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" error $msg } } tclInit/usr/pkg/lib/tcl8.3/usr/pkg/lib/tcl /usr/pkg/lib/tclunableNULSOHSTXETXEOTENQACKBELalertBSbackspaceHTtabLFnewlineVTvertical-tabFFform-feedCRcarriage-returnSOSIDLEDC1DC2DC3DC4NAKSYNETBCANEMSUBESCIS4FSIS3GSIS2RSIS1USspaceexclamation-markquotation-marknumber-signdollar-signpercent-signampersandapostropheleft-parenthesisright-parenthesisasteriskplus-signcommahyphenhyphen-minusperiodfull-stopslashsoliduszeroonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninecolonsemicolonless-than-signequals-signgreater-than-signquestion-markcommercial-atleft-square-bracketbackslashreverse-solidusright-square-bracketcircumflexcircumflex-accentunderscorelow-linegrave-accentleft-braceleft-curly-bracketvertical-lineright-braceright-curly-brackettildeDELalnumalphaasciiblankcntrldigitgraphlowerprintpunctspaceupperxdigitalphaREG_OKAYno errors detectedREG_NOMATCHfailed to matchREG_BADPATinvalid regexp (reg version 0.8)REG_ECOLLATEinvalid collating elementREG_ECTYPEinvalid character classREG_EESCAPEinvalid escape \ sequenceREG_ESUBREGinvalid backreference numberREG_EBRACKbrackets [] not balancedREG_EPARENparentheses () not balancedREG_EBRACEbraces {} not balancedREG_BADBRinvalid repetition count(s)REG_ERANGEinvalid character rangeREG_ESPACEout of memoryREG_BADRPTquantifier operand invalidREG_ASSERT"can't happen" -- you found a bugREG_INVARGinvalid argument to regex functionREG_MIXEDcharacter widths of regex and string differREG_BADOPTinvalid embedded optionoopsappendarraybinarybreakcasecatchclockconcatcontinueencodingerrorevalexitexprfcopyfileeventforforeachformatglobalifincrinfojoinlappendlindexlinsertlistllengthloadlrangelreplacelsearchlsortnamespacepackageprocregexpregsubrenamereturnscansetsplitstringsubstswitchtraceunsetuplevelupvarvariablewhileaftercdcloseeoffblockedfconfigurefileflushgetsglobopenpidputspwdreadseeksockettelltimeupdatevwaitexecsourceTcl_CallFrame and CallFrame are not the same sizeTcl_CreateInterp: can't create global namespaceTcl_CreateInterp: builtin command with NULL string and object command procs and a NULL compile proc Tcl_CreateInterp: Tcl_CreateMathFunc incorrectly registered '%s'tcl_platformbyteOrderlittleEndianbigEndiantcl_patchLevel8.3.4tcl_version8.3tcl_precisionTcl8.38.3DeleteInterpProc called with active evalsDeleteInterpProc called on interpreter not marked deletedcannot use namespace qualifiers as hidden commandtoken (rename)can only hide global namespace commands (use rename then hide)hidden command named "" already existscan not expose to a namespace (use expose to toplevel, then rename)unknown hidden command ""trying to expose a non global command name space commandexposed command "" already existscan't deleterename "": command doesn't existcan't rename to "": bad command namecan't rename to "": command already exists::too many nested calls to Tcl_EvalObj (infinite loop?)too many nested calls to Tcl_EvalObj (infinite loop?)attempt to call eval in deleted interpreterCOREIDELETEattempt to call eval in deleted interpreterTcl_EvalObj: compiled script jumped interpsinvoked "break" outside of a loopinvoked "continue" outside of a loop ...expression didn't have numeric valueexpression didn't have numeric valueillegal argument vectorinvalid hidden command name ""unknowninvalid command name ""0Tcl_ExprObj: compiled expression jumped interps000000errorInfoerrorInfoerrorCodeNONEerrorInfobytearrayTcl_SetByteArrayObj called with shared objectTcl_SetObjLength called with shared objectformatscanoption ?arg arg ...?optionformatString ?arg arg ...?number of elements in list does not match countcannot use "*" in format string with "x"binaryhexadecimalvalue formatString ?varName varName ...?expected string but got "" insteadmissing count for "@" field specifiernot enough arguments for all format specifiersbad field specifier ""unable to alloc %d bytesunable to alloc %d bytes, %s line %dunable to realloc %d bytesunable to realloc %d bytes, %s line %d%a %b %d %X %Z %Yclicksformatscanseconds-format-gmt-base-gmtoption ?arg ...?optionbad switch "": must be -milliseconds?-milliseconds?clockval ?-format string? ?-gmt boolean?switchdateString ?-base clockValue? ?-gmt boolean?switchunable to convert date-time string ""envTZenvTZGMTenvTZenvTZbad format string ""string ?in? patList body ... ?default body?extra case pattern with no bodycommand ?varName?couldn't save command result in variable?dirName?~couldn't change working directory to "": convertfromconverttonamessystemoption ?arg ...?option?encoding? data?encoding?message ?errorInfo? ?errorCode?errorCodearg ?arg ...??returnCode?arg ?arg ...? atimeattributeschannelscopydeletedirnameexecutableexistsextensionisdirectoryisfilejoinlstatmtimemkdirnativenameownedpathtypereadablereadlinkrenamerootnamesizesplitstattailtypevolumeswritableoption ?arg ...?optionname ?time?could not set access time for file "": ?pattern?:.name ?name ...?name varNamename ?time?could not set modification time for file "": name ?name ...?absoluterelativevolumerelativecould not readlink "": stat name varNamenamecould not read "": devinomodenlinkuidgidsizeatimemtimectimetypefiledirectorycharacterSpecialblockSpecialfifolinksocketunknownstart test next commandvarList list ?varList list ...? commandforeach varlist is emptyTcl_ForeachObjCmd: could not reconvert variable list %d to a list object Tcl_ForeachObjCmd: could not reconvert value list %d to a list object couldn't set loop variable: ""formatString ?arg arg ...?format string ended in middle of field specifiercannot mix "%" and "%n$" conversion specifiers"%n$" argument index out of rangenot enough arguments for all format specifierswrong # args: no expression after "" argumentwrong # args: no script following "" argumentwrong # args: no script following "else" argumentwrong # args: extra words after "else" clause in "if" commandvarName ?increment?argsbodycmdcountcommandscompletedefaultexistsglobalshostnamelevellibraryloadedlocalsnameofexecutablepatchlevelprocsscriptsharedlibextensiontclversionvarsoption ?arg arg ...?optionprocname"" isn't a procedureprocname"" isn't a procedure?pattern?commandprocname arg varname"" isn't a procedurecouldn't store default value in variable ""procedure "" doesn't have an argument ""varName?pattern?unable to determine name of hostbad level ""?number?tcl_libraryno library has been specified for Tcl?interp??pattern?tcl_patchLevel?pattern?.sotcl_version?pattern? list ?joinString?list indexlist index element ?element ...?listlist first lastlist first last ?element element ...?list doesn't contain element -exact-glob-regexpsearch mode?mode? list pattern-ascii-command-decreasing-dictionary-increasing-index-integer-real-unique?options? listoption"-command" option must be followed by comparison command"-index" option must be followed by list indexelement missing from sublist ""-compare command returned non-numeric result-all-about-indices-inline-expanded-line-linestop-lineanchor-nocase-start--switch?switches? exp string ?matchVar? ?subMatchVar subMatchVar ...?regexp match variables not allowed when using -inlinecouldn't set variable ""-all-nocase-expanded-line-linestop-lineanchor-start--switch?switches? exp string subSpec varNamecouldn't set variable ""oldName newNamebad completion code "": must be ok, error, return, break, continue, or an integerbad option "": must be -code, -errorcode, or -errorinfofileName string ?splitChars?bytelengthcompareequalfirstindexislastlengthmapmatchrangerepeatreplacetolowertouppertotitletrimtrimlefttrimrightwordendwordstartoption arg ?arg ...?option?-nocase? ?-length int? string1 string2bad option "": must be -nocase or -lengthstring1 string2 ?startIndex?string charIndexalnumalphaasciicontrolbooleandigitdoublefalsegraphintegerlowerprintpunctspacetrueupperwordcharxdigitclass ?-strict? ?-failindex var? strclass?-strict? ?-failindex var? strbad option "": must be -strict or -failindexstring1 string2 ?startIndex?string?-nocase? charMap stringbad option "": must be -nocasechar map list unbalanced?-nocase? pattern stringbad option "": must be -nocasestring first laststring countstring first last ?string?string ?first? ?last? string ?chars?string indexstring index-nobackslashes-nocommands-novariablesswitchTcl_SubstObjCmd: bad option index to SubstOptions?-nobackslashes? ?-nocommands? ?-novariables? string-exact-glob-regexp--option?switches? string pattern body ... ?default body?extra switch pattern with no body, this may be due to a comment incorrectly placed outside of a switch body - see the "switch" documentationno body specified for pattern ""command ?count?variablevdeletevinfooption [arg arg ...]optionname ops commandname ops commandnameTcl_TraceObjCmd: bad option index to TraceOptionsbad operations "": should be one or more of rwutest commandForeachInfowrong # args: should be "break"wrong # args: should be "catch command ?varName?"000000TclCompileCatchCmd: bad jump distance %d wrong # args: should be "continue"wrong # args: should be "expr arg ?arg ...?"wrong # args: should be "for start test next command"wrong # args: should be "foreach varList list ?varList list ...? command"wrong # args: no script following "then" argumentwrong # args: no script following "else" argumentwrong # args: extra words after "else" clause in "if" commandTclCompileIfCmd: unexpected opcode updating ifFalse jumpwrong # args: should be "incr varName ?increment?"wrong # args: should be "set varName ?newValue?"wrong # args: should be "while test command"*/%+-<<>><><=>===!=&^|&&||?!~CompileSubExpr: token type %d not TCL_TOKEN_SUB_EXPR CompileSubExpr: unexpected operator %d requiring special treatment CompileSubExpr: unexpected token type %d 000000CompileLandOrLorExpr: bad jump distance %d 111111unknown math function ""too few arguments for math functiontoo many arguments for math functiontoo many arguments for math functiondonepush1push4popdupconcat1invokeStk1invokeStk4evalStkexprStkloadScalar1loadScalar4loadScalarStkloadArray1loadArray4loadArrayStkloadStkstoreScalar1storeScalar4storeScalarStkstoreArray1storeArray4storeArrayStkstoreStkincrScalar1incrScalarStkincrArray1incrArrayStkincrStkincrScalar1ImmincrScalarStkImmincrArray1ImmincrArrayStkImmincrStkImmjump1jump4jumpTrue1jumpTrue4jumpFalse1jumpFalse4lorlandbitorbitxorbitandeqneqltgtlegelshiftrshiftaddsubmultdivmoduplusuminusbitnotnotcallBuiltinFunc1callFunc1tryCvtToNumericbreakcontinueforeach_start4foreach_step4beginCatch4endCatchpushResultpushReturnCodebytecodetcl_traceCompileSetByteCodeFromAny: unable to create link for tcl_traceCompile variableUnexpected token type in TclCompileTokens ...EnterCmdStartData: bad command index %d EnterCmdStartData: cmd map not sorted by code offsetEnterCmdExtentData: bad command index %d EnterCmdExtentData: missing start data for command %d TclFixupForwardJump: bad ExceptionRange type %d GetCmdLocEncodingSize: bad code offsetGetCmdLocEncodingSize: bad code lengthGetCmdLocEncodingSize: bad source lengthEncodeCmdLocMap: bad code offsetEncodeCmdLocMap: bad code lengthEncodeCmdLocMap: bad source lengthTclPrintInstruction: bad local var index %u (%u locals) TclPrintInstruction: bad local var index %u (%u locals) januaryfebruarymarchaprilmayjunejulyaugustseptemberseptoctobernovemberdecembersundaymondaytuesdaytueswednesdaywednesthursdaythurthursfridaysaturdayyearmonthfortnightweekdayhourminuteminsecondsectomorrowyesterdaytodaynowlastthisnextagoepochstardategmtututcuctwetbstwatatnftnstndtastadtestedtcstcdtmstmdtpstpdtystydthsthdtcatahstntidlwcetcestmetmewtmestswtsstfwtfsteetbtitzp4zp5istzp6wastwadtjtcctjstcastcadteasteadtgstnztnzstnzdtidledstabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyzyacc stack overflowsyntax error-encodingutf-8invalid encoding file ""unknown encoding ""encodingrEscapeToUtfProc: invalid sub tableenvenvenvenvenvno such variableerrorInfoerrorCodetclBgErrortclBgErrorerrorInfoerrorCodebgerrorTclInitSubsystems called while finalizingnamecan't wait for variable "": would wait foreveridletasksoptionTcl_UpdateObjCmd: bad option index to UpdateOptions?idletasks?||&&|^&==!=<><=>=<<>>+-*/%+-~!BUILTIN FUNCTIONFUNCTIONacosasinatanatan2ceilcoscoshexpfloorfmodhypotloglog10powsinsinhsqrttantanhabsdoubleintrandroundsrandcmdNametcl_traceExecInitByteCodeExecution: can't create link for tcl_traceExec variableTclExecuteByteCode execution failure: end stack top < start stack topattempt to call eval in deleted interpreterCOREIDELETEattempt to call eval in deleted interpreterunknowninvalid command name ""TclExecuteByteCode: bad ExceptionRange type TclExecuteByteCode: unrecognized ExceptionRange type %d TclExecuteByteCode: unrecognized builtin function code %dTclExecuteByteCode: unrecognized ExceptionRange type %d TclExecuteByteCode: unrecognized ExceptionRange type %d TclExecuteByteCode: unrecognized opCode %udivide by zeroARITHDIVZEROdivide by zerocan't use empty string as operand of ""non-numeric stringinvalid octal numberfloating-point valuecan't use as operand of ""argument to math function was an invalid octal numberargument to math function didn't have numeric valueinteger value too large to representARITHIOVERFLOWinteger value too large to representinteger value too large to representARITHIOVERFLOWinteger value too large to representinteger value too large to representARITHIOVERFLOWinteger value too large to representcan't use floating-point value as argument to srandunknown math function ""ExprCallMathFunc: expected number of args %d != actual number %ddomain error: argument not in valid rangeARITHDOMAINfloating-point value too small to representARITHUNDERFLOWfloating-point value too large to representARITHOVERFLOWARITHUNKNOWNwrong # args: should be " ?options? source ?source ...? target"error copyingrenaming: target "" is not a directorycan't create directory "": wrong # args: should be " ?options? file ?file ...?"error deleting "": directory not emptyerror deleting "": can't overwrite file "" with directory ""can't overwrite directory "" with file ""error renaming "" to "": trying to rename a volume or move a directory into itselfcan't unlink "": error copying "error renaming "" to "": "": bad option "": should be -force or --name ?option? ?value? ?option value ...?optionoptionvalue for "" missingcouldn't find HOME environment variable to expand pathuser "" doesn't exist-directory-join-nocomplain-path-types--optionmissing argument to "-directory""-directory" cannot be used with "-path"missing argument to "-path""-path" cannot be used with "-directory"missing argument to "-types"?switches? name ?name ...?//\::bad argument to "-types": only one MacOS type or creator argument to "-types" allowedno files matched glob pattern "s " "//\:/::}unmatched open-brace in file nameunmatched close-brace in file name,expected integer but got ""integer value too large to representARITHIOVERFLOWexpected integer but got ""integer value too large to representARITHIOVERFLOWexpected floating-point number but got ""expected boolean value but got ""malformed bucket chain in Tcl_DeleteHashEntrycalled Tcl_FindHashEntry on deleted tablecalled Tcl_CreateHashEntry on deleted tableindexambiguous bad "": must be , or or , can't convert value to index except via Tcl_GetIndexFromObj APIwrong # args: should be " "interpInterpInfoDeleteProc: still exist commandsInterpInfoDeleteProc: still exist aliasesaliasaliasescreatedeleteevalexistsexposehidehiddenissafeinvokehiddenmarktrustedslavessharetargettransfercmd ?arg ...?optionslavePath slaveCmd ?masterPath masterCmd? ?args ..?-safe--option?-safe? ?--? ?path?cannot delete the current interpreterpath arg ?arg ...?path hiddenCmdName ?cmdName?path cmdName ?hiddenCmdName?-global--optionpath ?-global? ?--? cmd ?arg ..?pathsrcPath channelId destPathpath aliasalias "" in path "" not foundtarget interpreter for alias "" in path "" is not my descendantsrcPath channelId destPath?path?alias "" not foundalias "" not foundcannot define or rename alias "": would create a loopalias "" not foundtoo many nested calls to AliasObjCmd (infinite loop using alias?)could not find interpreter ""interpreter named "" already exists, cannot createtcl_interactive0aliasaliasesevalexposehidehiddenissafeinvokehiddenmarktrustedSlaveObjCmd: interpreter has been deletedcmd ?arg ...?optionaliasName ?targetName? ?args..?arg ?arg ...?hiddenCmdName ?cmdName?cmdName ?hiddenCmdName?-global--option?-global? ?--? cmd ?arg ..?permission denied: safe interpreter cannot expose commandspermission denied: safe interpreter cannot hide commandsnot allowed to invoke hidden commands from safe interpreterpermission denied: safe interpreter cannot mark trustedenvtcl_platformostcl_platformosVersiontcl_platformmachinetcl_platformusertclDefaultLibrarytcl_librarytcl_pkgPath-blockingontclIOtclIOTcl_RegisterChannel: channel without nameTcl_RegisterChannel: duplicate channel namestclIOcan not find channel named ""Tcl_CreateChannel: NULL channel namecouldn't find state for channel ""reading and writing both disallowed for channel ""could not flush channel ""could not flush channel ""unable to access channel: invalid channelTclFlush, closed channel: queued output leftFlushChannel: damaged channel listcalled Tcl_Close on channel with refCount > 0malformed option list in channel driverbad option "": should be one of -, or -01unable to set channel options: background copy in progressbad value for -buffering: must be one of full, line, or nonebad value for -eofchar: should be a list of one or two elementsbad value for -translation: must be a one or two element listbad value for -translation: must be one of auto, binary, cr, lf, crlf, or platformbad value for -translation: must be one of auto, binary, cr, lf, crlf, or platformreadablewritablechannelId event ?script?event namechannel is not readablewritablechannel "" is busychannel "" is busyerror reading "": error writing "": unknown eol translation modeTcl_Write: AUTO output translation mode not supportedTcl_Write: unknown output translation modeerror setting blocking mode: stdinstdoutstderr?-nonewline? ?channelId? stringbad argument "": should be "nonewline"stdoutchannel "" wasn't opened for writingerror writing "": channelIdchannel "" wasn't opened for writingerror flushing "": channelId ?varName?channel "" wasn't opened for readingerror reading "": channelId ?numChars? or " ?-nonewline? channelId"channel "" wasn't opened for readingbad argument "": should be "nonewline"error reading "": startcurrentendchannelId offset ?origin?originerror during seek on "": channelIdchannelIdchannelId ?optionName? ?value? ?optionName value?...channelId-keepnewline--switch?switches? arg ?arg ...?error reading output from command: channelIdchannel "" wasn't opened for readingfileName ?access? ?permissions?rTcl_OpenCmd: invalid mode valuetclTCPAcceptCallbackstclTCPAcceptCallbacksRegisterTcpServerCleanup: damaged accept record tabletclTCPAcceptCallbacks -async-myaddr-myport-serveroptioncannot set -async option for server socketsno argument given for -myaddr optionno argument given for -myport optiontcpcannot set -async option for server socketsno argument given for -server optionTcl_SocketObjCmd: bad option index to SocketOptionsOption -myport is not valid for serverswrong # args: should be either: ?-myaddr addr? ?-myport myport? ?-async? host port -server command ?-myaddr addr? porttcp-size-commandinput output ?-size size? ?-command callback?channel "" wasn't opened for readingchannel "" wasn't opened for writingswitchtransform-blocking failed to stack channel ""create/writecreate/readdelete/writeflush/writeflush/readdelete/writedelete/readquery/maxReadflush/readreadwriteflush/writeclear/readcouldn't open socket: port number too highillegal access mode ""invalid access mode "": must be RDONLY, WRONLY, RDWR, APPEND, CREAT EXCL, NOCTTY, NONBLOCK, or TRUNCaccess mode must include either RDONLY, WRONLY, or RDWRcouldn't read file "": rcouldn't read file "": couldn't read file "": POSIXinternal error: bad linked variable typelinked variable is read-onlyinternal error: linked variable couldn't be readvariable must have integer valuevariable must have real valuevariable must have boolean valueinternal error: bad linked variable type10NULL??listTcl_SetListObj called with shared objectTcl_ListObjAppendList called with shared objectTcl_ListObjAppendElement called with shared objectTcl_ListObjReplace called with shared objectSetListFromAny: bad size estimate for listfileName ?packageName? ?interp?must specify either file name or package namefile "" is already loaded for package ""tclLoadpackage "" isn't loaded staticallycouldn't figure out package name for couldn't find procedure can't use package in a safe interpreter: no _SafeInit proceduretclLoadtclLoadtclLoadtclLoad{} {tclLoad{} {argvargcargv0tcl_interactive10errorInfotcl_prompt2tcl_prompt1 tcl_prompt2tcl_prompt1stdoutstderrstdoutnsNameTrying to push call frame for dead namespacecan't create namespace "": only global namespace can have empty namecan't create namespace "": already existserrorInfoerrorCodeerrorInfoerrorCodeinvalid export pattern "": pattern can't specify a namespaceauto_importempty import patternunknown namespace in import pattern ""no namespace specified in import pattern ""import pattern "" tries to import from namespace "" into itselfimport pattern "" would create a loop containing command ""can't import command "": already existsunknown namespace in namespace forget pattern ""DeleteImportedCmd: did not find cmd in real cmd's list of import referencesCould not create namespace '%s'unknown namespace ""unknown command ""unknown variable ""childrencodecurrentdeleteevalexportforgetimportinscopeoriginparentqualifierstailwhichsubcommand ?arg ...?optionunknown namespace "" in namespace children command?name? ?pattern?arg::?name name...?unknown namespace "" in namespace delete commandname arg ?arg...??-clear? ?pattern pattern...??pattern pattern...??-force? ?pattern pattern...?name arg ?arg...?unknown namespace "" in inscope namespace commandnameinvalid command name ""unknown namespace "" in namespace parent command?name?stringstring?-command? ?-variable? namebooleandoubleintUpdateStringProc should not be invoked for type %sUpdateStringProc should not be invoked for type %sTcl_SetBooleanObj called with shared objectTcl_SetDoubleObj called with shared objectTcl_SetIntObj called with shared objectinteger value too large to represent as non-long integerinteger value too large to representARITHIOVERFLOWTcl_SetLongObj called with shared objectextra characters after close-quoteextra characters after close-bracemissing close-bracketParseTokens encountered unknown characterattempt to call eval in deleted interpreterCOREIDELETEattempt to call eval in deleted interpretertoo many nested calls to Tcl_Eval (infinite loop?)too many nested calls to Tcl_Eval (infinite loop?)invalid command name ""...unexpected token type in Tcl_EvalTokensmissing close-brace for variable namemissing )$missing close-brace: possible unbalanced brace in commentmissing "missing close-bracketinteger value too large to representARITHIOVERFLOW"" is an invalid octal numberchannel "" wasn't opened for writingreadingcouldn't writeread file "": can't specify "" as last word in commandchild process lost (is SIGCHLD ignored or trapped?)error waiting for process to exit: CHILDSTATUSCHILDKILLEDchild killed: CHILDSUSPchild suspended: child wait status didn't make sense error reading stderr output file: child process exited abnormallyillegal use of | or |& in commandcan't specify "" as last word in commandcouldn't create input file for command: couldn't create input pipe for command: couldn't create output pipe for command: couldn't create error file for command: couldn't create pipe: can't read output from command: standard output was redirectedcan't write input to command: standard input was redirectedpipe for command could not be createdconflicting versions provided for package "": , then Cannot load package "" in standalone executable: This package is not compiled with stub support{}can't find package version conflict for package "": have , need Cannot load package "" in standalone executable: This package is not compiled with stub supportversion conflict for package "": have , need package is not presentpackage is not presentforgetifneedednamespresentproviderequireunknownvcompareversionsvsatisfiesoption ?arg arg ...?optionpackage version ?script??-exact? package ?version?package ?version??-exact? package ?version??command?version1 version2packageversion1 version2Tcl_PackageObjCmd: bad option index to pkgOptionsexpected version number but got ""E2BIGEACCESEADDRINUSEEADDRNOTAVAILEADVEAFNOSUPPORTEAGAINEALREADYEBADEEBADFEBADFDEBADMSGEBADREBADRQCEBADSLTEBFONTEBUSYECHILDECHRNGECOMMECONNABORTEDECONNREFUSEDECONNRESETEDEADLKEDEADLOCKEDESTADDRREQEDOMEDQUOTEEXISTEFAULTEFBIGEHOSTDOWNEHOSTUNREACHEIDRMEINPROGRESSEINTREINVALEIOEISCONNEISDIREL2HLTEL2NSYNCEL3HLTEL3RSTELIBACCELIBBADELIBEXECELIBMAXELIBSCNELNRNGELOOPEMFILEEMLINKEMSGSIZEEMULTIHOPENAMETOOLONGENETDOWNENETRESETENETUNREACHENFILEENOANOENOBUFSENOCSIENODATAENODEVENOENTENOEXECENOLCKENOLINKENOMEMENOMSGENONETENOPKGENOPROTOOPTENOSPCENOSRENOSTRENOSYSENOTBLKENOTCONNENOTDIRENOTEMPTYENOTSOCKENOTSUPENOTTYENOTUNIQENXIOEOPNOTSUPPEPERMEPFNOSUPPORTEPIPEEPROTOEPROTONOSUPPORTEPROTOTYPEERANGEEREMCHGEREMOTEEROFSESHUTDOWNESOCKTNOSUPPORTESPIPEESRCHESRMNTESTALEETIMEETIMEDOUTETOOMANYREFSETXTBSYEUNATCHEUSERSEXDEVEXFULLunknown errorargument list too longpermission deniedaddress already in usecan't assign requested addressadvertise erroraddress family not supported by protocol familyresource temporarily unavailableoperation already in progressbad exchange descriptorbad file numberfile descriptor in bad statenot a data messagebad request descriptorbad request codeinvalid slotbad font file formatfile busyno childrenchannel number out of rangecommunication error on sendsoftware caused connection abortconnection refusedconnection reset by peerresource deadlock avoidedresource deadlock avoideddestination address requiredmath argument out of rangedisk quota exceededfile already existsbad address in system call argumentfile too largehost is downhost is unreachableidentifier removedoperation now in progressinterrupted system callinvalid argumentI/O errorsocket is already connectedillegal operation on a directorylevel 2 haltedlevel 2 not synchronizedlevel 3 haltedlevel 3 resetcan not access a needed shared libraryaccessing a corrupted shared librarycan not exec a shared library directlyattempting to link in more shared libraries than system limit.lib section in a.out corruptedlink number out of rangetoo many levels of symbolic linkstoo many open filestoo many linksmessage too longmultihop attemptedfile name too longnetwork is downnetwork dropped connection on resetnetwork is unreachablefile table overflowanode table overflowno buffer space availableno CSI structure availableno data availableno such deviceno such file or directoryexec format errorno locks availablelink has be severednot enough memoryno message of desired typemachine is not on the networkpackage not installedbad protocol optionno space left on deviceout of stream resourcesnot a stream devicefunction not implementedblock device requiredsocket is not connectednot a directorydirectory not emptysocket operation on non-socketoperation not supportedinappropriate device for ioctlname not unique on networkno such device or addressoperation not supported on socketnot ownerprotocol family not supportedbroken pipeprotocol errorprotocol not supporedprotocol wrong type for socketmath result unrepresentableremote address changedpathname hit remote file systemread-only file systemcan't send afer socket shutdownsocket type not supportedinvalid seekno such processsrmount errorstale remote file handletimer expiredconnection timed outtoo many references: can't splicetext file or pseudo-device busyprotocol driver not attachedtoo many userscross-domain linkmessage tables fullSIGABRTSIGALRMSIGBUSSIGCHLDSIGCONTSIGEMTSIGFPESIGHUPSIGILLSIGINTSIGIOSIGKILLSIGLOSTSIGPIPESIGPROFSIGPWRSIGQUITSIGSEGVSIGSTOPSIGSYSSIGTERMSIGTRAPSIGTSTPSIGTTINSIGTTOUSIGURGSIGUSR1SIGUSR2SIGVTALRMSIGWINCHSIGXCPUSIGXFSZunknown signalSIGABRTalarm clockbus errorchild status changedcontinue after stopEMT instructionfloating-point exceptionhangupillegal instructioninterruptinput/output possible on filekill signalresource lostwrite on pipe with no readersprofiling alarmpower-fail restartquit signalsegmentation violationstopbad argument to system callsoftware termination signaltrace trapstop signal from ttybackground tty readbackground tty writeurgent I/O conditionuser-defined signal 1user-defined signal 2virtual time alarmwindow changedexceeded CPU time limitexceeded file size limitunknown signalTcl_Release couldn't find reference for 0x%xTcl_EventuallyFree called twice for 0x%x procbodyname args bodycan't create procedure "": unknown namespacecan't create procedure "": bad procedure namecan't create procedure "" in non-global namespace with name starting with ":"procedure "too many fields in argument specifier ""procedure "" has argument with no nameprocedure "" has formal parameter "" that is an array elementprocedure "procedure "": formal parameter "" has default value inconsistent with precompiled bodybad level ""?level? command ?arg ...?TclObjInterpProc: local variable %s is not argument but should beTclObjInterpProc: local variable %d is temporary but should be an argumentno value given for parameter "" to ""called "" with too many argumentsa precompiled script jumped interps.........invoked "break" outside of a loopinvoked "continue" outside of a looperrorCodeNONEerrorInfocalled ProcBodySetFromAnycalled ProcBodyUpdateStringregexperror while matching regular expression: REG_UBACKREFREG_ULOOKAHEADREG_UBOUNDSREG_UBRACESREG_UBSALNUMREG_UPBOTCHREG_UBBSREG_UNONPOSIXREG_UUNSPECREG_UUNPORTREG_ULOCALEREG_UEMPTYMATCHREG_UIMPOSSIBLEREG_USHORTEST {}...REGEXPcouldn't compile regular expression pattern: errorCodeerrorCodeerrorInfoerrorInfoerrorCodeerrorCodecannot mix "%" and "%n$" conversion specifiersfield width may not be specified in %c conversionunmatched [ in format stringbad scan conversion character ""variable is assigned by multiple "%n$" conversion specifiersvariable is not assigned by any conversion specifiers"%n$" argument index out of rangedifferent numbers of variable names and field specifiersstring format ?varName varName ...?couldn't set variable ""stringTcl_SetStringObj called with shared objectTcl_SetObjLength called with shared objectTcl_AppendToObj called with shared objectTcl_AppendUnicodeToObj called with shared objectTcl_AppendStringsToObj called with shared objectThis interpreter does not support stubs-enabled extensions.Tclcancelidleinfooption ?arg arg ...?tclAfterargumentbad argument "": must be cancel, idle, info, or a numberid|commandscript script ...?id?event "" doesn't existidletimerTcl_AfterObjCmd: bad subcommand index to afterSubCmdsinstead of spaceunmatched open brace in listunmatched open quote in listinternal error in Tcl_SplitListcan't modify precision from a safe interpreterimproper value for precision0123456789bad index "": must be integer or end?-integer? (looks like invalid octal number)no such variablevariable is arrayvariable isn't arrayno such element in arrayupvar refers to element in deleted arrayupvar refers to variable in deleted namespaceparent namespace doesn't existmissing variable namename refers to an element in an arrayreadreadreadreadreadreadreadreadvarName ?newValue?setsetsetsetsetsetsetsetsetsetsetsetsetsetunsetunsettracevarName ?varName ...?varName ?value value ...?varName ?value value ...?anymoredonesearchexistsgetnamesnextelementsetsizestartsearchunsetoption arrayName ?arg ...?optiontrace arrayarrayName searchIdarrayName searchIdarrayNamearrayName ?pattern?arrayName ?pattern?arrayName searchIdarrayName listarrayNamearrayNames-1-s--arrayName ?pattern?"" isn't an arraysetlist must have an even number of elementsarray setsetaccessbad variable name "": unknown namespacebad variable name "": upvar won't create namespace variable that refers to procedure variablecan't upvar from variable to itselfvariable "" already existsvariable "" has traces: can't use for upvar::varName ?varName ...?definedefine?level? otherVar localVar ?otherVar localVar ...?illegal search identifier ""search identifier "" isn't for variable ""couldn't find search ""can't "()": accessfilettytcpmodemodebad value for -mode: should be baud,parity,data,stop parity: should be n, o, e, m, or s data: should be 5, 6, 7, or 8 stop: should be 1 or 2TclpOpenFileChannel: invalid mode valuecouldn't open "": auto crlfcouldn't seek to end of file on "": -translationcan't get peername: can't get sockname: peername socknamecouldn't open socket: couldn't open socket: -translationauto crlf-translationauto crlf-translationauto crlflinelinenoneTclGetDefaultStdChannel: Unexpected channel type-translationauto-buffering"" wasn't opened for writing"" wasn't opened for readingwrcannot get a FILE * for """" cannot be used to get a FILE *TclWaitForFile can't handle file id %d-group-owner-permissionscould not read "": could not read "": could not read "": could not set group for file "": group "" does not existcould not set group for file "": could not set owner for file "": user "" does not existcould not set owner for file "": could not read "": unknown permission string format ""could not set permissions for file "": /.couldn't read directory "": stat failed on known fileerror getting working directory name: pipecouldn't create pipe: couldn't fork child process: ?channelId?8.38.3librarylibrarytclDefaultLibrarytcl_pkgPathtcl_platformplatformunixtcl_platformostcl_platformosVersiontcl_platformosVersiontcl_platformosVersion.tcl_platformosVersiontcl_platformmachinetcl_platformostcl_platformosVersiontcl_platformmachinetcl_platformusertcl_libPathtcl_rcFileNamercouldn't load file "": Xd(+TH@   <  ܤ l FP G@ _ |_! * l5 D FPU l_( e l( sL zl             $ ( 4 < D H G@L  P  p ݆ ݞ( ݰ. 4 < B H "P 6W @^X el lx s z H H( p H@ T n J R  \   , < |K lR Y ` KgO8 m| tl {  l   u@D D t    8 R `  ` ~lT ~P 0P L  D    &Q 1tt 9T A E JN SH [}X eP  nH y`   @ $  \ | U<8 < L WX Vt` |H h,l h  vX ml mX  h (L( /i 6|L ? @ F VD `iP0 wp \ @| xT  ( tP  v x |    H {x p h x4 ~\ ߼  $$ )  0d 7 @ I,\ `H  hH , L` X 0( | d    XP ,   h  ` #D, .p ;  EżD R [<@ ct o` {L ڄ x  L  Є Ո  x  8T یT  8 p p  44 ", 5 l@ O FP`P fxH kH0 s 8@ z , x   (  $ $X x  H \P   Xt `D    \ 00  )< /H 6@ I lT c FPt    FP &     l  FP     l ) 8 FP I  Q \  e  p  FP  P   Q R  RP R R R R R  S S   SH Sd  Sh  S ! 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