Device Management


This page references all generic commands used by a M3DA server. The commands are serialized and sent using M3DA Protocol.

This is an "applicative level" specification opposed to the "serialization level" specification from the M3DA Protocol document.

In order to send command from the server to the device, or from the device to the server, an M3DA data writing is to be done on a node path, encapsulated into an M3DA::Message object as stated into the protocol specification.


Command Name Command Argument name -> description (type) Comments
ReadNode "1" -> (string),
"n" -> (string)
Read a node or several nodes and its/their children children (if any) from a tree. The node can be either terminal (a leaf: to get the value of a property) or have sub nodes. In the later case the content of the node and all its sub nodes will be transmitted.
This command provokes the sending of Data Messages that that will contain the data associated to that node. The data of the message is composed of a map that hold the properties as key, and their value as value.
If a node contains a child, Data Messages will be sent recursively in order to present all the data of the sub nodes as well. If the specified node does not exist or contains no data, a nil value will be sent.
Connect Ask the M2M Agent to connect to the platform server.
The command must be addressed to the device (M3DA::Message.path = "@sys").
Reboot Ask the device or one of its asset to reboot.
The device or the asset is designated thanks to the path of the M3DA::Message that wrap this command.
ResetToFactoryDefault "restart" -> once cleared the agent reboots after a given number of seconds or defaults to 6 seconds if this param is equal to "true" or "1" (boolean, number) Reset agent settings to factory defaults. All persisted data about agent settings and installed software are lost.

Impacted modules/functionalities:
- Agent persisted config is reset to defaultconfig( depending on the differences between defaultconfig.lua and persisted config, this operation may impact: server url, hearbeat, ..., or any Agent config parameter)
- Treemgr mapping are reset: it will be regenerated from .map files on next boot
- Persisted M3DA data: asset and device data are reset
- Applications installed in ApplicationContainer are erased
- Update module: any update in progress, software version list
is cleared.
Not impacted modules: M3DA security credentials

Software update

Command Name Command Argument name -> description (type) Comments
ExecuteScript "url" | "1" -> url to retrieve the Lua script (string)

signature | "2" -> signature of the script (string)
-> url to retrieve the Lua script
The Lua script can be either Lua source file or precompiled Lua bytecode file.

-> signature of Lua Script
The signature will fit the security level defined within the Agent. First step: Signature will be MD5 hash, and will be sent in hexa in an ascii string.
SoftwareUpdate "url" | "1" -> url to download the package (string)

"signature" | "2" -> signature of the package (string)
-> url provided by the server where the Software Update Package can be downloaded.
Must not end by a trailing "/" character, unless archive name contains one (not recommended)
-> signature of the Software Update Package
The signature will fit the security level defined within the Agent.

First step: Signature will be MD5 hash, and will be sent in hexa in an ascii string which size must be 32 chars (prefixing zeros chars must be sent!), and in lower case only.

TCP Remote Connection

Command Name Command Argument name -> description (type) Comments
TCPRemoteConnect Install a TCP tunnel

Log Upload

Command Name Command Argument name -> description (type) Comments
LogUpload "url" | "1" -> url (string)

"logtype" | "2" -> log type (string in {"ram" or "flash"})
The url where the logs are to be uploaded. Has to be of the form "ftp://" to request ftp upload, else "http://" for HTTP Post upload string equal to: "ram" to retrieve logs in ram (i.e. only from current Agent execution), or "flash" to get the logs from flash space Note: The content of flash or ram buffer depends on the log policy defined in Agent Config

Application Container

Command Name Command Argument name -> description (type) Comments
appcon.start "appname" | "1" -> application name S (string) tart an application
appcon.stop "appname" | "1" -> application name S (string) top an application
appcon.autostart "appname" | "1" -> application name C (string)

"autostart" | "2" -> autostart flag (boolean)
onfigure an application to start automatically or not


Variable Read/Write Description
@sys.appcon.list RO List of all applications currently managed by appcon, as a single string of space-separated names
@sys.appcon.apps..started RW Whether the application is currently started (Boolean)
@sys.appcon.apps..autostart RW Whether the application starts automatically (Boolean)
@sys.appcon.apps..runnable RO Whether it is a runnable application
@sys.appcon.apps.. RO The current value of every daemon attribute . Current attributes include:
appname, priviledged, prog, wd, pid, startcount, lastexittype, lastexitcode