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This is probably not a (parsable) Psion 5 fileUID2: %08xUID3: %08xFile is a Word fileFile is a TextEd fileFile is a Sketch fileFile is a Sheet fileUID3 set in MBM file?!?File is a MBM fileUnknown file typeChecking UID4Checksum %08x is correctChecksum failed, file corrupted!Expected checksum %08x, found %08xEnd of Header Section (total length: %08x)Reading of Header Section failedGoing to read the section table sectionGoing to read the section table lengthLength: %08xSection table length odd - ignoring last entryGoing to read the section table entriesEntry %d: ID = %08xEntry %d: Offset = %08xEnd of section table section (total length: %08x)Reading of Section Table Section failedGoing to read the application id sectionGoing to read the type identifierIdentifier: %08xGoing to read the application id stringEnd of application id section (total length: %08xReading of Application ID Section failedGoing to parse the text sectionReading the text lengthLength: %08xGoing to read all paragraph textLine %d: %d charactersLine %d: `%s'Last line does not end on EOL (%d characters left)Last line: %d charactersLast line: `%s'Massive memory corruptionEnd of text section (total length: %08xMassive memory corruption...Massive memory corruption...Reading of Text Section failedGoing to read the layout sectionGoing to read the section typeType: %02xStyleless layout section expected, but styled section found!Styled layout section expected, but styleless section found!Layout section type indicator has unknown value!Going to read paragraph type listGoing to read paragraph type list lengthLength: %02xGoing to read the paragraph type list elementsElement %dNumber: %08xGoing to determine the base styleStyle indicator: %02xUnknown Style referencedBase style unknownGoing to read the paragraph layoutGoing to read the character layoutGoing to parse the paragraph element listGoing to read the number of paragraphsNumber of text paragraphs and paragraph elements does not match%d text paragraphs, %d paragraph elementsNumber of paragraphs: %dGoing to read the paragraph elementsElement %dGoing to allocate a new elementGoing to read the paragraph lengthDisagreement of the length of paragraph in layout sectionParagraph length: layout section says %d, counted %dParagraph length: %dGoing to read the paragraph typeType: %02xMassive memory curruptionLayout section paragraph type unknownUnknown type - using base styles insteadBase style unknownType: %02x (not based on a paragraph type)Going to read the paragraph element base styleStyle: %02xUnknown Style referencedBase style unknownGoing to read paragraph layoutGoing to read number of in-line layout elementsNr: %08xGoing to read the text layout inline listGoing to read the number of elementsElements: %08xGoing to read the text layout inline elementsMassive memory corruptionElement %d: Paragraph %d, element %dLayout section inlines: not enough elementCan't read element!Going to read the element typeType: %02xGoing to read the number of characters it applies toLength: %02xGoing to read the character layoutSkipping object dataLayout section unknown inline typeLayout section inlines: line length mismatchLayout section too many inlines, skipping remainingMassive memory corruptionEnd of layout section (total length: %08x)Massive memory corruptionReading of Layout Section failedReading of Styleless Layout Section failedUnknown file type: can't parse!Can't parse this file yet!Reading of Psion File failedGoing to read a clipart fileGoing to read the MBM jumptableGoing to read the clipart sectionsGoing to read clipart section %iEnd of clipart fileMassive memory corruptionReading of Clipart File failedGoing to read a mbm fileGoing to read the offset of the MBM jumptableOffset: %08xGoing to read the MBM jumptableGoing to read the picture sectionsGoing to read picture section %iEnd of mbm fileMassive memory corruptionReading of MBM File failedGoing to read a sketch fileGoing to read the offset of the section table sectionOffset: %08xGoing to read the section table sectionGoing to read entry %dFound the Application ID section at %08xFound the Sketch section at %08xFound unknown section in the Section Table (ignoring)Section ID %08x, offset %08xLooking for the Application ID sectionApplication ID section not found in the section tableApplication ID section at offset %08xApplication ID section contains unexpected dataID: %08x expected, %08x foundName: `%s' expected, `%s' foundLooking for the Sketch sectionSketch section not found in the section tableSketch section at offset %08xEnd of word fileReading of Scketch File failedGoing to read a texted fileGoing to read the offset of the section table sectionOffset: %08xGoing to read the section table sectionGoing to read entry %dFound the Application ID section at %08xFound the Page Layout section at %08xFound the TextEd section at %08xFound unknown section in the Section Table (ignoring)Section ID %08x, offset %08xLooking for the Application ID sectionApplication ID section not found in the section tableApplication ID section at offset %08xApplication ID section contains unexpected dataID: %08x expected, %08x foundName: `%s' expected, `%s' foundLooking for the Page layout sectionPage layout section not found in the section tablePage layout section at offset %08xLooking for the TextEd sectionTextEd section not found in the section tableTextEd section at offset %08xEnd of TextEd fileReading of TextEd File failedGoing to read a word fileGoing to read the offset of the section table sectionOffset: %08xGoing to read the section table sectionGoing to read entry %dFound the Application ID section at %08xFound the Page Layout section at %08xFound the Text section at %08xFound the Password section at %08xPassword section found - can't read encrypted dataFound the Word Status section at %08xFound the Word Styles section at %08xFound the Layout section at %08xFound unknown section in the Section Table (ignoring)Section ID %08x, offset %08xLooking for the Status sectionStatus section not found in the section tableStatus section at offset %08xLooking for the Application ID sectionApplication ID section not found in the section tableApplication ID section at offset %08xApplication ID section contains unexpected dataID: %08x expected, %08x foundName: `%s' expected, `%s' foundLooking for the Page layout sectionPage layout section not found in the section tablePage layout section at offset %08xLooking for the Word Style sectionWord styles section not found in the section tableWord styles section at offset %08xLooking for the Text sectionText section not found in the section tableText section at offset %08xLooking for the Layout sectionNo layout section todayLayout section at offset %08xEnd of word fileReading of Word File failedGoing to read a sheet fileGoing to read the offset of the section table sectionOffset: %08xGoing to read the section table sectionGoing to read entry %dFound the Application ID section at %08xFound the Page Layout section at %08xFound the Password section at %08xPassword section found - can't read encrypted dataFound the Sheet Workbook section at %08xFound the Sheet Status section at %08xFound unknown section in the Section Table (ignoring)Section ID %08x, offset %08xLooking for the Status sectionStatus section not found in the section tableStatus section at offset %08xLooking for the Application ID sectionApplication ID section not found in the section tableApplication ID section at offset %08xApplication ID section contains unexpected dataID: %08x expected, %08x foundName: `%s' expected, `%s' foundLooking for the Page layout sectionPage layout section not found in the section tablePage layout section at offset %08xLooking for the Sheet Workbook sectionSheet workbook section not found in the section tableSheet workbook section at offset %08xEnd of Sheet fileReading of Sheet File failed*UNKNOWN*<<=>>=<>=+-*/^+-NOTANDOR&()*UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN*End of formula*UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN*Floating point numberSigned integer number*UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN*Named variableStringCell referenceCell blockCell block {varargs}Operand separatorOperand list end*UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN*FALSEIFTRUECELLERRORTYPEISBLANKISERRISERRORISLOGICALISNAISNONTEXTISNUMBERISTEXTNTYPEADDRESSCOLUMNCOLUMNSHLOOKUPINDEXINDIRECTLOOKUPOFFSETROWROWSVLOOKUPCHARCODEEXACTFINDLEFTLENLOWERMIDPROPERREPLACEREPTRIGHTSTRINGTTRIMUPPERVALUEDATEDATEVALUEDAYHOURMINUTEMONTHNOWSECONDTODAYTIMETIMEVALUEYEARABSACOSASINATANATAN2COSDEGREESEXPFACTINTLNLOG10MODPIRADIANSRANDROUNDSIGNSINSQRTSUMPRODUCTTANTRUNCCTERMDDBFVIRRNPVPMTPVRATESLNSYDTERMCOMBINPERMUTAVERAGECHOOSECOUNTCOUNTACOUNTBLANKMAXMINPRODUCTSTDEVPSTDEVSUMSUMSQVARPVAR*UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN**UNKNOWN*Going to read a sheet refGoing to read the offset encodingEncoded word: %04xReference: %s offset %dGoing to read a sheet cell referenceGoing to read the row referenceGoing to read the column referenceGoing to read the trailing byte (%02x expected)Unknown byte in cell reference (ignoredTrailing byte: %02xEnd of cell reference (total length: %08x)Going to read a sheet cell blockGoing to read the first cellGoing to read the last cellEnd of cell block (total length: %08x)Going to read a formula element listGoing to read a formula item markerMarker: %02x (%s)Unknown formula marker found!End of this formula listNext item: an integerValue: %08xNext item: a floatValue: %fNext item: a cell referenceNext item: a cell blockNext item: a stringNext item: a variable referenceGoing to parse a vararg functionGoing to read vararg argument %dGoing to read the next markerFormula corrupted!Found unexpected marker %02xGoing to read the repeated marker %02xFormula corrupted!Expected marker %02x, found %02xGoing to read the number of arguments (%d expected)Formula corrupted!Read %d arguments, but formula says there are %dFormula corrupted!Expected end: %04x, found end: %04xFormula corrupted!More than one item left on the stack (%d)End of formula element list (total length: %08x)Reading of formula element list failedGoing to read a formulaGoing to read the formula byte lengthFormula byte length: %dGoing to read the formula elements listGoing to read the eof markerFormula corrupted!Expected marker: %02x, found byte: %02xFormula corrupted!Expected end: %04x, found end: %04xEnd of formula (total length: %08x)Reading of formula failedGoing to parse colorColor: red %02x, green %02x, blue %02xEnd of color (total length: %08x)Reading of Color failedGoing to parse fontFound font `%s', displayed with screen font %02xEnd of font (total length: %08x)Reading of Font failedGoing to parse border dataGoing to read border kindUnknown border kind (defaults to `none')Kind: %02xGoing to read border thicknessThickness: %fGoing to read the border colorGoing to read the final unknown byte (0x00 or 0x01 expected)Unknown last byte in border specificationLast byte: read %02x, expected %02x or %02xEnd of border (total length: %08x)Reading of Border failedGoing to parse bullet dataGoing to read bullet lengthLength: %02xGoing to read bullet font sizeGoing to read bullet characterCharacter: %02xGoing to read indent on/offIndent on: %02xGoing to read bullet colorGoing to read bullet fontBullet data structure length mismatchLength: specified %02x, found %02xEnd of bullet data (total length: %08x)Reading of Bullet failedGoing to parse tabGoing to read tab locationGoing to read the tab kindUnknown tab kind argumentKind found: %02x (defaulted to left tab)Kind: %02xEnd of tab (total length: %08x)Reading of Tab failedGoing to read paragraph layout listGoing to read the list lengthLength in bytes: %08xGoing to read element %dGoing to read the element idId: %02xGoing to read background colorGoing to read indent leftGoing to read indent rightGoing to read indent left first lineGoing to read horizontal justifyUnknown horizontal justify argument in paragraph layout codes listJustify: %02xGoing to read vertical justifyUnknown vertical justify argument in paragraph layout codes listJustify: %02xGoing to read linespacing distanceGoing to read linespacing exactGoing to read top spaceGoing to read bottom spaceGoing to read on one pageGoing to read together withGoing to read on next pageGoing to read no widow protectionGoing to read wrap to fit cell limitsGoing to read border distance to textGoing to read top borderGoing to read bottom borderGoing to read left borderGoing to read right borderGoing to read bulletGoing to read standard tabsGoing to read extra tabUnknown code in paragraph layout codes listCode: %02xRead past end of paragraph layout codes list. I probably lost tracksomewhere!Read %d characters instead of %dEnd of paragraph layout list (total length: %08x)Reading of paragraph_layout_list failedGoing to read character layout codesGoing to read the list lengthLength in bytes: %08xGoing to read element %dGoing to read the element idId: %02xGoing to skip an unknown settingGoing to read text colorGoing to read background color (?)Going to skip an unknown settingGoing to read font sizeGoing to read italicGoing to read boldGoing to read super_subUnknown super_sub argument in character layout codes listSuper_sub: %02xGoing to read underlineGoing to read strikethroughGoing to read fontGoing to skip an unknown settingGoing to read unknown code 0x24 (%02x expected)Unknown code 0x24 value != 0x0 (0x%02x)Unknown code in character layout listCode: %02xRead past end of character layout codes list. I probably lost tracksomewhere!Read %d characters instead of %dEnd of character layout list (total length: %08x)Reading of character_layout_list failedGoing to read the jumptable sectionGoing to read the list lengthList length: %08xGoing to read the listOffset: %08xEnd of jumptable section (total length: %08x)Reading of Jumptable Section failedSkipping padding: %02xCorrupted picture data!Trying to write a pixel too farPixel %04x: (%04x,%04x) value %02x, color %fSkipping padding byteGoing to read a paint data sectionGoing to read section sizeSection size: %08xGoing to read pixel data offsetPaint data section data offset has unexpected valueData offset: read %08x, expected %08xGoing to read picture X sizePicture X size: %08x:Going to read picture Y sizePicture Y size: %08x:Going to read the real picture x sizePicture x size: %fGoing to read the real picture y sizePicture y size: %fGoing to read the number of bits per pixelPicture has too many colorsRead %d colorbitsBits per pixel: %dPaint data section prologue has unknown values (ignored)offset %02x: read %08x, expected %08xGoing to read whether RLE compression is usedPaint data section has unknown compression type, assuming RLERead compression type %dCompression: %sGoing to read an unknown longPaint data section prologue has unknown values (ignoring)offset %02x: read %08x, expected %08xGoing to read a second unknown longPaint data section prologue has unknown values (ignoring)offset %02x: read %08x, expected %08xGoing to read the pixel dataLine length: %04x bytesFirst pass: determining line lengthLinelen: %04x bytesPixelnr %08x, Datanr %08x: Read marker %02xCorrupted picture dataPicsize: %08x, Datasize: %08x, Pixelnr: %08x,Datanr: %08x, marker: %02xCorrupted picture dataPicsize: %08x, Datasize: %08x, Pixelnr: %08x,Datanr: %08x, marker: %02xCorrupted picture data!Picsize: %08x, Datasize: %08x, Pixelnr: %08x,Datanr: %08xEnd of paint data section (total length: %08x)Reading of Paint Data Section failedGoing to read the sketch sectionGoing to read the form hor. sizeForm hor. size: %04xGoing to read the form ver. sizeForm ver. size: %04xGoing to read the picture hor. offsetPicture hor. offset: %04xGoing to read the picture ver. offsetPicture ver. offset: %04xGoing to skip 5 words of zerosUnexpected value in sketch section preamble (ignored)Word %d: Read %04x, expected %04xGoing to read the displayed hor. sizeDisplayed hor. size: %04xGoing to read the displayed ver. sizeDisplayed ver. size: %04xGoing to skip 2 words of zerosUnexpected value in sketch section preamble (ignored)Word %d: Read %04x, expected %04xGoing to read the picture hor. offsetPicture hor. offset: %04xGoing to read the picture ver. offsetPicture ver. offset: %04xGoing to read the form hor. sizeForm hor. size: %04xGoing to read the form ver. sizeForm ver. size: %04xGoing to skip 1 zero wordUnexpected value in sketch section preamble (ignored)Read %04x, expected %04xGoing to read the picture dataGoing to read the hor. magnificationForm hor. magnification: %fGoing to read the ver. magnificationForm ver. magnification: %fGoing to read the left cutLeft cut: raw %08x, real: %fGoing to read the right cutRight cut: raw %08x, real: %fGoing to read the top cutTop cut: raw %08x, real: %fGoing to read the bottom cutBottom cut: raw %08x, real: %fEnd of sketch section (total length: %08x)Reading of Sketch Section failedGoing to read the clipart sectionGoing to read the section IDUnexpected value in clipart section preamble (ignored)Read %08x, expected %08xClipart ID: %08xGoing to read an unknown longUnexpected value in clipart section preamble (ignored)Read %08x, expected %08xFirst unknown long: %08xGoing to read a second unknown longUnexpected value in clipart section preamble (ignored)Read %08x, expected %08xSecond unknown long: %08xGoing to read a third unknown longUnexpected value in clipart section preamble (ignored)Read %08x, expected %08xThird unknown long: %08xGoing to read a fourth unknown longUnexpected value in clipart section preamble (ignored)Read %08x, expected %08x or %08xFourth unknown long: %08xGoing to read the Paint Data SectionEnd of clipart section (total length: %08x)Reading of Font failedGoing to read a page header (or footer)Going to read the has_content flagPage header has_content flag unknown value (assumed default)Flag: %02xHas_content flag: %02xGoing to read displayed-on-first-page flagGoing to read three zero bytesPage Header unknown value in zero bytes sectionByte %d: read %02x, expected %02xGoing to read base paragraph layoutGoing to read base character layoutGoing to read the TextEd sectionEnd of page header(total length: %08xReading of Page Header failedGoing to read the page layout sectionGoing to read first page numberFirst page: %dGoing to read header distanceHeader distance: %6.3fGoing to read footer distanceFooter distance: %6.3fGoing to read the left marginLeft margin: %6.3fGoing read the to right marginRight margin: %6.3fGoing to read the top marginTop margin: %6.3fGoing to read the bottom marginBottom margin: %6.3fGoing to read the headerGoing to read the footerGoing to read page dimensions idPage layout section page dimensions marker not foundPage dimensions marker: read %08x, expected %08x or %08xGoing to read the page widthPage width: %6.3fGoing to read the page heightPage height: %6.3fGoing to read page portrait/landscapeLandscape: %dEnd of page section (total length: %08x)Reading of Page Section failedTrying byte read past the end of the fileTrying word read past the end of the fileTrying long read past the end of the fileGoing to read a S length indicatorIndicator (1 byte): %02xIndicator (2 bytes): %04xS indicator: unknown encoding!Raw data first byte: %02xEnd of S length indicator (total length: %08x)Reading of S indicator failedGoing to read a X length indicatorIndicator (1 byte): %02xIndicator (2 bytes): %04xIndicator (4 bytes): %08xX indicator: unknown encoding!Raw data first byte: %02xEnd of X length indicator (total length: %08x)Reading of X indicator failedReading of length failedLength: %fReading of size failedSize: %fReading of bool failedUnknown value for booleanBoolean value: %02xGoing to read a stringLength: %iContents: `%s'End of string (total length: %08x)Reading of string failedGoing to read a short stringLength: %iContents: `%s'End of short string (total length: %08x)Reading of short string failedGoing to read a floatFloat value: %fReading of float failedGoing to read a texted sectionGoing to read section idPage header section body id not foundPage body id: read %08x, expected %08xGoing to read the section jumptableFound Layout section at %08xFound Replacement section at %08xUnknown section in TextEd jumptable has real offset (ignoring)Found Unknown section at %08xUnknown section in TextEd jumptable (ignoring)Section ID %08x at offset %08xGoing to read the textGoing to read the layoutEnd of TextEd section (total length: %08xReading of TextEd Section failedGoing to read the word status sectionGoing to read the initial byte (%02x expected)Word status section initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read the first byte of display flagsShow tabs: %02xShow spaces: %02xShow paragraph ends: %02xShow line breaks: %02xShow hard minus: %02xShow hard space: %02xWord status section first byte of display flags contains unknown flags (ignored)Unknown flags: %02xGoing to read second byte of display flagsShow full pictures: %02xShow full graphs: %02xWord status section second byte of display flags contains unknown flags (ignored)Unknown flags: %02xGoing to read top toolbar settingGoing to read side toolbar settingGoing to read operational flagsFit lines to screen: %02xWord status section operational flags contains unknown flags (ignored)Unknown flags: %02xGoing to read cursor positionCursor position: %08xGoing to read display sizeDisplay size: %08xEnd of word status section (total length: %08x)Reading of Word Status Section failedGoing to read the word styles sectionGoing to read style normalGoing to read the paragraph codesGoing to read the character codesGoing to read the hotkeyNormal style hotkey has unknown value (ignored)Hotkey value %08xHotkey: %cHotkey: Hotkey: %02xGoing to read hotkeys listGoing to read the number of entriesNummer of hotkeys: %02xStyle hotkey has unknown value (ignored)Hotkey %d value %08xHotkey %d: %cHotkey %d: Hotkey %d: %02xGoing to read all other stylesGoing to read the number of stylesNumber of styles and hotkeys do not match%d hotkeys, %d stylesNext style: %dNew entry added in listGoing to read the style nameGoing to read whether this style is built-inBuilt-in styleRemovable styleWord styles section unknown style id (treated as built-in)Unknown id: %08xGoing to read outline levelOutline Level: %08xGoing to read the character codesGoing to read the paragraph codesReading trailing bytesUnknown trailing style byteTrailing byte: %02x expected, read %02xRead trailing byte 0xffEnd of word styles section (total length: %08x)Massive memory corruptionReading of Word Status Section failedGoing to read a sheet cell referenceGoing to read the initial byte (%02x expected)Sheet cell reference initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xSheet cell row reference to unknown row (reset)Sheet cell column reference to unknown row (reset)End of sheet column reference (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Column Reference failedGoing to read a sheet cell block referenceGoing to read the initial byte (%02x expected)Sheet cell reference initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xSheet block initial row reference to unknown row (reset)Sheet block initial column reference to unknown row (reset)Sheet block final row reference to unknown row (reset)Sheet block final column reference to unknown row (reset)End of sheet cell block reference (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Cell Block Reference failedGoing to read a sheet numberformatGoing to read the initial byte (%02x expected)Sheet numberformat initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read the code byteCode: %02xUnknown number format (assumed general)Going to read the number of decimalsDecimals: %dEnd of sheet number format (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Number Format failedGoing to read the sheet status sectionGoing to read the initial byte (%02x expected)Sheet status section initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read the cursor rowCursor row: %08xGoing to read the cursor columnCursor column: %08xGoing to read initially display graphGoing to read the toolbar status byteShow side sheet toolbar: %02xShow top sheet toolbar: %02xShow side graph toolbar: %02xShow top graph toolbar: %02xSheet status section toolbar byte flags contains unknown flags (ignored)Unknown flags: %02xGoing to read the scrollbar status byteSheet status section scrollbar byte flags contains unknown flags (ignored)Unknown flag: %02xShow horizontal scrollbar: %02xSheet status section scrollbar byte flags contains unknown flags (ignored)Unknown flag: %02xShow vertical scrollbar: %02xSheet status section scrollbar byte flags contains unknown flags (ignored)Unknown flags: %02xGoing to read an unknown byte (%02x expected)Sheet status section unknown byte unknown value (ignored)Unknown byte: %02xGoing to read sheet display sizeSheet display size: %08xGoing to read graph display sizeGraph display size: %08xEnd of sheet status section (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Status Section failedGoing to read the sheet workbook sectionGoing to read the initial byte (%02x or %02x expected)Sheet workbook section initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read the offset of the sheet info SectionOffset: %04xGoing to read the offset of the Formulas ListOffset: %04xGoing to read the offset of the Worksheet ListOffset: %04xGoing to read the offset of the Variable ListOffset: %04xGoing to read the offset of the Name SectionOffset: %04xGoing to read the info sectionGoing to read the variables listGoing to read the formulas listGoing to read the worksheet listGoing to read the name sectionEnd of sheet workbook section (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Workbook Section failedGoing to read the sheet name sectionGoing to read the initial byte (%02x expected)Sheet name section initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read the sheet nameEnd of sheet name section (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Name Section failedGoing to read the sheet info sectionGoing to read the initial byte (%02x expected)Sheet info section initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read an unknown XintValue: %d Going to read the flags byteAuto recalculation: %02xSheet Info Section flags byte contains unknown flags (ignored)Unknown flags: %02xEnd of sheet info section (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Name Section failedGoing to read the sheet formula listGoing to read the initial byte (%02x expected)Sheet formula list initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read the number of formulasNumber of formulas: %dGoing to read all formulasGoing to read formula %dEnd of sheet formula list (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Formula list failedGoing to read a sheet cell structureGoing to read the cell positionCell position is col:%02x row:%04xUnknown flags in cell position (ignored)Flags: %02xGoing to read the cell typeGoing to read the cell valueCell type is blank: no value given.Going to read an integerCell contents: %ldGoing to read a booleanCell contents: %01xGoing to read the error codeUnknown error code (default assumed)Error code: %04xCell contents: %04xGoing to read a floatCell contents: %fGoing to read a stringCell contents: `%s'Unknown Sheet Cell type: %02xGoing to read the cell formula referenceCell formula reference: %dEnd of sheet cell structure (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Cell Structure failedGoing to read the sheet cell listGoing to read the initial byte (%02x expected)Sheet cell list initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read the initial byte (%02x expected)Sheet cell list initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read the number of defined cellsNumber of defined cells: %dGoing to read all cellsGoing to read cell %dEnd of sheet cell list (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Cells List failedGoing to read the worksheet listGoing to read the initial bytes (%02x expected)Sheet worksheet list initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read the list lengthLength: %02xGoing to read the listGoing to read element %dGoing to read the initial byte (%02x expected)Sheet worksheet element initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read the worksheet offsetOffset: %08xEnd of worksheet list (total length: %08x)Reading of worksheet list failedGoing to read a sheet cell layoutGoing to read the first byte (%02x expected)Worksheet section initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read the default formats flagGoing to read the default paragraph codesGoing to read the default character codesGoing to read the default number formatEnd of sheet cell layout (total length: %08x)Reading of sheet cell layout failedGoing to read the sheet worksheet sectionGoing to read the initial bytes (%02x expected)Worksheet section initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read the flags byteFlags byte: %02xWorksheet section flags byte unknown bits (ignored)Going to read the default cell layoutGoing to read the offset of the row defaults SectionOffset: %04xGoing to read the offset of the column defaults SectionOffset: %04xGoing to read the offset of the Cells ListOffset: %04xGoing to read the offset of the Grid SectionOffset: %04xGoing to read the offset of the 3rd ??? SectionOffset: %04xGoing to read a long of the 3rd ??? Section (%08x expected)Unknown worksheet subsection has unknown contents (ignored)Offset: %04xGoing to read the row defaultsGoing to read the column defaultsGoing to read the cells listGoing to read the grid sectionEnd of sheet worksheet section (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Worksheet Section failedGoing to read a sheet lineGoing to read the line numberLine number: %d End of the sheet line (total length: %08x)Reading of the sheet line failedGoing to read the sheet line listGoing to read the initial byte (%02x expected)Sheet line list initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read the number of defined linesNumber of defined lines: %dGoing to read all linesGoing to read line %dEnd of sheet line list (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Line List failedGoing to read a sheet variableGoing to read the variable nameGoing to read the type markerMarker: %02xGoing to read a signed integerValue: %dGoing to read a floating point numberValue: %fGoing to read a stringGoing to read a cell referenceGoing to read a cell block referenceSheet variable unknown type markerGoing to read the variable numberNumber: %08xEnd of sheet variable (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Variable failedGoing to read the sheet variable listGoing to read the initial byte (%02x expected)Sheet variable list initial byte unknown value (ignored)Initial byte: %02xGoing to read the number of variablesNumber of variables: %dGoing to read all variablesGoing to read variable %dEnd of sheet variabels list (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Variable list failedGoing to read the sheet grid sectionGoing to read the first flags byteShow column titles: %sShow row titles: %sShow vertical grid: %sShow horizontal grid: %sFreeze rows: %sGrid section first flag byte has unknown bits (ignored)Bits: %02x (%02x expected)Going to read the second flags byteFreeze columns: %sGrid section second flag byte has unknown bits (ignored)Bits: %02x (%02x expected)Going to an unknown byte (%02x expected)Grid section third byte unknown value (ignored)Value: %02xGoing to read the fourth flags byteShow page breaks: %sGrid section fourth flag byte has unknown bits (ignored)Bits: %02x (%02x expected)Going to read the first visible rowFirst row: %dGoing to read the first visible columnFirst column: %dGoing to read the last visible rowLast row: %dGoing to read the last visible columnLast column: %dGoing to read the default row heightDefault row height: %fGoing to read the row heights listGoing to read the default column heightDefault column width: %fGoing to read the column heights listGoing to read an unknown word (%04x expected)Grid section unknown word has unknown value (ignored)Value: %04xGoing to read the row breaks listGoing to read the column breaks listGoing to read 22 unknown bytes (%02x expected)Grid section unknown byte %d has unknown value (ignored)Value: %02xGoing to read number of frozen rowsNumber of frozen rows: %dGoing to read number of frozen columnsNumber of frozen columns: %dGoing to read first unfrozen rowFirst row: %dGoing to read first unfrozen columnFirst column: %dGoing to read 3 unknown bytes (%02x expected)Grid section unknown byte %d has unknown value (ignored)Value: %02xEnd of sheet grid section (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Grid Section failedGoing to read a sheet grid size listGoing to read the number of elementsNumber of elements: %dGoing to read all elementsGoing to read element %dEnd of sheet grid size list (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Grid Size List failedGoing to read a sheet grid sizeGoing to read the row or column numberLine number: %d Going to read the row or column heightSize: %f End of sheet grid size(total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Grid Size failedGoing to read a sheet grid break listGoing to read the number of elementsNumber of elements: %dGoing to read all elementsGoing to read element %dEnd of sheet grid break list (total length: %08x)Reading of Sheet Grid break List failedDon't know how to write S value larger than 0x2000 (trying %x)Don't know how to write X value larger than 0x20000000 (trying %x)Boolean has non-enum value (found %d)NULL stringNull colorNull fontNull borderUnknown border kind (%d); assuming noneNull bulletNull tabUnknown tab kind (%d); assuming leftNull paragraph layout listUnknown horizontal justify (%d); assuming leftUnknown vertical justify (%d); assuming middleNull tabsMassive memory corruptionNull character layout listUnknown supersubscript (%d); assuming normalCan't parse to an empty buffer!Unknown or unsupported file typeNull TextEd fileNull Word fileNull section table sectionMassive memory corruptionNull text sectionMassive memory corruptionNull text sectionMassive memory corruptionUnknown styleMassive memory corruptionMassive memory corruptionMassive memory corruptionUnknown styleNull TextEd sectionNull page headerNull page sectionNull word status sectionNull word styles sectionMassive memory corruptionMassive memory corruptionNull style name00<0H0T0`0l0x00000000000000 0,080D0P0\0h0t0000000000000~0{0x(0u40r@0oL0lX0id0fp0c|0`0]0Z0W0T0Q0N0K0H0E0B0? 0<09$06003<00H0-T0*`0'l0$x0!0000000 0 00000 0,080D0P0\0h0t000000000000000(040@0L0X0d0p0|000000000000 0|0y$0v00s<0pH0mT0j`0gl0dx0a0^0[0X0U0R0O0L0I0F0C0@0=0: 07,04801D0.P0+\0(h0%t0"0000000 0 000000(040@0L0X0d0p0|00000000000 0 0 0 $0 00 <0 H0 T0 `0 l0 x0 0 0 0 0 0,  o]Qo-$o u-DR, ooE@ B5j E@ B5j QD-Zh"ЪQD-Zh"vh7Nn8vh7Nn870n`Cc;Z70n`Cc;Z31fbs 31fbs ! 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