/* -*-ePiX-*- */ #include "epix.h" using namespace ePiX; P sw(776,1892), ne(2984,680); double XSZ(5.5), YSZ(1.2); // Cartesian dimensions // to screen P pt(double x, double y) { return P(XSZ*(x-sw.x1())/(ne.x1() - sw.x1()), YSZ*(y-sw.x2())/(ne.x2() - sw.x2())); } P Bl(380, 2160), Tr(3180, 60); // to picture P pic(double x, double y) { return P(8*(x-Bl.x1())/(Tr.x1() - Bl.x1()), 6*(y-Bl.x2())/(Tr.x2() - Bl.x2())); } void Circ(const P& loc, const std::string& msg) { dot_size(16); circ(loc); label(loc, msg); } void key(const P& loc, const std::string& msg) { P stem(P(0.5, 0.25)); double scale(8.5 - 2*loc.x1()); P elbow(loc + scale*stem), tail(elbow+P(0.25)); line(elbow, tail); base(White(), 2.5); line(elbow, tail); base(Neutral(), 0); arrow(elbow, elbow-scale*0.99*stem); Circ(tail, msg); } int main() { picture(P(0,0), P(8,6), "8 x 6in"); begin(); degrees(); screen scr(P(0,0), P(XSZ, YSZ)); activate(scr); grid(P(0,0), P(6, YSZ), 6, 3); bold(); grid(); axis Ax(P(0,0), P(5,0), 5, P(0,-4), b); Ax.subdivide(2).tick_ratio(1).align(t).draw(); axis Ay(P(0,0), P(0,1), 5, P(-4,0), l); Ay.align(r).draw(); axis Ax2(P(0,YSZ), P(5,YSZ), 5); Ax2.subdivide(2).tick_ratio(1).align(b).draw_ticks(); axis Ay2(P(XSZ,0), P(XSZ, 1), 5); Ay2.align(l).draw_ticks(); std::vector

data1, data2, data3, data4; data1.push_back(pt(775, 883)); data1.push_back(pt(875, 883)); data1.push_back(pt(975, 883)); data1.push_back(pt(1075, 884)); data1.push_back(pt(1175, 886)); data1.push_back(pt(1275, 888)); data1.push_back(pt(1375, 893)); data1.push_back(pt(1475, 903)); data1.push_back(pt(1575, 915)); data1.push_back(pt(1675, 944)); data1.push_back(pt(1775, 998)); data1.push_back(pt(1875, 1089)); data1.push_back(pt(1975, 1225)); data1.push_back(pt(2075, 1405)); // final common point data1.push_back(pt(2125, 1505)); data1.push_back(pt(2175, 1573)); data1.push_back(pt(2275, 1693)); data1.push_back(pt(2375, 1777)); data1.push_back(pt(2475, 1829)); data1.push_back(pt(2575, 1860)); data1.push_back(pt(2675, 1882)); data1.push_back(pt(2775, 1893)); data1.push_back(pt(2875, 1895)); data1.push_back(pt(2975, 1896)); data2.push_back(pt(1975, 1225)); data2.push_back(pt(2075, 1409)); data2.push_back(pt(2125, 1507)); data2.push_back(pt(2175, 1576)); data2.push_back(pt(2275, 1710)); data2.push_back(pt(2375, 1800)); data2.push_back(pt(2475, 1851)); data2.push_back(pt(2575, 1878)); data2.push_back(pt(2675, 1892)); data2.push_back(pt(2775, 1895)); data2.push_back(pt(2875, 1896)); data3.push_back(pt(1975, 1225)); data3.push_back(pt(2075, 1409)); data3.push_back(pt(2125, 1508)); data3.push_back(pt(2175, 1597)); data3.push_back(pt(2275, 1746)); data3.push_back(pt(2375, 1841)); data3.push_back(pt(2475, 1882)); data3.push_back(pt(2575, 1895)); data3.push_back(pt(2675, 1896)); data4.push_back(pt(1975, 1225)); data4.push_back(pt(2075, 1409)); data4.push_back(pt(2125, 1519)); data4.push_back(pt(2175, 1667)); data4.push_back(pt(2275, 1861)); data4.push_back(pt(2375, 1892)); data4.push_back(pt(2475, 1896)); spline(data1, 12); spline(data2, 12); spline(data3, 12); spline(data4, 12); plain(); key(pt(2288, 1706), "$1$"); key(pt(2305, 1742), "$2$"); key(pt(2314, 1789), "$3$"); key(pt(2292, 1873), "$4$"); crop(); label(P(1.5), P(0,-4), "$\\rho$", b); label(P(2.75, 0), P(0,-18), // added period "\\textsc{Fig.~2} -- Central form factors, tail variation.", b); label_angle(90); label(P(0, 0.6), P(-24,0), "\\Code{FFCR} and/or \\Code{FFCI}", l); deactivate(scr); inset(scr, P(1.125,0.5), P(8, 4.25)); // now draw rest of page label_angle(0); label(pic(1004, 220), P(0,0), "\\Code{R0 = 1.2},\\quad \\Code{A = 0.52},\\quad \\Code{HA = 0},\\quad \\Code{FN1A = 1},\\quad $\\rho_{m_A} = \\bar{\\rho}_N = 3.24$", r); label(pic(1700, 160), P(0,0), "\\framebox{p - Cu\\quad $9.75$~\\MeV}", t); P lb(pic(1232, 304)), dY(pic(1232, 364) - lb); Circ(lb, "$1$"); label(lb, P(12,0), "\\Code{FN2A = 0.01}", r); lb += dY; Circ(lb, "$2$"); // Capitalize Standard label(lb, P(12,0), "\\Code{FN2A = 1}\\qquad(Standard form factor)", r); lb += dY; Circ(lb, "$3$"); label(lb, P(12,0), "\\Code{FN2A = 3}", r); lb += dY; Circ(lb, "$4$"); label(lb, P(12,0), "\\Code{FN2A = 10}", r); tikz_format(); end(); }