friend_id; } function getBugzillaID() { return $this->bugzilla_id; } function getFirstName() { return $this->first_name; } function getLastName() { return $this->last_name; } function getDateJoined() { return $this->date_joined; } function getIsAnonymous() { return $this->is_anonymous; } function getIsBenefit() { return $this->is_benefit; } function getEmail() { return $this->email; } private function getRoles() { return $this->roles; } function setFriendID($_friend_id) { $this->friend_id = $_friend_id; } function setBugzillaID($_bugzilla_id) { $this->bugzilla_id = $_bugzilla_id; } function setFirstName($_first_name) { $this->first_name = $_first_name; } function setLastName($_last_name) { $this->last_name = $_last_name; } function setDateJoined($_date_joined) { $this->date_joined = $_date_joined; } function setIsAnonymous($_is_anonymous) { $this->is_anonymous = $_is_anonymous; } function setIsBenefit($_is_benefit) { $this->is_benefit = $_is_benefit; } function setEmail($_email) { $this->email = $_email; } private function setRoles($_roles) { $this->roles = $_roles; } /** * getIsCommitter() - return committer status * @see authenticate() * @return bool user is a committer */ function getIsCommitter() { $rValue = strpos($this->getRoles(), "::CM::"); if($rValue !== false && $rValue >= 0) { $rValue = true; } return $rValue; } function insertUpdateFriend() { $retVal = 0; $App = new App(); #$ModLog = new ModLog(); #$ModLog->setLogTable("Person"); #$ModLog->setPK1($this->getPersonID()); if ($this->date_joined == NULL) $default_date_joined = "NOW()"; else $default_date_joined = $App->returnQuotedString($this->date_joined); if($this->selectFriendID("friend_id", $this->getFriendID())) { # update $sql = "UPDATE friends SET bugzilla_id = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($this->getBugzillaID(), $dbh)) . ", first_name = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($this->getFirstName(), $dbh)) . ", last_name = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($this->getLastName(), $dbh)) . ", date_joined = " . $default_date_joined . ", is_anonymous = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($this->getIsAnonymous(), $dbh)) . ", is_benefit = " . $App->returnQuotedString($App->sqlSanitize($this->getIsBenefit(), $dbh)) . " WHERE friend_id = " . $App->sqlSanitize($this->getFriendID(), $dbh); $App->eclipse_sql($sql); $retVal = $this->friend_id; #$ModLog->setLogAction("UPDATE"); #$ModLog->insertModLog(); # Set the Primary Employer ID } else { # insert $sql = "INSERT INTO friends ( bugzilla_id, first_name, last_name, date_joined, is_anonymous, is_benefit) VALUES ( " . $App->returnQuotedString($this->getBugzillaID()) . ", " . $App->returnQuotedString($this->getFirstName()) . ", " . $App->returnQuotedString($this->getLastName()) . ", " . $default_date_joined . ", " . $App->returnQuotedString($this->getIsAnonymous()) . ", " . $App->returnQuotedString($this->getIsBenefit()) . ")"; $App->eclipse_sql($sql); $retVal = mysql_insert_id(); #$ModLog->setLogAction("INSERT"); #$ModLog->insertModLog(); } return $retVal; } function selectFriend($_friend_id) { if($_friend_id != "") { $App = new App(); $_friend_id = $App->sqlSanitize($_friend_id, $dbh); $sql = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ friend_id, bugzilla_id, first_name, last_name, date_joined, is_anonymous, is_benefit FROM friends WHERE friend_id = " . $App->returnQuotedString($_friend_id); $result = $App->eclipse_sql($sql); if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $this->setFriendID ($myrow["friend_id"]); $this->setBugzillaID ($myrow["bugzilla_id"]); $this->setFirstName ($myrow["first_name"]); $this->setLastName ($myrow["last_name"]); $this->setDateJoined ($myrow["date_joined"]); $this->setIsAnonymous ($myrow["is_anonymous"]); $this->setIsBenefit ($myrow["is_benefit"]); } } } function selectFriendID($_fieldname, $_searchfor) { $retVal = 0; if( ($_fieldname != "") && ($_searchfor != "")) { $App = new App(); $_fieldname = $App->sqlSanitize($_fieldname, null); $_searchfor = $App->sqlSanitize($_searchfor, null); $sql = "SELECT /* USE MASTER */ friend_id FROM friends WHERE $_fieldname = " . $App->returnQuotedString($_searchfor); $result = $App->eclipse_sql($sql); if ($result){ $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result); $retVal = $myrow['friend_id']; } } return $retVal; } function getBugzillaIDFromEmail($_email) { $result = 0; if($_email != "") { $App = new App(); $_email = $App->sqlSanitize($_email, $dbh); $sql = "SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE login_name = " . $App->returnQuotedString($_email); $result = $App->bugzilla_sql($sql); $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result); $result = $myrow['userid']; } return $result; } /** * authenticate() - Authenticate user using bugzilla credentials * * @author droy * @param string Email address * @param string password * @return boolean - auth was successful or not * @since 2007-11-20 * * 2009-08-27: Added code for crypt/sha-256 passes * */ function authenticate($email, $password) { $rValue = false; $validPaths = array( "/home/data/httpd/" ); $App = new App(); if($email != "" && $password != "" && ($App->isValidCaller($validPaths) || $App->devmode)) { $email = $App->sqlSanitize($email, null); // Don't know why this is here: $password = $App->sqlSanitize($password, null); $sql = "SELECT userid, login_name, LEFT(realname, @loc:=LENGTH(realname) - LOCATE(' ', REVERSE(realname))) AS first_name, SUBSTR(realname, @loc+2) AS last_name, cryptpassword FROM profiles WHERE login_name = '$email' AND disabledtext = ''"; $result = $App->bugzilla_sql($sql); if($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $db_cryptpassword = $myrow['cryptpassword']; $pw = "abc12345"; // never allow db == pw by default # check password if(preg_match("/{([^}]+)}$/", $db_cryptpassword, $matches)) { $hash = $matches[0]; $salt = substr($db_cryptpassword,0,8); if(function_exists(mhash)) { $pw = $salt . str_replace("=", "", base64_encode(mhash(MHASH_SHA256,$password . $salt))) . $hash; } else { $pw = $salt . str_replace("=", "", base64_encode(hash("sha256",$password . $salt, true))) . $hash; } } else { $pw = crypt($password, $db_cryptpassword); } if($db_cryptpassword == $pw) { $rValue = true; $this->setBugzillaID($myrow['userid']); $this->setEmail($myrow['login_name']); # Load up the rest of the Friend record $friend_id = $this->selectFriendID("bugzilla_id", $this->getBugzillaID()); if($friend_id > 0) { $this->selectFriend($friend_id); } # Override the friend record with (known good) Bugzilla info $this->setFirstName($myrow['first_name']); $this->setLastName($myrow['last_name']); # Get user roles # Committer $sql = "SELECT /* friend.class.php authenticate */ COUNT(1) AS RecordCount FROM PeopleProjects AS PRJ INNER JOIN People AS P ON P.PersonID = PRJ.PersonID WHERE P.EMail = '$email' AND PRJ.Relation = 'CM' AND (LEFT(PRJ.InactiveDate,10) = '0000-00-00' OR PRJ.InactiveDate IS NULL OR PRJ.InactiveDate > NOW())"; $result = $App->foundation_sql($sql); if($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if($myrow['RecordCount'] > 0) { $this->roles .= "::CM::"; } } } } } return $rValue; } } ?>