Time services

NTP time synchronization

The time synchronization client is based on Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Version 4, RFC 4330.

Main algorithm

On each synchronization, the Time module does up to 8 exchanges request/response with NTP server (Any potential NTP packet sanity check failures or UDP errors are included in this number exchanges)
For each successful exchange, the Time module computes the roundtrip time of the exchange, and the offset to apply to local clock to set time the more accurately.
Finally, the offset computed from the packet with the minimum roundtrip time, is used to change the local clock.



Run NTP time synchronization asynchronously.

Time update broadcast / notification
Lua Event : emitter="TIME", event="TIME_UPDATED", params=applied_offset(LuaNumber)
Clock Update Vs timers


The local clock update that can occur during time synchronization can have some impacts on timers and other time-related actions.
This can be quite important when the clock is updated with a big positive offset (i.e clock was way in the past), as scheduled events will be delayed by this big offset.


function test_ntp_timer ()
    local sys = require"system"
    local timer = require"timer"
    local string = require "string"
    local now = os.time()
    local t1 = timer.new(10, function() print(string.format("now = %d, one shot 10, should arrive %d", os.time(), now+10)) end)
    local t2 = timer.new(-10, function()print(string.format("now = %d, period 10, should arrive first %d", os.time(), now+10))  end)
    sys.settime(os.time()+ TIME_OFFSET)

Time zone and Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Time zone and Daylight Saving Time parameters are defined in the Agent's Config table.


Those parameters are here just to provide a way to read those values for applicative logic purpose and to be set/read by server commands.
All timestamps exchanged with the server, or used internally, are in UTC.

Useful documentation

SNTP RFC: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc4330.html
NTP papers, best practices, ... : http://www.ece.udel.edu/~mills/ntp.html