(("%s: unsupported blt\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); if ((flags & IS_CLIPPED) == 0) { dx += drawable->x; dy += drawable->y; sna_damage_add_rectangles(damage, rect, n, dx, dy); if (dx|dy) { do { unsigned nbox = n; if (nbox > ARRAY_SIZE(boxes)) nbox = ARRAY_SIZE(boxes); n -= nbox; while (nbox >= 2) { b[0].x1 = rect[0].x + dx; b[0].y1 = rect[0].y + dy; b[0].x2 = b[0].x1 + rect[0].width; b[0].y2 = b[0].y1 + rect[0].height; b[1].x1 = rect[1].x + dx; b[1].y1 = rect[1].y + dy; b[1].x2 = b[1].x1 + rect[1].width; b[1].y2 = b[1].y1 + rect[1].height; b += 2; rect += 2; nbox -= 2; } if (nbox) { b->x1 = rect->x + dx; b->y1 = rect->y + dy; b->x2 = b->x1 + rect->width; b->y2 = b->y1 + rect->height; b++; rect++; } fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, b-boxes); b = boxes; } while (n); } else { do { unsigned nbox = n; if (nbox > ARRAY_SIZE(boxes)) nbox = ARRAY_SIZE(boxes); n -= nbox; while (nbox >= 2) { b[0].x1 = rect[0].x; b[0].y1 = rect[0].y; b[0].x2 = b[0].x1 + rect[0].width; b[0].y2 = b[0].y1 + rect[0].height; b[1].x1 = rect[1].x; b[1].y1 = rect[1].y; b[1].x2 = b[1].x1 + rect[1].width; b[1].y2 = b[1].y1 + rect[1].height; b += 2; rect += 2; nbox -= 2; } if (nbox) { b->x1 = rect->x; b->y1 = rect->y; b->x2 = b->x1 + rect->width; b->y2 = b->y1 + rect->height; b++; rect++; } fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, b-boxes); b = boxes; } while (n); } } else { RegionRec clip; region_set(&clip, extents); if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) goto done; if (clip.data == NULL) { do { b->x1 = rect->x + drawable->x; b->y1 = rect->y + drawable->y; b->x2 = bound(b->x1, rect->width); b->y2 = bound(b->y1, rect->height); rect++; if (box_intersect(b, &clip.extents)) { b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->y2 += dy; if (++b == last_box) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, last_box-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, last_box-boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } } } while (--n); } else { const BoxRec * const clip_start = RegionBoxptr(&clip); const BoxRec * const clip_end = clip_start + clip.data->numRects; const BoxRec *c; do { BoxRec box; box.x1 = rect->x + drawable->x; box.y1 = rect->y + drawable->y; box.x2 = bound(box.x1, rect->width); box.y2 = bound(box.y1, rect->height); rect++; c = find_clip_box_for_y(clip_start, clip_end, box.y1); while (c != clip_end) { if (box.y2 <= c->y1) break; *b = box; if (box_intersect(b, c++)) { b->x1 += dx; b->x2 += dx; b->y1 += dy; b->y2 += dy; if (++b == last_box) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, last_box-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, last_box-boxes, 0, 0); b = boxes; } } } } while (--n); } RegionUninit(&clip); if (b != boxes) { fill.boxes(sna, &fill, boxes, b-boxes); if (damage) sna_damage_add_boxes(damage, boxes, b-boxes, 0, 0); } } done: fill.done(sna, &fill); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); return true; } static uint32_t get_pixel(PixmapPtr pixmap) { DBG(("%s(pixmap=%ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(pixmap, MOVE_READ)) return 0; switch (pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel) { case 32: return *(uint32_t *)pixmap->devPrivate.ptr; case 16: return *(uint16_t *)pixmap->devPrivate.ptr; default: return *(uint8_t *)pixmap->devPrivate.ptr; } } inline static int _use_fill_spans(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned flags) { if (USE_SPANS) return USE_SPANS > 0; if (gc->fillStyle == FillTiled && !gc->tileIsPixel && sna_pixmap_is_gpu(gc->tile.pixmap)) { DBG(("%s: source is already on the gpu\n", __FUNCTION__)); return PREFER_GPU | FORCE_GPU; } return PREFER_GPU; } static int use_fill_spans(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned flags) { int ret = _use_fill_spans(drawable, gc, extents, flags); DBG(("%s? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret)); return ret; } static void sna_poly_fill_polygon(DrawablePtr draw, GCPtr gc, int shape, int mode, int n, DDXPointPtr pt) { struct sna_fill_spans data; struct sna_pixmap *priv; DBG(("%s(n=%d, PlaneMask: %lx (solid %d), solid fill: %d [style=%d, tileIsPixel=%d], alu=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, n, gc->planemask, !!PM_IS_SOLID(draw, gc->planemask), (gc->fillStyle == FillSolid || (gc->fillStyle == FillTiled && gc->tileIsPixel)), gc->fillStyle, gc->tileIsPixel, gc->alu)); DBG(("%s: draw=%ld, offset=(%d, %d), size=%dx%d\n", __FUNCTION__, draw->serialNumber, draw->x, draw->y, draw->width, draw->height)); data.flags = sna_poly_point_extents(draw, gc, mode, n, pt, &data.region.extents); if (data.flags == 0) { DBG(("%s, nothing to do\n", __FUNCTION__)); return; } DBG(("%s: extents(%d, %d), (%d, %d), flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, data.region.extents.x1, data.region.extents.y1, data.region.extents.x2, data.region.extents.y2, data.flags)); data.region.data = NULL; if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_POLY_FILL_POLYGON) goto fallback; data.pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(draw); data.sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(data.pixmap); priv = sna_pixmap(data.pixmap); if (priv == NULL) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- unattached\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (wedged(data.sna)) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (!PM_IS_SOLID(draw, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; if ((data.bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(draw, use_fill_spans(draw, gc, &data.region.extents, data.flags), &data.region.extents, &data.damage))) { uint32_t color; sna_gc(gc)->priv = &data; get_drawable_deltas(draw, data.pixmap, &data.dx, &data.dy); if (gc_is_solid(gc, &color)) { struct sna_fill_op fill; if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, data.sna, data.pixmap, data.bo, gc->alu, color, FILL_SPANS)) goto fallback; data.op = &fill; if ((data.flags & IS_CLIPPED) == 0) { if (data.dx | data.dy) sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_offset; else sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill; } else { if (!region_maybe_clip(&data.region, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; if (region_is_singular(&data.region)) sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_clip_extents; else sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_clip_boxes; } assert(gc->miTranslate); gc->ops = &sna_gc_ops__tmp; miFillPolygon(draw, gc, shape, mode, n, pt); fill.done(data.sna, &fill); } else { sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__gpu; gc->ops = &sna_gc_ops__tmp; miFillPolygon(draw, gc, shape, mode, n, pt); } gc->ops = (GCOps *)&sna_gc_ops; if (data.damage) { if (data.dx | data.dy) pixman_region_translate(&data.region, data.dx, data.dy); assert_pixmap_contains_box(data.pixmap, &data.region.extents); sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(data.damage, &data.region, data.pixmap); } assert_pixmap_damage(data.pixmap); RegionUninit(&data.region); return; } fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, data.region.extents.x1, data.region.extents.y1, data.region.extents.x2, data.region.extents.y2)); if (!region_maybe_clip(&data.region, gc->pCompositeClip)) { DBG(("%s: nothing to do, all clipped\n", __FUNCTION__)); return; } if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, draw, &data.region)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(draw, &data.region, drawable_gc_flags(draw, gc, true))) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- miFillPolygon -> sna_fill_spans__cpu\n", __FUNCTION__)); miFillPolygon(draw, gc, shape, mode, n, pt); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); RegionUninit(&data.region); } static struct kgem_bo * sna_pixmap_get_source_bo(PixmapPtr pixmap) { struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); unsigned flags; BoxRec box; box.x1 = box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = pixmap->drawable.width; box.y2 = pixmap->drawable.height; DBG(("%s(pixmap=%ld, size=%dx%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)); if (priv == NULL) { DBG(("%s: unattached, uploading data into temporary\n", __FUNCTION__)); return kgem_upload_source_image(&to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap)->kgem, pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, &box, pixmap->devKind, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel); } if (priv->gpu_damage) { if (sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(pixmap, MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT)) return kgem_bo_reference(priv->gpu_bo); } else if (priv->cpu_damage) { if (priv->cpu_bo) return kgem_bo_reference(priv->cpu_bo); } else { if (priv->gpu_bo) return kgem_bo_reference(priv->gpu_bo); if (priv->cpu_bo) return kgem_bo_reference(priv->cpu_bo); } flags = MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT; if (priv->gpu_bo && priv->gpu_bo->proxy) { struct kgem_bo *bo = priv->gpu_bo; if (bo->rq == NULL && (bo->snoop || bo->pitch >= 4096)) flags |= __MOVE_FORCE; } if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) { if (++priv->source_count > SOURCE_BIAS) flags |= __MOVE_FORCE; } if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(pixmap, flags)) { struct kgem_bo *upload; if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(pixmap, MOVE_READ)) return NULL; upload = kgem_upload_source_image(&to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap)->kgem, pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, &box, pixmap->devKind, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel); if (upload == NULL) return NULL; if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: adding upload cache to pixmap=%ld\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); assert(upload->proxy != NULL); kgem_proxy_bo_attach(upload, &priv->gpu_bo); } return upload; } return kgem_bo_reference(priv->gpu_bo); } /* static bool tile(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, PixmapPtr tile, const DDXPointRec * const origin, int alu, int n, xRectangle *rect, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) */ static bool sna_poly_fill_rect_tiled_8x8_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, struct kgem_bo *tile_bo, GCPtr gc, int n, const xRectangle *r, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); const DDXPointRec * const origin = &gc->patOrg; uint32_t br00, br13; int tx, ty; int16_t dx, dy; uint32_t *b; if (NO_TILE_8x8) return false; DBG(("%s x %d [(%d, %d)x(%d, %d)...], clipped=%x, origin=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, n, r->x, r->y, r->width, r->height, clipped, origin->x, origin->y)); DBG(("%s: tile_bo tiling=%d, pitch=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, tile_bo->tiling, tile_bo->pitch)); if (tile_bo->tiling) return false; if (!kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, tile_bo)) return false; assert(tile_bo->pitch == 8 * drawable->bitsPerPixel >> 3); kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT, bo); assert(kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)); if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 10+2*3) || !kgem_check_reloc(&sna->kgem, 2) || !kgem_check_many_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo, tile_bo, NULL)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_many_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo, tile_bo, NULL)) return false; _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, tile_bo, bo); get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); assert(extents->x1 + dx >= 0); assert(extents->y1 + dy >= 0); assert(extents->x2 + dx <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(extents->y2 + dy <= pixmap->drawable.height); br00 = XY_SCANLINE_BLT; tx = (-drawable->x - dx - origin->x) % 8; if (tx < 0) tx += 8; ty = (-drawable->y - dy - origin->y) % 8; if (ty < 0) ty += 8; br00 |= tx << 12 | ty << 8; br13 = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { br00 |= BLT_DST_TILED; br13 >>= 2; } br13 |= blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24; br13 |= fill_ROP[gc->alu] << 16; if (!clipped) { dx += drawable->x; dy += drawable->y; sna_damage_add_rectangles(damage, r, n, dx, dy); if (n == 1) { DBG(("%s: rect=(%d, %d)x(%d, %d) + (%d, %d), tile=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, r->x, r->y, r->width, r->height, dx, dy, tx, ty)); assert(r->x + dx >= 0); assert(r->y + dy >= 0); assert(r->x + dx + r->width <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(r->y + dy + r->height <= pixmap->drawable.height); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_PAT_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & 0x7f00) | 6; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (r->y + dy) << 16 | (r->x + dx); b[3] = (r->y + r->height + dy) << 16 | (r->x + r->width + dx); *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); *(uint64_t *)(b+6) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 6, tile_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } else { b[0] = XY_PAT_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & 0x7f00) | 4; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (r->y + dy) << 16 | (r->x + dx); b[3] = (r->y + r->height + dy) << 16 | (r->x + r->width + dx); b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 5, tile_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); sna->kgem.nbatch += 6; } } else do { int n_this_time, rem; assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 8; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; *(uint64_t *)(b+8) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 8, tile_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 6; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; b[7] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 7, tile_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } n_this_time = n; rem = kgem_batch_space(&sna->kgem); if (3*n_this_time > rem) n_this_time = rem / 3; assert(n_this_time); n -= n_this_time; assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; sna->kgem.nbatch += 3*n_this_time; do { assert(r->x + dx >= 0); assert(r->y + dy >= 0); assert(r->x + dx + r->width <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(r->y + dy + r->height <= pixmap->drawable.height); b[0] = br00; b[1] = (r->y + dy) << 16 | (r->x + dx); b[2] = (r->y + r->height + dy) << 16 | (r->x + r->width + dx); b += 3; r++; } while (--n_this_time); if (!n) break; _kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, tile_bo, bo); } while (1); } else { RegionRec clip; uint16_t unwind_batch, unwind_reloc; region_set(&clip, extents); if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) goto done; unwind_batch = sna->kgem.nbatch; unwind_reloc = sna->kgem.nreloc; assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 8; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; *(uint64_t *)(b+8) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 8, tile_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 6; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; b[7] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 7, tile_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } if (clip.data == NULL) { const BoxRec *c = &clip.extents; DBG(("%s: simple clip, %d boxes\n", __FUNCTION__, n)); while (n--) { BoxRec box; box.x1 = r->x + drawable->x; box.y1 = r->y + drawable->y; box.x2 = bound(box.x1, r->width); box.y2 = bound(box.y1, r->height); r++; if (box_intersect(&box, c)) { if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 3)) { _kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, tile_bo, bo); unwind_batch = sna->kgem.nbatch; unwind_reloc = sna->kgem.nreloc; assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 8; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; *(uint64_t *)(b+8) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 8, tile_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 6; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; b[7] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 7, tile_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } } assert(box.x1 + dx >= 0); assert(box.y1 + dy >= 0); assert(box.x2 + dx <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(box.y2 + dy <= pixmap->drawable.height); DBG(("%s: box=(%d, %d),(%d, %d) + (%d, %d), tile=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2, dx, dy, tx, ty)); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; b[0] = br00; b[1] = (box.y1 + dy) << 16 | (box.x1 + dx); b[2] = (box.y2 + dy) << 16 | (box.x2 + dx); sna->kgem.nbatch += 3; } } } else { const BoxRec * const clip_start = RegionBoxptr(&clip); const BoxRec * const clip_end = clip_start + clip.data->numRects; const BoxRec *c; DBG(("%s: complex clip (%ld cliprects), %d boxes\n", __FUNCTION__, (long)clip.data->numRects, n)); do { BoxRec box; box.x1 = r->x + drawable->x; box.y1 = r->y + drawable->y; box.x2 = bound(box.x1, r->width); box.y2 = bound(box.y1, r->height); DBG(("%s: rect=(%d, %d), (%d, %d), box=(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, r->x, r->y, r->width, r->height, box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2)); r++; c = find_clip_box_for_y(clip_start, clip_end, box.y1); while (c != clip_end) { BoxRec bb; DBG(("%s: clip=(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, c->x1, c->y1, c->x2, c->y2)); if (box.y2 <= c->y1) break; bb = box; if (box_intersect(&bb, c++)) { if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 3)) { DBG(("%s: emitting split batch\n", __FUNCTION__)); _kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, tile_bo, bo); unwind_batch = sna->kgem.nbatch; unwind_reloc = sna->kgem.nreloc; assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 8; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; *(uint64_t *)(b+8) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 8, tile_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 6; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; b[7] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 7, tile_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } } assert(bb.x1 + dx >= 0); assert(bb.y1 + dy >= 0); assert(bb.x2 + dx <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(bb.y2 + dy <= pixmap->drawable.height); DBG(("%s: emit box=(%d, %d),(%d, %d) + (%d, %d), tile=(%d, %d) [relative to drawable: (%d, %d)]\n", __FUNCTION__, bb.x1, bb.y1, bb.x2, bb.y2, dx, dy, tx, ty, bb.x1 - drawable->x, bb.y1 - drawable->y)); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; b[0] = br00; b[1] = (bb.y1 + dy) << 16 | (bb.x1 + dx); b[2] = (bb.y2 + dy) << 16 | (bb.x2 + dx); sna->kgem.nbatch += 3; } } } while (--n); } if (sna->kgem.nbatch == unwind_batch + (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100 ? 10 : 8)) { sna->kgem.nbatch = unwind_batch; sna->kgem.nreloc = unwind_reloc; if (sna->kgem.nbatch == 0) kgem_bo_pair_undo(&sna->kgem, bo, tile_bo); } } done: assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); blt_done(sna); return true; } static bool tile8(int x) { switch(x) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: return true; default: return false; } } static int next8(int x, int max) { if (x > 2 && x <= 4) x = 4; else if (x < 8) x = 8; return MIN(x, max); } static bool sna_poly_fill_rect_tiled_nxm_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, int n, const xRectangle *rect, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); PixmapPtr tile = gc->tile.pixmap; int w, h, tx, ty, tw, th, bpp = tile->drawable.bitsPerPixel; const DDXPointRec origin = gc->patOrg; struct kgem_bo *upload; bool ret = false; uint8_t *src; void *ptr; tx = 0, tw = tile->drawable.width; if (!tile8(tw) && tw > extents->x2 - extents->x1) { tx = (extents->x1 - gc->patOrg.x - drawable->x) % tw; if (tx < 0) tx += tw; tw = next8(extents->x2 - extents->x1, tw); gc->patOrg.x = extents->x1 - drawable->x; } ty = 0, th = tile->drawable.height; if (!tile8(th) && th > extents->y2 - extents->y1) { ty = (extents->y1 - gc->patOrg.y - drawable->y) % th; if (ty < 0) ty += th; th = next8(extents->y2 - extents->y1, th); gc->patOrg.y = extents->y1 - drawable->y; } DBG(("%s: %dx%d+%d+%d (full tile size %dx%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, tw, th, tx, ty, tile->drawable.width, tile->drawable.height)); assert(tx < tile->drawable.width && tx >= 0); assert(ty < tile->drawable.height && ty >= 0); assert(tw && tw <= 8 && tw <= tile->drawable.width); assert(is_power_of_two(tw)); assert(th && th <= 8 && th <= tile->drawable.height); assert(is_power_of_two(th)); if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(tile, MOVE_READ)) goto out_gc; assert(tile->devKind); assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, sna_pixmap(tile), MOVE_READ)); src = tile->devPrivate.ptr; src += tile->devKind * ty; src += tx * bpp/8; if ((tw | th) == 1) { uint32_t pixel; switch (bpp) { case 32: pixel = *(uint32_t *)src; break; case 16: pixel = *(uint16_t *)src; break; default: pixel = *(uint8_t *)src; break; } return sna_poly_fill_rect_blt(drawable, bo, damage, gc, pixel, n, rect, extents, clipped); } upload = kgem_create_buffer(&sna->kgem, 8*bpp, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE, &ptr); if (upload == NULL) goto out_gc; upload->pitch = bpp; /* for sanity checks */ if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { uint8_t *dst = ptr; if (tx + tw > tile->drawable.width || ty + th > tile->drawable.height) { int sy = ty; src = tile->devPrivate.ptr; for (h = 0; h < th; h++) { int sx = tx; for (w = 0; w < tw; w++) { memcpy(dst + w*bpp/8, src + sy * tile->devKind + sx*bpp/8, bpp/8); if (++sx == tile->drawable.width) sx = 0; } w *= bpp/8; while (w < bpp) { memcpy(dst+w, dst, w); w *= 2; } if (++sy == tile->drawable.height) sy = 0; dst += bpp; } while (h < 8) { memcpy(dst, ptr, bpp*h); dst += bpp * h; h *= 2; } } else { for (h = 0; h < th; h++) { w = tw*bpp/8; memcpy(dst, src, w); while (w < bpp) { memcpy(dst+w, dst, w); w *= 2; } assert(w == bpp); src += tile->devKind; dst += bpp; } while (h < 8) { memcpy(dst, ptr, bpp*h); dst += bpp * h; h *= 2; } assert(h == 8); } ret = sna_poly_fill_rect_tiled_8x8_blt(drawable, bo, damage, upload, gc, n, rect, extents, clipped); sigtrap_put(); } kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, upload); out_gc: gc->patOrg = origin; return ret; } inline static bool tile_is_solid(GCPtr gc, uint32_t *pixel) { PixmapPtr tile = gc->tile.pixmap; struct sna_pixmap *priv; if ((tile->drawable.width | tile->drawable.height) == 1) { DBG(("%s: single pixel tile pixmap, converting to solid fill\n", __FUNCTION__)); *pixel = get_pixel(tile); return true; } priv = sna_pixmap(tile); if (priv == NULL || !priv->clear) return false; DBG(("%s: tile is clear, converting to solid fill\n", __FUNCTION__)); *pixel = priv->clear_color; return true; } static bool sna_poly_fill_rect_tiled_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *rect, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); PixmapPtr tile = gc->tile.pixmap; struct kgem_bo *tile_bo; const DDXPointRec * const origin = &gc->patOrg; struct sna_copy_op copy; CARD32 alu = gc->alu; int tile_width, tile_height; int16_t dx, dy; uint32_t pixel; DBG(("%s pixmap=%ld, x %d [(%d, %d)x(%d, %d)...], clipped? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, n, rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height, clipped)); assert(tile->drawable.depth == drawable->depth); assert(bo); if (tile_is_solid(gc, &pixel)) return sna_poly_fill_rect_blt(drawable, bo, damage, gc, pixel, n, rect, extents, clipped); /* XXX [248]x[238] tiling can be reduced to a pattern fill. * Also we can do the lg2 reduction for BLT and use repeat modes for * RENDER. */ tile_width = tile->drawable.width; tile_height = tile->drawable.height; if ((tile_width | tile_height) == 8) { bool ret; DBG(("%s: have 8x8 tile, using BLT fast path\n", __FUNCTION__)); tile_bo = sna_pixmap_get_source_bo(tile); if (tile_bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: unable to move tile go GPU, fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } ret = sna_poly_fill_rect_tiled_8x8_blt(drawable, bo, damage, tile_bo, gc, n, rect, extents, clipped); if (ret) { kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, tile_bo); return true; } } else { int w = tile_width, h = tile_height; struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(tile); if (priv == NULL || priv->gpu_damage == NULL) { w = next8(extents->x2 - extents->x1, w); h = next8(extents->y2 - extents->y1, h); } DBG(("%s: not 8x8, triming size for tile: %dx%d from %dx%d (area %dx%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, w, h, tile_width, tile_height, extents->x2-extents->x1, extents->y2-extents->y1)); if ((w|h) < 0x10 && is_power_of_two(w) && is_power_of_two(h) && sna_poly_fill_rect_tiled_nxm_blt(drawable, bo, damage, gc, n, rect, extents, clipped)) return true; tile_bo = sna_pixmap_get_source_bo(tile); if (tile_bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: unable to move tile go GPU, fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } } if (!sna_copy_init_blt(©, sna, tile, tile_bo, pixmap, bo, alu)) { DBG(("%s: unsupported blt\n", __FUNCTION__)); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, tile_bo); return false; } get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); DBG(("%s: drawable offset into pixmap(%ld) = (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, dx, dy)); if (!clipped) { dx += drawable->x; dy += drawable->y; sna_damage_add_rectangles(damage, rect, n, dx, dy); do { xRectangle r = *rect++; int16_t tile_y = (r.y - origin->y) % tile_height; if (tile_y < 0) tile_y += tile_height; assert(r.x + dx >= 0); assert(r.y + dy >= 0); assert(r.x + dx + r.width <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(r.y + dy + r.height <= pixmap->drawable.height); r.y += dy; do { int16_t width = r.width; int16_t x = r.x + dx, tile_x; int16_t h = tile_height - tile_y; if (h > r.height) h = r.height; r.height -= h; tile_x = (r.x - origin->x) % tile_width; if (tile_x < 0) tile_x += tile_width; do { int16_t w = tile_width - tile_x; if (w > width) w = width; width -= w; copy.blt(sna, ©, tile_x, tile_y, w, h, x, r.y); x += w; tile_x = 0; } while (width); r.y += h; tile_y = 0; } while (r.height); } while (--n); } else { RegionRec clip; region_set(&clip, extents); if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) goto done; if (clip.data == NULL) { const BoxRec *box = &clip.extents; DBG(("%s: single clip box [(%d, %d), (%d, %d)]\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2, box->y2)); while (n--) { BoxRec r; r.x1 = rect->x + drawable->x; r.y1 = rect->y + drawable->y; r.x2 = bound(r.x1, rect->width); r.y2 = bound(r.y1, rect->height); rect++; DBG(("%s: rectangle [(%d, %d), (%d, %d)]\n", __FUNCTION__, r.x1, r.y1, r.x2, r.y2)); if (box_intersect(&r, box)) { int height = r.y2 - r.y1; int dst_y = r.y1; int tile_y = (r.y1 - drawable->y - origin->y) % tile_height; if (tile_y < 0) tile_y += tile_height; assert(r.x1 + dx >= 0); assert(r.y1 + dy >= 0); assert(r.x2 + dx <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(r.y2 + dy <= pixmap->drawable.height); while (height) { int width = r.x2 - r.x1; int dst_x = r.x1, tile_x; int h = tile_height - tile_y; if (h > height) h = height; height -= h; tile_x = (r.x1 - drawable->x - origin->x) % tile_width; if (tile_x < 0) tile_x += tile_width; while (width > 0) { int w = tile_width - tile_x; if (w > width) w = width; width -= w; copy.blt(sna, ©, tile_x, tile_y, w, h, dst_x + dx, dst_y + dy); if (damage) { BoxRec b; b.x1 = dst_x + dx; b.y1 = dst_y + dy; b.x2 = b.x1 + w; b.y2 = b.y1 + h; assert_pixmap_contains_box(pixmap, &b); sna_damage_add_box(damage, &b); } dst_x += w; tile_x = 0; } dst_y += h; tile_y = 0; } } } } else { while (n--) { RegionRec region; const BoxRec *box; int nbox; region.extents.x1 = rect->x + drawable->x; region.extents.y1 = rect->y + drawable->y; region.extents.x2 = bound(region.extents.x1, rect->width); region.extents.y2 = bound(region.extents.y1, rect->height); rect++; DBG(("%s: rectangle [(%d, %d), (%d, %d)]\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); region.data = NULL; RegionIntersect(®ion, ®ion, &clip); assert(region.extents.x1 + dx >= 0); assert(region.extents.y1 + dy >= 0); assert(region.extents.x2 + dx <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(region.extents.y2 + dy <= pixmap->drawable.height); nbox = region_num_rects(®ion); box = region_rects(®ion); DBG(("%s: split into %d boxes after clipping\n", __FUNCTION__, nbox)); while (nbox--) { int height = box->y2 - box->y1; int dst_y = box->y1; int tile_y = (box->y1 - drawable->y - origin->y) % tile_height; if (tile_y < 0) tile_y += tile_height; while (height) { int width = box->x2 - box->x1; int dst_x = box->x1, tile_x; int h = tile_height - tile_y; if (h > height) h = height; height -= h; tile_x = (box->x1 - drawable->x - origin->x) % tile_width; if (tile_x < 0) tile_x += tile_width; while (width > 0) { int w = tile_width - tile_x; if (w > width) w = width; width -= w; copy.blt(sna, ©, tile_x, tile_y, w, h, dst_x + dx, dst_y + dy); if (damage) { BoxRec b; b.x1 = dst_x + dx; b.y1 = dst_y + dy; b.x2 = b.x1 + w; b.y2 = b.y1 + h; assert_pixmap_contains_box(pixmap, &b); sna_damage_add_box(damage, &b); } dst_x += w; tile_x = 0; } dst_y += h; tile_y = 0; } box++; } RegionUninit(®ion); } } RegionUninit(&clip); } done: copy.done(sna, ©); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, tile_bo); return true; } static bool sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_8x8_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *r, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); uint32_t pat[2] = {0, 0}, br00, br13; int16_t dx, dy; uint32_t *b; if (NO_STIPPLE_8x8) return false; DBG(("%s: alu=%d, upload (%d, %d), (%d, %d), origin (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->alu, extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2, extents->y2, gc->patOrg.x, gc->patOrg.y)); get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); { int px, py; px = (0 - gc->patOrg.x - drawable->x - dx) % 8; if (px < 0) px += 8; py = (0 - gc->patOrg.y - drawable->y - dy) % 8; if (py < 0) py += 8; DBG(("%s: pat offset (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__ ,px, py)); br00 = XY_SCANLINE_BLT | px << 12 | py << 8 | 3 << 20; br13 = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { br00 |= BLT_DST_TILED; br13 >>= 2; } br13 |= (gc->fillStyle == FillStippled) << 28; br13 |= blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24; br13 |= fill_ROP[gc->alu] << 16; } assert(gc->stipple->devKind); { uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)pat; const uint8_t *src = gc->stipple->devPrivate.ptr; int stride = gc->stipple->devKind; int j = gc->stipple->drawable.height; do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src); src += stride; } while (--j); } kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT, bo); assert(kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)); if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 10 + 2*3) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_check_reloc(&sna->kgem, 1)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); if (!clipped) { dx += drawable->x; dy += drawable->y; sna_damage_add_rectangles(damage, r, n, dx, dy); if (n == 1) { DBG(("%s: single unclipped rect (%d, %d)x(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, r->x + dx, r->y + dy, r->width, r->height)); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_MONO_PAT | (br00 & 0x7f00) | 3<<20 | 8; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (r->y + dy) << 16 | (r->x + dx); b[3] = (r->y + r->height + dy) << 16 | (r->x + r->width + dx); *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; b[8] = pat[0]; b[9] = pat[1]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_MONO_PAT | (br00 & 0x7f00) | 3<<20 | 7; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (r->y + dy) << 16 | (r->x + dx); b[3] = (r->y + r->height + dy) << 16 | (r->x + r->width + dx); b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; b[7] = pat[0]; b[8] = pat[1]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 9; } } else do { int n_this_time, rem; assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_SETUP_MONO_PATTERN_SL_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 8; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; b[8] = pat[0]; b[9] = pat[1]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_SETUP_MONO_PATTERN_SL_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 7; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; b[7] = pat[0]; b[8] = pat[1]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 9; } n_this_time = n; rem = kgem_batch_space(&sna->kgem); if (3*n_this_time > rem) n_this_time = rem / 3; assert(n_this_time); n -= n_this_time; assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; sna->kgem.nbatch += 3 * n_this_time; do { DBG(("%s: rect (%d, %d)x(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, r->x + dx, r->y + dy, r->width, r->height)); assert(r->x + dx >= 0); assert(r->y + dy >= 0); assert(r->x + dx + r->width <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(r->y + dy + r->height <= pixmap->drawable.height); b[0] = br00; b[1] = (r->y + dy) << 16 | (r->x + dx); b[2] = (r->y + r->height + dy) << 16 | (r->x + r->width + dx); b += 3; r++; } while(--n_this_time); if (!n) break; _kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); } while (1); } else { RegionRec clip; region_set(&clip, extents); if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) return true; assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_SETUP_MONO_PATTERN_SL_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 8; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; b[8] = pat[0]; b[9] = pat[1]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_SETUP_MONO_PATTERN_SL_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 7; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; b[7] = pat[0]; b[8] = pat[1]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 9; } if (clip.data == NULL) { do { BoxRec box; box.x1 = r->x + drawable->x; box.y1 = r->y + drawable->y; box.x2 = bound(box.x1, r->width); box.y2 = bound(box.y1, r->height); r++; if (box_intersect(&box, &clip.extents)) { if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 3)) { _kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_SETUP_MONO_PATTERN_SL_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 8; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; b[8] = pat[0]; b[9] = pat[1]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_SETUP_MONO_PATTERN_SL_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 7; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; b[7] = pat[0]; b[8] = pat[1]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 9; } } assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; sna->kgem.nbatch += 3; b[0] = br00; b[1] = (box.y1 + dy) << 16 | (box.x1 + dx); b[2] = (box.y2 + dy) << 16 | (box.x2 + dx); } } while (--n); } else { const BoxRec * const clip_start = RegionBoxptr(&clip); const BoxRec * const clip_end = clip_start + clip.data->numRects; const BoxRec *c; do { BoxRec box; box.x1 = r->x + drawable->x; box.y1 = r->y + drawable->y; box.x2 = bound(box.x1, r->width); box.y2 = bound(box.y1, r->height); r++; c = find_clip_box_for_y(clip_start, clip_end, box.y1); while (c != clip_end) { BoxRec bb; if (box.y2 <= c->y1) break; bb = box; if (box_intersect(&bb, c++)) { if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 3)) { _kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_SETUP_MONO_PATTERN_SL_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 8; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; b[8] = pat[0]; b[9] = pat[1]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_SETUP_MONO_PATTERN_SL_BLT | 3 << 20 | (br00 & BLT_DST_TILED) | 7; b[1] = br13; b[2] = 0; b[3] = 0; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; b[7] = pat[0]; b[8] = pat[1]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 9; } } assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; sna->kgem.nbatch += 3; b[0] = br00; b[1] = (bb.y1 + dy) << 16 | (bb.x1 + dx); b[2] = (bb.y2 + dy) << 16 | (bb.x2 + dx); } } } while (--n); } } assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); blt_done(sna); return true; } static bool sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_nxm_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *r, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) { PixmapPtr scratch, stipple; uint8_t bytes[8], *dst = bytes; const uint8_t *src, *end; int j, stride; bool ret; DBG(("%s: expanding %dx%d stipple to 8x8\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->stipple->drawable.width, gc->stipple->drawable.height)); scratch = GetScratchPixmapHeader(drawable->pScreen, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, bytes); if (scratch == NullPixmap) return false; stipple = gc->stipple; gc->stipple = scratch; assert(stipple->devKind); stride = stipple->devKind; src = stipple->devPrivate.ptr; end = src + stride * stipple->drawable.height; for(j = 0; j < 8; j++) { switch (stipple->drawable.width) { case 1: *dst = (*src & 1) * 0xff; break; case 2: *dst = (*src & 3) * 0x55; break; case 4: *dst = (*src & 15) * 0x11; break; case 8: *dst = *src; break; default: assert(0); break; } dst++; src += stride; if (src == end) src = stipple->devPrivate.ptr; } ret = sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_8x8_blt(drawable, bo, damage, gc, n, r, extents, clipped); gc->stipple = stipple; FreeScratchPixmapHeader(scratch); return ret; } static bool sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_1_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *r, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); PixmapPtr stipple = gc->stipple; const DDXPointRec *origin = &gc->patOrg; int16_t dx, dy; uint32_t br00, br13; DBG(("%s: upload (%d, %d), (%d, %d), origin (%d, %d), clipped=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2, extents->y2, origin->x, origin->y, clipped)); get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT, bo); assert(kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); br00 = 3 << 20; br13 = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { br00 |= BLT_DST_TILED; br13 >>= 2; } br13 |= (gc->fillStyle == FillStippled) << 29; br13 |= blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24; br13 |= copy_ROP[gc->alu] << 16; if (!clipped) { dx += drawable->x; dy += drawable->y; sna_damage_add_rectangles(damage, r, n, dx, dy); do { int bx1 = (r->x - origin->x) & ~7; int bx2 = (r->x + r->width - origin->x + 7) & ~7; int bw = (bx2 - bx1)/8; int bh = r->height; int bstride = ALIGN(bw, 2); int src_stride; uint8_t *dst, *src; uint32_t *b; DBG(("%s: rect (%d, %d)x(%d, %d) stipple [%d,%d, src_stride=%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, r->x, r->y, r->width, r->height, bx1, bx2, bstride*bh)); src_stride = bstride*bh; assert(src_stride > 0); if (src_stride <= 128) { src_stride = ALIGN(src_stride, 8) / 4; assert(src_stride <= 32); if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 8+src_stride) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_check_reloc(&sna->kgem, 1)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY_IMM | (6 + src_stride) | br00; b[0] |= ((r->x - origin->x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (r->y + dy) << 16 | (r->x + dx); b[3] = (r->y + r->height + dy) << 16 | (r->x + r->width + dx); *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; dst = (uint8_t *)&b[8]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8 + src_stride; } else { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY_IMM | (5 + src_stride) | br00; b[0] |= ((r->x - origin->x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (r->y + dy) << 16 | (r->x + dx); b[3] = (r->y + r->height + dy) << 16 | (r->x + r->width + dx); b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; dst = (uint8_t *)&b[7]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 7 + src_stride; } assert(stipple->devKind); src_stride = stipple->devKind; src = stipple->devPrivate.ptr; src += (r->y - origin->y) * src_stride + bx1/8; src_stride -= bstride; do { int i = bstride; do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); i -= 2; } while (i); src += src_stride; } while (--bh); } else { struct kgem_bo *upload; void *ptr; if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 10) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_check_reloc_and_exec(&sna->kgem, 2)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); upload = kgem_create_buffer(&sna->kgem, bstride*bh, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE, &ptr); if (!upload) break; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { dst = ptr; assert(stipple->devKind); src_stride = stipple->devKind; src = stipple->devPrivate.ptr; src += (r->y - origin->y) * src_stride + bx1/8; src_stride -= bstride; do { int i = bstride; do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); i -= 2; } while (i); src += src_stride; } while (--bh); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY | br00 | 8; b[0] |= ((r->x - origin->x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (r->y + dy) << 16 | (r->x + dx); b[3] = (r->y + r->height + dy) << 16 | (r->x + r->width + dx); *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); *(uint64_t *)(b+6) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 6, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[8] = gc->bgPixel; b[9] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY | br00 | 6; b[0] |= ((r->x - origin->x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (r->y + dy) << 16 | (r->x + dx); b[3] = (r->y + r->height + dy) << 16 | (r->x + r->width + dx); b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 5, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } sigtrap_put(); } kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, upload); } r++; } while (--n); } else { RegionRec clip; DDXPointRec pat; region_set(&clip, extents); if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) return true; DBG(("%s: clip.extents=[(%d, %d), (%d, %d)] region?=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, clip.extents.x1, clip.extents.y1, clip.extents.x2, clip.extents.y2, clip.data ? clip.data->numRects : 0)); pat.x = origin->x + drawable->x; pat.y = origin->y + drawable->y; if (clip.data == NULL) { do { BoxRec box; int bx1, bx2, bw, bh, bstride; int src_stride; uint8_t *dst, *src; uint32_t *b; struct kgem_bo *upload; void *ptr; box.x1 = r->x + drawable->x; box.x2 = bound(box.x1, r->width); box.y1 = r->y + drawable->y; box.y2 = bound(box.y1, r->height); r++; if (!box_intersect(&box, &clip.extents)) continue; bx1 = (box.x1 - pat.x) & ~7; bx2 = (box.x2 - pat.x + 7) & ~7; bw = (bx2 - bx1)/8; bh = box.y2 - box.y1; bstride = ALIGN(bw, 2); DBG(("%s: rect (%d, %d)x(%d, %d), box (%d,%d),(%d,%d) stipple [%d,%d], pitch=%d, stride=%d, len=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, r->x, r->y, r->width, r->height, box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2, bx1, bx2, bw, bstride, bstride*bh)); src_stride = bstride*bh; assert(src_stride > 0); if (src_stride <= 128) { src_stride = ALIGN(src_stride, 8) / 4; assert(src_stride <= 32); if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 8+src_stride) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_check_reloc(&sna->kgem, 1)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY_IMM | (6 + src_stride) | br00; b[0] |= ((box.x1 - pat.x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box.y1 + dy) << 16 | (box.x1 + dx); b[3] = (box.y2 + dy) << 16 | (box.x2 + dx); *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; dst = (uint8_t *)&b[8]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8 + src_stride; } else { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY_IMM | (5 + src_stride) | br00; b[0] |= ((box.x1 - pat.x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box.y1 + dy) << 16 | (box.x1 + dx); b[3] = (box.y2 + dy) << 16 | (box.x2 + dx); b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; dst = (uint8_t *)&b[7]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 7 + src_stride; } assert(stipple->devKind); src_stride = stipple->devKind; src = stipple->devPrivate.ptr; src += (box.y1 - pat.y) * src_stride + bx1/8; src_stride -= bstride; do { int i = bstride; do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); i -= 2; } while (i); src += src_stride; } while (--bh); } else { if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 10) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_check_reloc_and_exec(&sna->kgem, 2)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); upload = kgem_create_buffer(&sna->kgem, bstride*bh, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE, &ptr); if (!upload) break; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { dst = ptr; assert(stipple->devKind); src_stride = stipple->devKind; src = stipple->devPrivate.ptr; src += (box.y1 - pat.y) * src_stride + bx1/8; src_stride -= bstride; do { int i = bstride; do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); i -= 2; } while (i); src += src_stride; } while (--bh); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY | br00 | 8; b[0] |= ((box.x1 - pat.x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box.y1 + dy) << 16 | (box.x1 + dx); b[3] = (box.y2 + dy) << 16 | (box.x2 + dx); *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); *(uint64_t *)(b+6) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 6, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[8] = gc->bgPixel; b[9] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY | br00 | 6; b[0] |= ((box.x1 - pat.x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box.y1 + dy) << 16 | (box.x1 + dx); b[3] = (box.y2 + dy) << 16 | (box.x2 + dx); b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 5, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } sigtrap_put(); } kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, upload); } } while (--n); } else { const BoxRec * const clip_start = RegionBoxptr(&clip); const BoxRec * const clip_end = clip_start + clip.data->numRects; const BoxRec *c; do { BoxRec unclipped; int bx1, bx2, bw, bh, bstride; int src_stride; uint8_t *dst, *src; uint32_t *b; struct kgem_bo *upload; void *ptr; unclipped.x1 = r->x + drawable->x; unclipped.x2 = bound(unclipped.x1, r->width); unclipped.y1 = r->y + drawable->y; unclipped.y2 = bound(unclipped.y1, r->height); r++; c = find_clip_box_for_y(clip_start, clip_end, unclipped.y1); while (c != clip_end) { BoxRec box; if (unclipped.y2 <= c->y1) break; box = unclipped; if (!box_intersect(&box, c++)) continue; bx1 = (box.x1 - pat.x) & ~7; bx2 = (box.x2 - pat.x + 7) & ~7; bw = (bx2 - bx1)/8; bh = box.y2 - box.y1; bstride = ALIGN(bw, 2); DBG(("%s: rect (%d, %d)x(%d, %d), box (%d,%d),(%d,%d) stipple [%d,%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, r->x, r->y, r->width, r->height, box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2, bx1, bx2)); src_stride = bstride*bh; assert(src_stride > 0); if (src_stride <= 128) { src_stride = ALIGN(src_stride, 8) / 4; assert(src_stride <= 32); if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 8+src_stride) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_check_reloc(&sna->kgem, 1)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY_IMM | (6 + src_stride) | br00; b[0] |= ((box.x1 - pat.x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box.y1 + dy) << 16 | (box.x1 + dx); b[3] = (box.y2 + dy) << 16 | (box.x2 + dx); *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; dst = (uint8_t *)&b[8]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8 + src_stride; } else { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY_IMM | (5 + src_stride) | br00; b[0] |= ((box.x1 - pat.x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box.y1 + dy) << 16 | (box.x1 + dx); b[3] = (box.y2 + dy) << 16 | (box.x2 + dx); b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; dst = (uint8_t *)&b[7]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 7 + src_stride; } assert(stipple->devKind); src_stride = stipple->devKind; src = stipple->devPrivate.ptr; src += (box.y1 - pat.y) * src_stride + bx1/8; src_stride -= bstride; do { int i = bstride; do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); i -= 2; } while (i); src += src_stride; } while (--bh); } else { if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 10) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_check_reloc_and_exec(&sna->kgem, 2)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); upload = kgem_create_buffer(&sna->kgem, bstride*bh, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE, &ptr); if (!upload) break; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { dst = ptr; assert(stipple->devKind); src_stride = stipple->devKind; src = stipple->devPrivate.ptr; src += (box.y1 - pat.y) * src_stride + bx1/8; src_stride -= bstride; do { int i = bstride; do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); i -= 2; } while (i); src += src_stride; } while (--bh); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY | br00 | 8; b[0] |= ((box.x1 - pat.x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box.y1 + dy) << 16 | (box.x1 + dx); b[3] = (box.y2 + dy) << 16 | (box.x2 + dx); *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); *(uint64_t *)(b+6) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 6, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[8] = gc->bgPixel; b[9] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY | br00 | 6; b[0] |= ((box.x1 - pat.x) & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box.y1 + dy) << 16 | (box.x1 + dx); b[3] = (box.y2 + dy) << 16 | (box.x2 + dx); b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 5, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } sigtrap_put(); } kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, upload); } } } while (--n); } } blt_done(sna); return true; } static void sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_n_box__imm(struct sna *sna, struct kgem_bo *bo, uint32_t br00, uint32_t br13, const GC *gc, const BoxRec *box, const DDXPointRec *origin) { int x1, x2, y1, y2; uint32_t *b; for (y1 = box->y1; y1 < box->y2; y1 = y2) { int oy = (y1 - origin->y) % gc->stipple->drawable.height; if (oy < 0) oy += gc->stipple->drawable.height; y2 = box->y2; if (y2 - y1 > gc->stipple->drawable.height - oy) y2 = y1 + gc->stipple->drawable.height - oy; for (x1 = box->x1; x1 < box->x2; x1 = x2) { int bx1, bx2, bw, bh, len, ox; uint8_t *dst, *src; x2 = box->x2; ox = (x1 - origin->x) % gc->stipple->drawable.width; if (ox < 0) ox += gc->stipple->drawable.width; bx1 = ox & ~7; bx2 = ox + (x2 - x1); if (bx2 > gc->stipple->drawable.width) { bx2 = gc->stipple->drawable.width; x2 = x1 + bx2-ox; } bw = (bx2 - bx1 + 7)/8; bw = ALIGN(bw, 2); bh = y2 - y1; DBG(("%s: box((%d, %d)x(%d, %d)) origin=(%d, %d), pat=(%d, %d), up=(%d, %d), stipple=%dx%d\n", __FUNCTION__, x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1, origin->x, origin->y, ox, oy, bx1, bx2, gc->stipple->drawable.width, gc->stipple->drawable.height)); len = bw*bh; len = ALIGN(len, 8) / 4; assert(len > 0); assert(len <= 32); if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 8+len) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_check_reloc(&sna->kgem, 1)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo)) return; /* XXX fallback? */ _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = br00 | (6 + len) | (ox & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = y1 << 16 | x1; b[3] = y2 << 16 | x2; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; dst = (uint8_t *)&b[8]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8 + len; } else { b[0] = br00 | (5 + len) | (ox & 7) << 17; b[1] = br13; b[2] = y1 << 16 | x1; b[3] = y2 << 16 | x2; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; dst = (uint8_t *)&b[7]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 7 + len; } assert(gc->stipple->devKind); len = gc->stipple->devKind; src = gc->stipple->devPrivate.ptr; src += oy*len + ox/8; len -= bw; do { int i = bw; do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); i -= 2; } while (i); src += len; } while (--bh); } } } static void sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_n_box(struct sna *sna, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct kgem_bo **tile, uint32_t br00, uint32_t br13, const GC *gc, const BoxRec *box, const DDXPointRec *origin) { int x1, x2, y1, y2; int w = gc->stipple->drawable.width; int h = gc->stipple->drawable.height; int stride = gc->stipple->devKind; uint32_t *b; assert(stride); if ((((box->y2-box->y1) | (box->x2-box->x1)) & ~31) == 0) { br00 = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY_IMM |(br00 & (BLT_DST_TILED | 3 << 20)); sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_n_box__imm(sna, bo, br00, br13, gc, box, origin); return; } for (y1 = box->y1; y1 < box->y2; y1 = y2) { int row, oy = (y1 - origin->y) % gc->stipple->drawable.height; if (oy < 0) oy += h; y2 = box->y2; if (y2 - y1 > h - oy) y2 = y1 + h - oy; row = oy * stride; for (x1 = box->x1; x1 < box->x2; x1 = x2) { int bx1, bx2, bw, bh, len, ox; bool use_tile; x2 = box->x2; ox = (x1 - origin->x) % w; if (ox < 0) ox += w; bx1 = ox & ~7; bx2 = ox + (x2 - x1); if (bx2 > w) { bx2 = w; x2 = x1 + bx2-ox; } use_tile = y2-y1 == h && x2-x1 == w; DBG(("%s: box((%d, %d)x(%d, %d)) origin=(%d, %d), pat=(%d, %d), up=(%d, %d), stipple=%dx%d, full tile?=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1, origin->x, origin->y, ox, oy, bx1, bx2, w, h, use_tile)); bw = (bx2 - bx1 + 7)/8; bw = ALIGN(bw, 2); bh = y2 - y1; len = bw*bh; len = ALIGN(len, 8) / 4; assert(len > 0); if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 8+len) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_check_reloc(&sna->kgem, 2)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo)) return; /* XXX fallback? */ _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (!use_tile && len <= 32) { uint8_t *dst, *src; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY_IMM; b[0] |= (br00 & (BLT_DST_TILED | 3 << 20)); b[0] |= (ox & 7) << 17; b[0] |= (6 + len); b[1] = br13; b[2] = y1 << 16 | x1; b[3] = y2 << 16 | x2; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; dst = (uint8_t *)&b[8]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8 + len; } else { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY_IMM; b[0] |= (br00 & (BLT_DST_TILED | 3 << 20)); b[0] |= (ox & 7) << 17; b[0] |= (5 + len); b[1] = br13; b[2] = y1 << 16 | x1; b[3] = y2 << 16 | x2; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = gc->bgPixel; b[6] = gc->fgPixel; dst = (uint8_t *)&b[7]; sna->kgem.nbatch += 7 + len; } assert(gc->stipple->devKind); len = gc->stipple->devKind; src = gc->stipple->devPrivate.ptr; src += oy*len + ox/8; len -= bw; do { int i = bw; do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); i -= 2; } while (i); src += len; } while (--bh); } else { bool has_tile = use_tile && *tile; struct kgem_bo *upload; uint8_t *dst, *src; void *ptr; if (has_tile) { upload = kgem_bo_reference(*tile); } else { upload = kgem_create_buffer(&sna->kgem, bw*bh, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE, &ptr); if (!upload) return; } assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = br00 | (ox & 7) << 17 | 8; b[1] = br13; b[2] = y1 << 16 | x1; b[3] = y2 << 16 | x2; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); *(uint64_t *)(b+6) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 6, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[8] = gc->bgPixel; b[9] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = br00 | (ox & 7) << 17 | 6; b[1] = br13; b[2] = y1 << 16 | x1; b[3] = y2 << 16 | x2; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 5, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } if (!has_tile) { dst = ptr; len = stride; src = gc->stipple->devPrivate.ptr; src += row + (ox >> 3); len -= bw; do { int i = bw; do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); i -= 2; } while (i); src += len; } while (--bh); if (use_tile) *tile = kgem_bo_reference(upload); } kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, upload); } } } } static bool sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_n_blt__imm(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *r, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); DDXPointRec origin = gc->patOrg; int16_t dx, dy; uint32_t br00, br13; DBG(("%s: upload (%d, %d), (%d, %d), origin (%d, %d), clipped=%d, alu=%d, opaque=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2, extents->y2, origin.x, origin.y, clipped, gc->alu, gc->fillStyle == FillOpaqueStippled)); get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT, bo); assert(kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); br00 = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY_IMM | 3 << 20; br13 = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { br00 |= BLT_DST_TILED; br13 >>= 2; } br13 |= (gc->fillStyle == FillStippled) << 29; br13 |= blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24; br13 |= copy_ROP[gc->alu] << 16; origin.x += dx + drawable->x; origin.y += dy + drawable->y; if (!clipped) { dx += drawable->x; dy += drawable->y; sna_damage_add_rectangles(damage, r, n, dx, dy); do { BoxRec box; box.x1 = r->x + dx; box.y1 = r->y + dy; box.x2 = box.x1 + r->width; box.y2 = box.y1 + r->height; sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_n_box__imm(sna, bo, br00, br13, gc, &box, &origin); r++; } while (--n); } else { RegionRec clip; region_set(&clip, extents); if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) { DBG(("%s: all clipped\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } if (clip.data == NULL) { DBG(("%s: clipped to extents ((%d, %d), (%d, %d))\n", __FUNCTION__, clip.extents.x1, clip.extents.y1, clip.extents.x2, clip.extents.y2)); do { BoxRec box; box.x1 = r->x + drawable->x; box.x2 = bound(box.x1, r->width); box.y1 = r->y + drawable->y; box.y2 = bound(box.y1, r->height); r++; DBG(("%s: box (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2)); if (!box_intersect(&box, &clip.extents)) continue; box.x1 += dx; box.x2 += dx; box.y1 += dy; box.y2 += dy; sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_n_box__imm(sna, bo, br00, br13, gc, &box, &origin); } while (--n); } else { const BoxRec * const clip_start = RegionBoxptr(&clip); const BoxRec * const clip_end = clip_start + clip.data->numRects; const BoxRec *c; DBG(("%s: clipped to boxes: start((%d, %d), (%d, %d)); end=((%d, %d), (%d, %d))\n", __FUNCTION__, clip_start->x1, clip_start->y1, clip_start->x2, clip_start->y2, clip_end->x1, clip_end->y1, clip_end->x2, clip_end->y2)); do { BoxRec unclipped; unclipped.x1 = r->x + drawable->x; unclipped.x2 = bound(unclipped.x1, r->width); unclipped.y1 = r->y + drawable->y; unclipped.y2 = bound(unclipped.y1, r->height); r++; c = find_clip_box_for_y(clip_start, clip_end, unclipped.y1); while (c != clip_end) { BoxRec box; if (unclipped.y2 <= c->y1) break; box = unclipped; if (!box_intersect(&box, c++)) continue; box.x1 += dx; box.x2 += dx; box.y1 += dy; box.y2 += dy; sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_n_box__imm(sna, bo, br00, br13, gc, &box, &origin); } } while (--n); } } assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); blt_done(sna); return true; } static bool sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_n_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *r, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); DDXPointRec origin = gc->patOrg; struct kgem_bo *tile = NULL; int16_t dx, dy; uint32_t br00, br13; DBG(("%s: upload (%d, %d), (%d, %d), origin (%d, %d), clipped=%d, alu=%d, opaque=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2, extents->y2, origin.x, origin.y, clipped, gc->alu, gc->fillStyle == FillOpaqueStippled)); if (((gc->stipple->drawable.width | gc->stipple->drawable.height) & ~31) == 0) return sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_n_blt__imm(drawable, bo, damage, gc, n, r, extents, clipped); get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT, bo); assert(kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); br00 = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY | 3 << 20; br13 = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { br00 |= BLT_DST_TILED; br13 >>= 2; } br13 |= (gc->fillStyle == FillStippled) << 29; br13 |= blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24; br13 |= copy_ROP[gc->alu] << 16; origin.x += dx + drawable->x; origin.y += dy + drawable->y; if (!clipped) { dx += drawable->x; dy += drawable->y; sna_damage_add_rectangles(damage, r, n, dx, dy); do { BoxRec box; box.x1 = r->x + dx; box.y1 = r->y + dy; box.x2 = box.x1 + r->width; box.y2 = box.y1 + r->height; sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_n_box(sna, bo, &tile, br00, br13, gc, &box, &origin); r++; } while (--n); } else { RegionRec clip; region_set(&clip, extents); if (!region_maybe_clip(&clip, gc->pCompositeClip)) { DBG(("%s: all clipped\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } if (clip.data == NULL) { DBG(("%s: clipped to extents ((%d, %d), (%d, %d))\n", __FUNCTION__, clip.extents.x1, clip.extents.y1, clip.extents.x2, clip.extents.y2)); do { BoxRec box; box.x1 = r->x + drawable->x; box.x2 = bound(box.x1, r->width); box.y1 = r->y + drawable->y; box.y2 = bound(box.y1, r->height); r++; DBG(("%s: box (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2)); if (!box_intersect(&box, &clip.extents)) continue; box.x1 += dx; box.x2 += dx; box.y1 += dy; box.y2 += dy; sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_n_box(sna, bo, &tile, br00, br13, gc, &box, &origin); } while (--n); } else { const BoxRec * const clip_start = RegionBoxptr(&clip); const BoxRec * const clip_end = clip_start + clip.data->numRects; const BoxRec *c; DBG(("%s: clipped to boxes: start((%d, %d), (%d, %d)); end=((%d, %d), (%d, %d))\n", __FUNCTION__, clip_start->x1, clip_start->y1, clip_start->x2, clip_start->y2, clip_end->x1, clip_end->y1, clip_end->x2, clip_end->y2)); do { BoxRec unclipped; unclipped.x1 = r->x + drawable->x; unclipped.x2 = bound(unclipped.x1, r->width); unclipped.y1 = r->y + drawable->y; unclipped.y2 = bound(unclipped.y1, r->height); r++; c = find_clip_box_for_y(clip_start, clip_end, unclipped.y1); while (c != clip_end) { BoxRec box; if (unclipped.y2 <= c->y1) break; box = unclipped; if (!box_intersect(&box, c++)) continue; box.x1 += dx; box.x2 += dx; box.y1 += dy; box.y2 += dy; sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_n_box(sna, bo, &tile, br00, br13, gc, &box, &origin); } } while (--n); } } assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); if (tile) kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, tile); blt_done(sna); return true; } static bool sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *rect, const BoxRec *extents, unsigned clipped) { PixmapPtr stipple = gc->stipple; PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); if (bo->tiling == I915_TILING_Y) { DBG(("%s: converting bo from Y-tiling\n", __FUNCTION__)); /* This is cheating, but only the gpu_bo can be tiled */ assert(bo == __sna_pixmap_get_bo(pixmap)); bo = sna_pixmap_change_tiling(pixmap, I915_TILING_X); if (bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- unable to change tiling\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } } if (!kgem_bo_can_blt(&to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap)->kgem, bo)) return false; if (!sna_drawable_move_to_cpu(&stipple->drawable, MOVE_READ)) return false; DBG(("%s: origin (%d, %d), extents (stipple): (%d, %d), stipple size %dx%d\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->patOrg.x, gc->patOrg.y, extents->x2 - gc->patOrg.x - drawable->x, extents->y2 - gc->patOrg.y - drawable->y, stipple->drawable.width, stipple->drawable.height)); if ((stipple->drawable.width | stipple->drawable.height) == 8) return sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_8x8_blt(drawable, bo, damage, gc, n, rect, extents, clipped); if ((stipple->drawable.width | stipple->drawable.height) <= 0xc && is_power_of_two(stipple->drawable.width) && is_power_of_two(stipple->drawable.height)) return sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_nxm_blt(drawable, bo, damage, gc, n, rect, extents, clipped); if (extents->x1 - gc->patOrg.x - drawable->x >= 0 && extents->x2 - gc->patOrg.x - drawable->x <= stipple->drawable.width && extents->y1 - gc->patOrg.y - drawable->y >= 0 && extents->y2 - gc->patOrg.y - drawable->y <= stipple->drawable.height) { if (stipple->drawable.width <= 8 && stipple->drawable.height <= 8) return sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_8x8_blt(drawable, bo, damage, gc, n, rect, extents, clipped); else return sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_1_blt(drawable, bo, damage, gc, n, rect, extents, clipped); } else { return sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_n_blt(drawable, bo, damage, gc, n, rect, extents, clipped); } } static unsigned sna_poly_fill_rect_extents(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int *_n, xRectangle **_r, BoxPtr out) { int n; xRectangle *r; Box32Rec box; bool clipped; if (*_n == 0) return 0; DBG(("%s: [0] = (%d, %d)x(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, (*_r)->x, (*_r)->y, (*_r)->width, (*_r)->height)); /* Remove any zero-size rectangles from the array */ while (*_n && ((*_r)->width == 0 || (*_r)->height == 0)) --*_n, ++*_r; if (*_n == 0) return 0; n = *_n; r = *_r; box.x1 = r->x; box.x2 = box.x1 + r->width; box.y1 = r->y; box.y2 = box.y1 + r->height; r++; while (--n) { if (r->width == 0 || r->height == 0) goto slow; box32_add_rect(&box, r++); } goto done; slow: { xRectangle *rr = r; do { do { --*_n, r++; } while (--n && (r->width == 0 || r->height == 0)); while (n && r->width && r->height) { box32_add_rect(&box, r); *rr++ = *r++; n--; } } while (n); } done: clipped = box32_trim_and_translate(&box, drawable, gc); if (!box32_to_box16(&box, out)) return 0; return 1 | clipped << 1; } static void sna_poly_fill_rect(DrawablePtr draw, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *rect) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(draw); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_damage **damage; struct kgem_bo *bo; RegionRec region; unsigned flags, hint; uint32_t color; DBG(("%s(n=%d, PlaneMask: %lx (solid %d), solid fill: %d [style=%d, tileIsPixel=%d], alu=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, n, gc->planemask, !!PM_IS_SOLID(draw, gc->planemask), (gc->fillStyle == FillSolid || (gc->fillStyle == FillTiled && gc->tileIsPixel)), gc->fillStyle, gc->tileIsPixel, gc->alu)); flags = sna_poly_fill_rect_extents(draw, gc, &n, &rect, ®ion.extents); if (flags == 0) { DBG(("%s, nothing to do\n", __FUNCTION__)); return; } DBG(("%s: extents(%d, %d), (%d, %d), flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2, flags)); if (FORCE_FALLBACK || !ACCEL_POLY_FILL_RECT) { DBG(("%s: fallback forced\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (priv == NULL) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- unattached\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (wedged(sna)) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (!PM_IS_SOLID(draw, gc->planemask)) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- planemask=0x%lx (not-solid)\n", __FUNCTION__, gc->planemask)); goto fallback; } if (alu_overwrites(gc->alu)) flags |= OVERWRITES; /* Clear the cpu damage so that we refresh the GPU status of the * pixmap upon a redraw after a period of inactivity. */ hint = PREFER_GPU; if (n == 1 && gc->fillStyle != FillStippled && flags & OVERWRITES) { int16_t dx, dy; region.data = NULL; if (get_drawable_deltas(draw, pixmap, &dx, &dy)) { DBG(("%s: delta=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, dx, dy)); RegionTranslate(®ion, dx, dy); } if ((flags & IS_CLIPPED) == 0) { hint |= IGNORE_DAMAGE; if (region_subsumes_drawable(®ion, &pixmap->drawable)) { discard_cpu_damage(sna, priv); hint |= REPLACES; } else { if (priv->cpu_damage && region_subsumes_damage(®ion, priv->cpu_damage)) discard_cpu_damage(sna, priv); } } if (priv->cpu_damage == NULL) { if (priv->gpu_bo && (hint & REPLACES || box_covers_pixmap(pixmap, ®ion.extents) || box_inplace(pixmap, ®ion.extents))) { DBG(("%s: promoting to full GPU\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(priv->gpu_bo->proxy == NULL); sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, pixmap); } DBG(("%s: dropping last-cpu hint\n", __FUNCTION__)); priv->cpu = false; } if (dx | dy) RegionTranslate(®ion, -dx, -dy); } /* If the source is already on the GPU, keep the operation on the GPU */ if (gc->fillStyle == FillTiled && !gc->tileIsPixel && sna_pixmap_is_gpu(gc->tile.pixmap)) { DBG(("%s: source is already on the gpu\n", __FUNCTION__)); hint |= FORCE_GPU; } bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(draw, hint, ®ion.extents, &damage); if (bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: not using GPU, hint=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, hint)); goto fallback; } if (hint & REPLACES && UNDO) kgem_bo_pair_undo(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, priv->cpu_bo); if (gc_is_solid(gc, &color)) { DBG(("%s: solid fill [%08x], testing for blt\n", __FUNCTION__, color)); if (sna_poly_fill_rect_blt(draw, bo, damage, gc, color, n, rect, ®ion.extents, flags)) return; } else if (gc->fillStyle == FillTiled) { DBG(("%s: tiled fill, testing for blt\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (sna_poly_fill_rect_tiled_blt(draw, bo, damage, gc, n, rect, ®ion.extents, flags)) return; } else { DBG(("%s: stippled fill, testing for blt\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_blt(draw, bo, damage, gc, n, rect, ®ion.extents, flags)) return; } fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); region.data = NULL; if (!region_maybe_clip(®ion, gc->pCompositeClip)) { DBG(("%s: nothing to do, all clipped\n", __FUNCTION__)); return; } if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, draw, ®ion)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(draw, ®ion, drawable_gc_flags(draw, gc, n > 1))) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fallback - fbPolyFillRect\n", __FUNCTION__)); fbPolyFillRect(draw, gc, n, rect); FALLBACK_FLUSH(draw); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); RegionUninit(®ion); } static void sna_poly_fill_rect__gpu(DrawablePtr draw, GCPtr gc, int n, xRectangle *r) { struct sna_fill_spans *data = sna_gc(gc)->priv; uint32_t color; DBG(("%s(n=%d, PlaneMask: %lx (solid %d), solid fill: %d [style=%d, tileIsPixel=%d], alu=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, n, gc->planemask, !!PM_IS_SOLID(draw, gc->planemask), (gc->fillStyle == FillSolid || (gc->fillStyle == FillTiled && gc->tileIsPixel)), gc->fillStyle, gc->tileIsPixel, gc->alu)); assert(PM_IS_SOLID(draw, gc->planemask)); if (n == 0) return; /* The mi routines do not attempt to keep the spans it generates * within the clip, so we must run them through the clipper. */ if (gc_is_solid(gc, &color)) { (void)sna_poly_fill_rect_blt(draw, data->bo, NULL, gc, color, n, r, &data->region.extents, IS_CLIPPED); } else if (gc->fillStyle == FillTiled) { (void)sna_poly_fill_rect_tiled_blt(draw, data->bo, NULL, gc, n, r, &data->region.extents, IS_CLIPPED); } else { (void)sna_poly_fill_rect_stippled_blt(draw, data->bo, NULL, gc, n, r, &data->region.extents, IS_CLIPPED); } } static void sna_poly_fill_arc(DrawablePtr draw, GCPtr gc, int n, xArc *arc) { struct sna_fill_spans data; struct sna_pixmap *priv; DBG(("%s(n=%d, PlaneMask: %lx (solid %d), solid fill: %d [style=%d, tileIsPixel=%d], alu=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, n, gc->planemask, !!PM_IS_SOLID(draw, gc->planemask), (gc->fillStyle == FillSolid || (gc->fillStyle == FillTiled && gc->tileIsPixel)), gc->fillStyle, gc->tileIsPixel, gc->alu)); data.flags = sna_poly_arc_extents(draw, gc, n, arc, &data.region.extents); if (data.flags == 0) return; DBG(("%s: extents(%d, %d), (%d, %d), flags=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, data.region.extents.x1, data.region.extents.y1, data.region.extents.x2, data.region.extents.y2, data.flags)); data.region.data = NULL; if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_POLY_FILL_ARC) goto fallback; data.pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(draw); data.sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(data.pixmap); priv = sna_pixmap(data.pixmap); if (priv == NULL) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- unattached\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (wedged(data.sna)) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (!PM_IS_SOLID(draw, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; if ((data.bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(draw, use_fill_spans(draw, gc, &data.region.extents, data.flags), &data.region.extents, &data.damage))) { uint32_t color; get_drawable_deltas(draw, data.pixmap, &data.dx, &data.dy); sna_gc(gc)->priv = &data; if (gc_is_solid(gc, &color)) { struct sna_fill_op fill; if (!sna_fill_init_blt(&fill, data.sna, data.pixmap, data.bo, gc->alu, color, FILL_SPANS)) goto fallback; data.op = &fill; if ((data.flags & IS_CLIPPED) == 0) { if (data.dx | data.dy) sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_offset; else sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill; } else { if (!region_maybe_clip(&data.region, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; if (region_is_singular(&data.region)) sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_clip_extents; else sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__fill_clip_boxes; } assert(gc->miTranslate); gc->ops = &sna_gc_ops__tmp; miPolyFillArc(draw, gc, n, arc); fill.done(data.sna, &fill); } else { sna_gc_ops__tmp.FillSpans = sna_fill_spans__gpu; gc->ops = &sna_gc_ops__tmp; miPolyFillArc(draw, gc, n, arc); } gc->ops = (GCOps *)&sna_gc_ops; if (data.damage) { if (data.dx | data.dy) pixman_region_translate(&data.region, data.dx, data.dy); assert_pixmap_contains_box(data.pixmap, &data.region.extents); sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(data.damage, &data.region, data.pixmap); } assert_pixmap_damage(data.pixmap); RegionUninit(&data.region); return; } fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, data.region.extents.x1, data.region.extents.y1, data.region.extents.x2, data.region.extents.y2)); if (!region_maybe_clip(&data.region, gc->pCompositeClip)) { DBG(("%s: nothing to do, all clipped\n", __FUNCTION__)); return; } if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, draw, &data.region)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(draw, &data.region, drawable_gc_flags(draw, gc, true))) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- miPolyFillArc -> sna_fill_spans__cpu\n", __FUNCTION__)); miPolyFillArc(draw, gc, n, arc); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); RegionUninit(&data.region); } struct sna_font { CharInfoRec glyphs8[256]; CharInfoRec *glyphs16[256]; }; #define GLYPH_INVALID (void *)1 #define GLYPH_EMPTY (void *)2 static Bool sna_realize_font(ScreenPtr screen, FontPtr font) { struct sna_font *priv; DBG(("%s (key=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, sna_font_key)); priv = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sna_font)); if (priv == NULL) return FALSE; if (!FontSetPrivate(font, sna_font_key, priv)) { free(priv); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static Bool sna_unrealize_font(ScreenPtr screen, FontPtr font) { struct sna_font *priv = FontGetPrivate(font, sna_font_key); int i, j; DBG(("%s (key=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, sna_font_key)); if (priv == NULL) return TRUE; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if ((uintptr_t)priv->glyphs8[i].bits & ~3) free(priv->glyphs8[i].bits); } for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) { if (priv->glyphs16[j] == NULL) continue; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if ((uintptr_t)priv->glyphs16[j][i].bits & ~3) free(priv->glyphs16[j][i].bits); } free(priv->glyphs16[j]); } free(priv); FontSetPrivate(font, sna_font_key, NULL); return TRUE; } static bool sna_glyph_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int _x, int _y, unsigned int _n, CharInfoPtr *_info, RegionRec *clip, uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg, bool transparent) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct kgem_bo *bo; struct sna_damage **damage; const BoxRec *extents, *last_extents; uint32_t *b; int16_t dx, dy; uint32_t br00; uint16_t unwind_batch, unwind_reloc; unsigned hint; uint8_t rop = transparent ? copy_ROP[gc->alu] : ROP_S; DBG(("%s (%d, %d) x %d, fg=%08x, bg=%08x alu=%02x\n", __FUNCTION__, _x, _y, _n, fg, bg, rop)); if (wedged(sna)) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } if (!transparent && clip->data == NULL) hint = PREFER_GPU | IGNORE_DAMAGE; else hint = PREFER_GPU; bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(drawable, hint, &clip->extents, &damage); if (bo == NULL) return false; if (bo->tiling == I915_TILING_Y) { DBG(("%s: converting bo from Y-tiling\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(bo == __sna_pixmap_get_bo(pixmap)); bo = sna_pixmap_change_tiling(pixmap, I915_TILING_X); if (bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- unable to change tiling\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } } if (!kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; if (get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy)) RegionTranslate(clip, dx, dy); _x += drawable->x + dx; _y += drawable->y + dy; extents = region_rects(clip); last_extents = extents + region_num_rects(clip); if (!transparent) { /* emulate miImageGlyphBlt */ if (!sna_blt_fill_boxes(sna, GXcopy, bo, drawable->bitsPerPixel, bg, extents, last_extents - extents)) { RegionTranslate(clip, -dx, -dy); return false; } } kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT, bo); assert(kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)); if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 20) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_check_reloc(&sna->kgem, 1)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo)) { RegionTranslate(clip, -dx, -dy); return false; } _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); DBG(("%s: glyph clip box (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2, extents->y2)); unwind_batch = sna->kgem.nbatch; unwind_reloc = sna->kgem.nreloc; assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 3 << 20 | 8; b[1] = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] >>= 2; } b[1] |= 1 << 30 | transparent << 29 | blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24 | rop << 16; b[2] = extents->y1 << 16 | extents->x1; b[3] = extents->y2 << 16 | extents->x2; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = bg; b[7] = fg; b[8] = 0; b[9] = 0; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 3 << 20 | 6; b[1] = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] >>= 2; } b[1] |= 1 << 30 | transparent << 29 | blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24 | rop << 16; b[2] = extents->y1 << 16 | extents->x1; b[3] = extents->y2 << 16 | extents->x2; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = bg; b[6] = fg; b[7] = 0; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } br00 = XY_TEXT_IMMEDIATE_BLT; if (bo->tiling && sna->kgem.gen >= 040) br00 |= BLT_DST_TILED; do { CharInfoPtr *info = _info; int x = _x, y = _y, n = _n; do { CharInfoPtr c = *info++; int w = GLYPHWIDTHPIXELS(c); int h = GLYPHHEIGHTPIXELS(c); int w8 = (w + 7) >> 3; int x1, y1, len; if (c->bits == GLYPH_EMPTY) goto skip; len = (w8 * h + 7) >> 3 << 1; x1 = x + c->metrics.leftSideBearing; y1 = y - c->metrics.ascent; DBG(("%s glyph: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d) x (%d[%d], %d), len=%d\n" ,__FUNCTION__, x,y, x1, y1, w, w8, h, len)); if (x1 >= extents->x2 || y1 >= extents->y2) goto skip; if (x1 + w <= extents->x1 || y1 + h <= extents->y1) goto skip; assert(len > 0); if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 3+len)) { _kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); DBG(("%s: new batch, glyph clip box (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2, extents->y2)); unwind_batch = sna->kgem.nbatch; unwind_reloc = sna->kgem.nreloc; assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 3 << 20 | 8; b[1] = bo->pitch; if (bo->tiling) { b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] >>= 2; } b[1] |= 1 << 30 | transparent << 29 | blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24 | rop << 16; b[2] = extents->y1 << 16 | extents->x1; b[3] = extents->y2 << 16 | extents->x2; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = bg; b[7] = fg; b[8] = 0; b[9] = 0; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 3 << 20 | 6; b[1] = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] >>= 2; } b[1] |= 1 << 30 | transparent << 29 | blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24 | rop << 16; b[2] = extents->y1 << 16 | extents->x1; b[3] = extents->y2 << 16 | extents->x2; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = bg; b[6] = fg; b[7] = 0; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } } assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; sna->kgem.nbatch += 3 + len; b[0] = br00 | (1 + len); b[1] = (uint16_t)y1 << 16 | (uint16_t)x1; b[2] = (uint16_t)(y1+h) << 16 | (uint16_t)(x1+w); { uint64_t *src = (uint64_t *)c->bits; uint64_t *dst = (uint64_t *)(b + 3); do { *dst++ = *src++; len -= 2; } while (len); } if (damage) { BoxRec r; r.x1 = x1; r.y1 = y1; r.x2 = x1 + w; r.y2 = y1 + h; if (box_intersect(&r, extents)) sna_damage_add_box(damage, &r); } skip: x += c->metrics.characterWidth; } while (--n); if (++extents == last_extents) break; if (kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 3)) { assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; sna->kgem.nbatch += 3; DBG(("%s: glyph clip box (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2, extents->y2)); b[0] = XY_SETUP_CLIP; b[1] = extents->y1 << 16 | extents->x1; b[2] = extents->y2 << 16 | extents->x2; } } while (1); if (sna->kgem.nbatch == unwind_batch + (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100 ? 10 : 8)) { sna->kgem.nbatch = unwind_batch; sna->kgem.nreloc = unwind_reloc; if (sna->kgem.nbatch == 0) kgem_bo_undo(&sna->kgem, bo); } assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); blt_done(sna); return true; } static void sna_glyph_extents(FontPtr font, CharInfoPtr *info, unsigned long count, ExtentInfoRec *extents) { extents->drawDirection = font->info.drawDirection; extents->fontAscent = font->info.fontAscent; extents->fontDescent = font->info.fontDescent; extents->overallAscent = info[0]->metrics.ascent; extents->overallDescent = info[0]->metrics.descent; extents->overallLeft = info[0]->metrics.leftSideBearing; extents->overallRight = info[0]->metrics.rightSideBearing; extents->overallWidth = info[0]->metrics.characterWidth; while (--count) { CharInfoPtr p =*++info; int v; if (p->metrics.ascent > extents->overallAscent) extents->overallAscent = p->metrics.ascent; if (p->metrics.descent > extents->overallDescent) extents->overallDescent = p->metrics.descent; v = extents->overallWidth + p->metrics.leftSideBearing; if (v < extents->overallLeft) extents->overallLeft = v; v = extents->overallWidth + p->metrics.rightSideBearing; if (v > extents->overallRight) extents->overallRight = v; extents->overallWidth += p->metrics.characterWidth; } } static bool sna_set_glyph(CharInfoPtr in, CharInfoPtr out) { int w = GLYPHWIDTHPIXELS(in); int h = GLYPHHEIGHTPIXELS(in); int stride = GLYPHWIDTHBYTESPADDED(in); uint8_t *dst, *src; int clear = 1; out->metrics = in->metrics; /* Skip empty glyphs */ if (w == 0 || h == 0 || ((w|h) == 1 && (in->bits[0] & 1) == 0)) { out->bits = GLYPH_EMPTY; return true; } w = (w + 7) >> 3; out->bits = malloc((w*h + 7) & ~7); if (out->bits == NULL) return false; VG(memset(out->bits, 0, (w*h + 7) & ~7)); src = (uint8_t *)in->bits; dst = (uint8_t *)out->bits; stride -= w; do { int i = w; do { clear &= *src == 0; *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); } while (--i); src += stride; } while (--h); if (clear) { free(out->bits); out->bits = GLYPH_EMPTY; } return true; } inline static bool sna_get_glyph8(FontPtr font, struct sna_font *priv, uint8_t g, CharInfoPtr *out) { unsigned long n; CharInfoPtr p, ret; p = &priv->glyphs8[g]; if (p->bits) { *out = p; return p->bits != GLYPH_INVALID; } font->get_glyphs(font, 1, &g, Linear8Bit, &n, &ret); if (n == 0) { p->bits = GLYPH_INVALID; return false; } return sna_set_glyph(ret, *out = p); } inline static bool sna_get_glyph16(FontPtr font, struct sna_font *priv, uint16_t g, CharInfoPtr *out) { unsigned long n; CharInfoPtr page, p, ret; page = priv->glyphs16[g>>8]; if (page == NULL) page = priv->glyphs16[g>>8] = calloc(256, sizeof(CharInfoRec)); p = &page[g&0xff]; if (p->bits) { *out = p; return p->bits != GLYPH_INVALID; } font->get_glyphs(font, 1, (unsigned char *)&g, FONTLASTROW(font) ? TwoD16Bit : Linear16Bit, &n, &ret); if (n == 0) { p->bits = GLYPH_INVALID; return false; } return sna_set_glyph(ret, *out = p); } static inline bool sna_font_too_large(FontPtr font) { int top = max(FONTMAXBOUNDS(font, ascent), FONTASCENT(font)); int bot = max(FONTMAXBOUNDS(font, descent), FONTDESCENT(font)); int width = max(FONTMAXBOUNDS(font, characterWidth), -FONTMINBOUNDS(font, characterWidth)); DBG(("%s? (%d + %d) x %d: %d > 124\n", __FUNCTION__, top, bot, width, (top + bot) * (width + 7)/8)); return (top + bot) * (width + 7)/8 > 124; } static int sna_poly_text8(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int x, int y, int count, char *chars) { struct sna_font *priv = gc->font->devPrivates[sna_font_key]; CharInfoPtr info[255]; ExtentInfoRec extents; RegionRec region; long unsigned i, n; uint32_t fg; for (i = n = 0; i < count; i++) { if (sna_get_glyph8(gc->font, priv, chars[i], &info[n])) n++; } if (n == 0) return x; sna_glyph_extents(gc->font, info, n, &extents); region.extents.x1 = x + extents.overallLeft; region.extents.y1 = y - extents.overallAscent; region.extents.x2 = x + extents.overallRight; region.extents.y2 = y + extents.overallDescent; translate_box(®ion.extents, drawable); clip_box(®ion.extents, gc); if (box_empty(®ion.extents)) return x + extents.overallRight; region.data = NULL; if (!region_maybe_clip(®ion, gc->pCompositeClip)) return x + extents.overallRight; if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_POLY_TEXT8) goto fallback; if (sna_font_too_large(gc->font)) goto fallback; if (!PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; if (!gc_is_solid(gc, &fg)) goto fallback; if (!sna_glyph_blt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, ®ion, fg, -1, true)) { fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); gc->font->get_glyphs(gc->font, count, (unsigned char *)chars, Linear8Bit, &n, info); if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, ®ion)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, ®ion, MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE)) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- fbPolyGlyphBlt\n", __FUNCTION__)); fbPolyGlyphBlt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, FONTGLYPHS(gc->font)); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); } RegionUninit(®ion); return x + extents.overallRight; } static int sna_poly_text16(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int x, int y, int count, unsigned short *chars) { struct sna_font *priv = gc->font->devPrivates[sna_font_key]; CharInfoPtr info[255]; ExtentInfoRec extents; RegionRec region; long unsigned i, n; uint32_t fg; for (i = n = 0; i < count; i++) { if (sna_get_glyph16(gc->font, priv, chars[i], &info[n])) n++; } if (n == 0) return x; sna_glyph_extents(gc->font, info, n, &extents); region.extents.x1 = x + extents.overallLeft; region.extents.y1 = y - extents.overallAscent; region.extents.x2 = x + extents.overallRight; region.extents.y2 = y + extents.overallDescent; translate_box(®ion.extents, drawable); clip_box(®ion.extents, gc); if (box_empty(®ion.extents)) return x + extents.overallRight; region.data = NULL; if (!region_maybe_clip(®ion, gc->pCompositeClip)) return x + extents.overallRight; if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_POLY_TEXT16) goto fallback; if (sna_font_too_large(gc->font)) goto fallback; if (!PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; if (!gc_is_solid(gc, &fg)) goto fallback; if (!sna_glyph_blt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, ®ion, fg, -1, true)) { fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); gc->font->get_glyphs(gc->font, count, (unsigned char *)chars, FONTLASTROW(gc->font) ? TwoD16Bit : Linear16Bit, &n, info); if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, ®ion)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, ®ion, MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE)) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- fbPolyGlyphBlt\n", __FUNCTION__)); fbPolyGlyphBlt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, FONTGLYPHS(gc->font)); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); } RegionUninit(®ion); return x + extents.overallRight; } static void sna_image_text8(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int x, int y, int count, char *chars) { struct sna_font *priv = gc->font->devPrivates[sna_font_key]; CharInfoPtr info[255]; ExtentInfoRec extents; RegionRec region; long unsigned i, n; for (i = n = 0; i < count; i++) { if (sna_get_glyph8(gc->font, priv, chars[i], &info[n])) n++; } if (n == 0) return; sna_glyph_extents(gc->font, info, n, &extents); region.extents.x1 = x + MIN(0, extents.overallLeft); region.extents.y1 = y - extents.fontAscent; region.extents.x2 = x + MAX(extents.overallWidth, extents.overallRight); region.extents.y2 = y + extents.fontDescent; DBG(("%s: count=%ld/%d, extents=(left=%d, right=%d, width=%d, ascent=%d, descent=%d), box=(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, n, count, extents.overallLeft, extents.overallRight, extents.overallWidth, extents.fontAscent, extents.fontDescent, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); translate_box(®ion.extents, drawable); clip_box(®ion.extents, gc); if (box_empty(®ion.extents)) return; region.data = NULL; if (!region_maybe_clip(®ion, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; DBG(("%s: clipped extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_IMAGE_TEXT8) goto fallback; if (sna_font_too_large(gc->font)) goto fallback; if (!PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; if (!sna_glyph_blt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, ®ion, gc->fgPixel, gc->bgPixel, false)) { fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); gc->font->get_glyphs(gc->font, count, (unsigned char *)chars, Linear8Bit, &n, info); if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, ®ion)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, ®ion, MOVE_WRITE)) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- fbImageGlyphBlt\n", __FUNCTION__)); fbImageGlyphBlt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, FONTGLYPHS(gc->font)); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); } RegionUninit(®ion); } static void sna_image_text16(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int x, int y, int count, unsigned short *chars) { struct sna_font *priv = gc->font->devPrivates[sna_font_key]; CharInfoPtr info[255]; ExtentInfoRec extents; RegionRec region; long unsigned i, n; for (i = n = 0; i < count; i++) { if (sna_get_glyph16(gc->font, priv, chars[i], &info[n])) n++; } if (n == 0) return; sna_glyph_extents(gc->font, info, n, &extents); region.extents.x1 = x + MIN(0, extents.overallLeft); region.extents.y1 = y - extents.fontAscent; region.extents.x2 = x + MAX(extents.overallWidth, extents.overallRight); region.extents.y2 = y + extents.fontDescent; DBG(("%s: count=%ld/%d, extents=(left=%d, right=%d, width=%d, ascent=%d, descent=%d), box=(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, n, count, extents.overallLeft, extents.overallRight, extents.overallWidth, extents.fontAscent, extents.fontDescent, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); translate_box(®ion.extents, drawable); clip_box(®ion.extents, gc); if (box_empty(®ion.extents)) return; region.data = NULL; if (!region_maybe_clip(®ion, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; DBG(("%s: clipped extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_IMAGE_TEXT16) goto fallback; if (sna_font_too_large(gc->font)) goto fallback; if (!PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; if (!sna_glyph_blt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, ®ion, gc->fgPixel, gc->bgPixel, false)) { fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); gc->font->get_glyphs(gc->font, count, (unsigned char *)chars, FONTLASTROW(gc->font) ? TwoD16Bit : Linear16Bit, &n, info); if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, ®ion)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, ®ion, MOVE_WRITE)) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- fbImageGlyphBlt\n", __FUNCTION__)); fbImageGlyphBlt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, FONTGLYPHS(gc->font)); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); } RegionUninit(®ion); } /* XXX Damage bypasses the Text interface and so we lose our custom gluphs */ static bool sna_reversed_glyph_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int _x, int _y, unsigned int _n, CharInfoPtr *_info, pointer _base, struct kgem_bo *bo, struct sna_damage **damage, RegionPtr clip, uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg, bool transparent) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); const BoxRec *extents, *last_extents; uint32_t *b; int16_t dx, dy; uint8_t rop = transparent ? copy_ROP[gc->alu] : ROP_S; uint16_t unwind_batch, unwind_reloc; DBG(("%s: pixmap=%ld, bo=%d, damage=%p, fg=%08x, bg=%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, bo->handle, damage, fg, bg)); if (bo->tiling == I915_TILING_Y) { DBG(("%s: converting bo from Y-tiling\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(bo == __sna_pixmap_get_bo(pixmap)); bo = sna_pixmap_change_tiling(pixmap, I915_TILING_X); if (bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- unable to change tiling\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } } if (!kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; if (get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy)) RegionTranslate(clip, dx, dy); _x += drawable->x + dx; _y += drawable->y + dy; extents = region_rects(clip); last_extents = extents + region_num_rects(clip); if (!transparent) { /* emulate miImageGlyphBlt */ if (!sna_blt_fill_boxes(sna, GXcopy, bo, drawable->bitsPerPixel, bg, extents, last_extents - extents)) { RegionTranslate(clip, -dx, -dy); return false; } } kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT, bo); assert(kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)); if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 20) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_check_reloc(&sna->kgem, 1)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo)) { RegionTranslate(clip, -dx, -dy); return false; } _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); unwind_batch = sna->kgem.nbatch; unwind_reloc = sna->kgem.nreloc; DBG(("%s: glyph clip box (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2, extents->y2)); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 1 << 20 | 8; b[1] = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] >>= 2; } b[1] |= 1 << 30 | transparent << 29 | blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24 | rop << 16; b[2] = extents->y1 << 16 | extents->x1; b[3] = extents->y2 << 16 | extents->x2; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = bg; b[7] = fg; b[8] = 0; b[9] = 0; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 1 << 20 | 6; b[1] = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] >>= 2; } b[1] |= 1 << 30 | transparent << 29 | blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24 | rop << 16; b[2] = extents->y1 << 16 | extents->x1; b[3] = extents->y2 << 16 | extents->x2; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = bg; b[6] = fg; b[7] = 0; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } do { CharInfoPtr *info = _info; int x = _x, y = _y, n = _n; do { CharInfoPtr c = *info++; uint8_t *glyph = FONTGLYPHBITS(base, c); int w = GLYPHWIDTHPIXELS(c); int h = GLYPHHEIGHTPIXELS(c); int stride = GLYPHWIDTHBYTESPADDED(c); int w8 = (w + 7) >> 3; int x1, y1, len, i; uint8_t *byte; if (w == 0 || h == 0) goto skip; len = (w8 * h + 7) >> 3 << 1; x1 = x + c->metrics.leftSideBearing; y1 = y - c->metrics.ascent; DBG(("%s glyph: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d) x (%d[%d], %d), len=%d\n" ,__FUNCTION__, x,y, x1, y1, w, w8, h, len)); if (x1 >= extents->x2 || y1 >= extents->y2 || x1 + w <= extents->x1 || y1 + h <= extents->y1) { DBG(("%s: glyph is clipped (%d, %d)x(%d,%d) against extents (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, x1, y1, w, h, extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2, extents->y2)); goto skip; } { int clear = 1, j = h; uint8_t *g = glyph; do { i = w8; do { clear = *g++ == 0; } while (clear && --i); g += stride - w8; } while (clear && --j); if (clear) { DBG(("%s: skipping clear glyph for ImageGlyph\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto skip; } } assert(len > 0); if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 3+len)) { _kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); unwind_batch = sna->kgem.nbatch; unwind_reloc = sna->kgem.nreloc; DBG(("%s: new batch, glyph clip box (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2, extents->y2)); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 1 << 20 | 8; b[1] = bo->pitch; if (bo->tiling) { b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] >>= 2; } b[1] |= 1 << 30 | transparent << 29 | blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24 | rop << 16; b[2] = extents->y1 << 16 | extents->x1; b[3] = extents->y2 << 16 | extents->x2; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = bg; b[7] = fg; b[8] = 0; b[9] = 0; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 1 << 20 | 6; b[1] = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] >>= 2; } b[1] |= 1 << 30 | transparent << 29 | blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24 | rop << 16; b[2] = extents->y1 << 16 | extents->x1; b[3] = extents->y2 << 16 | extents->x2; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = bg; b[6] = fg; b[7] = 0; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } } assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; sna->kgem.nbatch += 3 + len; b[0] = XY_TEXT_IMMEDIATE_BLT | (1 + len); if (bo->tiling && sna->kgem.gen >= 040) b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] = (uint16_t)y1 << 16 | (uint16_t)x1; b[2] = (uint16_t)(y1+h) << 16 | (uint16_t)(x1+w); byte = (uint8_t *)&b[3]; stride -= w8; do { i = w8; do { *byte++ = byte_reverse(*glyph++); } while (--i); glyph += stride; } while (--h); while ((byte - (uint8_t *)&b[3]) & 7) *byte++ = 0; assert((uint32_t *)byte == sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch); if (damage) { BoxRec r; r.x1 = x1; r.y1 = y1; r.x2 = x1 + w; r.y2 = y1 + h; if (box_intersect(&r, extents)) sna_damage_add_box(damage, &r); } skip: x += c->metrics.characterWidth; } while (--n); if (++extents == last_extents) break; if (kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 3 + 5)) { assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; sna->kgem.nbatch += 3; DBG(("%s: glyph clip box (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, extents->x1, extents->y1, extents->x2, extents->y2)); b[0] = XY_SETUP_CLIP; b[1] = extents->y1 << 16 | extents->x1; b[2] = extents->y2 << 16 | extents->x2; } } while (1); if (sna->kgem.nbatch == unwind_batch + (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100 ? 10 : 8)) { sna->kgem.nbatch = unwind_batch; sna->kgem.nreloc = unwind_reloc; if (sna->kgem.nbatch == 0) kgem_bo_undo(&sna->kgem, bo); } assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); blt_done(sna); return true; } static void sna_image_glyph(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int x, int y, unsigned int n, CharInfoPtr *info, pointer base) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); ExtentInfoRec extents; RegionRec region; struct sna_damage **damage; struct kgem_bo *bo; unsigned hint; if (n == 0) return; sna_glyph_extents(gc->font, info, n, &extents); region.extents.x1 = x + MIN(0, extents.overallLeft); region.extents.y1 = y - extents.fontAscent; region.extents.x2 = x + MAX(extents.overallWidth, extents.overallRight); region.extents.y2 = y + extents.fontDescent; DBG(("%s: count=%d, extents=(left=%d, right=%d, width=%d, ascent=%d, descent=%d), box=(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, n, extents.overallLeft, extents.overallRight, extents.overallWidth, extents.fontAscent, extents.fontDescent, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); translate_box(®ion.extents, drawable); clip_box(®ion.extents, gc); if (box_empty(®ion.extents)) return; DBG(("%s: extents(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); region.data = NULL; if (!region_maybe_clip(®ion, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_IMAGE_GLYPH) goto fallback; if (wedged(sna)) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (!PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; if (sna_font_too_large(gc->font)) goto fallback; if (region.data == NULL) hint = IGNORE_DAMAGE | PREFER_GPU; else hint = PREFER_GPU; if ((bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(drawable, hint, ®ion.extents, &damage)) && sna_reversed_glyph_blt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, base, bo, damage, ®ion, gc->fgPixel, gc->bgPixel, false)) goto out; fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, ®ion)) goto out_gc; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, ®ion, MOVE_WRITE)) goto out_gc; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- fbImageGlyphBlt\n", __FUNCTION__)); fbImageGlyphBlt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, base); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out_gc: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); out: RegionUninit(®ion); } static void sna_poly_glyph(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc, int x, int y, unsigned int n, CharInfoPtr *info, pointer base) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); ExtentInfoRec extents; RegionRec region; struct sna_damage **damage; struct kgem_bo *bo; uint32_t fg; if (n == 0) return; sna_glyph_extents(gc->font, info, n, &extents); region.extents.x1 = x + extents.overallLeft; region.extents.y1 = y - extents.overallAscent; region.extents.x2 = x + extents.overallRight; region.extents.y2 = y + extents.overallDescent; translate_box(®ion.extents, drawable); clip_box(®ion.extents, gc); if (box_empty(®ion.extents)) return; DBG(("%s: extents(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); region.data = NULL; if (!region_maybe_clip(®ion, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; if (FORCE_FALLBACK) goto fallback; if (!ACCEL_POLY_GLYPH) goto fallback; if (wedged(sna)) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__)); goto fallback; } if (!PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, gc->planemask)) goto fallback; if (!gc_is_solid(gc, &fg)) goto fallback; if (sna_font_too_large(gc->font)) goto fallback; if ((bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(drawable, PREFER_GPU, ®ion.extents, &damage)) && sna_reversed_glyph_blt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, base, bo, damage, ®ion, fg, -1, true)) goto out; fallback: DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, ®ion)) goto out_gc; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, ®ion, MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE)) goto out_gc; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- fbPolyGlyphBlt\n", __FUNCTION__)); fbPolyGlyphBlt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, base); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out_gc: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); out: RegionUninit(®ion); } static bool sna_push_pixels_solid_blt(GCPtr gc, PixmapPtr bitmap, DrawablePtr drawable, RegionPtr region) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna_damage **damage; struct kgem_bo *bo; const BoxRec *box; int16_t dx, dy; int n; uint8_t rop = copy_ROP[gc->alu]; bo = sna_drawable_use_bo(drawable, PREFER_GPU, ®ion->extents, &damage); if (bo == NULL) return false; if (bo->tiling == I915_TILING_Y) { DBG(("%s: converting bo from Y-tiling\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(bo == __sna_pixmap_get_bo(pixmap)); bo = sna_pixmap_change_tiling(pixmap, I915_TILING_X); if (bo == NULL) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- unable to change tiling\n", __FUNCTION__)); return false; } } if (!kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; if (get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy)) RegionTranslate(region, dx, dy); assert_pixmap_contains_box(pixmap, RegionExtents(region)); if (damage) sna_damage_add_to_pixmap(damage, region, pixmap); assert_pixmap_damage(pixmap); DBG(("%s: upload(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region->extents.x1, region->extents.y1, region->extents.x2, region->extents.y2)); kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT, bo); assert(kgem_bo_can_blt(&sna->kgem, bo)); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); /* Region is pre-clipped and translated into pixmap space */ box = region_rects(region); n = region_num_rects(region); do { int bx1 = (box->x1 - region->extents.x1) & ~7; int bx2 = (box->x2 - region->extents.x1 + 7) & ~7; int bw = (bx2 - bx1)/8; int bh = box->y2 - box->y1; int bstride = ALIGN(bw, 2); struct kgem_bo *upload; void *ptr; if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 10) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo) || !kgem_check_reloc_and_exec(&sna->kgem, 2)) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, bo)) return false; _kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, bo); upload = kgem_create_buffer(&sna->kgem, bstride*bh, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE, &ptr); if (!upload) break; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { uint8_t *dst = ptr; int src_stride = bitmap->devKind; uint8_t *src; uint32_t *b; assert(src_stride); src = (uint8_t*)bitmap->devPrivate.ptr; src += (box->y1 - region->extents.y1) * src_stride + bx1/8; src_stride -= bstride; do { int i = bstride; do { *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); *dst++ = byte_reverse(*src++); i -= 2; } while (i); src += src_stride; } while (--bh); assert(sna->kgem.mode == KGEM_BLT); b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY | 3 << 20 | 8; b[0] |= ((box->x1 - region->extents.x1) & 7) << 17; b[1] = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] >>= 2; } b[1] |= 1 << 29; b[1] |= blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24; b[1] |= rop << 16; b[2] = box->y1 << 16 | box->x1; b[3] = box->y2 << 16 | box->x2; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); *(uint64_t *)(b+6) = kgem_add_reloc64(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 6, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[8] = gc->bgPixel; b[9] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 10; } else { b[0] = XY_MONO_SRC_COPY | 3 << 20 | 6; b[0] |= ((box->x1 - region->extents.x1) & 7) << 17; b[1] = bo->pitch; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040 && bo->tiling) { b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED; b[1] >>= 2; } b[1] |= 1 << 29; b[1] |= blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24; b[1] |= rop << 16; b[2] = box->y1 << 16 | box->x1; b[3] = box->y2 << 16 | box->x2; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4, bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 5, upload, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = gc->bgPixel; b[7] = gc->fgPixel; sna->kgem.nbatch += 8; } sigtrap_put(); } kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, upload); box++; } while (--n); blt_done(sna); return true; } static void sna_push_pixels(GCPtr gc, PixmapPtr bitmap, DrawablePtr drawable, int w, int h, int x, int y) { RegionRec region; if (w == 0 || h == 0) return; DBG(("%s (%d, %d)x(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, x, y, w, h)); region.extents.x1 = x; region.extents.y1 = y; region.extents.x2 = region.extents.x1 + w; region.extents.y2 = region.extents.y1 + h; clip_box(®ion.extents, gc); if (box_empty(®ion.extents)) return; DBG(("%s: extents(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); region.data = NULL; if (!region_maybe_clip(®ion, gc->pCompositeClip)) return; switch (gc->fillStyle) { case FillSolid: if (sna_push_pixels_solid_blt(gc, bitmap, drawable, ®ion)) return; break; default: break; } DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable, ®ion)) goto out; if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(bitmap, MOVE_READ)) goto out; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, ®ion, drawable_gc_flags(drawable, gc, false))) goto out; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { DBG(("%s: fallback, fbPushPixels(%d, %d, %d %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, w, h, x, y)); fbPushPixels(gc, bitmap, drawable, w, h, x, y); FALLBACK_FLUSH(drawable); sigtrap_put(); } out: sna_gc_move_to_gpu(gc); RegionUninit(®ion); } static const GCOps sna_gc_ops = { sna_fill_spans, sna_set_spans, sna_put_image, sna_copy_area, sna_copy_plane, sna_poly_point, sna_poly_line, sna_poly_segment, sna_poly_rectangle, sna_poly_arc, sna_poly_fill_polygon, sna_poly_fill_rect, sna_poly_fill_arc, sna_poly_text8, sna_poly_text16, sna_image_text8, sna_image_text16, sna_image_glyph, sna_poly_glyph, sna_push_pixels, }; static const GCOps sna_gc_ops__cpu = { fbFillSpans, fbSetSpans, fbPutImage, fbCopyArea, fbCopyPlane, sna_poly_point__cpu, fbPolyLine, fbPolySegment, miPolyRectangle, fbPolyArc, miFillPolygon, fbPolyFillRect, miPolyFillArc, miPolyText8, miPolyText16, miImageText8, miImageText16, fbImageGlyphBlt, fbPolyGlyphBlt, fbPushPixels }; static GCOps sna_gc_ops__tmp = { sna_fill_spans, sna_set_spans, sna_put_image, sna_copy_area, sna_copy_plane, sna_poly_point, sna_poly_line, sna_poly_segment, sna_poly_rectangle, sna_poly_arc, sna_poly_fill_polygon, sna_poly_fill_rect, sna_poly_fill_arc, sna_poly_text8, sna_poly_text16, sna_image_text8, sna_image_text16, sna_image_glyph, sna_poly_glyph, sna_push_pixels, }; static void sna_validate_gc(GCPtr gc, unsigned long changes, DrawablePtr drawable) { DBG(("%s(%p) changes=%lx, previous serial=%lx, drawable=%lx\n", __FUNCTION__, gc, changes, gc->serialNumber, drawable->serialNumber)); if (changes & (GCClipMask|GCSubwindowMode) || drawable->serialNumber != (gc->serialNumber & DRAWABLE_SERIAL_BITS) || (has_clip(gc) && (changes & (GCClipXOrigin | GCClipYOrigin)))) { DBG(("%s: recomputing clip\n", __FUNCTION__)); miComputeCompositeClip(gc, drawable); DBG(("%s: composite clip=%dx[(%d, %d), (%d, %d)] [%p]\n", __FUNCTION__, region_num_rects(gc->pCompositeClip), gc->pCompositeClip->extents.x1, gc->pCompositeClip->extents.y1, gc->pCompositeClip->extents.x2, gc->pCompositeClip->extents.y2, gc->pCompositeClip)); } assert(gc->pCompositeClip); assert(RegionNil(gc->pCompositeClip) || gc->pCompositeClip->extents.x1 >= drawable->x); assert(RegionNil(gc->pCompositeClip) || gc->pCompositeClip->extents.y1 >= drawable->y); assert(RegionNil(gc->pCompositeClip) || gc->pCompositeClip->extents.x2 - drawable->x <= drawable->width); assert(RegionNil(gc->pCompositeClip) || gc->pCompositeClip->extents.y2 - drawable->y <= drawable->height); sna_gc(gc)->changes |= changes; sna_gc(gc)->serial = gc->serialNumber; } static const GCFuncs sna_gc_funcs = { sna_validate_gc, miChangeGC, miCopyGC, miDestroyGC, miChangeClip, miDestroyClip, miCopyClip }; static const GCFuncs sna_gc_funcs__cpu = { fbValidateGC, miChangeGC, miCopyGC, miDestroyGC, miChangeClip, miDestroyClip, miCopyClip }; static int sna_create_gc(GCPtr gc) { gc->miTranslate = 1; gc->fExpose = 1; gc->freeCompClip = 0; gc->pCompositeClip = 0; #if XORG_VERSION_CURRENT < XORG_VERSION_NUMERIC(1,19,99,1,0) gc->pRotatedPixmap = 0; #endif fb_gc(gc)->bpp = bits_per_pixel(gc->depth); gc->funcs = (GCFuncs *)&sna_gc_funcs; gc->ops = (GCOps *)&sna_gc_ops; return true; } static bool sna_get_image__inplace(PixmapPtr pixmap, RegionPtr region, char *dst, unsigned flags, bool idle) { struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); char *src; if (!USE_INPLACE) return false; assert(priv && priv->gpu_bo); switch (priv->gpu_bo->tiling) { case I915_TILING_Y: return false; case I915_TILING_X: if (!sna->kgem.memcpy_from_tiled_x) return false; default: break; } if ((flags & MOVE_INPLACE_HINT) == 0 && !kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, FORCE_FULL_SYNC)) return false; if (idle && __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo)) return false; if (priv->move_to_gpu && !priv->move_to_gpu(sna, priv, MOVE_READ)) return false; assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->gpu_damage, ®ion->extents) == PIXMAN_REGION_IN); assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->cpu_damage, ®ion->extents) == PIXMAN_REGION_OUT); if (kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, FORCE_FULL_SYNC)) { src = kgem_bo_map__cpu(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (src == NULL) return false; kgem_bo_sync__cpu_full(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, FORCE_FULL_SYNC); } else { src = kgem_bo_map__wc(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); if (src == NULL) return false; kgem_bo_sync__gtt(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); } if (sigtrap_get()) return false; if (priv->gpu_bo->tiling) { DBG(("%s: download through a tiled CPU map\n", __FUNCTION__)); memcpy_from_tiled_x(&sna->kgem, src, dst, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, priv->gpu_bo->pitch, PixmapBytePad(region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1, pixmap->drawable.depth), region->extents.x1, region->extents.y1, 0, 0, region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1, region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1); } else { DBG(("%s: download through a linear CPU map\n", __FUNCTION__)); memcpy_blt(src, dst, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, priv->gpu_bo->pitch, PixmapBytePad(region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1, pixmap->drawable.depth), region->extents.x1, region->extents.y1, 0, 0, region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1, region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1); if (!priv->shm) { pixmap->devPrivate.ptr = src; pixmap->devKind = priv->gpu_bo->pitch; priv->mapped = src == MAP(priv->gpu_bo->map__cpu) ? MAPPED_CPU : MAPPED_GTT; assert_pixmap_map(pixmap, priv); priv->cpu &= priv->mapped == MAPPED_CPU; } } sigtrap_put(); return true; } static bool sna_get_image__blt(PixmapPtr pixmap, RegionPtr region, char *dst, unsigned flags) { struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); struct kgem_bo *dst_bo; bool ok = false; int pitch; assert(priv && priv->gpu_bo); if (!sna->kgem.has_userptr || !USE_USERPTR_DOWNLOADS) return false; if (!sna->kgem.can_blt_cpu) return false; if ((priv->create & (KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GTT | KGEM_CAN_CREATE_LARGE)) == KGEM_CAN_CREATE_GTT && kgem_bo_can_map(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo)) { if (flags & (MOVE_WHOLE_HINT | MOVE_INPLACE_HINT)) return false; if (priv->gpu_damage == NULL) return false; assert(priv->gpu_bo); if (!__kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo)) return false; } else { if (priv->gpu_damage == NULL) return false; assert(priv->gpu_bo); } if (priv->move_to_gpu && !priv->move_to_gpu(sna, priv, MOVE_READ)) return false; DBG(("%s: download through a temporary map\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->gpu_damage, ®ion->extents) == PIXMAN_REGION_IN); assert(sna_damage_contains_box(&priv->cpu_damage, ®ion->extents) == PIXMAN_REGION_OUT); pitch = PixmapBytePad(region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1, pixmap->drawable.depth); dst_bo = kgem_create_map(&sna->kgem, dst, pitch * (region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1), false); if (dst_bo) { dst_bo->pitch = pitch; kgem_bo_mark_unreusable(dst_bo); ok = sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &pixmap->drawable, priv->gpu_bo, 0, 0, &pixmap->drawable, dst_bo, -region->extents.x1, -region->extents.y1, ®ion->extents, 1, COPY_LAST); kgem_bo_sync__cpu(&sna->kgem, dst_bo); assert(dst_bo->rq == NULL); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, dst_bo); } return ok; } static bool sna_get_image__fast(PixmapPtr pixmap, RegionPtr region, char *dst, unsigned flags) { struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); DBG(("%s: attached?=%d, has gpu damage?=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, priv != NULL, priv && priv->gpu_damage)); if (priv == NULL || priv->gpu_damage == NULL) return false; if (priv->clear && sigtrap_get() == 0) { int w = region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1; int h = region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1; int pitch = PixmapBytePad(w, pixmap->drawable.depth); DBG(("%s: applying clear [%08x]\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->clear_color)); assert(DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage)); assert(priv->cpu_damage == NULL); sigtrap_assert_active(); if (priv->clear_color == 0 || pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel == 8 || priv->clear_color == (1U << pixmap->drawable.depth) - 1) { DBG(("%s: memset clear [%02x]\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->clear_color & 0xff)); memset(dst, priv->clear_color, pitch * h); } else { pixman_fill((uint32_t *)dst, pitch/sizeof(uint32_t), pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, 0, 0, w, h, priv->clear_color); } sigtrap_put(); return true; } if (!DAMAGE_IS_ALL(priv->gpu_damage) && !sna_damage_contains_box__no_reduce(priv->gpu_damage, ®ion->extents)) return false; if (sna_get_image__inplace(pixmap, region, dst, flags, true)) return true; if (sna_get_image__blt(pixmap, region, dst, flags)) return true; if (sna_get_image__inplace(pixmap, region, dst, flags, false)) return true; return false; } static void sna_get_image(DrawablePtr drawable, int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned int format, unsigned long mask, char *dst) { RegionRec region; unsigned int flags; if (!fbDrawableEnabled(drawable)) return; DBG(("%s: pixmap=%ld (%d, %d)x(%d, %d), format=%d, mask=%lx, depth=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, (long)get_drawable_pixmap(drawable)->drawable.serialNumber, x, y, w, h, format, mask, drawable->depth)); flags = MOVE_READ; if ((w | h) == 1) flags |= MOVE_INPLACE_HINT; if (w == drawable->width) flags |= MOVE_WHOLE_HINT; if (ACCEL_GET_IMAGE && !FORCE_FALLBACK && format == ZPixmap && drawable->bitsPerPixel >= 8) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable); int16_t dx, dy; get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy); region.extents.x1 = x + drawable->x + dx; region.extents.y1 = y + drawable->y + dy; region.extents.x2 = region.extents.x1 + w; region.extents.y2 = region.extents.y1 + h; region.data = NULL; if (sna_get_image__fast(pixmap, ®ion, dst, flags)) goto apply_planemask; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(&pixmap->drawable, ®ion, flags)) return; DBG(("%s: copy box (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); assert(has_coherent_ptr(to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap), sna_pixmap(pixmap), MOVE_READ)); if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { assert(pixmap->devKind); memcpy_blt(pixmap->devPrivate.ptr, dst, drawable->bitsPerPixel, pixmap->devKind, PixmapBytePad(w, drawable->depth), region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, 0, 0, w, h); sigtrap_put(); } apply_planemask: if (!PM_IS_SOLID(drawable, mask)) { FbStip pm = fbReplicatePixel(mask, drawable->bitsPerPixel); FbStip *d = (FbStip *)dst; int i, n = PixmapBytePad(w, drawable->depth) / sizeof(FbStip) * h; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) d[i] &= pm; } } else { region.extents.x1 = x + drawable->x; region.extents.y1 = y + drawable->y; region.extents.x2 = region.extents.x1 + w; region.extents.y2 = region.extents.y1 + h; region.data = NULL; if (sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, ®ion, flags)) fbGetImage(drawable, x, y, w, h, format, mask, dst); } } static void sna_get_spans(DrawablePtr drawable, int wMax, DDXPointPtr pt, int *width, int n, char *start) { RegionRec region; if (!fbDrawableEnabled(drawable)) return; if (sna_spans_extents(drawable, NULL, n, pt, width, ®ion.extents) == 0) return; region.data = NULL; if (!sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, ®ion, MOVE_READ)) return; fbGetSpans(drawable, wMax, pt, width, n, start); } static void sna_copy_window(WindowPtr win, DDXPointRec origin, RegionPtr src) { PixmapPtr pixmap = get_window_pixmap(win); struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap); RegionRec dst; int dx, dy; DBG(("%s origin=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, origin.x, origin.y)); if (!fbWindowEnabled(win)) return; dx = origin.x - win->drawable.x; dy = origin.y - win->drawable.y; RegionTranslate(src, -dx, -dy); RegionNull(&dst); RegionIntersect(&dst, &win->borderClip, src); if (box_empty(&dst.extents)) return; #ifdef COMPOSITE if (pixmap->screen_x | pixmap->screen_y) RegionTranslate(&dst, -pixmap->screen_x, -pixmap->screen_y); #endif if (wedged(sna) || FORCE_FALLBACK || !ACCEL_COPY_WINDOW) { DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(pixmap, MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE)) return; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { miCopyRegion(&pixmap->drawable, &pixmap->drawable, 0, &dst, dx, dy, fbCopyNtoN, 0, NULL); sigtrap_put(); } } else { sna_self_copy_boxes(&pixmap->drawable, &pixmap->drawable, NULL, &dst, dx, dy, 0, NULL); } RegionUninit(&dst); } static Bool sna_change_window_attributes(WindowPtr win, unsigned long mask) { bool ret = true; DBG(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__)); /* Check if the fb layer wishes to modify the attached pixmaps, * to fix up mismatches between the window and pixmap depths. */ if (mask & CWBackPixmap && win->backgroundState == BackgroundPixmap) { DBG(("%s: flushing background pixmap\n", __FUNCTION__)); ret &= sna_validate_pixmap(&win->drawable, win->background.pixmap); } if (mask & CWBorderPixmap && win->borderIsPixel == false) { DBG(("%s: flushing border pixmap\n", __FUNCTION__)); ret &= sna_validate_pixmap(&win->drawable, win->border.pixmap); } return ret; } void sna_accel_flush(struct sna *sna) { struct sna_pixmap *priv; /* XXX we should be able to reduce the frequency of flushes further * by checking for outgoing damage events or sync replies. Tricky, * and doesn't appear to mitigate the performance loss. */ DBG(("%s: flush?=%d, dirty?=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, sna->kgem.flush, !list_is_empty(&sna->flush_pixmaps))); /* flush any pending damage from shadow copies to tfp clients */ while (!list_is_empty(&sna->flush_pixmaps)) { bool ret; priv = list_first_entry(&sna->flush_pixmaps, struct sna_pixmap, flush_list); list_del(&priv->flush_list); if (priv->shm) { DBG(("%s: syncing SHM pixmap=%ld (refcnt=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->pixmap->drawable.serialNumber, priv->pixmap->refcnt)); assert(!priv->flush); ret = sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(priv->pixmap, MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE); assert(!ret || priv->gpu_bo == NULL); if (priv->pixmap->refcnt == 0) { sna_damage_destroy(&priv->cpu_damage); __sna_free_pixmap(sna, priv->pixmap, priv); } } else { unsigned hints; DBG(("%s: flushing DRI pixmap=%ld\n", __FUNCTION__, priv->pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); assert(priv->flush); hints = MOVE_READ | __MOVE_FORCE; if (priv->flush & FLUSH_WRITE) hints |= MOVE_WRITE; if (sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(priv->pixmap, hints)) { if (priv->flush & FLUSH_WRITE) { kgem_bo_unclean(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); sna_damage_all(&priv->gpu_damage, priv->pixmap); assert(priv->cpu_damage == NULL); assert(priv->clear == false); } } } (void)ret; } if (sna->kgem.flush) kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); } static void sna_shm_flush_callback(CallbackListPtr *list, pointer user_data, pointer call_data) { struct sna *sna = user_data; if (!sna->needs_shm_flush) return; sna_accel_flush(sna); sna->needs_shm_flush = false; } static void sna_flush_callback(CallbackListPtr *list, pointer user_data, pointer call_data) { struct sna *sna = user_data; #if 0 /* XXX requires mesa to implement glXWaitX()! */ if (!sna->needs_dri_flush) return; sna_accel_flush(sna); sna->needs_dri_flush = false; #else sna_accel_flush(sna); #endif } static void sna_event_callback(CallbackListPtr *list, pointer user_data, pointer call_data) { EventInfoRec *eventinfo = call_data; struct sna *sna = user_data; int i; if (sna->needs_dri_flush) return; for (i = 0; i < eventinfo->count; i++) { if (eventinfo->events[i].u.u.type == sna->damage_event) { sna->needs_dri_flush = true; return; } } } static struct sna_pixmap *sna_accel_scanout(struct sna *sna) { struct sna_pixmap *priv; if (sna->mode.front_active == 0) return NULL; assert(sna->vblank_interval); assert(sna->front); assert(!sna->mode.hidden); priv = sna_pixmap(sna->front); if (priv->gpu_bo == NULL) return NULL; return priv; } #define TIME currentTime.milliseconds static void sna_accel_disarm_timer(struct sna *sna, int id) { DBG(("%s[%d] (time=%ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, id, (long)TIME)); sna->timer_active &= ~(1<<id); } static bool has_offload_slaves(struct sna *sna) { #if HAS_PIXMAP_SHARING ScreenPtr screen = to_screen_from_sna(sna); PixmapDirtyUpdatePtr dirty; xorg_list_for_each_entry(dirty, &screen->pixmap_dirty_list, ent) { assert(dirty->src == sna->front); if (RegionNotEmpty(DamageRegion(dirty->damage))) return true; } #endif return false; } static bool has_shadow(struct sna *sna) { DamagePtr damage; if (!sna->mode.shadow_enabled) return false; damage = sna->mode.shadow_damage; assert(damage); DBG(("%s: has pending damage? %d, outstanding flips: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, RegionNotEmpty(DamageRegion(damage)), sna->mode.flip_active)); return RegionNotEmpty(DamageRegion(damage)); } static bool start_flush(struct sna *sna) { struct sna_pixmap *scanout; if (has_offload_slaves(sna)) { DBG(("%s: has offload slaves\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } if (has_shadow(sna)) { DBG(("%s: has dirty shadow\n", __FUNCTION__)); return true; } scanout = sna_accel_scanout(sna); if (!scanout) return false; if (sna->flags & SNA_FLUSH_GTT && scanout->gpu_bo->gtt_dirty) { scanout->gpu_bo->needs_flush = true; return true; } if (scanout->cpu_damage || scanout->gpu_bo->needs_flush) return true; kgem_scanout_flush(&sna->kgem, scanout->gpu_bo); return false; } static bool stop_flush(struct sna *sna, struct sna_pixmap *scanout) { DBG(("%s: scanout=%d shadow?=%d, slaves?=%d, (cpu?=%d || gpu?=%d))\n", __FUNCTION__, scanout && scanout->gpu_bo ? scanout->gpu_bo->handle : 0, has_shadow(sna), has_offload_slaves(sna), scanout && scanout->cpu_damage != NULL, scanout && scanout->gpu_bo && scanout->gpu_bo->rq != NULL)); if (has_offload_slaves(sna)) return true; if (has_shadow(sna)) return true; if (!scanout) return false; if (sna->flags & SNA_FLUSH_GTT && scanout->gpu_bo->gtt_dirty) { scanout->gpu_bo->needs_flush = true; return true; } return scanout->cpu_damage || scanout->gpu_bo->needs_flush; } static void timer_enable(struct sna *sna, int whom, int interval) { if (!sna->timer_active) UpdateCurrentTimeIf(); sna->timer_active |= 1 << whom; sna->timer_expire[whom] = TIME + interval; DBG(("%s (time=%ld), starting timer %d\n", __FUNCTION__, (long)TIME, whom)); } static bool sna_scanout_do_flush(struct sna *sna) { int interval = sna->vblank_interval ?: 50; if (sna->timer_active & (1<<(FLUSH_TIMER))) { int32_t delta = sna->timer_expire[FLUSH_TIMER] - TIME; DBG(("%s: flush timer active: delta=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, delta)); if (delta <= 3) { DBG(("%s (time=%ld), triggered\n", __FUNCTION__, (long)TIME)); sna->timer_expire[FLUSH_TIMER] = TIME + interval; return true; } } else { if (start_flush(sna)) timer_enable(sna, FLUSH_TIMER, interval/2); } return false; } static bool sna_accel_do_throttle(struct sna *sna) { if (sna->timer_active & (1<<(THROTTLE_TIMER))) { int32_t delta = sna->timer_expire[THROTTLE_TIMER] - TIME; if (delta <= 3) { DBG(("%s (time=%ld), triggered\n", __FUNCTION__, (long)TIME)); sna->timer_expire[THROTTLE_TIMER] = TIME + 20; return true; } } else if (!sna->kgem.need_retire) { DBG(("%s -- no pending activity\n", __FUNCTION__)); } else timer_enable(sna, THROTTLE_TIMER, 20); return false; } static bool sna_accel_do_expire(struct sna *sna) { if (sna->timer_active & (1<<(EXPIRE_TIMER))) { int32_t delta = sna->timer_expire[EXPIRE_TIMER] - TIME; if (delta <= 3) { DBG(("%s (time=%ld), triggered\n", __FUNCTION__, (long)TIME)); sna->timer_expire[EXPIRE_TIMER] = TIME + MAX_INACTIVE_TIME * 1000; return true; } } else if (sna->kgem.need_expire) timer_enable(sna, EXPIRE_TIMER, MAX_INACTIVE_TIME * 1000); return false; } static void sna_accel_post_damage(struct sna *sna) { #if HAS_PIXMAP_SHARING #if GET_ABI_MAJOR(ABI_VIDEODRV_VERSION) >= 25 #define slave_dst secondary_dst #define master_pixmap primary_pixmap #endif ScreenPtr screen = to_screen_from_sna(sna); PixmapDirtyUpdatePtr dirty; xorg_list_for_each_entry(dirty, &screen->pixmap_dirty_list, ent) { RegionRec region, *damage; PixmapPtr src, dst; const BoxRec *box; int16_t dx, dy; int n; damage = DamageRegion(dirty->damage); if (RegionNil(damage)) continue; src = (PixmapPtr)dirty->src; dst = dirty->slave_dst->master_pixmap; region.extents.x1 = dirty->x; region.extents.x2 = dirty->x + dst->drawable.width; region.extents.y1 = dirty->y; region.extents.y2 = dirty->y + dst->drawable.height; region.data = NULL; DBG(("%s: pushing damage ((%d, %d), (%d, %d))x%d to slave pixmap=%d, ((%d, %d), (%d, %d))\n", __FUNCTION__, damage->extents.x1, damage->extents.y1, damage->extents.x2, damage->extents.y2, region_num_rects(damage), dst->drawable.serialNumber, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2)); RegionIntersect(®ion, ®ion, damage); if (RegionNil(®ion)) goto skip; dx = -dirty->x; dy = -dirty->y; #if HAS_DIRTYTRACKING2 dx += dirty->dst_x; dy += dirty->dst_y; #endif RegionTranslate(®ion, dx, dy); DamageRegionAppend(&dirty->slave_dst->drawable, ®ion); DBG(("%s: slave: ((%d, %d), (%d, %d))x%d\n", __FUNCTION__, region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1, region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2, region_num_rects(®ion))); box = region_rects(®ion); n = region_num_rects(®ion); if (wedged(sna)) { fallback: if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(src, MOVE_READ)) goto skip; if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_cpu(dst, MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_INPLACE_HINT)) goto skip; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { assert(src->drawable.bitsPerPixel == dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel); do { DBG(("%s: copy box (%d, %d)->(%d, %d)x(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1 - dx, box->y1 - dy, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1)); assert(box->x2 > box->x1); assert(box->y2 > box->y1); assert(box->x1 - dx >= 0); assert(box->y1 - dy >= 0); assert(box->x2 - dx <= src->drawable.width); assert(box->y2 - dy <= src->drawable.height); assert(box->x1 >= 0); assert(box->y1 >= 0); assert(box->x2 <= src->drawable.width); assert(box->y2 <= src->drawable.height); assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, sna_pixmap(src), MOVE_READ)); assert(has_coherent_ptr(sna, sna_pixmap(dst), MOVE_WRITE)); assert(src->devKind); assert(dst->devKind); memcpy_blt(src->devPrivate.ptr, dst->devPrivate.ptr, src->drawable.bitsPerPixel, src->devKind, dst->devKind, box->x1 - dx, box->y1 - dy, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); sigtrap_put(); } } else { if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(src, MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT | __MOVE_FORCE)) goto fallback; if (!sna_pixmap_move_to_gpu(dst, MOVE_READ | MOVE_WRITE | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT | __MOVE_FORCE)) goto fallback; if (!sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &src->drawable, __sna_pixmap_get_bo(src), -dx, -dy, &dst->drawable, __sna_pixmap_get_bo(dst), 0, 0, box, n, COPY_LAST)) goto fallback; /* Before signalling the slave via ProcessPending, * ensure not only the batch is submitted as the * slave may be using the Damage callback to perform * its copy, but also that the memory must be coherent * - we need to treat it as uncached for the PCI slave * will bypass LLC. */ kgem_bo_sync__gtt(&sna->kgem, __sna_pixmap_get_bo(dst)); } DamageRegionProcessPending(&dirty->slave_dst->drawable); skip: RegionUninit(®ion); DamageEmpty(dirty->damage); } #endif } static void sna_scanout_flush(struct sna *sna) { struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_accel_scanout(sna); bool busy; DBG(("%s (time=%ld), cpu damage? %d, exec? %d nbatch=%d, busy? %d\n", __FUNCTION__, (long)TIME, priv && priv->cpu_damage, priv && priv->gpu_bo->exec != NULL, sna->kgem.nbatch, sna->kgem.busy)); busy = stop_flush(sna, priv); if (!sna->kgem.busy && !busy) sna_accel_disarm_timer(sna, FLUSH_TIMER); sna->kgem.busy = busy; if (priv && sna->mode.shadow_damage == NULL && sna_pixmap_force_to_gpu(priv->pixmap, MOVE_READ | MOVE_ASYNC_HINT | __MOVE_SCANOUT)) kgem_scanout_flush(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); sna_mode_redisplay(sna); sna_accel_post_damage(sna); } static void sna_accel_throttle(struct sna *sna) { DBG(("%s (time=%ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, (long)TIME)); if (sna->kgem.need_throttle) { kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); kgem_throttle(&sna->kgem); } if (!sna->kgem.need_retire) sna_accel_disarm_timer(sna, THROTTLE_TIMER); } static void sna_pixmap_expire(struct sna *sna) { while (sna->freed_pixmap) { PixmapPtr pixmap = __pop_freed_pixmap(sna); free(sna_pixmap(pixmap)); FreePixmap(pixmap); } } static void sna_accel_expire(struct sna *sna) { DBG(("%s (time=%ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, (long)TIME)); kgem_expire_cache(&sna->kgem); sna_pixmap_expire(sna); if (!sna->kgem.need_expire) sna_accel_disarm_timer(sna, EXPIRE_TIMER); } #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY static bool sna_accel_do_debug_memory(struct sna *sna) { int32_t delta = sna->timer_expire[DEBUG_MEMORY_TIMER] - TIME; if (delta <= 3) { sna->timer_expire[DEBUG_MEMORY_TIMER] = TIME + 10 * 1000; return true; } else return false; } static void sna_accel_debug_memory(struct sna *sna) { ErrorF("Allocated pixmaps: %d (cached: %d), bo: %d, %lu bytes (CPU bo: %d, %lu bytes)\n", sna->debug_memory.pixmap_allocs, sna->debug_memory.pixmap_cached, sna->kgem.debug_memory.bo_allocs, (unsigned long)sna->kgem.debug_memory.bo_bytes, sna->debug_memory.cpu_bo_allocs, (unsigned long)sna->debug_memory.cpu_bo_bytes); #ifdef VALGRIND_DO_ADDED_LEAK_CHECK VG(VALGRIND_DO_ADDED_LEAK_CHECK); #endif } #else #define sna_accel_do_debug_memory(x) 0 static void sna_accel_debug_memory(struct sna *sna) { } #endif static ShmFuncs shm_funcs = { sna_pixmap_create_shm, NULL }; static PixmapPtr sna_get_window_pixmap(WindowPtr window) { return get_window_pixmap(window); } static void sna_set_window_pixmap(WindowPtr window, PixmapPtr pixmap) { DBG(("%s: window=%ld, old pixmap=%ld new pixmap=%ld\n", __FUNCTION__, window->drawable.id, get_window_pixmap(window) ? get_window_pixmap(window)->drawable.serialNumber : 0, pixmap->drawable.serialNumber)); sna_dri2_decouple_window(window); *(PixmapPtr *)__get_private(window, sna_window_key) = pixmap; } struct sna_visit_set_pixmap_window { PixmapPtr old, new; }; static int sna_visit_set_window_pixmap(WindowPtr window, pointer data) { struct sna_visit_set_pixmap_window *visit = data; if (sna_get_window_pixmap(window) == visit->old) { window->drawable.pScreen->SetWindowPixmap(window, visit->new); return WT_WALKCHILDREN; } return WT_DONTWALKCHILDREN; } static void migrate_dirty_tracking(PixmapPtr old_front, PixmapPtr new_front) { #if HAS_PIXMAP_SHARING ScreenPtr screen = old_front->drawable.pScreen; PixmapDirtyUpdatePtr dirty, safe; xorg_list_for_each_entry_safe(dirty, safe, &screen->pixmap_dirty_list, ent) { assert(dirty->src == old_front); if ((PixmapPtr)dirty->src != old_front) continue; DamageUnregister(&dirty->src->drawable, dirty->damage); DamageDestroy(dirty->damage); dirty->damage = DamageCreate(NULL, NULL, DamageReportNone, TRUE, screen, screen); if (!dirty->damage) { xorg_list_del(&dirty->ent); free(dirty); continue; } DamageRegister(&new_front->drawable, dirty->damage); dirty->src = (DrawablePtr)new_front; } #endif } static void sna_set_screen_pixmap(PixmapPtr pixmap) { ScreenPtr screen = pixmap->drawable.pScreen; PixmapPtr old_front = screen->devPrivate; WindowPtr root; DBG(("%s: changing from pixmap=%ld to pixmap=%ld, (sna->front=%ld)\n", __FUNCTION__, old_front ? (long)old_front->drawable.serialNumber : 0, pixmap ? (long)pixmap->drawable.serialNumber : 0, to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap)->front ? (long)to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap)->front->drawable.serialNumber : 0)); assert(to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap) == to_sna_from_screen(screen)); assert(to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap)->front == old_front); if (old_front) { assert(to_sna_from_pixmap(old_front)->front == old_front); migrate_dirty_tracking(old_front, pixmap); } root = get_root_window(screen); if (root) { struct sna_visit_set_pixmap_window visit = { old_front, pixmap }; TraverseTree(root, sna_visit_set_window_pixmap, &visit); assert(fbGetWindowPixmap(root) == pixmap); } to_sna_from_pixmap(pixmap)->front = pixmap; screen->devPrivate = pixmap; pixmap->refcnt++; if (old_front) screen->DestroyPixmap(old_front); } static Bool sna_create_window(WindowPtr win) { DBG(("%s: window=%ld\n", __FUNCTION__, win->drawable.id)); sna_set_window_pixmap(win, win->drawable.pScreen->devPrivate); return TRUE; } static Bool sna_map_window(WindowPtr win) { return TRUE; } static Bool sna_position_window(WindowPtr win, int x, int y) { return TRUE; } static Bool sna_unmap_window(WindowPtr win) { return TRUE; } static Bool sna_destroy_window(WindowPtr win) { DBG(("%s: window=%ld\n", __FUNCTION__, win->drawable.id)); sna_video_destroy_window(win); sna_dri2_destroy_window(win); return TRUE; } static void sna_query_best_size(int class, unsigned short *width, unsigned short *height, ScreenPtr screen) { unsigned short w; switch (class) { case CursorShape: if (*width > screen->width) *width = screen->width; if (*height > screen->height) *height = screen->height; break; case TileShape: case StippleShape: w = *width; if ((w & (w - 1)) && w < FB_UNIT) { for (w = 1; w < *width; w <<= 1) ; *width = w; } break; } } static void sna_store_colors(ColormapPtr cmap, int n, xColorItem *def) { } static bool sna_picture_init(ScreenPtr screen) { PictureScreenPtr ps; DBG(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__)); if (!miPictureInit(screen, NULL, 0)) return false; ps = GetPictureScreen(screen); assert(ps != NULL); assert(ps->CreatePicture != NULL); assert(ps->DestroyPicture != NULL); ps->Composite = sna_composite; ps->CompositeRects = sna_composite_rectangles; ps->Glyphs = sna_glyphs; if (xf86IsEntityShared(xf86ScreenToScrn(screen)->entityList[0])) ps->Glyphs = sna_glyphs__shared; ps->UnrealizeGlyph = sna_glyph_unrealize; ps->AddTraps = sna_add_traps; ps->Trapezoids = sna_composite_trapezoids; #if HAS_PIXMAN_TRIANGLES ps->Triangles = sna_composite_triangles; #if PICTURE_SCREEN_VERSION >= 2 ps->TriStrip = sna_composite_tristrip; ps->TriFan = sna_composite_trifan; #endif #endif return true; } static bool sna_option_accel_none(struct sna *sna) { const char *s; if (wedged(sna)) return true; if (!xf86ReturnOptValBool(sna->Options, OPTION_ACCEL_ENABLE, TRUE)) return true; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0120) return true; if (!intel_option_cast_to_bool(sna->Options, OPTION_ACCEL_METHOD, !IS_DEFAULT_ACCEL_METHOD(NOACCEL))) return false; #if XORG_VERSION_CURRENT >= XORG_VERSION_NUMERIC(1,7,99,901,0) s = xf86GetOptValString(sna->Options, OPTION_ACCEL_METHOD); if (s == NULL) return IS_DEFAULT_ACCEL_METHOD(NOACCEL); return strcasecmp(s, "none") == 0; #else return IS_DEFAULT_ACCEL_METHOD(NOACCEL); #endif } static bool sna_option_accel_blt(struct sna *sna) { const char *s; assert(sna->kgem.gen < 0120); s = xf86GetOptValString(sna->Options, OPTION_ACCEL_METHOD); if (s == NULL) return false; return strcasecmp(s, "blt") == 0; } #if HAVE_NOTIFY_FD static void sna_accel_notify(int fd, int ready, void *data) { sna_mode_wakeup(data); } #endif bool sna_accel_init(ScreenPtr screen, struct sna *sna) { const char *backend; DBG(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_font_key = AllocateFontPrivateIndex(); list_init(&sna->flush_pixmaps); list_init(&sna->active_pixmaps); SetNotifyFd(sna->kgem.fd, sna_accel_notify, X_NOTIFY_READ, sna); #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY sna->timer_expire[DEBUG_MEMORY_TIMER] = GetTimeInMillis()+ 10 * 1000; #endif screen->defColormap = FakeClientID(0); /* let CreateDefColormap do whatever it wants for pixels */ screen->blackPixel = screen->whitePixel = (Pixel) 0; screen->QueryBestSize = sna_query_best_size; assert(screen->GetImage == NULL); screen->GetImage = sna_get_image; assert(screen->GetSpans == NULL); screen->GetSpans = sna_get_spans; assert(screen->CreateWindow == NULL); screen->CreateWindow = sna_create_window; assert(screen->DestroyWindow == NULL); screen->DestroyWindow = sna_destroy_window; screen->PositionWindow = sna_position_window; screen->ChangeWindowAttributes = sna_change_window_attributes; screen->RealizeWindow = sna_map_window; screen->UnrealizeWindow = sna_unmap_window; screen->CopyWindow = sna_copy_window; assert(screen->CreatePixmap == NULL); screen->CreatePixmap = sna_create_pixmap; assert(screen->DestroyPixmap == NULL); screen->DestroyPixmap = sna_destroy_pixmap; #ifdef CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_SHARED screen->SharePixmapBacking = sna_share_pixmap_backing; screen->SetSharedPixmapBacking = sna_set_shared_pixmap_backing; #endif screen->RealizeFont = sna_realize_font; screen->UnrealizeFont = sna_unrealize_font; assert(screen->CreateGC == NULL); screen->CreateGC = sna_create_gc; screen->CreateColormap = miInitializeColormap; screen->DestroyColormap = (void (*)(ColormapPtr)) NoopDDA; screen->InstallColormap = miInstallColormap; screen->UninstallColormap = miUninstallColormap; screen->ListInstalledColormaps = miListInstalledColormaps; screen->ResolveColor = miResolveColor; assert(screen->StoreColors == NULL); screen->StoreColors = sna_store_colors; screen->BitmapToRegion = fbBitmapToRegion; #if HAS_PIXMAP_SHARING screen->StartPixmapTracking = PixmapStartDirtyTracking; screen->StopPixmapTracking = PixmapStopDirtyTracking; #endif assert(screen->GetWindowPixmap == NULL); screen->GetWindowPixmap = sna_get_window_pixmap; assert(screen->SetWindowPixmap == NULL); screen->SetWindowPixmap = sna_set_window_pixmap; screen->SetScreenPixmap = sna_set_screen_pixmap; if (sna->kgem.has_userptr) ShmRegisterFuncs(screen, &shm_funcs); else ShmRegisterFbFuncs(screen); if (!sna_picture_init(screen)) return false; backend = no_render_init(sna); if (sna_option_accel_none(sna)) { backend = "disabled"; sna->kgem.wedged = true; sna_render_mark_wedged(sna); } else if (sna_option_accel_blt(sna)) (void)backend; else if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0110) backend = gen9_render_init(sna, backend); else if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) backend = gen8_render_init(sna, backend); else if (sna->kgem.gen >= 070) backend = gen7_render_init(sna, backend); else if (sna->kgem.gen >= 060) backend = gen6_render_init(sna, backend); else if (sna->kgem.gen >= 050) backend = gen5_render_init(sna, backend); else if (sna->kgem.gen >= 040) backend = gen4_render_init(sna, backend); else if (sna->kgem.gen >= 030) backend = gen3_render_init(sna, backend); else if (sna->kgem.gen >= 020) backend = gen2_render_init(sna, backend); DBG(("%s(backend=%s, prefer_gpu=%x)\n", __FUNCTION__, backend, sna->render.prefer_gpu)); kgem_reset(&sna->kgem); sigtrap_init(); xf86DrvMsg(sna->scrn->scrnIndex, X_INFO, "SNA initialized with %s backend\n", backend); return true; } void sna_accel_create(struct sna *sna) { ExtensionEntry *damage; DBG(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__)); damage = CheckExtension("DAMAGE"); if (damage) sna->damage_event = damage->eventBase + XDamageNotify; if (!sna_glyphs_create(sna)) goto fail; if (!sna_gradients_create(sna)) goto fail; if (!sna_composite_create(sna)) goto fail; return; fail: xf86DrvMsg(sna->scrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR, "Failed to allocate caches, disabling RENDER acceleration\n"); no_render_init(sna); } static void sna_shm_watch_flush(struct sna *sna, int enable) { DBG(("%s: enable=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, enable)); assert(enable); if (sna->watch_shm_flush == 0) { DBG(("%s: installing shm watchers\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(enable > 0); if (!AddCallback(&FlushCallback, sna_shm_flush_callback, sna)) return; sna->watch_shm_flush++; } sna->watch_shm_flush += enable; } void sna_watch_flush(struct sna *sna, int enable) { DBG(("%s: enable=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, enable)); assert(enable); if (sna->watch_dri_flush == 0) { int err = 0; DBG(("%s: installing watchers\n", __FUNCTION__)); assert(enable > 0); if (!sna->damage_event) return; if (!AddCallback(&EventCallback, sna_event_callback, sna)) err = 1; if (!AddCallback(&FlushCallback, sna_flush_callback, sna)) err = 1; if (err) { xf86DrvMsg(sna->scrn->scrnIndex, X_Error, "Failed to attach ourselves to the flush callbacks, expect missing synchronisation with DRI clients (e.g a compositor)\n"); } sna->watch_dri_flush++; } sna->watch_dri_flush += enable; } void sna_accel_leave(struct sna *sna) { DBG(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_scanout_flush(sna); /* as root we always have permission to render */ if (geteuid() == 0) return; /* as a user, we can only render now if we have a rendernode */ if (intel_has_render_node(sna->dev)) return; /* no longer authorized to use our fd */ DBG(("%s: dropping render privileges\n", __FUNCTION__)); kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); sna->kgem.wedged |= 2; } void sna_accel_enter(struct sna *sna) { DBG(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna->kgem.wedged &= kgem_is_wedged(&sna->kgem); kgem_throttle(&sna->kgem); } void sna_accel_close(struct sna *sna) { DBG(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__)); sna_composite_close(sna); sna_gradients_close(sna); sna_glyphs_close(sna); sna_pixmap_expire(sna); DeleteCallback(&FlushCallback, sna_shm_flush_callback, sna); DeleteCallback(&FlushCallback, sna_flush_callback, sna); DeleteCallback(&EventCallback, sna_event_callback, sna); RemoveNotifyFd(sna->kgem.fd); kgem_cleanup_cache(&sna->kgem); } void sna_accel_block(struct sna *sna, struct timeval **tv) { sigtrap_assert_inactive(); if (sna->kgem.need_retire) kgem_retire(&sna->kgem); kgem_retire__buffers(&sna->kgem); if (sna->timer_active) UpdateCurrentTimeIf(); if (sna->kgem.nbatch && (sna->kgem.scanout_busy || kgem_ring_is_idle(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.ring))) { DBG(("%s: GPU idle, flushing\n", __FUNCTION__)); _kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); } if (sna->mode.dirty) sna_crtc_config_notify(xf86ScrnToScreen(sna->scrn)); restart: if (sna_scanout_do_flush(sna)) sna_scanout_flush(sna); assert(sna_accel_scanout(sna) == NULL || !sna_accel_scanout(sna)->gpu_bo->needs_flush || sna->timer_active & (1<<(FLUSH_TIMER))); if (sna_accel_do_throttle(sna)) sna_accel_throttle(sna); assert(!sna->kgem.need_retire || sna->timer_active & (1<<(THROTTLE_TIMER))); if (sna_accel_do_expire(sna)) sna_accel_expire(sna); assert(!sna->kgem.need_expire || sna->timer_active & (1<<(EXPIRE_TIMER))); if (sna_accel_do_debug_memory(sna)) sna_accel_debug_memory(sna); if (sna->watch_shm_flush == 1) { DBG(("%s: removing shm watchers\n", __FUNCTION__)); DeleteCallback(&FlushCallback, sna_shm_flush_callback, sna); sna->watch_shm_flush = 0; } if (sna->watch_dri_flush == 1) { DBG(("%s: removing dri watchers\n", __FUNCTION__)); DeleteCallback(&FlushCallback, sna_flush_callback, sna); DeleteCallback(&EventCallback, sna_event_callback, sna); sna->watch_dri_flush = 0; } if (sna->timer_active & 1) { int32_t timeout; DBG(("%s: evaluating timers, active=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, sna->timer_active)); timeout = sna->timer_expire[FLUSH_TIMER] - TIME; DBG(("%s: flush timer expires in %d [%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, timeout, sna->timer_expire[FLUSH_TIMER])); if (timeout < 3) goto restart; if (*tv == NULL) { *tv = &sna->timer_tv; goto set_tv; } if ((*tv)->tv_sec * 1000 + (*tv)->tv_usec / 1000 > timeout) { set_tv: (*tv)->tv_sec = timeout / 1000; (*tv)->tv_usec = timeout % 1000 * 1000; } } sna->kgem.scanout_busy = false; if (FAULT_INJECTION && (rand() % FAULT_INJECTION) == 0) { DBG(("%s hardware acceleration\n", sna->kgem.wedged ? "Re-enabling" : "Disabling")); kgem_submit(&sna->kgem); sna->kgem.wedged = !sna->kgem.wedged; } } void sna_accel_free(struct sna *sna) { DBG(("%s\n", __FUNCTION__)); sigtrap_assert_inactive(); }