.TH MAGICUTILS 3 .UC 4 .SH NAME magicutils \- collection of utility procedures in -lmagicutils .SH SYNOPSIS .B cc .B -I\fI~cad\fB/src/magic/include ... .B \fI~cad\fB/src/magic/lib/libmagicutils.a .br .B cc .B -I\fI~cad\fB/src/magic/include ... .B \fI~cad\fB/src/magic/lib/libmagictrace.a .br .B cc .B -I\fI~cad\fB/src/magic/include .B -pg ... .B \fI~cad\fB/src/magic/lib/libmagicutils_p.a .br .B cc .B -I\fI~cad\fB/src/magic/include .B -pg ... .B \fI~cad\fB/src/magic/lib/libmagictrace_p.a .br \fR(replace \fI~cad\fR with the home directory of the user \fBcad\fR). .PP .B MainExit(code) .B int code; .PP .B TxError(fmt, va_alist) .B char *fmt; .B va_dcl; .PP .B char *TxGetLine(buf, len) .B char *buf; .B int len; .SH DESCRIPTION The two libraries \fIlibmagicutils.a\fR and \fIlibmagictrace.a\fR include all of the procedures from the \fIutils\fR module used internally by the Magic layout system. The first library is for normal use; the second library is for use with the tracing option of the new memory allocator. See the documentation on the individual pieces of the library for details of the procedures they contain. .PP To use these libraries, you should compile your programs with the flag \fB-I\fI~cad\fB/src/magic/include\fR (to search the Magic include directory for needed \fB.h\fR files). The documentation for the various pieces of the libraries lists which \fB.h\fR files are needed for which procedures. .PP Three default procedures are defined for the library but can be replaced by your own procedures if you so wish. The procedures are \fIMainExit\fR, which has the same semantics as \fIexit\fR\|(3) but can be replaced by your own procedure by that name to do additional cleanup, \fITxError\fR, which is like \fIfprintf(stderr,\ fmt,\ args)\fR, where \fIargs\fR can be zero or more arguments, just as in \fIfprintf\fR\|(3), and finally \fITxGetLine\fR, which is like \fIfgets(buf,\ len,\ stdin\fR). The library versions of these procedures only get pulled in if you haven't defined them yourself. .PP Versions exist of both libraries with profiling (\fB-pg\fR) enabled; these are \fIlibmagicutils_p.a\fR and \fIlibmagictrace_p.a\fR. .SH "SEE ALSO" magic(1), dqueue(3), geometry(3), hash(3), heap(3), list(3), malloc(3), path(3), runstats(3), set(3) show(3) stack(3), string(3)