.TH "nsd-notify" "8" "1.2.2" "NLnet Labs" "nsd" .SH "NAME" .LP nsd\-notify \- program to send NOTIFY's to remote nameservers .SH "SYNTAX" .LP \fBnsd\-notify\fR [\fB-4\fR] [\fB-6\fR] [\fB-p\fR \fIport\fR] \fB\-z\fR \fIzone\fR \fIservers\fR .SH "DESCRIPTION" .LP nsd\-notify is simple program to send NOTIFY's to remoter nameservers. .br NSD is a complete implementation of an authoritative DNS nameserver. .SH "OPTIONS" .LP .TP \fB\-4\fR Only send to IPv4 addresses. .TP \fB\-6\fR Only send to IPv6 addresses. .TP \fB\-p\fR \fIport\fR Specify the port to send to. .TP \fB\-z\fR \fIzone\fR Specify the zone to notify about. .TP \fIservers\fR List of nameservers to send to. .SH "EXAMPLES" .LP To run this program the standard way type: .LP nsd\-notify \-z foobar.cz .SH "AUTHORS" .LP NLnet Labs .SH "SEE ALSO" .LP nsd(8), zonec(8)