0) { ?>
Build Artifacts ::
echo "Build Artifacts :: $thisDir |
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file != ".htaccess" && false===strpos($file,"index.") && $file != "CVS")
if (is_file($file))
$downloadSize = filesize("$file");
# Files larger than 200 kB or .zip files are
# automatically directed to mirrors. Otherwise,
# show them directly on download.eclipse (ex.
# test result HTML files, md5sums)
if (preg_match("/.+\.(txt|xml|html|log|md5|cfg)$/","$file") || $downloadSize < (200*1024))
echo ' ' . $file. ' (' . pretty_size($downloadSize) . ') |
echo ' ' . $file. ' (' . pretty_size($downloadSize) . ') |
echo ' ' . $file. ' |
echo "\n";
} else {
echo "No files found!";
print "
function loadDirSimple($dir,$ext,$type) { // 1D array
$stuff = array();
if (is_dir($dir) && is_readable($dir)) {
while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) {
if ( ($ext=="" || preg_match("/".$ext."$/",$file)) && $file!=".." && $file!=".") {
if (($type=="f" && is_file($file)) || ($type=="d" && is_dir($file))) {
$stuff[] = "$file";
return $stuff;
function pretty_size($bytes)
$sufs = array("B", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P"); //we shouldn't be larger than 999.9 petabytes any time soon, hopefully
$suf = 0;
while($bytes >= 1000)
$bytes /= 1024;
return sprintf("%3.1f%s", $bytes, $sufs[$suf]);