Using treemgr handlers for asset management


This is a proposal to reuse treemgr as a means for asset to be monitored by the server.


The current system as shown some serious shortcoming in real-life use:

So we consider the possibility to let users manage server exchanges through treemgr handlers, which they can either write themselves or derive from handler factories provided by us. These handlers would be mounted in a standard place in the logical tree, but would execute through Racon RPC, so that the user code runs in a user process. We would also like to extend the registration process, so that it supports typical monitoring filters (on deadband, threshold etc.), and can be configured to report to the server.

General design

the Agent has a data tree; its variables can be get/set/monitored by 3rd party applications, and get/set by the server. We want to let 3rd party applications extend the tree with custom variables, which will thus also become accessible to the server. 3rd party applications interact with the server through assets, which can either reflect an actual physical object (a thermometer, a compressor...) or be a software abstraction. Applications can create assets with "racon.newAsset(assetId)", then use them to push data to the server, and configure them to react properly to server requests.

To the existing asset API, we add:

asset:mount([path,] handler)

Whenever a ReadNode command or a data write is received from the server, it is translated into a :get() or :set() operation on path "assets..".

asset:register(active_vars, callback, [passive_vars], [sampling_period], [filter_name], [filter_args...])

function report_to_server(policy)
    return function(asset, map)
               asset:pushdata(map, policy)
               return 'ok'

It is also desirable to subscribe to such data monitoring from the server. A standard function inpired by ReadNode should do the trick: MonitorNode(active_vars, [passive_vars], policy, [sampling_period], [filter], [filter_args...])

TODO: how to unregister? We have to define a primary key, or to send some token to the server.

Note that get/set operations on asset nodes must not be performed directly: user code must run on the user-side of the Racon connector, so these operations must happen through Racon's RPC system. Similarly, notification by the user must go through Racon. This might mean that a function distinct from treemgr.notify() will have to be used, which goes through Racon; an asset:notify() API would probably make sense.

Mounting multiple handlers

Users can mount several handlers on several nodes. It allows to reuse handler factories provided with the agent, for common needs (e.g. storing values in RAM or flash, handling commands...); they can still create their own handlers for more specialized needs. In effect, instead of providing one kind (__default) of handling functions inside a nested tables structure, user associate get/set/register handling functions with paths were they are used. Writing in a nested tables structure remains possible, but given that it is much less frequently needed than we anticipated, the system isn't optimized for this use case anymore.

TODO: Examples.