Title: hsfmodem.dsl Description: Intel/Connexant Winmodem driver Version: Author: see http://www.linuxant.com Original-site: http://www.linuxant.com Copying-policy: Free -----==[ Color = red Filesize: 991k ]==----- Extension by: juanito Comments: Free hsf softmodem driver from Linuxant (limited to 14.4kbaud) compiled for DSL. Installs modem as ttySHSF0, thus you may need wvdial to use. Modprobe /dev/ttySHSF to load all required modules If this works for your modem, you have the option to pay for the full speed version. ------------------ Directories declobbered and wvdial config file included in /ramdisk/tmp/wvdial.conf Change-log: Second version Current: 2007/02/23