
The following configuration elements are accessible through different APIs/Protocols: remotely from the server, through an RPC in Lua applications connected to the Agent process, and locally in the Agent process (e.g. through the telnet shell).

From the Server through M3DA

The configuration table can be read (M3DA Command ReadNode) and written (Data writing).

The path of the elements is prefixed by the path "@sys.config".

From The Agent's Lua Shell

In the Lua Shell you can access the configuration table thanks to the agent.config module:

-- Load/retrieve the config module
c = require 'agent.config'
-- print all config from the rest sub category
-- assign a new parameter (de-activate rest stuff) = false

From an Asset Application

See DeviceTree library API. A couple of function for setting and reading variables are provided.

Generated doc is available here:

Most likely, user will need the following command:

dt = require "devicetree"
-- user may append strings after config in order to browse deeper into the tree, e.g. ":dt.get("config.server.autoconnect")"

How the Config Store works

Default configuration

The Agent comes with a default configuration that can be altered and restored at any time.
The default configuration of the Agent is provided by thespecified into the fil agent/defaultconfig.lua file, which ships with each porting of the Agent to a target. Beware that changes to defaultconfig are only taken into account at first run, or after a make clean: the Agent makes a read/write copy of the config on the filesystem, which can be modified through the APIs described below, and won't detect a modification of defaultconfig.

Persisted configuration

The preferred way to modify an Agent instance's configuration is to alter its persisted configuration, copied from defaultconfig the first time the Agent runs. On Linux-like operating systems, the config is stored in a custom database format, on a read-write file system (often flash in embedded devices). By default, it goes in the is stored into "./persist/ConfigStore" file, in the Agent's read+write directory.relative to the directory where the Agent is executed.

Configuration loading workflow

When the Agent starts, it looks for an existing stored configuration (ConfigStore). If none is found, it is created from the template provided by agent.defaultconfig.

This means that changing agent.defaultconfig after the first start of the Agent will not change the current configuration of the Agent. A call to agent.config.default() is necessary to reload the default configuration.

The configuration tree is stored in persisted memory (flash). Any change to the configuration is written synchronously, meaning that the settings are persisted as soon as returning from a set() operation.

ConfigStore API

The Configuration module has an API to manipulate the configuration; in a Lua shell, you can type:

agent.config.default(path)   -- reloads the configuration subtree 'path' from the defaultconfig.lua file.
agent.config.diff(path)      -- returns a list of items that are different from the default config.
agent.config.pdiff(path)     -- pretty print the above list
agent.config.set(path, value)-- set a value in the configuration
agent.config.get(path)       -- gets a value for the configuration subtree

Configuration parameters that can be applied to Mihini

Agent generic settings

--Defines the local port on which the agent is listening in order to communicate with the assets
agent.assetport = 9999

--Address on which the agent is accepting connection in order to communicate with the assets
--Pattern is accepted: can be set to "*" to accept connection from any address, by default shell accepts only localhost connection.
agent.assetaddress = "*"

--Devices ID used to communicate with the platform server
agent.deviceId = "012345678901234"

--Device type, for example to be used in Update before accepting an update.
agent.devicetype= ""

--Defines the local port on which the agent is listening in order to receive LUASIGNAL from external applications (Linux only)
agent.signalport = 18888

--Persistence options
agent.persistlatency = 60 --latency before data persistence in seconds,nil to disable
agent.persistsize = 20000 --max byte length

Server connection settings

--URL on which the agent will try the server connection. This parameter is only relevant for HTTP transport protocol
server.url = ""

--When the device is behind a proxy this settings defines a HTTP proxy.
-- This parameter is only relevant for HTTP transport protocol
--server.proxy must be a URL starting by "http://".
server.proxy = "some.proxy.server"

--Agent auto connection policy
server.autoconnect = {}
server.autoconnect.onboot = true -- connect a few seconds after the agent started
server.autoconnect.period = 5 -- period in minute (connect every 5 minutes)
server.autoconnect.cron = "0 0 * * *" -- cron entry (connect once a day at midnight)

Communication security settings

-- Security:
-- * authentication is either "hmac-md5" or nil (prevents attackers from forging fake messages,
--   doesn't ensure secrecy).
-- * encryption is only available when authentication is enabled.
--   The format is "<cipher>-<chaining>-<length>", the only officially supported configurations are
--   "aes-cbc-128" and nil.
-- Both settings must match those on the server, and crypto keys on device and server must also match.
-- server.authentication = 'hmac-md5'
-- server.encryption = 'aes-cbc-128'
--Activate the Lua Shell
shell.activate = true
--Local port on which the Lua Shell server is listening
shell.port = 2000

--Address on which the Lua Shell server is accepting connection
--Pattern is accepted: can be set to "*" to accept connection from any address, by default shell accepts only localhost connection.
shell.address = "*"

shell.editmode = "edit" -- can be "line" if the trivial line by line mode is wanted
shell.historysize = 30 -- only valid for edit mode
rest = {}
rest.activate = true
rest.port = 8357

-- http digest authentication
rest.authentication = {}
rest.authentication.realm = "username@localhost"
-- HA1 is the MD5 sum of the string "username:realm:password"
rest.authentication.ha1 = "your hash here"

rest.restricted_uri = {}
-- Either globally
rest.restricted_uri["*"] = true

-- Or per URI
rest.restricted_uri["devicetree/[%w.]+"] = true
rest.restricted_uri["application$"] = true
rest.restricted_uri["application/[%w%.]+"] = true
rest.restricted_uri["application/[%w%.]+/start"] = true
rest.restricted_uri["application/[%w%.]+/stop"] = true
rest.restricted_uri["application/[%w%.]+/configure"] = true
rest.restricted_uri["update[/%w%?]*$"] = true
-- activate Time Services (see ntppolling config param): sync can be done on demand using synchronize API
time.activate = true

--timezone: signed integer representing quarter(s) of hour to be added
to UTC time (examples: -4 for UTC-1, 23 for UTC+5:45, ...)
time.timezone = 0
-- daylight time saving: signed integer (1, -1) to be added to UTC
time.dst = 0

-- NTP params
time.ntpserver = ""

--polling period for auto time sync
--whatever ntppolling value, time sync is done on Agent boot if Time and NetworkManager are activated
--if ntppolling is set to 0 or nil value, no periodic time sync is done
--if set to string value, it will be interpreted as a cron entry (see timer.lua doc)
--else positive number representing minutes is expected to specify periodic time sync
time.ntppolling = 0

Modem configuration

modem.activate = true
--SIM pin code = ""

--AT Serial interface (Linux Only)
modem.atport = "/dev/ttyS0"
--PPP Serial port
modem.pppport = "/dev/ttyS2"
--export sms api to assets
modem.sms = true

Network connectivity settings

-- Activate / deactivate the NetworkManager
network.activate = true

-- FakeNetman Signal
-- When non nil and network.activate==false then the signal("NETMAN", "CONNECTED", network.initsignal) is emitted when the Agent is initialized
network.initsignal = "Default"

--Maximum failures on bearer selection
--network.maxfailure = 2

--List of supported bearers and ordered priority
 network.bearerpriority = {"ETH","GPRS"}
 --this is equivalent to
 --network.bearerpriority[1] = "ETH"
 --network.bearerpriority[2] = "GPRS"

--amount of time to wait before going back to the preferred bearer if connected bearer is not the first of bearerpriority list.
--if set to nil or equals to 0 netman will never go back automatically to first bearer
network.maxconnectiontime = 30

--SMS fallback - Activate the SMS fallback: if the network is unavailable, an sms is sent instead of making an http connection
--network.smsfallback = "+33102345879" --address to send outgoing smsto (e.g. server SMS reception number)
--network.pinghost --host for tcpping
--network.pingport --port for tcpping

-- Bearer configuration
network.bearer = {}
-- GPRS configuration
-- retry is the number of retries before switching to the next bearer, MANDATORY
-- retryperiod is the time (in seconds on linux) between 2 retries on the same bearer, MANDATORY
network.bearer.GPRS = { retry = 2, retryperiod = 50, apn = "yourapn", username="orange", password="orange"} -- username and password can be not set if not mandatory by the operator

-- If network.bearer.XXX.retry and / or network.bearer.XXX.retryperiod are not specified the NetworkManager will try to use those 'global' setting

-- ETHERNET configuration
-- retry is the number of retries before switching to the next bearer, MANDATORY
-- retryperiod is the time (in seconds on linux) between 2 retries on the same bearer, MANDATORY
network.bearer.ETH = {retry = 2, retryperiod = 5, mode = "dhcp" }
-- ETHERNET with static IP
-- network.bearer.ETH = {retry = 2, retryperiod = 5, mode = "static", address = "", netmask = "", broadcast = "", gateway= "", nameserver1 = "", nameserver2 = ""}

Device Management

-- Activate the Device Management module
device.activate = true
-- ip address or host name and port number of the server hosting the ServerAppSide for the TCPRemoteConnect command
-- device.tcprconnect ={addr = '', port = 2065 }

Logging framework

--default log level: can be one of NONE, ERROR, INFO, DETAIL, DEBUG, ALL. See log.lua for details
log.defaultlevel = "ALL"
-- per module log level
log.moduleslevel.GENERAL = "ALL"
log.moduleslevel.SERVER = "INFO"
-- formating options
log.enablecolors = true
-- change default format for all logs
log.format = "%t %m-%s: %l"
-- timestampformat specifies strftime format to print date/time
-- timestampformat is useful only if %t% is in formatter string
log.timestampformat = "%F %T"

Update framework

--Update module settings
--Activate the Update Agent
update.activate = false

-- Update process settings
-- retries number per component, default value:2
update.retries = 2
-- timeout in seconds for component update response, default value:40
update.timeout = 40

-- dwlnotifperiod: number of seconds between update notification during downloads, default value is 2s
update.dwlnotifperiod = 30
-- Activate Application Container
appcon.activate = false
-- Tcp Port to connect to appmon_daemon.
-- No need to use this config value if using appmon_daemon default port (4242)
appcon.port = 4243

appcon.envvars = {}
-- @LUA_AF_RO_PATH@ is a pattern which is replaced by the runtime path LUA_AF_RO_PATH
-- when the appcon component is loaded.
appcon.envvars.PYTHONPATH = "@LUA_AF_RO_PATH@/python"
appcon.envvars.CLASSPATH = "@LUA_AF_RO_PATH@/java"

Monitoring system

-- activate the monitoring
monitoring.activate = true
-- gives access to the global environment into the monitoring scripts
monitoring.debug = true

Lua RPC server

-- activate LuaRPC server
rpc.activate = true
-- optional: define the address to bind the server socket to. default value is 'localhost'
rpc.address = 'localhost'
-- optional: define the port to bind the server socket to. default value is 1999
rpc.port = 1999

Data queues

-- activate Data queues
data.activate = true
data.queues = { } -- list of available Data queues
-- Each data queue correspond to a data sending policy, there are three main types of policies:
-- manual: data sending is triggered by the user
-- cron: data sending is triggered on cron events
-- latency: data sending is triggered some times after a data push
data.queues.default = { 'manual' } -- default data queue to use when no policy name is used when sending data
data.queues.hourly = { latency = 60 * 60 }
data.queues.daily = { latency = 24 * 60 * 60 }
data.queues.never = { 'manual' } = { latency = 5 }