/* $NetBSD: db_machdep.c,v 1.5 2014/01/11 17:11:50 christos Exp $ */ /* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: db_machdep.c,v 1.5 2014/01/11 17:11:50 christos Exp $"); #include #include #include #ifndef _KERNEL #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include /* We need to include both for ddb and crash(8). */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define dbreg(xx) (long *)offsetof(db_regs_t, tf_ ## xx) const struct db_variable db_regs[] = { { "ds", dbreg(ds), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "es", dbreg(es), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "fs", dbreg(fs), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "gs", dbreg(gs), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "edi", dbreg(edi), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "esi", dbreg(esi), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "ebp", dbreg(ebp), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "ebx", dbreg(ebx), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "edx", dbreg(edx), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "ecx", dbreg(ecx), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "eax", dbreg(eax), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "eip", dbreg(eip), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "cs", dbreg(cs), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "eflags", dbreg(eflags), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "esp", dbreg(esp), db_x86_regop, NULL }, { "ss", dbreg(ss), db_x86_regop, NULL }, }; const struct db_variable * const db_eregs = db_regs + sizeof(db_regs)/sizeof(db_regs[0]); /* * Figure out how many arguments were passed into the frame at "fp". */ int db_numargs(long *retaddrp) { int *argp; int inst; int args; extern char etext[]; argp = (int *)db_get_value((int)retaddrp, 4, false); if (argp < (int *)VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS || argp > (int *)etext) { args = 10; } else { inst = db_get_value((int)argp, 4, false); if ((inst & 0xff) == 0x59) /* popl %ecx */ args = 1; else if ((inst & 0xffff) == 0xc483) /* addl %n, %esp */ args = ((inst >> 16) & 0xff) / 4; else args = 10; } return (args); } db_sym_t db_frame_info(long *frame, db_addr_t callpc, const char **namep, db_expr_t *offp, int *is_trap, int *nargp) { db_expr_t offset; db_sym_t sym; int narg; const char *name; sym = db_search_symbol(callpc, DB_STGY_ANY, &offset); db_symbol_values(sym, &name, NULL); if (sym == (db_sym_t)0) return (db_sym_t)0; *is_trap = NONE; narg = MAXNARG; if (INKERNEL((int)frame) && name) { /* * XXX traps should be based off of the Xtrap* * locations rather than on trap, since some traps * (e.g., npxdna) don't go through trap() */ #ifdef __ELF__ if (!strcmp(name, "trap_tss")) { *is_trap = TRAP_TSS; narg = 0; } else if (!strcmp(name, "trap")) { *is_trap = TRAP; narg = 0; } else if (!strcmp(name, "syscall")) { *is_trap = SYSCALL; narg = 0; } else if (name[0] == 'X') { if (!strncmp(name, "Xintr", 5) || !strncmp(name, "Xresume", 7) || !strncmp(name, "Xstray", 6) || !strncmp(name, "Xhold", 5) || !strncmp(name, "Xrecurse", 8) || !strcmp(name, "Xdoreti")) { *is_trap = INTERRUPT; narg = 0; } else if (!strcmp(name, "Xsoftintr")) { *is_trap = SOFTINTR; narg = 0; } else if (!strncmp(name, "Xtss_", 5)) { *is_trap = INTERRUPT_TSS; narg = 0; } } #else if (!strcmp(name, "_trap_tss")) { *is_trap = TRAP_TSS; narg = 0; } else if (!strcmp(name, "_trap")) { *is_trap = TRAP; narg = 0; } else if (!strcmp(name, "_syscall")) { *is_trap = SYSCALL; narg = 0; } else if (name[0] == '_' && name[1] == 'X') { if (!strncmp(name, "_Xintr", 6) || !strncmp(name, "_Xresume", 8) || !strncmp(name, "_Xstray", 7) || !strncmp(name, "_Xhold", 6) || !strncmp(name, "_Xrecurse", 9) || !strcmp(name, "_Xdoreti")) { *is_trap = INTERRUPT; narg = 0; } else if (!strcmp(name, "_Xsoftintr")) { *is_trap = SOFTINTR; narg = 0; } else if (!strncmp(name, "_Xtss_", 6)) { *is_trap = INTERRUPT_TSS; narg = 0; } } #endif /* __ELF__ */ } if (offp != NULL) *offp = offset; if (nargp != NULL) *nargp = narg; if (namep != NULL) *namep = name; return sym; } /* * Figure out the next frame up in the call stack. * For trap(), we print the address of the faulting instruction and * proceed with the calling frame. We return the ip that faulted. * If the trap was caused by jumping through a bogus pointer, then * the next line in the backtrace will list some random function as * being called. It should get the argument list correct, though. * It might be possible to dig out from the next frame up the name * of the function that faulted, but that could get hairy. */ int db_nextframe( long **nextframe, /* IN/OUT */ long **retaddr, /* IN/OUT */ long **arg0, /* OUT */ db_addr_t *ip, /* OUT */ long *argp, /* IN */ int is_trap, void (*pr)(const char *, ...)) { static struct trapframe tf; static struct i386tss tss; struct i386_frame *fp; int traptype; uintptr_t ptr; switch (is_trap) { case NONE: *ip = (db_addr_t) db_get_value((int)*retaddr, 4, false); fp = (struct i386_frame *) db_get_value((int)*nextframe, 4, false); if (fp == NULL) return 0; *nextframe = (long *)&fp->f_frame; *retaddr = (long *)&fp->f_retaddr; *arg0 = (long *)&fp->f_arg0; break; case TRAP_TSS: case INTERRUPT_TSS: ptr = db_get_value((int)argp, 4, false); db_read_bytes((db_addr_t)ptr, sizeof(tss), (char *)&tss); *ip = tss.__tss_eip; fp = (struct i386_frame *)tss.tss_ebp; if (fp == NULL) return 0; *nextframe = (long *)&fp->f_frame; *retaddr = (long *)&fp->f_retaddr; *arg0 = (long *)&fp->f_arg0; if (is_trap == INTERRUPT_TSS) (*pr)("--- interrupt via task gate ---\n"); else (*pr)("--- trap via task gate ---\n"); break; case TRAP: case SYSCALL: case INTERRUPT: case SOFTINTR: default: /* The only argument to trap() or syscall() is the trapframe. */ switch (is_trap) { case TRAP: ptr = db_get_value((int)argp, 4, false); db_read_bytes((db_addr_t)ptr, sizeof(tf), (char *)&tf); (*pr)("--- trap (number %d) ---\n", tf.tf_trapno); break; case SYSCALL: ptr = db_get_value((int)argp, 4, false); db_read_bytes((db_addr_t)ptr, sizeof(tf), (char *)&tf); (*pr)("--- syscall (number %d) ---\n", tf.tf_eax); break; case INTERRUPT: (*pr)("--- interrupt ---\n"); /* * see the "XXX -1 here is a hack" comment below. */ db_read_bytes((db_addr_t)argp, sizeof(tf), (char *)&tf); break; case SOFTINTR: (*pr)("--- softint ---\n"); tf.tf_eip = 0; tf.tf_ebp = 0; break; } *ip = (db_addr_t)tf.tf_eip; fp = (struct i386_frame *)tf.tf_ebp; if (fp == NULL) return 0; *nextframe = (long *)&fp->f_frame; *retaddr = (long *)&fp->f_retaddr; *arg0 = (long *)&fp->f_arg0; break; } /* * A bit of a hack. Since %ebp may be used in the stub code, * walk the stack looking for a valid interrupt frame. Such * a frame can be recognized by always having * err 0 or IREENT_MAGIC and trapno T_ASTFLT. */ if (db_frame_info(*nextframe, (db_addr_t)*ip, NULL, NULL, &traptype, NULL) != (db_sym_t)0 && traptype == INTERRUPT) { struct intrframe *ifp; int trapno; int err; /* * 2nd argument of interrupt handlers is a pointer to intrframe. */ ifp = (struct intrframe *) db_get_value((db_addr_t)(argp + 1), sizeof(ifp), false); /* * check if it's a valid intrframe. */ err = db_get_value((db_addr_t)&ifp->__if_err, sizeof(ifp->__if_err), false); trapno = db_get_value((db_addr_t)&ifp->__if_trapno, sizeof(ifp->__if_trapno), false); if ((err == 0 || err == IREENT_MAGIC) && trapno == T_ASTFLT) { /* * found seemingly valid intrframe. * * XXX -1 here is a hack. * for the next frame, we will be called with * argp = *nextframe + 2. (long *)if - 1 + 2 = &tf. */ *nextframe = (long *)ifp - 1; } else { (*pr)("DDB lost frame for "); db_printsym(*ip, DB_STGY_ANY, pr); (*pr)(", trying %p\n",argp); *nextframe = argp; } } return 1; } bool db_intrstack_p(const void *vp) { struct cpu_info *ci; const char *cp; for (ci = db_cpu_first(); ci != NULL; ci = db_cpu_next(ci)) { db_read_bytes((db_addr_t)&ci->ci_intrstack, sizeof(cp), (char *)&cp); if (cp == NULL) { continue; } if ((cp - INTRSTACKSIZE + 4) <= (const char *)vp && (const char *)vp <= cp) { return true; } } return false; }