.TH SET 3 .UC 4 .SH NAME set \- procedures for setting parameters (from strings) and for printing their values. .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .PP .B "Void SetNoisyInt(parm,valueS,file)" .B "int *parm;" .B "char *valueS;" .B "FILE *file;" .PP .B "Void SetNoisyBool(parm,valueS,file)" .B "bool *parm;" .B "char *valueS;" .B "FILE *file;" .PP .B "Void SetNoisyDI(parm,valueS,file)" .B "DoubleInt *parm;" .B "char *valueS;" .B "FILE *file;" .SH DESCRIPTION These procedures interpet a string and set a parameter accordingly. Error messages are printed if the string doesn't make sense, and in any event the final parameter value is printed. If \fIvalueS\fR is \fBNULL\fR, the parameter value is not changed. If \fIfile\fR is \fBNULL\fR the result is printed with \fITxPrintf\fR, Magic's standard print function, otherwise it is printed on the specified file. .SH SEE ALSO magicutils\|(3)