Version 2.15.90 * Moved stock_* fullscreen icons to view-* action names (Rodney Dawes) * Removed stock_close icons -- bug #348509 (Rodney Dawes) * Removed stock_open icons -- bug #348401 (Rodney Dawes) * Add document-new icons and update new "emblem" on *-new icons -- bug #348433 (Jakub Steiner) * New utilities-terminal icons (Andreas Nilsson) * Fix missing computer.svg in scalable/devices/ (Rodney Dawes) * New system-run icons (Lapo Calamendrei) * New preferences-desktop-screensaver and system-file-manager (Andreas Nilsson) * 32x32 version of spinner images (Jakub Steiner) * Removed some old icons replaced with newer versions already (Rodney Dawes) * Scalable versions of the appointment-* status icons (Rodney Dawes, Jakub Steiner)