Racon Lua library

1. Presentation

The Racon Connector library provides access to the M2M platform through the Agent. On architectures supporting multiple processes, it is a library which dialogs with the Agent process through a dedicated IPC channel, most commonly a socket.

Communications with the server include buffering and consolidating data on the embedded side, flushing them to the server according to customizable policies, subscribing to server-side or hardware events and value changes, acknowledge management.

The Agent naturally reasons by assets: connections to it are associated with a given asset when established, events and notifications are dispatched by asset, etc. The Agent's logical assets might map one-to-one with physical assets connected to the physical device, but they don't have to. Within an asset, data are organized into tree paths, and it is possible to subscribe to data or event limited to any arbitrary sub-path.

As a general principle, the Agent takes responsibility for the data that have been passed to it: it is in charge of optimizing their encoding and regrouping, of handling acknowledgements, of securing them in non-volatile memory if asked to, etc.

In addition to offering communication means to the server, the Racon library also gives access to other Agent features: SMS communications, hardware I/O control and monitoring, etc.

2. Create a New Asset Instance, Initialize a New Asset

Creating a new asset is as simple as calling racon.newasset() with a mandatory asset id string.
It returns an Racon asset object, which acts on behalf of the asset.
An asset does not necessarily represent a physical piece of hardware; it is merely a representation of the global application architecture.

At this point, the asset is created but is not ready to communicate with the Agent. To make it active, the start method must be called first, after any required event subscription has been performed.

local racon = require "racon"
racon.init() -- configure the module

-- create asset
asset = racon.newAsset("newassetid")
-- register asset
local status, err = asset :start()
if not status then print("Error when starting the asset: "..err)

The asset identifier is the root element of the message path. For instance, if the variable "foo" is written under path "bar" in the asset "myAsset", the complete path as seen by the server is "myAsset.bar.foo".

3. Data Sending

3.1. Generalities

Data can be sent with two different APIs:

3.2. Event Sending

Noteworthy events are notified between the assets and the server by sending data. When designing an application, some conventions are taken about which paths represent "normal" data, and which ones
will be used to represent events. The embedded application will subscribe to these paths and hook a proper handling function on them; symmetrically, the server will be configured to react to "event
paths" by causing the appropriate notifications.

Both data sending APIs can be used (raw data or predeclared tables). However, given the generally simple and immediate kind of data exchange suitable to event notifications, the raw data API will most often be the best choice.

3.3. Policies

Data is not normally sent to the server as soon as the user requests it. It is accumulated by the Agent to limit the number of connections, to optimize their encoding, and optionally to perform some data consolidation operations on them. Data emission is performed according to a policy, which can be:

There can be multiple policies set up on a single device, and Racon APIs allow to choose according to which policy when each data is sent.

3.3.1. Policy Examples

If cron="*", the device will connect at the beginning of every hour if there is something to send. Even if a connection is forced at 8:59, the cron connection will still be forced at 9:00.

If latency=60*60, the device will connect every one hour: the first connection will be done one hour after the device booted. However, if a periodic connection is due at 9:00, and a connection is forced at 8:59, the next connection will occur at 9:59 rather than at 9:00. This policy guarantees that data will not be buffered for more than 6060 seconds before being sent to the server, and that no more than 6060 seconds will pass between two connections. (Connections not only allow data to be sent to the server, but also to receive data sent by it).

boot=n policy rules are mostly useful if some unsent, persisted data might have been left unsent before a reboot. With such a policy, data unsent because of a shutdown will be sent when the device reboots.

3.3.2. Policy Configurations

To allow the handling of several policies, policy queues can be declared, in unlimited number, in the agent's configuration. They are indexed by name in "data.policy", and contain a table with one key and one value. The key is one of "cron", "latency", "manually". More than one pair can be given for a single policy.

Some policies must exist and have certain properties: Policy configuration examples

agent.config.set('data.policy.hourly.latency', 60*60) -- this policy connects at least once per hour
agent.config.set('data.policy.manual.manually', true) -- this policy only connects when the user requests it
agent.config.set('data.policy.midnight.cron', '0 0 * * \*') -- this policy connects at midnight
agent.config.set('data.policy.default.latency',30) -- change default policy step 1
agent.config.set('data.policy.default.1',nil)      -- change default policy step 2 (optional) Why policies?

Policies introduce an indirection in the way data are flushed from the agent to the server. This indirection is extremely precious over the lifetime of an M2M application: policies can be changed remotely, by asking the server to update the agent's configuration. If data triggering were done explicitly by the application, adapting the reporting policy to changing conditions (bandwidth congestion and billing, change in usage patterns...) owuld require a full software update.

There are a couple of legitimate, very advanced cases where an application needs direct control over data sending policies, and this can be done by forcing the triggers on a manual-only policy. But it should be avoided in most reasonable use cases, and represents a liability for long term maintenance.

3.4. Sending Undeclared Data
asset :pushData (?path, record, ?policy)

This function sends some data according to the specified policy (or the default policy if unspecified). The record can be a flat key/value set of values, which will be stored under the specified path (relative to the asset's root on the server).
If the record contains nested sub-tables, it will be interpreted as several sub-trees (cf. examples).
If the path is omitted, data is stored at the asset's root.
If the record is not a table, the last segment of the path is used as only record key.

Notice that for the server, all data is timestamped. If there is no 'timestamp' or 'timestamps' entry on a record, it will be timestamped at the date of its reception by the server.

3.4.1. Examples
asset :pushData('foo', {x=1, y=2}) -- sends <assetroot>.foo.x=1, <assetroot>.foo.y=2
asset :pushData('foo.x', 1, 'midnight') -- will send <assetroot>.foo.x=1 according to the "midnight" policy
asset :pushData('foo', {x=1, y={a=2, b=3}}) -- sends <assetroot>.foo.x=1, <assetroot>.foo.y.a=2, <assetroot>.foo.y.b=3
3.5. Predeclared Data Tables

Data tables can be declared as follows:

tbl = asset :newTable(path, columns, ?storage, ?policy)

A table is associated with a given path (relative to the asset's root) and policy (default policy if unspecified). It can also have either a "ram" or "file" storage mode. Finally, it predeclares the columns which it handles; all records later pushed in the table must conform to this set of columns. The paramater columns is a list of column names as strings.

In the future, columns will support more advanced settings, including serialization policies which affect their bandwidth usage vs. data precision compromise.

The result of this function is a table proxy object tbl, which supports methods :pushRow() to feed data in it, and :send() to force an immediate flush to the server, bypassing any policy setup.

3.5.1. Example
tbl = asset :newTable('position', {'latitude', 'longitude', 'altitude', 'timestamp'}, 'ram', 'hourly')
3.5.2. Pushing a Row in a Predeclared Table
tbl :pushRow{k_1=v_1, ..., k_n=v_n}

Push a row of data in a predeclared table. Keys must match the predeclared column names.

3.5.3. Example
tbl :pushRow{latitude=y, longitude=x, altitude=z, timestamp=os.time()}
3.5.4. Forcing the Emission of a Table Content
tbl :send(?no_reset)

Force the immediate emission of the table's content to the server. The table content will be erased unless either the transmission fails, or the no_reset argument is true.

3.5.5. Forcing a Policy Flush

All the data attached to a given policy can be flushed to the server immediately with function:


If no policy_name is passed, the default policy is used. If the special name "*" is passed, all policies are flushed.

4. Data Reception (Data Writing)

4.1. Asset Data Tree

The Racon asset instance (returned by a call to racon.newAsset()) contains a data tree: a set of nested lua tables, stored in the asset's tree field. Data sent by the server will be written in this tree, under the proper path, unless a handler function has been set up in the tree. If a suitable handler function is found in the tree, data writings sent by the server are passed to that handler rather than written in the tree.

FYI, server can only modify data defined in datamodel as a setting, and not a variable.

4.2. Registering a Function on the Data Tree

The data tree, or any sub path (branch) of it, can be set to a function.
In that case, a data writing will trigger a function call with the remaining path and value as parameters.
It is possible to set a default function handler for a path by setting the key __default to a function in the given path.

Data writing handlers can either:

Data handlers receive the following parameters:


The data tree contains some default handlers for common tasks. Overwriting the tree with a fresh table will disable these pre-wired tasks.

The following example illustrates the registration of function on the data tree:

-- create an asset
asset = racon.newAsset("myasset")

-- create a sub path 'engine' in the asset data tree
-- in developper studio datamodel, 'engine' is represented as a node
asset.tree.engine = {}

-- dummy function to set on the data tree
local function writebranch(tablevalues, remaingpath)
    for k,v in pairs(tablevalues) do
        print("set", k ,v)

-- add function on path 'myasset.engine.temperature': called whenever a data writing is done on 'myasset.engine.temperature'
asset.tree.engine.temperature = writebranch

-- add default function on path 'myasset.engine': called whenever a data writing is done on 'myasset.engine'
asset.tree.engine.__default = writebranch

-- register the asset
4.3. Pre-wired Tasks

The 'commands' sub-table is preset in an asset's data tree when it's created. It contains the 'ReadNode' command. The 'ReadNode' command is registered on the asset's data tree at 'commands.ReadNode'.

4.3.1. Command Reception

TODO: Update this section

AWTDA3 deprecates AWTDA2's concept of commands. Instead, the protocol transports commands as regular data writing. The concept of command remains supported, through the convention that data writings under the "commands.``" path represent commands, and command callbacks should be registered as handlers under "commands.``".


A command is just a function registered in the asset data tree under the "special" path @assetid.commands.
The asset data tree comes with:

The following example illustrates the registration of commands on the asset data tree:

asset = portal.newasset("myasset")

-- This function will be called when the Command StartEngine is sent to the asset
asset.tree.commands.StartEngine = function(asset, tablevalues, remaingpath) end -- do something that starts the engine...


5. Setting and Getting Agent Internal Variables

The Agent has a list of internal variables that can be manipulated by a user application. For instance, these variables allow to interact with the Monitoring Engine, Agent configuration.

The provided devicetree.get and devicetree.set API allow to access those Agent internal variables.
The Get API allows you to retrieve the value of a terminal variable as well as to retrieve and discover branches of the tree representation of variables.
The Set API allows you to set the value of a terminal variable, to set a sub tree at once, and to create a new variable when it does not exist.

The Register API allows you to subscribe to change on individual variables, on whole sub-trees, or on a mix thereof. It also handles passive variables: normally, when a callback is triggered because some registered variables changed, it only receives the variables whose values changed as parameters. If some passive variables are listed during the registration, their content is always passed to the callback, whether it changed or not. A change in a passive variable won't trigger the callback, though--unless it is also listed as an active one.

6. Software Update

The Agent Connector library provides an easy software update mechanism that is well coupled with the Platform Server. The final update process (replace a binary file, update a text configuration file, upgrade a device firmware, etc.) is really dependent on the application, and thus this part is let at user discretion. There are exceptions to the process. For example, for updating application managed by the Application Container, everything is managed by the Agent.

The Platform Server and Agent are actually in charge of the transfer and notification of new software update packages. The system guarantees that the software package transfer is safe and different options are available: checksums, authentication, and encryption.

In order to receive Software Update notifications, the user must register a listener on the Agent Connector context. The notification provides a packageName, a packageVersion, an url that specifies where the file is located (on the local file system) and some custom applicative parameters to help the update process.

7. Sending and Receiving SMS

The library provides an API in order to register a listener for SMS reception. In order to register for SMS reception the user has to give two patterns: one on the emitter and one on the message content. If the emitter or the message of a received SMS matches the corresponding pattern, then this listener is called.

A simple send SMS API is provided in order to send SMS.
When sending an SMS, the user has to provide a format parameter that fits the modem (and network) capabilities of the device.
Available options are 7bits, 8bits, and UCS2.

The Agent relays incoming and outgoing SMS and handles the concatenation if the SMS content is larger than the single SMS capacity. There is no restriction on the emitter/recipient of an SMS at the Agent itself, though it must be connected to a modem with an activated SIM card.