Descr: 	Read-Only again, plus some bugs fixed. Unzip this file and put
	it into your l: directory (AmigaOS-side, of course! :)
Keywords: filesystem

1.4 Release  [ Jul 1994 ]  changes over 1.31:
	Misc Enforcer/Mungwall hits fixed in filesystem, fsck, tool, others
		now that I have a machine that can capture those problems.
	Slight performance enhancement made for sequential (multiblock) reads
	Fixed fsck problem with sometimes recognizing the superblock.
	Changed make options such that executable is residentable (can be
		multiply mounted at boot), this solves problem of having
		more than one autmounted BFFS partition in RDB area.
	Cleaned up various aspects of the code to ease the transition
		to the opposite endian compatibility compilation.
	Fixed bug where string not terminated properly for symlink comments.
		Thanks to Ty Sarna for pointing out this problem.
	Disk Key now represents the file inode number to be more compatible
		with ixemul.librarary; thanks to Wolfgang Baron for suggestion
	Did some code optimizing to speed packet interpretation (mainly
		changed how packet data is passed between routines)
	Fixed AmigaDOS mode path parsing problem.  Thanks to Wolfgang Baron
		for demonstrating this bug.
	Fixed fsck, newfs bug when given a name which is not a disk device
	Added support for ACTION_GET_DISK_FSSM packet, as created by
		Ralph Babel and suggested by Christopher A. Wichura
	Fixed inode corruption problem which occurred during writes over
		files (not creating new ones) when filesystem is full
	Problem of BFFS crash with handlers not supporting disk change
		packet eliminated, thanks to Michael Hitch for bug report
	Fixed file write bug where inode data could get flushed from the
		cache before write is done using that data.
	Converted packet type lookups to table for those that are possible,
		will speed up packet service
	Rewrote file fragment group reader for greater efficiency / speed; will
		use item in cache if available and doesn't flush dirty frags
	Fixed examine of volume where root directory size was incorrectly
		returned - thanks to Andrew H. McCardie for pointing this out`
	Fixed problem of resolving assigned names with mixed case.  Thanks
		to Russell McOrmond for bug report.

1.31 Release  [ 18 Mar 1994 ]  Beta Release changes over 1.3:
	Unknown packets are now reported as ERROR_ACTION_NOT_KNOWN instead
		of ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.  Apparently AmigaDOS and other
		programs look only for ERROR_ACTION_NOT_KNOWN.  Thanks to
		for pointing this out.
	Problem with unaligned buffer file reads where the number of
		requested fragments is greater than cache size fixed.
	Low memory (bytes 0-3) trashing stopped.  Thanks to reports from
		Joe Vasher and Antti Miettinen
	ACTION_EXAMINE_FH fixed, thanks to Joe Vasher for pointing out problem
	Partitions with fragment sizes other than 1k are now mountable
	512 byte block fragments now supported in directory routines
	Problem with allocation where last cylinder group is not full
		has been corrected - would result in filesystem corruption

1.3 Release  [ 2 Feb 1994 ]  changes over 1.3beta:
	If device does not exist, BFFS no longer GURUs the machine.
		Thanks to Tero Manninen for finding this one.
	End of file seek fixed (returns correct position now)
		Again thanks to Tero Manninen for finding this one.
	Dumpfs infinite loop fixed, superblock check is more stringent,
		memory cleared before use (in case driver can't read data
		and dumpfs ran previously) thanks Dominic Giampaolo
	Problem where files cannot be opened or examine even though they show
		up in a file listing fixed, found by Lutz Vieweg
	Unfreed signals in newfs fixed, found by Lutz Vieweg
	rdb program written to provide simple means for editing and fixing
		(most) manufacturers' of Rigid Disk Blocks.
	Disk hardware protection status now correctly observed and reported
		by filesystem, found by Thomas Kroener
	Files not relative to a lock and not containing a colon are assumed
		to be relative to the root - more compatible with ixemul
		expect the filename be NULL terminated (ixemul.library again)
	If an inode does not have a timestamp, the superblock time is given
		Dates for files (such as lost+found) will now be valid
	Unix filenames longer than the Amiga can handle (106 characters) are
		now only significant to 106 characters.  Thanks to Tero
		Manninen for pointing out the problem
	Dumpfs now deallocates the correct memory amount, thanks again Tero!
	Problem with newfs, fsck, dumpfs attempting to deallocate memory
		zero bytes in length corrected, thanks to Tero Manninen
	Inode's modify timestamp is now updated on file close (if written)
		to the corrected GMT time
	On filesystem inhibit or die, all files opened for write which have
		been modified are synchronized to the disk
	Problem with BFFS lowercasing all filenames has been corrected
		thanks to Joe Vasher for pointing this out
	Fixed crash problem with dumpfs when ^C is pressed

1.3beta Release  [ 26 Dec 1993 ]  changes over 1.25:
	Fixed bug where first file in directory was deleted and the fs still
		showed the file
	Fixed two enforcer hits at filesystem startup
	Added comment for every file, showing inumber, perms, uid, gid,
		blocks and size (will be able to turn that off)
	Too many levels (like with looping sym links) will not spin forever
	Fixed path resolution routines (now any packet can use assigned path)
	Unimplemented packets now return the correct DOS error result.
	Write to filesystem enabled (not thoroughly tested yet)
	Added create file code to filesystem
	Added delete file code to filesystem
	Added file allocate/write code
	Added invisible file access mode (0), so a file can be opened for
		read/write even if it is already opened with an exclusive
		lock - this needs to be tested further
	Fixed return value for morecache, so that AddBuffers knows if the
		add succeeded
	Fixed bug in fsck - pass2 was using uninitialized data structure
	Wrote filesystem monitoring tool - bffstool
	Rewrote file block indexer - should be quicker (and handle
		double indirection correctly) now
	Added BSD style disk label recognition to filesystem and dumpfs,
		also fixed consistency checks for boot block
	Removed large stack requirements for fsck, newfs, and diskpart
	Added partition autosizing for diskpart, newfs and made newfs able
		to create filesystems in partitions other than the first
	Added initial configuration options to filesystem via use of the
		PreAlloc value
	Added automatic disk sync (using timer.device)
	Resolution of symbolic links relative to root should now work
	Disk changes (for removable devices) are now sensed automatically,
		compliments of Ken Dyke
	Proper stack is now set automatically by the filesystem.  Only need
		256 bytes to startup, compliments of Ken Dyke

1.25 Release  [ Mid 1993 ]  changes over 1.2:
	Fixed cache large file read bug
	Miscellaneous code cleanup

1.2 Release  [ Feb 1993 ]  changes over 1.1:
	Fixed preposterous (bad value) bootblock crashing filesystem
	Seek of superblock is now much smarter - will look for alternate starts
	Low memory allocations are now much more robust
	Assigned paths onto the filesytem now work correctly
		previously, assigned paths were parsed as the root directory
	Indirect blocks of (very) large files were incorrectly being calculated
	Fixed cache low memory problem - fs would exit on low memory when
		attempting to allocate cache space.
	Filesystem now reports correct number of blocks consumed by files
	File dates were five hours fast; they are now probably 5 slow
	Filesystem now starts immediately if Mount=1 in mountlist
	Setting Reserved=-1 will make BFFS not rely on information in the
		boot block of the disk.  Some cases where BFFS crashed
		previously can be eliminated with this feature.

1.1 Release  [ Mid 1992 ]  changes over 1.0:
	fsck now requires 50k of stack, instead of just crashing
	sym links now show what they point to in the comment field
	block and char special files now show type and device in comment field
	fixed bug in filename path lookups which would cause a guru when
		referencing objects that are not directories as if they were. 
	added automatic path lookups to follow symlinks
	diskname will now default to BFFS{partition} and can be changed with
		the relabel command
	file permissions and file type are now considered when granting file
		read requests 
	filename searches are now case-independent if a case-dependent match
		is not found (means a second pass over the directory)
	fixed problem with return filename on root dir, should be compatible
		with workbench now
	Added code to handle SAME_LOCK packet.  Unfortunately, I suspect a bug
		in the way Workbench handles that info so this routine has been
		hacked to always return LOCK_SAME.
	Fixed motor off problem on floppy drives
	New program - dumpfs to show filesystem information

1.0 Release  [ January 1992 ]  Alpha Release
	Lots of bugs, few features.  :)
	This version was only a rough demo sent to Jan C. at Commodore
	It was only capabl of reading files in cylinder group zero which
		were full filesystem blocks in length and had no holes.