/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Chris Wilson <chris@chris-wilson.co.uk> * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "sna.h" #include "sna_render.h" #include "sna_reg.h" #include <sys/mman.h> #define PITCH(x, y) ALIGN((x)*(y), 4) #define FORCE_INPLACE 0 /* 1 upload directly, -1 force indirect */ /* XXX Need to avoid using GTT fenced access for I915_TILING_Y on 855GM */ static inline bool upload_too_large(struct sna *sna, int width, int height) { return width * height * 4 > sna->kgem.max_upload_tile_size; } static inline bool must_tile(struct sna *sna, int width, int height) { return (width > sna->render.max_3d_size || height > sna->render.max_3d_size || upload_too_large(sna, width, height)); } static bool download_inplace__cpu(struct kgem *kgem, PixmapPtr p, struct kgem_bo *bo, const BoxRec *box, int nbox) { BoxRec extents; switch (bo->tiling) { case I915_TILING_X: if (!kgem->memcpy_from_tiled_x) return false; case I915_TILING_NONE: break; default: return false; } if (!kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(kgem, bo, false)) return false; if (kgem->has_llc) return true; extents = *box; while (--nbox) { ++box; if (box->x1 < extents.x1) extents.x1 = box->x1; if (box->x2 > extents.x2) extents.x2 = box->x2; extents.y2 = box->y2; } if (extents.x2 - extents.x1 == p->drawable.width && extents.y2 - extents.y1 == p->drawable.height) return true; return __kgem_bo_size(bo) <= PAGE_SIZE; } static bool read_boxes_inplace__cpu(struct kgem *kgem, PixmapPtr pixmap, struct kgem_bo *bo, const BoxRec *box, int n) { int bpp = pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel; void *src, *dst = pixmap->devPrivate.ptr; int src_pitch = bo->pitch; int dst_pitch = pixmap->devKind; if (!download_inplace__cpu(kgem, dst, bo, box, n)) return false; if (bo->tiling == I915_TILING_Y) return false; assert(kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(kgem, bo, false)); src = kgem_bo_map__cpu(kgem, bo); if (src == NULL) return false; kgem_bo_sync__cpu_full(kgem, bo, 0); if (sigtrap_get()) return false; DBG(("%s x %d\n", __FUNCTION__, n)); if (bo->tiling == I915_TILING_X) { do { memcpy_from_tiled_x(kgem, src, dst, bpp, src_pitch, dst_pitch, box->x1, box->y1, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); } else { do { memcpy_blt(src, dst, bpp, src_pitch, dst_pitch, box->x1, box->y1, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); } sigtrap_put(); return true; } static void read_boxes_inplace(struct kgem *kgem, PixmapPtr pixmap, struct kgem_bo *bo, const BoxRec *box, int n) { int bpp = pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel; void *src, *dst = pixmap->devPrivate.ptr; int src_pitch = bo->pitch; int dst_pitch = pixmap->devKind; if (read_boxes_inplace__cpu(kgem, pixmap, bo, box, n)) return; DBG(("%s x %d, tiling=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n, bo->tiling)); if (!kgem_bo_can_map(kgem, bo)) return; kgem_bo_submit(kgem, bo); src = kgem_bo_map(kgem, bo); if (src == NULL) return; if (sigtrap_get()) return; assert(src != dst); do { DBG(("%s: copying box (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2, box->y2)); assert(box->x2 > box->x1); assert(box->y2 > box->y1); assert(box->x1 >= 0); assert(box->y1 >= 0); assert(box->x2 <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(box->y2 <= pixmap->drawable.height); assert(box->x1 >= 0); assert(box->y1 >= 0); assert(box->x2 <= pixmap->drawable.width); assert(box->y2 <= pixmap->drawable.height); memcpy_blt(src, dst, bpp, src_pitch, dst_pitch, box->x1, box->y1, box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); sigtrap_put(); } static bool download_inplace(struct kgem *kgem, PixmapPtr p, struct kgem_bo *bo, const BoxRec *box, int nbox) { bool cpu; if (unlikely(kgem->wedged)) return true; cpu = download_inplace__cpu(kgem, p, bo, box, nbox); if (!cpu && !kgem_bo_can_map(kgem, bo)) return false; if (FORCE_INPLACE) return FORCE_INPLACE > 0; if (cpu) return true; if (kgem->can_blt_cpu && kgem->max_cpu_size) return false; return !__kgem_bo_is_busy(kgem, bo); } void sna_read_boxes(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr dst, struct kgem_bo *src_bo, const BoxRec *box, int nbox) { struct kgem *kgem = &sna->kgem; struct kgem_bo *dst_bo; BoxRec extents; const BoxRec *tmp_box; int tmp_nbox; void *ptr; int src_pitch, cpp, offset; int n, cmd, br13; bool can_blt; DBG(("%s x %d, src=(handle=%d), dst=(size=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, nbox, src_bo->handle, dst->drawable.width, dst->drawable.height)); #ifndef NDEBUG for (n = 0; n < nbox; n++) { if (box[n].x1 < 0 || box[n].y1 < 0 || box[n].x2 * dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel/8 > src_bo->pitch || box[n].y2 * src_bo->pitch > kgem_bo_size(src_bo)) { FatalError("source out-of-bounds box[%d]=(%d, %d), (%d, %d), pitch=%d, size=%d\n", n, box[n].x1, box[n].y1, box[n].x2, box[n].y2, src_bo->pitch, kgem_bo_size(src_bo)); } } #endif /* XXX The gpu is faster to perform detiling in bulk, but takes * longer to setup and retrieve the results, with an additional * copy. The long term solution is to use snoopable bo and avoid * this path. */ if (download_inplace(kgem, dst, src_bo, box, nbox)) { fallback: read_boxes_inplace(kgem, dst, src_bo, box, nbox); return; } can_blt = kgem_bo_can_blt(kgem, src_bo) && (box[0].x2 - box[0].x1) * dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel < 8 * (MAXSHORT - 4); extents = box[0]; for (n = 1; n < nbox; n++) { if (box[n].x1 < extents.x1) extents.x1 = box[n].x1; if (box[n].x2 > extents.x2) extents.x2 = box[n].x2; if (can_blt) can_blt = (box[n].x2 - box[n].x1) * dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel < 8 * (MAXSHORT - 4); if (box[n].y1 < extents.y1) extents.y1 = box[n].y1; if (box[n].y2 > extents.y2) extents.y2 = box[n].y2; } if (!can_blt && sna->render.max_3d_size == 0) goto fallback; if (kgem_bo_can_map(kgem, src_bo)) { /* Is it worth detiling? */ if ((extents.y2 - extents.y1 - 1) * src_bo->pitch < 4096) goto fallback; } /* Try to avoid switching rings... */ if (!can_blt || kgem->ring == KGEM_RENDER || upload_too_large(sna, extents.x2 - extents.x1, extents.y2 - extents.y1)) { DrawableRec tmp; tmp.width = extents.x2 - extents.x1; tmp.height = extents.y2 - extents.y1; tmp.depth = dst->drawable.depth; tmp.bitsPerPixel = dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel; assert(tmp.width); assert(tmp.height); if (must_tile(sna, tmp.width, tmp.height)) { BoxRec tile, stack[64], *clipped, *c; int step; if (n > ARRAY_SIZE(stack)) { clipped = malloc(sizeof(BoxRec) * n); if (clipped == NULL) goto fallback; } else clipped = stack; step = MIN(sna->render.max_3d_size, 8*(MAXSHORT&~63) / dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel); while (step * step * 4 > sna->kgem.max_upload_tile_size) step /= 2; DBG(("%s: tiling download, using %dx%d tiles\n", __FUNCTION__, step, step)); assert(step); for (tile.y1 = extents.y1; tile.y1 < extents.y2; tile.y1 = tile.y2) { int y2 = tile.y1 + step; if (y2 > extents.y2) y2 = extents.y2; tile.y2 = y2; for (tile.x1 = extents.x1; tile.x1 < extents.x2; tile.x1 = tile.x2) { int x2 = tile.x1 + step; if (x2 > extents.x2) x2 = extents.x2; tile.x2 = x2; tmp.width = tile.x2 - tile.x1; tmp.height = tile.y2 - tile.y1; c = clipped; for (n = 0; n < nbox; n++) { *c = box[n]; if (!box_intersect(c, &tile)) continue; DBG(("%s: box(%d, %d), (%d, %d),, dst=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, c->x1, c->y1, c->x2, c->y2, c->x1 - tile.x1, c->y1 - tile.y1)); c++; } if (c == clipped) continue; dst_bo = kgem_create_buffer_2d(kgem, tmp.width, tmp.height, tmp.bitsPerPixel, KGEM_BUFFER_LAST, &ptr); if (!dst_bo) { if (clipped != stack) free(clipped); goto fallback; } if (!sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &dst->drawable, src_bo, 0, 0, &tmp, dst_bo, -tile.x1, -tile.y1, clipped, c-clipped, COPY_LAST)) { kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, dst_bo); if (clipped != stack) free(clipped); goto fallback; } kgem_bo_submit(&sna->kgem, dst_bo); kgem_buffer_read_sync(kgem, dst_bo); if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { while (c-- != clipped) { memcpy_blt(ptr, dst->devPrivate.ptr, tmp.bitsPerPixel, dst_bo->pitch, dst->devKind, c->x1 - tile.x1, c->y1 - tile.y1, c->x1, c->y1, c->x2 - c->x1, c->y2 - c->y1); } sigtrap_put(); } kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, dst_bo); } } if (clipped != stack) free(clipped); } else { dst_bo = kgem_create_buffer_2d(kgem, tmp.width, tmp.height, tmp.bitsPerPixel, KGEM_BUFFER_LAST, &ptr); if (!dst_bo) goto fallback; if (!sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &dst->drawable, src_bo, 0, 0, &tmp, dst_bo, -extents.x1, -extents.y1, box, nbox, COPY_LAST)) { kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, dst_bo); goto fallback; } kgem_bo_submit(&sna->kgem, dst_bo); kgem_buffer_read_sync(kgem, dst_bo); if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { for (n = 0; n < nbox; n++) { memcpy_blt(ptr, dst->devPrivate.ptr, tmp.bitsPerPixel, dst_bo->pitch, dst->devKind, box[n].x1 - extents.x1, box[n].y1 - extents.y1, box[n].x1, box[n].y1, box[n].x2 - box[n].x1, box[n].y2 - box[n].y1); } sigtrap_put(); } kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, dst_bo); } return; } /* count the total number of bytes to be read and allocate a bo */ cpp = dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel / 8; offset = 0; for (n = 0; n < nbox; n++) { int height = box[n].y2 - box[n].y1; int width = box[n].x2 - box[n].x1; offset += PITCH(width, cpp) * height; } DBG((" read buffer size=%d\n", offset)); dst_bo = kgem_create_buffer(kgem, offset, KGEM_BUFFER_LAST, &ptr); if (!dst_bo) { read_boxes_inplace(kgem, dst, src_bo, box, nbox); return; } cmd = XY_SRC_COPY_BLT_CMD; src_pitch = src_bo->pitch; if (kgem->gen >= 040 && src_bo->tiling) { cmd |= BLT_SRC_TILED; src_pitch >>= 2; } br13 = 0xcc << 16; switch (cpp) { default: case 4: cmd |= BLT_WRITE_ALPHA | BLT_WRITE_RGB; br13 |= 1 << 25; /* RGB8888 */ case 2: br13 |= 1 << 24; /* RGB565 */ case 1: break; } kgem_set_mode(kgem, KGEM_BLT, dst_bo); if (!kgem_check_batch(kgem, 10) || !kgem_check_reloc_and_exec(kgem, 2) || !kgem_check_many_bo_fenced(kgem, dst_bo, src_bo, NULL)) { kgem_submit(kgem); if (!kgem_check_many_bo_fenced(kgem, dst_bo, src_bo, NULL)) goto fallback; _kgem_set_mode(kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, src_bo, NULL); tmp_nbox = nbox; tmp_box = box; offset = 0; if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { cmd |= 8; do { int nbox_this_time, rem; nbox_this_time = tmp_nbox; rem = kgem_batch_space(kgem); if (10*nbox_this_time > rem) nbox_this_time = rem / 8; if (2*nbox_this_time > KGEM_RELOC_SIZE(kgem) - kgem->nreloc) nbox_this_time = (KGEM_RELOC_SIZE(kgem) - kgem->nreloc) / 2; assert(nbox_this_time); tmp_nbox -= nbox_this_time; assert(kgem->mode == KGEM_BLT); for (n = 0; n < nbox_this_time; n++) { int height = tmp_box[n].y2 - tmp_box[n].y1; int width = tmp_box[n].x2 - tmp_box[n].x1; int pitch = PITCH(width, cpp); uint32_t *b = kgem->batch + kgem->nbatch; DBG((" blt offset %x: (%d, %d) x (%d, %d), pitch=%d\n", offset, tmp_box[n].x1, tmp_box[n].y1, width, height, pitch)); assert(tmp_box[n].x1 >= 0); assert(tmp_box[n].x2 * dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel/8 <= src_bo->pitch); assert(tmp_box[n].y1 >= 0); assert(tmp_box[n].y2 * src_bo->pitch <= kgem_bo_size(src_bo)); b[0] = cmd; b[1] = br13 | pitch; b[2] = 0; b[3] = height << 16 | width; *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(kgem, kgem->nbatch + 4, dst_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, offset); b[6] = tmp_box[n].y1 << 16 | tmp_box[n].x1; b[7] = src_pitch; *(uint64_t *)(b+8) = kgem_add_reloc64(kgem, kgem->nbatch + 8, src_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); kgem->nbatch += 10; offset += pitch * height; } _kgem_submit(kgem); if (!tmp_nbox) break; _kgem_set_mode(kgem, KGEM_BLT); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, src_bo, NULL); tmp_box += nbox_this_time; } while (1); } else { cmd |= 6; do { int nbox_this_time, rem; nbox_this_time = tmp_nbox; rem = kgem_batch_space(kgem); if (8*nbox_this_time > rem) nbox_this_time = rem / 8; if (2*nbox_this_time > KGEM_RELOC_SIZE(kgem) - kgem->nreloc) nbox_this_time = (KGEM_RELOC_SIZE(kgem) - kgem->nreloc) / 2; assert(nbox_this_time); tmp_nbox -= nbox_this_time; assert(kgem->mode == KGEM_BLT); for (n = 0; n < nbox_this_time; n++) { int height = tmp_box[n].y2 - tmp_box[n].y1; int width = tmp_box[n].x2 - tmp_box[n].x1; int pitch = PITCH(width, cpp); uint32_t *b = kgem->batch + kgem->nbatch; DBG((" blt offset %x: (%d, %d) x (%d, %d), pitch=%d\n", offset, tmp_box[n].x1, tmp_box[n].y1, width, height, pitch)); assert(tmp_box[n].x1 >= 0); assert(tmp_box[n].x2 * dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel/8 <= src_bo->pitch); assert(tmp_box[n].y1 >= 0); assert(tmp_box[n].y2 * src_bo->pitch <= kgem_bo_size(src_bo)); b[0] = cmd; b[1] = br13 | pitch; b[2] = 0; b[3] = height << 16 | width; b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(kgem, kgem->nbatch + 4, dst_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, offset); b[5] = tmp_box[n].y1 << 16 | tmp_box[n].x1; b[6] = src_pitch; b[7] = kgem_add_reloc(kgem, kgem->nbatch + 7, src_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); kgem->nbatch += 8; offset += pitch * height; } _kgem_submit(kgem); if (!tmp_nbox) break; _kgem_set_mode(kgem, KGEM_BLT); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, src_bo, NULL); tmp_box += nbox_this_time; } while (1); } assert(offset == __kgem_buffer_size(dst_bo)); kgem_buffer_read_sync(kgem, dst_bo); if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { char *src = ptr; do { int height = box->y2 - box->y1; int width = box->x2 - box->x1; int pitch = PITCH(width, cpp); DBG((" copy offset %lx [%08x...%08x...%08x]: (%d, %d) x (%d, %d), src pitch=%d, dst pitch=%d, bpp=%d\n", (long)((char *)src - (char *)ptr), *(uint32_t*)src, *(uint32_t*)(src+pitch*height/2 + pitch/2 - 4), *(uint32_t*)(src+pitch*height - 4), box->x1, box->y1, width, height, pitch, dst->devKind, cpp*8)); assert(box->x1 >= 0); assert(box->x2 <= dst->drawable.width); assert(box->y1 >= 0); assert(box->y2 <= dst->drawable.height); memcpy_blt(src, dst->devPrivate.ptr, cpp*8, pitch, dst->devKind, 0, 0, box->x1, box->y1, width, height); box++; src += pitch * height; } while (--nbox); assert(src - (char *)ptr == __kgem_buffer_size(dst_bo)); sigtrap_put(); } kgem_bo_destroy(kgem, dst_bo); sna->blt_state.fill_bo = 0; } static bool upload_inplace__tiled(struct kgem *kgem, struct kgem_bo *bo) { DBG(("%s: tiling=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, bo->tiling)); switch (bo->tiling) { case I915_TILING_Y: return false; case I915_TILING_X: if (!kgem->memcpy_to_tiled_x) return false; default: break; } if (kgem->has_wc_mmap) return true; return kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(kgem, bo, true); } static bool write_boxes_inplace__tiled(struct kgem *kgem, const uint8_t *src, int stride, int bpp, int16_t src_dx, int16_t src_dy, struct kgem_bo *bo, int16_t dst_dx, int16_t dst_dy, const BoxRec *box, int n) { uint8_t *dst; if (bo->tiling == I915_TILING_Y) return false; assert(kgem->has_wc_mmap || kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(kgem, bo, true)); if (kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(kgem, bo, true)) { dst = kgem_bo_map__cpu(kgem, bo); if (dst == NULL) return false; kgem_bo_sync__cpu(kgem, bo); } else { dst = kgem_bo_map__wc(kgem, bo); if (dst == NULL) return false; kgem_bo_sync__gtt(kgem, bo); } if (sigtrap_get()) return false; if (bo->tiling) { do { memcpy_to_tiled_x(kgem, src, dst, bpp, stride, bo->pitch, box->x1 + src_dx, box->y1 + src_dy, box->x1 + dst_dx, box->y1 + dst_dy, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); } else { do { memcpy_blt(src, dst, bpp, stride, bo->pitch, box->x1 + src_dx, box->y1 + src_dy, box->x1 + dst_dx, box->y1 + dst_dy, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); } sigtrap_put(); return true; } static bool write_boxes_inplace(struct kgem *kgem, const void *src, int stride, int bpp, int16_t src_dx, int16_t src_dy, struct kgem_bo *bo, int16_t dst_dx, int16_t dst_dy, const BoxRec *box, int n) { void *dst; DBG(("%s x %d, handle=%d, tiling=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n, bo->handle, bo->tiling)); if (upload_inplace__tiled(kgem, bo) && write_boxes_inplace__tiled(kgem, src, stride, bpp, src_dx, src_dy, bo, dst_dx, dst_dy, box, n)) return true; if (!kgem_bo_can_map(kgem, bo)) return false; kgem_bo_submit(kgem, bo); dst = kgem_bo_map(kgem, bo); if (dst == NULL) return false; assert(dst != src); if (sigtrap_get()) return false; do { DBG(("%s: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d) x (%d, %d) [bpp=%d, src_pitch=%d, dst_pitch=%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1 + src_dx, box->y1 + src_dy, box->x1 + dst_dx, box->y1 + dst_dy, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1, bpp, stride, bo->pitch)); assert(box->x2 > box->x1); assert(box->y2 > box->y1); assert(box->x1 + dst_dx >= 0); assert((box->x2 + dst_dx)*bpp <= 8*bo->pitch); assert(box->y1 + dst_dy >= 0); assert((box->y2 + dst_dy)*bo->pitch <= kgem_bo_size(bo)); assert(box->x1 + src_dx >= 0); assert((box->x2 + src_dx)*bpp <= 8*stride); assert(box->y1 + src_dy >= 0); memcpy_blt(src, dst, bpp, stride, bo->pitch, box->x1 + src_dx, box->y1 + src_dy, box->x1 + dst_dx, box->y1 + dst_dy, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } while (--n); sigtrap_put(); return true; } static bool __upload_inplace(struct kgem *kgem, struct kgem_bo *bo, const BoxRec *box, int n, int bpp) { unsigned int bytes; if (FORCE_INPLACE) return FORCE_INPLACE > 0; if (bo->exec) return false; if (bo->flush) return true; if (kgem_bo_can_map__cpu(kgem, bo, true)) return true; /* If we are writing through the GTT, check first if we might be * able to almagamate a series of small writes into a single * operation. */ bytes = 0; while (n--) { bytes += (box->x2 - box->x1) * (box->y2 - box->y1); box++; } if (__kgem_bo_is_busy(kgem, bo)) return bytes * bpp >> 12 >= kgem->half_cpu_cache_pages; else return bytes * bpp >> 12; } static bool upload_inplace(struct kgem *kgem, struct kgem_bo *bo, const BoxRec *box, int n, int bpp) { if (unlikely(kgem->wedged)) return true; if (!kgem_bo_can_map(kgem, bo) && !upload_inplace__tiled(kgem, bo)) return false; return __upload_inplace(kgem, bo, box, n,bpp); } bool sna_write_boxes(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr dst, struct kgem_bo * const dst_bo, int16_t const dst_dx, int16_t const dst_dy, const void * const src, int const stride, int16_t const src_dx, int16_t const src_dy, const BoxRec *box, int nbox) { struct kgem *kgem = &sna->kgem; struct kgem_bo *src_bo; BoxRec extents; void *ptr; int offset; int n, cmd, br13; bool can_blt; DBG(("%s x %d, src stride=%d, src dx=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, nbox, stride, src_dx, src_dy)); if (upload_inplace(kgem, dst_bo, box, nbox, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel) && write_boxes_inplace(kgem, src, stride, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel, src_dx, src_dy, dst_bo, dst_dx, dst_dy, box, nbox)) return true; if (wedged(sna)) return false; can_blt = kgem_bo_can_blt(kgem, dst_bo) && (box[0].x2 - box[0].x1) * dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel < 8 * (MAXSHORT - 4); extents = box[0]; for (n = 1; n < nbox; n++) { if (box[n].x1 < extents.x1) extents.x1 = box[n].x1; if (box[n].x2 > extents.x2) extents.x2 = box[n].x2; if (can_blt) can_blt = (box[n].x2 - box[n].x1) * dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel < 8 * (MAXSHORT - 4); if (box[n].y1 < extents.y1) extents.y1 = box[n].y1; if (box[n].y2 > extents.y2) extents.y2 = box[n].y2; } if (!can_blt && sna->render.max_3d_size == 0) goto fallback; /* Try to avoid switching rings... */ if (!can_blt || kgem->ring == KGEM_RENDER || upload_too_large(sna, extents.x2 - extents.x1, extents.y2 - extents.y1)) { DrawableRec tmp; tmp.width = extents.x2 - extents.x1; tmp.height = extents.y2 - extents.y1; tmp.depth = dst->drawable.depth; tmp.bitsPerPixel = dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel; assert(tmp.width); assert(tmp.height); DBG(("%s: upload (%d, %d)x(%d, %d), max %dx%d\n", __FUNCTION__, extents.x1, extents.y1, tmp.width, tmp.height, sna->render.max_3d_size, sna->render.max_3d_size)); if (must_tile(sna, tmp.width, tmp.height)) { BoxRec tile, stack[64], *clipped; int cpp, step; tile: cpp = dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel / 8; step = MIN(sna->render.max_3d_size, (MAXSHORT&~63) / cpp); while (step * step * cpp > sna->kgem.max_upload_tile_size) step /= 2; if (step * cpp > 4096) step = 4096 / cpp; assert(step); DBG(("%s: tiling upload, using %dx%d tiles\n", __FUNCTION__, step, step)); if (n > ARRAY_SIZE(stack)) { clipped = malloc(sizeof(BoxRec) * n); if (clipped == NULL) goto fallback; } else clipped = stack; for (tile.y1 = extents.y1; tile.y1 < extents.y2; tile.y1 = tile.y2) { int y2 = tile.y1 + step; if (y2 > extents.y2) y2 = extents.y2; tile.y2 = y2; for (tile.x1 = extents.x1; tile.x1 < extents.x2; tile.x1 = tile.x2) { int x2 = tile.x1 + step; if (x2 > extents.x2) x2 = extents.x2; tile.x2 = x2; tmp.width = tile.x2 - tile.x1; tmp.height = tile.y2 - tile.y1; src_bo = kgem_create_buffer_2d(kgem, tmp.width, tmp.height, tmp.bitsPerPixel, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE, &ptr); if (!src_bo) { if (clipped != stack) free(clipped); goto fallback; } if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { BoxRec *c = clipped; for (n = 0; n < nbox; n++) { *c = box[n]; if (!box_intersect(c, &tile)) continue; DBG(("%s: box(%d, %d), (%d, %d), src=(%d, %d), dst=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, c->x1, c->y1, c->x2, c->y2, src_dx, src_dy, c->x1 - tile.x1, c->y1 - tile.y1)); memcpy_blt(src, ptr, tmp.bitsPerPixel, stride, src_bo->pitch, c->x1 + src_dx, c->y1 + src_dy, c->x1 - tile.x1, c->y1 - tile.y1, c->x2 - c->x1, c->y2 - c->y1); c++; } if (c != clipped) n = sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &tmp, src_bo, -tile.x1, -tile.y1, &dst->drawable, dst_bo, dst_dx, dst_dy, clipped, c - clipped, 0); else n = 1; sigtrap_put(); } else n = 0; kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, src_bo); if (!n) { if (clipped != stack) free(clipped); goto fallback; } } } if (clipped != stack) free(clipped); } else { src_bo = kgem_create_buffer_2d(kgem, tmp.width, tmp.height, tmp.bitsPerPixel, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE, &ptr); if (!src_bo) goto fallback; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { for (n = 0; n < nbox; n++) { DBG(("%s: box(%d, %d), (%d, %d), src=(%d, %d), dst=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box[n].x1, box[n].y1, box[n].x2, box[n].y2, src_dx, src_dy, box[n].x1 - extents.x1, box[n].y1 - extents.y1)); memcpy_blt(src, ptr, tmp.bitsPerPixel, stride, src_bo->pitch, box[n].x1 + src_dx, box[n].y1 + src_dy, box[n].x1 - extents.x1, box[n].y1 - extents.y1, box[n].x2 - box[n].x1, box[n].y2 - box[n].y1); } n = sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &tmp, src_bo, -extents.x1, -extents.y1, &dst->drawable, dst_bo, dst_dx, dst_dy, box, nbox, 0); sigtrap_put(); } else n = 0; kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, src_bo); if (!n) goto tile; } return true; } cmd = XY_SRC_COPY_BLT_CMD; br13 = dst_bo->pitch; if (kgem->gen >= 040 && dst_bo->tiling) { cmd |= BLT_DST_TILED; br13 >>= 2; } br13 |= 0xcc << 16; switch (dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel) { default: case 32: cmd |= BLT_WRITE_ALPHA | BLT_WRITE_RGB; br13 |= 1 << 25; /* RGB8888 */ case 16: br13 |= 1 << 24; /* RGB565 */ case 8: break; } kgem_set_mode(kgem, KGEM_BLT, dst_bo); if (!kgem_check_batch(kgem, 10) || !kgem_check_reloc_and_exec(kgem, 2) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(kgem, dst_bo)) { kgem_submit(kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(kgem, dst_bo)) goto fallback; _kgem_set_mode(kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, dst_bo); if (kgem->gen >= 0100) { cmd |= 8; do { int nbox_this_time, rem; nbox_this_time = nbox; rem = kgem_batch_space(kgem); if (10*nbox_this_time > rem) nbox_this_time = rem / 8; if (2*nbox_this_time > KGEM_RELOC_SIZE(kgem) - kgem->nreloc) nbox_this_time = (KGEM_RELOC_SIZE(kgem) - kgem->nreloc) / 2; assert(nbox_this_time); nbox -= nbox_this_time; /* Count the total number of bytes to be read and allocate a * single buffer large enough. Or if it is very small, combine * with other allocations. */ offset = 0; for (n = 0; n < nbox_this_time; n++) { int height = box[n].y2 - box[n].y1; int width = box[n].x2 - box[n].x1; offset += PITCH(width, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 3) * height; } src_bo = kgem_create_buffer(kgem, offset, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE | (nbox ? KGEM_BUFFER_LAST : 0), &ptr); if (!src_bo) break; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { offset = 0; do { int height = box->y2 - box->y1; int width = box->x2 - box->x1; int pitch = PITCH(width, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 3); uint32_t *b; DBG((" %s: box src=(%d, %d), dst=(%d, %d) size=(%d, %d), dst offset=%d, dst pitch=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1 + src_dx, box->y1 + src_dy, box->x1 + dst_dx, box->y1 + dst_dy, width, height, offset, pitch)); assert(box->x1 + src_dx >= 0); assert((box->x2 + src_dx)*dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel <= 8*stride); assert(box->y1 + src_dy >= 0); assert(box->x1 + dst_dx >= 0); assert(box->y1 + dst_dy >= 0); memcpy_blt(src, (char *)ptr + offset, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel, stride, pitch, box->x1 + src_dx, box->y1 + src_dy, 0, 0, width, height); assert(kgem->mode == KGEM_BLT); b = kgem->batch + kgem->nbatch; b[0] = cmd; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box->y1 + dst_dy) << 16 | (box->x1 + dst_dx); b[3] = (box->y2 + dst_dy) << 16 | (box->x2 + dst_dx); *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(kgem, kgem->nbatch + 4, dst_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = 0; b[7] = pitch; *(uint64_t *)(b+8) = kgem_add_reloc64(kgem, kgem->nbatch + 8, src_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, offset); kgem->nbatch += 10; box++; offset += pitch * height; } while (--nbox_this_time); assert(offset == __kgem_buffer_size(src_bo)); sigtrap_put(); } if (nbox) { _kgem_submit(kgem); _kgem_set_mode(kgem, KGEM_BLT); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, dst_bo); } kgem_bo_destroy(kgem, src_bo); } while (nbox); } else { cmd |= 6; do { int nbox_this_time, rem; nbox_this_time = nbox; rem = kgem_batch_space(kgem); if (8*nbox_this_time > rem) nbox_this_time = rem / 8; if (2*nbox_this_time > KGEM_RELOC_SIZE(kgem) - kgem->nreloc) nbox_this_time = (KGEM_RELOC_SIZE(kgem) - kgem->nreloc) / 2; assert(nbox_this_time); nbox -= nbox_this_time; /* Count the total number of bytes to be read and allocate a * single buffer large enough. Or if it is very small, combine * with other allocations. */ offset = 0; for (n = 0; n < nbox_this_time; n++) { int height = box[n].y2 - box[n].y1; int width = box[n].x2 - box[n].x1; offset += PITCH(width, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 3) * height; } src_bo = kgem_create_buffer(kgem, offset, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE | (nbox ? KGEM_BUFFER_LAST : 0), &ptr); if (!src_bo) break; if (sigtrap_get()) { kgem_bo_destroy(kgem, src_bo); goto fallback; } offset = 0; do { int height = box->y2 - box->y1; int width = box->x2 - box->x1; int pitch = PITCH(width, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 3); uint32_t *b; DBG((" %s: box src=(%d, %d), dst=(%d, %d) size=(%d, %d), dst offset=%d, dst pitch=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1 + src_dx, box->y1 + src_dy, box->x1 + dst_dx, box->y1 + dst_dy, width, height, offset, pitch)); assert(box->x1 + src_dx >= 0); assert((box->x2 + src_dx)*dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel <= 8*stride); assert(box->y1 + src_dy >= 0); assert(box->x1 + dst_dx >= 0); assert(box->y1 + dst_dy >= 0); memcpy_blt(src, (char *)ptr + offset, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel, stride, pitch, box->x1 + src_dx, box->y1 + src_dy, 0, 0, width, height); assert(kgem->mode == KGEM_BLT); b = kgem->batch + kgem->nbatch; b[0] = cmd; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box->y1 + dst_dy) << 16 | (box->x1 + dst_dx); b[3] = (box->y2 + dst_dy) << 16 | (box->x2 + dst_dx); b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(kgem, kgem->nbatch + 4, dst_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = 0; b[6] = pitch; b[7] = kgem_add_reloc(kgem, kgem->nbatch + 7, src_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, offset); kgem->nbatch += 8; box++; offset += pitch * height; } while (--nbox_this_time); assert(offset == __kgem_buffer_size(src_bo)); sigtrap_put(); if (nbox) { _kgem_submit(kgem); _kgem_set_mode(kgem, KGEM_BLT); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, dst_bo); } kgem_bo_destroy(kgem, src_bo); } while (nbox); } sna->blt_state.fill_bo = 0; return true; fallback: return write_boxes_inplace(kgem, src, stride, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel, src_dx, src_dy, dst_bo, dst_dx, dst_dy, box, nbox); } static bool write_boxes_inplace__xor(struct kgem *kgem, const void *src, int stride, int bpp, int16_t src_dx, int16_t src_dy, struct kgem_bo *bo, int16_t dst_dx, int16_t dst_dy, const BoxRec *box, int n, uint32_t and, uint32_t or) { void *dst; DBG(("%s x %d, tiling=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, n, bo->tiling)); if (!kgem_bo_can_map(kgem, bo)) return false; kgem_bo_submit(kgem, bo); dst = kgem_bo_map(kgem, bo); if (dst == NULL) return false; if (sigtrap_get()) return false; do { DBG(("%s: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d) x (%d, %d) [bpp=%d, src_pitch=%d, dst_pitch=%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1 + src_dx, box->y1 + src_dy, box->x1 + dst_dx, box->y1 + dst_dy, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1, bpp, stride, bo->pitch)); assert(box->x2 > box->x1); assert(box->y2 > box->y1); assert(box->x1 + dst_dx >= 0); assert((box->x2 + dst_dx)*bpp <= 8*bo->pitch); assert(box->y1 + dst_dy >= 0); assert((box->y2 + dst_dy)*bo->pitch <= kgem_bo_size(bo)); assert(box->x1 + src_dx >= 0); assert((box->x2 + src_dx)*bpp <= 8*stride); assert(box->y1 + src_dy >= 0); memcpy_xor(src, dst, bpp, stride, bo->pitch, box->x1 + src_dx, box->y1 + src_dy, box->x1 + dst_dx, box->y1 + dst_dy, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1, and, or); box++; } while (--n); sigtrap_put(); return true; } static bool upload_inplace__xor(struct kgem *kgem, struct kgem_bo *bo, const BoxRec *box, int n, int bpp) { if (unlikely(kgem->wedged)) return true; if (!kgem_bo_can_map(kgem, bo)) return false; return __upload_inplace(kgem, bo, box, n, bpp); } bool sna_write_boxes__xor(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr dst, struct kgem_bo *dst_bo, int16_t dst_dx, int16_t dst_dy, const void *src, int stride, int16_t src_dx, int16_t src_dy, const BoxRec *box, int nbox, uint32_t and, uint32_t or) { struct kgem *kgem = &sna->kgem; struct kgem_bo *src_bo; BoxRec extents; bool can_blt; void *ptr; int offset; int n, cmd, br13; DBG(("%s x %d\n", __FUNCTION__, nbox)); if (upload_inplace__xor(kgem, dst_bo, box, nbox, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel) && write_boxes_inplace__xor(kgem, src, stride, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel, src_dx, src_dy, dst_bo, dst_dx, dst_dy, box, nbox, and, or)) return true; if (wedged(sna)) return false; can_blt = kgem_bo_can_blt(kgem, dst_bo) && (box[0].x2 - box[0].x1) * dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel < 8 * (MAXSHORT - 4); extents = box[0]; for (n = 1; n < nbox; n++) { if (box[n].x1 < extents.x1) extents.x1 = box[n].x1; if (box[n].x2 > extents.x2) extents.x2 = box[n].x2; if (can_blt) can_blt = (box[n].x2 - box[n].x1) * dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel < 8 * (MAXSHORT - 4); if (box[n].y1 < extents.y1) extents.y1 = box[n].y1; if (box[n].y2 > extents.y2) extents.y2 = box[n].y2; } /* Try to avoid switching rings... */ if (!can_blt || kgem->ring == KGEM_RENDER || upload_too_large(sna, extents.x2 - extents.x1, extents.y2 - extents.y1)) { DrawableRec tmp; tmp.width = extents.x2 - extents.x1; tmp.height = extents.y2 - extents.y1; tmp.depth = dst->drawable.depth; tmp.bitsPerPixel = dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel; assert(tmp.width); assert(tmp.height); DBG(("%s: upload (%d, %d)x(%d, %d), max %dx%d\n", __FUNCTION__, extents.x1, extents.y1, tmp.width, tmp.height, sna->render.max_3d_size, sna->render.max_3d_size)); if (must_tile(sna, tmp.width, tmp.height)) { BoxRec tile, stack[64], *clipped; int step; tile: step = MIN(sna->render.max_3d_size - 4096 / dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel, 8*(MAXSHORT&~63) / dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel); while (step * step * 4 > sna->kgem.max_upload_tile_size) step /= 2; DBG(("%s: tiling upload, using %dx%d tiles\n", __FUNCTION__, step, step)); assert(step); if (n > ARRAY_SIZE(stack)) { clipped = malloc(sizeof(BoxRec) * n); if (clipped == NULL) goto fallback; } else clipped = stack; for (tile.y1 = extents.y1; tile.y1 < extents.y2; tile.y1 = tile.y2) { int y2 = tile.y1 + step; if (y2 > extents.y2) y2 = extents.y2; tile.y2 = y2; for (tile.x1 = extents.x1; tile.x1 < extents.x2; tile.x1 = tile.x2) { int x2 = tile.x1 + step; if (x2 > extents.x2) x2 = extents.x2; tile.x2 = x2; tmp.width = tile.x2 - tile.x1; tmp.height = tile.y2 - tile.y1; src_bo = kgem_create_buffer_2d(kgem, tmp.width, tmp.height, tmp.bitsPerPixel, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE, &ptr); if (!src_bo) { if (clipped != stack) free(clipped); goto fallback; } if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { BoxRec *c = clipped; for (n = 0; n < nbox; n++) { *c = box[n]; if (!box_intersect(c, &tile)) continue; DBG(("%s: box(%d, %d), (%d, %d), src=(%d, %d), dst=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, c->x1, c->y1, c->x2, c->y2, src_dx, src_dy, c->x1 - tile.x1, c->y1 - tile.y1)); memcpy_xor(src, ptr, tmp.bitsPerPixel, stride, src_bo->pitch, c->x1 + src_dx, c->y1 + src_dy, c->x1 - tile.x1, c->y1 - tile.y1, c->x2 - c->x1, c->y2 - c->y1, and, or); c++; } if (c != clipped) n = sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &tmp, src_bo, -tile.x1, -tile.y1, &dst->drawable, dst_bo, dst_dx, dst_dy, clipped, c - clipped, 0); else n = 1; sigtrap_put(); } else n = 0; kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, src_bo); if (!n) { if (clipped != stack) free(clipped); goto fallback; } } } if (clipped != stack) free(clipped); } else { src_bo = kgem_create_buffer_2d(kgem, tmp.width, tmp.height, tmp.bitsPerPixel, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE, &ptr); if (!src_bo) goto fallback; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { for (n = 0; n < nbox; n++) { DBG(("%s: box(%d, %d), (%d, %d), src=(%d, %d), dst=(%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, box[n].x1, box[n].y1, box[n].x2, box[n].y2, src_dx, src_dy, box[n].x1 - extents.x1, box[n].y1 - extents.y1)); memcpy_xor(src, ptr, tmp.bitsPerPixel, stride, src_bo->pitch, box[n].x1 + src_dx, box[n].y1 + src_dy, box[n].x1 - extents.x1, box[n].y1 - extents.y1, box[n].x2 - box[n].x1, box[n].y2 - box[n].y1, and, or); } n = sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &tmp, src_bo, -extents.x1, -extents.y1, &dst->drawable, dst_bo, dst_dx, dst_dy, box, nbox, 0); sigtrap_put(); } else n = 0; kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, src_bo); if (!n) goto tile; } return true; } cmd = XY_SRC_COPY_BLT_CMD; br13 = dst_bo->pitch; if (kgem->gen >= 040 && dst_bo->tiling) { cmd |= BLT_DST_TILED; br13 >>= 2; } br13 |= 0xcc << 16; switch (dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel) { default: case 32: cmd |= BLT_WRITE_ALPHA | BLT_WRITE_RGB; br13 |= 1 << 25; /* RGB8888 */ case 16: br13 |= 1 << 24; /* RGB565 */ case 8: break; } kgem_set_mode(kgem, KGEM_BLT, dst_bo); if (!kgem_check_batch(kgem, 10) || !kgem_check_reloc_and_exec(kgem, 2) || !kgem_check_bo_fenced(kgem, dst_bo)) { kgem_submit(kgem); if (!kgem_check_bo_fenced(kgem, dst_bo)) goto fallback; _kgem_set_mode(kgem, KGEM_BLT); } kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, dst_bo); if (sna->kgem.gen >= 0100) { cmd |= 8; do { int nbox_this_time, rem; nbox_this_time = nbox; rem = kgem_batch_space(kgem); if (10*nbox_this_time > rem) nbox_this_time = rem / 8; if (2*nbox_this_time > KGEM_RELOC_SIZE(kgem) - kgem->nreloc) nbox_this_time = (KGEM_RELOC_SIZE(kgem) - kgem->nreloc) / 2; assert(nbox_this_time); nbox -= nbox_this_time; /* Count the total number of bytes to be read and allocate a * single buffer large enough. Or if it is very small, combine * with other allocations. */ offset = 0; for (n = 0; n < nbox_this_time; n++) { int height = box[n].y2 - box[n].y1; int width = box[n].x2 - box[n].x1; offset += PITCH(width, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 3) * height; } src_bo = kgem_create_buffer(kgem, offset, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE | (nbox ? KGEM_BUFFER_LAST : 0), &ptr); if (!src_bo) goto fallback; if (sigtrap_get()) { kgem_bo_destroy(kgem, src_bo); goto fallback; } offset = 0; do { int height = box->y2 - box->y1; int width = box->x2 - box->x1; int pitch = PITCH(width, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 3); uint32_t *b; DBG((" %s: box src=(%d, %d), dst=(%d, %d) size=(%d, %d), dst offset=%d, dst pitch=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1 + src_dx, box->y1 + src_dy, box->x1 + dst_dx, box->y1 + dst_dy, width, height, offset, pitch)); assert(box->x1 + src_dx >= 0); assert((box->x2 + src_dx)*dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel <= 8*stride); assert(box->y1 + src_dy >= 0); assert(box->x1 + dst_dx >= 0); assert(box->y1 + dst_dy >= 0); memcpy_xor(src, (char *)ptr + offset, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel, stride, pitch, box->x1 + src_dx, box->y1 + src_dy, 0, 0, width, height, and, or); assert(kgem->mode == KGEM_BLT); b = kgem->batch + kgem->nbatch; b[0] = cmd; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box->y1 + dst_dy) << 16 | (box->x1 + dst_dx); b[3] = (box->y2 + dst_dy) << 16 | (box->x2 + dst_dx); *(uint64_t *)(b+4) = kgem_add_reloc64(kgem, kgem->nbatch + 4, dst_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[6] = 0; b[7] = pitch; *(uint64_t *)(b+8) = kgem_add_reloc64(kgem, kgem->nbatch + 8, src_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, offset); kgem->nbatch += 10; box++; offset += pitch * height; } while (--nbox_this_time); assert(offset == __kgem_buffer_size(src_bo)); sigtrap_put(); if (nbox) { _kgem_submit(kgem); _kgem_set_mode(kgem, KGEM_BLT); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, dst_bo); } kgem_bo_destroy(kgem, src_bo); } while (nbox); } else { cmd |= 6; do { int nbox_this_time, rem; nbox_this_time = nbox; rem = kgem_batch_space(kgem); if (8*nbox_this_time > rem) nbox_this_time = rem / 8; if (2*nbox_this_time > KGEM_RELOC_SIZE(kgem) - kgem->nreloc) nbox_this_time = (KGEM_RELOC_SIZE(kgem) - kgem->nreloc) / 2; assert(nbox_this_time); nbox -= nbox_this_time; /* Count the total number of bytes to be read and allocate a * single buffer large enough. Or if it is very small, combine * with other allocations. */ offset = 0; for (n = 0; n < nbox_this_time; n++) { int height = box[n].y2 - box[n].y1; int width = box[n].x2 - box[n].x1; offset += PITCH(width, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 3) * height; } src_bo = kgem_create_buffer(kgem, offset, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE | (nbox ? KGEM_BUFFER_LAST : 0), &ptr); if (!src_bo) goto fallback; if (sigtrap_get()) { kgem_bo_destroy(kgem, src_bo); goto fallback; } offset = 0; do { int height = box->y2 - box->y1; int width = box->x2 - box->x1; int pitch = PITCH(width, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel >> 3); uint32_t *b; DBG((" %s: box src=(%d, %d), dst=(%d, %d) size=(%d, %d), dst offset=%d, dst pitch=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, box->x1 + src_dx, box->y1 + src_dy, box->x1 + dst_dx, box->y1 + dst_dy, width, height, offset, pitch)); assert(box->x1 + src_dx >= 0); assert((box->x2 + src_dx)*dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel <= 8*stride); assert(box->y1 + src_dy >= 0); assert(box->x1 + dst_dx >= 0); assert(box->y1 + dst_dy >= 0); memcpy_xor(src, (char *)ptr + offset, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel, stride, pitch, box->x1 + src_dx, box->y1 + src_dy, 0, 0, width, height, and, or); assert(kgem->mode == KGEM_BLT); b = kgem->batch + kgem->nbatch; b[0] = cmd; b[1] = br13; b[2] = (box->y1 + dst_dy) << 16 | (box->x1 + dst_dx); b[3] = (box->y2 + dst_dy) << 16 | (box->x2 + dst_dx); b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(kgem, kgem->nbatch + 4, dst_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, 0); b[5] = 0; b[6] = pitch; b[7] = kgem_add_reloc(kgem, kgem->nbatch + 7, src_bo, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 | KGEM_RELOC_FENCED, offset); kgem->nbatch += 8; box++; offset += pitch * height; } while (--nbox_this_time); assert(offset == __kgem_buffer_size(src_bo)); sigtrap_put(); if (nbox) { _kgem_submit(kgem); _kgem_set_mode(kgem, KGEM_BLT); kgem_bcs_set_tiling(&sna->kgem, NULL, dst_bo); } kgem_bo_destroy(kgem, src_bo); } while (nbox); } sna->blt_state.fill_bo = 0; return true; fallback: return write_boxes_inplace__xor(kgem, src, stride, dst->drawable.bitsPerPixel, src_dx, src_dy, dst_bo, dst_dx, dst_dy, box, nbox, and, or); } static bool indirect_replace(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap, struct kgem_bo *bo, const void *src, int stride) { struct kgem *kgem = &sna->kgem; struct kgem_bo *src_bo; BoxRec box; void *ptr; bool ret; DBG(("%s: size=%d vs %d\n", __FUNCTION__, stride * pixmap->drawable.height >> 12, kgem->half_cpu_cache_pages)); if (stride * pixmap->drawable.height >> 12 > kgem->half_cpu_cache_pages) return false; if (!kgem_bo_can_blt(kgem, bo) && must_tile(sna, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height)) return false; src_bo = kgem_create_buffer_2d(kgem, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, KGEM_BUFFER_WRITE_INPLACE, &ptr); if (!src_bo) return false; ret = false; if (sigtrap_get() == 0) { memcpy_blt(src, ptr, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, stride, src_bo->pitch, 0, 0, 0, 0, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height); box.x1 = box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = pixmap->drawable.width; box.y2 = pixmap->drawable.height; ret = sna->render.copy_boxes(sna, GXcopy, &pixmap->drawable, src_bo, 0, 0, &pixmap->drawable, bo, 0, 0, &box, 1, 0); sigtrap_put(); } kgem_bo_destroy(kgem, src_bo); return ret; } bool sna_replace(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap, const void *src, int stride) { struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); struct kgem_bo *bo = priv->gpu_bo; void *dst; assert(bo); DBG(("%s(handle=%d, %dx%d, bpp=%d, tiling=%d) busy?=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, bo->handle, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, bo->tiling, __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, bo))); assert(!priv->pinned); kgem_bo_undo(&sna->kgem, bo); if (__kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, bo)) { struct kgem_bo *new_bo; if (indirect_replace(sna, pixmap, bo, src, stride)) return true; new_bo = kgem_create_2d(&sna->kgem, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, bo->tiling, CREATE_GTT_MAP | CREATE_INACTIVE); if (new_bo) bo = new_bo; } if (bo->tiling == I915_TILING_NONE && bo->pitch == stride && kgem_bo_write(&sna->kgem, bo, src, (pixmap->drawable.height-1)*stride + pixmap->drawable.width*pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel/8)) goto done; if (upload_inplace__tiled(&sna->kgem, bo)) { BoxRec box; box.x1 = box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = pixmap->drawable.width; box.y2 = pixmap->drawable.height; if (write_boxes_inplace__tiled(&sna->kgem, src, stride, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, 0, 0, bo, 0, 0, &box, 1)) goto done; } if (kgem_bo_can_map(&sna->kgem, bo) && (dst = kgem_bo_map(&sna->kgem, bo)) != NULL && sigtrap_get() == 0) { memcpy_blt(src, dst, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, stride, bo->pitch, 0, 0, 0, 0, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height); sigtrap_put(); } else { BoxRec box; if (bo != priv->gpu_bo) { kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, bo); bo = priv->gpu_bo; } box.x1 = box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = pixmap->drawable.width; box.y2 = pixmap->drawable.height; if (!sna_write_boxes(sna, pixmap, bo, 0, 0, src, stride, 0, 0, &box, 1)) return false; } done: if (bo != priv->gpu_bo) { sna_pixmap_unmap(pixmap, priv); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); priv->gpu_bo = bo; } return true; } bool sna_replace__xor(struct sna *sna, PixmapPtr pixmap, const void *src, int stride, uint32_t and, uint32_t or) { struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap); struct kgem_bo *bo = priv->gpu_bo; void *dst; DBG(("%s(handle=%d, %dx%d, bpp=%d, tiling=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, bo->handle, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, bo->tiling)); assert(!priv->pinned); kgem_bo_undo(&sna->kgem, bo); if (!kgem_bo_can_map(&sna->kgem, bo) || __kgem_bo_is_busy(&sna->kgem, bo)) { struct kgem_bo *new_bo; new_bo = kgem_create_2d(&sna->kgem, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, bo->tiling, CREATE_GTT_MAP | CREATE_INACTIVE); if (new_bo) bo = new_bo; } if (kgem_bo_can_map(&sna->kgem, bo) && (dst = kgem_bo_map(&sna->kgem, bo)) != NULL && sigtrap_get() == 0) { memcpy_xor(src, dst, pixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel, stride, bo->pitch, 0, 0, 0, 0, pixmap->drawable.width, pixmap->drawable.height, and, or); sigtrap_put(); } else { BoxRec box; if (bo != priv->gpu_bo) { kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, bo); bo = priv->gpu_bo; } box.x1 = box.y1 = 0; box.x2 = pixmap->drawable.width; box.y2 = pixmap->drawable.height; if (!sna_write_boxes__xor(sna, pixmap, bo, 0, 0, src, stride, 0, 0, &box, 1, and, or)) return false; } if (bo != priv->gpu_bo) { sna_pixmap_unmap(pixmap, priv); kgem_bo_destroy(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo); priv->gpu_bo = bo; } return true; }