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Title: The Waterloo Roll Call
       With Biographical Notes and Anecdotes

Author: Charles Dalton

Release Date: February 8, 2016 [EBook #51143]

Language: English

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Transcriber’s Note:

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The bulk of this text consists of annotated tables containing names, dates, and ranks achieved of participants in the British Army at the battle of Waterloo. Most entries are accompanied by brief biographical sketches. The notes follow each table, as printed.

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The footnotes to the prefatory material, and to the headings of many tables, originally appeared as an asterisk. These have been re-sequenced from A to W and appear after the paragraph where they are referenced.

The cover image has been modified to include the title and author, and, as amended, is added to the public domain.




Second Edition,
Government and General Publishers,
[All Rights Reserved.]


Time does not diminish the interest of Waterloo, for that combat of giants is indissolubly connected with Napoleon—the greatest master of the art of war the world has ever known.

Since the publication of my Roll Call in 1890, I have received much additional information from the relatives of Waterloo officers. This has enabled me to bring out the present revised and enlarged edition. And I wish particularly to mention that many of the obituary notices of Waterloo officers given in the following pages were collected by the late Mr. J.W. O’Brien, of the British Museum Library (formerly in the ranks of the 4th Dragoon Guards), whose annotated copy of the Roll Call came into my possession by purchase. Mr. O’Brien’s researches were not made at my instigation or wish, but having been made, and brought to my notice, I thought it advisable to secure and utilise this copy of my book containing the aforesaid MS. entries.

A special feature of the Second Edition is the list of non-commissioned officers and men (given in Part III.) who served at Waterloo, and subsequently received commissions in the British army.

Charles Dalton.

September 1st, 1904.



Preface to Second Edition vii
Introduction to First Edition ix-xv
Abbreviations xvi
List of the Staff 1–8
Biographical Memoirs of the Staff 9–39
British and Hanoverian Army, as formed in Divisions and Brigades on the 18th June, 1815 40–44
Annotated Lists of Regiments engaged at Waterloo 46–230
Medical Staff and Departmental Officers 231–235
Annotated Lists of Regiments which formed the Reserve on 18th June, 1815 236–249
Muster Roll of the Scots Greys 250–255
Non-Commissioned Officers and Men at Waterloo who subsequently received Commissions in the British Army 256–266
A few Waterloo Heroes 267–273
Appendix 275–278
Index 279


Ah! Je les tiens donc, ces Anglais!Napoleon.

Never since the days of Oliver Cromwell had any name caused so much fear in England as did that of Napoleon Bonaparte. From 1802 until his first downfall, in 1814, a spirit of alarm and uneasiness pervaded all classes in Great Britain, from the King and his Ministers down to the most illiterate peasant. Those who were witnesses of, and participators in, this panic have now passed away, but the national pride which our victory over Napoleon at Waterloo excited in every Briton’s breast is as strong as ever, and will last till the crack of doom.

In July, 1803, a little pamphlet, entitled Important Considerations for the People of this Kingdom, was published in London, and “sent to the officiating minister of every parish in England.” This pamphlet, which bears the Royal Arms of England, was an appeal from the Government to the Nation, and a diatribe against Napoleon. Mark the closing lines of this appeal: “Shall we, who are abundantly supplied with iron and steel, powder and lead—shall we, who have a fleet superior to the maritime force of all the world, and who are able to bring two millions of fighting men into the field—shall we yield up this dear and happy land, together with all the liberties and honours, to preserve which our fathers so often dyed the land and the sea with their blood?... No, we are not so miserably fallen; we cannot, in so short a space of time, have become so detestably degenerate; we have the strength and the will to repel the hostility, to chastise the insolence of the foe. Mighty, indeed, xmust be our efforts, but mighty also is the need.” The idea of a French invasion was slow in forcing its way into the minds of the uneducated classes in England. When they first heard of such a possibility they thought it of no more consequence than the invasion of Scotland by Charles Edward Stuart with a mere handful of Frenchmen at his back. They also thought less of the projected descent from having heard so much in 1797, and during the Rebellion in Ireland in 1798, of a French army coming to the relief of the National party in that kingdom:—

“For the French are on the sea,
Says the Shan Van Vaugh,
And Ireland will soon be free,
Says the Shan Van Vaugh.”

And yet nothing had come of all this talk! But when the nation at large had fully grasped the possibility of a Napoleonic invasion, Pitt had no difficulty in raising the sinews of war. No fewer than 300,000 men enrolled themselves in volunteer corps and defence associations. The army and navy were increased, and everything was done that was possible to counteract the power of that wonderful man, who, in the short space of a few years, had, speaking metaphorically, built a Great Wall of China round the British Isles, shutting the English out of the commerce of Europe. Our preparations were none too soon. In 1805 the battle of Austerlitz established the supremacy of Napoleon over Austria and Russia. Fortunately for England, Nelson’s crowning victory at Trafalgar indefinitely postponed Napoleon’s invasion scheme; but we were still engaged in a gigantic war, single-handed, with half of Europe our declared, and the other half our enforced, enemies. Nelson was dead; Pitt was dying from the weight of anxieties which pressed upon him in this tremendous crisis; Hanover had been taken from us. The outlook was very gloomy, and affairs became more complicated in 1807, when the military expeditions, arranged by Lord Grenville’s ministry, against Constantinople and Egypt, had turned out failures, and resulted in the Turks declaring war against us and confiscating all British property. And yet in 1807 Napoleon had not yet reached the zenith of his power. For the next xifive years he held the destinies of nearly the whole of Europe in his own hands. Monarchies of long standing were disestablished and new kingdoms—Napoleonic kingdoms—were raised up in their place. Immense French armies traversed Europe from Portugal to the heart of Russia, and every capital within that limit was, in its turn, subjugated to the French yoke. But in 1808 two British Generals stemmed the tide of French conquest in the Peninsula, viz., Sir John Moore and Sir Arthur Wellesley. The first met a soldier’s death at Corunna, and the latter was superseded by an incapable commander. But the British Government soon found that they had made a grievous mistake, and Wellesley was again entrusted with the supreme command in Portugal. Then commenced that series of brilliant campaigns which liberated Portugal and Spain from the Napoleonic grasp, and only ceased after the battle of Toulouse by Napoleon’s abdication at Fontainebleau. In the spring of 1814 England had a large army, composed for the most part of seasoned veterans, who were fit for anything and worth millions. When war broke out again, in the spring of 1815, at least half of the Peninsular army had been disbanded—dispersed—and not to be had at any price. Some of the best of the old Peninsular regiments had been sent to America in 1814, and several of them—the gallant 43rd Light Infantry being one—did not reach Waterloo in time to take part in the battle. Raw levies took their place, and foreign auxiliaries helped to bring up Wellington’s army in Flanders to the required strength. Of Wellington’s 106,000 barely one-third were British. The remainder consisted of “King’s German Legion,” “Hanoverian Levies,” “Brunswick Contingent,” “Nassau Contingent,” “Dutch and Belgian Troops,” and “Nassauers in Dutch service.” Of this polyglot force the German Legion, both cavalry and infantry, were deserving of the highest praise for their conduct on Waterloo Day. They formed part of the British army for nearly a dozen years, and many British officers held commissions in the “Legion.” I have been obliged to leave out the German Legion officers in the following Roll Call (excepting those who served on the Staff), and it would be invidious, when all did so well, to pick out the British officers who served in the xii“Legion” at Waterloo and record their services when those of their German brother-officers are omitted. I cannot even make an exception of Colonel (afterwards Baron) Hugh Halkett, who, like a knight in the olden days of chivalry, singled out a French general (Cambronne) in single combat, and took him prisoner.

The Hanoverian levies did well also, excepting one regiment, which refused to charge the French when commanded so to do. And this was doubtless owing to the lâcheté of their colonel, who, when ordered to lead his regiment to the charge, declined to do so, saying he had no confidence in his men. It is related that Captain Horace Seymour, who had brought this officer Lord Uxbridge’s orders, addressed “a few words of plain Saxon” to him, “which no gentleman ought to have listened to unmoved,” but the only effect they had on the Hanoverian was to hasten his departure to the rear. The Brunswick Contingent fought at a disadvantage at Waterloo, having lost their brave leader (the Duke of Brunswick) at Quatre Bras. Of the Nassau, Dutch, and Belgian troops it is only fair to say that they were, mostly, utterly useless at Waterloo. The glamour of Napoleon was upon them. They had lately been in his service, and had a settled conviction that Wellington would be defeated and his army cut to pieces. “Come over to us, brave Belgians!” shouted a French regiment at Waterloo to their Belgian opponents in the battle. But the “brave Belgians” preferred making “a retrograde movement for strategical reasons,” and retired from the field, carrying news of Wellington’s defeat to Brussels.

Now for Napoleon’s army: This consisted on the 15th of June of about 128,000 men[A]—mostly veterans who had served in many campaigns, and to whom defeat was rare. Add to this, that they all belonged to one nation, and were all equally devoted to their beloved emperor. “No army,” says Colonel Chesney, in his Waterloo Lecture, “was probably ever so well furnished with leaders as his, as none had ever the like experience wherewith to train them.” It is no slight to Wellington to say that Napoleon was, for rapid and offensive warfare, by far the first general of his xiiiday. In defensive warfare Wellington was much in advance of his great rival. Taking the words out of Philip the Second’s mouth, Wellington might have with truth said, “Time and I against any other two.” Once more: Wellington himself told Earl Stanhope that he considered the presence of Napoleon with the French army at Waterloo fully equivalent to an additional force of 30,000 men! Now this was the total of the force sent under Marshal Grouchy, on the 17th June, to follow the Prussian army, which had been defeated at Ligny by Napoleon on the previous day, and which was supposed to be in full retreat on Namur and Liége, so that, in round numbers, Napoleon was himself considered equal to a whole army corps! If the British had a Picton, the French had a Ney, who was considered almost Napoleon’s equal in handling troops in the field, and who had pressed us so sorely at Quatre Bras, on the 16th of June, when only half our army had arrived at that position. Then as a leader of cavalry Lord Uxbridge was well matched by Kellermann, whose fame as a cavalry general dated from Marengo. And General Mouton (Count Lobau) was an infantry leader of whom any army might have been proud. It was he who, at the head of the Imperial Foot Guards, had wrested the victory from the Prussians on the bloody field of Lützen, in 1813, and saved the French army from a reverse. Enough has now been said to show what a splendid army the British had opposed to them on the 18th of June, 1815. “I have them at last, these English!” exclaimed Napoleon, in a transport of joy, early in the morning of that day, when he saw our army drawn up in position, with their backs to the forest of Soignies. But he underrated Wellington’s generalship, nor could he foresee how the British generals, officers, and men of all ranks would fight that memorable day, when the eyes of all Europe were upon them, because upon the issue of that contest depended the fate of empires and kingdoms, as well as the future peace of the world. And knowing, as we all do, what glory the victory at Waterloo brought to our countrymen and our country, we must be generous enough to give the brave Prussians the full share due to them for their co-operation on that day. Had it not been for them, Waterloo would have been as barren a victory as Borodino, and Napoleon would have retreated in as good xivorder, probably, as Blucher was able to do after his defeat at Ligny. As it was, our troops bore the whole brunt of the battle without losing an inch of ground, and the arrival of the Prussians, at the close of the day, sealed the fate of Napoleon.[B]

A.  Lord Wolseley, in his Decline and Fall of Napoleon, says the French army consisted of about 123,000 men of all arms and 344 guns.—Ed.

In offering this, the first annotated Waterloo Army List, to the British public, I must ask their indulgence for any omissions and errors it may contain. Although I have spared no trouble in the matter, there must be, I well know, a few names of British Waterloo officers who have escaped my notice. But when the following list is compared with the very defective lists given by Siborne and George Jones (the foundation of all other lists), I think the following Roll Call will be found infinitely more trustworthy. I have also added the regimental and army commissions of the Waterloo officers up to the date of the battle, and the honours and promotions bestowed after Waterloo. The war services of many of these same officers now appear in print for the first time, and are not to be found in the Military Calendar of field officers which was published in 1820, nor in Hart’s Army Lists, which date from 1840, and are such valuable works of reference. Of course, a large proportion of the names I have annotated, genealogically, are names of well-known families of the present time, but there are also many names in the following Roll Call which belong to families that are now extinct or lost sight of. I have endeavoured to rescue as many names from oblivion as time would allow, but there are a certain number of whom I can give no information beyond their obituary notices:

“Here lies Pat Steele. That’s very true.
Who was he? What was he? What’s that to you?”

As regards the orthography of the names in the regimental lists, I am not responsible, as they are copied from the “official” xvArmy List. The same rule applies to the precedence of the different regiments.

I am indebted to Colonel F.A. Whinyates, late R.H.A., for some interesting information regarding artillery officers, and to George Tancred, Esq., late captain Scots Greys, for the Waterloo muster-roll and some memoranda relating to the Scots Greys.

Charles Dalton.

32 West Cromwell Road, London, S.W.

June 1, 1890.

B.  “I should not do justice to my feelings, or to Marshal Blücher and the Prussian Army, if I did not attribute the success of this arduous day to the cordial and timely assistance I received from them.”—Wellington’s despatch to Earl Bathurst.



Par. = Peninsular.
Pa. = Peninsula.
G.C.H. = Knight Grand Cross of Hanover.
K.C.H. = Knight Commander of Hanover.
K.H. = Knight of Hanover.
K.M.T. = Knight of Maria Theresa of Austria.
K. St. A. = Knight of St. Anne of Russia.
K. St. V. = Knight of St. Vladimir of Russia.
K. St. G. = Knight of St. George of Russia.
K.T.S. = Knight of the Tower and Sword of Portugal.
K.M.B. = Knight of Maximilian of Bavaria.
K.W. = Knight of Wilhelm of Holland.
W. after an officer’s name = Wounded.
K.       ”             ”       = Killed.
M.I. = Monumental inscription.






























F.-M. Arthur, Duke of Wellington, K.G., G.C.B., &c.

Born in Dublin, 1st May, 1769. 3rd son of Garrett, 1st Earl of Mornington, by Anne, eldest dau. of Arthur (Hill), 1st Viscount Dungannon. Educated at Eton and Angers Military Academy. Like Clive, he was “a heaven-born general.” His fame far exceeded the many titles he won by his genius. “I am going to dine with Wellington to-night,” said a young Irish staff officer to a group of brother officers at the close of a hard-fought battle in Spain. “Give me at least the prefix of Mr. before my name,” said Lord Wellington, who happened to ride by at the moment and had overheard the jubilant remark. “My Lord,” replied the officer, “we do not speak of Mr. Cæsar, or Mr. Alexander, so why should I speak of Mr. Wellington?” The Duke d. at Walmer Castle, 14th Sept., 1852, and was buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral. He had m., in 1806, the Hon. Catherine Pakenham, 3rd dau. of Edward, 2nd Lord Longford, and by her, who d. in 1831, left issue.


Lt.-Col. Lord Fitzroy Somerset, 1st Ft. Gds., W.

Youngest son of Henry, 5th Duke of Beaufort. Was Wellington’s A.D.C. and “right hand” throughout the campaign in Spain and Portugal. Lost his right arm at Waterloo, from a shot fired from the top of La Haye Sainte farmhouse after its capture by the French. Created Baron Raglan a month after Wellington’s death. F.-M. and C.-in-C. of the British army in the Crimea in Nov., 1854. D. in the Crimea during the siege of Sebastopol, at a farmhouse overlooking the plains of Balaklava. In the principal room is still to be seen a marble slab with the inscription, “In this room died F.-M. Lord Raglan, G.C.B., Commander-in-Chief of the British Army in the Crimea, 28th June, 1855.” Lord Raglan’s body was brought to England and interred at Badminton with his ancestors. He had m., in 1814, Lady Emily Harriet Wellesley-Pole, 2nd dau of Wm., 3rd Earl of Mornington, and by her, who d. 1881, left issue.


Lt.-Col. J. Fremantle, 2nd Ft. Gds. (1st Batt.)

Served as A.D.C. to Wellington at Vittoria, and brought home the despatch. Eldest son of Col. Stephen Fremantle, by Albinia, dau. of Sir John Jeffrys, Bart.; C.B. M., 17th Feb., 1829, Agnes, 3rd dau. of David Lyon. Died a maj.-gen. on ret. list.

Lt.-Col. C.F. Canning, 3rd Ft. Gds., K.

3rd son of Stratford Canning, by Mehetabel Patrick, of Summerhill, Dublin, and brother of the subsequently celebrated diplomatist, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe. Had acted as A.D.C. to Wellington 10in the Pa., and it was by the former’s special request that the Duke took him again on his personal staff just before Waterloo.

“Dying lamented Canning lay,
On March he wistful gaz’d.
‘How fares the Duke?’ ‘How goes the day?’
‘All well’—his head he raised.”

Lt.-Col. Hon. Sir Alexander Gordon, K.C.B., 3rd Ft. Gds., K.

It is said that when Wellington was roused from sleep by Dr. Hume early on the morning after Waterloo and told that Gordon had died from the effect of his wounds, he burst into tears. Alex. Wm. Gordon was 3rd son of George, Lord Haddo, by Charlotte, youngest daughter of Wm. Baird, of Newbyth. He had served as A.D.C. to his uncle, Sir David Baird, at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope and in several subsequent campaigns.

Lt. Lord George Lennox, 9th Lt. Dns.

2nd son of Charles, 4th Duke of Richmond, by Lady Charlotte Gordon, eldest daughter of Alexander, 4th Duke of Gordon. He and his eldest brother took an active part in the drama of the 18th June, whilst the duke, his father, and Lord Wm. Pitt Lennox, his younger brother, were spectators of a battle in which they were unable to play a more active part. (See notes to 35th Regt. of Foot.) Lord George m., 29th June, 1818, Louisa, dau. of the Hon. F. Rodney, and had issue. Was M.P. for West Sussex, 1832–41, and Gent. of the Bed-chamber to Prince Albert. D. 1873.

Hered. Prince of Nassau-Usingen.

Son of Duke Bernard of Nassau, who sent a contingent of Nassau troops to fight at Waterloo. In the Wellington Despatches is a letter from Wellington to Duke Bernard, in July, 1815, in which he speaks highly of the bravery of the young Prince.


Maj. Hon. Henry Percy, 14th Lt. Dns.

Sent home with the Waterloo Despatch, and recd. the bonus usual on such occasions and a brevet of Lt.-Col. A Jew—an agent of Rothschild, who was at Ghent when news was brought to Louis XVIII. of the defeat of the French army, drew his own conclusions from the king’s happy face which he saw through a window—set off at once for London and did his little business on the Stock Exchange a few hours before Percy reached the metropolis. 5th son of Algernon, 1st Earl of Beverley, by Isabella, 2nd dau. of Peter Burrell, of Beckenham. Was A.D.C. to Sir J. Moore at Corunna. C.B. D. unm. 15 April, 1825.

Capt. Lord Arthur Hill, h. p.

2nd son of Arthur, Marquis of Downshire, by Mary, Baroness Sandys in her own right. Succeeded his mother as Baron Sandys in 1836. Lt.-Gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 2nd Dns. D. unm. 1860.

Lt. Hon. George Cathcart, 6th Dn. Gds.

3rd son of William, 10th Baron, and 1st Earl, Cathcart, by Elizabeth, dau. of Andrew Elliott, Gov. of New York. Bn. 12th May, 1794. M., 1824, Lady Georgiana Greville (dau. of Louisa, Countess of Mansfield, by 11her 2nd husband, the Hon. Robert Greville), and had issue. G.C.B. Lt.-Gen., Com. of the forces at the Cape of Good Hope. Commanded the 4th Division of the British Army in the Crimea, and fell at Inkerman. He was a worthy descendant of the founder of his family—Sir Alan de Cathcart—whose bravery at the battle of Loudoun Hill is thus recorded in an old rhyme:—

“A knight that then was in his rout,
Worthy and wight, stalwart and stout,
Courteous and fair, and of good fame,
Sir Alan Cathcart was his name.”


H.R.H. the Prince of Orange, W.

Bn. 6th Dec., 1792. Appointed a maj.-gen. in the Brit. Army in Dec., 1813. Succeeded his father, William I. King of Holland (who d. in 1843), as William II. Became a F.-M. of England in 1845. D. in 1849, and was succeeded by his son, the reigning King of Holland.


Lt.-Col. Baron Tripp, 60th Foot.

Ernest Otto, Baron Tripp, C.B., was maj. in the 60th Rifles and brevet lt.-col. He d. 1816.

Capt. Lord John Somerset, h.p.

Brother to Lord Fitzroy Somerset. Bn. 30th Aug., 1787. M., 4th Dec., 1814, Lady Catherine Annesley, and had issue. Col., 10th Jan., 1837. D. 3rd Oct., 1846, whilst holding the appointment of Inspecting Field Officer, Recruiting District.

Capt. Hon. Francis Russell, h. p.

Placed on h. p., 2nd Garrison Batt., 28th April, 1814. Restored to f. p. as capt., 57th Regt., in 1816. Afterwards capt. and lt.-col., Coldstream Guards. Eldest son of Lord Wm. Russell, who was murdered by his valet in 1840. In the Army List for 1815 is styled “Honourable.” May have been a royal page.


Capt. the Earl of March, 52nd Foot.

At the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, the Earl of March, then a lt. in the 13th Lt. Dns., and serving as A.D.C. to Visct. Wellington, entered the breach as a volunteer with the storming party of the 52nd. The Prince of Orange and Lord Fitzroy Somerset were Lord March’s companions in this adventure. On the following morning, when breakfasting with Wellington, they received a gentle reproof, being staff officers, for thus risking their lives. Succeeded his father as 5th Duke of Richmond in 1819. Placed on h. p., 25th July, 1816. Served in the Pa. with the 52nd Regt. and was severely wounded at the battle of Orthes. M., 10th April, 1817, Lady Charlotte Paget, eldest dau. of the 1st Marquis of Anglesey, and had issue. A.D.C. to the Queen. K.G. Lt.-col. in the army, and col. Sussex Militia. D. 21st Oct., 1860.

12Capt. Viscount Bury, 1st Ft. Gds.

Eldest son of William Charles, 4th Earl of Albemarle, by the Hon. Eliz. Southwell, dau. of Edward, Lord de Clifford. Bn. 2nd June, 1794. Served in the Pa. M., 4th May, 1816, Frances, dau. of Charles Steer, of Chichester. Succeeded as 5th earl in 1849. D. s. p. 15th March, 1851.

Lt. H. Webster, 9th Lt. Dns.

Afterwards Col. Henry Vassall Webster, K.T.S., 2nd son of Sir Godfrey Webster, Bart., by Eliz. Lady Holland, dau. and heir of Robt. Vassall, of Jamaica. Made a Knt. of Wilhelm of the Netherlands for his services at Waterloo. M. Grace, dau. of Samuel Boddington. Killed himself in a fit of insanity, 19th April, 1847.


The Earl of Uxbridge, G.C.B., W.

“The Prince Murat of the British Army.” This brilliant cavalry leader served with distinction in the early part of the war in the Pa. The way he handled the cavalry at Waterloo is a matter of history known to every Briton. Wounded in the right knee during the last charge; his right leg was amputated after the battle and buried under a tree. A board was afterwards affixed to this tree with this verse:—

“Here lies the Marquis of Anglesey’s leg;
Pray for the rest of his body, I beg.”

Was created Marquis of Anglesey 23rd June, 1815. Bn. 17th May, 1768. Succeeded his father as 2nd Earl of Uxbridge in 1812. Attained the rank of F.-M. in Nov., 1846. Was twice m., and left issue by both wives. D. 29th April, 1854. Bd. in Lichfield Cathedral.


Maj. W. Thornhill, 7th Hussars, W.

2nd son of Bache Thornhill, of Stanton-in-Peak, near Bakewell, by Jane, dau. of Edward Gould, of Mansfield Woodhouse. Promoted lt.-col. of 7th Hussars 12th Aug., 1819. K.H. He had received his brevet lt.-colcy. in June, 1815, at Lord Anglesey’s request. D. at Wimborne, 9th Dec., 1850.

Capt. H.B. Seymour, 18th Hussars, W.

“The strongest man in the British Army,” who is said to “have slain more men at Waterloo than any other single individual.” Was taken prisoner on the 18th June, but rescued by some of our cavalry sent by Wellington himself for the purpose. He is the identical “Capt. Trevanion” in Charles Lever’s Harry Lorrequer, who was grossly insulted by a French officer—a noted bully—at a restaurant in Paris a few weeks after Waterloo. After repeated insults the French bully ordered a glass of brandy, and, whilst sitting just opposite Trevanion, drank it off, saying, in a loud voice that could be heard all over the café, “A votre courage, Anglais.” “Trevanion slowly rose from his chair, displaying to the astonished Frenchman the immense proportions and gigantic frame of a man well known as the largest officer in the British Army. With one stride he was beside the chair of the Frenchman, and with the speed of lightning, he seized his nose by one hand while with the other he grasped his lower jaw, and, wrenching open his mouth with 13the strength of an ogre, he spat down his throat.” The bully’s jaw was broken by his adversary’s iron grasp, and he disappeared to be seen no more.

Horace Beauchamp Seymour was transferred, in 1815, to a troop in the 1st Life Guards. Was put on h. p. 1819, K.C.H.; M.P. for Lisburn. 3rd son of Adml. Lord Hugh Seymour, by Lady Anne Waldegrave, dau. of 2nd Earl Waldegrave. M. twice, and by his first wife (Eliz., dau. of Sir L. Palk, Bt.) was father of Adml. Lord Alcester. D. at Brighton 23rd Nov., 1851.


Capt. T. Wildman, 7th Hussars, W.

Purchased the Newstead Abbey estate for £95,000 from Mr. Clawton, who had bought it of Lord Byron for £14,000. Eldest son of Thos. Wildman of Bacton Hall, Suffolk, by Sarah, dau. of Henry Hardinge, of Durham. Served at Corunna and in many of the subsequent engagements. M., 1816, Louisa Preisig, a Swiss lady. D. s. p., 20 Sept., 1859.

Capt. J. Fraser, 7th Hussars, W.

Aftds. Sir James John Fraser, Bart. Succeeded his brother, Sir Wm. Fraser, in 1827. Son of Wm. Fraser (a direct descendant of 1st Lord Lovat), who was created a bart. in 1806, by Elizabeth Farquharson. M. Charlotte, only child of D. Craufurd. D. 5th June, 1834, and was succeeded by his son, Wm. Augustus.


Lord Hill, G.C.B.

The 2nd son and 4th child of a family of sixteen. His father was Sir John Hill, a Shropshire bart. His mother, the dau. and co-heir of John Chambré, of Petton, in the same county. Bn. 11th Aug., 1772, at The Hall, in the village of Prees, in Shropshire. Entered the 53rd Regt. as lieut., in 1793. Was A.D.C. to Gen. O’Hara, at Toulon. Commanded the 90th Regt. at the age of 23. Appointed to a brigade command in the Pa., in 1808, and to a division in 1809. Greatly distinguished himself at Arroyo and Almaraz—victories that were entirely his. K.C.B. In 1814 was created a baron of England. At Waterloo had a horse shot under him—was rolled over and severely bruised. In a letter to his sister, dated 24th July, 1815, he said: “I verily believe there never was so tremendous a battle fought as that at Waterloo.” C.-in-C. 1828–42. Created a viscount, 1842, with remainder to his nephew, Sir Rowland Hill. D., unm., 10th Dec., 1842, at Hardwick Grange.


Lt.-Col. C. Hill, R.H. Gds., W.

Brother to the above. Bn. 6th Dec., 1781. As a Maj.-Gen. commanded the forces at Madras. Equerry to H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent. D. unm., 20th Jan., 1845.

Maj. R. Egerton, 34th Foot.

9th and youngest son of Philip Egerton, of Oulton, Cheshire, by Frances, dau. and co-heir of Sir Griffith Jefferies, Knt. As a subaltern served in North America with the 29th Foot, and in South America with the 89th 14Foot. Served with the 2nd Batt. 34th Foot in the Pa., in 1809. In 1810 was appointed to the Staff of Wellington’s army. In 1812 was A.D.C. to Lord (then Sir Rowland) Hill, and served in that capacity at Waterloo, and with the army of occupation in France. In 1828 Lord Hill chose Col. Egerton for his first A.D.C. and private sec. C.B. Par. medal with 8 clasps. Col.-in-Chf. 46th Foot. M., 1st Dec., 1814, Arabella, youngest dau. of H. Tomkinson, of Dorfold. D. at Eaton Banks, Cheshire, aged 72, 21st Nov., 1854.

Maj. C.H. Churchill, 1st Ft. Gds.

Col. Chatham Horace Churchill, C.B., appears to have sprung from the Dorsetshire family of this name. This officer, who took a prominent part in the Waterloo drama, evinced the enthusiasm which characterized his great namesake a century before. “By G—, they deserve to have Bonaparte!” he was heard to exclaim, as he watched the French “Invincibles” ride into the jaws of death. Writing home to his family the day after the battle he said: “I had rather have fallen yesterday as a British Infantryman, or a French Cuirassier, than die ten years hence in my bed!” He d. in action at Gwalior, India, 27th Dec., 1843, whilst holding the appointment of Q.-M.-G. in India. He left a dau., Louisa, who m. Lt.-Col. John Michel, who became F.-M., 1886. See Appendix.

Capt. D. Mackworth, 7th Foot.

Aftds. Sir Digby Mackworth, Bart. As a subaltern in 7th Fusiliers, was at the battle of Albuera, and was one of the 150 men who remained unwounded in the 7th and 23rd Regts. at the close of the action. Succeeded his father Sir Digby, in 1838. K.H. Lt.-Col. 1837. Was twice married and left issue. Died at Glen Usk, co. Monmouth, 1852, aged 63.


Capt. Hon. O. Bridgeman, 1st Ft. Gds., W.

3rd son of Orlando, 2nd Baron Bradford, by Lucy Elizabeth, dau. of 4th Visct. Torrington. M., 1817, Selina, dau. of Francis, Earl of Kilmorey, and had issue. Placed on h. p. 1819. D. 1827.


Sir Thomas Picton, G.C.B., K.

Son of Thos. Picton, of Poyston, co. Pembroke. The leader of the “fighting” third division in the Par. War. Victory and glory went hand in hand with this heroic leader, whose memory is so dear to every Briton. Received a probably mortal wound at Quatre Bras but concealed the fact from everyone, excepting an old servant, in order that he might be present at what he foresaw was to be a tremendous struggle. Fell whilst gloriously leading a charge of infantry to repel “one of the most serious attacks made by the enemy on our position.” It is said that on the morning of the 18th June, one of the first questions asked by Napoleon of his Staff was: Où est la division de Picton? A few hours later, the broken ranks and decimated companies of many French regts. answered the question. Picton’s body was conveyed to England and interred in the burial ground of St. George’s, Hanover 15Square. In 1859 his remains were finally deposited in St. Paul’s Cathedral. Pensions were granted to the sisters of Sir Thos. Picton, G.C.B., in consideration of his great services.


Capt. Algernon Langton, 61st Foot, W.

3rd son of Bennet Langton, of Langton, co. Lincoln, by Mary, dowager Countess of Rothes. Wounded at Quatre Bras. Made a bt.-maj. On h. p. 1817. Took holy orders. M. Mary Anne, sister of Edward Drewe, of Grange, co. Devon, and had issue a son, Bennet. D. 1829.

Capt. J. Tyler, 93rd Foot, W.

Picton’s first A.D.C. in the Pa. Was by his General’s side when he was killed at Waterloo. Sent home with the body. Made bt.-maj. for Waterloo. Placed on h. p. 1820. Appointed junior maj. of the 97th Regt. in 1829. Belonged to a Glamorganshire family. D. 4th June, 1842.

Capt. N. Chambers, 1st. Ft. Gds., K.

Son of George Chambers by the Hon. Jane Rodney, eldest dau. of the “Great” Lord Rodney by his 2nd wife, Henrietta Clies. Killed a few minutes after Picton fell.


Capt. B. Price, h. p.

Barrington Price commenced his career in the 43rd Regt., and was present at Vimiero and Corunna. Capt. 102nd Regt. 1811; h. p. 50th, 1815. D. in London, 21st Jan., 1816. Grandson of Robert Price, of Foxley, who married, in June, 1746, Sarah, dau. of John, 1st Visct. Barrington. It is worthy of note that it was a Welsh gentleman of the name of Price who was the first to smoke tobacco in the streets of London.


Sir Henry Clinton, G.C.B.

2nd son of Sir H. Clinton, K.C.B., the C.-in-C. of the Brit. forces in America during the war, by Harriet, dau. and co-heir of Thos. Carter. Received the thanks of Parliament for his services at Waterloo. M., in 1799, 2nd dau. of Francis, Lord Elcho. D. s. p. 11th Dec., 1829.


Capt. F. Dawkins, 1st Ft. Gds.

4th son of Henry Dawkins, M.P. for Aldborough, by Augusta, dau. of Gen. Sir H. Clinton, Commander of the forces in North America. Bn. 1796. M., 1836, Ann, eldest dau. of Gen. Sir Howard Douglas, Bart., and had issue. Dep. Q.-M.-G. in the Ionian Islands, 1837. Col. in the army, 1841. D. 1847.

Capt. J. Gurwood, 10th Hussars, W.

As a subaltern in 52nd Regt., commanded the forlorn hope, at the lesser breach, at the assault on Ciudad Rodrigo, and received a severe wound 16in his head. On this occasion he took the Governor, Gen. Barrié, prisoner, whose sword was presented to Gurwood by Wellington. Came of poor but honest parents in the East Riding of Yorkshire. Was a frequent visitor at Langton Hall, near Malton, the seat of his friend, Col. (aftds. Maj.-Gen.) Norcliffe, K.H., who persuaded Gurwood to sit to Morton, the painter, for his portrait, which is still at Langton. Editor of The Wellington Dispatches. C.B. and Col. Dep. Lt. of the Tower. D. at Brighton, 25 Dec., 1843. Bd. in the Tower Chapel.


Chas., Count Alten, K.C.B.

Served throughout the Par. War with the German Legion. Specially mentioned in the Waterloo dispatch. Aftds. Minister of War and Inspector-Gen. Hanoverian army.


Lt. W. Havelock, 43rd Foot, W.

El chico bianco” of the Par. War. Bn. 1795. Eldest son of Wm. Havelock, of Ingress Park, Kent. Ensign, 43rd Regt., 12th July, 1810. K.H. Killed in action at Ramnuggur, India, 22nd Nov., 1848, whilst commanding 14th Lt. Dragoons. The following account of the sanguinary action with the Sikh army is given in the Annual Register for 1848:—“A more fearful sight was perhaps never witnessed on a field of battle, for the British army stood drawn up silent spectators of the bloody conflict of 450 sabres against an army amounting to more than 15,000 men with heavy cannon ... the gallant Havelock, in the front of his regt., charged amidst the undeviated fire from the batteries of the enemy, and was almost cut to pieces.”

Bt.-Maj. A. Heise, 2nd Lt. Batt. K.G.L.

Aftds. Lt.-Col. Sir Augustus Heise, K.C.H. D. at Tübingen, in State of Wurtemburg, 1st Aug., 1819.


Sir Charles Colville, G.C.B.

Commanded the Reserves at Hal, on 18th June, and was not present at Waterloo. Commanded the British troops at the siege of Cambray, and accompanied the allied army to Paris. 2nd son of John, 9th Baron Colville (and father of 11th Baron), by Amelia Webber. Served in the Pa., and was wounded when commanding the principal attack on “Badajoz’s breeches,” 6th April, 1812. Bn. 7th Aug., 1770. M. 16th Feb., 1818, Jane eldest dau. of Wm. Mure, of Caldwell, co. Ayr. G.C.B.; G.C.H.; K.T.S.; Col. 5th Foot; Gen. and Gov. of Mauritius 1828. D. 27th May, 1843, at Hampstead.


Capt. J. Jackson, 37th Foot.

Capt. 6th Dn. Gds. 4th Dec., 1817. Aftds. Gen. Sir James Jackson, G.C.B., and Col.-in-Chf., K.D.G. Served in the Pa. and in Arabia, and was for 17some time Lt.-Gov. at the Cape of Good Hope. 3rd son of Col. George Jackson, of Enniscoe, by Maria, only dau. and heir of Wm. Rutledge, of Foxford, co. Mayo. D. 31st Dec., 1871.

Lt. F.W. Frankland, 2nd Foot.

Aftds. Sir Fredk. Wm. Frankland, Bart., of Thirkelby, co. York. Descended from Oliver Cromwell, through his daughter Frances Cromwell’s marriage with Sir John Russell, Bart. Served at Pampeluna, the battles of the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Bidassoa, and Toulouse. Sir Frederick m. Katharine, only dau. of Isaac Scarth, and left at his decease, in 1878, a son, the late Sir Wm. Frankland, Bart., R.E., of Thirkelby.


Capt. Lord James Hay, 1st Ft. Gds.

2nd son of George, 7th Marquis of Tweeddale, by Lady Hannah Maitland, dau. of 7th Lord Lauderdale. M., 1813, Eliz., only child of James Forbes, of Seaton, co. Aberdeen. Lt.-gen. and col. 86th Regt. D. 17th Aug., 1862, leaving issue.


V. Count Alten.

Count Victor Alten distinguished himself in the Pa. D. at Osnabruck, a lt.-gen. in the Hanoverian Service.


Lt. Baron Estorff, 2nd Dns., K.G.L.

D. at Osnabruck, 28th April, 1827.


Capt. Einem, K.G.L.

Afterwards Lt.-Col. Gottfried von Einem. D. 23rd Aug., 1820.


Sir John Vandeleur, K.C.B.

Only son of Richard Vandeleur of Rutland, Queen’s Co., a captain 9th Lt. Dns., by Elinor, dau. of John Firman of Firmount. Bn. 1763. Served under Lord Lake in India; commanded a cavalry brigade in the Pa., and received the gold cross. G.C.B. for Waterloo. Gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 16th Lt. Dns. in 1830. M., 1829, Catherine, dau. of Rev. John Glasse, and had issue. D. 1st Nov., 1849.


Capt. W. Armstrong, 19th Lt. Dns.

The 19th Dragoons was Sir John Vandeleur’s old regt. Wm. Armstrong was placed on h. p. as capt. in the Royal African Corps in 1819. In the h. p. list 1830.


Maj. M. Childers, 11th Lt. Dns.

Eldest son, by a 2nd marriage, of Chas. Walbanke-Childers, who assumed the latter name on inheriting the estates of his grandfather, Leonard Childers, of Carr House, co. York. Michael Childers became jun. lt.-col. of 11th Dns. in 1820. C.B. Col. 1837. D. at Sand Hutton, co. York, 9th Jan., 1854, unm.


Maj.-Gen. George Cooke, W.

Son of Col. G. Cooke, of Harefield Park, Mdx., and brother of Sir H.F. Cooke (private sec. to Duke of York) and Adl. Sir Edward Cooke. His mother was Penelope, sister of Adl. Boyer. Appointed ens. 1st Guards, 1784. In 1794 served in Flanders, and was A.D.C. to Maj.-Gen. (aftds. F.-M.) Hulse. As lt.-col. in the Guards was sev. wnded. when serving in Holland in 1799. Held a command in the Pa. under Sir T. Graham. Appointed maj.-gen. 4th June, 1811. Lost his right arm at Waterloo. K.C.B. 22nd June, 1815; K. St. George of Russia, &c.; Col.-in-Chf. 40th Foot. D. 3rd Feb., 1887, at Harefield, Mdx.


Capt. G. Disbrowe, 1st Ft. Gds.

The Desboroughs, or Disbrowes, were brought into notice during the Civil Wars when John Desborough, a noted Republican, exchanged his plough for a sword, and attained high renown as a soldier. The Gen.’s family came still more into notice when he married Cromwell’s youngest sister. George Disbrowe was placed on h. p. as lt.-col. 1821. K.H. He was 2nd son of Edward Disbrowe, of Walton-upon-Trent, co. Derby, by Lady Charlotte Hobart, youngest dau. of George, 3rd Earl of Buckinghamshire. Col. G. Disbrowe d. about 1875.


Ens. Augustus Cuyler, 2nd Ft. Gds.

Bn. 14th Aug., 1796. 2nd son of Gen. Cornelius Cuyler, who was created a Bart. in 1814; lt. and capt. same regt. 1817; lt.-col. h. p. 1826.


Sir James Kempt, K.C.B., W.

Bn. in Edinburgh about 1764. Son of Gavin Kempt, of Batley Hall, Hants. Entd. army 1783. A.D.C. to Abercromby in Holland. Accompanied Sir Ralph to the Mediterranean and served as his A.D.C. and military sec. until that Gen.’s death. Served under Lord Hutchinson in Egypt in similar position. Commanded a brigade in the 3rd division in the Pa. Received the gold cross with three clasps; G.C.B. for Waterloo; Gov. Nova Scotia; Gov.-Gen. Canada; Master-Gen. of the Ordnance; Col.-in-Chf. 1st Foot, 7th Aug., 1846. D. in London 20th Dec., 1854, leaving £120,000 in personalty.


Capt. the Hon. Charles Gore, 85th Foot.

Bn. 1793. Began his career in 6th Regt. Foot. Exchanged to 43rd Regt. Joined this regt. in the Pa. 1811, and was one of the storming party of Fort San Francisco, at the investment of Ciudad Rodrigo. A.D.C. to Sir Andrew Barnard at Salamanca, and in a similar capacity to Sir J. Kempt at Vittoria and subsequent battles. Accompanied Kempt to Canada in 1814, and returned just in time to fight at Waterloo, where he had three horses shot under him. Son of Arthur Gore, 2nd Earl of Arran, by his 3rd wife, Eliz. Underwood. G.C.B.; K.H.; Gen. and col. 6th Foot; Lt.-Gov. Chelsea Hospital. M. 1824 Sarah, dau. of Hon. James Fraser of Nova Scotia, and had issue. D. 4th Sept., 1869.


Capt. Charles Eeles, 95th Foot, K.

Brother of Lt.-Col. Wm. Eeles, K.H., who d. in command of 1st Batt. Rifle Brigade in 1837.


The Hon. Sir William Ponsonby, K.C.B., K.

Lost his life at Waterloo from being badly mounted. Whilst leading a cavalry charge against the “Polish Lancers” his horse stuck in a heavy ploughed field and was unable to extricate itself. “He took a picture and watch out of his pocket and was just delivering them to his A.D.C. to give his wife when the lancers were on him.” Both Ponsonby and his companion were immediately killed by the Polish cavalry, who, later in the day, were almost annihilated by the Heavy Brigade which Ponsonby had commanded. He was 2nd son of Wm., 1st Baron Ponsonby, of Imokilly, co. Cork, by Hon. Louisa Molesworth, 4th dau. of F.-M. Viscount Molesworth. M. 20th Jan., 1807, Hon. Georgiana Fitzroy, dau. of Charles, 1st Baron Southampton, and had a son, born posthumous, 6th Feb., 1816, who succeeded as 3rd Baron Ponsonby.


Lt. B. Christie, 5th Dn. Gds.

Braithwaite Christie was promoted capt. in 5th D.G. 3rd July, 1817, and in 1824 was senior capt. in the regt. He d. at Belmont 23rd Sept., 1825. He was 3rd son of Adl. Alexander Christie of Baberton (2nd son of Archibald Christie of Stenton), by Eliz., dau. of Adl. Richard Braithwaite.


Maj. D. Evans, 5th W.I. Regt.

Afterwards the celebrated Sir De Lacy Evans of British Legion and Crimean fame. Bn. at Moig, Ireland, 1787. Educated at the Military Academy, Woolwich. Gained distinction in the Par. War by volunteering for storming parties. Served in the American War of 1812. Fought at Bladensburg, where Gen. Ross gained fame for himself and 20his descendants. At Washington, with a very small force of infantry, De Lacy Evans captured the Congress House. Was engaged at Baltimore and New Orleans, and returned in time for Waterloo, where he had two horses shot under him. Commanded British Legion in Spain 1835–7 and 2nd division in Crimea. G.C.B., and was decorated with various Spanish orders; was also a Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour; Col.-in-Chf. 21st Fusiliers 1853. D. 9th Jan., 1870. Bd. in Kensal Green Cemetery, M.I. See Appendix.


Maj. T. Reignolds, 2nd Dns., K.

Doubtless was the officer mentioned above as being with Sir W. Ponsonby when he was killed, as there were none of that Gen.’s A.D.C.s killed at Waterloo. He left orphan children to whom a pens. was granted.


Sir John Byng, K.C.B.

Youngest son of George Byng, of Wrotham Park, Middx. (grandson of George, 1st Viscount Torrington), by Anne, dau. of Wm. Connolly, of Castletown, Ireland. Twice received the thanks of Parliament for his eminent services in the Pa. and at Waterloo, and an augmentation to his arms for himself and his descendants by royal grant. G.C.B.; G.C.H.; K.M.T.; K.S.G.; P.C.; F.-M., Oct., 1855; Col.-in-Chf. 29th Foot; Governor of Londonderry and Culmore. M. 1st Miss Mackenzie, and had issue; m. 2ndly, 1809, Marianne, 2nd dau. of Sir Walter James Bart., and had issue. Created Baron Strafford in 1835, and Earl of Strafford in 1847. D. 3rd June, 1860.


Capt. H. Dumaresq, 9th Foot, W.

Fought in 13 battles during the Par. War. Also at the sieges of Burgos and Badajoz, and assaults on forts of Salamanca. On the two former occasions served as a volunteer with the Engineers, and on the latter was again a volunteer; being foremost in the assault of that redoubt, he received from the officer commanding at Vittoria convent the terms of his capitulation, which document he delivered to Lord Wellington. Was a lt.-col. after nine years’ service (so gazetted in June, 1817). Was shot through the lungs at Hougoumont, but, being at the time in charge of a message to Wellington, he went on to the Duke and delivered it. Ball never extracted. D. in New South Wales 5th March, 1838, age 46, whilst holding the post of manager of the Australian Agricultural Co. He was a native of Jersey. M. 19th Aug., 1828, Eliz. Sophia Danvers, and left issue.


Capt. Wm. Stothert, 3rd Ft. Gds., K.

In 1814 this officer was sev. wnded. in the attack on Bergen-op-Zoom. The only family bearing this name, that the Editor has been able to trace, came from Kirkcudbrightshire.


Sir Denis Pack, K.C.B., W.

Only son of the Very Rev. Thos. Pack, Dean of Ossory, by Catherine, dau. and heiress of Denis Sullivan, of Berehaven, co. Cork. Five times received the thanks of Parliament for his military services. Was one of the most dashing leaders of a brigade in the Par. War. “He was scarred with wounds and covered with glory.” Commanded the 71st Regt. at Buenos Ayres when that city was retaken by the Spaniards, and was sev. wnded. and taken prisoner. When he escaped from prison, Pack was appointed to the command of a provisional battalion stationed at Colonia. His fidgety and irascible temper somewhat tried those who had to serve under him. One morning there appeared written in chalk on the door of a barn the following distich:—

“The devil break the gaoler’s back
That let thee loose, sweet Denis Pack.”

For his services at Waterloo he was made Col.-in-Chf. of the York Chasseurs. M. 10th July, 1816, Lady Eliz. Beresford, youngest dau. of George, 1st Marquis of Waterford, and had issue. His 2nd son was Lord Beresford’s heir, and assumed the surname of Beresford. Sir Denis d. 24th July, 1823.


Maj. E. L’Estrange, 71st Foot, K.

Edmund L’Estrange was a hero in every sense of the word. He was eldest son of Capt. Anthony L’Estrange of the 88th Regt.—one of the Irish representatives of the ancient family of Le Strange, of Hunstanton, co. Norfolk. Was A.D.C. to Sir Denis Pack in the Par. War, and his especial gallantry, on several occasions, attracted the notice of Wellington. Made a brevet maj. at the early age of 26. His right leg was shattered by a round shot at Waterloo, and he died soon after suffering amputation. Had he lived, a great future was in store for him. A pension was granted to his mother whom he had supported.


Bt.-Maj. Chas. Smyth, 95th Foot, K.

Bn. 8th Jan., 1786. Distinguished himself in the Par. War, and was promoted brevet maj. in 1815. D. from wounds received at Quatre Bras. 4th son of the Rt. Hon. John Smyth, of Heath Hall, near Wakefield, by Lady Georgiana Fitzroy, eldest dau. of 3rd Duke of Grafton.


Lord Edward Somerset, K.C.B.

Commanded the 4th Lt. Dns. in the Par. War. In the first Cavalry charge at Waterloo, Lord Edward Somerset lost his cocked hat, and went to the charge bare-headed. On his return, whilst looking for his hat, a cannon-ball took off the flap of his coat and killed his horse. He donned a Life Guard’s helmet and wore it during the battle. Bn. in 1776. 4th son of Henry, 5th Duke of Beaufort. M., 1805, Louisa, youngest dau. of 2nd Visct. Courtenay. G.C.B., K.T.S. Col.-in-Chf. 4th Lt. Dns. 1836. D. 1st Sept., 1842, leaving issue.


Lt. H. Somerset, 18th Hussars.

Afterwards Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry Somerset, K.C.B. and K.H. Col.-in-Chf. 25th Foot. Bn. 30th Dec., 1794. Eldest son of Lord Charles Somerset, by 4th dau. of Visct. Courtenay. M., 1st April, 1817, Frances, dau. of Adml. Sir H. Heathcote, and had issue. Served in the first Kaffir War, and was afterwards C.-in-C. at Bombay. D. 15th Feb., 1862, leaving issue.


Sir John Lambert, K.C.B.

2nd son of Capt. Robert Lambert, R.N. (2nd son of Sir John Lambert, 2nd Bart.), by Catherine, dau. of Edward Byndloss, of Jamaica. Succeeded to the command of the British troops before New Orleans, in Jan. 1815, on the deaths of Generals Pakenham and Gibbs, who nobly fell whilst heading an attack on the “Crescent City.” The disorganised state of the British troops, and the utter impracticability of forcing the American entrenchments, induced General Lambert to retreat, which he was able to do without meeting with any opposition, having captured Fort Bowyer. With their natural love of exaggeration, the Americans magnified both their victory and our defeat:—

“The English had ten thousand,
Jackson only one;
But what was that to Jackson
When him they turned their backs on?”

By a forced march from Ostend, Lambert’s brigade arrived at Waterloo just as the battle was commencing. G.C.B. Col.-in-Chf. 10th Foot, 1824. M., 19th Oct., 1816, a dau. of John Mount, of Brocklehurst, in the New Forest. D. at Thames Ditton, 14th Sept., 1847, leaving issue.


Lt. T. Baynes, 39th Foot.

Promoted capt. in 1824, and placed on h. p. 20th Nov., 1828. D. at Brussels, 27th May, 1847.


Maj. H.G.W. Smith, 95th Foot, W.

Afterwards the renowned Sir Harry George Wakelyn Smith, Bart., G.C.B. and Col.-in-Chf. Rifle Brigade. Bn. at Whittlesea, Isle of Ely; son of a local surgeon. Entered the 95th Rifles in 1805. Was present at the capture of Monte Video. Served at twelve general actions in the Pa. and was afterwards A.A.G. in America. Served at Bladensburg and the destruction of Washington. Sent home with despatches. Went out again under Sir E. Pakenham, and was present at the attack upon the enemy’s lines near New Orleans. Promoted brevet lt.-col. for his services at Waterloo. Commanded a division in the Kaffir War of 1834–5. In 1840 was A.-G. in India. K.C.B. for battle of Maharajpore. G.C.B. for the Sutlej Campaign. Created a baronet for his victory at Aliwal. C.-in-C. at Cape of Good Hope in Kaffir War of 1848. He m., in 1816, a young Spanish lady, Juana Maria de los Dolores de Leon, who 23had appealed to him for protection on the day after the assault on Badajoz in Apr. 1812. D. in London, without issue, 12th Oct., 1860, and was buried at Whittlesea. M.I., in St. Mary’s Church.


Sir Colquhoun Grant, K.C.B., W.

“Descended from the Grants of Gartenbeg.” In order to show the antiquity of the great “Clan Grant,” one of the name asserted that the verse in the Old Testament, saying, “There were giants in the earth in those days” had been wrongly translated, and that it ought to read: “There were Grants in those days.” This genealogical flight reminds one of the story of a negro servant, Deemers by name, who, hearing his Yankee master everlastingly talking of his ancestors, cut into the conversation one fine morning when waiting at table with the following: “Massa, an ancestor of mine is mentioned in de Bible; I heard de minister read out last Sunday a chapter about a coloured man—one nigger Deemers!”

Colquhoun Grant commanded the 72nd Regt. in the expedition to the Cape of Good Hope, under Sir David Baird, in 1806, and on 8th Jan. was wounded in the action with the Batavian army. In Sir D. Baird’s despatch, announcing the victory of the British troops, occurs this passage: “Your lordship will perceive the name of Lt.-Col. Grant among the wounded; but the heroic spirit of this officer was not subdued by his misfortune, and he continued to lead his men to glory as long as an enemy was opposed to the 72nd Regt.” The following is an authentic anecdote:—

Sir Colquhoun Grant, being in command of a regt. at Clonmel, he gave offence in some way to an honest shopkeeper, named Mulcahy, who struck him on the parade, in presence of his whole corps. The officers rushed forward to seize the delinquent, but Sir Colquhoun interposed, declaring that he had been the aggressor, and as the gentleman thought proper to resent his conduct in so gross a manner, it remained for him to seek the usual reparation. “Oh!” exclaimed Mulcahy, “if it’s for fighting you are, I’ll fight you; but it shall neither be with swords nor pistols, nor anything else but my two fists” (and fine big mutton fists they were, sure enough). “Well, then,” replied the gallant officer, “with all my heart. By insulting you, I have put myself on a level with you, and of course cannot refuse to meet you on your own terms. Come along, sir.” The men were dismissed; and Col. Grant, accompanied by his adversary and some mutual friends, repaired to the mess-room, where he very speedily closed up Mr. Mulcahy’s peepers, and sent him home perfectly satisfied. That was the proudest day of Mulcahy’s life, and many a time has he boasted of the black eye he got from a K.C.B., as if it were an honourable ordinary emblazoned upon his escutcheon. “Ever since that morning,” would he say, “let me meet Sir Colquhoun Grant, where I might, in town or country, among lords or ladies, dressed in plain clothes or dizened out in gold and scarlet, he would give me his hand and say,‘How are you, Billy?’”

In Aug., 1808, Grant was appointed lt.-col. of the 15th Lt. Dns., and served in the Pa. Had five horses shot under him at Waterloo. G.C.B., G.C.H. Col.-in-Chf. 15th Hussars, 1827. Lt.-Gen. Succeeded to a large property at Frampton, co. Dorset, 1833, M. Marcia, dau. of 24Rev. J. Richards, of Long Bredy, co. Dorset, and had an only surviving child, Marcia, who eloped with Richard Brinsley Sheridan in May 1835. Sir C. Grant d., 20th Dec., 1835.


Lt. R. Mansfield, 15th Hussars, W.

Eldest son of Francis Mansfield, of Castle Wray, by Margaret West, grand-dau. of John Leonard, of co. Fermanagh. Left the army soon after obtaining his troop in 15th Hussars. D. 12th Nov., 1854.


Capt. W. Moray, 17th Lt. Dns., W.

Representative and possessor of the estates of the ancient House of Abercairnie. 2nd son of Col. Charles Moray, by the elder dau. and heir of Sir Wm. Stirling, Bart., of Ardoch. Promoted brevet maj. 19th June, 1817. Placed on h. p., 10th Nov., 1821. Succeeded his elder brother in 1840. Assumed the additional surname of Stirling. M. the Hon. Fanny Douglas, dau. of Archibald, Lord Douglas. D. s. p., 9th Feb., 1850.


Capt. Jones, h. p.

Capt. Charles Jones, of 15th Hussars, was placed on h. p. in 1814. He appears to have been brought back to f. p. after 1817 as capt. in the York Chasseurs, and to have been again placed on h. p., 29th March, 1821. In 1830 his name was still on h. p. list.


Sir James Lyon, K.C.B.

It is to be recorded of this officer that he had served on board the fleet under Lord Howe, and was present at the glorious action of 1st June, 1794—his regt. being at that time employed as marines. Was with the reserve at Hal, and did not share in the great battle of 18th June. G.C.H. Governor of Barbadoes, 1828. Col.-in-Chf., 24th Foot, 1829. D. at Brighton, 14th Oct., 1844.


Lt. Jas. McGlashan, 2nd Lt. Batt. K.G.L.

Promoted capt. in same regt., 22nd Aug., 1815. Exchanged with Capt. Richter, of 1st Ceylon Regt., 25th Dec., 1815. Left the army soon after 1817.


Capt. Richter, 1st Ceylon Regt.

George Richter was placed on h. p. from 2nd Lt. Batt. K.G.L., 24th Feb 1816. Was on the h. p. list in 1830. D. as bt. maj. 23rd May, 1833.


Major-Gen. Peregrine Maitland.

Son of Thos. Maitland, of Shrubs Hall, in the New Forest. Joined the 1st Regt. of Foot Guards in 1792. Commanded the 1st Brigade of Guards at the battle of Nive. The example he set, both at Quatre Bras and Waterloo, had much to do with the victory then obtained over the French. When Napoleon’s “Old Guard” made that gigantic and final effort, on the evening of June 18th, to retrieve the fortunes of the day, it was Maitland’s brigade which checked their advance and drove them headlong down the bloody slope. “Now, Maitland, now’s your time!” said Wellington, as the leading column of the French Guards approached the crest of the slope where the British Guards were stationed—the front rank kneeling. How Maitland responded is told in the words of Col. J. H. Stanhope in his letter to the Duke of York:—“Were it possible for me to add anything to the reputation of Maitland by stating the gallantry he has shown, cheering on with his hat off, I could dwell long on the subject.” Made K.C.B., 22nd June, 1815. Received the Russian Order of St. Vladimir and the Dutch Order of Wilhelm. C.-in-C. at Madras, 1836. Gov. and C.-in-C. at Cape of Good Hope, 1843. Col.-in-Chf., 17th Foot same year. M. firstly, 1803, Hon. Louisa, 2nd dau. of Sir Edward and the Baroness Crofton. She d. 1805. He m. secondly, in 1815, Lady Sarah Lennox, 2nd dau. of 4th Duke of Richmond. D., 30th May, 1854.


Ens. Lord Hay, 1st Ft. Gds., K.

Killed at Quatre Bras. Had ridden and won a race at the Grammont Races on 13th June, and was dead on the 16th. Was acting as adjutant to Lord Saltoun. His horse, a fine thoroughbred, refused a fence, and tried to wheel round. As Lord Saltoun was passing down a path close by, a body fell across his horse’s neck and rolled off. It was poor Hay, who had been picked off by a French cavalry skirmisher, who was, in his turn, shot dead by a Grenadier. James, Lord Hay, eldest son of William, 16th Earl of Errol, by his 2nd wife—Alicia, youngest dau. of Samuel Eliot, of the Island of Antigua—was born 7th July, 1797. In The History of the Grenadier Guards he is erroneously called “Lord James Hay.” The latter officer, also in the 1st Guards, lived for many years afterwards.


Capt. J. Gunthorpe, 1st Ft. Gds.

Promoted capt. and lt.-col., 26th Dec., 1821. Retired from the army, 1833. His elder brother, Lewis, of same regt., was killed in the campaign in Holland, 1799.


Major-Gen. G. Johnstone.

George Johnstone was appointed adt. in the Royal Marines, 5th March, 1776. Served at New York and Halifax, and was in several sea engagements in the Indian Ocean. In 1792 he received a company in the 26New South Wales Corps, and embarked for that colony, where he served several years. Being at Hal, with the Reserves, he was not present at Waterloo. In his obituary notice in the Scots’ Magazine, he is described of “Riggheads.” He d. in Edinburgh, 19th Dec., 1825.


Capt. C.G. Gray, 95th Foot.

Charles George Gray served in the Pa., and was wounded at Badajoz. Promoted bt.-major 21st Jan., 1819. In 1830 was major on the unattached list, and on 27th May, 1836, became lt.-col. Retd. in 1837.


Capt. S. Holmes, 78th Foot.

Served in the Pa. and led a forlorn hope at Burgos. Stephen Holmes was placed on h. p. 25th April, 1816. Brought back to f. p. as capt. 90th Regt., 3rd Feb., 1820. R. h. p. with rank of major, 24th Dec., 1825. In 1838, as lt.-col., recd. the appointment of Dep. Inspector Gen. of the Irish Constabulary. K.H. D. in 1839.


Major-Gen. Frederick Adam, W.

Bn. 1781. 4th son of the Rt. Hon. Wm. Adam, of Blair Adam, Lord Lieut. for co. Kinross, by 2nd dau. of 10th Lord Elphinstone. Received an ensign’s commission in 1795, but continued his education and studied “the art of war” at the Milit. Academy, Woolwich. Made lieut. in the 26th Foot, 1796, and capt., 1799. Served with the 27th Foot in Holland from July to October, 1799, and was present in several actions. Served four months in 9th Foot, as capt., and then exchanged to the Coldstream Guards. Served in Egypt, and was promoted major in 1803, and in 1805, at age of 24, purchased the command of 21st Foot. Served in Sicily, and at battle of Maida. Appointed A.D.C. to the Prince Regent in 1811. In 1813 obtained command of a brigade in the army, and was sent to Spain. His command lay on the eastern side of the Pa., where there was a great lack of good commanders. Adam maintained his reputation, despite several reverses. When the French stormed and took Ordal, 12th Sept., 1813, he had his left arm broken and his left hand shattered. Made maj.-gen. 1814. The rout of the Old Guard at Waterloo by General Adam’s Brigade was the turning-point of the battle, and ensured victory. G.C.B., G.C.M.G., P.C., Gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 21st Foot. Gov. Ionian Islands. D. 17th Aug., 1853, very suddenly at Greenwich railway station. His widow d. 26th May, 1904.


Lt. R.P. Campbell, 7th Foot.

Robert Preston Campbell fired the last gun at Waterloo, and the gun was a French one! It was one of the guns captured by the 71st Regt. in the sauve qui peut of the French, and was turned against their retreating masses by some men of the 71st under Lieut. Torriano and discharged by Campbell (Siborne, vol. II., p. 234). Was placed on h. p. 25th Feb., 1816, but given a company in the Ceylon Rifles, 27th March, 1823. D., as capt. in that regt., 1825.


Capt. C. Yorke, 52nd Foot.

Aftds. F.M. Sir Charles Yorke, G.C.B., Col.-in-Chf. Rifle Bde. Son of Col. Yorke (who had once held the appointment of Lieut. of the Tower), by Juliana, dau. of John Dodd. Placed on h. p. 25th Feb., 1816. Brought back to f. p. as capt. 52nd Regt. L.I., 2nd July, 1818. Succeeded Sir W. Gomm as Constable of the Tower. D. in London, 20th Nov., 1879, aged 90.


Maj. Thos. Hunter-Blair, 91st Foot, W.

A most gallant and able officer. Served in the Pa.; was wounded and made prisoner at Talavera, and detained in France until the peace of 1814. Made a bt.-lt.-col. for his services at Waterloo. He was brother to Sir David Hunter-Blair, 3rd Bart. of Dunskey, co. Wigtown, and m., 1820, Miss Eliza Norris. D. a maj.-gen. and C.B., 31st Aug., 1849, at Leamington.


Sir Colin Halkett, K.C.B., W.

Bn. 7th Sept., 1774. Eldest son of Frederick Halkett, a maj.-gen. in the British Service, who had also served in the Dutch army, by Georgina, dau. and heir of George Seton. Raised the German Legion, and served with distinction in the Pa. Had four horses shot under him at Waterloo. G.C.B. and G.C.H. Col.-in-Chf. 31st Regt., 1838. Gov. of Jersey and aftds. C.-in-C. at Bombay. M. Letitia (Crickett), widow of Capt. Tyler, R.A., and had issue. He d., 24th Sept, 1856, being then Gov. of Chelsea Hospital.


Capt. H. Marschalk, 1st Lt. Batt., K.G.L., K.

Henry von Marschalk was killed whilst gallantly assisting Baron Baring to defend La Haye Sainte, which was captured by the French after a noble resistance.

Capt. A. Home, 2nd Lt. Batt., K.G.L.

Alexander Home was one of the many Scotchmen who had joined the German Legion. D., at Hanover, 12th Oct., 1821, as capt. in the Hanoverian Rifle Guards.


Capt. W. Crofton, 54th Foot, K.

Walter Crofton left a widow and four children. Pens. of £100 per ann. granted to Mrs. Harriet Crofton, the widow, whose maiden name was Wauchope. The late Rt. Hon. Sir Walter Frederick Crofton, born in 1815, was a son of the above gallant Irish officer.


Sir Hussey Vivian, K.C.B.

Richard Hussey Vivian, eldest son of John Vivian, of Truro, Cornwall, Warden of the Stannaries, by Betsey, only surviving child of the Rev. Richard Cranch; was born 28th July, 1775, and entered the army as ensign in the 20th Foot, in July, 1793. Served in Holland in the campaigns of 1795 and 1799. On 1st Dec., 1804, was appointed a lt.-col. in 7th Lt. Dns. Served with his regt. in the retreat from Corunna. In 1813 commanded the 7th Dns. in the Pa., and in Nov. of same year was appointed to the command of a cavalry brigade, and was present at the battle of the Nive. Was sev. wnded. in the advance upon Toulouse. In the dispatch on this occasion, Lord Wellington observes: “Col. Vivian had an opportunity of making a most gallant attack upon a superior body of the enemy’s cavalry, which they drove through the village of Croix D’Orade.” When the 18th Hussars were approaching two squares of the Old Guard at Waterloo, Gen. Vivian rode up to the regt. with the brief address: “Eighteenth, you will follow me.” The 18th responded, in expressive language, that they were ready to follow the general anywhere. The charge was made on the cavalry and guns, and was eminently successful. G.C.B. and G.C.H. Was created a baronet 1828, and a baron in the peerage of England, 1841. Col.-in-Chf. 12th Dns. Master-Gen. of the Ordnance, 1835–41. Was twice married, and left issue by both wives. D., 20th Aug., 1842.


Capt. Edward Keane, 7th Hussars.

Made a bt.-maj. for his services at Waterloo. 3rd son of Sir John Keane, 1st Bart., by Sarah, dau. of John Kelly. His elder brother, General Sir John Keane, was created a peer of England, as Baron Keane of Ghuznee, in Afghanistan, 1839. Was lt.-col. of 6th Dns., 1825–33. R. h. p. 29th March, 1833. Reappointed to the Gren. Guards, and retd., in 1838, as col. D., 2nd Nov., 1866. M., 17th Jan., 1818, Anna, 3rd dau. of Sir Wm. Fraser, Bart., of Ledechune, co. Inverness.


Lt. C.A. Fitzroy, R.H. Gds.

Aftds. Lt.-Col. Sir Charles Augustus Fitz-roy, K.C.B. and K.C.H., Capt. Gen. and Gov. of New South Wales. Eldest son of Lord Charles Fitz-roy, by Frances, dau. of Edward Miller Mundy, of Shipley, co. Derby. Bn. 10th June, 1796. Placed on h. p. as lt.-col. in 1825. M., 1st, 11th March, 1820, Lady Mary Lennox, eldest dau. of 4th Duke of Richmond, and had issue. He d., 16th Feb., 1858.


Capt. Thos. Noel Harris, h. p., W.

Son of Rev. Hamlyn Harris, rector of Whitehall, co. Rutland. Served in the Pa. Went to Germany in 1813, and served with the Prussian army until the surrender of Paris in 1814. Was at Leipsic and all the battles with Blucher in 1814. Sent to London by lt.-gen. Sir Charles Stewart 30th March, 1814, with despatches announcing the taking of 29Paris by the Allied Sovereigns. Recd. the Prussian Order of Merit, and the Russian Orders of St. Anne and St. Vladimir, for his services with the Allied Army. Lost his right arm at Waterloo, and was otherwise severely wounded. R. h. p. 1830, as col. K.C.H. Was chief magistrate at Gibraltar for some years, and a groom of His Majesty’s Privy Chamber. Was married three times. His first wife was Mary Thomson (née White), widow of Robert Thomson, of Camphill, co. Renfrew. D., at Updown, Eastry, 23rd March, 1860. An interesting memoir of Sir T.N. Harris was compiled by C.B. Harris, Esq., grandson of the above veteran.


Maj.-Gen. Sir Edward Barnes, K.C.B., W.

Known at Waterloo as “our fire eating adjutant-general.” His family appears to have been of Irish extraction. His father was a brother of the Robert Barnes whose two daughters and co-heirs married into the good old family of Johnston, of Kilmore, co. Armagh. In 1794 we find Edwd. Barnes maj. in 99th Foot. As lt.-col. of 46th Foot, he comded. a bde. at the capture of Martinique and Guadaloupe. Served on the staff in Spain and Portugal, and comded. a bde. at the battles of Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive and Orthes. His forward gallantry, on 2nd August, 1813, on the Heights of Eschalar, when, with a small force, he attacked a large part of the French army, in a strong position, occasioned a distinguished officer to say: “Barnes set at the French as if every man had been a bull-dog and himself the best bred of all.” In 1819 was on the staff in Ceylon, and in 1824 was appointed Gov. of that island. Held this appointment until 1831, and so endeared himself to the natives that his departure was universally lamented, and a monument was erected in his honour. Was C.-in-C. in India from 1831 to May, 1833, with the local rank of general. M.P. for Sudbury. G.C.B. and Col.-in-Chf. 78th Regt. It is worthy of note that the present Army and Navy Club owed its existence to the joint exertions of Sir Edward Barnes and Adml. Bowles, who may be termed the founders of this club. Sir Edward m., in 1824, Maria, eldest dau of Walter Fawkes, of Farnley Hall, Otley, and had issue. D. in London, 19th March, 1838.


Maj. Andrew Hamilton, 4th W.I. Regt.

Made a bt. lt.-col. for Waterloo. M. 1816, Anne, eldest dau. of Wm. Ord, of Fanham, Newminster Abbey, and Whitfield, co. Northumberland, and had issue. Served as A.D.C. to Sir Edward Barnes in Ceylon, and d. 1821.


Col. Sir John Elley, K.C.B., R.H. Gds., W.

This distinguished general entered the army as a private soldier and rose by his own merits. He commanded the rear guard of the cavalry at Talavera. Was employed on the staff from 1807 to 1819, when he resumed the command of his old regt.—the Horse Guards. K.C.B.; K.C.H.; K.M.T., &c. Lt.-Gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 7th Hussars. He represented Windsor in Sir Robert Peel’s Govt. D. 23rd Jan., 1839, unm., at 30Chalderton Lodge, near Amesbury. Left large bequests to charities; also money to provide plate for the 7th Hussars and 17th Lancers.


Lt.-Col. J. Waters, Unattached, W.

Afterwards Lt.-Gen. Sir John Waters, K.C.B. In the Par. War he was attached to the Portuguese army and was taken prisoner. When Wellington heard of this officer’s capture, he quietly remarked, “Col. Waters will not remain long in the hands of the enemy.” Being a reckless and dare-devil rider Waters made so sure of his speedy escape that he mockingly told his captors they would not have him on their hands for long. Such proved the case, for having managed to get his spurs sharpened, he literally “rode away” from his pursuers one fine morning, and they saw him no more. D. 21st Nov., 1842. His heir was his brother Edmond Thomas Waters, of Tyvree and Stormy, co. Glamorgan, who d. 1848, leaving issue.

Lt.-Col. Sir George H. Berkeley, K.C.B., 35th Foot, W.

Eldest son of Adml. Sir George Berkeley. Served in the Pa. Was for a short time Surveyor-Gen. of the Ordnance, and M.P. for Devonport. D. a maj.-gen. and col. of the 35th Foot, 25th Sept., 1857.

Lt.-Col. Sir Guy Campbell, Bt., 6th Foot.

Eldest son of Lt.-Gen. Colin Campbell, lt.-gov. of Gibraltar, by Mary, eldest dau. and co-heir of Col. Guy Johnson. Entered the 6th Foot, of which Gen. Colin Campbell was col., at an early age; and for his distinguished conduct in the Pa., when serving as maj. of the 6th Foot, was created a baronet in May, 1815: C.B. and gold medal for the Pyrenees. M., 1st, the eldest dau. and co-heir of Montagu Burgoyne, of Marks Hall, and had issue. M., 2ndly, in 1820, Pamela, eldest dau. of the late Lord Edward Fitz-gerald, and had issue. Maj.-gen. in the army. D. at Kingstown, Ireland, 25th Jan., 1849.

Lt.-Col. Sir Noel Hill, K.C.B., 1st Ft. Gds.

Afterwards lt.-col. of the 13th Lt. Dns., and commandant of the Cavalry Depôt. Bn. 24th Feb., 1784. 7th son of Sir John Hill, Bart., and brother of Lord Hill. Served with distinction in the Pa., and commanded the 1st Portuguese Regiment, which he soon brought into a state of efficiency. In 1814 was transferred to a company in the 1st Foot Guards. Made K.C.B. and K.T.S., and after Waterloo was nominated a Knight of the Bavarian Order of Maximilian Joseph. Appointed D.A.G. in Canada, 1827. Succeeded Sir John Brown in the command of the cavalry depôt at Maidstone, and d. there, 8th Jan., 1832. Bd. with military honours at Maidstone. By his wife (4th dau. of 1st Baron Teignmouth), Sir Noel left several children.

Lt.-Col. D. Barclay, 1st Ft. Gds.

Col. Delancey Barclay, C.B., was for some years A.D.C. to the King and to the Duke of York. He d. at his house at Tillingbourne, near Dorking, 29th March, 1826.

Lt.-Col. H. Rooke, 3rd Ft. Gds.

Afterwards Maj.-Gen. Sir Henry Willoughby Rooke, C.B., and K.C.H., of Martinsherne, Berks, and afterwards of Pilston House, co. Monmouth. Bn. 2nd August, 1782. Younger son of Col. Charles Rooke (who raised 31a regiment called the “Windsor Volunteers,” and was allowed by George III. to reside in the “Stone Tower” of Windsor Castle, where he d., 1827) by Elizabeth, dau. of Ambrose Dawson, of Langcliffe and Bolton Hall, co. York, by Mary, sister of Sir Willoughby Aston, Bart. The Rookes have been in the army for six successive generations: and that distinguished sailor, Adm. Sir George Rooke, who took Gibraltar in 1704, also belonged to this family. Sir H.W. Rooke m., in 1804, his first cousin, Selina Rooke (dau. and heir of Henry Rooke), and had issue. He d. 2nd May, 1869.

Lt.-Col. E. Currie, 90th Foot, K.

Edward Currie, junior maj. of the 90th Foot, and bt. lt.-col., was a scion of the Annandale family of that name who resided at Dalebank. He was the tenth of a family who had sacrificed their home in their country’s service. Received his first commission when only thirteen, from the Duke of York, in consequence of the meritorious services of his father in the army. Fought under Abercromby in Egypt, and was A.D.C. to Lord Hill in the Pa. Received the thanks of the C.-in-C. for his bravery at Talavera, Almarez, and Aroyo de Molinos.

Maj. A. Wylly, 7th Foot.

Afterwards Lt.-Col. Alexander Campbell Wylly, C.B., of the 95th Regt. Served in Spain and Portugal as A.D.C. to Sir Edward Pakenham; also in the American campaign in similar capacity. Sent home after Pakenham’s death with despatches from Sir John Lambert, in which he (Wylly) was very honourably named. D. in Malta, 10th Nov., 1827.

Maj. G. Evatt, 55th Foot.

Col. George Evatt began his military career as a private in a foot regt. His gallantry and ability, shown in many engagements, procured him a commission, and he became capt. and bt.-major in the 55th Regt. On 25th June, 1816, he was appointed commandant of the Royal Military Asylum, Southampton, and d. there, 29th Oct., 1840.

Maj. W. Darling, h. p.

Wm. Lindsay Darling served at the reduction of Guadaloupe in 1810, and during the latter part of the Par. War was on the staff. Was A.A.G. to Sir C. Colville’s division in June, 1815, and served at the storming of Cambray. Attained the rank of gen. and was appointed Col.-in-Chf. 98th Regt. in 1854. D. 7th Jan., 1864.

Maj. F. Breymann, 2nd Lt. Batt., K.G.L.

Frederick Leopold Breymann served in the Pa., and was wounded both at Talavera and Burgos. Placed on h. p. as maj. in Feb., 1816. Made C.B. for Waterloo. D. at Tesperhude, near Lauenburg, Denmark, 24th Jan., 1821.


Capt. the Hon. E.S. Erskine, 60th Foot, W.

Esme Stuart Erskine was sev. wnded. and taken prisoner on 17th June, 1815. He was brought before Napoleon, who asked him many questions, and showed a perfect knowledge of the strength of the British army. The conversation being ended, Erskine was put in charge of a guard, and a surgeon sent to attend to his wounded arm, which had to 32be amputated. Bn. 1789. 4th son of Baron Erskine, Lord Chancellor, by Frances, dau. of Daniel Moore, M.P. Was promoted bt.-maj. for Waterloo, and transferred, in 1816, to 2nd Ceylon Regt. and made bt. lt.-col. same year. M., 1809, Eliza, dau. of Lt.-Col. Smith, and had issue. D. 26th August, 1817.

Capt. Lord Charles Fitzroy, 1st Ft. Gds.

2nd son of 4th Duke of Grafton by Lady Charlotte Waldegrave. Bn. 28th Feb., 1791. Served in the Pa. R. h. p. as maj. and bt. lt.-col. 27th Foot, 1821. M.P. Bury St. Edmunds. Vice-Chamberlain of the Household. M. 25th Oct., 1825, Lady Anne Cavendish, 2nd dau. of 1st Earl of Burlington, and had issue. D. at Hampton, 17th June, 1865.

Capt. C.A.F. Bentinck, 2nd Ft. Gds.

Made bt.-maj. for Waterloo. 2nd son of John Charles Bentinck, a count of the Roman Empire, by Lady Jemima de Ginkel, dau. of the Earl of Athlone. Bn. 4th March, 1792. Served in Pa., and under Lord Lynedoch in Flanders, as adjt. of his regt. Attained rank of lt.-gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 12th Foot in 1857. M. 30th Jan., 1846, Countess Caroline, eldest dau. of Count of Waldeck-Pyrmont, and had issue. D. 28th Oct., 1864.

Capt. George Black, 54th Foot.

D. as capt. in same regt. in 1825.

Capt. H.S. Blanckley, 23rd Foot.

Henry Stanyford Blanckley was promoted brevet-maj. 21st June, 1817. Exchanged to the 13th Lt. Dns., and d. 1820.

Capt. Hon. Wm. Curzon, 69th Foot, K.

Third son of Nathaniel, 2nd Baron Scarsdale, by his 2nd wife (Felicité de Wattines). He met his fate at Waterloo with almost “military glee.” In falling from his horse, he called out gaily to Lord March, who had been galloping by his side, “Good bye, dear March.”

Lt. Jas. Henry Hamilton, 46th Foot, W.

Promoted captain 26th March, 1823, and transferred to 45th Regiment. D. 3rd Jan. 1827.

Lt. John Harford, 7th Rl. Veteran Batt.

Probably rose from the ranks. His name is not in the 1812 Army List. His regt. was reduced in 1816, and he was placed on ret. f. p., which denoted distinguished service. In the Army List for 1824, and succeeding years, his name is spelt “Hurford.” D. 1839.

Lt. E. Gerstlacher, 3rd Hussars, K.G.L.

Eberhard Gerstlacher joined the K.G.L. in March, 1813. Served in North Germany, 1813–14. Made brevet-capt. for Waterloo. Living at Carlsruhe in 1837.

Lt. Jas. Rooke, h. p.

Only son of Gen. James Rooke, Col.-in-Chf. 38th Regt., who was M.P. for co. Monmouth in five Parliaments, by Eliz. Brown. Lieut. Rooke was attached to the Prince of Orange’s staff at Waterloo, as an extra A.D.C. For his services on this occasion was appointed, 11th Aug., 1815, a lieut. in the Staff Corps of Cavalry. In 1817 he joined the 33Venezuelan Independent Army, and was given the rank of col. by Gen. Bolivar, who commanded the “Patriots.” D. of a wound received in action in 1819. Was twice married, and left issue by his 1st wife.


Lt.-Col. Stephen Arthur Goodman, h. p.

Junior maj. 48th Regt., 26th Dec., 1813. Placed on h. p. with brevet rank of lt.-col, in 1814. D. in British Guiana 2nd Jan., 1844, whilst holding the post of Vendue-Master of Demerara and Esequibo.


Col. Sir Wm. Howe De Lancey, K.C.B., K.

The De Lanceys were descended from a wealthy Huguenot family, who went from Caen, in Normandy, to America, after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. In the short space of sixty years this family produced three celebrated soldiers, viz., Gen. Oliver De Lancey, a leading American loyalist, who fought on the British side during the War of Independence, and, settling in England, d. at Beverley, 1785. In another generation, an Oliver De Lancey distinguished himself as a Christine leader in the Spanish war, and was killed at the siege of San Sebastian in 1837. The third distinguished soldier of this family was the above Wm. Howe De Lancey, who was only son of S. De Lancey, Gov. of Tobago, by Cornelia his wife, who d. in 1817. His early career was one of renown, and in 1799 we find him maj. of the 45th Regt., at the age of 21. On 4th April, 1815, he was married, in Scotland, to the beautiful Magdalen Hall, dau. of Sir James Hall, Bart., of Dunglass, by Lady Helen Douglas, dau. of 4th Earl of Selkirk. The return of Napoleon from Elba once more called De Lancey to the seat of war. Leaving his fair young wife, he proceeded, in May, to Brussels, whither he was followed, the first week in June, by his bride. At Waterloo, when riding by Wellington’s side, the wind of a cannon ball knocked him off his horse. This, it was afterwards found, had separated the ribs from the back-bone, and caused a fatal injury. Wellington caused De Lancey to be removed to a hut in a blanket. For some days hopes were entertained of his recovery, and he was devotedly nursed by his sorrow-stricken wife, whose perilous drive to the battle-field, and her experiences, were lately given in the Illustrated Naval and Military Magazine, from an old MS. narrative written by herself. After lingering ten days, the hero died.

“Fair lady’s love, and splendid fame,
De Lancey did enthral.
His loyal heart alike they claim,
They sigh to see him fall.”

Col. Hon. Alex. Abercromby, 2nd Ft. Gds., W.

Bn. 4th March, 1784. 4th son of Sir Ralph Abercromby, of Tullibody, who fell at Aboukir, by Mary Anne, dau. of John Menzies, of Ferntoun, Perthshire, who was created a baroness in 1801. As Lieut.-Col. of the 28th Foot, commanded a bde. in the Pa., and received the gold cross. K.T.S. Made C.B. for Waterloo. M.P. for Clackmannanshire, 1817–18. D. 27th Aug., 1853.

34Col. F.E. Hervey, 14th Lt. Dns.

Afterwards Col. Sir Felton Elwell Hervey-Bathurst, Bart. He was eldest son of Felton Lionel Hervey, by Selina, only dau. and heir of Sir John Elwell, Bart. After Waterloo was appointed A.D.C. to Wellington, which post he held during the British occupation in France. The following anecdote is from Reminiscences of Wellington and Anecdotes of his Staff, by Lord Wm. Lennox:—“Felton Hervey, of the 14th, who had lost an arm when in pursuit of the enemy flying from Oporto, always mounted himself and his orderly upon English hunters, so as to make his escape should he at any time be unexpectedly surrounded. Upon one occasion, when reconnoitring, Hervey rode up, by mistake, to a small detachment of French cavalry. Fortunately for him, the men were dismounted, and busily employed in cooking their rations; but no sooner was the colonel discovered, and his rank recognized, than the order to mount was given. Hervey and his orderly, finding the odds greatly against them, immediately started off at a tremendous pace to reach our lines. The French dragoons were quickly in their saddles, for the prize was worth gaining, and amidst wild shouts and loud halloes, gave chase to their flying foes. The noise attracted the attention of some of the enemy’s lancers, who, being posted nearer the English forces, were enabled to cut off the retreat of the fugitives. The clattering of the horses’ hoofs, who had thus joined in the pursuit, sounded like a death-knell to the two gallant soldiers. ‘Your only chance, colonel,’ said the faithful orderly, ‘is to make for that ravine.’ Hervey followed the suggestion; the ravine was narrow, with only room for one horse to enter. No sooner had he gained it than, on looking round, a terrible sight presented itself. The devoted soldier, knowing that the life of his commanding officer could alone be saved by the sacrifice of his own, had placed himself across the narrow opening, and was literally pierced and cut to pieces. The delay thus occasioned enabled Hervey to pursue his flight. Gaining the open, he charged a stiff fence, and was soon out of sight of his pursuers.” He m., 1817, Louisa Catherine, 3rd dau. of Richard Caton, of Maryland, U.S.A.; was created a baronet, with remainder to his brother Frederick, 3rd Oct., 1818, and d. s. p. 24th Sept., 1819.

Lt.-Col. Robt. Torrens, 1st W.I. Regt.

Afterwards Lt.-Col. of 38th Regt. and Adjt.-Gen. in India. C.B. Belonged to the Londonderry family of this name, and was a near relative of Sir Henry Torrens, K.C.B., the Adjt.-Gen. In 1836 Col. Torrens was appointed a Commissioner by Parliament, for carrying out their scheme for the colonisation of South Australia.

Lt.-Col. Sir Charles Broke, K.C.B. (Permanent).

2nd son of Philip Broke, of Nacton, Suffolk. Served in the expeditions to Hanover and South America; also in the Pa. K.C.B. in Jan., 1815. Decorated with the Russian Order of St. Vladimir and the Dutch Order of Wilhelm, for his gallantry at Waterloo. In 1822 took the surname of Vere, in addition to that of Broke. A.D.C. to King Wm. IV., and K.C.H.; M.P. for East Suffolk. His elder brother was created a bart. in 1813, in consideration of the gallant victory he had achieved 1st June, 1813, as capt. of the “Shannon” ship of war, over the American frigate “Chesapeake.” Sir C. Broke-Vere d. a maj.-gen. 1st April, 1843.

35Lt.-Col. Sir Jeremiah Dickson, K.C.B. (Permanent).

Joined the 2nd Dn. Gds., as cornet, in 1798. Served in the Pa., and was A.Q.M.G. to the army in Spain, and received the gold cross and one clasp. Promoted col. 27th May, 1825; appointed Q.M.G. in India, 12th July, 1827, maj.-gen. 1837, and Col.-in-Chf. 61st Regt., 1844. M. 15th March, 1818, Jemima, youngest dau. of Thos. Langford Brooke, of Mere Hall, co. Chester. Sir Jeremiah’s parentage is unknown, but from his Scripture name we may conclude that “Job Dickson,” ens. 67th Regt., in 1811, was a near relative. Sir Jeremiah d. in March, 1848.

Lt.-Col. Lord Greenock (Permanent).

Charles Murray, Lord Greenock succeeded his father, in 1843, as 2nd Earl Cathcart, G.C.B., Gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 1st D.G. Received the gold medal for Barrosa. Gov. Edinburgh Castle, Comr. of the Forces and Gov.-Gen. in North America. Bn. 1783; d. at St. Leonard’s 16th July, 1859, having m., 30th Sept., 1818, in France, Henrietta, 2nd dau. of Thos. Mather, and left issue.

Lt.-Col. John George Woodford, 1st Ft. Gds.

Bn. at Chatham, 28th Feb., 1785. Younger son of Col. John Woodford, by his 2nd wife (Susan, dau. of Cosmo, Duke of Gordon) and widow of 9th Earl of Westmoreland. D.A.Q.M.G. at Corunna, and with Sir J. Moore when the latter was wounded. Wounded same day, and horse shot. Was attached to Gen. Sir C. Colville’s division, but was sent, on the evening of 17th June, by his gen. to Wellington, to ask him if the British troops at Hal should join the main army. Only reached Waterloo a few hours before the battle commenced. Acted as extra A.D.C. to Wellington at Waterloo. C.B. and Col. Maj.-Gen. in 1837. K.C.B. and K.C.H. D. 22nd March, 1879.

Lt.-Col. C. Grant, 11th Foot.

Colquhoun Grant joined the 11th Foot in 1795, and attained the rank of Lt. Col. of 54th Regt. in 1821. C.B. for Waterloo. Son of Duncan Grant, of Lingeston, N.B. D. at Aix-la-Chapelle in the spring of 1829.

Lt.-Col. Sir Wm. M. Gomm, K.C.B., 2nd Ft. Gds.

Afterwards F.-M. Sir Wm. Maynard Gomm, G.C.B., Constable of the Tower and Col.-in-Chf. 13th Regt. L.I.; also D.C.L. and LL.D. This veteran soldier and philanthropist was son of Lieut.-Col. Wm. Gomm, who had served in America in the 46th Regt. The family is undoubtedly of French origin. As far back as 1685 we find Sir Bernard de Gomme appointed Master Surveyor of the Ordnance. Wm. M. Gomm entered the army, as ensign, in 1794, and at the age of 14 carried the colours of the 9th Foot—the Holy Boys—into action in Holland. Served in the Pa., and received the gold cross and one clasp. The charger he rode at Waterloo, by name “George,” survived until 1841, aged 33, and was buried under a stone seat in the garden at Stoke Park, near Windsor. The veteran charger’s veteran master held the high post of C.-in-C. in India, and received a F.-M.’s baton in Jan., 1868. He d. at Brighton, 15th March, 1875, full of years and good works. By his wife Eliz. (eldest dau. of Lord Robert Kerr), whom he m. in 1830, he had no issue.

Lt.-Col. Sir Henry Hollis Bradford, K.C.B., 1st Ft. Gds., W.

Bn. 25th June, 1781. 3rd and youngest son of Thos. Bradford, of Woodlands, near Doncaster and Ashdown Pk., co. Sussex, by Eliz., dau. of 36Wm. Otter, of Welham, co. Notts; served in the Pa., Knt. of the Dutch Order of Wilhelm, and of the Russian Order of St. Vladimir. D. at La Vacherie, near Lillière, France, 7th Dec., 1816, of wounds recd. at Waterloo. Bur. at Storrington, Sussex.

Lt.-Col. Sir George Scovell, K.C.B., h. p.

Aftds. G.C.B., Col.-in-Chf. 4th Lt. Dns., and Gov. Rl. Milit. College, Sandhurst. Served in the Pa., and was present at Corunna as D.A.Q.M.G. Recd. the gold cross and one clasp; also the silver war medal with eight clasps, and 4th class of St. Vladimir of Russia. D. at Henley Park, Guildford, 17th Jan., 1861.

Lt.-Col. D. Kelly, 73rd Foot.

Dawson Kelly joined the 47th Regt. as ens. in 1800. Became major of the 73rd in 1811. Towards the close of the battle of Waterloo a sergeant of his regt. came and told him that all the officers of the 73rd were killed or wounded. Although serving on the staff, Kelly immediately returned to take over the command. C.B. and bt.-lt.-col. On h. p. 15th Jan., 1818. Bt.-col. 1837. D. same year at Dungannon, Ireland. He was 5th son of Thos. Kelly, of Dawson’s Grove, co. Armagh, by his wife, Jane Waring. M.I. in Armagh Cathedral. Communicated by Lt.-Col. G.H. Johnston, late 15th Foot.

Maj. W. Campbell, 23rd Foot.

Was A.D.C. to Gen. Craufurd in the Pa. D. a C.B. and maj.-gen. 3rd June, 1852.

Maj. Hon. George Lionel Dawson, 1st Dn. Gds., W.

3rd son of John, 2nd Visct., and 1st Earl of Portarlington, by Lady Caroline Stuart, dau. of 3rd Earl of Bute. Bn. 28th Oct. 1788. Promoted bt.-lt.-col. 4th Dec., 1815. Placed on h. p. 17th Aug., 1820. C.B. Assumed the additional surname of Damer 14th March, 1829. M., 20th Aug., 1825, Mary, dau. of Lord Hugh Seymour, and had issue. D., 14th April, 1856.

Maj. Chas. Beckwith, 95th Foot, W.

Son of Capt. John Beckwith, 23rd Lt. Dns., and nephew of Sir George and Sir T.S. Beckwith. Bn. at Halifax, N.S., 2nd Oct., 1789. His mother was a sister of Judge Haliburton (Sam Slick). Brigade-maj. to the celebrated Light Division in the Pa. Lost his left leg at Waterloo. Was a frequent visitor at Apsley House. Being one day left alone in the Duke’s library his attention was called to Gilly’s Waldensee, which book graphically described the neglected state of the Waldensee inhabitants. His interest was touched, and soon after he took up his abode among those “primitive Christians of the Alps.” Beckwith did much for the good of the people, by whom he was greatly beloved. He d. as maj.-gen. at Torre, 19th July, 1862. See Memoir of General Beckwith, C.B., by M. Meille, translated, London, 1873. Also Foster’s Yorkshire Pedigrees.

Capt. Jas. Shaw, 43rd Foot.

Aftds. Sir James Shaw-Kennedy, K.C.B. Bn. 1788. Educated at the Military College at Marlow. Joined the 43rd L.I. as ens., 1805. Served with this regt. at Copenhagen, and proceeded to the Pa. in 1808. Served at Corunna, and in 1809 was adjt. Was A.D.C. to Gen. Robert Craufurd during 1809 and 1810. Present at siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. “Stood 37with Gen. Craufurd when, in the assault of that fort and place, he placed himself on the crest of the glacis, where he fell mortally wounded.” Served at the siege and storming of Badajoz, at Salamanca, and other actions. “On 18th June, 1815, he was allowed, in presence of Wellington, to form the 3rd Division (to which he was attached), in a new and unusual order of battle, to meet the formidable masses of cavalry seen forming in its front, and in this formation the division resisted, successfully, repeated attacks of Napoleon’s cavalry.” Commanded at Calais during the three years of the Army of Occupation. Organised the constabulary force of Ireland. Bt. maj. for Waterloo. M., 1820, Mary, dau. of David Kennedy, and assumed his wife’s name. D. a lt.-gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 47th Regt., 30th May, 1865.

Capt. J. Jessop, 44th Foot, W.

Served as A.D.C. to Gen. Dunlop in the Pa. The late Gen. Sir George L’Estrange thus speaks of John Jessop in his Recollections (published in 1873):—“A splendid officer, a perfect gentleman, particularly handsome, and a capital good fellow.” Made C.B. for Waterloo. Placed on h. p. as bt.-maj., 44th Regt., 1821. D. at Butterley Hall, Derbyshire, in Sept., 1869, aged 90.


Capt. E.T. Fitzgerald, 25th Foot, W.

Edward Thos. Fitzgerald, K.H., 2nd son of Charles Fitzgerald, of Turlough Park, Castlebar, was bn. 22nd Dec., 1784. Placed on h. p. as bt. maj., 1818. M., 20th Nov., 1811, Emma, dau. of Edmond Green, of Medham, in the Isle of Wight, and had issue. D., at Castlebar, 1845, as lt.-col. h. p.

Capt. Richard Brunton, 60th Foot.

The name of Brunton is to be found in the Lowlands of Scotland. The above officer, who bore this name, served in the Pa., and obtained his company in the 60th in 1813. Exchanged to the 13th Lt. Dns. 1819. Maj. in 1826, and lt.-col. of same regt. 1830. M. 30th June, 1829, Eliz., eldest dau. of Rev. Josiah Thomas, Archdeacon of Bath (by Susanna Harington), and widow of Major Wallace, of the Madras Cavalry, who was shot on parade in India by a sepoy of his regt. Col. Brunton d. at Bath, 1846, leaving issue by his wife, who re-married Edward Downe, of Abbeyside, Dungarvan.

Capt. Thos. Wright, Rl. Staff Corps, W.

Promoted maj., 25th June, 1830. Placed on h. p. 5th Nov. same year. Alive in 1846.

Capt. H.G. MacLeod, 35th Foot, W.

Aftds. Sir Henry George MacLeod, K.H. Col. h. p. 1838. Was knighted by William IV., on being appointed Lt.-Gov. of St. Christopher’s. Had previously served in Canada as A.D.C. to the Duke of Richmond. D. at his residence, near Windsor, 20th Aug., 1847. He was 4th son of Gen. Sir John MacLeod, G.C.H., R.A., and had served six years in the R.A.

Capt. J.J. Mitchell, 25th Foot, W.

This officer was for some years capt. in the 1st Royals. None of the Army Lists give his Christian names—only the enigmatical initials “J.J.”

38He was placed on the Irish Half Pay List, in 1816, as capt. in the 25th Foot, and his name disappeared altogether from the Army List soon after that date.

Capt. W.G. Moore, 1st Ft. Gds.

Aftds. Lt.-Gen. Sir Wm. George Moore, K.C.B. Col.-in-Chf. 60th Rifles. Eldest son of Francis Moore, Under-Sec. of War, by Frances, Countess of Eglinton (dau. of Sir Wm. Twysden, Bart.). This Francis Moore was youngest brother of the famous Sir John Moore “of Corunna celebrity.” Bn. 1795. Educated at Harrow. Served as A.D.C. to Sir John Hope at siege of Bayonne, and was severely wounded and taken prisoner while attempting to assist his general when dismounted and wounded in the sortie of 14th April, 1814. D. at Petersham, 23rd Oct., 1862.

Capt. Geo. Hillier, 74th Foot.

Aftds. lt.-col. of the 62nd Regt. Served in Canada as A.D.C. to Sir P. Maitland, and, subsequently, as D.Q.M.G. in Jamaica. Of Devizes, Wilts. M. before 1820, and left, with other issue, the present Lt.-Col. G.E. Hillier. D. in Bengal, 15th June, 1840.

Capt. W.G. Cameron, 1st Ft. Gds.

Son of Lt.-Gen. Wm. Neville Cameron, H.E.I.C.S., by Charlotte, dau. of Sir Wm. Gordon, 7th Bart. of Embo, co. Sutherland. Capt. Wm. Gordon Cameron lost his right arm at Waterloo and had other severe wounds. K.H., made bt. lt.-col., 7th July, 1825, and placed on h. p. the following day. D. at Christchurch, Hants, 26th May, 1856.

Capt. F. Read, Rl. Staff Corps.

Francis Read d. a capt. in the same regt., 4th June, 1829. He appears to have been a relative of Lt.-Col. Wm. Read, who d. at Madras, 21st Aug., 1827, whilst holding the appointment of D.Q.M.G. Another of the same family (Constantine) was a Lieut. in Rl. Staff Corps, 1830.

Lt. P.T. de Barrailler, 33rd Foot.

Peter Toussaint de Barrailler was, as his name implies, of Gallic origin. The irony of fate decreed that he should use his sword against the Gallic army in 1815. His name disappeared from the Army List a few years after Waterloo.

Lt. Basil Jackson, Rl. Staff Corps.

The following memoir of this distinguished veteran appeared in the Illustrated London News of 9th Nov., 1889:—“A gallant military veteran, who has died at the great age of ninety-four, was reckoned one of the four surviving officers of the British Army present at the battle of Waterloo. Colonel Basil Jackson, born at Glasgow on June 27, 1795, was son of Major Basil Jackson; he entered the Military College in 1808, and, having received his commission as ensign, did not join a Line regiment, but was transferred to the Royal Staff Corps, where he learned the duties of the Quartermaster-General’s Department and engineering. In that branch of the Army he was employed in Holland and Belgium, in 1814 and 1815, and in the Waterloo campaign did good service in clearing the roads, and on the Duke of Wellington’s Staff. He accompanied the army to Paris, and was afterwards selected to go to St. Helena with Napoleon. In that island he remained till about a 39year and a half before Napoleon’s death. At a later period he was employed in Nova Scotia and in Canada, taking part in the construction of the Rideau Canal. He held the Professorship of Military Surveying in the East India Company’s Military College at Addiscombe during twenty years. After retiring from the army he lived at Hillsborough, near Ross, in Herefordshire.” M. 28th March, 1828, the dau. of Col. Muttlebury, C.B.

Lt. A. Brauns, Rl. Staff Corps.

Probably a son of the Col. John Brauns, of the German Legion, who was killed at the battle of Talavera. The above officer bore the names of “Augustus Christ. Gotleib.” Was placed on h. p. as lieut., in 1819. Living 1846.


Col. Sir Colin Campbell, K.C.B., 2nd Ft. Gds.

5th son of John Campbell, of Melfort, by Colina, dau. of John Campbell, of Auchalader. In 1792 he ran away from Perth Academy, and entered himself on the books of a ship bound for the West Indies. He was met in the fruit market at Kingston, Jamaica, by his brother Patrick (aftds. an admiral), a lieut. on board a man-of-war, who brought him home. In 1793 became a midshipman on board an East Indiaman. Two years later we find him serving as a lieut. in the 3rd Batt. Breadalbane Fencibles, and in 1799 he was appointed ens. in a West India Regt. Exchanged to the Ross-shire Buffs, and as capt., served under Sir A. Wellesley at the storming of Ahmednuggur, where his distinguished gallantry won him a brevet majority. At Assaye he had two horses shot under him, and was severely wounded. He accompanied Sir A. Wellesley to the Peninsula, and was for a considerable time on the staff of the army. For his services in Spain he obtained the gold cross with six clasps, and in Jan., 1815, was made K.C.B. He was a splendid soldier, but a bad French scholar. “When he wished his dinner to be arranged on the table, he used, as it were, to address the dishes, Bif-teck venez içi! Petits pâtés allez là!” (anecdote by Wellington). Was Governor of Ceylon from 1840–7. During his residence there he frequently heard from his great chief, Wellington, his attached friend. “We are both growing old,” wrote the Duke to Campbell; “God knows if we shall ever meet again. Happen what may, I shall never forget our first meeting under the walls of Ahmednuggur.” Sir Colin returned to England in June, 1847, and d. on the 13th of same month, in London, aged seventy-one, and was buried in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly.



As formed in Divisions and Brigades on the 18th June, 1815.

Commanded by Lieut.-Gen. the Earl of Uxbridge, G.C.B.
1st Brigade.—Commanded by Major-Gen. Lord Edward Somerset, K.C.B.
1st Life Guards Lieut.-Col. Ferrior.
2nd         ” Lieut.-Col. the Hon. E.P. Lygon.
Royal Horse Guards (Blue) Lieut.-Col. Sir Robert Hill.
1st Dragoon Guards Lieut.-Col. Fuller (Col.).
2nd Brigade.—Major Gen. Sir William Ponsonby, K.C.B.
1st, or Royal Dragoons Lieut.-Col. A.B. Clifton.
2nd (or Royal N.B.) Dragoons Lieut.-Col. J.I. Hamilton.
6th, or Inniskilling Dragoons Lieut.-Col. J. Muter (Col.).
3rd Brigade.—Major-Gen. W.B. Dornberg.
23rd Light Dragoons Lieut.-Col. the Earl of Portarlington (Col.).
1st        ”        K.G.L. Lieut.-Col. J. Bulow.
2nd        ”        ” Lieut.-Col. C. de Jonquiera.
4th Brigade.—Major-Gen. Sir John O. Vandeleur, K.C.B.
11th Light Dragoons Lieut.-Col. J.W. Sleigh.
12th        ” Lieut.-Col. the Hon. F.C. Ponsonby (Col.).
16th        ” Lieut.-Col. J. Hay.
5th Brigade.—Major-Gen. Sir Colquhoun Grant, K.C.B.
7th Hussars Col. Sir Edward Kerrison.
15th        ” Lieut.-Col. L.C. Dalrymple.
2nd        ”        K.G.L. Lieut.-Col. Linsingen.
416th Brigade.—Major-Gen. Sir Hussey Vivian, K.C.B.
10th Royal Hussars Lieut.-Col. Quentin (Col.).
18th Hussars Lieut.-Col. the Hon. H. Murray.
1st        ”        K.G.L. Lieut.-Col. A. Wissell.
7th Brigade.—Col. Sir F. Arenschildt, K.C.B.
13th Light Dragoons Lieut.-Col. P. Doherty.
3rd Hussars, K.G.L. Lieut.-Col. Meyer.
Col. Baron Estorff.
Prince Regent’s Hussars Lieut.-Col. Count Kielmansegge.
Bremen and Verden Hussars Col. Busche.
Major Bull’s (Howitzers).
Lieut.-Col. Webber Smith’s.
Lieut.-Col. Sir Robert Gardiner’s.
Capt. Whinyates’s (with rockets).
Capt. Mercer’s.
Major Ramsay’s.

First Division.
Major-Gen. George Cooke.
1st Brigade.—Maj.-Gen. P. Maitland.
1st Foot Guards, 2nd Batt. Major H. Askew (Col.).
”          ”    3rd    ” Major Hon. Wm. Stewart.
2nd Brigade.—Major-Gen. Sir J. Byng.
Coldstream Guards, 2nd Batt. Major A.G. Woodford (Col.).
3rd Regt. Foot Guards, 2nd Batt. Major F. Hepburn (Col.).
Lieut.-Col. Adye.
Batteries { Capt. Sandham’s Foot Battery.
Major Kuhlman’s Horse ” (K.G.L.)
Second Division.
Lieut.-Gen. Sir H. Clinton, G.C.B.
3rd Brigade.—Major-Gen. F. Adam.
62nd Foot, 1st Batt. Lieut.-Col. Sir J. Colborne, K.C.B.
71st     ”     ” Lieut.-Col. T. Reynell.
95th     ”  2nd Rifles Major J. Ross (Lieut.-Col.).
95th     ”  3rd     ” Major A.G. Norcott (Lieut.-Col.).
421st Brigade, K.G.L.—Col. Du Plat.
1st Line Batt., K.G.L. Major W. Robertson.
2nd     ”     ” Major G. Muller.
3rd     ”     ” Lieut.-Col. F. de Wissell.
4th     ”     ” Major F. Reb.
3rd Hanoverian Brigade.—Col. Halkett.
Mila Batt. Bremervorde. Lieut.-Col. Schulenberg.
Duke of York’s, 2nd Batt. Major Count Munster.
”        3rd  ” Major Baron Hunefeld.
Mila Batt., Salzgitter Major Hammerstein.
Lieut.-Col. Gold.
Batteries { Capt. Bolton’s Foot Battery (British).
Major A. Sympher’s Horse ditto (K.G.L.).
Third Division.
Lieut.-Gen. Baron Alten.
5th Brigade.—Major-Gen. Sir Colin Halkett, K.C.B.
30th Foot, 2nd Batt. Major W. Bailey (Lieut.-Col.).
33rd   ” Lieut.-Col. W.K. Elphinstone.
69th   ”    2nd Batt. Lieut.-Col. C. Morice (Col.).
73rd   ”      ” Lieut.-Col. W.G. Harris (Col.).
2nd Brigade, K.G.L.—Col. Baron Ompteda.
1st Light Batt., K.G.L. Lieut.-Col. L. Bussche.
2nd   ”   ”    ” Major G. Baring.
5th Line   ”    ” Lieut.-Col. W.B. Linsingen.
8th   ”   ”    ” Major Schroeder (Lieut.-Col.).
1st Hanoverian Brigade.—Major-Gen. Count Kielmansegge.
Duke of York’s 1st Batt. Major Bulow.
Field Batt. Grubenhagen Lieut.-Col. Wurmb.
”     Bremen Lieut.-Col. Langrehr.
”     Luneburg Lieut.-Col. Kleucke.
”     Verden Major De Senkopp.
Lieut.-Col. Williamson.
Foot Batteries { Major Lloyd’s (British).
Capt. A. Cleves’s (K.G.L.).
Fourth Division.
Lieut.-Gen. Hon. Sir Charles Colville, K.C.B.
4th Brigade.—Col. Mitchell.
14th Foot, 3rd Batt. Major F.S. Tidy (Lieut.-Col.).
23rd   ”    1st   ” Lieut.-Col. Sir Henry W. Ellis, K.C.B.
51st   ” Lieut.-Col. H. Mitchell (Col.).
6th Brigade.—Major-Gen. Johnstone.
35th Foot, 2nd Batt. Major C. MʻAlister.
54th   ” Lieut.-Col. J., Earl Waldegrave.
59th   ”   2nd Batt. Lieut.-Col. H. Austin.
91st   ”   1st   ” Lieut.-Col. Sir W. Douglas, K.C.B. (Col.).
6th Hanoverian Brigade.—Major-Gen. Lyon.
Field Batt. Calenberg
”     Lanenberg Lieut.-Col. Benort.
Mila Batt. Hoya Lieut.-Col. Grote.
”     Nieuberg
”     Bentheim Major Croupp.
Lieut.-Col. Hawker.
Foot Batteries { Major Brome’s (British).
Capt. von Rettberg’s (Hanoverian).
Fifth Division.
Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas Picton, G.C.B.
8th Brigade.—Major-Gen. Sir James Kempt, K.C.B.
28th Foot, 1st Batt. Sir C. Belson (Col.).
32nd   ”     ” Major J. Hicks (Lieut.-Col.).
79th   ”     ” Lieut.-Col. N. Douglas.
95th   ”     ” Lieut.-Col. Sir A.F. Barnard, K.C.B. (Col.).
9th Brigade.—Major-Gen. Sir Denis Pack, K.C.B.
1st Foot, 3rd Batt. Major C. Campbell.
42nd   ”    1st   ” Lieut.-Col. Sir Robert Macara, K.C.B.
44th   ”    2nd   ” Lieut.-Col. J.M. Hamerton.
92nd   ”    1st   ” Lieut.-Col. J. Cameron (Col.).
5th Hanoverian Brigade.—Col. Vincke.
Mila Batt. Hameln Lieut.-Col. Kleucke.
”    Hildesheim Major Rheden.
”    Peina Major Westphalen.
”    Giffhorn Major Hammerstein.
Major Heise.
Foot Batteries { Major Rogers’s (British).
Capt. Braun’s (Hanoverian).
Sixth Division.
10th Brigade.—Major-Gen. J. Lambert.
4th Foot, 1st Batt. Lieut.-Col. F. Brooke.
27th  ”   1st   ” Capt. John Hare (Major).
40th  ”   1st   ” Major A. Heyland.
4th Hanoverian Brigade.—Col. Best.
Mila Batt. Luneburg Lieut.-Col. de Ramdohr.
”        Verden Major Decken.
”        Osterode Major Baron Reden.
”        Minden Major De Schmidt.
Lieut.-Col. Bruckmann.
Foot Batteries { Major Unett’s (British).
Capt. Sinclair’s (British).





(2 Squadrons.)
Rank in the
1 Samuel Ferrior, K. 22 June, 1809
2 John Whale, W. 13 Nov. 1809
3 Montague Lind, K. 22 June, 1810
4 Edward Kelly, W. 2 Aug. 1810 13 Sept. 1805
5 John Berger 20 May, 1813 Maj., 4 June, 1814
6 George Randall 15 Apr. 1811
7 William Mayne 26 Sept. 1811
8 William Stewart Richardson, W. 23 Feb. 1813
9 Samuel Cox, W. 1 June, 1814
10 George Story 3 Apr. 1815 4 Aug. 1814
11 [Wm.] Dobson, W.
—— Towers, K.
—— Slingsby, K.
12 Richard Gough 22 Sept. 1812
13 John Haddy James 27 Oct. 1812
14 Francis Dalton 20 May, 1813
Scarlet.   Facings blue.   Lace gold.

1.  47Is said to have led his regt. to the charge no less than eleven times, “And most of the charges were not made till after his head had been laid open by the cut of a sabre and his body was pierced with a lance.”

2.  Exchanged to 16th Dgns. as maj. (commission dated 18th June, 1815). Quitted the service before 1st March, 1817.

3.  Only son of Edward George Lind, of Stratford Place.

4.  Bn. at Portarlington, Queen’s County, 1771. At Waterloo he encountered and killed the col. of the 1st Regt. of French Cuirassiers, stripped him of his epaulettes, and carried them off as a trophy. Made brevet-maj. for Waterloo and Knight of St. Anne of Russia. Exchanged into 23rd Light Dgns. and served as A.D.C. to Gen. Lord Combermere at the siege of Bhurtpore. D. at Mullye, 6th Aug., 1828, as col. on staff. His widow d. 22nd Nov., 1860.

5.  Quitted the service 14th Dec., 1815.

6.  Promoted capt. 18th June, 1815. H. p. 13th Oct., 1825. Living in 1847.

7.  Promoted capt. 14th Dec., 1815. Out of the regt. before 1824.

8.  Promoted lieut. 5th June, 1815. Lieut. in the 55th Foot, 24th Oct., 1822. Capt. 24th Dec., 1825. H. p. same date.

9.  Afterwards Capt. Samuel Fortnam Cox, of Sandford Park, Oxfordshire. M., 1820, Mary Emily, dau. of Sir Robert Sheffield, Bart. R. h. p. 1829. D. 22nd Nov., 1849.

10.  This officer had been taken prisoner during the preceding war, and been kept a prisoner for seven years at Verdun, in France. In the first charge made by the Life Guards at Waterloo, Lt. Story was in the act of raising his sword to cut down a French soldier, when the latter suddenly threw down his firelock and thus accosted him: “Monsieur, ne me tuez pas; je vous connois à Verdun; sauvez-moi la vie en grâce!” Story immediately recognised the speaker, and not only spared the French soldier’s life, but likewise that of his comrade—also from Verdun—and sent them as prisoners to the rear. In May, 1815, Story obtained permission from the Prince Regent to accept and wear the Russian Order of St. Vladimir of the 4th class. Retired about 1825, and d. at Maidenhead 20th Feb., 1828.

11.  Retd. on f. p. in 1828. D. in Dec., 1849.

12.  Retd. on h. p. 25th Dec., 1818. Living in 1830.

13.  Serving in 1816. Out of the regt. in 1817.

14.  Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. in 1818.



(2 Squadrons.)
Rank in the
1 Hon. Edward P. Lygon 27 Apr. 1815
2 William Boyce 30 Apr. 1812 Maj., 4 June, 1814
3 Richard Fitzgerald, K. 18 May, 1812 Lt.-Col., 4 June, 1814
4 Hon. Henry Edw. Irby 22 Sept. 1812 7 Aug. 1806
5 James P.M. Kenyon 23 Sept. 1812
6 Richard Meares 23 Sept. 1802 10 Mar. 1808
7 William Elliott 27 Nov. 1802
8 Samuel Waymouth, W. 28 Mar. 1813
9 Chum. (sic) Barton 30 Jan. 1814
10 Abraham Kenyon 24 June, 1813
11 Thomas Marten 22 Nov. 1813
12 Alexander McInnes 16 June, 1814
13 Josiah Clues, Adjt. 12 Apr. 1815
—— Bradley, K.
—— Beamond, K.
14 Samuel Broughton 22 Sept. 1812
15 Thomas Drinkwater 22 Sept. 1812
16 Jeremiah Field 24 Apr. 1813
Scarlet.   Facings blue.   Lace gold.

1.  4th son of Edward Lygon, of Worcester (who was created Baron and Earl Beauchamp), by Catherine, only dau. of James Dennis. For his forward gallantry at Waterloo was made C.B. and a K. St. V. of Russia. Was aftds. Inspector-gen. of cavalry. Gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 13th Lt. Dgns. D. 11th Nov., 1860.

2.  Placed on h. p. 24th April, 1817.

3.  494th and only surviving son of — Fitzgerald, of the County Clare. Was for ten years detained in France with others of his family. Returned to England 1812, and purchased a troop in the 2nd Life Guards. Served in the Pa. Shot whilst gallantly leading his squadron against the enemy. Buried at Waterloo. M.I. in church there. His widow brought out a coffin to remove his remains to England; but it proved too short, and the body was re-interred. His will, dated at Paris, 30th Nov., 1810, was proved by his sister, Catherine, 3rd Aug., 1815. His widow (Georgina Isabella Sinclair) resigned her pension in favour of her husband’s three sisters.

4.  Son of 2nd Baron Boston. Bt.-maj. for Waterloo. Was taken prisoner as his horse fell in returning from the charge, but escaped soon afterwards. Retd. as lt.-col., and died at Calais, 1821.

5.  Placed on h. p. 10th Oct., 1816. M., Sept., 1817, Julia, only dau. of Gen. Rainsford, and had issue. His name does not appear in the Kenyon pedigree given in Foster’s Lancashire Families. D. at Brandon, 20th Jan., 1830, aged 45.

6.  Placed on h. p. as capt. 24th Dec., 1818.

7.  Promoted capt. 14th April, 1818. Appointed capt. in the 17th Foot 20th Jan., 1821. Serving in 1824. Out of said regt. before 1830.

8.  Severely wounded and taken prisoner in a charge against the French cuirassiers. Lieut. in 88th Foot, 13th Oct., 1825; h. p. in Dec., 1825. Capt. in 30th Foot, 8th Feb., 1839. Retd. in 1741 as lt.-col. unattached. D. as col. 26th Dec., 1863.

9.  Chambré Brabazon Barton. 2nd son of Thos. Barton of Grove, M.P. for Fethard before the Union. Capt. 1818. Lt.-col. h. p. 1825. D. 1834.

10.  Younger brother to J.P. Kenyon. On h. p. 2nd D.G., 1817. Lieut. 2nd W.I. Regt., 13th Dec., 1833.

11.  Bn. at Winchilsea, 29th Dec., 1797. Had exceptionally high interest in early life. Cornet in the regt. 1813. Lt.-col. Rl. Dns. in 1835. Aftds. Maj.-Gen. and Col.-in-Ch. 6th Dns. K.H. Resided at Beverley. M. Miss Ellison, and d. s. p. 22nd Nov., 1868.

12.  Son of Thos. McInnes of Edinburgh, architect, by Jane Nicholson, sister to Lt.-Gen. Robt. Nicholson, E.I.C.S., who distinguished himself at the siege of Baroach in the E. Indies. Cornet McInnes, who had served at Vittoria, assumed the name and arms of Nicholson by Rl. Licence in 1821. He m. Cecilia Innes, eldest dau. and co-heir of Peter Innes of Fraserfield, in Shetland. She d. in 1842. In the Gentleman’s Magazine for 1862 occurs the following notice:—

“Feb. 9th.—In the Charterhouse, aged 82, Alexander Nicholson, Esq., formerly Captain 2nd Life Guards, late of East Court, Charlton King’s, near Cheltenham, and of Ufford, Suffolk. Descended from an old family long settled at Loan End, near Norham, co. Durham.”

13.  Placed on h. p. as lt., 83rd Foot, 25th Jan., 1817. Living in 1830.

14.  Grandson of the Rev. Thos. Broughton, rector of St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol. Succeeded Mr. Moore (elder bro. to Sir John Moore) as surgeon, F.R.S. D. after having his leg amputated 20th Aug., 1837.

15.  Out of the regt. in 1818.

16.  Placed on h. p. 25th Dec., 1818. Living in 1846.



Rank in the
COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
Arthur, Duke of Wellington, K.G. 1 Jan. 1813 F.-M., 21 June, 1813
Sir John Elley, K.C.B., W. 6 Mar. 1806 Col., 7 Mar. 1813
1 Sir Robt. Chambre Hill, Knt., W. 13 May, 1813 1 Jan. 1812
2 Robert Christopher Packe, K. 13 May, 1813
3 John Thoyts 22 Aug. 1805
4 William Robert Clayton 27 Apr. 1809
Clement Hill, W. 4 Apr. 1811 Lt.-Col., 30 Dec. 1813
5 William Tyrwhitt Drake 29 Aug. 1811
6 John B. Riddlesden 4 Apr. 1811
7 William Cunliffe Shawe, W. 26 Dec. 1811
8 Everard William Bouverie, W. 15 Oct. 1812
Charles Augustus Fitzroy 16 Oct. 1812
9 Henry Ellis Boates 28 Jan. 1813
10 Tathwell Baker Tathwell 9 Sept. 1813
11 George Smith 18 Nov. 1813
12 Hon. George John Watson 24 Mar. 1814
13 John Kirkby Picard 2 Sept. 1813
14 James Arnold 1 Sept. 1814
15 Thomas Varley, W. 20 Mar. 1806
16 Peter Watmough 22 Feb. 1809
17 Thomas Hardy 13 Feb. 1812
18 Jonas Varley, W. 18 May, 1813
19 Thomas Troy 5 Aug. 1813
20 David Slow 18 July, 1805 23 Aug. 1799
21 John Seddall (sic) 10 Oct. 1812
Blue.   Facings scarlet.    Lace gold.

1.  514th son of Sir John Hill, Bart., and brother to Lord Hill. C.B. for Waterloo. Col., 1st Jan., 1819. Of Prees Hall, Salop. M., 5th Feb., 1801, Eliza, dau. of Henry Lumley, and had issue. D. 5th March, 1860.

2.  2nd son of Charles Packe, of Prestwold, co. Leicester. M.I. in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor.

3.  3rd son of John Thoyts, of Sulhamstead, Berks, by Mary, dau. of Thos. Burfoot, Treasurer of Christ’s Hospital. Bn. 2nd Nov., 1771. Matriculated at B.N.C., Oxford, 23rd March, 1789. Cornet R.H. Gds., 14th Feb., 1800. Served in the Pa. His horse was shot under him at Waterloo, and he was taken prisoner. Detained at Charleroi for some days by the French rearguard. Promoted maj., 18th June, 1815, and bt. lt.-col. same date. Retd. 1820. D. May, 1849. Bd. at Kensal Green.

4.  Eldest son of Sir W. Clayton, Bart., by Mary, dau. of Sir Wm. East, Bart. Succeeded as 5th Bart., in 1834. M., in 1817, Alice, dau. and co-heir of Col. O’Donel, son of Sir Neil O’Donel, Bart., and had issue. Served in the Pa. Attained rank of maj.-gen. 1858. D. 1866.

5.  2nd son of Robert Tyrwhitt Drake, of Shardeloes, Bucks. Lt.-col. 22nd June, 1820. M., 22nd Aug., 1832, Emma, dau. of Joseph Halsey, and had issue. D. 21st Dec., 1848.

6.  Served in the Pa., and was present at Vittoria and Toulouse. Attained rank of col. h. p., 23rd Nov., 1841. Living 1874.

7.  Eldest son of Joseph Cunliffe Shawe. Capt. same regt., 1816. M. —— Pattenson, of Selwood, Bath, and had issue.

8.  Aftds. Gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 15th Hussars. Of Delapré Abbey, Northampton. Son of Edward Bouverie. Bn. 13th Oct., 1789. M., 3rd April, 1816, Charlotte, dau. of Col. Hugh O’Donel. D. s. p. 18th Nov., 1871.

9.  Of Rose Hill, Denbigh. Killed out hunting, 8th Dec., 1838. Lt.-col. h. p. 1828.

10.  Was taken prisoner at Waterloo, but effected his escape two days after. It is on record that he captured a French eagle, which was retaken by his captors. See Stamford Mercury, 4th Aug., 1815.

11.  Aftds. maj. and bt.-lt.-col. same regt. Living 1846.

12.  Aftds. 4th Baron Sondes, of Lees Court, Kent. Bn. 20th Jan., 1794. Quitted the service 1816. M., 24th July, 1823, Eleanor, 5th dau. of Sir Edward Knatchbull, Bart., and had issue. Assumed the surname of Milles, D. 17th Dec., 1874.

13.  Quitted the service as lieut. R.H.G. in 1821.

14.  Reduced with his tp. in 1818.

15.  Placed on h. p. 12th Dec., 1822. Appointed a Military Knight of Windsor. D. at Windsor 25th March, 1841, aged 69.

16.  Retd. on f. p. before 1830 and d. 1841.

17.  Placed on h. p. 25th Aug., 1822. D. in 1855.

18.  Serving in 1824. Out of the regt. before 1830.

19.  Retd. f. p. 1829. Living in 1846.

20.  Serving in 1824. Out of the regt. in Jan., 1826.

21.  Siddall. D. at Windsor 2nd Oct., 1856, aged 69. “He served 52 years in the Royal Horse Guards, and was the last surviving Waterloo officer of the regiment.”—Naval and Military Gazette.



Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 William Fuller, K. 22 Aug. 1805 Col., 4 June, 1813
2 Henry Graham, K. 12 June, 1799 Maj., 4 June, 1811
3 Michael Turner, W. 4 July, 1805
4 James Frank Naylor, W. 15 May, 1806
5 William Elton 11 May, 1809
6 John Dorset Bringhurst, K. 24 Oct. 1811 Maj., 12 Apr. 1814
7 John Paget Sweeny, W. 9 Jan. 1812
8 Robert Wallace 20 Oct. 1814
9 Thomas N. Quicke 8 Dec. 1814
Hon. George L. Dawson 6 Apr. 1815 Maj., 10 Mar. 1814
10 George Battersby, K. 2 Sept. 1813
11 James Leatham 12 June, 1806
12 William Stirling 19 Mar. 1812
13 Ralph Babington 18 June, 1812
14 Francis Brooke, K. 31 Dec. 1812
15 Robert Toovey Hawley 30 Sept. 1813
16 Thos. Coventry Brander 30 Mar. 1814
17 Thos. Shelver, Adjt., K. 31 Mar. 1814
18 Edward Hamill 17 Nov. 1814
19 Wm. d’Arcy Irvine, W. 15 Feb. 1815
20 Jos. Edward Greaves 16 Feb. 1815
21 John N. Hibbert 30 Mar. 1815
22 George Quicke 3 May, 1815
23 Thos. Falkiner Middleton 4 May, 1815
24 Hon. H.B. Bernard, K. 15 June, 1814
25 Wm. Warburton Huntley 16 June, 1814
26 John Brown 15 June, 1815
27 John Going 17 Dec. 1801
28 William MʻAuley 16 Aug. 1810 8 Feb. 1810
29 Robert Pearson 13 May, 1813
Scarlet.   Facings blue.   Lace gold.

1.  53In his will, dated 14th March, 1813, and proved in London, 21st Aug., 1815, he mentions his brothers Joseph, Richard, and George. The first-named was left sole executor and residuary legatee.

2.  Pens. of £100 per ann. granted to his widow, Maria Graham.

3.  Promoted maj. 7th Sept., 1815. Out of the regt. in 1818.

4.  Retd. as bt.-maj. in 1820. D. in 1854.

5.  Lt.-col. h. p. 5th Nov., 1825. 2nd son of the Rev. Sir Abraham Elton, Bart. Bn. 6th Jan., 1785. D. 15th Nov., 1848.

6.  Of Woodstone, co. Huntingdon. Administration of his personalty and effects was granted, on 22nd Nov., 1815, to his widow, Frances Maria Bringhurst. M.I. at Waterloo.

7.  Promoted maj. 28th Aug., 1823. On h. p. 1825.

8.  Resided in York, and was a well-known figure in York society. Bn. 1st Nov., 1789. 6th son of John Wallace, of Sedcop House, Kent, who was uncle of the Rt. Hon. Thos. Wallace (created Baron Wallace, 1828). When charging with his regt. at Waterloo, a French trumpeter was passed lying on the ground. Few of the regt. forbore to have a slash at their fallen enemy, as they galloped past; but Robert Wallace was merciful. “I did not slash at him,” said the kind-hearted old colonel, in narrating the incident, “but the trumpeter slashed at me!” Promoted maj. in same regt. 1828. K.H. M. Henrietta Ellis (sister to Thos. Ellis, M.P. for Dublin), and had issue. D., as col., 25th March, 1863.

9.  4th son of John Quicke, of Newton St. Cyres, by Emily, dau. of Alex. Cumming. M., 1823, Sophia, dau. of John Evered. On h. p. 1827. D. 1830.

10.  Bn. 20th April, 1788. Youngest son of John Battersby, of the Westmeath family. Fell in the last cavalry charge.

11.  Promoted capt. 19th July, 1815. Placed on h. p. 28th April, 1825. Living in 1860 as a lt.-col., retd.

12.  Promoted capt. same regt. 20th July, 1815. Placed on h. p. 12th Feb., 1818. Bn. 1789. Son of Wm. Stirling, of Keir and Cawder, by his 2nd wife (Jean, dau. of Sir John Stuart, Bart.). Was twice married. The only issue of the first marriage was the late Wm. Stuart Stirling Crawford, who married the D.-Duchess of Montrose.

13.  A cadet of the ancient Leicestershire family of this name. Promoted capt. 6th Sept., 1815.

14.  Bn. 1794. Eldest son of Sir H. Brooke, of Colebrooke, Bart.

15.  Promoted capt. 30th Dec., 1826. On h. p. 1828. See pedigree of this family in the Genealogist, Vol. I.

16.  Capt., 15th Lt. Dns., 1st June, 1839. Retd. on h. p. in 1840. D. at Somerford Grange, near Christchurch, 12th Nov., 1861.

17.  Had been appointed adjt., Feb., 1812.

18.  Capt. 19th Dec., 1822. Exchanged to 66th Foot 19th June, 1823. Capt. h. p. 28th June, 1827.

19.  Of Castle Irvine, Irvinestown, Fermanagh. He adopted the surname of D’Arcy. Retired from the army 2nd Jan., 1817. M., 1817, Maria, dau. of Sir Henry Brooke, of Colebrooke, Bart., and had issue. D. 23rd June, 1857.

20.  54Of Thornhill and Woodlands, co. York. 2nd son of George Bustard Greaves, by Ellen, dau. and heir of Joseph Clay, of Bridge House, co. York. Assumed the name of Elmsall in 1817. Capt. 1820. On h. p. 1821. M., 19th Feb., 1824, Hannah, youngest dau. of Adam Lawson, of Cramlington, and had issue. D. 5th July, 1851, as a maj., retd. list.

21.  Of Chalfont Park, co. Bucks. 3rd son of Robert Hibbert, of Birtles Hall, co. Chester, by Letitia, dau. of John Nembhard, of Jamaica. M., 6th Aug., 1833, Jane, eldest dau. of Sir Robert Alexander, Bart. D., 3rd Jan., 1886.

22.  Younger brother to the above Capt. Quicke. D. at Southsea 18th Sept., 1838.

23.  Placed on h. p. in 1816.

24.  Bn. 5th Dec., 1797. 5th son of 1st Viscount Bandon, by the only dau. of Richard, 2nd Earl of Shannon.

25.  Capt. 3rd D.G., 16th March, 1832.

26.  H. p. 30th March, 1838. D. 21st Feb., 1851.

27.  Left the regt. in March, 1817.

28.  Left the regt. in 1816.

29.  Appointed surgeon to 87th Foot, 13th Aug., 1830. Placed on h. p. in 1847.



Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Arthur Benjamin Clifton 22 Nov. 1810 25 July, 1810
2 Philip Dorville 17 Oct. 1811 Lt.-Col., 4 June, 1814
3 Charles Edward Radclyffe, W. 1 Dec. 1804 Maj., 4 June, 1814
4 Alex. Kennedy Clark, W. 13 Dec. 1810
5 Paul Phipps 25 July, 1811
6 Edward Chas. Windsor, K. 18 June, 1812
Charles Foster, K. 18 Nov. 1807
7 Henry Robert Carden 13 Apr. 1809
8 George Gunning, W. 7 Dec. 1809 2 Sept. 1807
9 Townshend Richard Kelly, W. 25 Oct. 1810
10 Sigismund Trafford 25 July, 1811
11 Samuel Windowe, W. 21 Nov. 1811
12 Cornthwaite Ommaney, W. 17 Apr. 1815 13 Aug. 1812
13 Charles Blois, W. 18 Apr. 1815 2 Sept. 1813
14 Stephen Goodenough, W. 19 Apr. 1815 6 Jan. 1814
15 Richard Magniac, K. 2 Sept. 1813
16 William Sturges 30 Dec. 1813
17 Charles Butler Stevenson 24 Mar. 1814
18 Hon. John Massey 31 Mar. 1814
19 John C. Sykes, K. 19 Jan. 1815
T. —— Shipley, Adjt., K. 19 Jan. 1815
20 William Waddell 8 July, 1813
21 George Steed 17 Jan. 1811
22 Thomas Prosser 9 Dec. 1813 29 Aug. 1811
23 Wm. Ryding 2 June, 1804 2 May, 1800
Scarlet.   Facings blue.   Lace gold.

1.  563rd son of Sir Gervase Clifton, Bart., of Clifton, Notts, representative of a very ancient family. Served throughout the Par. War, and received the gold medal and one clasp for Fuentes d’Onor and Vittoria. On the death of Sir Wm. Ponsonby at Waterloo, the command of the 2nd Cavalry Brigade devolved upon Col. Clifton. G.C.B., K.C.H., K.S.A., gen. in the army and Col.-in-Chf. 1st Dgns. D. 7th March, 1869, unm.

2.  The name of Dorville has only been known in England for a little over a century; but it is that of a well-known Norman family which flourished for six hundred years in France prior to its exodus from France to North Germany, for religious causes, early in the 17th century. From Germany the “d’Orvilles” migrated to Holland, where the family left its mark in the person of the learned James Philip Dorville, professor of history and languages to a Dutch university, and likewise a Sicilian explorer, whose valuable book on Sicily (with rare illustrations), written in the purest Latin, is treasured, with other Dorville books, in the Bodleian Library. The professor’s son, John Dorville, quitted Holland and settled in England. He bought the Ravenscourt Estate at Fulham. M. Anne Gibson (grand-daughter of Edmund Gibson, Bishop of London), and had three sons, the two younger of whom were Philip and Thomas, both of whom entered the army and did good service in the Par. War—the former being for some time on Lord Anglesey’s staff, and the latter in the 1st Foot Guards. At Waterloo Col. Dorville commanded the two squadrons of the 1st Dgns. “which rushed into the second column of the enemy, consisting of about 4,000 men, and after a desperate fight returned with a French eagle.” In this gallant charge Col. Dorville had the scabbard of his sword shot away, and a bullet passed through the breast of his coat. Had three horses shot under him. On the death of Sir Wm. Ponsonby the command of the “Union Brigade” devolved on Col. Muter, of the 6th Dgns., who, being soon after wounded, was replaced by Col. Clifton, and Col. Dorville succeeded to the command of the 1st Dgns. Made C.B. for Waterloo. Retd. on h. p. 8th March, 1827. M. Miss Dewar, of Clapham, and left at his death, 10th Nov., 1847, three daughters, who bequeathed the High Croft Estate at Malvern to their cousin, Admiral Dorville, the late possessor, the last male representative of an ancient family, on every page of whose eventful career in the navy the word “Hero” is plainly visible.

3.  “A most scientific and dexterous swordsman.” Did good work in the famous charge of his regt. at Waterloo. A musket ball lodged in his knee, which could never be extracted, and helped to shorten his life. Made bt.-lt.-col. for Waterloo. H. p. list 1820. Appointed maj. of brigade to the Inspector-Gen. of Cavalry in Great Britain. D. 24th Feb., 1827.

4.  Aftds. Lt.-Gen. Sir Alexander Clark-Kennedy, of Knockgray, co. Kirkcudbright, A.D.C. to the Queen, K.C.B., and K.H. Served in the Pa. It was this officer, and not Corporal Stiles, who personally captured the French eagle of the 105th Regt. at Waterloo, after a desperate fight, in which he was severely wounded, and handed it over to Corporal Stiles (of whom see memoir in Part III.), to convey it to the rear. Bn. 1782. Son of John Clark, of Nunland, by Anne, dau. and co-heir of Alex. Kennedy, of Knockgray. M., 21st Dec., 1816, Harriet, dau. and co-heir of John Randall and had issue. D. in Jan., 1864.

5.  3rd son of Thos. Phipps, of Leighton House, Wilts, by Penelope, dau. of Lewis Clutterbuck, of Widcombe House, Bath. Bn. 18th Jan., 1789. Served in the Pa. Aftds. lt.-col., h. p. 1829, and K.H. M. Mrs. Kingston (née 57Saunders), widow of Benjamin Kingston, and had issue. D. 22nd Nov., 1858.

6.  Son of Edward Windsor, of Shrewsbury. A pen. of £50 per ann. was granted to his mother, Dorothy Windsor, she having expended all her fortune in buying her son’s commission.

7.  Bn. 8th Feb., 1789. 2nd son of Col. Sir John Carden, 1st Bart. of Templemore, co Tipperary, who raised and commanded the 30th Regt. of Lt. Dgns., which regt. was reduced at the Peace of Amiens. Succeeded his brother as 3rd Bart. in 1822. M., 10th March, 1818, Louisa, only child of Frederick Thomson, of Dublin, and had issue. Was placed on h. p. as Capt. 1st Dgns. in 1816. D. in March, 1847.

8.  Eldest son of George Gunning, of Frindsbury, J.P. and D.L. for Kent. Ensign 17th Foot, 1804. Served in the Pa., and commanded the Grenadier Company of the 9th Foot at battle of Vimiera. Exchanged to 1st Dgns. 1809. Commanded his troop at Waterloo in the famous charge, where he was sev. wnded. He always claimed that he gave the order to Corporal Stiles to seize the eagle of the 105th French regt. from the officer who held it. (See Part III.) H. p. 1822. D. at Brighton, 5th Jan., 1849.

9.  Capt. h. p. 19th Jan., 1826. D. 5th April, 1854.

10.  Eldest son of Sigismund Trafford, of Wroxham Hall, Norfolk. Half-pay in 1816. Capt., h. p. in 1842. D. 14th Feb., 1852, at his residence, Rue de Lille, Paris.

11.  Wyndowe. Capt. 11th July, 1822. Serving in 1825. Out of the regt. before 1830.

12.  Capt. 24th Lt. Dgns., 24th Dec., 1818. Half-pay same date. D. at Chichester 14th Sept., 1833.

13.  Capt. 25th Sept., 1823. Major 27th Oct., 1829. Retd. 1st Sept., 1830. Was subsequently Lt.-Col. East Suffolk Militia. Eldest son of Sir Chas. Blois, 6th Bart. of Grundisburgh Hall, Suffolk. Succeeded as 7th Bart. in 1850. D. unm. in 1855.

14.  Capt. 20th July, 1826. Serving in 1830.

15.  Returned as “missing” in the London Gazette but was never again heard of. His gallantry at Waterloo is referred to in the Gentleman’s Magazine, 1815.

16.  Lieut. 20th July, 1815. Exchanged to the Scots Greys 14th Sept., 1815. Capt. 4th April, 1822. Serving in 1830.

17.  Left the regt. in 1816.

18.  In 1822 was appointed to a troop in the Cape Corps. Placed on h. p. 1826. Lt.-col., retd. 1841. 3rd son of Hugh, 3rd Baron Massey. M., 12th April, 1828, Eliz., youngest dau. of Edward Homewood, and had issue. D. in Dublin 7th March, 1848.

19.  Grandson of Joseph Sykes of West Ella, Hull, brother of the Rev. Sir Mark Sykes, 1st Bart.

20.  Retd. f. p. 1828. Living in 1846.

21.  Retd. h. p. Sept, 1825. Living in 1846.

22.  Retd. on h. p. 18th Jan., 1816. Living in 1825.

23.  Serving in 1830.



Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 James Inglis Hamilton, K. 16 June, 1807 Col., 4 June, 1814
2 Isaac Blake Clarke, W. 16 June, 1807 Lt.-Col., 4 June, 1814
3 Thomas Pate Hankin, W. 4 Apr. 1808 Lt.-Col., 4 June, 1814
4 Edward Cheney 3 May, 1800 Maj., 1 Jan. 1812
5 James Poole, W. 25 May, 1803 Maj., 4 June, 1813
6 Robert Vernor, W. 23 Nov. 1804 Maj., 4 June, 1814
Thomas Reignolds, K. 25 Dec. 1804 Maj., 4 June, 1814
7 Charles Levyns Barnard, K. 2 Feb. 1815
8 Thomas Charles Fenton 6 Feb. 1815
9 Edward Payne 5 Apr. 1815
10 Henry McMillan, Adjt. 10 Apr. 1805
11 John Mills, W. 5 May, 1808
12 Francis Stupart, W. 14 Dec. 1809
13 Geo. Home Falconar 21 Nov. 1811
14 James Wemyss 15 Sept. 1814 19 Nov. 1812
15 James Carruthers, K. 9 Feb. 1815
16 Archibald J. Hamilton, W. 16 Mar. 1815 11 June, 1812
17 Thos. Trotter, K. 16 Mar. 1815
18 James Gape 3 May, 1815
19 Charles Wyndham, W. 4 May, 1815
20 Jas. Reg. Torin Graham 8 June, 1815
21 Edward Westby, K. 12 May, 1814 17 Feb. 1814
22 F.C. Kinchant, K. 18 Jan. 1815
23 Lemuel Shuldham, K. 19 Jan. 1815
24 William Dawson 13 Oct. 1814
25 John Lennox 3 June, 1813
26 Robert Dann, M.D. 4 Aug. 1814
27 James Alexander 9 Jan. 1812
28 John Trigg 17 Dec. 1807 23 Dec. 1797
Scarlet.   Facings blue.   Lace gold.

1.  Second son of Sergt.-Major Wm. Anderson of the 21st Fusiliers. Born in camp at Tayantroga, America, 4th July, 1777, and bapt. 28th Aug. same year. On the return of the 21st to Scotland the sergt.-major was discharged with a pension and settled at his native city, Glasgow. Gen. James Inglis Hamilton, the colonel of the 21st, who was a Lanarkshire man, being on a visit to Glasgow some years later, happened to meet his former sergt.-major and gave him money for educational purposes. Later on he took little James Anderson to his family seat at Murdestoun and introduced him to his maiden sister Miss Christina Hamilton. The general and his sister educated James Anderson and his brothers at Glasgow Grammar School. Through his patron’s army interest James Anderson was appointed Cornet in the Scots Greys at the age of fifteen under the name of James Inglis Hamilton. (Old Reminiscences of Glasgow, Vol. I.) Lieut. 4th Oct. 1793. Capt. 15th April, 1794. Major 17th Feb., 1803. Lt.-Col. 16th June, 1807. Bt.-Col. 4th June, 1814. Col. Hamilton had both arms cut off in the charge at Waterloo, and he snatched the reins with his mouth (Col. Clerke’s letter to the Misses Anderson). Hamilton’s body was found on the field—shot through the heart in addition to other wounds, and rifled. His trusty sword was gone, but the scabbard and silken sash remained. These relics were transmitted to Lieut. Jno. Anderson, the colonel’s brother, who d. at Glasgow 3rd Dec., 1816, from wounds recd. at Salamanca. The Treasury remitted £200 to the Misses Anderson in Dec., 1829; and the Waterloo Fund gave a pension to Col. Hamilton’s widow (née Clerke), who was an English lady.

2.  Promoted lt.-col. of the regt. 20th July, 1815. C.B. Retd. 11th Oct., 1821. D. at St. Peter’s, Isle of Thanet, 7th Jan., 1850, aged 76.

3.  Knighted by the Prince Regent in 1816. Lt.-Col. of the regt. 11th Oct., 1821. D. at the cavalry barracks, Norwich, 20th Oct., 1825, aged 59. By his wife Sarah, dau. of John Reade, he had no issue, she having d. with her child in her first confinement.

4.  60Commanded the regt. for the last three hours of the battle, and in twenty minutes’ time had five horses killed under him. C.B. Col. Eldest son of Robert Cheney, of Meynell Langley, co. Derby, by his second marriage with Bridget Leacroft. D. at Gaddesby, co. Leicester, 3rd March, 1847, leaving issue by his marriage with Elizabeth Ayre.

5.  Taken prisoner at Waterloo. Quitted the service in consequence of mental derangement, 17th Feb., 1817, with the bt. rank of lt.-col.

6.  This officer’s name is erroneously spelt “Vernon” in the Army Lists. Left the service in 1817, and afterwards resided at Musselburgh.

7.  2nd son of Henry Barnard, of Cave Castle, co. York, whose family had long been settled in Yorkshire, by Sarah Eliz., eldest dau. and co-heir of Roger Gee, of Bishop Burton, in the same county. Formerly served in the 38th Foot, and was placed on h. p. 1st Dgn. Gds. 1814.

8.  Brought into the regt. from h. p. 4th Lt. Dgns. Quitted the service 1819. M., 1817, Harriet, dau. of George Rooke. Resided at Chepstow. D. 5th Feb., 1841.

9.  Quitted the service a few months after Waterloo.

10.  Promoted capt. 18th July, 1815. Placed on h. p. 19th Sept., 1816. Living in 1842.

11.  Promoted capt. 19th July, 1815.

12.  Promoted capt. 20th July, and placed on h. p. 25th March, 1816.

13.  There is some doubt as to whether this officer was actually present at Waterloo, as in a contemporary list of officers of the Scots Greys who served at this battle, in the handwriting of Lieut. J.R.T. Graham of this regt., Lieut. Falconar is noted as being “on baggage guard at Brussels.” It is noticeable, however, that Falconar’s name appears in the original “Waterloo Muster-roll” of the regt. given in Part II.; and it may be that he re-joined the Greys before the close of the battle. Placed on h. p. 25th March, 1816. D. at Woodcot, co. Haddington, 15th Sept., 1820.

14.  Promoted capt. 10th Oct., 1816, and Maj. 10th June, 1826. H. p. 1827. It fell to his lot to command his troop in the final charge at Waterloo, and, though severely wounded in the arm, led his men into the midst of the conflict. Afterwards held the appointment of High Constable of Durham, and d. at Durham 1st Oct., 1847.

15.  A scion of the ancient family of Carruthers, in Annandale. The late head of this family, who d. 1878, was formerly an officer in the Scots Greys.

16.  Son and heir of Gen. John Hamilton, of Dalzell, by Anne, dau. of R. Mathews. Bn. 28th Oct., 1793. Served in the Pa. Was twice md., and by 2nd wife was father of John Glencairn Hamilton, created a baron 15th Aug. 1886. D. 11th Jan., 1834.

17.  Bn. 1795. Son of Lt.-Gen. Alex. Trotter, of Morton Hall, Midlothian. Killed by a French officer with whom he was fighting.

18.  Son of Rev. James Gape, of St. Albans, who was grandson maternally of 1st Viscount Grimston. Promoted capt. 19th June, 1817.

19.  Afterwards lt.-col. of the regt. Appointed keeper of the Crown jewels in the Tower of London. D. there 15th Feb., 1872, aged 77.

20.  Son of James Graham, Esq., of Barrock Lodge and Rickerby, Cumberland. Appointed cornet in the Scots Greys, 20th Jan., 1814, when 15 years of 61age. He took part in the battle during the whole day, and late at night commanded the party sent back to the field to succour the wounded and bury the dead. M. Eliz. Jane, dau. of James Saurin, D.D., Lord Bishop of Dromore, and had issue. Promoted capt. 16th March, 1820; h. p. 1821; major in 1837. D. in Kensington, 20th Jan., 1865. Bd. in Brompton Cemetery. The reredos in Stanwix Church, Cumberland, was erected in memory of Major Graham. It is an interesting historical fact that the Graham family received and sheltered Prince Charles Edward at Barrock, after his defeat at Penrith, in Dec., 1745, for a night. The old chair in which the Prince slept, and the remains of his plaid (which plaid he gave Mrs. Graham when he thanked her on leaving in the morning), are now in the possession of Miss Graham, to whom the Editor is indebted for the above details of her father and ancestors. It is said that the Prince fought at Culloden in someone else’s plaid—having given away his own.

21.  3rd son of Wm. Westby, of Thornhill, co. Dublin.

22.  Son of Rev. Francis Kinchant, of Easton, co. Hereford.

23.  Got separated from his troop when charging. He was a cadet of the Shuldhams, of Moigh House, co. Longford, and a cousin of Capt. J.A. Schreiber, of 11th Lt. Dgns., who met and spoke to him just before the battle commenced. Was bd. on the field by men of his own regt. under Lieut. Graham.

24.  Out of the regt. in 1829.

25.  Left the regt. 7th Dec., 1826.

26.  Left the regt. 27th Feb., 1817.

27.  Placed on h. p. from 28th Foot 1st March, 1821.

28.  Left the regt. in May, 1826.



Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Joseph Muter, W. 4 June, 1813 Col., 4 June, 1814
2 Fiennes S. Miller, W. 25 May, 1809 Lt. -Col., 4 June, 1814
3 Henry Madox 19 Dec. 1805
4 Wm. Frederick Browne, W. 7 May, 1807 2 Apr. 1807
5 Thomas Mackay 3 Dec. 1807
6 Wm. Frederick Hadden 28 Jan. 1808 14 Jan. 1808
7 Edward Holbech 25 May, 1809
8 Hon. Sholto Douglas 23 Aug. 1810 24 May, 1810
9 Theophilus Biddulph 22 May, 1806
10 Augustus Saltern Willett 27 Aug. 1807
11 John Linton 25 Jan. 1809
12 Henry Wm. Petre 26 Jan. 1809
13 Alexander Hassard, W. 23 Apr. 1812
14 Samuel Black 8 July, 1813
15 Richard Down 31 Mar. 1814
16 Paul Ruffo, W. 3 May, 1815
Michael Clusky, Adjt., K. 9 Jan. 1812
17 John Delancy Allingham 7 Oct. 1813
18 Wm. Armstrong 18 Oct. 1813
19 James Kerr 9 Dec. 1813
20 John Bolton 14 Sept. 1791
21 Wm. Henry Ricketts 16 Mar. 1809
22 Richard Vincent 25 Nov. 1797
Scarlet.   Facings yellow.   Lace silver.

1.  63Son of Col. Muter. Took the surname of Straton in lieu of that of Muter, about 1816, on succeeding to the property of his aunt, Miss Straton, at Kirkside, near Montrose, N.B. On the death of Sir Wm. Ponsonby, at Waterloo, the command of the “Union Brigade” devolved on this officer. C.B. and K.C.H. Col.-in-Chf. 6th Dgns.; F.R.S., Edinburgh; lt.-gen. D. 23rd Oct., 1840. Left about £70,000 to Edinburgh University.

2.  Eldest son of Fiennes S. Miller, of Radway Grange, Kineton, by Henrietta, 2nd dau. of Capt. Joseph Meade, R.N. Sev. wnded. at Waterloo while commanding the regt. C.B. Retd. before 1824. M., 23rd May, 1819, Georgina Sibella, 5th dau. of Rev. Philip Story, and had issue. D. Sept., 1862.

3.  Commanded his regt. the last few hours of the battle. Made bt.-maj. for Waterloo. Promoted lt.-col. 1825. K.H. Attained rank of col. on retd. list 1838. M. Miss Williams. D. at Bath 18th March, 1863, aged 81.

4.  Quitted the service in 1819.

5.  Bt.-maj. 19th July, 1821. Serving in 1825. Out of the regt. before 1830.

6.  Senior capt. of his regt. 1821. Not in the Army List for 1822.

7.  4th son of Wm. Holbech, of Farnborough Hall, Banbury. Bn. 1785. Placed on h. p. 11th April, 1822. D. at Alveston 24th June, 1847.

8.  Eldest son (by his 2nd wife) of Archibald, Lord Douglas (extinct). Bn. 1785; d. 1821.

9.  Promoted capt. 14th Sept., 1815. Placed on h. p. 25th March, 1816. Living 1860.

10.  Afterwards lt.-col. North Devon Militia. Great-grandson of John Cleveland, M.P. for Barnstaple for seven Parliaments. Assumed the surname of Cleveland, in lieu of that of Willett, in 1817. M., in 1830, eldest dau. of John Chichester, of Arlington Court, Devon, and had issue. D. 5th July, 1849.

11.  Was maj. of his regt. from 1825 to 1830, when he was placed on h. p. as lt.-col. Living 1846.

12.  Son of the Hon. George Petre, by Maria, dau. of Philip Howard, of Corby. Placed on h. p. 1819. M., 17th Jan., 1818, Eliz., eldest dau. of Edmond Glynn, of Glynn, co. Cornwall. D., 26th Nov., 1852, leaving issue by a 2nd marriage.

13.  4th son of Jason Hassard, of Gardenhill and Toam. Promoted capt. 17th June, 1819. Quitted the service before 1830. M., 1836, his cousin Eliz., dau. of Capt. Jason Hassard, and had issue. D. Sept., 1845.

14.  Younger son of Col. Black, H.E.I.C.S., by Margaret, eldest dau. of Maj. Jerome Noble. Joined the 6th Dgns., as cornet, in 1810. Placed on h. p. as capt. 1826. D., with the rank of maj., 2nd Nov., 1853.

15.  Placed on h. p. as capt. 1826. Living 1855.

16.  An Italian. Returned as “missing” in Siborne’s Waterloo List. Lieut. 4th D.G. 15th Feb., 1816. Was afterwards Neapolitan Minister to England. His title was Prince Castelcicala, and at the last Waterloo banquet, June 18, 1852, he sat on Wellington’s right hand. Lord Albemarle tells us, in his 64autobiography, that the Duke proposed Prince Castelcicala’s health, but stumbled over the name, which was happily supplied by Lord Sandys, who, as Lord Arthur Hill, had been senior A.D.C. to the veteran F.M. at Waterloo.

17.  Lieut. 24th Lt. Dns. 25th Sept., 1817. Half-pay 15th Oct., 1820. Appointed barrack-master at Boyle in 1841. D. in 1843.

18.  Serving with the regt. in 1830.

19.  Serving with the regt. in 1824.

20.  Surgeon to the 7th West India Regt. 19th Feb., 1824. Half-pay same date. Living in 1846.

21.  Surgeon to 35th Foot 7th Sept., 1815. H. p. 25th June, 1817.

22.  H. p. 3rd Jan., 1828. Living in 1830.



Rank in the
COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
Henry, Earl of Uxbridge, W. 16 May, 1801 Lt.-Gen., 25 Apr. 1808
1 Sir Edward Kerrison, Kt. 4 Apr. 1805 Col., 4 June, 1813
2 Edward Hodge, K. 7 May, 1812
Wm. Thornhill, W. 8 Apr. 1813
3 Wm. Verner, W. 21 July, 1808
4 Thos. Wm. Robbins, W. 25 May, 1809
Edward Keane 15 June, 1809 1 Dec. 1806
5 Peter Augustus Heyliger, W. 2 Aug. 1810 9 Mar. 1809
Thomas Wildman, W. 18 Feb. 1813
James John Fraser, W. 17 June, 1813
6 James D. Elphinstone 25 Sept. 1814 23 Dec. 1813
7 Edward Wildman, W. 23 Feb. 1815 7 Dec. 1814
8 Arthur Myers, Adjt., K. 24 May, 1810
9 Standish O’Grady 6 Aug. 1812
10 Wm. Shirley 7 Jan. 1813 19 Nov. 1812
11 Wm. Grenfell 11 Mar. 1813
12 Robert Douglas, W. 17 June, 1813
13 Robert Uniacke 15 July, 1813
14 John Robert Gordon, W. 15 Sept. 1813
15 John Daniel 21 Oct. 1813
16 Edward James Peters, W. 10 Nov. 1813
17 John Wildman 11 Nov. 1813
18 Frederick Beattie, W. 16 Apr. 1815
19 Stephen Rice 17 Apr. 1815
20 Frederick Towers 18 Apr. 1815
21 Thomas Felton 16 Apr. 1815
22 John Greenwood 25 Aug. 1809
23 David Irwin 22 July, 1795
24 Robert Alex. Chermside 16 Aug. 1810
25 James Moffat 24 Oct. 1811
26 Richard Dorville 13 Dec. 1810
Blue. Facings white. Lace silver.

1.  Only son of Matthias Kerrison, of Breccles Hall, Norfolk. Bn. 1774. Distinguished himself in the Pa., and on the return of the 7th Light Dgns. to England, its officers presented Col. Kerrison with a piece of plate worth 200 guineas, in estimation of his conduct in Spain. Created a baronet in 1821, at the recommendation of Wellington. Was M.P. for Eye from 1824 to 1852. M. Mary, eldest dau. of Alex. Ellice, of Pittencrief, co. Fife, and had issue. K.C.B. and K.C.H. Col.-in-Chf. 14th Dgns. D. 9th March, 1853.

2.  Killed in the cavalry action at Genappe, 17th June, 1815. Pens. of £100 per ann. to his widow, who was younger dau. of Sir Edmund Bacon, Premier Bart. M.I. at Waterloo.

3.  Afterwards Sir Wm. Verner, Bart. Bn. 23rd Feb., 1782. Youngest son of James Verner, of Church Hill, co. Armagh, by Jane, dau. of Rev. Henry Clarke. Served in the Pa., and was present at Corunna. Promoted maj. for his distinguished gallantry at Waterloo. Retd. in 1826 as lt.-col. K.C.H. He was a staunch supporter of the Orange cause, and the Editor has heard his late father say that when quartered at Charlemont, in the north of Ireland, he partook of Sir William’s princely hospitality at banquets, where the toasts were all to the honour and glory of the Orange cause, and the wine-glasses had stalks without bottoms, so as to ensure the toasts being fully honoured. Sir Wm. was once struck off the Commission of the Peace, by Lord Normanby, for giving the toast of “The Battle of the Diamond” at a public dinner in Ireland. D. 20th Jan., 1871.

4.  67Placed on h. p. as lt.-col. 1821. Living 1842.

5.  Distinguished himself in charging with his troop the advanced French picquets on the morning of June 17th. Quitted the service 30th March, 1820.

6.  4th son of Wm. Elphinstone, an East India director, by Eliz., eldest dau. of Wm. Fullerton, of Carstairs, co. Lanark. Bn. 1788. Lt.-Col. 3rd Foot Guards, 1823; h. p. 1828. Was twice m., and after his 2nd marriage with the only child of Sir Edward Buller, Bart., assumed the name of Buller before that of Drummond. D. 8th March, 1857, leaving issue by 2nd wife.

7.  Younger brother of Col. Thos. Wildman (see under Staff). Afterwards commanded 6th Dgn. Gds. K.H. M., 1818, Antonia, dau. of Lt.-Gen. Sir Hildebrand Oakes, G.C.B., and had issue. D. in Dec., 1846.

8.  M.I. at Waterloo.

9.  Afterwards Col. Viscount Guillamore, A.D.C. to the Queen. Bn. 26th Dec. 1792. Son of Standish O’Grady, 1st Viscount, by Katherine Waller. M., 16th Oct., 1828, Gertrude Paget, niece of the Marquis of Anglesey. D. 22nd July, 1848, leaving issue.

10.  Capt. 12th Sept., 1816. Major 17th June, 1824. Serving in 1830.

11.  Capt., 21st Lt. Dns., 24th Dec., 1818. H. p. 26th Oct., 1820. Living in 1846.

12.  Quitted the service in 1822.

13.  H. p. 24th July, 1817. Living in 1824.

14.  Son of J. Gordon, of Wincombe, Wilts. Promoted capt. 12th Dec., 1816. D. at Plymouth, 20th Sept., 1824.

15.  Capt. 5th June, 1824. Exchanged to 66th Foot, 8th June, 1826. D. at Bellevue, Meath, 1840.

16.  Serving in 1817. Out of regt. before 1824.

17.  Brother to Edward Wildman. Attained rank of col., h. p. list, 1854. M., 1824, Lady Margaret Charteris, dau. of 7th Earl of Wemyss. D. in 1878.

18.  H. p., 3rd April, 1817. Living in 1824.

19.  Left the regt. in 1816. Lt., Newfoundland Vet. Cy., 30th Sept., 1824. Serving in 1830.

20.  Capt., 18th July, 1820. H. p. 4th Sept., 1821. Major, 29th Aug., 1826. Lt.-Col., 23rd Nov., 1841. Living in 1846.

21.  Serving with the regt. in 1830.

22.  Retd. f. p. 1819. Living in 1830.

23.  D. in 1816.

24.  Surgeon on h. p. list in 1815. Living in 1824.

25.  Serving with the regt. in 1824. Attained rank of surgeon of 1st class, 23rd Jan., 1843. H. p. in 1849. D. at Devonport, 6th March, 1856.

26.  H. p. 17th Dec., 1829.



Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONELS. Regiment. Army.
1 George Quentin, W. 13 Oct. 1808 Col., 4 June, 1814
2 Lord Robert Manners 12 Nov. 1814 2 May, 1811
3 Hon. Frederick Howard, K. 9 May, 1811
4 Thos. Wm. Taylor 12 Nov. 1814 Maj., 7 July, 1814
5 H.C. Stapylton 12 Nov. 1814 3 Nov. 1808
6 John Grey, W. 12 Nov. 1814 6 Apr. 1809
John Gurwood 12 Nov. 1814 6 Feb. 1812
7 Charles Wood 12 Nov. 1814 Maj., 16 Mar. 1815
8 Henry Floyd 12 Nov. 1814 2 Dec. 1813
9 Arthur Shakespear 12 Nov. 1814 27 Jan. 1814
10 John Whitehill Parsons 12 Nov. 1814 3 Dec. 1805
11 Wm. Slayter Smith 12 Nov. 1814 17 Nov. 1808
12 Robert Arnold 12 Nov. 1814 13 May, 1812
13 Wm. Cartwright 12 Nov. 1814 6 Jan. 1814
14 Samuel Hardman, Adjt. 15 Dec. 1814 9 Dec. 1813
15 George Orlando Gunning 26 Dec. 1814 8 Apr. 1813
16 J.C. Wallington 27 Dec. 1814
17 Ellis Hodgson 28 Dec. 1814
18 Wm. C. Hamilton 29 Dec. 1814
19 Anthony Bacon, W. 9 Feb. 1815 11 Mar. 1813
20 W.H. Bingham Lindsey 15 June, 1815
21 James Tallon 15 Dec. 1813
22 George Samuel Jenks 22 Oct. 1812
Henry C. Sannerman 29 Mar. 1810 7 Dec. 1809
Blue. Facings scarlet. Lace silver.

1.  Eldest son of George Quentin, of Göttingen. Served five years in the Garde du Corps of Hanover. Joined the 10th Hussars as a cornet in 1793. Served with Sir John Moore in the Pa. C.B.; K.C.H.; A.D.C. to George IV., and Crown Equerry to Her Majesty. M., 1811, the dau. of James Lawrell, of Eastwick Park and Frimley, Surrey, and had issue. D. in London 7th Dec., 1851, aged 92.

2.  3rd son of Charles, 4th Duke of Rutland, by Lady Mary Somerset, dau. of 4th Duke of Beaufort. Bn. 14th Dec., 1781. Afterwards Maj.-Gen., C.B., and Col.-in-Chf. 3rd Dgns. D. 15th Nov., 1835.

3.  3rd son of Frederick, 5th Earl of Carlisle, by Lady Margaret Granville-Leveson, dau. of 1st Marquis of Stafford. Killed whilst gallantly leading the last charge. Bur. at Waterloo. M.I. Afterwards brought home and bur. at Streatham, 3rd Aug., 1815. Left issue by his marriage with Frances, only dau. of Wm. H. Lambton, of Lambton Hall, Durham, two sons. In 1879 Maj. Howard’s remains were removed from Streatham, and re-interred in the family mausoleum at Castle Howard, Yorkshire.

4.  Afterwards Maj.-Gen. T.W. Taylor, Lt.-Gov. R.M.C., Sandhurst, and Col.-in-Chf. 17th Lancers. Served in the expedition to Java in 1811. Made brevet lt.-col. for Waterloo. D. at Haccombe, co. Devon, 8th Jan., 1854, aged 71.

5.  Henry Richard Chetwynd-Stapylton, eldest son of the Hon. Granville Chetwynd (youngest son of 4th Viscount Chetwynd), by Martha, dau. and heir of Henry Stapylton, of Wighill. Bn. 1789. Afterwards maj. of his regt. Retired 1822. M., 23rd Dec., 1820, Margaret, dau. of George Hammond, and had issue. D. 4th April, 1859.

6.  Afterwards Lt.-Col. of the Scots Greys. D. at Sidmouth, 21st Dec., 1843.

7.  706th son of Thos. Wood, of Littleton, by Mary, only dau. and heir of Sir Edward Williams, 5th bart., of Eltham. Placed on h. p. 5th April, 1821.

8.  Eldest son of Gen. Sir John Floyd, Bart. Bn. 2nd Sept., 1793. Served in the Pa. Succeeded as 2nd bart., 1818. M., 1821, Mary, eldest dau. of Wm. Murray, of Jamaica, and had issue. D. 4th March, 1868.

9.  Son of John Shakespear, by Mary Drummond. A.D.C. to Lord Combermere. M. Sophia, dau. of Thos. S.D. Bucknall, and had issue. Placed on h. p. Oct., 1818. D. 1845.

10.  Afterwards Lt.-Col. Sir J.W. Parsons, K.C.M.G., the British Resident at Zante. Made lt.-col. 1841. D. at the Palace, Corfu, 1848, aged 68.

11.  Quitted the service about 1818. M., 30th April, 1818, Sarah, 3rd dau. of John Bockett, of Southcote Lodge, Berks. Adjt. to Yorkshire Yeomanry in 1822.

12.  Afterwards lt.-col. 16th Lt. Dgns. D. unm. 20th Aug., 1839.

13.  2nd son of Ralph Cartwright, of Aynhoe (M.P. for Northampton), by the Hon. Emma Maude, dau. of 1st Viscount Hawarden. Served in the Pa. with the 61st. Regt. (medal and 5 clasps). Maj., unattached, 1825; lt.-gen., 1863. M., 6th Aug., 1822, Mary Anne, dau. and heir of Henry Jones, of Bloomsbury Square, London, and had issue. Living 1865.

14.  H. p. 6th June, 1816. D. 25th Nov., 1855.

15.  Bn. 18th Dec., 1796. 2nd son of Sir George Wm. Gunning, Bart., by Eliz., dau. of Henry, 1st Lord Bradford.

16.  John Clement Wallington became maj. in this regt. 1833. 2nd son of the Rev. Charles Wallington, by Frances, dau. of Hamlyn Harris, of Daventry. M. Alice, dau. of Wm. Charles Monk Mason. D. about 1865.

17.  Capt. 23rd Nov., 1820. H. p. 25th Oct., 1821.

18.  Capt. 21st. Nov., 1822. Only son of Wm. Hamilton, of Craighlaw, M.D. Promoted capt. in 1822. J.P. and D.L. for co. Wigtown. M. in 1825, Anne, dau. of Rev. A. Stewart, of Kirkcowan, and had issue. Took Holy Orders and resided many years in Guernsey. A correspondent writes under date of 22nd Feb., 1893:—“Mr. Hamilton, who was an officer in the 10th Hussars at Waterloo, was a great favourite with all of us boys at Elizabeth College, and always on the 18th June the old chap came sailing down the Grange with the Waterloo medal on his clerical coat, just about our play hour, and we used to drag him into the playground, and cheer him till we made him cry and we were hoarse. He was living in 1867 and for some years afterwards.”

19.  Afterwards Gen. Anthony Bacon, K.T.S. Served in the Pa. Was badly wnded. in the last charge, led by the gallant Maj. Howard, and lay all night on the field of battle. Appointed Capt. 13th Lt. Dgns., 1818; Maj. 17th Dgns., 1825. Served in the Portuguese Army 1832–3, and was Col. Commandant of their Cavalry. M. Lady Charlotte Harley, 2nd dau. of 5th Earl of Oxford. D. 2nd July, 1864.

20.  3rd son of Thos. Lindsey of Hollymount, co. Mayo, by Lady Margaret Bingham, dau. of 1st Earl of Lucan. D. in India in 1822.

21.  H. p. 25th Dec., 1818.

22.  Serving in 1830.



Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 James Wallace Sleigh 14 Dec. 1809
2 Archibald Money 14 Dec. 1809 Lt.-Col., 4 June, 1814
3 James Bouchier 20 Jan. 1803 Maj., 4 June, 1814
4 Benjamin Lutyens 4 Aug. 1804 Maj., 4 June, 1814
Michael Childers 14 June, 1805 Maj., 25 Aug. 1814
5 James Alfred Schreiber, W. 19 Nov. 1812
6 John Jenkins 22 Dec. 1814
7 Thomas Binney 26 Jan. 1815
8 James Duberly 30 Mar. 1815 21 Oct. 1813
9 George Sicker, Adjt. 20 Feb. 1805
10 Frederick Wood, W. 14 June, 1805
11 Wm. Smith 21 Apr. 1808
12 Richard Coles 29 June, 1811
13 Benjamin Leigh Lye 30 June, 1811
14 Edward Phelips, K. 3 July, 1811
15 James Richard Rotton 9 Jan. 1812
16 James S. Moore, W. 13 Oct. 1814 7 Apr. 1813
17 Robert Milligan, W. 22 Dec. 1814
18 Wm. H. Stewart 30 Mar. 1815
19 Benfield Des Vœux 30 Mar. 1815
20 Barton Parker Browne 8 Apr. 1813
21 Humphrey Orme 5 Aug. 1813
22 George Schreiber 23 Dec. 1813
23 Henry R. Bullock 30 Dec. 1813
24 Philip Haughton James 29 Dec. 1814
25 Daniel Lutyens 19 Oct. 1804
26 John Hall 29 Sept. 1814
27 James O’Malley 11 Mar. 1813 11 July, 1811
28 Henry Steele 28 Apr. 1814 25 June, 1812
Blue. Facings buff. Lace silver.

1.  Afterwards Gen. Sir J.W. Sleigh, K.C.B., Col.-in-Chf. 9th Lancers. Was educated at Winchester. Cornet, 1795. Served in the campaign in Holland same year. With his regt. at Salamanca. Towards the close of Waterloo Day commanded the 4th Brigade. C.B. and K.M.B. Commanded the cavalry at siege of Bhurtpore. Was afterwards Military Sec. to Lord Wm. Bentinck. D. at Hanworth House, Middlesex, 5th Feb., 1865.

2.  Afterwards Lt.-Gen. Money, C.B. and K.C. Col.-in-Chf. 2nd Dgns. At the close of Waterloo Day he commanded the regt. D. at Crown Point, Trowse, Norfolk, 1858.

3.  Afterwards Lt. Gen. James Claud Bouchier, K.C. Had served in Egypt and in the Pa. Brevet lt.-col. for Waterloo. Col.-in-Chf. 3rd Dgn. Gds. D. 12th Feb., 1859, at Buxton Vicarage, Norfolk.

4.  Major Lutyens served under Abercromby in Egypt, and lived to be one of the last survivors of that campaign. He d. at The Terrace, Kensington, 23rd Dec., 1863.

5.  4th son of Wm. Schreiber, by Mary, dau. and co-heir of James Sewell, of Alton Hall, co. Suffolk. Bn. at Wickham Market 21st Nov., 1789. Educated at Dalham Grammar School, Essex. Joined the 11th Lt. Dgns. about 1806, and was promoted lt. 1808. Served in the Pa. Was badly wnded. at Waterloo by a round shot, which broke his charger’s back at same time. Placed on h. p. from 6th Dgn. Gds, with rank of Maj., 23rd June, 1825. M. Mary, dau. of Thos. Ware, of Woodfort, co. Cork, and had, with other male issue, a son, Brymer, now a maj.-gen. (retired) Royal Artillery, who communicated above information. J.A. Schreiber d. as a lt.-col., h. p., 1840.

6.  Born at Scotbury, co. Devon, 6th Jan., 1789. Raised men for a cornetcy, and entered the army as cornet in 11th Lt. Dgns. 29th Jan., 1807. Served in the Pa. In 1826 commanded two squadrons at Bhurtpore. M., 11th Nov., 1819, at Cawnpore, Stephena Isabella Patten, and had issue. D. as maj., 31st Oct., 1840.

7.  D. a capt. in this regt., at Berhampore, 26th Nov., 1821.

8.  Placed on h. p. from same regt., 12th Aug., 1819. Son of Sir James Duberly, Knt., of Gaynes Hall, co. Huntingdon, by his 1st wife, Rebecca Howard. Served in the Pa. M., 21st Sept., 1837, the 3rd dau. of the Hon. Wm. Grey, and had issue. D. 3rd March, 1864.

9.  73H. p. 30th July, 1818. Appointed a Knight of Windsor. D. 17th Jan., 1848.

10.  H. p. 25th March, 1817. Living in 1846.

11.  Promoted capt. same regt. 30th Oct., 1817. 2nd son of Ferdinando Smith, of Halesowen Grange, co. Worcester, by Eliz., dau. of Humphrey Lyttelton. Bn. 24th June, 1785. D. unmarried in India, 4th May, 1824.

12.  H. p. 24th July, 1817. Living in 1836.

13.  H. p. in 1817. Adjt. N. Somerset Y.C. in 1821. The Lyes are a Wiltshire family, and have served their country on many notable occasions. At Inkermann a son of Capt. Richard Leigh Lye, and a nephew of the above, met a soldier’s death.

14.  Son of Rev. Charles Phelips (4th son of Edward Phelips, of Montacute, co. Somerset), by Mary, dau. of Thos. Blackmore, of Briggins Park, Herts.

15.  Afterwards Lt.-Col. J.R. Rotton, J.P. for Sussex. D. at Chichester, 13th Feb., 1855.

16.  James Stewart-Moore, of Ballydivity, co. Antrim, J.P. and D.L.; High Sheriff 1849. Eldest son of J. Stewart-Moore, by Margaret, dau. of Ven. Wm. Sturrock, Archdeacon of Armagh. Served in the Pa. and in India. Pierced in three places at Genappe by a Polish lancer. Bn. 1793. M., 1845, Frances Richardson, and had issue. Retired on h. p. as capt., 25th Dec., 1819. D. 1870.

17.  Promoted capt. 24th April, 1816. Exchanged to 2nd Life Gds. 10th Oct., 1816. Quitted the service in 1822.

18.  This officer’s second name is omitted in the Army Lists. He appears to be the Wm. Henry Stewart who is described in Burke’s Peerage and Baronetage as “Major 19th Lancers.” 2nd son of Sir James Stewart, Bart., M.P. for Donegal in 1802. D., unmarried, 6th June, 1820, aged 27.

19.  Afterwards Capt. 3rd Foot Gds. Retd. as lt.-col. h. p. 1829. 4th son of Sir Charles des Vœux, 1st Bart., by Mary Anne, dau. of Dean Champagne. M., firstly, 1833, Georgina, dau. of Richard Streatfield, and had issue. D. 30th Nov., 1864.

20.  Subsequently served in India, and was at the capture of Bhurtpore. Commissions dated: cornet, April 8th, 1813; lt., June 22nd, 1815; capt., May 5th, 1824; maj., June 28, 1838. Lt.-col., retd., 1851. D. 16th June, 1889.

21.  The last of an ancient family. Son and heir of Walden Orme. Quitted the service as Capt. 6th Dgns., 1829. D. at Hale, near Stamford, 6th Oct., 1860.

22.  6th son of Wm. Schreiber and Mary his wife. Twin brother of Rev. Thos. Schreiber, Rector of Bradwell, in Essex. Bn. at Wickham Market 19th Oct., 1794. Educated at Dalham Grammar School. Had his horse shot under him at Waterloo. Afterwards A.D.C. to Sir John Cameron. Exchanged to 18th Lt. Dgns., and was placed on h. p., as capt., 1821. M. Anne, dau. of — Hume of Colchester. Lt.-col. h. p. 1851. Resided latterly at Cheltenham, where the Editor had the pleasure of knowing him in 1867.

23.  744th son of Jonathan Watson (who assumed, in 1810, the surname of Bullock), of Faulkbourn Hall, Witham, Essex. Appointed capt. in 1st Life Gds. 26th Dec., 1821. Maj. h. p. 23rd July, 1831. M., 1825, Charlotte, 2nd dau. of John Hall, of Weston Colville, Cambridgeshire, and had issue. D. at Bury St. Edmunds, 9th July, 1855.

24.  Quitted the service in 1818.

25.  Afterwards in 3rd Dgn. Gds. D. at Broxbourne 6th June, 1841.

26.  H. p. 1819 from 6th West India Regt.

27.  6th son of George O’Malley, of Gornsay, Castlebar, co. Mayo, by Eliz. Clarke. D. at Cawnpore, 11th Sept., 1821. See notes to 44th Foot for account of his brother George.

28.  D. at Meerut in 1825.



[12th LANCERS.]
Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Hon. F.C. Ponsonby, W. 11 June, 1811 Col., 4 June, 1814
2 James Paul Bridger 10 Dec. 1811
3 Samson Stawell 29 Jan. 1806 28 Feb. 1805
4 George F. Erskine 19 May, 1808
5 Edwin W.T. Sandys, W. 30 Mar. 1809 19 Aug. 1808
6 Houston Wallace 10 Jan. 1811 11 Jan. 1810
7 Alexander Barton 17 Jan. 1811
8 Henry Andrews 9 July, 1812
9 Alexander Charles Craufurd (Volr.) 9 June, 1814
10 Wm. Heydon 13 June, 1805
11 James Chatterton 6 June, 1811
12 John Vandeleur 10 July, 1811
13 Wm. Hay 11 July, 1811
14 Wm. H. Dowbiggen, W. 31 Dec. 1811 8 Aug. 1811
15 Albert Goldsmid 20 Feb. 1812
16 Abraham Lane 30 Mar. 1815 15 Oct. 1812
Lindsey James Bertie, K. 30 Mar. 1815 7 May, 1812
17 John Henry Slade 6 Apr. 1815
18 Thomas Reed 2 May, 1815
19 John Griffiths (sic) Adjt. 4 May, 1815
20 John Elliott(sic) Lockhart, K. 28 Apr. 1814
21 Wm. [Loftus] Otway 14 Feb. 1811
22 Richard Sidley 10 June, 1813
23 Benjamin Robinson 15 Oct. 1803 2 Feb. 1795
24 John G. Smith 28 Oct. 1813 11 Mar. 1813
25 James Castley 17 Aug. 1809 18 June, 1807
Blue. Facings yellow. Lace silver.

1.  76Aftds. Maj.-Gen. Sir Frederick Cavendish Ponsonby, K.C.B. and K.M.T., Gov. of Malta. 2nd son of Frederick, 3rd Earl of Bessborough, by Lady Henrietta, 2nd dau. of 1st Earl Spencer. Bn. 6th July, 1783. Cornet 10th Lt. Dgns. 1800. Maj. 23rd Lt. Dgns. 1807. At head of this regt. distinguished himself at Talavera, in 1809. Lt.-col. of the regt. 1810. At Barossa, with a squadron of German dragoons, he charged the French cavalry covering the retreat, overthrew them, and took two guns. Lt.-Col. 12th Lt. Dgns. 1811. Again signally distinguished himself at the battles of Salamanca and Vittoria. His experiences at Waterloo were almost unique, as when lying grievously wnded. on the field, after a most gallant charge, in the French lines, a lancer who was passing by and saw Ponsonby move, exclaimed: Tu n’est pas mort, coquin,” and struck his lance through the English officer’s back. “My head dropped” (wrote Ponsonby in his subsequent narrative of his experiences), “the blood gushed into my mouth, a difficulty of breathing came on, and I thought all was over.” But the bitterness of death was not yet past. Soon after, a tirailleur came up and roughly searched him all over, robbing Ponsonby of what money he had about him. He was hardly quit of this scoundrel before another appeared with the same intent. At last a good Samaritan appeared in the shape of a French officer, who administered brandy to the apparently dying Englishman, and then passed on “to pursue the retreating British”! What followed is best given in Ponsonby’s own words: “Presently another tirailleur appeared, who came and knelt and fired over me, loading and firing many times, and conversing with great gaiety all the while. At last he ran off.” The evening came, and with it the Prussians. “Two squadrons of Prussian cavalry, both of them two deep, passed over me in full trot, lifting me from the ground and tumbling me about cruelly. A German soldier, bent on plunder, came and pulled me about roughly before he left me.” An English private next appeared, and on Ponsonby telling him who he was, the soldier picked up a sword and stood sentry over him. Next morning Ponsonby was removed in a cart to a farmhouse, and laid in a bed from which poor Sir A. Gordon had just been carried out dead. Col. Ponsonby had received seven wounds; a surgeon slept in his room, and he was saved by continual bleeding—120 ounces in two days, besides the great loss of blood on the field.—Narrative. M., 1825, Emily, youngest dau. of 3rd Earl Bathurst, and had issue. D. 11th Jan., 1837.

2.  Bt.-lt. col. for Waterloo, and C.B. Retd. in 1821. M., 1831, Jane, 4th dau. of John Copeland. D. 17th May, 1841.

3.  Appears to have been a son of Sampson Stawell, of Kilbrittain, co. Cork. Lt.-col. of same regt. 1827. Present with his regt. at Queen Victoria’s coronation, and received a special gold medal. D. 21st Aug. 1849.

4.  George Francis Erskine. Was 2nd son of Hon. Hy. Erskine (2nd son of 5th Earl of Buchan), the eminent Scotch advocate. Maj. same regt. 24th Oct., 1821. Retd. as lt.-col.

5.  Had served with distinction in the Pa. D. of his wounds soon after Waterloo. There have been generations of the name of Edwin Sandys, and this “Edwin W—— T—— Sandys” may have been a cadet of the noble house of Sandys, now extinct.

6.  Quitted the service in 1822.

7.  Promoted bt.-maj. 21st Jan., 1819, for distinguished conduct in the field while on service in the Pa. In 1826 a body of British troops was sent to Lisbon to aid the Portuguese Govt. Four troops of the 12th Lancers (so styled since 1817), commanded by Maj. Barton, embarked at Portsmouth in 77December for Portugal, where they remained for two years. Living in 1830.

8.  Retd. on h. p. as maj. 25th Jan., 1828. Restored to full pay as Maj. 3rd Lt. Dgns. D. in Bengal, 1838.

9.  A volunteer from the 2nd Ceylon Regt. Was transferred to 12th Lancers as capt. 26th Oct., 1820, and received a bt. majority in Aug., 1821. His Waterloo medal was for long in the Seaforth collection. Only son of Sir James Craufurd, Bart., of Kilbirney, co. Stirling. M., 1818, Barbara, 4th dau. of 7th Earl of Coventry, and d. s. p. 1838.

10.  This unfortunate officer was twenty years a lieut. in this regt. Promoted capt. 2nd June, 1825, and placed on h. p. 22nd Dec. same year. Living 1830.

11.  2nd son of Sir Jas. Chatterton, Bart., by Rebecca, dau. of Abraham Lane, of Cork. Bn. 1792. Saw much service in the Pa. Aftds. held high commands. K.C.B. and K.H. M., 1825, Annetta, dau. of James Atkinson, of York. Succeeded to the baronetcy in 1855. On the occasion of the Queen’s coronation, commanded the 4th Dgn. Gds., and received a special gold medal. At the Duke of Wellington’s funeral carried the “Great Banner,” by Her Majesty’s request, “in consideration of his long, faithful, and distinguished services.” Gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 5th Lancers, 1858. D. s. p. in London, Jan. 1868.

12.  Aftds. commanded the 10th Hussars, and received a special gold medal at the Queen’s coronation. Elder son of John Ormsby Vandeleur, of Maddenstown, co. Kildare, by Frances Pakenham, dau. of Thos., 1st Lord Longford.

13.  Served with 52nd L.I. in the Pa. Quitted the service before 1824, with rank of capt. Aftds. C.B. and Second Commissioner Metropolitan Police, 1839. D. 29th Aug., 1855.

14.  Served in the Pa. with the 52nd L.I. Placed on h. p. as lieut., 1821. Living 1846. M. Lady Georgiana Maule, and had issue.

15.  Served in the Pa. Aftds. maj.-gen., retd. list. D. in London 6th Jan., 1861.

16.  Cousin to Sir James Chatterton, being grandson of Abraham Lane, of Cork. Capt. same regt. 6th Nov., 1823. Maj. 76th Foot, 1826. Lt.-col. unatt., 1830.

17.  Eldest son of Gen. Sir John Slade, Bart., of Maunsell House, co. Somerset, by Anna, dau. of James Dawson. Maj. h. p. 1827. Predeceased his father. D. a lt.-col. h. p. 30th Aug., 1843, at Barnes. He had m., 1st Feb., 1837, Frances McVeagh. She m., secondly, Adm. J.A. Paynter.

18.  Aftds. Gen. Sir Thos. Reed, K.C.B., Col.-in-Chf. 44th Foot. Served in India, and commanded a brigade of the Army of the Sutlej. Received the thanks of the Gov.-gen. in India for his valuable services during the mutiny. D. 1883.

19.  Griffith. Had been appointed adjt. 29th July, 1813. Adjt. to 5th D.G. 10th Apr., 1823. Lieut. 28th Foot 15th Oct., 1829. Capt. 1st W.I.R. 28th June, 1839. Ret. f. p. before 1846. D. 15th Nov., 1859.

20.  Eldest son of Wm. Eliott, of Borthwickbrae, M.P. for co. Selkirk for twenty-four years, by Marianne, only child of Allan Lockhart, of Cleghorn, after which marriage W. Eliott assumed the additional surname of Lockhart.

21.  H. p. as paymaster 1st W.I.R. 6th July, 1820. Living in 1830.

22.  D. in Oct., 1823.

23.  H. p. 30th June, 1825. Living in 1846.

24.  Serving in 1817.

25.  Serving in 1830.



[13th HUSSARS.]
Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Patrick Doherty 4 June, 1813 Col., 4 June, 1814
2 Shapland Boyse, W. 4 June, 1813 Lt.-Col., 4 June, 1814
3 Brook Lawrence 3 Feb. 1804 Maj., 4 June, 1814
4 Joseph Doherty, W. 19 Mar. 1807 Maj., 4 June, 1814
5 James Macalester 25 June, 1807 12 Apr. 1814
6 Mansell Bowers 8 Mar. 1810 1 Mar. 1810
7 James Gubbins, K. 7 Feb. 1811 18 May, 1809
8 Charles Gregorie 20 June, 1811 4 Aug. 1808
9 Frederick Goulburn 18 Apr. 1815 12 July, 1810
10 John Irving Moss 7 Mar. 1805
11 George Doherty, W. 18 Sept. 1806
12 John H. Drought 8 Sept. 1808
13 Charles Robert Bowers, W. 18 Oct. 1810
14 Allan T. Maclean 11 July, 1811
John Geale, K. 25 July, 1811
15 Robert Nisbett 26 Dec. 1811
16 Wm. Turner 16 Apr. 1815 6 Feb. 1812
17 James Mill 17 Apr. 1815 7 Nov. 1811
18 George Hussey Packe, W. 21 Apr. 1815 6 Jan. 1814
19 Henry Acton 4 May, 1815
20 John Wallace 17 May, 1815
21 Jacob Æ. Irving, W. 18 May, 1815
Geo. Lloyd Hodges 19 Jan. 1815 7 Jan. 1808
22 Geo. Pym, K.
23 Joseph Wakefield 26 May, 1814
24 Alexander Strange 11 Apr. 1811
25 Wm. Minchin 10 Sept. 1812
26 Thos. Galbraith Logan 9 Sept. 1813 24 Dec. 1812
27 Abraham Armstrong 18 May, 1809
28 John Constant 3 Mar. 1814
Blue. Facings buff. Lace gold.

1.  Col. Patrick Doherty belonged to a good old Irish family which has done good service to its country, both in the army and on the judicial bench. In the two great wars in which Great Britain played a leading part during the 19th century, the 13th Regt. of Lt. Dgns. (Hussars) has been commanded by a Doherty; and three generations of this family have been closely associated with this same regt. In 1796 Patrick Doherty embarked for the West Indies with his regt. on active service. It is on record that no less than twenty-two officers of the 13th Lt. Dgns. fell victims to “Yellow Jack” when serving in St. Domingo; and the skeleton of the regt., with two or three surviving officers, returned to England. This fatality brought rapid promotion to Doherty, and in 1813 he succeeded to the command of the 13th. For his services in the Pa. he was made bt.-col. The editor of the Military Calendar states that on Waterloo Day Col. Doherty was lying ill at Brussels, suffering from a most severe attack of West Indian fever and ague; but as it is probable that he took part in the operations of the 16th or 17th June, it does not debar him from being added to the roll of Waterloo officers. He undoubtedly received the medal for Waterloo, as well as the C.B. in 1816. Col. Doherty was subsequently made K.C.H. Quitted the service in Dec., 1818, and d. at Bath, 20th Jan., 1837. He was uncle to John Doherty, of Dublin, who held the high post of Chief Justice of Ireland, and dying, in 1850, left, with other male issue, the present Maj. H. Doherty, of the Artillery Militia, who formerly commanded a troop in the 3rd Hussars.

2.  Made C.B. for Waterloo. Served in the Pa. 2nd son of Samuel Boyse, of Barrow, New Ross, co. Wexford, by Dorothea, dau. of Shapland Carew, of Castleboro, same county. D., unm., 1833.

3.  There were three of this family in the regt. in 1815. Brook Lawrence served thirty-eight years in this regt., and was made bt.-lt.-col. for Waterloo. He d. at Brompton 11th Aug., 1823, aged 59.

4.  Son of Col. P. Doherty. Promoted maj. in this regt. 8th Dec., 1818. D. at Bangalore 12th June, 1819.

5.  80Served in the Pa. and in India. In the last charge made by his regt. at Waterloo was wounded in the ankle, which troubled him ever afterwards. Quitted the service in 1823. D. at Kames House, Millport, 17th Sept., 1852. The Clan Alester of Kintyre and the Isles is one of the oldest in Scotland.

6.  Promoted maj. in same regt. 5th June, 1823. M. Eleanor, eldest dau. of Lt.-Gen. Sir Thos. Dallas, and had issue. D. 1831.

7.  Fell by a cannon ball when charging with his regt. at Waterloo. “The moment of his death was that of victory.” See flattering notice in the Gentleman’s Magazine for 1815, II., p. 275.

8.  Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. in 1818.

9.  Youngest son of Munbee Goulburn, of Portland Place, by the Hon. Susanna Chetwynd, eldest dau. of Wm. 4th Visct. Chetwynd. Appointed maj. in 104th regt. 15th Feb., 1816. Placed on h. p. 25th July, 1817. D. in 1837.

10.  Promoted capt. 31st Aug., 1815. Placed on h. p. 25th March, 1816. Capt. 48th Foot 26th Feb., 1828.

11.  Son of Col. P. Doherty. Served in the Pa. “Was severely wounded in the head at Waterloo, and was struck by a ball which was stopped and flattened by the interposition of his watch. He had taken out his watch to remark the time, when the regt. was ordered to advance; and not being able to return it, he put it into the breast of his jacket, and thus providentially his life was saved.” (Anecdote by T. Carter.) K.H. Attained the rank of maj., and d. at Dublin in Dec., 1835.

12.  Eldest son of John Armstrong Drought, of Lettybrook, King’s County, by Letitia Head, of Ashley Park, Tipperary. Bn. 20th Aug., 1790. Served throughout the Par. War. Placed on h. p. 1816. M., 20th July, 1853, Frances Spunner, and had issue. D. 29th April, 1876.

13.  Brother to the above Capt. Bowers. Attained rank of lt.-gen. Living 1869.

14.  2nd son of Archibald Maclean, of Pennycross and Carsaig, co. Argyll, by Alicia, dau. of Hector Maclean, of Torens, in same county. Served in the Pa. Bn. 1793. Attained the rank of lt.-gen. M., 1843, Agnes, dau. of Wm. Furlong, of Welshot, co. Lanark. Lt.-col. h. p. 1843.

15.  Capt. h. p. 20th Dns. 19th Nov., 1818. Living in 1846.

16.  Capt. 78th Foot 3rd Nov., 1819. H. p. 27th June, 1822. Living in 1846.

17.  Promoted capt. 24th March, 1816. Placed on h. p. 25th May, 1816.

18.  2nd son of Charles J. Packe, of Prestwold Hall, Loughborough, by Penelope, eldest dau. of Richard Dugdale. Capt. 21st Dgns. 27th June, 1816. M., 1st Sept., 1824, Mary Anne, eldest dau. of John Heathcote, of Connington Castle, co. Huntingdon, and had issue. M.P. for South Lincolnshire 1859 to 1868. D. 2nd July, 1874.

19.  2nd son of Joseph Edward Acton, a lt.-gen. in the Neapolitan service and Gov. of Gaeta, by Eleanora, Countess Berg de Trips, of Dusseldorf. Exchanged to 12th Lt. Dgns. as lieut. 14th Nov., 1816. On h. p. 1817. M. Charlotte, only dau. of Dr. Clogston, of Bombay, and had issue.

20.  Placed on h. p. 25th July, 1816. Living in 1830.

21.  81Belonged, apparently, to the Dumfriesshire family (of Bonshaw Tower). Aftds. lt.-col. on retd. list. His second name was Æmilius, which came into the family by the marriage of Wm. Irving to Æmilia, dau. of Andrew Lord Rollo. H. p. 1818. D. at Niagara 7th Oct., 1856.

22.  4th son of Francis Pym, of the Hasells, Beds., M.P., for Beds.

23.  Aftds. exchanged, as lieut., into the 19th Lt. Dgns. M., 1836, Anne, eldest dau. of George Wakefield. D. at Kamptee, Madras, 17th May, 1840, then Lt.-Col. of the 39th Foot.

24.  H. p. 62nd Foot, 1831. D.,in Nov. 1840, a military Knight of Windsor.

25.  Qr.-Mr. 53rd Foot 7th Sept., 1826. Serving in 1830.

26.  Surgeon 5th D.G. 25th Nov., 1818. Serving in 1830.

27.  Surgeon 7th March, 1816. Surgeon 87th Foot 24th April, 1826. H. p. 1830. Living in 1846.

28.  Vet. Surgeon to 5th D.G. 30th March, 1826. H. p. in 1843. Living in 1846.



Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONELS. Regiment. Army.
Sir Colquhoun Grant, K.C.B. 25 Aug. 1808 Maj.-Gen., 4 June, 1814
1 Leighton C. Dalrymple, W. 16 Dec. 1813
2 Edwin Griffith, K. 5 Nov. 1812
3 Joseph Thackwell, W. 9 Apr. 1807
4 Skinner Hancox 11 May, 1809
5 John Whiteford, W. 24 July, 1809
6 Philip Wodehouse 26 Dec. 1809 14 June, 1811
7 Fred. Charles Philips 16 Apr. 1812
8 Wm. Booth 17 Sept. 1812
9 John Carr 20 Apr. 1815 3 Oct. 1809
10 Edward Barrett 28 June, 1810
Ralph Mansfield, W. 16 Aug. 1810
11 Isaac Sherwood, K. 13 Sept. 1810
12 Wm. Bellairs 7 May, 1812
13 Henry Lane 3 Sept. 1812
14 Wm. Byam, W. 17 Sept. 1812
15 Edward Byam, W. 9 Apr. 1813
16 George A.F. Dawkins, W. 3 June, 1813
17 Henry Dixon 25 Aug. 1813
18 John James Douglas 26 Aug. 1813
19 Wm. Stewart 6 Jan. 1814
20 John Pennington 13 Jan. 1814
21 Henry Buckley, K. 25 Aug. 1814
22 Joseph Griffith, Adjt. 4 Aug. 1814
23 James Coppin Cocksedge 27 May, 1813
24 Thomas Cartan 9 Sept. 1813
25 Samuel Jeyes 28 Nov. 1811
26 Wm. Gibney 28 Oct. 1813
27 Conrad Dalwig 29 Apr. 1813
Blue. Facings scarlet. Lace silver.

1.  Lt.-Col. Cathcart Dalrymple was 2nd son of Gen. Sir Hew Dalrymple, Bart., by Frances, youngest dau. and co-heir of Gen. Leighton. Made C.B. for Waterloo. D. unm. 1820.

2.  M.I. at Waterloo. The following touching verses to the memory of this gallant officer were published soon after his death:—

“Weep not; he died as heroes die,
The death permitted to the brave;
Mourn not; he lies where soldiers lie,
And valour envies such a grave.
“His was the love of bold emprise,
Of soldier’s hardships, soldier’s fame!
And his the wish by arms to rise,
And gain a proud, a deathless name.”

3.  Bn. 1st Feb., 1781. 4th son of John Thackwell, of Moreton Court, co. Worcester, and a direct descendant of Rev. Thos. Thackwell, rector of Waterperry, co. Oxford, in 1607. Served in Ireland during the rebellion. Joined the 15th Lt. Dgns. as a cornet in 1800, and served 32 years in that regt., during twelve of which he held the command. During the Par. war he boldly attacked and forced back at Granada 200 French dgns. with 50 men of his regt., making several prisoners, for which he was recommended for a bt. majority. At Waterloo, when charging with his regt., Thackwell was wounded in the fore-arm of his left arm, “but he instantly seized the bridle with his right hand, in which was his sword, and still dashed on at the head of his regt., the command of which had devolved upon him. Another shot took effect on same arm, but he immediately seized the bridle 84with his teeth.” At the close of the day his left arm was amputated close to the shoulder. Proceeded to India in 1837 as Col. of 3rd Lt. Dgns. Distinguished himself in the Afghan, Gwalior, and Sutlej campaigns. Made a K.C.B. for Ghuznee. Commanded the cavalry in the Punjaub campaign. He was a G.C.B. and K.H., Col.-in-Chf. 16th Lancers, and Inspector-General of Cavalry in 1854. M., 29th July, 1825, Maria, eldest dau. of Francis Roche, of Rochemount, co. Cork, and had issue. D. at Aghada Hall, co. Cork, 8th April, 1859.

4.  Commanded the regt. at the close of Waterloo day. Bt. maj. for Waterloo. Appointed Lt.-col. of 7th Dgn. Gds. 18th December, 1823. Commanded the latter regt. until June, 1830. M., 23rd Aug., 1843, Caroline, eldest dau. of Lancelot Rolleston, of Watnall Hall. Resided at Woodborough Hall, co. Notts. D. before 1849.

5.  Promoted maj. in same regt. 16th June, 1820. Quitted the service in 1822.

6.  Eldest son of the Rev. Philip Wodehouse (2nd son of Sir Armine Wodehouse, M.P. for Norfolk), by Apollonia, dau. and co-heir of John Nourse, of Woodeaton, co. Oxford. Lt.-col. unattached 1821, and Inspecting Field Officer of Militia same date. M., 13th June, 1832, Lydia, dau. of Joseph Lea, of The Hill, Stonebridge, and had issue.

7.  This officer had a curious and unpleasant experience at Cambray a few days after Waterloo. As he was riding through some gardens the ground suddenly gave way under his horse’s feet. The captain threw himself off his charger’s back, and the next moment the horse fell to the bottom of a well 80 or 100 feet deep, and was killed instantaneously. (Records.) Promoted maj. in same regt. 11th July, 1822. Retd. on h. p. as lt.-col. 14th Jan. 1826. Living in 1830.

8.  Of Beighton, Yorkshire. Promoted maj. in same regt. 18th Dec. 1823. Quitted the service before 1830. M., 1832, Harriet, dau. of Sir Wm. Cave Browne-Cave, Bart., of Stamford.

9.  Placed on h. p. 25th May, 1816. Restored to f. p., as capt. in 41st Foot, 3rd Jan., 1822. Living in 1824.

10.  Placed on h. p. 25th May, 1816.

11.  M.I. at Waterloo.

12.  Of Mulbarton Lodge, co. Norfolk. Was 4th son of Abel Walford Bellairs, High Sheriff for Rutland, who represented a very ancient Leicestershire family, which can be traced back to the 12th century. Served in the Pa. Received the honour of knighthood from George IV. M. Cassandra, dau. and heir of Edmund Hooke, of Mulbarton Lodge. Quitted the service as captain in 1820, and d. 2nd October, 1863, leaving issue. Henry Bellairs, elder brother to the above, entered the Rl. Navy, and was wounded at Trafalgar. He afterwards entered the 15th Hussars, and on leaving the army took Holy Orders and became Vicar of Hunsigore, Yorkshire.

13.  Retd. on h. p. with rank of lt.-col. 9th June, 1825. M., 8th Dec., 1825, Harriet Frances, 2nd dau. of Lawrence, 2nd Lord Dundas. Living in 1842.

14.  Eldest son of Edward Byam, of Cedar Hill, Antigua, by Christiana Matilda, dau. of Mathew Byam, of Dublin. Quitted the service in 1817. Inherited the family estates in Antigua, and became President of that island. Knighted in 1859. M., 8th Feb., 1815, Martha, dau. of Thos. Rogers, of Antigua, and had issue. Living in 1862.

15.  85Promoted capt. same regt. 25th Aug., 1819. Lt.-col. unattached, 26th Sept., 1826. Col. 23rd Nov., 1841. Maj.-gen. 11th Nov., 1851. Served in the Pa., and was severely wounded by a grape shot while carrying the regimental colours of the 38th Foot at Salamanca. Col.-in-Chf. 18th Hussars 1858. Bn. 1794. Brother to Wm. Byam. M., 1829, Eliz. Augusta, sister of Sir Grenville Temple, Bart., and had issue. D. 9th Sept., 1864. For an account of this historical family see Gentleman’s Magazine for 1848.

16.  Bn. 1791. Younger son of Jas. Dawkins (who assumed the surname of Colyear on succeeding to the estates of his uncle, Charles, Earl of Portmore), by Hannah, dau. of Thos. Phipps. M. Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Sir Wm. Cooper, Bart., and d. s. p. 1821.

17.  Of Gledhow Hall, co. York, and Astle Hall, co. Chester Bn. 19th Nov., 1794. Eldest son of John Dixon, of Gledhow, by Lydia, dau. of Rev. John Parker, of Astle. Quitted the service as a capt. in above regt. M., 24th Dec., 1829, Emma, dau. of Rev. E.S. Wilmot, of Chaddesden, co. Derby, and d. s. p. 3rd Aug., 1838.

18.  Afterwards Sir John James Douglas, Bart., of Springwood Park, Kelso, son of Sir George Douglas, of co. Roxburgh, 2nd Bart. and M.P. for that county, by Lady Eliz. Boyle, dau. of John, 3rd Earl of Glasgow. Born 18th July, 1792. Served in the Pa. Capt. 16th Dec., 1819. H. p. 25th July, 1820. M., 1822, the only dau. and heir of Henry Scott, of Belford, co. Roxburgh, and assumed the surname of Scott in addition to that of Douglas. D. 23rd Jan., 1836, leaving issue.

19.  Promoted capt. 15th June, 1820. Placed on h. p. 25th Oct., 1821 Living in 1830.

20.  Quitted the service in 1821.

21.  M.I. at Waterloo.

22.  Called “Henry Griffiths” in Army List for 1829 and in subsequent Lists. Lieut. 24th May, 1815. H. p. as lieut. from Rl. Staff Corps 12th March, 1829. Appointed a Mil. Knight of Windsor and d. in Oct., 1852.

23.  Out of the regt. in Aug., 1819.

24.  Surgeon 8th Foot 25th Sept., 1818. Serving in 1824. Out of the regt. in Feb., 1826.

25.  Surgeon 2nd May, 1822. Serving with regt. in 1830. H. p. before 1846.

26.  H. p. 25th Dec., 1818. Living in 1830.

27.  Placed on h. p. from 2nd Lt. Dns. German Legion, 21st Aug., 1817.



[16th LANCERS.]
Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONELS. Regiment. Army.
1 James Hay, W. 18 Feb. 1813
2 George Home Murray 18 Feb. 1813
3 John Henry Belli 29 Jan. 1807 Maj., 7 May, 1812
4 Clement Swetenham 11 June, 1807
5 Richard Weyland, W. 5 Sept. 1811 18 July, 1811
John Phillips Buchanan, K. 28 May, 1812
6 Wm. Tomkinson 3 June, 1812 12 Mar. 1812
7 Charles King 18 Feb. 1813
8 J. — Barra, Adjt. 4 Oct. 1808
9 Wm. Osten 17 Nov. 1808
10 Trevor Wheler 11 July, 1811
11 Francis Swinfen 1 Aug. 1811
12 George Baker 15 Aug. 1811
13 Richard Beauchamp 19 Feb. 1812
14 Nath. Day Crichton, W. 20 Feb. 1812
15 Edward B. Lloyd 12 Mar. 1812
16 Wm. Nepean 2 Apr. 1812
17 Jas. Arch. Richardson 12 Nov. 1814 1 Apr. 1813
18 John Luard 2 Mar. 1815 30 May, 1811
19 Wm. Harris 30 Mar. 1815 21 Jan. 1813
20 Hon. C. Monckton 30 Mar. 1815 8 July, 1813
21 Alexander Macdougall 30 Mar. 1815 30 Dec. 1813
22 Wm. Beckwith 7 Jan. 1813
23 Wm. Polhill 1 July, 1813
24 George Nugent 7 Oct. 1813
25 Alexander Hay 11 Nov. 1813
26 George Neyland 10 Sept. 1812
27 John Harrison 25 Jan. 1810
28 Isaac Robinson 21 Apr. 1804 22 Dec. 1803
29 John M’Gr. Mallock 16 Apr. 1812
30 Dennis Murray 22 June, 1815
31 John Jones 25 Nov. 1813
Blue. Facings scarlet. Lace gold.

1.  Afterwards Lt.-Gen. James Hay, C.B., Col.-in-Chf. 79th Highlanders. Served in the Pa. with above regt., and as capt. commanded the regt. in an affair with the Lancers de Berg, at Espesia, in which the enemy was defeated, and an officer with 70 men taken prisoners. Honourably mentioned in Wellington’s despatches. Had his right arm broken at Salamanca. Recd. the gold medal and clasp. Was so seriously wounded at Waterloo that he could not be moved from the field for eight days. Given a distinguished service pension. D. at his seat, near Kilburn, co. Longford, 25th Feb., 1854.

2.  Made bt.-lt.-col. and C.B. for Waterloo. Lt.-col. of above regt. 25th May, 1822. Served in the Pa., and recd. the gold medal for Salamanca. D. at Cawnpore 15th Dec., 1833, whilst in command of above regt. and holding the rank of brig.-gen. at that station.

3.  Maj. in same regt. 10th Oct., 1816. Bt.-lt.-col. 21st Jan., 1819. Unattached h. p. list 1826. Son of John Belli, whose widow’s death is recorded in the Gentleman’s Magazine for 1842.

4.  Eldest son of Roger Comberbach, who assumed the surname and arms of Swetenham. Bn. 7th Feb., 1787. Served in the Pa. with above regt. Quitted the service with rank of maj. in 1817. M., 1st May, 1817, Eleanor, dau. of John Buchanan, of Donelly, co. Donegal, and had issue. Owned the estate of Somerford Booths, co. Chester, which had been in possession of his ancestors since A.D. 1100. D. 17th Nov., 1852.

5.  3rd son of John Weyland, of Woodeaton, co. Oxford, and Woodrising, co. Norfolk. Served in the Pa. Quitted the service as maj. in 1820. Bn. 25th March, 1780. M., 12th Sept., 1820, Charlotte, dau. of Charles Gordon, of Cluny, and widow of Sir J.L. Johnstone, Bart., and had issue. D. in Oct., 1864.

6.  88Bn. 18th Jan., 1790. 4th son of Henry Tomkinson, of Dorfold, Nantwich, by Anne, dau. of John Darlington, of Aston, co. Chester. Attained rank of lt.-col., h. p. 10th Jan., 1837. Served in the Pa., and was severely wounded at the passage of the Douro. Purchased the estate of Willington Hall, co. Chester, from Lord Alvanley in 1828. M., 9th Feb., 1836, Susan, dau. of Thos. Tarleton, and had issue. D. 1872.

7.  Was made brig.-maj. to the 4th Brigade after the battle of Waterloo. Ten years later, at siege of Bhurtpore, assisted by Capt. Luard and two orderlies of 16th Lancers, captured a Rajah. K.H. Lost an arm at El Bodon in the Par. War, when lieut. in 11th Lt. Dgns. D. at Dublin, 5th July, 1844.

8.  Joseph Barra was a gallant Par. veteran, where he won his spurs. Promoted capt. 29th July 1815. Placed on h. p. 25th March, 1816. Appointed Adjt. of the “Chester Yeomanry,” which post he held until his death, 13th July, 1839. Bd. at Knutsford with military honours. At his funeral a sword was placed on his coffin, which bore this inscription:—“To Lieut. and Adjt. Barra, 16th or Queen’s Lt. Dgns., this sword was presented by the officers of his regt. as a token of their high esteem and approbation of his services both at home and abroad, 30th March, 1815.”

9.  Wilhelm Baron Osten, K.H., had previously served in the K.G.L., and had smelt powder in the Par. War. Member of the family of Van der Osten in Hanover, “of high military and judicial fame.” Retd. from British service in 1834. Afterwards gen. in Hanoverian army. D. at Rufford Abbey 24th Jan., 1852.

10.  Afterwards Sir Trevor Wheler, Bart. Maj. 5th Dgn. Gds. 1829. Bn. 20th Dec., 1797. Eldest son of Sir Trevor Wheler, 8th Bart., by Harriet, dau. of Richard Beresford, of Ashbourne, co. Derby. Was twice m., and left issue by 1st wife. D. 6th Sept., 1869.

11.  Eldest son of John Swinfen by his second wife, Anne Ford. Placed on h. p. as lieut. 25th May, 1817. D. at Lapley Hall, co. Stafford, 20th Aug., 1839, leaving issue by his mge. with Mary Anne Yonge.

12.  7th son of Wm. Baker, M.P., of Bayfordbury, Herts. Col. on retd. h. p. list 1846. D. 22nd Dec., 1859.

13.  5th son of Sir Thos. Beauchamp, Bart., by Mary, 2nd dau. of Robert Palmer, of Sunning, Berks. Bn. 30th Jan., 1793. Afterwards lt.-col. Grenadier Guards. M., 4th October, 1828, Sophia, youngest dau. of Benjamin Ball, of Fort Fergus, co. Clare, and had issue. Ret. as col. 9th March, 1832. D. 1850.

14.  Appointed capt. 5th Dgn. Gds. 17th Jan., 1822. Maj. in same regt. 6th April, 1826. D. 6th May, 1833, in London.

15.  Eldest son of Bell Lloyd, of Crogen yr Edeirnion, co. Merioneth, by Anne, dau. of George Anson, of Orgrave, co. Stafford. Placed on h. p. as lieut. 5th Aug., 1819. M., 1819, Lowry, dau. of Robert Morris, and had issue. D. 8th May, 1864.

16.  3rd son of Sir Evan Nepean, 1st bart., Under Sec. of State for Ireland. Bn. 1795. Attained the rank of maj.-gen. M., in 1820, Emilia, dau. of Col. Yorke, and had issue. D. 8th Dec., 1864.

17.  H. p. 25th Jan., 1816.

18.  4th son of Peter John Luard, of Blyborough, capt. 4th Lt. Dgns., by Louisa Dalbiac. Afterwards maj. and bt.-lt.-col. 21st Foot. Served in the 89Rl. Navy, 1802–7. Entered 4th Lt. Dgns. 1809. Served in the Pa. Captured a Rajah at the siege of Bhurtpore. An eminent draughtsman. Bn. 5th May, 1790. D. 1875.

19.  Capt. 2nd June, 1825. H. p. 8th June, 1830. Living in 1846.

20.  2nd son of 4th Viscount Galway, by Eliz., dau. of Dan. Matthew, of Felix Hall, Essex. Captain in Cape Corps, 1823. Exchanged to 24th Foot 1824. D. 11th May, 1830.

21.  Serving in 1824. Out of the regt. before 1830.

22.  Bn. 20th Aug., 1795. Eldest son of Wm. Beckwith, of Trimdon, co. Durham, by Caroline, dau. of John Nesham, of Houghton-le-Spring. Served in the Pa. with 16th Lt. Dgns. In 1831, as maj. of the 14th Lt. Dgns., greatly distinguished himself by the presence of mind and determination he showed in suppressing the Bristol riots. These riots were not suppressed until many of the ringleaders and their followers had perished, some being cut down by the cavalry when charging through the streets, but by far the greater number being burnt to death, when intoxicated, in the conflagration that devastated part of the city. Before the arrival of the squadron of the 14th Lt. Dgns. at Bristol the only available military force was a troop of the 3rd Dgn. Gds., which was ordered to protect the city gaol. The captain of this troop remained in his quarters, and allowed a cornet of only sixteen months’ service to command the troop on this special service. It is recorded of this young officer, Cornet Charles Kelson, that when riding with his troop through the slums of Bristol a burly blacksmith rushed out of his shop, sledge-hammer in hand, and aimed a blow at the officer’s head. As the smith bent his head with the weight of the hammer the subaltern’s sword flashed through the air, and the Goliath’s head rolled on the ground. Beckwith was a K.H., and at his death a Gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 14th Hussars. He m., 5th April, 1821, Priscilla Maria, dau. and heiress of Thos. Hopper, of Silksworth House, co. Durham, but d. s. p. 23rd Feb., 1871.

23.  2nd son of Edward Polhill, of Clapham, by Sarah, dau. of John Spooner, of Barbadoes. Lieut. in same regt. 13th Dec., 1815. Exchanged to 1st Life Gds. 26th Oct., 1816. On h. p. 23rd Lt. Dgns. 23rd Jan., 1819. Living in 1860.

24.  Lieut. 14th Dec., 1815. Lieut. 7th D.G. 14th Dec., 1821. Capt. 22nd July, 1824. Serving in 1830.

25.  Of Nunraw. Bn. 6th Sept., 1796. M.I. at Waterloo. 3rd son of Robert Hay of Drumelzier, by Janet, eldest dau. of James Erskine, of Cardross.

26.  Left the regt. 2nd Sept., 1824.

27.  Lieut. 25th Jan., 1816. H. p. 25th March same year.

28.  Serving with the regt. in 1830. Dep. Inspector-Genl. 22nd July, 1830. H. p. before 1846.

29.  Surgeon 46th Foot 2nd Feb., 1826. Serving in 1830.

30.  Surgeon 23rd Nov., 1832. Appointed surgeon to 10th Lt. Dns., 14th Dec., 1841. Out of said regt. 30th June, 1848.

31.  Out of the regt. in 1822.



Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONELS. Regiment. Army.
1 Hon. Henry Murray 2 Jan. 1812
2 Richard Croker 9 July, 1812
3 James Grant 17 Dec. 1812
4 George Luard 21 July, 1813
5 Jas. Rich. Llewis Lloyd 12 Nov. 1814 25 Aug. 1809
6 Charles Hesse, W. 4 May, 1809
7 James Henry Waldie 13 Feb. 1812
8 George Woodberry 10 Dec. 1812
9 Hon. Lionel C. Dawson 24 June, 1813 10 Nov. 1807
10 Martin French 14 Oct. 1813 29 Oct. 1812
11 Thomas Prior 6 Jan. 1814
12 Robert Coote 22 Feb. 1814
13 Henry Duperier, Adjt., W. 23 Feb. 1814
14 John Thos. Machell 24 Feb. 1814
15 Donald M’Duffie 29 Sept. 1814 10 Mar. 1814
Henry Somerset 12 Nov. 1814
Horace Seymour 12 Nov. 1814 29 Dec. 1812
16 Wm. Henry Rowlls 22 Dec. 1814
17 John Rolfe Gordon 9 Feb. 1815 15 Oct. 1812
18 William Mouins 20 Apr. 1815
19 Wm. Deane 13 Aug. 1802
20 Wm. Chambers 25 Feb. 1804 9 July, 1803
21 John Quincey 5 Mar. 1812
22 Daniel Pilcher 13 June, 1811
Blue. Facings white. Lace silver.

C.  91Known as the “Drogheda Light Horse.” Raised in Ireland by the Marquis of Drogheda, in 1759, and numbered as the 19th Lt. Dragoons. Was re-numbered in 1763 as the 18th Lt. Dragoons; became Hussars in 1807, and was disbanded in 1821.

1.  Afterwards Gen. the Hon. Sir H. Murray, K.C.B., Col.-in-Chf. 14th Lt. Dgns. 4th son of David, 2nd Earl of Mansfield, by his 2nd wife, the Hon. Louisa Cathcart, dau. of Charles, 9th Lord Cathcart. Bn. 6th Aug., 1784. Commanded the above regt. in the Pa., and was present at the battle of Morales, although then suffering from a severe wound in the knee. “Two days after, inflammation set in in the knee, yet he followed the regt. in a spring waggon in rear, till upon the representation of the surgeon that if he went on with the troops he must die, he was sent back to the hospital station at Palencia, where, with abscess and acute rheumatism, he nearly died” (Col. Malet’s Records 18th Hus.). At Waterloo he led the regt. in Sir H. Vivian’s brilliant charge at the conclusion of the battle. M., 28th June, 1810, Emily, dau. of Gerard de Visme, and had issue. Resided during the latter part of his life at Wimbledon Lodge, and d. there 29th July, 1850. M.I. St. Mary’s Church, Wimbledon.

2.  Richard Hare Croker was 2nd son of Richard Croker, of Ballynagarde, co. Limerick, by Margaret Anne, sister of 1st Earl of Listowel, and dau. of Richard Hare. Bt.-maj. for Waterloo. H. p. 16th Nov., 1820. Afterwards col. retd. list. M. Amelia, dau. of John Haigh, of Whitwell Hall, co. York, and had issue. D. 15th Jan., 1854 at Leamington.

3.  Afterwards Maj.-gen. James Grant, C.B., Gov. of Scarborough Castle. Served at Seringapatam and in Sicily. Also served in India with 17th Lt. Dgns. and in the Pa. with above regt. Bt.-lt.-col. for Waterloo. D. at Hillingdon, Mdx., 5th April, 1852.

4.  3rd son of Peter John Luard, of Blyborough, capt. 4th Lt. Dgns., by Louisa, dau. of Charles Dalbiac, of Hungerford Park. Bn. 1788. Served in the Pa. Placed on h. p. as maj. 8th April, 1826. D. unm. in Dec., 1847.

5.  Quitted the service in 1818.

6.  Capt. in the Staff Corps 22nd Feb., 1816. Placed on h. p. 1819. Afterwards killed in a duel with Count Leon, a natural son of the Emperor Napoleon.

7.  Commanded his troop at Waterloo. Placed on h. p. as lieut. 7th Sept., 1820. Living in 1846.

8.  Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. when it was disbanded.

9.  “On baggage guard, marched with the regt. 16th, ordered to the rear 17th June, 1815.” 4th son of John, 2nd Visct. and 1st Earl of Portarlington. Bn. 7th May, 1790. M., 15th Sept., 1820, Lady Eliz. Nugent, 2nd dau. of 7th Earl of Westmeath, and had issue. D. 25th Feb., 1842.

10.  The family of French claims to be one of the 14 ancient “tribes” of Galway. Certain it is that it is a very ancient one, and has left many branches in the sister kingdom. There seem to have been several bearing the Christian name of “Martin,” including an “Hon. Martin Ffrench” (son of 2nd Baron Ffrench). Bn. 1790, and d. 1871.

11.  Eldest son of Thos. Prior, of Rathdowney, Queen’s Co., by Catherine, dau. of Joseph Palmer, of Cuffboro’ in same county. Placed on h. p. 23rd April, 1817. Capt. h. p. 28th Nov., 1834, Living 1846.

12.  92Robert Carr Coote was promoted capt. 26th Nov., 1818. Placed on h. p. 11th Nov., 1821. 2nd son of Chidley Coote, of Ash Hill, co. Limerick, by Eliz., dau. of the Rev. Ralph Carr, of Bath. M. Margaret Grier, and had issue. His elder brother succeeded to the Coote baronetcy on the death of Lord Mountrath. D. 5th Nov., 1834.

13.  H. p. in Nov. 1821. Living in 1846.

14.  4th son of Lt.-Col. Christopher Machell, of Beverley, by Anne, dau. of Col. Christopher Scott, of Aldbro’. Placed on h. p. 10th Nov., 1821. D. 13th Oct., 1853, at Beverley.

15.  Left the regt. in April, 1817. H. p. as lieut. 40th Foot 27th April, 1820. Living in 1846.

16.  Commanded his troop at Waterloo. Placed on h. p. 23rd April, 1817.

17.  Quitted the service in 1816.

18.  Served in the Pa. with the 52nd L.I. Placed on h. p. 25th March, 1817. Afterwards lt.-col. of the East Kent Militia. Bn. 20th Feb., 1792. Eldest son of John Monins (late 43rd L.I.), of The Palace, Canterbury. M., 7th Oct., 1812, Miss Jull, and had issue. D. 1857.

19.  “Marched with the regt. 16th, ordered to the rear the 17th June.” Ret. f. p. 1842. D. 1852.

20.  Surgeon to 22nd Foot 13th Dec., 1821. H. p. 3rd Sept., 1825. Living in 1830.

21.  Assistant-surgeon to 15th Hussars 6th June, 1822. D. or left the regt. in 1827.

22.  H. p. 10th Nov., 1821. Living in 1830.



Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONELS. Regiment. Army.
1 John, Earl of Portarlington 6 Apr. 1809 Col., 4 June, 1814
2 John Mervin Cutcliffe, W. 2 Sept. 1813
3 Peter Augustus Lautour 6 Jan. 1814 20 May, 1813
4 Charles Webb Dance, W. 9 Apr. 1807
5 Philip Zachariah Cox 15 Mar. 1810
6 John Martin 8 Feb. 1813
7 Thomas Gerrard, W. 1 July, 1813 Maj., 1 Jan. 1812
8 Roderick M’Neil 19 Jan. 1815 1 Dec. 1814
9 Henry Grove 19 Apr. 1815 Maj., 1 Jan. 1812
10 James Maxwell Wallace 20 Apr. 1815 22 Oct. 1807
11 George Dodwell 25 Apr. 1805
12 Ant. Bolton 16 Oct. 1806 19 Dec. 1805
13 Stephen Coxens, K. 17 Nov. 1808
14 Charles Tudor 14 Mar. 1810 26 Oct. 1808
15 John Banner 15 Mar. 1810
16 John Lewes 4 Mar. 1813
17 Cæsar Bacon 14 Oct. 1813
18 Brabazon Disney, W. 15 Sept. 1814 5 Aug. 1813
19 Robert Johnson 20 Oct. 1814
20 Thomas B. Wall, W. 9 Feb. 1815
21 H. Hill, Adjt. 5 Apr. 1815
22 George Wm. Blathwayt 4 May, 1815
23 Wm. Hemmings 6 Apr. 1815
24 Thomas Dillow 31 Jan. 1809
25 Joseph Crouchley 15 Feb. 1810
26 Samuel L. Steele 20 Apr. 1809 12 Nov. 1803
27 H. Cowen 4 Aug. 1808
28 John Ship 3 Apr. 1806
Blue. Facings crimson. Lace silver.

D.  Raised in 1794 as the 26th Lt. Dragoons. Re-numbered “23rd” in 1802. Made Lancers in 1816. Disbanded in Jan. 1818.

1.  The star of the Dawsons was not propitious on the morning of the 18th June, 1815. Whilst one brother had been sent to the rear on the evening of 17th June as officer in charge of the baggage guard of 18th Hussars, the eldest brother, John Dawson, 2nd Earl of Portarlington, had betaken himself that same evening to Brussels or elsewhere. The consequence of this step was that “on the morning of Waterloo, by an unfortunate mistake, he was prevented from joining his regiment in time to command it in the brilliant exploits it performed on that memorable day.” His anguish was extreme. He joined the 18th Hussars, and served with Sir H. Vivian’s brigade in the destructive and successful charge made by that corps towards the close of the battle. In this charge Lord Portarlington had a horse shot under him. No one who knew this nobleman doubted his courage for a moment, but his absence from duty on such an occasion necessitated his retirement from the 23rd Dgns. in Sept., 1815. The Prince Regent showed much kind feeling for Portarlington, and did his best to uphold the unfortunate officer in the eyes of the world. Lord Portarlington purchased a half-pay ensigncy in 86th Foot 21st Oct., 1821. Became lieut. on h. p. 10th Sept., 1825. Capt. h. p. 9th Aug., 1831. This rank was a curious anomaly, as his lordship’s name had been retained in the Army List as a “colonel” ever since Waterloo, and he was also awarded the Waterloo medal. But the one misfortune of his life was ever before him, and the remorse from knowing that he alone was the author of it weighed upon him to such an extent that he took to dissipation, lost a large fortune, and d. at a humble lodging in an obscure London slum, 28th Dec., 1845. In early life he had served in the Pa., and was present at the battle of Talavera. He d. unm.

2.  95Commanded the regt. at Waterloo in the absence of Lord Portarlington, and was severely wounded early in the day. Bt.-lt.-col. and C.B. Promoted lt.-col. of this regt. 28th Sept., 1815. Placed on h. p. in 1818 on the reduction of his regt. D. in 1822. He belonged to the Devonshire family of this name (Cutcliffe, of Damage), the head of which bears the Christian name of “Mervyn.”

3.  Younger son of Joseph François Louis de Lautour, who came of an old Alsatian family, for many years a banker at Madras. Served in the Pa. with the 11th Lt. Dgns., and specially distinguished himself at El Bodon. On 7th Sept., 1812, when in command of a squadron of 11th Dgns., he attacked and took prisoners a company of French artillery near Valladolid. At Waterloo he succeeded to the command of the above regt. early in the day, and later on, same day, to the command of the brigade. C.B., and K.H., and bt. of lt.-col. Placed on h. p. 25th Jan., 1818. Afterwards Gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 3rd Lt. Dgns. M. Cameron, dau. of John Innes, of Cowie, and had issue. D. at Bromley 11th Jan., 1856.

4.  Promoted capt. 20th June, 1816, and appointed maj. 2nd Life Gds. 24th July, 1816. Bt.-lt.-col. 27th March, 1817. Exchanged to h. p. with Maj. Roderick M’Neil, 19th July, 1822. Had been knighted by George IV. in the previous August. D. 13th Nov., 1844.

5.  On h. p. 1817. M., 17th Feb., 1817, Louise, youngest dau. of Adm. Sir Albemarle Bertie, Bart. D. 24th Jan., 1811.

6.  Afterwards lieut.-col. unattached. Living 1842.

7.  3rd son of Thos. Gerrard, of Gibbstown, co. Meath. Bn. 9th Dec., 1779. H. p. 1818. Lt.-col. h. p. 1821. M., 18th March, 1831, Letitia, dau. of Rev. George Garnett, of Williamston, co. Meath, and had issue. D. 7th April 1836.

8.  Afterwards maj. 2nd Life Gds. Bt.-lt.-col. 17th Jan., 1822. Lt.-col. 91st Foot 16th July 1841–1842. D. as gen. in Oct., 1863.

9.  On h. p. 1818. Bt.-lt.-col. 1821.

10.  Afterwards Sir James Maxwell Wallace, K.H., Col.-in-Chf. 17th Lancers. Son of John Wallace, of Greenock, N.B., by a dau. of Robert Colquhoun. Bn. 1785. Served at the Cape of Good Hope as cornet 21st Lt. Dgns., and saw much service in Caffraria, 1812. On the 16th June, 1815, was appointed orderly officer, by Wellington’s permission, to Gen. Count Dornberg, and following day acting brig.-maj. Was twice m. His 2nd wife (in 1836) was the widow of Sir Alexander Don, Bart., of Newton Don, N.B. D. 3rd Feb., 1867, aged 82.

11.  H. p. 30th May, 1816. Living in 1846.

12.  Lieut. 3rd D.G. 3rd Aug., 1818. Adjt. 6th Nov., 1823. Capt. 11th Foot 3rd Aug., 1826. Serving in 1830.

13.  Son of Ebenezer and Anne Coxens, to whom a pension of £80 per annum was granted in 1815.

14.  H. p. 25th Jan., 1818. Living in 1846.

15.  Capt. 93rd Highlanders 21st Nov., 1828. In 1836 he wrote a reply in The United Service Magazine to Col. Gawler’s Crisis of Waterloo, of which more hereafter. D. 24th Dec., 1837.

16.  H. p. 25th Jan., 1818. Living in 1830.

17.  96H. p. 25th Jan., 1818. Major, unattached, 10th Jan., 1837. Living in 1860. Served previously in 11th Lt. Dns.

18.  Son of Thos. Disney, of Rock Lodge, co. Meath. Capt. 67th Foot 8th Apr., 1816. H. p. 25th July, 1817. Exchanged to Rl. Fusiliers 22nd Apr., 1819. Major 3rd March, 1825. Lt.-col. 31st Aug., 1830, unattached. D. in Dublin 15th March, 1833.

19.  H. p. 25th Jan., 1818. Living in 1830. Called “Johnston” in Army List for 1830.

20.  Capt. h. p. 81st Foot 16th May, 1822. Appointed Sub-Inspector of Militia in the Ionian Islands, 30th May, 1829.

21.  Reduced with the regt. in Jan., 1818.

22.  The representative of Wm. Blathwayt, Secretary at War to King William III., and Clerk of the Privy Council to no less than four English Sovereigns. G.W. Blathwayt, of Dyrham Park, Chippenham, was bn. 25th Feb., 1797. M. 21st Jan., 1822, Mary Anne, dau. of the Rev. T. Agmondisham Vesey, and had issue. In 1851 he was a lieut.-col. on the retd. list. D. 14th May, 1871.

23.  Lieut. 17th Aug., 1815. H. p. 93rd Highlanders 25th Mar., 1817. Capt. 25th Borderers 19th Sept., 1826. Serving in 1830.

24.  Reduced with the regt. in Jan., 1818.

25.  Reduced with the regt. in Jan., 1818. Living in 1830.

26.  D. or left the regt. in 1816.

27.  Surgeon to 41st Foot 8th June, 1820. Serving in 1824. Out of the regt. in 1825.

28.  H. p. Jan. 1818. D. at Hackney, 1834.



(2nd and 3rd Battalions.)
Rank in the
SECOND MAJOR. Regiment. Army.
1 Henry Askew, W. 25 July, 1814 Col., 4 June, 1814
2 Hon. Wm. Stuart, W. 25 July, 1814 Col., 4 June, 1814
3 Hon. H.T.P. Townshend, W. 26 Oct. 1809
4 Richard Harvey Cooke, W. 7 Nov. 1811
5 Edward Stables, K. 4 June, 1812
6 Sir Francis d’Oyly, K.C.B., K. 23 Sept. 1812
7 Henry d’Oyly, W. 27 May, 1813
John George Woodford 1 July, 1813
8 George Fead, W. 13 Dec. 1813
9 Charles Thomas, K. 25 Dec. 1813
10 Alexander, Lord Saltoun 25 Dec. 1813
11 John Reeve 25 Dec. 1813
12 Wm. Miller, K. 3 Mar. 1814
13 Hon. James Stanhope 25 July, 1814 17 Mar. 1814
14 Goodwin Colquitt 25 July, 1814
15 Wm. Henry Milnes, K. 25 July, 1814
Sir Henry H. Bradford, K.C.B., W. 25 July, 1814 28 Dec. 1809
16 Sir Henry Hardinge, K.C.B. 25 July, 1814 30 May, 1811
Sir Thos. Noel Hill, Kt., K.C.B. 25 July, 1814 3 Oct. 1811
Delancey Barclay 25 July, 1814 28 Feb. 1812
Lord Fitzroy Somerset, K.C.B., W. 25 July, 1814 27 Apr. 1812
17 Robert Adair, W. 26 Oct. 1809
18 Thos. Streatfield, W. 23 Nov. 1809
19 J.H. Davies 7 Dec. 1809 4 Feb. 1804
20 Charles Allix, Adjt. 13 Dec. 1810
Lord James Hay 27 June, 1811 8 Feb. 1810
21 Edward Grose, K. 26 Sept. 1811
98 James Gunthorpe, Adjt. 7 Nov. 1811
Chath. Hor. Churchill 27 Aug. 1812 Maj., 22 Nov. 1813
22 Hon. Robert Clements, W. 23 Sept. 1812
Lord Charles Fitzroy 23 Sept. 1812
23 Robert Ellison 20 Dec. 1812
24 Harry Weyland Powell 22 Jan. 1813
Newton Chambers, K. 7 Apr. 1813
George Disbrowe 8 Apr. 1813
Wm. Gordon Cameron 10 June, 1813
25 Lonsdale Boldero 20 Oct. 1813
26 Robert Wm. Phillimore 13 Dec. 1813
Hon. Orlando Bridgeman, W. 8 Jan. 1814
27 Charles Parker Ellis, W. 10 Jan. 1814
28 James Simpson, W. 11 Jan. 1814
Augustus, Viscount Bury 12 Jan. 1814
29 Edward Clive 13 Jan. 1814
30 Wm. Fred. Johnstone 16 Mar. 1814
31 Francis Fownes Luttrell, W. 17 Mar. 1814
32 Thomas Brown, K. 22 Mar. 1814
33 Edward Pery Buckley 23 Mar. 1814
Francis Dawkins 28 Apr. 1814
34 James Nixon 12 May, 1814
35 Charles F.R. Lascelles, W. 9 June, 1814
Wm. George Moore 30 Sept. 1814 14 Apr. 1814
36 Samuel W. Burgess, W. 20 Oct. 1814
37 Rees Howell Gronow 24 Dec. 1812
38 Robert Batty, W. 14 Jan. 1813
39 Richard Master 21 Jan. 1813
40 Wm. Barton, W. 4 Feb. 1813 9 May, 1811
41 Hon. H.S.V. Vernon 8 Apr. 1813
42 Edward Pardoe, K. 29 Apr. 1813
43 Courtney Chambers 10 June, 1813
44 James Butler 23 June, 1813 17 June, 1812
45 Thos. Robert Swinburne 24 June, 1813
46 Charles James Vyner 2 Sept. 1813
47 Fred. Dashwood Swann 20 Oct. 1813
99 James, Lord Hay, K. 21 Oct. 1813
48 John Pasley Dirom 18 Nov. 1813 Lt., 2 Sept. 1813
49 John F.M. Erskine 1 Dec. 1813
50 Robert Bruce, W. 9 Dec. 1813
51 Hon. T. Seymour Bathurst 11 Jan. 1814
52 Hon. Ern. A. Edgcombe 12 Jan. 1814
53 George Fludyer, W. 13 Jan. 1814
54 Wm. Fred. Tinling 27 Jan. 1814
55 Algernon Greville 1 Feb. 1814
56 George Thomson Jacob 3 Feb. 1814
57 Donald Cameron 17 Feb. 1814
58 Samuel Hurd 3 Mar. 1814
59 Fletcher Norton 17 Mar. 1814
60 Henry Lascelles, W. 7 Apr. 1814
61 George Mure 14 Apr. 1814
62 George Allen 21 Apr. 1814
63 Thos. Elmsley Croft, W. 28 Apr. 1814
64 Hon. S.S. Barrington, K. 24 Nov. 1814 7 Sept. 1814
65 Joseph St. John 25 Nov. 1814
66 Daniel Tighe 26 Nov. 1814
67 James Talbot 16 Feb. 1815
68 Robert Colquhoun 25 Nov. 1812 21 Aug. 1806
69 Wm. Curtis 5 Oct. 1809 21 Aug. 1806
70 Sam. Wm. Watson 25 Dec. 1813 14 July, 1809
71 John Harrison 29 June, 1809
72 Andrew Armstrong 18 July, 1811
73 John Gardner 25 Dec. 1813
74 Fred. Gilder 9 June, 1814
Facings blue. Lace gold.

E.  By a General Order, dated 29th July, 1815, H.R.H. the Prince Regent was pleased to approve of the 1st Regt. of Foot Guards being made a regt. of Grenadiers, and styled “The 1st, or Grenadier, Regt. of Foot Guards” in commemoration of their having defeated the Grenadiers of the French Imperial Guards at Waterloo.

1.  100Bn. 7th May, 1775. 3rd son of John Askew, of Pallinsburn, co. Northumberland. C.B. Knighted by George IV. Lt.-gen. D. s. p. 25th June, 1847, at Cologne.

2.  3rd son of Alexander, 10th Baron Blantyre, by Catherine, dau. and heir of Patrick Lindsay, of Eaglescairnie. Bn. 1778. C.B. for Waterloo. Attained rank of lt.-gen., and d. unm. 15th Feb., 1837.

3.  Lt.-col. of the Grenadier Guards 25th July, 1821. Bt.-col. 12th August, 1819. Aftds. K.C.H. and Lt.-Gov. of Windsor Castle. 2nd son of 1st Viscount Sydney, by Elizabeth, eldest dau. and co-heir of Richard Powys, of Hintlesham, co. Suffolk. D. unm. 24th May, 1843.

4.  Second in the Pa., and commanded a detachment of Guards at St. Sebastian, for which he received the gold medal. C.B. for Waterloo. Quitted the service as bt.-col. 25th March, 1818. D., in London, 8th Oct., 1856.

5.  M.I. at Waterloo. He was of Great Ormead, Herts.

6.  3rd son of the Rev. Matthias d’Oyly, Rector of Buxted, Sussex, and Archdeacon of Lewes, by his marriage with Miss Poughfer. Had served in this regt. since 1794. In the expedition to the Helder, in 1799, he acted as A.D.C. to his uncle, Gen. d’Oyly. Served in Sicily, also in the Pa.; and was made K.C.B. for his valuable services in Spain and France. Fell by a musket ball towards the close of Waterloo.

7.  Brother to the above. Bn. 21st April, 1780. Promoted maj.-gen. 28th June, 1838, and was made Col.-in-Chf. of 33rd Foot, 28th Sept., 1847. Lt.-Gen. 1851. Had served in Holland and the Pa. Was A.D.C. to Gen. Cooke at the siege of Cadiz, and was sent home with despatches announcing the raising of the siege in 1812. Severely wounded at Waterloo. M. 1836, Caroline, youngest dau. of Colonel Gore-Langton, M.P. D. 26th Sept., 1855.

8.  Made C.B. for Waterloo. Son of Lt.-Gen. George Fead, Col. Comdt. R.A., who d. at Woolwich in 1815. Retd. 1828, and d. at Lewisham, 13th Sept., 1847. By his will, dated 16th Dec., 1844, he bequeathed all his property to his wife, Caroline Fead, who was sole executrix to his will.

9.  Began his military career as ensign in the East Middlesex Militia, from which he volunteered to accompany the expedition to Holland in 1799, and received promotion for his gallantry in that campaign from the Duke of Gloucester. Served in the Pa., and distinguished himself at Salamanca. In the autumn of 1814 he married Sarah Garcy Brandon, niece of Mr. Serjeant Shepherd. A pens. of £200 per ann. was granted to his widow, who was left in distressed circumstances.

10.  Son of Alexander Fraser, 15th Lord Saltoun, by Margaret, only dau. and heir of Simon Fraser, of Ness Castle. Saw much service in the Pa. Had four horses shot under him whilst defending Hougomont without (Col. M’Donell defending within). “Towards the close of Waterloo day he returned to his place in the line with about but one-third of the men with whom he had gone into action. He then took a prominent part in the last celebrated charge of the Guards.” K.T.; K.C.B.; G.C.H.; K.M.T.; K.St.G. Lt.-Gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 2nd Foot. Commanded a brigade in the war with China, 1842. Was justly described by Wellington, on one occasion, as a “pattern to the army both as man and soldier.” M. a natural dau. of Lord Chancellor Thurlow, and d. s. p. 18th August, 1853, near Rothes.

11.  Eldest son of Wm. Reeve, of Leadenham House, Grantham, by Millicent, dau. of Capt. John King, of 1st Foot Guards. Attained the rank of Gen. and 101Col.-in-Chf. 61st Regt. Had served in the Pa., and at Walcheren. M., 11th July, 1821, Lady Susan Sherard, dau. of Philip, 5th Earl of Harborough, and had issue. D. 3rd Oct., 1864.

12.  D. at Brussels on 19th June, 1815, of wounds received at Quatre Bras. On being wounded he sent for his friend, Col. C. Thomas, and said, “I feel I am mortally wounded, but I am pleased to think it is my fate rather than yours, whose life is involved in that of your young wife.” After a pause, he said: “I should like to see the colours of the regt. before I quit them for ever.” They were brought and waved round his wounded body. “His countenance brightened, he smiled, declared himself well satisfied, and was carried from the field.” M.I. at Waterloo. Was 2nd son of Sir William Miller, Bart. (a lord of session by title of Lord Glenlee), by Grizel, dau. of George Chalmers, of co. Fife.

13.  3rd son of Charles, 3rd Earl Stanhope, by his 2nd wife, Louisa, dau. and sole heir of the Hon. Henry Grenville, Gov. of Barbados. Bn. 7th Sept., 1788. M. 9th July, 1820, the Hon. Frederica Murray, dau. of 3rd Earl of Mansfield, and had issue. Placed on h. p. 28th Feb., 1822. D. 5th March, 1825.

14.  C.B. for Waterloo. Quitted the service in 1820. Brother to the John Colquit who, as capt. in this regt. highly distinguished himself at the taking of Seville in 1812, and d. of his wounds soon after. Goodwin Colquit m. Miss Wallace, of Kelly, N.B., and had issue.

15.  2nd son of Sir Robert Milnes, Bart., by Charlotte, 3rd dau. of Capt. J.A. Bentinck, R.N. D. from his wounds, 20th June, 1815. M.I. at Waterloo.

16.  Afterwards Viscount Hardinge, G.C.B., and K.T.S. 3rd son of Rev. Henry Hardinge, Rector of Stanhope, co. Durham, by Frances, dau. of James Best, of Park House, Boxley, Kent. Served throughout the Par. War, most of the time being D.Q.M.G. of the Portuguese army. Received the gold medal and five clasps. In 1815 was attached to the Prussian army, being so employed by Wellington, whom he kept au fait of what was passing. Was present at the battle of Ligny, where he was sev. wnded. in the left hand. “On the night of the 16th June, 1815, he lay in a wretched hut with his amputated left hand lying by his side.” Wellington’s despatch to Earl Bathurst, of 30th June, 1815, did full justice to Hardinge’s services with Prince Blucher’s army. In 1846 was created a viscount in acknowledgment of his valuable services as Gov.-Gen. in the East Indies. (Medal and two clasps for the Sutlej campaign.) Col.-in-Chf. 57th Regt., 1843. Com.-in-Chf. at home, 1852, and F.-M. 1855. M. 10th Dec., 1821, Lady Emily Stewart, 7th dau. of Robert, 1st Marquis of Londonderry, and had issue. D. 24th Sept., 1856.

17.  D. at Brussels on 23rd June, 1815, of wounds received at Quatre Bras; son of Robert Adair, to whom administration of his son’s effects and personalty was granted, 29th March, 1816. P.C.C.

18.  2nd son of Henry Streatfield, of Chillingstone, Edenbridge, Kent, by Elizabeth, dau. of Dr. Ogle, Dean of Winchester. Promoted capt. and lt.-col. 2nd July, 1815. Quitted the service, 26th Dec, 1821. D. at Penshurst, 26 Sept., 1852.

19.  This officer’s proper name was “Thomas Henry Hastings Davies.” He was of Elmley Castle, co. Worcester, and M.P. for Worcester. 2nd son of Thomas Davies, Advocate-General, Calcutta. Retd. on h. p. as lt.-col. 1818. M., 21st Jan., 1824. Augusta, only child of Thomas de Crespigny, and d. s. p. 11th Dec., 1846.

20.  1022nd son of John Peter Allix, of Swaffham House, Cambridge, by Sarah, dau. of Rev. Wm. Collyer. Bn. 24 April, 1787. M. 10th April, 1841, Mary, dau. of Charles Allix, of Willoughby Hall, co. Lincoln, and had issue. Capt. and lt.-col. 4th July, 1815. Col. 10th Jan., 1837. D. 24th April, 1862.

21.  This officer’s name appears on the tablet erected by the Grenadier Guards, in the church at Waterloo, in memory of the officers of that regt. who fell in the Waterloo campaign. His parentage cannot be traced, and he seems to have left no will. The name of Grose is familiar to all from being that of the author of Military Antiquities.

22.  2nd son of the 1st Earl of Leitrim by Eliz., dau. of 1st Earl of Massareene. Bt.-maj. for Waterloo. D. in July, 1828, as capt. and lt.-col. same regt.

23.  2nd son of Henry Ellison, of Hebburn, co. Durham, by Henrietta, dau. of John Isaacson. Bt.-maj. for Waterloo. Maj. and bt.-col. in same regt. 9th Jan., 1838. D. 3rd July, 1843, leaving issue by his wife, who was a dau. of 4th Lord Rokeby.

24.  Served at Walcheren and in the Pa. Son of Thomas Powell and Clarissa his wife. M., in 1816, Eliza Buckworth, and had issue. Quitted the service in 1821. D. 17th July, 1840. M.I. in Lyndhurst Church, Hants.

25.  Afterwards adjt. to his battalion, and maj. same regt. 1845. His name is not given in the pedigree of “Boldero, of co. Suffolk,” but as there is a “Lonsdale” Boldero in the Suffolk family at this present time, the above, doubtless, belonged to this ancient family. Retd. in Oct., 1846.

26.  This officer’s name was Wm. Robert, and not as given in the 1815 Army List. Retd. on h. p. 22nd July, 1824, as capt. Eldest son of W.R. Phillimore, of Kendalls, co. Herts, by the Hon. Sarah Ongley, dau. of 1st Lord Ongley. Bn. 1793. M. Anna, dau. of W.A. West, and had issue. D. at Brighton, 30th Nov., 1846.

27.  2nd son of John Ellis, by Antonetta, dau. of Sir P. Parker, Bart. Dangerously wounded at Waterloo. Lt.-col. h. p. 1831. Col. 1841. M. 5th May, 1817, Julia, dau. of Vice-Adm. Christopher Parker. D. at Clevedon, 6th Aug., 1850.

28.  Afterwards Gen. Sir James Simpson, G.C.B. Com.-in-Chf. in the Crimea after the death of F.-M. Lord Raglan. Served in the Pa. from May, 1812, to May, 1813. In 1815 was a student in the “first,” or as it was called later, the “senior” department of the R.M. College (which dept. was the forerunner of the “Staff College”), but joined his battn. (the 2nd) in Flanders in the spring of this year. Was sev. wnded. at Quatre Bras. Served as 2nd in command to Sir Charles Napier during the campaign against the mountain and desert tribes situated on the right bank of the Indus in 1845. Was Chief of the Staff in the Crimea, for which he was well qualified by his long experience of staff work. Much against his will he was chosen to succeed Lord Raglan as C.-in-C. After two unsuccessful attacks on the Redan had taken place, Gen. Simpson was subjected to severe criticisms, and although he was upheld by the Home Government, and made G.C.B. with rank of full gen., he soon after resigned his command, and was succeeded by Sir Wm. Codrington. Simpson returned to England. He was son of David Simpson, of Teviot-bank, N.B., by Margaret, dau. of John Eliot, of Borthwick-brae. M., 1839, Eliz., dau. of Sir Robert Dundas, Bart. (she d. 1840) and d. at Horringer, near Bury St. Edmunds, 18th April, 1868.

29.  Eldest son of Edward Bolton Clive, of Whitfield, co. Hereford, by the Hon. Harriet Archer, dau. and co.-heir of Andrew, last Baron Archer, Capt. and lt.-col. 1826. Col. 1840. D. unm. 14th April, 1845.

30.  103Attained the rank of capt. and lt.-col. and quitted the service in 1840. Living in 1874.

31.  3rd son of John Fownes-Luttrell, of Dunster Castle. M.P. for Minehead, by Mary, eldest dau. of Francis Drewe, of Grange, Devon. Bn. 1792. Lt.-col. Grenadier Guards. Quitted the service 28th April, 1825. Of Kilve Court, and Wootton House, Somerset. M., 1824, his cousin Emma Drewe. D. Jan., 1862, leaving issue.

32.  Belonged to the family of “Brown of Kingston Blount, co. Oxford.” Was killed at Quatre Bras. M.I. at Waterloo. His brother, Henry Alexander Brown, lived for many years at St. Leonard’s, where he was long remembered as “a fine old gentleman of the old school.”

33.  Afterwards Gen. E.P. Buckley, M.P., of New Hall, Salisbury. M., 13th May, 1828, Lady Catherine Bouverie, dau. of 3rd Lord Radnor, and had issue. Son of Col. Edward P. Buckley, of Woolcombe Hall, co. Dorset, by Lady Georgina West. D. 1873.

34.  Exchanged to 60th Foot 15th June, 1820, and retd. on h. p. three weeks later. Living in 1846.

35.  Son of Rowley Lascelles by Eliz., younger dau. of Sir Charles Gould, Bart. (who assumed the name of Morgan), by Jane, eldest dau. of Thomas Morgan, of Ruperra, co. Glamorgan. Maj. in this regt. 4th July, 1843, and lt.-col. comg. 10th April, 1849. Retd. on f. p. before 1855. D. 8th Nov. 1860.

36.  There were two officers of this name in the army in 1815. The other Samuel was a capt. on retd. list of 10th Veteran Battn. The above Samuel quitted the service before 1824.

37.  Son of Wm. Gronow, of Court Herbert, co. Glamorgan, the representative of a very old Welsh family. Quitted the service 24th Oct., 1821. Lt. Gronow belonged to the 1st Batt., which was not at Waterloo. Sir T. Picton took him out to Flanders as an “honorary” A.D.C., but finding no employment for him, he was advised to join the 3rd batt. of his regt. which was at Waterloo. This he did, and took part in the great battle as a guardsman. His experiences of that memorable day have been given to the world in an interesting little book entitled Reminiscences of Capt. Gronow. He was aftds. M.P. for Stafford, and d. in Paris 22nd Nov., 1865.

38.  Son of Dr. Robert Batty, of Hastings (who was born at Kirby Lonsdale in co. Westmoreland). Educated at Caius College, Cambridge. An eminent amateur draughtsman. F.R.S. Wrote a short account of the campaign in the Netherlands, 1815, illustrated with plates of the battle of Waterloo drawn by himself. M. Johanna, eldest dau. of Sir John Barrow, 1st Bart., of Ulverstone, co. Lancaster. D. 20th Nov., 1848, as lt.-col. on h. p. list.

39.  Bn. 24th March, 1795. 4th son of Richard Master, by Isabella, dau. of Lt.-col. Wm. Egerton, of the 1st Foot Guards. Promoted lt. and capt. 1st July, 1815. H. p. 25th Feb., 1819. M. Anna Catherine Frederica von Puckpock, of Wasserburg, in Bavaria. Served in the Netherlands in the campaigns of 1813, 1814, and 1815. Served also in Corsica (1812), North America, and the West Indies. He received a reward from the Patriotic Fund. Living in 1860.

40.  Had served previously in the 87th Foot. Promoted lt. and capt. 3rd July, 1815. On h. p. 4th Oct., 1827.

41.  The Hon. Henry Sedley Venables Vernon was eldest son of the 3rd Lord Vernon, by his 2nd wife, Alice, dau. of Sir John Whiteford, Bart. 104Promoted lt. and capt. 5th July, 1815. Quitted the service 28th March, 1822. M., 29th August, 1822, Eliza, dau. of Edward Coke, of Longford Court, co. Derby, and had issue. D. 12th Dec., 1845.

42.  4th son of John Pardoe, M.P., for Plympton, Camelford, and Westlowe, by Jane, dau. of Thomas Oliver, of the Great House, Leyton, Essex. Bn. 4th April, 1796. Sev. wnded. at the siege of Bergen-op-Zoom, 1814, and especially mentioned in despatches.

43.  Promoted lt. and capt. 6th July, 1815. Aftds. capt. in 57th Foot. Maj. in 25th Foot 1825. Commanded the latter regt. for eighteen years. D. in June, 1848.

44.  James Arthur Butler had formerly served in the 2nd Foot. Exchanged to 80th Foot as capt. in 1823. On h. p. as maj. unattached 19th Nov., 1825. Bt.-lt.-col. 1838. Attained rank of gen. 5th Dec., 1871. He carried the colours of his battn. at Waterloo, and was present at the storming of Peronne, that virgin fortress which had never before surrendered to an enemy. Living in 1874.

45.  Eldest son of Thomas Swinburne, of Pontop Hall, co. Durham, by Charlotte, dau. and co-heir of Robert Spearman. Attained rank of maj.-gen., and was F.R.S. He was at the taking of Peronne in 1815, and in 1823 exchanged as capt. to 3rd Dgn. Gds. Was twice married, and left issue by both wives. D. 28th Feb., 1864.

46.  2nd son of Robert Vyner, of Grantby Hall, co. Lincoln, by Lady Theodosia Ashburnham, dau. of 2nd Earl of Ashburnham. Bn. 1797. Promoted l. and capt. in 1817. Went on h. p. in 1822. D. unm. in 1837.

47.  Promoted lt. and capt. 16th July, 1818. Placed on h. p. 25th Dec., 1818. Retd. 15th Sept., 1839.

48.  Eldest son of Lt.-gen. Alexander Dirom of Mount Annan, co. Dumfries, by Magdalen, dau. of Robert Pasley. Bn. 6th Nov., 1794. Left the service as lt.-col. in 1836. D. s. p. 2nd June, 1857.

49.  John Francis Miller Erskine succeeded as 9th Earl of Mar, and 14th Lord Erskine, on the death of his father, the 8th Earl of Mar, in 1828. Aftds. inherited as 11th Earl of Kellie. Quitted the service in 1821. M. 24th April, 1827, Philadelphia, dau. of Sir Granville Menteth, Bart. D. s. p. 19th June, 1866.

50.  Eldest son of Alexander Bruce, of Kennet, N.B., by Hugh (sic), dau. of Hugh Blackburn, of Glasgow. Established his claim to the attainted barony of “Balfour of Burleigh,” and succeeded in 1869 as 6th Lord. Quitted the service in 1824. M., 2ndly, 1848, Jane Dalrymple Hamilton, dau. of Sir James Fergusson, Bart., and had issue, a son and successor to the title. D. 13th Aug., 1864.

51.  3rd son of Henry, 3rd Earl Bathurst, by Georgina, dau. of Lord George Lennox. Appointed to Cape Corps as capt. in 1823. Lt.-col. 9th June, 1825. Retd. on h. p. (unattached list) in 1828. M., 6th October, 1829, Julia, dau. of John Peter Hankey, and d. in 1834 leaving issue.

52.  Eldest son of 2nd Earl of Mount-Edgcombe, by Lady Sophia Hobart, dau. of 2nd Earl of Buckinghamshire. Quitted the service in 1819. Aftds. Col. of the Cornwall Militia, and A.D.C. to the Queen. M. 6th Dec., 1831, Caroline, eldest dau. of Rear-Adm. Fielding, and had issue. Succeeded as 3rd Earl in 1839. D. 3rd Sept., 1861.

53.  105Eldest son of George Fludyer, of Ayston, co. Rutland, by Lady Mary Fane, dau. of 9th Earl of Westmoreland. Quitted the service in 1834. D. in Feb., 1856. His youngest brother (John Henry) succeeded to the Fludyer baronetcy in 1876.

54.  Promoted maj. on unattached list 10th Dec., 1825. D. in London 7th Apr., 1850.

55.  There were several “Algernon Grevilles” in the younger branches of the noble house of Warwick. The above appears to be the son of Capt. W. Fulke Greville, R.N. Bn. 1791. D. 23rd Nov., 1857, having m. in Dec., 1813, Caroline, 2nd dau. of Sir Bellingham Graham, and left issue.

56.  Exchanged to 3rd Dgn. Gds. as cornet in 1818. H. p. 24th Sept., 1818. Restored to f. p. as lt. 4th Dgn. Gds., 1839. Col. Dorset Militia, 1846. D. at Rayrigg, Windermere, 13th May, 1885.

57.  Of Lochiel. Eldest son of Donald Cameron, by Anne, dau. of Sir Ralph Abercromby. Quitted the service in 1832. M., same year, Lady Vere Catherine Hobart, sister of 5th Earl of Buckinghamshire, and had issue. “Lochiel” d. 2nd Dec., 1858.

58.  On h. p. 60th Foot as capt. 24th July, 1817. Retd. in Sep., 1825.

59.  Afterwards Baron Grantley. Eldest son of Fletcher Norton, by Caroline, dau. of James Balmain. Succeeded as 3rd Baron in 1822. Quitted the service in 1821. M., 26th July, 1825, Charlotte, 2nd dau. of Sir Wm. Beechey, Knt. D. s. p. 28th Aug., 1875.

60.  Afterwards 3rd Earl of Harewood. 2nd son of Henry, 2nd Earl, by Henrietta, eldest dau. of Lt.-Gen. Sir John Sebright, Bart. Retd. on h. p. as lt., 24th Aug., 1820. M., 5th July, 1823, Lady Louisa Thynne, dau. of 2nd Marquis of Bath, and had issue. D. 22nd Feb., 1857.

61.  Eldest son of Thomas Mure, of Warriston, by Helen, eldest dau. of the Hon. Patrick Boyle, of Shewalton. co. Ayr. His grandfather served with the Scots Greys at Fontenoy. H. p. June, 1820. M., 17th Sept., 1835, Fanny, only dau. of Wright Squire, of Bridge House, Peterboro’, and d. s. p. 16th March, 1868.

62.  Quitted the service in 1826. D. at Sidmouth, 9th May, 1826.

63.  Bn. 2nd Sept., 1798. Eldest son of Sir Richard Croft, Bart., by Margaret, dau. of Dr. Denman. Educated at Westminster School. F.S.A. Succeeded as 2nd bart. in 1818. Quitted the service in 1820, and m. in 1824 only child of Richard Lateward, and had issue a dau. D. 29th Oct., 1835.

64.  Killed at Quatre Bras. 3rd son of the Right Hon. and Rev. Lord Viscount Barrington, Prebendary of Durham, by Elizabeth, 2nd dau. of Robert Adair.

65.  Placed on h. p. as lt. in 19th Lt. Dgns. in 1822. Living in 1830.

66.  2nd son of Wm. Tighe, of Woodstock, co. Kilkenny, by Marianne, dau. and co-heir of Daniel Gahan, of Coolquill, co. Tipperary. Of Rosanna, co. Wicklow. High Sheriff, 1827. H. p. 15th Feb., 1821. M., 1st March, 1825, the Hon. Frances Crofton, and had issue. D. 20th Dec., 1881.

67.  4th son of Matthew Talbot, of Castle Talbot, co. Wexford, by his 2nd wife, who was a dau. of John D’Arcy of Kiltullagh. Of Knockmullen, co. Wexford. On h. p. 2nd Dgn. Gds., 1822. M., 1824, Mary, dau. of Edward Sutton, of Summer Hill, Wexford, and had issue. D. 1852.

68.  106D. 1st Aug., 1844.

69.  D. in London, 1824.

70.  Surgeon-major 11th Nov., 1824. H. p. 17th March, 1837. D. 3rd Nov., 1849.

71.  Surgeon-major 17th March, 1837. H. p. 17th Apr., 1840. Living in 1846.

72.  Died in Edinburgh, Feb. 1828.

73.  Surgeon to the Wilts Yeomanry, in 1840.

74.  Appointed Assist.-Surg. Coldstream Guards, 20th June, 1822. Surgeon 16th March, 1838. Retd. on h. p. 14th April, 1843. Living in 1874.



(2nd Battalion.)
Rank in the
SECOND MAJOR. Regiment. Army.
1 Alexander Geo. Woodford 25 July, 1814 Col., 4 June, 1814
2 James Macdonell, W. 8 Aug. 1811 7 Sept. 1809
3 Daniel M’Kinnon, W. 25 July, 1814
4 Henry Dawkins 25 July, 1814
Hon. Alex. Abercromby, W. 25 July, 1814 Col., 4 June, 1814
Sir Colin Campbell, K.C.B. 25 July, 1814 Col., 4 June, 1814
5 Hon. Edward Acheson 25 July, 1814 6 Mar. 1811
Sir Wm. M. Gomm, K.C.B. 25 July, 1814 17 Aug. 1812
6 Henry Wyndham, W. 25 July, 1814 20 Jan. 1814
7 George Bowles 1 Feb. 1810
8 Thos. Sowerby 27 June, 1810
John Fremantle 2 Aug. 1810 Lt. Col., 21 Mar. 1814
9 Wm. Lovelace Walton, Acting Adjt. 7 Mar. 1811
Charles A.F. Bentinck 24 Sept. 1812
10 John Stepney Cowell 9 Sept. 1813
11 Edward Sumner, W. 23 Sept. 1813 24 Sept. 1812
12 John Lucie Blackman, K. 11 Jan. 1814
13 Beaumont, Lord Hotham 13 Jan. 1814
14 Hon. Robert Moore, W. 2 June, 1814
15 Hon. James Forbes 13 Feb. 1812
16 Henry Gooch 23 July, 1812
Augustus Cuyler 15 Oct. 1812 9 June, 1812
17 Mark Beaufoy 12 Nov. 1812
18 Hen. Fred. Griffiths, W. 25 Jan. 1814
19 Hon. John Montagu, W. 27 Jan. 1814
20 George Rich. Buckley 17 Feb. 1814
21 James Hervey 16 Mar. 1814
22 Henry Vane, W. 15 Mar. 1814
23 Francis Jas. Douglas 17 Mar. 1814
24 Robert Bowen 24 Mar. 1814
25 Alexander Gordon 19 May, 1814
26 Hon. Walter Forbes 2 June, 1814
27 Charles Short 13 Oct. 1814
28 Benjamin Selway 26 Nov. 1812
29 Wm. Whymper 25 Dec. 1813
30 George Smith 17 Dec. 1812
31 Wm. Hunter 10 Feb. 1814
Facings blue. Lace gold.

1.  Afterwards F.-M. Sir Alexander Woodford, G.C.B. and G.C.M.G. Elder brother to Col. John G. Woodford (see Staff). On the death of Sir Ralph Woodford, Bart., Governor of Trinidad, Alexander Woodford became the head of this ancient family. His father was descended maternally from the Brideokes, of classical memory, of whom Dr. Brideoke, the “sometime” chaplain to James, the 4th Earl of Derby, in the reign of Charles I., was a good specimen of the “fighting parson” of olden days. This same Dr. Brideoke became Dean of Salisbury, and, by his extraordinary presence of mind and address, saved the heroic Countess of Derby, and her house at Latham, from being stormed by the Cromwellian army. In like manner did his descendant, Alexander Woodford, defend the farm of Hougomont in the early part of the afternoon of Waterloo Day against the repeated and vigorous attacks of the French. C.B. for Waterloo. Had previously served in the Pa. and received the gold cross and one clasp. Was also K.M.T., and K. St. G. of Russia. Filled high commands in the Ionian Islands and elsewhere. Col.-in-Chf. 40th Foot, 1842. Transferred to the Scots Fusilier Guards 15th Dec., 1861. D. 26th Aug., 1870.

2.  Afterwards Gen. Sir James Macdonell, G.C.B. and K.C.H., Col.-in-Chf. 71st Highland L.I. Was 3rd son of Duncan Macdonell, of Glengarry, and bn. at the family seat in Inverness-shire. Served in the Pa. and also at Maida, for which he recd. the gold medal. Macdonell’s gallant defence of Hougomont is a matter of history. More than once was the place nearly taken by the French. “The French, however,” says Siborne, in his graphic account of the battle of Waterloo, “succeeded in forcing the gate; but the defenders betook themselves to the nearest cover, whence they poured a fire upon the intruders, and then rushing forward a struggle ensued which was distinguished by the most intrepid courage on both sides. At length Lt.-col. Macdonell, Capt. Wyndham, Ensigns Gooch and Hervey, and Sergt. Graham, of the Coldstream Guards, by dint of great personal strength and exertions, combined with extraordinary bravery and perseverance, succeeded in closing the gate against their intruders.” The struggle for the possession of Hougomont went on the whole day until the French retreat set in late in the evening. C.B. and K.M.T. for Waterloo. D. 15th May, 1859.

3.  109The historian of the Coldstream Guards, 2nd son of Wm. M’Kinnon, who was a direct descendant of Lachlan M’Kinnon, of the Isle of Skye, who was made a Knight Banneret by Charles II. on the field of Worcester. Maj. in above regt. 22nd June, 1826, bt.-col. same date. M. a dau. of John Dent, and d. s. p. 22nd June, 1836.

4.  Eldest son of Henry Dawkins, of Over-Norton, co. Oxford. His mother was daughter of the late Gen. Sir H. Clinton, Commander-in-Chief of the British forces in America. Served with his regt. in the Pa. from 1809 to the close of the war, and was badly wounded before Bayonne when the French made a sortie from that town. Bn. 1788. M., 1821, eldest dau. of Thos. Duncombe, of Copgrove, co. York, and had issue. D. in Nov., 1864.

5.  2nd son of Arthur, 1st Visct. Gosford, by Millicent, dau. of Lt.-gen. Edward Pole. Col. Acheson was ordered to defend a certain part of the wood at Hougomont on Waterloo Day. “The enemy made a tremendous attack, and, at the first charge, the colonel’s horse was shot dead. He fell under his horse, and was considerably stunned by the fall, in which situation he must have lain some time, as the enemy had passed and repassed, regarding him as dead. When he had recovered he found himself a prisoner by the weight of his horse. He extricated himself with difficulty by drawing his leg out of his boot.” D. unm. 24th July, 1828.

6.  Afterwards Gen. Sir H. Wyndham, K.C.B., M.P. for Cumberland and Col.-in-Chf. 11th Hussars. Natural son of 3rd Earl of Egremont. Was in eight general engagements in the Pa. “Seeing the carriage of Jerome Bonaparte in the wake of the general retreat of the French at Waterloo, he made a dashing attempt to capture Napoleon’s brother, but Jerome leaped out by one door while Wyndham opened the other.” Succeeded, in 1845, to the Egremont estates. D. s. p. at Cockermouth Castle, 2nd Aug. 1860, aged 70.

7.  Afterwards Gen. Sir George Bowles, K.C.B., Col.-in-Chf. 1st West India Regt. and Lieut. of the Tower of London. 2nd son of Wm. Bowles, of Heale House, Wilts. Served in North Germany in 1805–1806, under Lord Cathcart. Present at the siege and capture of Copenhagen in 1807. Served in the Pa., and was present at most of the general actions. Bt.-maj. for Waterloo. Master of the Household to the Queen 1845–1851. D. in London 21st May, 1876.

8.  Quitted the service in 1823. It appears from Plantagenet Harrison’s History of Yorkshire, that the family of “Sowerby” dates back to the reign of Henry I., when one “Sueni” was “Lord of Sowerby” in Cumberland. Some interesting particulars regarding the Sowerby family are to be found in Mr. Harrison’s book, but unfortunately they are particulars of the far-away Norman times.

9.  Afterwards Gen. W.L. Walton, Col.-in-Chf. 5th Fusiliers. Son of the Dowager Lady Strachan. Served forty years in the Coldstream Guards, six of which were in command of the regt. Served at Copenhagen in 1807 and during the early part of the Par. War. Served also in Belgium, Holland, and France from Nov., 1813, to Nov., 1818. Was appointed Bde.-maj. to the 2nd Bde. of Guards (having been selected for that post by Sir John Byng) on the march from Waterloo to Paris, in place of Capt. Stothert, killed in action. M., 15th Aug., 1832, Harriet, dau. of P.H. Lovell, of Cole Park, Wilts. D., 11th Jan., 1865.

10.  Has barely a title to appear in this list, as he was taken ill the evening of 17th of June, 1815, and sent to Brussels. But as the Coldstreams were 110under fire on 16th June, 1815, having arrived at Quatre Bras at 4 P.M. that day, after a march of twenty-five miles from Enghien, it would be scarcely fair to omit this officer, who appears to have received the Waterloo medal. Was son of Gen. Andrew Cowell, Lt.-col. Coldstream Guards, of Coleshill, Bucks, by Martha Justine, younger dau. of Sir T. Stepney, Bart., of Llanelly (widow of Sir F. Head, Bart.). Took the additional surname of Stepney by royal licence. Created a baronet in 1871. M., 1820, Lady Mary Annesley, who d. 1821. 2ndly, in 1823, Euphemia, dau. of Gen. John Murray, of Castle Murray, co. Donegal, and had issue. Lt.-col., ret., 1830. K.H. for his services in the Pa. D. 15th May, 1877.

11.  Had previously served in the Rl. Fusiliers. D. at Brussels, 26th June, 1815, from his wounds.

12.  Youngest son of Sir George Blackman, Bart., by Mary, eldest surviving dau. of Lt.-col. Henry Harnage, of Belleswardine, Salop. Buried in the orchard at Hougomont, in the defence of which place he lost his life.

13.  The family of Hotham has furnished some distinguished officers to both our army and navy—especially to the latter service. But the most notable member of this ancient family was John de Hotham, Bishop of Ely, Lord Chancellor of England from 1316–1320. He was a great favourite with the young King Edward III., and had the choosing of a wife for that monarch. The story goes that he selected Philippa of Hainault “on account of the largeness of her hips,” which he prognosticated meant a large family, and the shrewd chancellor-bishop was not far wrong, as Queen Philippa had seven sons. Lord Hotham, who served in the Pa., and was wounded at Salamanca, was eldest son of Col. Beaumont Hotham, of the Coldstreams, by Philadelphia, dau. of Sir John Dyke, Bart. Bn. 9th Aug., 1794. Lt.-col. unattached, 24th Dec., 1825. Gen. on retired list 1865. D. unm., 12th Dec., 1870.

14.  2nd son of Stephen, 2nd Earl of Mountcashel, by Margaret, eldest dau. of 2nd Earl of Kingston. Bn. 11th July, 1793. Promoted capt. and lt.-col. h. p. April, 1824. D. unm. 2nd Nov., 1856.

15.  Eldest son of Gen. Lord Forbes (premier Baron of Scotland), by Eliz., eldest dau. of Walter Hunter, of Polmood, co. Peebles. D. as capt. and lt.-col. in this regt. 25th Feb., 1835.

16.  Promoted lt. and capt. 28th Oct., 1819. Quitted the service as lt.-col. 11th June, 1841.

17.  Quitted the service 9th Feb., 1825. D. at Bowness, 31st May, 1854.

18.  D. at the Tower of London 19th Jan., 1821.

19.  2nd son of 4th Lord Rokeby, by Eliz., dau. and heir of Francis Charlton. Lt. 64th Foot, 8th Apr., 1819. Quitted the service as lt.-col. 1832. D. unm. 12th Dec., 1843.

20.  2nd son of Edward Pery Buckley, of Woolcombe Hall, Dorset. D. 1815, at Paris, with the Army of Occupation, of fatigue.

21.  Quitted the service in Oct., 1837.

22.  Promoted capt. 1st Aug. 1822. D. at Sidmouth, 9th Aug., 1829.

23.  Was thrown from his horse in St. James’s Park, and d. from the injuries 29th May, 1821.

24.  Promoted capt. 55th Foot in Jan., 1823. Exchanged back to the Coldstreams the following month. Capt. and lt.-col. 1832.

25.  Killed at Cambray in a duel with a French officer 1st April, 1818.

26.  1112nd son of Lord Forbes. Bn. 29th May, 1798. Quitted the service in 1825 as capt. Succeeded as 18th baron in 1843. Was twice m., and left issue. D. 2nd May, 1868.

27.  Promoted lieut. and capt. 17th April, 1823. Quitted the service before 1842 with rank of lt.-col. M., 4th June, 1828, Emily Sophia, eld. dau. of Richard Barwell, of Stanstead, Sussex. D. at Odiham, Hants, 19th Jan., 1857.

28.  Serving with the regt. in 1830.

29.  Placed on h. p. as surgeon-major 29th Apr., 1836. Living in 1846.

30.  Surgeon-major 4th Sept., 1836. Aftds. took the surname of “Chenevix” in lieu of that of Smith. Accompanied the Coldstreams to Holland in Nov., 1813, and served in the Netherlands and France until 1818. Was at the bombardment of Antwerp; the storming of Bergen-op-Zoom; Quatre Bras and Waterloo; capture of Paris. H. p. 16th Mar., 1838. D. at his residence in Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, Apr., 1852.

31.  Surgeon-major 16th Mar., 1838. H. p. 1836. Living in 1846.



(2nd Battalion.)
Rank in the
SECOND MAJOR. Regiment. Army.
1 Francis Hepburn 25 July, 1814 Col., 4 June, 1814
H. Willoughby Rooke 28 Feb. 1812
2 Douglas Mercer 20 Dec. 1813
Hon. Sir Alex. Gordon, K.C.B., K. 25 Dec. 1813 6 Feb. 1812
3 Charles Dashwood, W. 25 Dec. 1813
4 Francis Home 15 Mar. 1814
Charles Fox Canning, K. 31 Mar. 1814 19 Aug. 1813
5 Edward Bowater, W. 25 July, 1814
6 Charles West, W. 25 July, 1814
Wm. Stothert, K. 4 Apr. 1811
7 Wm. Drummond 24 Oct. 1811
8 Robert B. Hesketh, W. 31 Oct. 1811
9 Henry Hawkins 12 Dec. 1811
10 R.H. Wigston 19 Dec. 1811
11 Charles John Barnet 16 Apr. 1812
12 Joseph Wm. Moorhouse 23 Apr. 1812
13 Edward B. Fairfield 24 Mar. 1814
14 George Evelyn, W. 31 Mar. 1814
15 Hon. Hastings Forbes, K. 5 May, 1814
16 John Elrington 19 May, 1814
17 Hugh B. Montgomerie, W. 9 June, 1814
18 Thomas Craufurd (sic), K. 1 Sept. 1814
19 John Ashton, K. 2 Sept. 1814
20 Charles Lake, W. 31 Oct. 1811
21 Hon. Edward Stopford 7 Nov. 1811
22 Barclay Drummond, Acting Adjt. 5 Mar. 1811
23 George Douglas Standen 19 Mar. 1811
24 David Baird, W. 18 June, 1811
25 Wm. James 4 Mar. 1813
26 Wm. Fred. Hamilton 1 Apr. 1813
27 Hon. Geo. Anson 8 Jan. 1814
11328 Thos. Wedgwood 11 Jan. 1814
29 Whitwell Butler 12 Jan. 1814
30 Andrew Coutts Cochrane 13 Jan. 1814
31 Jeffery Prendergast 2 Feb. 1814
C. Simpson, K. 3 Feb. 1814
32 Hugh Seymour Blane 31 Mar. 1814
33 Henry Montagu 21 Apr. 1814
34 John Skuce 22 Mar. 1810
35 Samuel Good 25 Dec. 1813
36 J.R. Warde 27 Apr. 1809 21 Aug. 1806
37 Fran. Gashry Hanrott 10 Dec. 1812
Facings blue. Lace gold.

1.  Served in the Pa., and received the gold medal for Vittoria. Distinguished for the share he took in the defence of Hougomont. C.B. 2nd son of Col. David Hepburn, by Bethia, dau. and heiress of Graham, of Damside. M., July, 1820, Henrietta, dau. and heir of Sir Henry Poole, 5th and last bart., of Poole, co. Chester, and had issue. Attained rank of maj.-general, and d. 7th June, 1835.

2.  Afterwards assumed the surname of Henderson in addition to that of Mercer. 3rd son of Lt.-col. George Mercer, by Jean, eldest dau. of Sir Robert Henderson, Bart. Served in the Pa. C.B. for Waterloo. Attained rank of Lt.-gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 68th Foot. M., 2nd Nov., 1820, Susan, 3rd dau. of Sir Wm. Rowley, Bart., and had issue. D. at Naples 21st March, 1854.

3.  2nd son of Sir Henry Walter Dashwood, Bart., by Ellen, dau. of John Graham, of Kernock, Bart. Retd. before 1830. M., 1822, Caroline, 4th dau. of Sir Robert Barlow, Bart. D. 20th April, 1832.

4.  Gained distinction in the defence of Hougomont, and succeeded Col. Macdonell (who was wounded) in the command within the building late in the afternoon of Waterloo Day.

5.  Only son of Admiral Bowater. Served in the Pa. Groom in Waiting to Queen Victoria. K.C.B. Col.-in-Chf. of 49th Foot, 1846. Gen. D. at Cannes 14th Dec., 1861.

6.  Son of Col. West of same regiment. Appointed ensign in his regt. 8th Nov., 1801. Served in Hanover, Denmark, Spain, and Portugal. Was severely wounded in the sortie from Bayonne and again at Waterloo. Quitted the service as col. 1829. D. in 1872.

7.  114Made bt.-maj. for Waterloo. Served in the Pa. from 1809–12 and in the campaign in Holland, 1814, and was present at the bombardment of Antwerp, and storming of Bergen-op-Zoom. Attained rank of col. in 1837. Living in 1855.

8.  2nd son of Robert Bamford Hesketh, of Bamford and Upton, co. Chester, by Frances, dau. and heir of Rev. John Lloyd, of Gwyrch Castle, co. Denbigh. Bt.-maj. 4th Dec., 1815. D. unm. before 1820 of a wound received at Waterloo.

9.  In 1830 this officer was still a lt. and capt., and many of his juniors had purchased over his head.

10.  “On baggage guard” at the village of Waterloo on 18th June, 1815. Out of the list in 1824.

11.  Promoted capt. and lt.-col. 26th Oct., 1821. Out of the list in 1830.

12.  Capt. 65th Foot, 18th Nov., 1819.

13.  Out of the list in 1830.

14.  3rd son of John Evelyn, of Wotton, by Anne, dau. of Anthony Shee, of Castlebar. Quitted the service before 1824. M. Mary, dau. of J.H. Massey Dawson, M.P., of Ballynacourte, Ireland, and had issue. D. 15th Feb., 1829.

15.  3rd son of George, 6th Earl of Granard, by Selina, dau. of John, 1st Earl of Moira. Bn. 5th Dec., 1793.

16.  Promoted capt. and lt.-col. 16th Nov., 1826. D. in London in Nov., 1843. There were several of this family in the army. One of them, Capt. J.H. Elrington, held the appointment of “Major of the Tower,” being so appointed in 1816.

17.  Descended from a branch of the noble and historic house of Eglinton. 2nd son of the Rev. Hugh Montgomerie, of Grey Abbey, by the Hon. Emilia Ward, youngest dau. of 1st Visct. Bangor. D. 2nd May, 1817, from the after effects of a wound received at Waterloo. A collateral ancestor, Sir Hugh Montgomerie, fell at the battle of Otterburne as far back as 1388. His death is thus recorded in the old ballad of Chevy Chase:

“He had a bow bent in his hand,
Made of a trusty tree;
An arrow of a cloth-yeard long
Unto the head drew he.
“Against Sir Hugh Montgomerie
So right his shaft he set,
The grey goose wing that was therein
In his heart-blood was set.”

18.  This officer’s name is given as Crawford on the memorial tablet at Waterloo.

19.  The following in memoriam verses were written soon after Waterloo.

“Hail, youthful Ashton, in thy field of blood!
Thou bloom of honour gathered in the bud!
Thy prime career of martial life began
With spirit fit to shine in glory’s van;
Comrades who groan’d to see thee yield thy breath,
Yet almost envied thy heroic death.
Accept thy country’s praise! thy mother’s tears!
Whose heavenly sorrow Heaven itself reveres!
Kissing in agony affliction’s rod,
She yields her pride unmurm’ring to her God.”

20.  Promoted lt. and capt. 2nd July, 1815. Out of the list before 1824.

21.  115Acted as A.D.C. to Maj.-gen. Sir John Byng, at Waterloo. His name does not appear in the list of “staff officers in Flanders” in the Army List for June, 1815. 2nd son of the 3rd Earl of Courtown by Lady Mary Scott, eldest dau. of 3rd Duke of Buccleuch. Capt. 3rd July, 1815. Adjt. 4th July, 1822. Capt. and lt.-col. 1826. M., 5th July, 1830, Horatia, only dau. of Thos. Lockwood, and widow of Richard Tibbits. D. 5th July, 1840, leaving issue.

22.  3rd son of Charles Drummond (banker) by Frances, 2nd dau. of Rev. Edward Lockwood, of Portman Square. Attained the rank of gen. Groom in Waiting to the Queen. M., 5th April, 1832, Maria, dau. of Wm. Crosbie. D. s. p. 3rd May, 1860.

23.  D. as lt.-col. 16th Dec., 1840.

24.  Quitted the service as capt. before 1824. Afterwards Sir David Baird, 2nd Bart. Succeeded his uncle, the famous general, in 1829. Severely wounded whilst defending Hougomont with his company. M., 10th August, 1821, Mary Anne Kennedy, eldest dau. of Archibald, Marquis of Ailsa, and had issue. D. whilst hunting 20th Dec., 1851.

25.  H. p. 1819. D. at Lillebourne Rectory, Kent, 13th Oct., 1854.

26.  Lt. and capt. 17th April, 1817. H. p. as lieut. 47th Foot, 1st Feb., 1821.

27.  Afterwards maj.-gen. and M.P. for Staffordshire. 2nd son of 1st Visct. Anson, by Anne, dau. of Thos. Coke, of Holkham Hall, Norfolk. M., 30th Nov., 1830, Isabella, 3rd dau. of 1st Lord Forester, and had issue. D. 27th May, 1857, at Kurnand, as Comr.-in-Chief in India.

28.  Afterwards lt.-col. D. at Tenby, 7th Nov., 1860.

29.  Placed on h. p. 25th Feb., 1819. 4th son of the Rev. Richard Butler, D.D., vicar of Burnchurch, co. Kilkenny. Bn. 1799. M., 1833, Elizabeth, 2nd dau. of John Payne Garnet, of Arch Hall, co. Meath, and had issue.

30.  2nd son of Adm. the Hon. Sir Alexander Cochrane, G.C.B., by Maria, dau. of David Shaw, and widow of Sir Jacob Wheate, Bart. Bn. 5th April, 1799. Placed on h. p. 14th Sept., 1820. M., 1835, the eldest dau. of Baron de Strack, col. in the Austrian service, and had issue. D. 22nd June, 1870.

31.  Lieut. and capt. 9th Aug., 1821. Out of the regt. before 1830.

32.  Afterwards Sir H.S. Blane, Bart., of Blanefield, co. Ayr. Son of Sir Gilbert Blane, M.D., by Eliz., only dau. of A. Gardiner. Lt. and capt. 15th March, 1821. Retd. as lt.-col. M., 23rd Jan., 1832, Eliza, dau. of John Armit, of Dublin, and had issue. Succeeded as 2nd bart. in 1834. D. 1869.

33.  The prefix of “Honourable” has been omitted before this officer’s name in the 1815 Army List. The Hon. Henry Robinson Montague was youngest son of Matthew, 4th Lord Rokeby. Fought at Quatre Bras and Waterloo. Attained the rank of gen. Commanded the 1st Division in the Crimea, and served at the siege of Sebastopol. Col.-in-Chf. Scots Gds. 1875. Succeeded his brother as 6th baron, 7th April, 1847. M., 18th Dec., 1826, Magdalen eld. dau. of Lt.-col. Huxley and widow of F. Croft. Left surviving female issue. D. 25th May, 1883.

34.  Out of the regt. in May, 1819.

35.  H. p. in 1845.

36.  Serving with the regt. in 1824.

37.  Retd. before 1st Jan., 1816.



(3rd Battalion.)
Rank in the
MAJOR. Regiment. Army.
1 Colin Campbell, W. 27 Sept. 1810 Lt.-Col., 17 Aug. 1812
2 Lawrence Arguimbau, W. 9 Mar. 1809 Maj., 11 Aug. 1814
3 Robert Macdonald, W. 8 Feb. 1810 Maj., 21 Sept. 1813
4 Wm. Buckley, K. 11 Oct. 1810
5 Hugh Massey, W. 9 May, 1811 Maj., 4 June, 1811
6 Wm. Gordon 16 Jan. 1812
7 Robert Dudgeon, W. 30 July, 1812
8 Archibald Morrison, W. 27 Oct. 1808 3 Dec. 1806
John Armstrong, K. 27 Apr. 1809
John E. O’Neil, K. 8 June, 1809 21 Apr. 1808
9 Wm. Jas. Rea, W. 22 June, 1809 30 July, 1807
10 John Ingram, W. 12 July, 1809 18 Oct. 1808
11 Wm. Clarke, W. 21 June, 1810
12 Thomas Gordon 18 Feb. 1813 2 July, 1812
13 Allen Cameron, Adjt., W. 1 July, 1813 26 June, 1812
14 John Stoyte, W. 4 July, 1813
15 Robt. Horsman Scott, W. 8 July, 1813
16 George Lane, W. 26 July, 1813
17 Joseph Symes, W. 23 Sept. 1813
18 James Alstone, W. 23 Sept. 1813
Wm. Young, K. 4 Nov. 1813
19 James Mann 18 Aug. 1814
20 Wm. Dobbs, W. 29 Sept. 1814
21 John Fitzwilliam Miller, W. 6 Oct. 1814
22 George Stewart, W. 2 Dec. 1814
23 J.L. Black, W. 23 Feb. 1815 10 Mar. 1814
24 Alexander Glen 21 Oct. 1813
25 Charles Mudie 4 Nov. 1813
26 Jas. Grant Kennedy, K. 12 Apr. 1814
27 Charles Graham, W. 28 Sept. 1814 9 June, 1813
11728 Thomas Stevens, W. 29 Sept. 1814
29 Joseph M’Kay, W. 6 Oct. 1814
30 Alexander Robertson, K. 20 Oct. 1814
Wm. Anderson, K. 27 Oct. 1814 14 July, 1814
31 Leon M. Cooper, W. 14 Dec. 1814
32 Wm. Thomas 15 Dec. 1814
33 Richard Blacklin (Volunteer), W.
34 James Crooke Thomson 4 May, 1815 31 Jan. 1811
35 Thomas Griffith, W. 4 Aug. 1814
36 Wm. Galliers 20 Apr. 1809 10 Sept. 1807
37 Wm. Finnie 12 Nov. 1812
Thos. Bolton 9 Dec. 1813 5 Mar. 1812
Facings blue. Lace gold.

F.  The 3rd Batt. of the Royal Scots, which was reduced in 1817, distinguished itself in a particular manner at Quatre Bras. “Being removed from the centre of the 5th Division, it charged and routed a column of the enemy. It was then formed in a square to receive the cavalry, and though repeated attacks were made, not the slightest impression was produced. Wherever the lancers and cuirassiers presented themselves they found a stern and undismayed front which they vainly endeavoured to penetrate.” Mudford’s Historical Account of the Campaign in the Netherlands, in 1815.

1.  Served throughout the Par. War and recd. the gold medal and one clasp for commanding his battalion at the battles of Vittoria and Salamanca. Severely wounded at Quatre Bras. Made C.B. for Waterloo. Appointed to a h. p. lt.-colonelcy under the War Office Regulations of 25th April, 1826. D. at Inverary 1st Feb., 1833.

2.  A protégé of H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, the Col.-in-Chf. of the regt. Attained the rank of Lt.-gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 80th Foot. D. 18th Aug., 1854, at Port Mahon.

3.  Brother to Gen. Sir John Macdonald, Adjt.-Gen. of the British Army, and cousin to Etienne Macdonald, Duke of Tarentum and Marshal of France, whose father fought at Culloden in 1746. Robert Macdonald did good service in the Pa., and was present at five general actions. Was severely 118wounded at the assault on the Convent of St. Sebastian, “and, although suffering from the effects of his wounds, was present, and engaged, at the assault on town of St. Sebastian, where he commanded two companies ordered to the breach in advance of the 1st Bde. of the 5th Division, and was at the surrender of the castle. Commanded the above regt. at Waterloo until disabled by wounds. C.B. and K.St.A. of Russia, Lt.-col. 44th Foot, 29th Aug., 1829. For many years was British Consul at Belize, Central America, where he was much esteemed. At his death, which occurred 14th Nov., 1860, a very eulogistic paragraph appeared in a Belize newspaper containing these words: “Col. Macdonald’s conversation was like reading a page of history.”

4.  Killed at Quatre Bras. Left a widow with four young children, the youngest of whom was born at Blackheath, three weeks after her husband’s death. A pension of £60 per annum was granted to Mrs. Mary Buckley.

5.  There have been “Hugh Masseys” for generations both in the noble Irish families of “Massey, Lord Clarina,” and “Massy, Lord Massy.” The above Hugh Massey was doubtless a cadet of the Limerick Masseys. He was promoted bt.-lt.-col., h. p. list 12th Aug., 1819. M. Mary, sister of Cornelius Rodes, of Barlboro’, co. Derby, and d. before 1855.

6.  Served with the Portuguese army in the Par. War, and was in command of the 24th Portuguese regt. at the siege of St. Sebastian, for which he recd. the British gold medal. Placed on h. p. 25th Dec., 1816. Living in 1830.

7.  Severely wounded at Quatre Bras. D. whilst serving in the island of Antigua, 28th Sept., 1827.

8.  Capt., 21st Sept., 1815. H. p. from York. Light Infantry 25th July, 1816. Living in 1824.

9.  Capt. 60th Foot 22nd June, 1815. Out of said regt. before 1824.

10.  John Nelson Ingram served previously in the 15th Foot. Capt. 1st Foot 7th April, 1825. Serving in 1830.

11.  H. p. 11th March, 1819.

12.  Capt. in 1831. Out of the regt. before 1842.

13.  Reduced with the battalion.

14.  Fought at Badajoz and Salamanca. Capt. 24th Foot 19th May, 1825. Major, 8th Jan., 1841. Lt.-col. 17th Foot, 3rd April, 1846. D. at Bath, 13th Dec., 1854.

15.  Reduced with the battalion.

16.  Reduced with the battalion.

17.  Reduced with the battalion.

18.  Reduced with the battalion. D. 9th Nov., 1854.

19.  Reduced with the battalion.

20.  Reduced with the battalion.

21.  H. p. 17th Apr., 1817. M., 27th Sept., 1817, at Limerick, Prudence, dau. of Edward Ferreter, R.N.

22.  H. p. 25th March, 1816.

23.  Afterwards Lt.-Col. John Lewis Black. Had previously served in the 49th Foot, and was brought in from the h. p. list in Feb., 1815. Became 119maj. in the 53rd Foot in 1844 and served in the Sutlej campaign with that regiment. He d. 3rd Feb., 1859.

24.  Lieut. 41st Foot 17th Aug., 1826. Serving in 1830. The “W” is omitted before this officer’s name in several Army Lists.

25.  Lieut. 48th Foot 4th Oct., 1815. H. p. 25th March, 1817.

26.  Killed at Quatre Bras whilst carrying the colours. Age 16. 3rd son of Dr. Wm. Kennedy, physician at Inverness.

27.  Returned as “killed” in the London Gazette of 3rd July. 1815. Placed on h. p., 27th Feb., 1817. Out of the list 1830.

28.  Lieut. 22nd Foot 3rd Feb., 1820. H. p. 7th Apr. same year. D. 19th Sept., 1849, as barrack-master, Sheerness.

29.  H. p. 1st Aug., 1816.

30.  Brother to Lieut. John Robertson, of the 9th Foot, who died of wounds recd. at St. Sebastian. Pens. granted to his mother and two sisters in consideration of their distressed circumstances.

31.  Afterwards Lt.-col. Leonard Morse-Cooper, J.P. for Berks. Joined the Royal Scots in 1814 as a volunteer from the Rl. Military College. Was wounded in the sortie from Bayonne, and at Waterloo recd. five wounds. Promoted lieut. 23rd Jan., 1817. Exchanged to the 11th Lt. Dgns., and served with that regiment at the siege of Bhurtpore, in 1825-6, where he volunteered for the dismounted cavalry storming party. Maj. on the unattached h. p. list 10th Jan., 1840. Lt.-col. 1851. D. in Paris 24th March, 1862.

32.  Lieut. 5th Apr., 1820. Serving in 1830.

33.  A volunteer. Appointed ensign in this regt. 18th July, 1815. Lieut. 13th July, 1820. Capt. 8th Aug., 1833. H. p. unattached 6th Feb., 1846. Col. 1st Nov, 1858. Living in 1860.

34.  H. p. 1816.

35.  Left the regt. in 1824.

36.  Surgeon 7th Sept., 1815. H. p. before 1824.

37.  Surgeon 25th March, 1836. H. p. D. at Glasgow, Jan., 1863.



(1st Battalion.)
Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Francis Brooke 14 Feb. 1811
2 Geo. David Wilson, W. 7 Aug. 1804 Maj., 21 Sept. 1813
3 Euseby Stratford Kirwan 11 Jan. 1810
4 Charles James Edgell, W. 5 Sept. 1805
5 John Browne, W. 25 May, 1815
6 Benjamin Martin 30 Oct. 1806 3 June, 1802
7 G. Richardson, W. 26 May, 1809
8 Peter Bowlby 31 May, 1809
9 Hygatt Boyd, W. 16 Aug. 1810
10 Geo. Henry Hearne 29 Oct. 1810
11 Benj. Marshall Collins, W. 1 Nov. 1810
12 Wm. Squire, W. 14 Feb. 1811
13 John Bushell 12 May, 1812
14 Richard Mulholland 14 May, 1812
15 Wm. Lonsdale 15 May, 1812
16 Edward Bowlby 25 Feb. 1813
17 Wm. [Henry] Clarke 28 July, 1813
18 Wm. Richardson, Adjt. 20 Oct. 1813
Fred. Feilde 17 Nov. 1813
19 Arthur Gerard, W. 16 Mar. 1815
20 John L. Fernandez 3 May, 1815
21 Charles Levinge 18 Nov. 1813
22 Wm. Taylor 9 Dec. 1813 22 July, 1813
23 Wm. M’Donald Matthews, W. 9 Dec. 1813
24 Thos. E.H. Holland 9 Dec. 1813
25 James Lonsdale 20 Dec. 1798
26 Francis Burton 9 Sept. 1813
27 Wm. Morragh 25 Jan. 1810
Facings blue. Lace gold.

G.  121This regt. had just returned from active service in America and landed at Ostend a few days before Waterloo was fought. In fact, Gen. Lambert’s brigade only reached Waterloo by a forced march just as the battle was commencing. Several captains of the 1st Batt. 4th Foot had been killed in the attack on New Orleans—hence the small number of captains present at Waterloo. Siborne gives the names of six additional captains as present with this regt. at Waterloo, but as the official Army List for 1817 does not credit them with having the Waterloo medal, the Editor has been reluctantly compelled to omit their names.

1.  Served throughout the Par. War and recd. the gold cross for the battles of Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, and siege of St. Sebastian. C.B. for Waterloo. 2nd son of Francis Brooke, of Colebrooke, by Hannah, dau. of Henry Prittie, of Dunally, co. Tipperary. M. Jane, dau. of George Burdett, M.P., and d. s. p.

2.  Served with the above regt. on the expedition to the Helder, in 1799. At siege of Copenhagen in 1807. Wounded in the retreat from Corunna. With his regiment in the Walcheren expedition, 1809. Returned to the Pa. and was severely wounded at the storming of Badajoz in leading the advance of the storming party of the 5th Division to the escalade of the St. Vicante bastion, for which he recd. the gold medal, although not a field officer. A.D.C. to Gen. Sir W. Pringle in 1812. C.B. for Waterloo and bt. of lt.-col. Placed on h. p. 21st March, 1822. Lt.-col. unattached list in Dec., 1828. M., 1st July, 1828, Frances, eldest dau. of E. Jud, of Eastbury Lodge, Essex. D. at Romford, Essex, 11th Jan., 1863. His proper name was “George Davis Willson.”

3.  2nd son of John Kirwan, K.C., by Anne, only child of Euseby Stratford, elder brother of 1st Earl of Aldborough. Entered the Army in 1804 and joined 4th Foot, 1st Batt.; served in the Pa. and was engaged in the Battles of Corunna, the disastrous Walcheren Expedition, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, St. Sebastian, Nive, Bladensburg, New Orleans, and Waterloo. After the Peace was appointed to the West India Rangers, but never joined the regt. Received the Par. and Waterloo medals. Md. twice; d. in 1852, leaving issue.

4.  D. in 1821 on passage to Barbados.

5.  Badly wounded at the assault of Badajoz. “At Waterloo, whilst at the head of his company, Capt. Browne received a fearful wound from a bullet, just over the ear, and fell senseless. He was left on the field for dead and was reported killed. His family in Ireland went into mourning for him. However, he recovered by trepanning, and was made Maj. 92nd Highlanders. Received two pensions for wounds, and d. 21st Nov., 1849.”

6.  H. p. 35th Foot 11th Nov., 1818.

7.  Serving in 1817.

8.  Serving in 1824.

9.  H. p. 22nd Aug., 1816.

10.  H. p. 29th Aug., 1816.

11.  H. p. 30th Dec., 1818. D. Dec., 1854.

12.  D. before 1st Jan., 1816.

13.  H. p. from 5th West India Regt. 31st Dec., 1818.]

14.  H. p. 25th March, 1817.

15.  122H. p. 25th March, 1817.

16.  H. p. 25th March, 1823.

17.  Capt. 3rd Aug., 1830.

18.  Ret. f. p. 10th Rl. Garrison Bat. before 1824.

19.  H. p. 25th Feb., 1816.

20.  H. p. 25th Feb., 1816.

21.  2nd son of Sir Charles Levinge, Bart., by Eliz., only dau. of Nicholas Reynell, of Reynella, co. Westmeath. Bn. 20th March, 1796. Promoted capt. 24th Oct., 1821. Exchanged to 52nd L.I., 1823. Maj. 71st Highland L.I. 15th Jan., 1829. Quitted the service before 1842. M., 2nd June. 1825, Barbara, dau. of Hugh Johnstone, of St. John’s, New Brunswick, and had issue. K.H. D. 1843.

22.  Afterwards Lieut. in 37th Foot. Quitted the service before 1824.

23.  H. p. 62nd Foot 1826. D. Jan., 1856.

24.  H. p. 83rd Foot, 14th Jan., 1819.

25.  H. p. 25th Jan., 1819.

26.  Surgeon 66th Foot 16th Dec., 1819. Out of said regt. in 1826.

27.  Reduced in 1818.



(3rd Battalion.)
Rank in the
MAJORS. Regiment. Army.
1 Francis Skelly Tidy 10 Sept. 1807 Lt.-Col., 4 June, 1813
2 John Keightley 13 Jan. 1814
3 George Marlay 14 June, 1814 Maj., 21 June, 1813
4 Thos. Ramsay 18 Oct. 1810 17 May, 1810
5 Wm. Turnor 15 Aug. 1811
6 Wm. Ross 24 Dec. 1813 16 Dec. 1813
7 Richard Adams 13 Jan. 1814
8 Christian Wilson 4 Nov. 1814
9 J.L. White 5 Nov. 1814
10 Wm. Hewett 13 Apr. 1815 24 Nov. 1814
11 Wm. Akenside 6 Aug. 1807 2 Jan. 1807
12 Charles Myler Brannan 3 Dec. 1807
13 Samuel Beachcroft 28 Nov. 1811
14 Wm. Buckle, Adjt. 3 Nov. 1812
15 George Baldwin 9 Nov. 1814
16 John Nickelson 5 Apr. 1815
17 Lyttleton Westwood 6 Apr. 1815
18 Henry Boldero 13 Apr. 1815
19 Jas. Campbell Hartley 24 May, 1815
20 Wm. Reed 13 Jan. 1814
21 George Mackenzie 22 Jan. 1814
22 Robert B. Newenham 27 Jan. 1814
23 C. Fraser 10 Feb. 1814
24 Aug. Fred. F. Adamson 3 Mar. 1814
25 Wm. Keowen 21 Apr. 1814
26 John Manley Wood 19 May, 1814
27 Arthur Ormsby 2 June, 1814
28 James Ramsay Smith 13 Oct. 1814
29 Alfred Cooper, W. 1 Nov. 1814
30 Joseph Bowlby 2 Nov. 1814
12431 John Powell Matthews 3 Nov. 1814
32 Richard John Stacpoole 8 Nov. 1814
33 Richard Birt Holmes 10 Nov. 1814
34 Hon. George Thos. Keppel 4 Apr. 1815
35 Robert Mitton 17 Feb. 1814
36 Alexander Ross 20 Jan. 1814
37 Montague Burrows
38 Alexander Shannon 27 Jan. 1814
39 Henry Terry 21 Mar. 1814
Facings buff. Lace silver.

H.  At the close of the Par. War the British Army was reduced to a peace footing. The 3rd Batt. of the 14th Foot survived this general reduction until the spring of 1815, when the dreaded order for its disbanding arrived. Before this became an accomplished fact the escape of Napoleon from Elba, and the consequent war with France, put a stop to further reductions. The 3rd Batt. 14th was ordered to Belgium. Being composed chiefly of very young recruits, the 14th were ordered to Antwerp to join the garrison there, but through their colonel’s personal application to Gen. Lord Hill, this order was countermanded by Wellington himself, who inspected the regt. from the window of his hotel at Brussels. “They are a very pretty little battalion,” said he to Lord Hill; “tell them they may join the grand division as they wish.” And so it came to pass that the “peasants,” as the battalion of young bucks were waggishly styled, took part in the “combat of giants.”

1.  Youngest son of the Rev. Thomas Holmes Tidy, chaplain to H.M. 26th Foot, and afterwards rector of Red Marshall, co. Durham, by Henrietta Augusta, dau. of the Rev. Wm. Skelly, by Lady Betty Gordon, dau. of Alexander, Duke of Gordon. If “fighting blood” is hereditary, then must “Frank Tidy,” as he was always called, have had a good share, for he was maternally descended from Charles Mordaunt, the “fighting” Earl of Peterborough, and had for his uncle the gallant Francis Skelly, maj. in the 71st Highlanders, who gained renown at the siege of Seringapatam. Joined the 43rd Regt. in Ireland as a volunteer at the age of 16, and was soon gazetted an ensign. When serving with his regt. in the West Indies “a 125mortality of from ten to thirteen men a day reduced the 43rd to 96 rank and file, and Guadaloupe being disputed inch by inch, the 43rd, at the time of its capture at Berville, did not contain more than two officers and twenty men fit for duty.” Tidy was confined for 15 months on board a hulk, subject to the tyranny and cruelty of Victor Hughes, thence sent to France, and eventually allowed to return to England on parole. Appointed adjt. of the 43rd. Promoted capt. 1st West India Regt. 1798; in 1799 exchanged to the Royal Scots. A.D.C. to Sir George Beckwith in the West Indies. Maj. 8th W.I. Regt., and transferred to the 14th Foot 1807. Served in Spain in 1808; Walcheren expedition 1809. Horse shot at Waterloo. C.B. Served in Burmese War with 1st Batt. Lt.-col. 44th Regt. 1825. D. at Kingston, Canada, while in command of the 24th Regt., 9th October, 1835, leaving issue, several sons and daughters. An interesting memoir of Col. Tidy was published in 1849 (written by his dau., Mrs. Ward) entitled: Recollections of an Old Soldier.

2.  Bt.-lt.-col. for Waterloo. Was at the taking of St. Lucia in 1796 and served at Walcheren in 1809. Appointed maj. 23rd Fusiliers 25th July, 1816, and lt.-col. of 11th Foot 2nd June, 1825. Afterwards lt.-col. of 35th Foot and Resdt. Gov. of Santa Maura and Zante. D. at Pickhill Hall, near Wrexham, 6th Sept. 1852, aged 74.

3.  Son of maj. George Marlay, of Twickenham, Mdx., by Lady Catherine Butler, dau. of the Earl of Lanesborough. Bn. 1791. Served in the Pa. as A.A.G., and recd. the gold cross for Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse. C.B. for Waterloo. Placed on h. p. 25th March, 1816. M., 1828, Catherine, dau. of Jas. Tisdall, of Bawn, co. Louth, and had issue. D. 8th June, 1830.

4.  Served with the 52nd at the siege of Copenhagen and battle of Kioge. In the Pa. from 1808–9 and again from 1810–11 with 47th Regt. Placed on h. p. 25th March, 1816. Living 1855.

5.  Afterwards Maj.-Gen. Wm. Turnor. Served in Hanover with the 14th in 1805–6 and in the Pa., including battle of Corunna. Was also in the Walcheren expedition. D. 12th Dec., 1860.

6.  Afterwards maj. 23rd Fusiliers. Lt.-col. unattached 1837. Living 1846.

7.  Placed on h. p. 25th March, 1816. Bn. 1780. Served in Egypt. At capture of Copenhagen, 1807. Eldest son of Samuel Adams, by Eliz., dau. of Alex. Leslie. M., 1805, Louisa, dau. of N. Peers, and had issue. D. 11th Feb. 1836.

8.  Exchanged as capt. to 38th Foot, in 1822. Out of the army before 1829.

9.  Placed on h. p. 5th April, 1816. Afterwards Capt. J.L. White, late of the Ionian Islands Militia, a Military Knight of Windsor (Royal Foundation). Served with the expedition to the Elbe and Weser, under Lord Cathcart, and in numerous battles in the Pa., including Almeida, Ciudad Rodrigo, storming of Badajoz, Salamanca, capture of Madrid. Also served in Flanders and France; was present at the attack on Merxem, the bombardment of Antwerp, and the siege of Bergen-op-Zoom, the storming of Cambray, and capture of Paris. Living 1874.

10.  3rd son of the Rt. Hon. Sir George Hewett, Bart., of Nethersall, co. Leicester, by Julia, dau. of the late John Johnson, of Blackheath, Kent. Bn. 1791. Exchanged as capt. to Rifle Brigade 14th Aug., 1823. Retd. as maj. from latter regt. 19th Aug., 1828. Lt.-col. unattached list same date. M. in June, 1826, Sarah, 2nd dau. of Gen. Sir James Duff. D. at his residence, 126Southampton, in Oct., 1891. He was the last of the Waterloo commissioned officers.

11.  Capt. 6th Sept., 1821. Serving in 1830.

12.  Reduced with the battalion in 1816.

13.  Reduced with the battalion in 1816.

14.  Reduced with the battalion in 1816.

15.  Lieut. 31st Foot 18th March, 1822. Capt. 11th June, 1833. Major 23rd Dec., 1842. Out of the regt. before 1850.

16.  Lieut. John Nicholson was placed on h. p. 25th March, 1816. Living 1846.

17.  H. p. 25th March, 1816.

18.  H. p. from 27th Foot 25th June, 1818. Living 1846.

19.  H. p. 25th March, 1816.

20.  Lieut. 26th June, 1815. Lieut. 48th Foot 18th July, 1816. Capt. 8th June, 1825. Serving in 1830.

21.  H. p. 25th March, 1816.

22.  Robert Burton Newenham quitted the service before 1823. He appears to have been a grandson of Sir Edward Newenham, knt., who m. Grace, dau. of Sir Charles Burton, Bart.

23.  A certain Charles Fraser, who had served at Waterloo, was appointed Ens. and Lieut. in 3rd Foot Guards, 3rd July, 1815, and was promoted Lieut. and Capt. 25th Feb., 1819.

24.  Ret. before 1st Jan. 1816.

25.  Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. before 1824.

26.  Capt. h. p. 67th Foot 10th Sept., 1825. Bt.-major 28th June, 1838. Major 14th Foot 28th Aug., 1840. H. p. 3rd Apr. 1846. Living 1855.

27.  Wounded at the taking of Cambray. Lieut. 27th Jan., 1823. Capt. h. p. 1838. D. in 1851.

28.  Living in 1874 as Lt. J.R. Smith, h. p. 38th Foot. Entered the army in 1814. Was present at the storming of Cambray, and afterwards at the capture of Hattras, in the East Indies. Also served in the Deccan campaign of 1817–18. His commissions are dated: Ensign, Oct. 13th, 1814; lt., March 20th, 1824.

29.  The only officer of the 14th Foot wounded at Waterloo, and he, strange to say, “was the shortest man in the regiment” (Lord Albemarle’s account of the battle.) A brother ensign, Arthur Ormsby, was wounded at Cambray six days later.

30.  Capt. 90th Foot 26th Dec., 1826. Serving in 1830.

31.  1st Lieut. Rl. Welsh Fusiliers 7th Apr. 1825. Ret. h. p. 10th Foot 31st Dec., 1830. Living 1846.

32.  H. p. 24th Feb., 1818.

33.  H. p. 9th May, 1818.

34.  The 6th Earl of Albemarle, gen. in the army, unattached. Bn. 13th June, 1799. 2nd son of Wm. Charles 4th Earl of Albemarle, by his first wife, the hon. Eliz. Southwell, dau. of Edward Lord de Clifford. 127England may thank Wm. III. for having given us the Keppels 200 years ago. It was this monarch who brought over Arnold Joost Van Keppel (descended from Walter Van Keppel, Lord of Keppel, 1179) as a page in 1688, and who raised him from one high post to another until he became Earl of Albemarle, a Knight of the Garter, and gen. of the Dutch forces in 1702. This nobleman fought under Marlborough in the wars of Queen Anne, and our last Stuart monarch stood sponsor to Lord Albemarle’s eldest son, who succeeded his father as William Anne 2nd Earl—a general officer and British ambassador to Paris. The two eldest sons of the 2nd earl were equally distinguished in their respective professions—the army and navy. Viscount Bury was A.D.C. to the Duke of Cumberland at Fontenoy and Culloden. He subsequently attained the rank of lt.-gen. and was com.-in-chf. at the reduction of the Havannah, which brought him much renown. His brother Augustus became famous as Adm. Keppel, and for his eminent services was created Visct. Keppel, of Elvedon, Suffolk (extinct). Gen. Visct. Bury succeeded as 3rd Earl, and it was his grandson, the sixth earl, who joined the 3rd Batt. 14th Foot six weeks before Waterloo. The following Waterloo anecdote is given by Mrs. Ward in her memoir of Col. Tidy (already referred to), and is corroborated by Lord Albemarle himself in his interesting autobiography published in 1876:—

“Mr. Keppel was sitting on a drum just in front of my father’s mare when she was shot—he was even stroking the poor thing’s face at the time that the ball struck her down, broke the bit of the bridle and knocked him head over heels, drum and all. The animal plunging in her agony, threw the square into great confusion, and her misery was speedily put an end to by the soldiers’ bayonets.” On the 25th May, 1820, Ensign Keppel (then in 22nd Foot) was promoted lieut. Exchanged to 20th Foot, 1821; Capt. 62nd Foot, 1825; and in 1827 was promoted to an unattached majority. Lt.-Col., 1841; Col., 1854; M.-Gen., 1858; Lieut.-Gen., 1866; and Gen. 1874. M. 4th Aug., 1831, Susan, dau. of Sir Coutts Trotter, Bart., and by her (who d. 3rd Aug., 1885) had issue. D. 21st Feb., 1891.

35.  Paymaster 47th Foot 2nd May, 1816. Serving in 1824.

36.  “For some time after the firing had begun,” writes Lord Albemarle in his account of Waterloo, “Mrs. Ross, our quartermaster’s wife, remained with the regt. She was no stranger to a battle-field, and had received a severe wound in Whitelock’s disastrous retreat from Buenos Ayres (1807) at the time her husband was a sergt. in the 95th. She was at length persuaded to withdraw, and retired to the belfry of Waterloo Church.”

37.  Commissioned ensign 14th Foot 27th June, 1815. Out of the regt. before 1st Jan., 1817.

38.  Out of the regt. in 1816.

39.  H. p. 25th March, 1816.



Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Sir Henry Walton Ellis, K.C.B., W. 23 Apr. 1807 Col., 4 June, 1814
2 Thomas Dalmer 10 Dec. 1807 Lt.-Col., 17 Aug., 1812
3 J. Humph. Edw. Hill, W. 12 Mar. 1812 Lt.-Col., 21 Sept., 1813
Joseph Hawtyn, K. 11 Sept. 1806 Maj., 17 Aug. 1812
4 Francis Dalmer 10 Dec. 1807 Maj., 26 Aug. 1813
5 Thomas Strangeways 6 Apr. 1809
Wm. Campbell 15 June, 1809 Maj., 12 Apr. 1814
6 Charles Jolliffe, K. 18 June, 1811
Thos. Farmer, K. 16 Apr. 1812
7 Henry Johnson, W. 14 May, 1812
Henry S. Blanckley 6 Apr. 1815 21 May, 1812
8 Francis O’Flaherty 6 Aug. 1807
9 James Milne 21 Oct. 1807
10 Wm. Walley 10 Dec. 1807
11 Evan M. Brown 20 Apr. 1809
G. Fensham, K. 4 Jan. 1810
12 Ralph Smith 22 Mar. 1810
13 Harry Palmer 11 Apr. 1811
14 Isaac Watkins Harris 20 June, 1811
15 J. Enoch, Adjt. 15 Aug. 1811
16 Gismond Phillips (sic) 5 Sept. 1811
17 John Macdonald 11 Oct. 1811
18 George Fielding 7 Nov. 1811
19 Robt. Pattison Holmes 12 Dec. 1811
20 Charles Fryer 7 May, 1812
21 W.A. Griffiths, W. 13 May, 1812
22 John Clyde, W. 14 May, 1812
23 Alexander A. Brice 21 May, 1812
24 Anthony G. Sidley 16 July, 1812
25 Alexander Clayhills 17 Sept. 1812
26 Edward Methold 23 Mar. 1815
27 Thomas Lilly 1 Oct. 1812
28 George Dunn 15 Apr. 1813
29 George Stainforth 29 July, 1813
30 Gerald FitzGibbon 26 Aug. 1813
Wm. Leebody, K. 9 Sept. 1813
31 Edward Thomas Ellis (Volunteer)
32 George Sidley 14 Apr. 1808
33 John Dunn 10 Sept. 1803 9 July, 1803
34 Thomas Smith 2 July, 1812
35 John Williams 13 May, 1813
36 John Monro 26 May, 1814
Facings blue. Lace gold.

1.  Was sev. wnded. at Waterloo, in the breast, by a shot from a carbine. On his way to the rear he was thrown from his horse, whilst attempting to jump a ditch, and one of his men carried him to a small outhouse, where his wound was dressed. On the night of 19th June the hovel took fire, and he was with difficulty rescued by Assistant-Surgeon Munro, of above regt. He d. next day. This gallant and universally lamented officer was son of Maj.-Gen. John Joyner Ellis, and was a native of Worcester. He had served in Holland, Egypt, America, the West Indies, Spain, Portugal, and France. M.I. in Worcester Cathedral. Bd. at Braine l’Alleud, within a few hundred yards of the place where he fell.

2.  Afterwards Lt.-Gen. T. Dalmer, C.B., Col-in-Chf. 47th Foot. Horse shot under him at Waterloo. D. 25th Aug., 1854.

3.  Commanded a Portuguese regt. during the Par. War, and received the gold cross for four general actions. C.B. for Waterloo. Exchanged as maj. to 49th Regt., 2nd Oct., 1823. Out of the list 1829.

4.  Brother to above T. Dalmer. Bt. lt.-col. for Waterloo. Attained rank of col. and d. 2nd Oct., 1855.

5.  Retd. on f. p. as capt. in 9th Rl. Veteran Battalion. D. 15th Jan., 1838, at Richmond Place, Dublin. Bro. of Col. Strangeways, of Shapwick, Somerset.

6.  Youngest son of T.S. Jolliffe, of Ammerdown, co. Somerset, formerly M.P. for the borough of Petersfield, by his 2nd wife, Mary, dau. and heir of 130Samuel Holden. Served at Copenhagen, in North America, and the West Indies. Served several campaigns in the Pa. Sev. wnded at Orthes. Had not entirely recovered from this wound when the tocsin of war once more summoned him to the field of battle.

7.  Afterwards Maj. H. Cavendish Johnson. Served at Copenhagen in 1807; the West Indies, and the Pa. At the siege of Badajoz, Johnson fell from the breach pierced with gunshot wounds, which prevented his doing any regimental duty until 1815, when he served at Waterloo and was again wounded. D. in Ireland, 19th Feb., 1853, aged 78.

8.  Capt. 17th July, 1815. H. p., 15th Foot 3rd Aug., 1820.

9.  Capt. 18th July, 1815. Out of the regt. before 1824.

10.  Capt. 19th July, 1815. H. p. 14th Foot, 6th Apr., 1820.

11.  Capt. 20th July, 1815. Paymaster to his regt. 23rd Oct., 1817. H. p. 16th Oct., 1828.

12.  H. p. 53rd Foot, 8th May, 1823.

13.  Out of the regt. before 1824.

14.  Capt. 7th Apr., 1825. H. p. 9th Apr., 1826. Living 1846.

15.  Capt. 22nd July, 1830. Maj. 14th Apr., 1846. Lt.-col. unattached 1st Feb., 1851. A.Q.M.G. same date. Col. 28th Nov., 1854. D. in London, 13th July, 1855. He had the Par. medal with four clasps—Badajoz, Ciudad Rodrigo, Albuera, Salamanca.

16.  Grismond Philipps. 3rd son of George Philipps, of Cwmgaili, Caermarthenshire, who was M.P. for the borough. Served at Albuera, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse (medal with five clasps). Bn. 1792. M. Catherine, dau. of —— Warlow, Esq., and niece of Sir Thos. Picton. H. p. 26th Aug., 1819. D. in 1850. His elder bro., John George, was a midshipman on board H.M.S. Minotaur at the battle of the Nile. Communicated by Lieut. Griffith Philipps, R.N.

17.  Capt. 28th Aug., 1827. Paymaster 16th Oct., 1828. Out of the regt. in March, 1831.

18.  Capt. 6th June, 1822. Serving in 1830.

19.  Capt. 4th Sept., 1823. Maj. 17th Dec., 1830. D. at Quebec, 23rd July, 1849, as col. comg. reserve batt. Rl. Welsh Fusiliers.

20.  H. p. 17th July, 1817.

21.  Serving in 1830.

22.  D. from his wounds.

23.  H. p. 5th Oct., 1820.

24.  Lt. Anthony Gardiner Sidley (or Sedley), aftds. of 3rd W.I. Regt. Entered the service in 1811. Served in the Pa. and in the Burmese War. Lt.-col. 63rd Foot 16th Sept., 1845. Living in 1874 as a lt.-col. retd. list and a military Knight of Windsor.

25.  Placed on h. p. as lt. 67th Regt., 30th May, 1822. 2nd son of James Menzies-Clayhills, of Invergowrie, co. Forfar. M. Elizabeth, dau. of Gen. Hunter, of Burnside, and d. s. p. 18th June, 1865.

26.  Afterwards capt. on h. p. list of 3rd D.G.

27.  Capt. in Ceylon Rifles 1839. Distinguished himself in the Kandian Insurrection of 1848, and commanded the only European troops employed 131on this occasion. Received the special thanks of Lord Torrington, Gov. of Ceylon, for his gallantry. D. as lt.-col. April, 1862.

28.  H. p. 16th Apr., 1817.

29.  Placed on h. p. as 1st lt. 25th March, 1817. Of Hutton, co. York. D. at Nivelle, Belgium, 27th April, 1860.

30.  Afterwards sub-inspector of the Constabulary in Ireland. D. at Plymouth, 7th Sept., 1844.

31.  Nephew to Sir Henry Walton Ellis, col. of this regt., who fell at Waterloo. Mentioned in Lord Albemarle’s autobiography. In the regt. in 1830.

32.  Retd. f. p. 1827. D. 1839.

33.  Out of the regt. 13th July, 1826.

34.  Afterwards Surgeon-Major Thomas Smith, M.D., h. p. Joined the service in 1812; served in the campaigns of 1813, 1814, and 1815; was present at Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse. His commissions are dated: Hospital Assistant, March 29, 1812; Assist.-Surgeon, July 2, 1812; Surgeon, July 13, 1826; Surgeon-Major, Jan. 4, 1839. Living in 1874.

35.  H. p. 1816.

36.  D. in Apr., 1841, at Glasgow, as Surgeon 58th Foot.



(1st Battalion.)
Rank in the
CAPTAINS. Regiment. Army.
1 John Hare, W. 9 Sept. 1805 Maj., 17 June, 1813
George Holmes, K. 30 Apr. 1807
2 John Tucker, W. 3 Mar. 1808
3 George M’Donnell (sic) W. 25 July, 1806
4 Wm. Henderson, W. 8 Oct. 1806
5 Richard Handcock, W. 5 Nov. 1806
6 Wm. Faithful Fortescue, W. 4 Dec. 1806
7 Thomas Craddock, W. 7 May, 1807
8 Wm. Talbot 7 Feb. 1808
9 E.W. Drewe, W. 9 Feb. 1808
10 Charles Manley, W. 28 July, 1808
11 John Millar, W. 11 Sept. 1808
12 John Betty 7 Mar. 1810
13 Andrew Gardner 30 Sept. 1813
14 Wm. Kater, W. 22 Apr. 1813
15 John Ditmas, W. 3 June, 1813
16 Thos. Smith, W. 24 June, 1813
Samuel Ireland, K. 25 Aug. 1815
17 Tobias Handcock, W. 4 May, 1815
18 Thomas Taylor 26 Sept. 1805
19 Gerald Fitzgerald 25 Apr. 1811
20 Thomas Mostyn 19 Dec. 1811
Facings buff. Lace gold.

I.  133This regt. had just returned from active service in America. Out of 698 men, this regt. lost 480 at Waterloo, having been almost blown to pieces when standing in square above the sandpit on the Charleroi road.

1.  Afterwards Maj.-Gen. Hare, C.B. and K.H., Gov. of the Eastern District of the Cape of Good Hope. Began his military career as ensign in the Tarbet Fencibles, when he volunteered with 300 men into the regulars, and joined 69th Regt. Embarked for the Helder, and served in that campaign under the Duke of York. Served under Abercromby in Egypt. Also in Naples, Sicily, Calabria, and the Pa. Bt. lt.-col. for Waterloo. Lt.-col. of this regt. 31st March, 1825. D. on his passage home from the Cape in March, 1847.

2.  His full name was John Montmorency Tucker. Exchanged as capt. to 8th Foot, 23rd May, 1816. Quitted the service before 1824. D. at Huggens’s Military Asylum, Northfleet, Kent, 22nd Feb., 1852.

3.  Afterwards Gen. George Macdonald, Col.-in-Chf. 16th Foot, who lived to be “Father of the British Army.” Entered the army in 1805; joined the Expedition to Hanover in 1805; the Army in Sicily in 1806; the Expedition to Naples in 1810, and was present at the capture of Ischia and Procida; returned to Sicily in 1811; was subsequently employed in Spain, and was present at the battle of Castalla and siege of Tarragona; afterwards served in Canada. He was wounded no less than three times at Waterloo. Commissions dated: Ensign, Sept. 5, 1805; Lt., July 25, 1806; Capt., August 17, 1815; Maj., 31st Aug., 1830; Lt.-Col., 1837; Col., 1851; Maj.-Gen., 1855; Lt.-Gen., 1863; Gen., 1871.

4.  Placed on h. p. 25th April, 1816. Living 1830.

5.  Capt. 46th Foot, 17th Feb., 1837. Bt.-major same year. Living 1846.

6.  D. from wounds received at Waterloo. 2nd son of John Fortescue, of 24th Foot, who was at the taking of Quebec. The above m., 1798, Honoria Oliver, and had issue.

7.  7th son of Wm. Cradock, of Loughborough, co. Leicester. Bn. 6th Oct., 1786. Served throughout the Par. War with the 27th Foot. At siege of Badajoz Lt. Cradock entered the town in command of his regt. Served at the attack on New Orleans in 1815. At Waterloo a bullet passed right through his cheeks carrying away the roof of his mouth. Appointed a Knight of Windsor in 1842. Retd. as major 73rd Foot. D. 5th April, 1851.

8.  The “W” is omitted before this officer’s name in the Army List for 1824.

9.  Capt. 7th Jan., 1824. Capt. 95th Foot 19th May, 1825. Serving in 1830.

10.  Had a bullet through his thigh at Waterloo. Had served in the Pa. Capt. same regt. 10th Sept., 1829. D. in an apoplectic fit, 5th Nov., 1839, on board the ss. Barretta, jun., when 17 days’ sail from Cape of Good Hope.

11.  Adjt. 25th Foot 6th November, 1823. H. p. capt. 13th March, 1827. D. about 1840.

12.  Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. before 1824.

13.  Living in 1874 as lt. half pay 27th Foot. Entered the Army in 1811. His commissions are dated: Ensign, 14th Nov., 1811; Lt., 30th Sept., 1813.

14.  134Lieut. 17th Aug., 1815. Out of the regt. before 1st Jan., 1817.

15.  Lieut. 9th Nov., 1815. Lieut. 25th Foot 21st May, 1818. Son of Lt.-Col. Harry Ditmas, of the Garrison Batt. of Invalids.

16.  Thos. Charlton Smith. Entered the Army in 1813. Served in the Pa., and was present at the affair of Ordal. He was sev. wnded. at Waterloo. Previously to entering the Army he served for a brief period in the Navy, and was three times wounded. His commissions are dated: Ensign, 24th June, 1813; Lt., 5th Aug., 1819; Capt., 27th March, 1835; Maj., 30th Sept., 1842; Lt.-col., 15th Sept., 1848; Col., 28th Nov., 1854; Maj.-gen., 21st Dec., 1862; Lt.-gen., 25th Oct., 1871.

17.  H. p. 26th March, 1816.

18.  Left the regt. in 1816.

19.  Surgeon 69th Foot 7th Sept., 1815.

20.  Hospital assistant 9th Nov., 1810. Surgeon 6th Oct., 1825. Serving in 1855. This veteran had the Par. medal with eight clasps, and had also served at the battle of Plattsburg, in America.



Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Sir Charles P. Belson, K.C.B. 23 Nov. 1804 Col., 4 June, 1812
2 Robert Nixon, W. 15 Dec. 1804 Lt.-Col., 30 May, 1811
3 Wm. Prescott Meacham, K. 9 July, 1803 Maj., 4 June, 1814
4 Wm. Irving, W. 9 July, 1803 Maj., 4 June, 1814
5 Richard Llewellyn, W. 28 Feb. 1805 Maj., 23 Apr. 1812
6 Charles Caddell 9 Mar. 1809
7 Richard Kelly, W. 13 Apr. 1809
8 John Bowles, W. 28 July, 1809
9 Thomas English, W. 31 Jan. 1810
10 Charles Teulon, W. 27 Sept. 1810
11 Jas. Henry Crummer 2 July, 1807
12 John Fred. Wilkinson, W. 8 Sept. 1808
13 Matthew Semple 6 Oct. 1808
14 Roger P. Gilbert, W. 27 Apr. 1809
15 Robert Prescott Eason, W. 17 May, 1809
16 Wm. Irwin, W. 20 July, 1809
17 Henry Hilliard, W. 16 Nov. 1809
18 Samuel Moore 28 Jan. 1810
19 John Coen, W. 29 Jan. 1810
20 Charles B. Carruthers 30 Jan. 1810
21 J.P. Clarke, K. 1 Mar. 1810
22 J. Wm. Shelton, W. 22 Mar. 1810
23 James Deares 25 Apr. 1811
24 George Ingram, K. 6 Aug. 1812
25 T. Bridgeland, Adjt., W. 15 Apr. 1813
26 Edward Embury Hill 9 Sept. 1813
27 Thos. Wm. Colleton 25 Nov. 1813
28 James Parry 27 Jan. 1814
29 Robert Thomson Stuart 5 Aug. 1813
30 Wm. Serjeantson 26 Aug. 1813
31 Richard Martin 8 Sept. 1813
32 James Simkins 9 Sept. 1813
33 Wm. Mountsteven, W. 25 Nov. 1813
34 W. Lynam 31 Mar. 1814
35 John Dewes 20 June, 1799
36 Richard Reynolds 9 Mar. 1809
37 Patrick H. Lavens 24 Oct. 1811
Facings yellow. Lace silver.

J.  This regt. was for many years known as the “Slashers.” This name is said to have been first given in the early part of the American War, when the regt. had swords, which they used to some purpose. The 28th might have been appropriately called “Prescott’s Own,” as the Col.-in-Chf., Gen. Robert Prescott, had been closely associated with this regt. for 50 years or longer, and was lt.-col. commanding for about 12 years. From 1789 until his death in Dec., 1815, he was col.-in-chf., and took the deepest interest in all that concerned his old corps. He had more than one godson in the regt., whose fathers had fought under him in America, whom he advanced in their military career by his own personal interest. And the 28th were equally attached to their old colonel, who had seen much service in America and the West Indies, where he held high commands. Like many others, before and since, who have filled responsible situations in countries where the native or “barbarian” element is largely represented, Gen. Prescott was fully imbued with the idea of his own great importance. An amusing instance of this is found in an order issued by him when commanding the troops in Canada:—

Lieut.-General Prescott’s Orders.
“St. Pierres, 16th June, 1794.

“Whereas Vice-Adm. Sir John Jervis has given orders, I am told, frequently here on shore, and particularly by note dated off Point Petre, June 11th, 1794, which must have arisen from great ignorance or great presumption and arrogance.

137“If from ignorance, poor man! he is to be pitied, but if from presumption and arrogance, he is to be checked.

“It is, therefore, Lt.-General Prescott’s orders that in future no attention whatever is to be given to such notes or orders, and his signature to such to be as little regarded as that of John Oakes or Peter Styles.”

A martinet he lived and a martinet he died. His last whisper on his death-bed was an inquiry as to whether there was a Hessian sentry at his door. Although he did not die in harness the veteran “Slasher” died under the colours of the 28th, as on the death of the late Robert Prescott (grandson of the above) the old colours of the 28th were found among his effects and returned to the regt. They had doubtless been worked by the fair fingers of the old general’s wife.

1.  Succeeded to the command of the 8th Brigade after Quatre Bras. Lt.-Col. 56th Regt. 9th May, 1816. Had served throughout the Par. War with above regt., and received the gold cross with two clasps. Maj.-Gen. 1819. D. at Blackheath 5th Nov., 1830, aged 57.

2.  7th son of Alexander Nixon, of Mullynesker, High Sheriff of Fermanagh 1761, by Mary, dau. of Alex. Montgomery. Served in Egypt and in the Pa. C.B. for Waterloo. Quitted the service 1816. D. s. p.

3.  This officer had fought in Egypt and in the Pa. His father had been regimental paymaster.

4.  Distinguished himself in the Pa., and had a musket-ball through his right arm at Quatre Bras. Bt. lt.-col. for Waterloo. Quitted the service in 1826. Both his arms had been nearly disabled by wounds. D. 14th Jan., 1834.

5.  Afterwards Gen. Sir Richard Lluellyn, K.C.B., Col.-in-Chf. 39th Regt. Entered the army with temporary rank as capt. in the 52nd, and served in the Mediterranean. In 1801 was placed on h. p. but when the war recommenced he re-entered the army and purchased a company in the 28th Foot in 1805. Fought at Busaco and Albuera, and other actions in the Pa. Was an excellent horseman, and on one occasion in the Pa., when employed on staff duty, he was galloping after the retreating French when he came on an open portmanteau, in which he espied some silver spoons and forks of an antique pattern. As he galloped past he bent in the saddle and made a grab with his right hand at the glittering contents. His dexterity was rewarded with several specimens of old French plate. This anecdote is given on the authority of a relative of the Editor, who used to meet the old general in society, who told the story himself. Made bt. lt.-col. and C.B. for his gallantry at Waterloo. He was son of Richard Lluellyn, of South Witham, co. Lincoln, by a dau. of Warren Maude, of Sunnyside, Northumberland. M., 1831, Eliz., dau. of Lt.-Gen. Raymond. D. 7th Dec., 1867.

6.  5th son of John Cadell, of Cockenzie and Tranent, co. Haddington. Bn. 1786. M., 1829, Isabella, dau. of Macdonald of Boisdale. K.H. Promoted major 28th Foot, 1826. Author of Narrative of the Campaigns of the 28th Regiment since their Return from Egypt, from which book the Editor has culled several notes. Served throughout the Par. War. At the close of Waterloo Day commanded the 28th. D. s. p. as lt. col. on retd. list, 1866.

7.  Quitted the service before 1830, after being a capt. in this regt. for about 20 years.

8.  Wounded at Quatre Bras. Placed on h. p. in 1817.

9.  138Served in the Pa., and was wounded at Waterloo. Quitted the service before 1824. Believed to have belonged to an Armagh family of this surname.

10.  Maj. in this regt. 7th Oct., 1819. H. p. 4th Aug., 1825.

11.  Was severely wounded in the left leg at Albuera. In 1832, when serving as senior capt. in this regt., the old wound broke out afresh and caused much suffering. Applied for a pension for wounds to which he had been entitled, but it was refused on the ground of the lapse of years since the said wound was received.

12.  Out of the regt. before 1824.

13.  Capt. 38th Foot, 24th Oct., 1823. Serving in 1830.

14.  Distinguished himself at the passage of the Douro. 12th May, 1807, in the brigade under the command of Sir Edward Paget. 5th son of the Rev. Edmund Gilbert, vicar of Constantine, co. Cornwall, by Anne, dau. of Henry Garnett, of Bristol. Bn. 1790. Attained rank of maj. unattached 19th Sept. 1826. Living in 1830.

15.  Distinguished himself at the passage of the Douro. Capt. same regt. 1825. Living 1830.

16.  “The strongest man in the regt.” Several anecdotes of this officer’s prowess are given in Col. Cadell’s book, referred to above. Wounded at Quatre Bras. Promoted capt. 9th May, 1816. In the regt. 1840, in which year he retd., and d. at Sydney, N.S.W. in 1841.

17.  Afterwards Paymaster H. Hilliard, h. p., late lt. 68th Foot. Entered the army 1808, served in the Pa., and was present at several engagements, including Busaco, Albuera, and the 1st siege of Badajoz; was also at Quatre Bras. His commissions are dated: Ensign, Feb. 25th, 1808; lt., Nov. 16th, 1809; paymaster, March 22nd, 1821. Living in 1874.

18.  Capt. 14th Dec., 1826. Serving in 1830.

19.  Serving as lieut. in 1824. Out of the regt. before 1830.

20.  Serving as lieut. in 1830.

21.  Had served in the Pa.

22.  John Willington Shelton was son and heir of John Shelton, of Rossmore House, Limerick. Served in the Pa. Was four times wounded at Waterloo. Placed on h.p. 1817. M., 14th Aug., 1817, Mary, dau. of John Richards, of Blackdown House, Southampton, and had issue. D. 19th July, 1847.

23.  Called “Deans” in Col. Cadell’s book. This zealous officer accompanied the cavalry on foot in the pursuit of the enemy, and attacked every Frenchman who came in his way. He was taken prisoner and stripped of all his clothes except his shirt, in which state he joined the regt. next day, severely wounded into the bargain. Quitted the service before 1824.

24.  Distinguished himself at the battle of Albuera. Had his leg amputated after Waterloo; the tourniquet shifted in the night, and he bled to death. M.I. at Waterloo.

25.  Had served in the ranks, and was promoted from sergt.-maj. to be adjt. and ensign.

26.  Capt. 7th March, 1822. H. p. 17th Aug., 1822.

27.  1392nd son of Sir James Nassau Colleton, 6th Bart., of Ash Park, co. Herts, by Susanna, dau. of William Nixon, of Lincoln. Afterwards lt. in Rl. Staff Corps.

28.  Living in 1874 as a lt. h. p. 28th Foot.

29.  Lieut. 18th July, 1815. H. p. 25th March, 1817. Living in 1846.

30.  Afterwards lt. 40th Foot. Capt. 17th Dec., 1829. Of Hanlith, Tasmania. Eldest son of Robert Serjeantson (a blood relative of Gen. Prescott’s wife), by Isabella, dau. of Wm. Dorman, of Harbour Hill, Kinsale. M. Marion, dau. of Richard Willis. Was murdered at Hobart Town, Tasmania, 30th Nov., 1835.

31.  Lieut. 4th Oct., 1815. H. p. 25th March, 1817.

32.  Serving in 1817.

33.  Lieut. 25th Oct., 1820; capt. 25th June, 1835. Paymaster 79th Highlanders 10th June, 1836. H. p. 1847. Attained rank of major-general retd. list. His full name was Thos. Wm. Blewett Mountsteven.

34.  Serving in 1817. H. p. 2nd April, 1818.

35.  H. p. 22nd Aug., 1816.

36.  Placed on h. p as 2nd lt. from 1st W.I.R. 12th Feb., 1824.

37.  Surgeon 14th Lt. Dragoons 13th Nov. 1828. Serving in 1842. Out of said regt. 21st July, 1843.



(2nd Battalion.)
Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Alexander Hamilton, W. 25 July, 1811 4 June, 1811
2 Morris Wm. Bailey, W. 26 Dec. 1808 Lt.-Col., 4 June, 1814
3 Charles A. Vigoreux (sic), W. 4 June, 1813 Lt.-Col, 21 June, 1813
Thos. Walker Chambers, K. 2 Apr. 1807 Maj., 16 Feb. 1815
4 Alex. MʻNabb, K. 11 May, 1809
5 Robert Howard 1 Sept. 1813
6 Arthur Gore, W. 11 Feb. 1814 14 July, 1808
7 Matthew Ryan 26 May, 1814 Maj., 4 June, 1813
8 Donald Sinclair 7 July, 1814
9 James Finucane 2 Mar. 1815 15 Aug., 1811
10 Richard Heaviside 15 June, 1815
11 Benj. Walter Nicholson 15 Apr. 1806
12 John Gowan 8 May, 1806
13 Richard Mayne, W. 8 June, 1809
14 Matthias Andrews, Adjt., W. 19 Sept. 1809
15 Richard Chas. Elliott, W. 23 June, 1811
16 A.W. Freear 24 June, 1811
17 John Rumley, W. 25 June, 1811
18 Andrew Baillie 27 June, 1811
19 Robert Daniel, W. 15 July, 1811
20 Parke Percy Neville 17 July, 1811
21 John Roe, W. 18 July, 1811
22 Theophilus O’Halloran 8 Aug. 1811
23 Richard Harrison, W. 11 Sept. 1811
24 Robert Hughes, W. 29 Oct. 1812
25 Purefoy Lockwood, W. 22 Apr. 1813
26 John Pratt, W. 6 May, 1813
Henry Beere, K. 7 Sept. 1814
27 Francis Tincombe 8 Sept. 1814
141 Edmund Prendergast, K. 23 Nov. 1814
28 Wm. Ouseley Warren, W. 24 Nov. 1814
29 Thomas Moneypenny (sic), W. 23 Mar. 1815
30 David Latouche 25 May, 1815
31 Robert Naylor Rogers 14 June, 1815
32 Edward Drake 15 June, 1815
John James, K. 2 Sept. 1813
33 Edw. Nevil Macready 8 Sept. 1814
James Bullen, K. 23 Nov. 1814
34 Hugh Boyd Wray 9 Aug. 1806
35 John Williamson 27 Oct. 1814
36 J.G. Elkington 11 Mar. 1813
37 John Evans 22 Aug. 1811
38 Patrick Clarke 25 June, 1812
Facings pale yellow. Lace silver.

1.  This gallant officer received the thanks of Sir Thomas Picton for his services at Quatre Bras where he (Hamilton) was sev. wnded. After the battle it was thought necessary to amputate his leg; and three times had the tourniquet encircled his limb, preparatory to amputation, when each time the surgeon was called elsewhere. It was then decided to let the leg take its chance, and Hamilton eventually recovered. C.B. for Waterloo. Quitted the service in 1829 with rank of Col. All his service had been spent in “the old three tens,” as the 30th were called, and he had fought with them in Egypt and in the Pa. Had the gold medal for Salamanca. D. at Woolwich, 4th June, 1838. In his obituary notice, given in the United Service Journal, it is stated that he was nearly related to the noble house of Lothian. Whatever family he may have belonged to, he did it credit. He left a widow and two sons.

2.  142C.B. for Waterloo. Aftds. lt.-col. of 64th Regt. Retd. before 1824. D. at Bath, 28th Nov., 1845.

3.  Lt.-Col. Vigoureux was sev. wnded. at Waterloo. C.B. Lt.-Col. of the 45th Regt., 20th Dec., 1826. D. as col. on retd. list, 24th Dec., 1841.

4.  It appears that this officer acted as an additional A.D.C. to Gen. Sir T. Picton, at Waterloo. At the second funeral of Picton in St. Paul’s Cathedral one of the mourners was the Rev. Dr. MʻNabb, from Canada, nephew of the above. The antiquity of the MʻNabb is delightfully illustrated by the well-known remark of one of their clan that “at the flood they did not need to take refuge in Noah’s Ark, as the MʻNabbs had a boat of their own!”

5.  Made bt.-maj. for Waterloo. Promoted maj. on unattached list, 1826, Lt.-col. 1837. D. at Wigfair, St. Asaph, 22nd Sept., 1856.

6.  Afterwards Lt.-Gen. Arthur Gore, K.H. Son of the Hon. Richard Gore, M.P. for Donegal. D. 23rd June, 1869.

7.  H. p. 1817.

8.  H. p. 1817.

9.  H. p. 1817.

10.  H. p. 1817.

11.  H. p. 1817.

12.  H. p. 1818.

13.  D. in 1827.

14.  Capt. 16th Sept., 1827. Serving in 1830.

15.  H. p. 1817. Capt. unattached 28th Aug., 1827. Living in 1874.

16.  H. p. 1817.

17.  D. 1819.

18.  H. p. 1817.

19.  H. p. 1819, 59th Foot.

20.  Served in the Pa., and was twice wounded, when leading the ladder party in the escalade of the St. Vincent Bastion, at the siege of Badajoz. Sev. wnded. at the siege of Burgos, when acting as Assistant Engineer in the storm of the first line of the Castle, 4th Oct., 1812. At the bombardment of Antwerp, and assault on Bergen-op-Zoom. Served in the Mahratta War of 1817–18, and was present at battle of Maheidpore and siege of Asserghur. Commanded the left wing of the 63rd Regt. in India for some years as maj. and bt. lt.-col. Received the Legion of Honour for services rendered on board the French ship Benguile, on passage from India to Europe in August, 1831. He was also presented with the Freedom of the City of Dublin. Joined the corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms, 1st Aug., 1847, and was subsequently made a Knight of Windsor. D. at Windsor Castle, 6th Feb., 1865, aged 72.

21.  H. p. 1823.

22.  H. p. 1818.

23.  D. 1819.

24.  Maj., 1st West India Regt., 3rd March, 1843, and lt.-col. of same regt., 1st March, 1848, Col 1854. Received the Par. War medal with 4 clasps. D. in Sept., 1855.

25.  143Belonged to the Grenadier company. Ensign (aftds. Major) Macready in his interesting journal of the campaign of 1815 (printed in Historical Records of the XXX Regt., says: “Lockwood of ours had gone home with a silver plate in his skull, on which was engraved ‘bomb proof.’” H. p. 25th Aug., 1816. Living in 1846.

26.  Exchanged to 28th Foot, 9th Dec., 1819. Major 27th Foot 22nd March, 1827. Serving in 1830.

27.  H. p. 1817.

28.  H. p. 1817.

29.  Thomas Gybbon-Monypenny was descended from the ancient Scotch family of Monypenny, of Pitmillie, co. Fife; but his ancestor, Capt. James Monypenny, R.N., settled in Kent about 1714, since which date this branch of the family has chiefly resided in Kent. His father was Thos. Monypenny, of Rye, Sussex. Placed on h. p. 1817. M., 8th Jan., 1818, Silvestra Rose, eldest dau. of Robert Monypenny, of Merrington Place, Rolvenden, Kent, and had issue. Lt.-col. of the West Kent Militia. M.P. for Rye, 1837–41. D. 16th Jan., 1854.

30.  H. p. 1816.

31.  H. p. 19th Feb., 1818. Staff officer of pensioners at Amherstburg, Canada West, before 1836. Drowned while fishing in the Detroit river 5th May, 1854.

32.  H. p. 1816 from 28th Foot.

33.  Brother to the great tragedian. Joined the 2nd Batt. 30th Foot, as a volunteer, in 1814, at the age of 16. Served under Lord Lynedoch in Holland. At Waterloo, when only an ensign, commanded the light company towards the close of the battle. His private journal, in which he gives his experiences at Waterloo, is quoted from in Sir H. Havelock’s military work, entitled Three Main Questions of the Day (published in 1867) in order to show how the bravest cavalry failed again and again, at Waterloo, in breaking through the infantry squares when those squares were well provided with ammunition in addition to their bayonets. “Here come these fools again,” growled the 30th rank and file as they prepared to pour a destructive fire on the advancing French cuirassiers, which invariably emptied many saddles and sent the remainder from whence they came. Served at the siege of Asseerghur, and was aftds. milit. sec. to Sir John Wilson in Ceylon. Was promoted maj. h. p. unattached, 22nd Nov., 1839. Wrote the Life of Marshal Suvarow, which was published after his death. D. at Clevedon, 4th Nov., 1848.

34.  H. p. 1831.

35.  An amusing anecdote relative to this officer is given in the United Service Journal for 1838. Col. A. Hamilton of this regt., had a very valuable charger at Waterloo, and knowing that if it was shot in the battle he would only get the Government price of £20 for another charger, he exchanged horses, before going into action at Quatre Bras, with his steady old quartermaster, who, being a non-combatant, was to remain in the rear. The quartermaster’s horse was what is called a “safe convenience,” but the colonel’s charger was very high-spirited and fresh. Unaccustomed to the quietude of his position in the rear of the army, he fretted and fumed at being kept back from the excitement going on in front. His rider had a bad time of it, and was a source of much amusement to the idlers and 144“non-effectives” in the rearward. The narrator of this incident says that on the evening of the 16th June, 1815, Sir W. Ponsonby sent his A.D.C. to offer to buy Hamilton’s fine charger (his owner being wounded), but the bargain hung fire in some way, and the gallant Ponsonby lost his life on the 18th June, as we have seen, from being badly mounted.

36.  Appointed assistant-surgeon 24th July, 1808. Taken prisoner at Talavera and sent to France. Exchanged. Rejoined in Portugal, after Busaco. Served at Fuentes d’Onor, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, and capture of Madrid. Taken prisoner after siege of Burgos when in charge of the wounded. H. p. 1817. Surgeon 1st Batt. 1st Royals in July, 1821. Transferred to 17th Lancers in Sept., 1828. Surgeon R.H.M.S. Dublin, 1814. D. there in 1853. Interred at Arbour Hill, Dublin.

37.  Out of the regt. in 1821.

38.  H. p. 82nd Foot 12th Jan., 1816.



Rank in the
MAJORS. Regiment. Army.
1 John Hicks 3 Aug. 1804 Lt.-Col., 4 June, 1811
2 Felix Calvert 11 May, 1815
3 Charles Hames 25 May, 1803 Maj., 1 Jan. 1812
4 Henry Ross-Lewin 6 Aug. 1804 Maj., 4 June, 1814
5 Wm. H. Toole, W. 7 Sept. 1804 Maj., 4 June, 1814
6 John Crowe, W. 30 May, 1805
Jaques Boyse, K. 17 Mar. 1808 7 Aug. 1806
7 Thos. Cassan, K. 14 Sept. 1809 16 Apr. 1807
8 Edward Whitty, K. 17 May, 1810
9 Hugh Harrison, W. 19 Jan. 1815 11 June, 1812
10 Charles Wallett, W. 23 Mar. 1815
11 Henry Wm. Brookes, W. 14 May, 1807
12 David Davies, Adjt. 6 Nov. 1807 18 June, 1807
13 George Barr, W. 7 Nov. 1807
14 Michael Wm. Meighan, W. 9 Nov. 1807
15 Sam. Hill Lawrence, W. 10 Nov. 1807
16 Theobald Butler 28 Apr. 1808
17 John Boase, W. 9 June, 1808
18 Thos. Ross-Lewin, W. 15 Dec. 1808
19 John Shaw M‘Cullock 10 Aug. 1809
20 Jas. Robt. Colthurst, W. 13 Oct. 1809
21 James Robinson, W. 17 May, 1810
22 Robt. Tresilian Belcher 17 Jan. 1811
23 James Fitzgerald, W. 11 July, 1811
24 Thos. J. Horan, W. 11 June, 1812
25 Edward Stephens, W. 10 Sept. 1812
26 Henry Quill, W. 17 Dec. 1812
27 Jonathan Jagoe, W. 9 Feb. 1815 10 June, 1813
28 George Small 23 Mar. 1815
29 Jasper Lucas 6 Jan. 1813
30 James MʻConchy 7 Jan. 1813
31 Henry Metcalfe, W. 18 Mar. 1813
32 John Birtwhistle, W. 14 Apr. 1813
33 Alexander Stewart, W. 15 Apr. 1813
34 George Brown 10 June, 1813
35 Wm. Bennett, W. 16 Mar. 1815 14 Jan. 1813
36 Chas. R.K. Dallas, W. 23 Mar. 1815 18 Nov. 1813
Thomas Hart 26 July, 1810
Wm. Stevens 19 Sept. 1804
Wm. Buchanan 17 Mar. 1804 9 July, 1803
Rynd Lawder 25 May, 1809
Hugh MʻClintock 5 Nov. 1812
Facings white. Lace gold.

1.  C.B., and K.St.A. for Waterloo. Served in the Pa., and received the gold cross for four general actions. Quitted the service 1828 as col. D. 18th May, 1838.

2.  Made bt. lt.-col. for Waterloo. Son of Nicholson Calvert, of Hunsdon, by Frances, dau. of Edmund Sexton Pery, Viscount Pery. Attained rank of lt.-gen., and d. in 1862.

3.  Quitted the service before 1821. D. at Brighton, 23rd Feb., 1860.

4.  Of Ross Hill, Kildysart, co. Clare. Son of George Ross-Lewin, of Ross Hill, by Anne, dau. of Thomas Lewin, of Cloghans, co. Mayo. Bn. 1778. Served in the Pa., and was wounded in the last charge at Salamanca. M. Anne, dau. of Wm. Burnett, of Eyrescourt, and had issue. Quitted the service before 1824. D. 27th April, 1843. Wrote his autobiography, which gives a good account of Waterloo.

5.  147Afterwards on f. p., retd. list, 4th Rl. Veteran Batt. D. 17th Aug., 1831.

6.  Afterwards lt.-col. and K.H. D. at Fairlea Villa, Bideford, in March, 1860.

7.  Son of Capt. John Cassan, 56th Foot. Killed at Quatre Bras. A pension was granted to his widow.

8.  Killed at Quatre Bras.

9.  Retd. on h. p. 16th May, 1822. Living 1855.

10.  Exchanged to the 61st Regt. in 1828. Retd. as capt. and bt.-maj. from the Ceylon Rifles. Living 1846.

11.  H. p. 3rd Dec., 1818.

12.  Capt. 19th July, 1815. H. p. 1828. D. at Walworth, 6th Oct., 1854.

13.  Capt. 20th July, 1815. Serving in 1817.

14.  Capt. 30th Sept., 1819. H. p. 25th Oct., 1822.

15.  Adjt. 27th July, 1815. Capt. 7th Apr., 1825. H. p. 15th Dec., 1825.

16.  H. p. 14th Foot 22nd June, 1820.

17.  H. p. 94th Foot 19th June, 1817. D. 11th Sept., 1854, at Pendennis Castle, where he was barrack-master.

18.  Younger brother to above Maj. H. Ross-Lewin. Served in the Pa., and in 1848 recd. the silver war medal with eight clasps. Quitted the service as lieut. M. Frances, dau. of Daniel O’Grady, and d. s. p. 1857.

19.  Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. before 1824.

20.  Afterwards appointed Sub-inspector of Militia in North America. Retd. on h. p. as capt. in 1830. Bt.-maj. 21st July, 1854. Out of the Army List 1855.

21.  H. p. 20th March, 1823.

22.  Siborne makes the following mention of this officer in his history:—“The ensign carrying the regimental colour of the 32nd was sev. wnded. Lt. Belcher, who commanded the left centre sub-division, took it from him. In the next moment it was seized by a French officer whose horse had just been shot under him. A struggle ensued between him and Lt. Belcher; but while the former was attempting to draw his sword, the covering colour-sergt. (named Switzer) gave him a thrust in the breast with his halbert, and the right-hand man of the sub-division (named Lacy) shot him.”

23.  H. p. 1817.

24.  H. p. 1817.

25.  Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. before 1824.

26.  Retd. f. p., 9th Rl. Veteran Batt., before 1824.

27.  H. p. 1817.

28.  H. p. 1817.

29.  H. p. 1817.

30.  Lieut. 20th July, 1815. Lieut. 48th Foot 26th March, 1824. Serving in 1830.

31.  3rd son of the Rev. Francis Metcalfe, Rector of Kirkbride, Cumberland, and Vicar of Rudston, co. York, by Harriet dau. of John Clough, of York. 148Sev. wnded. at Waterloo. Promoted lieut. 27th July, 1815. Placed on h. p. 25th March, 1817. D. 1828.

32.  Carried the regtal. colour at Waterloo until sev. wnded. Attained the rank of maj.-gen. D. at Cheltenham, 6th Oct., 1867.

33.  Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. before 1824.

34.  Lieut. 30th Sept., 1819. Capt. 10th Feb., 1832. Bt.-major 15th June, 1838. Serving in same regt. in 1846.

35.  Ensign 68th Foot 30th Dec., 1819. Serving in 1824.

36.  2nd son of Charles Stuart Dallas, by Susan King. Was sev. wnded. at Waterloo. Placed on h. p. as ensign in 1820. Quitted the service some years after, and entered the Church, and in 1842 was curate of Micheldever, Whitchurch, Hants. M. his cousin, Julia Maria Dallas, and had issue. D. 1860.


33rd (or the 1st YORKSHIRE WEST RIDING)

Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Wm. Keith Elphinstone 30 Sept. 1813
2 Edward Parkinson, W. 17 Mar. 1813
3 Wm. MʻIntyre, W. 3 Dec. 1810
4 Charles Knight, W. 26 Dec. 1811 30 Aug. 1810
John Haigh, K. 6 Aug. 1812
5 J.M. Harty, W. 11 Mar. 1813
6 Ralph Gore 28 July, 1814
7 John Longden 8 Sept. 1814
8 Thomas Reid, W. 20 July, 1806
Peter Barailler 7 Sept. 1809 21 Mar. 1807
9 George Barrs 14 Nov. 1809
Henry Rishton Buck, K. 16 Nov. 1809
10 Arthur Hill Trevor 1 Jan. 1810
John Boyce, K. 1 Jan. 1811
J. Hart, K. 25 Apr. 1811
11 James Murkland, W. 1 June, 1811
12 Fred. Hope Pattison 24 Sept. 1812
13 Arthur Gore, K. 11 Mar. 1813
14 Richard Westmore, W. 1 Apr. 1813
Thos. D. Haigh, K. 29 July, 1813 28 Jan. 1813
15 Jas. Gordon Ogle, W. 17 Mar. 1814
16 Sam. Alex. Pagan, W. 7 Apr. 1814
17 Edward Clabon 18 Aug. 1814
18 Joseph Lynam 8 Sept. 1814
19 John Archbold 27 Oct. 1814
John Cameron, K. 9 Feb. 1815
20 Henry Bain, W. 15 Oct. 1812
21 James Forlong, W. 11 Mar. 1813
22 John Alderson, W. 21 Apr. 1813
23 Wm. Bain 22 Apr. 1813
24 Jas. Arnot Howard 6 May, 1813
25 Wm. Thain, Adjt., W. 13 May, 1813
26 Andrew Watson 10 June, 1813
27 Charles Smith 24 June, 1813
28 Wm. Hodgson 21 Apr. 1814
29 Gerald Blackall 12 May, 1814
30 George Drury, W. 9 Feb. 1815
31 Edward Stoddart 2 Apr. 1807
32 James Fazarckerley (sic) 25 Sept. 1808
Robert Leaver 31 Mar. 1814
Wm. D. Fry 12 Nov. 1812
D. Finlayson 31 Mar. 1814
Facings red. Lace silver.

K.  In 1793 the Hon. Arthur Wellesley was appointed lt.-col. of this regt. and commanded it for nearly ten eventful years. Wellington never forgot his old regiment, and it is recorded that he honoured Sir Colin Halkett’s brigade with several visits on Waterloo Day. In one visit late in the afternoon of that eventful day, he inquired “How they were?” The answer was that two-thirds of their number were down, and that the rest were so exhausted that leave to retire, even for a short time, was most desirable, some of the foreign corps, who had not suffered, to take their place. Gen. Halkett was told that the issue of the battle depended on the unflinching 151front of the British troops, and that even a change of place was hazardous in the extreme. Halkett impressively said, “Enough, my lord; we stand here until the last man falls.”

1.  Afterwards Maj.-Gen. W. Keith Elphinstone, C.B., Com.-in-Chf. in Bengal. 3rd son of the Hon. Wm. Fullerton Elphinstone, and grandson of the 10th Baron Elphinstone. C.B. and K.S.A. for Waterloo. Served in Afghanistan, and in the retreat from Cabul was taken captive by Akhbar Khan, and fell a sacrifice to bodily fatigue, 23rd April, 1842.

2.  Made bt. lt.-col. for Waterloo. Served with the 33rd in India, and was on the staff of the expedition which captured the island of Bourbon. Served in the campaign in Holland in 1814. Was severely wounded at Quatre Bras. Attained rank of lt.-gen. and col.-in-chf. 93rd Highlanders. C.B. D. 14th Jan., 1858.

3.  Promoted maj. 30th Dec., 1818. Exchanged to 1st W.I. Regt. 15th Feb., 1821. D. 23rd April, 1828.

4.  A native of Charleville. Succeeded to the command of the above regt. after 1830, and d. 21st July, 1841, on board the ss. Pandora, at St. Thomas’s, on his way home from Barbados.

5.  Afterwards Col. Joseph M. Harty, K.H., retired f. p. Entered the army in 1807. He served at the capture of Bourbon and the Isle of France (1810), the campaigns in Germany and Holland, including the attacks on Merxem and the assault of Bergen-op-Zoom (1813–14). His commissions are dated: Ensign, April 23rd, 1807; Lt., May 1st, 1807; Capt., March 11th, 1813; Maj., Dec. 20th, 1827; Lt.-Col., July 22nd, 1841; Col., Nov. 28th, 1854. Living 1874.

6.  Quitted the service as capt. in this regt.

7.  Bt.-major 1st Nov., 1821. H. p. unattached, 1st May, 1827.

8.  Capt. 16th June, 1815. Retd. f. p. 10th Jan., 1837. Living in 1846.

9.  Capt. 7th April, 1825. H. p. 25th May, 1826.

10.  Afterwards K.H. and lt.-col. of 59th Regt. Inspecting Field Officer Recruiting Staff, 1855. Maj.-Gen. 1858. Living 1860.

11.  Left the regt. in 1817.

12.  Placed on h. p. as lt. 18th May, 1821. Fifty years later he published for private circulation a short account of his Waterloo experiences, which the Editor had the pleasure of perusing a few years ago when staying at Oban, N.B., where the Veteran’s son resided on his own property.

13.  Eldest son of Lt.-Col. Ralph Gore, of the 33rd, by Sarah, dau. of George Wynne, Mayor of Plymouth, 1791.

14.  Became major in this regt. 1840, and retired on f. p. in 1842 with rank of lt.-col. Living in 1865.

15.  Belonged to an Irish family. D. as lt. in the regt., at Hull, 12th Sept., 1817, aged 26, and was buried with military honours in Trinity Church, Hull.

16.  H. p. 55th Foot, 14th Feb., 1822.

17.  Capt. 19th Sept., 1821. Exchanged to 58th Foot, 30th Jan., 1823. Out of the regt. before 1830.

18.  Lieut. 54th Foot 27th Nov. 1822. Out of the regt. before 1830.

19.  152H. p. 1817.

20.  This officer’s Waterloo medal was many years in the Editor’s collection of war-medals. Lieut. 11th Aug., 1815. H. p. 1817.

21.  Major 43rd L.I. 1st July, 1828. Lt.-col. 7th May, 1841. Retd. 17th Oct. 1851. K.H. D. at Toronto.

22.  Lieut. 13th Aug., 1815. H. p. 1817.

23.  Lieut. 14th Aug., 1815. H. p. 1817. D. in Feb., 1860.

24.  Lieut. 10th Aug., 1815. H. p. 1817.

25.  Capt. 17th Nov., 1825. Exchanged to 21st Foot, and was promoted bt.-major in 1838. Serving in 1842.

26.  Lieut. 24th Foot, 18th June, 1818. H. p. 1823. Living in 1879.

27.  Lieut. 14th Aug., 1815. H. p. 1817.

28.  Lieut. 19th Aug., 1815. H. p. 1817.

29.  D. or left the regt. in 1816.

30.  Lieut. 23rd Nov., 1815. H. p. 1817.

31.  H. p. 1817.

32.  Fazackerley. Lieut. 1st Rl. Veteran Batt. 19th Oct., 1815. Retd. f. p. 1816.



(1st Battalion.)
Rank in the
MAJORS. Regiment. Army.
1 Arthur Rowley Heyland, K. 10 Nov. 1814 26 Aug. 1813
2 Fielding Browne 19 Jan. 1815
3 Sempronius Stretton 11 Sept. 1806 Maj., 22 Nov. 1813
4 Conyngham Ellis, W. 30 Nov. 1809
5 John Henry Barnett, W. 13 June, 1811
6 Robert Phillips 25 July, 1811
7 Wm. Fisher, K. 19 Sept. 1811
8 Edward Cole Bowen 7 Nov. 1811
9 Peter Bishop 12 Mar. 1812
10 Thos. Decimus Franklyn 10 Nov. 1814
11 John Thoreau 28 May, 1807
12 Robert Moore, W. 14 Apr. 1808
13 Wm. Oliver Sandwith 25 May, 1809 2 Oct. 1805
14 Wm. Manning, Adjt. 14 Sept. 1809
15 Henry Millar 5 Sept. 1810
16 John Richardson 6 Sept. 1810
17 James Anthony, W. 16 May, 1811
18 James Mill, W. 18 Sept. 1811
19 Andrew Eugene Glynne, W. 19 Sept. 1811
20 Wm. Neilly 26 Sept. 1811
21 Richard Hudson 7 Nov. 1811
22 Henry Wilkinson 12 May, 1812
23 John Foulkes 14 May, 1812
24 Thos. Campbell, W. 3 Sept. 1812
25 Hugh Boyd Wray 10 Sept. 1812
26 Richard Jones 8 Oct. 1812
27 Hon. Michael Browne, W. 10 Dec. 1812
28 Illay Robb, W. 23 Dec. 1812
29 Donald Macdonald 7 June, 1815
30 Frederick Ford, K.
31 George Hibbert 14 June, 1815
32 Richard Rudd 15 June, 1815
33 Henry Hemsley, W. 25 Apr. 1813
34 J.L. Wall 25 Aug. 1813
35 Pharaoh Harley 26 Aug. 1813
36 Henry Glyn 25 Nov. 1813
37 Wm. Aldworth Clarke, W. 6 Jan. 1814
38 Richard Thornhill, W. 7 June, 1815
39 James Murphy 8 June, 1815
Fred. Holland Durand 10 Mar. 1814
40 Wm. Jones 3 Sept. 1812
Wm. Barry 4 Jan. 1810
George Scott 9 Sept. 1813
Facings buff. Lace gold.

1.  Eldest son of Rowland Heyland, of Castle Roe, co. Derry, by his 2nd wife (née MacDonald). M. Mary Kyffin, and had issue. His eldest son distinguished himself in the Crimea, and the youngest lost an arm at the battle of the Alma.

2.  C.B. and bt. lt.-col. for Waterloo, where he commanded his regt. during the latter part of the battle. Promoted major in Rifle Brigade. Placed on h. p. 1820. Col. 1837. Served throughout the Par. War, and commanded the regt. at the assault of Badajoz, for which he received the gold medal. In 1848 he received the silver war medal with 7 clasps. Served also at New Orleans. For some years he held the appointment of barrack-master at the Regent’s Park Barracks, and d. in London 22nd July, 1864.

3.  Afterwards Lt.-Col. S. Stretton, C.B., of Lenton Priory, Notts. Lt.-col. 21st June, 1817. Retired on h. p. 1824. M., 3rd March, 1821, the Hon. Catherine Massey, dau. of Nathaniel, 2nd Baron Clarina. (She d. 3rd July same year.) D. 6th Feb., 1842. M.I. in Athlone parish church. The tablet gives Col. Stretton’s services in the Pa. as follows:—“He was present in the following battles, in several of which he had the honour to command the above distinguished corps, viz., Vittoria, Pampeluna, Roncevalles, the several actions in the Pyrenees [gold medal] heights of St. Antonio, the passage of the Bidassoa, and heights above Vera in Spain. The battle of Sara and 155passage of the Nivelle, Bayonne, and passage of the Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse.”

4.  Made bt.-major for Waterloo. D. 1817.

5.  Serving as senior capt. in 1830.

6.  Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. before 1824.

7.  This officer had his head taken off by a cannon ball in the afternoon of Waterloo Day, when standing near the colours. “There goes my best friend,” exclaimed a private of Capt. Fisher’s company. “I will be as good a friend to you,” said the subaltern, who immediately took the deceased’s place in the square. This produced a grim laugh among the men, as they knew what the subaltern did not—that the private had spoken ironically, for he was an old offender, and had constantly been punished by Capt. Fisher.—(Autobiography of Sergt. W. Lawrence.)

8.  Retd. in 1823.

9.  Of Bishop’s Court, Waterford. Major 7th Sept., 1828. Unattached list 1829. K.H. M., 7th Sept., 1815, Julia, dau. of Wm. Talbot, of Castle Talbot, and had issue. Living 1830.

10.  Retired on h. p. 19th Sept., 1823. Served at Monte Video, Buenos Ayres, and in the Pa. D. at Thorpe-le-Soken 3rd Nov., 1857.

11.  Capt. 19th July 1815. Exchanged to 37th Foot 3rd May, 1821. Bt.-major in 1837. Serving in 1842.

12.  Capt. 20th July, 1815. Paymaster 10th June. 1824. D. in 1845.

13.  H. p., 27th Foot, 28th June, 1821.

14.  H. p., 21st Foot, 30th May, 1822.

15.  Capt. 25th June, 1827. Serving in 1830.

16.  Capt. 17th Nov., 1831. Exchanged to 83rd Foot in 1833. Retd. in 1840.

17.  H. p. 18th Nov., 1819.

18.  Was struck by a spent ball in his right eye, which was seriously impaired for life. (Pension.) Major 8th Apr., 1826. H. p. 7th May, 1829.

19.  H. p. 1816. This officer lived to receive the Par. medal with nine clasps in 1849.

20.  Capt. 63rd Foot 16th Aug., 1831. Sold out 1833. D. 1864. He recd. the Par. medal with nine clasps.

21.  H. p., 22nd Foot, 21st March, 1822. D. in 1827.

22.  H. p. 1818. D. in 1861.

23.  H. p., 58th Foot, 26th Oct., 1820.

24.  H. p. 1817.

25.  H. p. 1817. D. 10th Feb., 1854.

26.  H. p. 1817.

27.  H. p. 1816. 4th son of Valentine, 5th Visct. Kenmare. D. 1825.

28.  Superseded soon after Waterloo.

29.  H. p. 25th Feb., 1816.

30.  Shot through the spine, but lived a few hours.

31.  156Capt. 6th March, 1823. Major 13th Nov., 1835. C.O. during first Afghan War. (C.B., bt. lt.-col. and medal). Lt.-col. 22nd July, 1845. D. 12th Nov., 1847.

32.  H. p. 25th Feb., 1816.

33.  H. p. 28th Foot, 1822. D. at Chapel House, Ealing, 6th March, 1855.

34.  H. p. 1816.

35.  H. p. 1816.

36.  H. p. 1816.

37.  Lieut. 1st March, 1821. H. p. 25th Oct., 1821.

38.  Served as a volunteer at Waterloo. Lieut. 15th Aug., 1822. Serving in 1825.

39.  Served as a volunteer at Waterloo. Ens. 47th Foot 26th July, 1820. Lieut. 60th Rifles 1827.

40.  D. in Aug., 1862, at Burton on Trent.



Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Sir Robert Macara, K.C.B., K. 16 Apr. 1812 1 Jan. 1812
2 Robert Henry Dick, W. 14 July, 1808 Lt.-Col., 8 Oct., 1812
3 Archibald Menzies, W. 5 June, 1805
4 George Davidson, W. 25 Sept. 1807 Maj., 4 June, 1813
5 John Campbell 3 Dec. 1807 Maj., 12 Apr. 1814
6 Mungo Macpherson, W. 9 Feb. 1809
7 Donald McDonald, W. 25 Jan. 1810
8 Daniel McIntosh, W. 2 May, 1811
9 Robert Boyle, W. 11 July, 1811
10 Donald Chisholm, W. 10 Oct. 1805
11 Duncan Stewart, W. 1 Jan. 1807
12 Donald McKenzie, W. 23 July, 1807 3 Dec. 1806
13 James Young, Adjt., W. 25 May, 1808
14 Hugh Andrew Fraser, W. 8 Feb. 1809
15 John Malcolm 14 Dec. 1809
16 Alexander Dunbar, W. 25 Jan. 1810
17 James Brander, W. 2 May, 1811
18 Roger Stewart 11 July, 1811
19 Robert Gordon, K. 29 Aug. 1811
20 James Robertson 10 Oct. 1811
21 Kenneth McDougall 12 Feb. 1812
22 Donald McKay 28 May, 1812
23 Alexander Innes 15 Oct. 1812
24 John Grant 18 Feb. 1813
25 John Orr, W. 29 Apr. 1813
26 George Gunn Munro, W. 10 June, 1813
27 George Gerard, K. 29 Apr. 1813
28 Wm. Fraser, W. 10 June, 1813
29 A.L. Fraser, W. 23 Sept. 1813 16 Sept. 1813
30 Alexander Brown 25 Dec. 1813
31 Alexander Cumming 17 Feb. 1814
32 Donald McIntosh, W. 9 July, 1803
33 Swinton McLeod 9 July, 1803
34 Donald Macpherson 1 June, 1809
35 John Stewart 20 July, 1809 4 May, 1809
Facings blue. Lace gold.

1.  The death of Sir R. Macara at Quatre Bras was inexpressibly sad. “He was wounded about the middle of the engagement, and was in the act of being carried off the field by four of his men, when a party of French unexpectedly surrounded and made them prisoners. Perceiving by the colonel’s decorations that he was an officer of rank they immediately cut him down with his attendants.” His relations obtained Macara’s Waterloo medal, which was for long in the Tancred Collection. A touching poem to Robert Macara’s memory is to be found in the Waterloo Memoirs; the following are the last three verses of a pæan of praise sung by the Goddess of Fame:—

“Here the Goddess ceased her lay;
Weak, her wings refused to fly;
Faint, her voice forbore to say
How Macara dared to die.
“Be it, then, to friendship giv’n
Such a warrior’s name to save,
While ’tis borne on breeze of heav’n
That he found a soldier’s grave.
“By unequal hosts oppos’d,
Still he proved his valour true;
For his bright career was clos’d
On the plains of Waterloo!”

2.  Succeeded to the command after Macara’s death. C.B. for Waterloo. Had served in the Pa., and received the gold medal and one clasp for Fuentes d’Onor and Salamanca. A.D.C. to George IV., 1825. H. p. unattached list, 1825; maj.-gen., 1837. K.C.B. and K.C.H. Col.-in-Chf. 73rd Regt. 1845. Killed at the battle of Sobraon, 10th Feb., 1846, at the moment of victory. He had m., 11th April, 1818, Eliza., dau. of J. Macnabb, of Arthurstone, Perth.

3.  In Capt. George Jones’s Waterloo Memoirs is to be found an interesting letter regarding Major Menzies of the 42nd, who was dangerously wounded at Quatre Bras. The major’s name is omitted in this letter:—“On the 16th June, Major ——, of the 42nd, preferring to fight on foot, in front of his men, had given his horse to hold to a little drummer-boy. After severe fighting he fell wounded near a brave private, Donald Mackintosh. The 159drummer left the horse to assist his friend Donald. A French lancer attempted to seize the horse, on which the prostrate Donald exclaimed, ‘Hoot man, ye mauna tak that beast, ’t belangs to our captain here!’ The lancer, little heeding, seized the horse. Donald, with a last expiring effort, loaded his musket and shot the lancer dead. A French cavalry officer, seeing the major bestirring himself, rode up and attempted to dispatch him with his sword. As he stooped from his saddle, the major seized his leg, and managed to pull him off his horse upon him. Another lancer, observing this struggle, galloped up and tried to spear the major and relieve his officer; but the former, by a sudden jerk and desperate exertion, placed the French officer uppermost, who received the mortal thrust below his cuirass and continued lying upon the major’s body for near ten minutes, sword in hand. A pause in the battle permitted some men of the 42nd to carry their officer into the square of the 92nd, where he was found to have received sixteen wounds.” Acted as major after Sir R. Macara’s death at Quatre Bras until wounded himself. Promoted maj. 18th June, 1815. Left the regt. in 1828. D. in 1854. This gallant officer’s claymore (an Andrea Ferrara) is in the possession of his grand-daughters, the Misses Murray Menzies.

4.  D. from his wounds at Brussels. Pension of £100 per ann. to his widow.

5.  Brother of Sir Guy Campbell, Bart. Made C.B. and bt. lt.-col. after Waterloo. Had the gold medal for Orthes. M., 10th March, 1831, Louise, Gabrielle Clementine Bernie, of Paris, and had issue. D. 31st March, 1841, at Marseilles.

6.  Retd. as major 1826. D. at Hastings in Nov., 1844.

7.  H. p. 1819. D. at Musselburgh, 1865.

8.  Retd. 1821. D. at Hamilton, 13th March, 1830.

9.  H. p. 1821. D. in London, 11th July, same year.

10.  Capt. Rl. Vet. Batt. 1815. Retd. f. p. 1821. D. at Edinburgh in 1853.

11.  H. p. 25th March 1817.

12.  Retd. 1821. D. at Edinburgh, 5th Dec., 1838.

13.  H. p. 1819. D. at Edinburgh, 15th June, 1846.

14.  Capt. 12th Dec., 1822. Maj. 3rd Dec., 1829. H. p. 4th May, 1832. D. at Maidstone, as bt. lt.-col., in Jan., 1855.

15.  Afterwards capt. and bt.-maj. same regt. D. 1829.

16.  Quitted the service as lieut. in 1825, and d. at Inverness, 15th Feb., 1832.

17.  Afterwards maj. in same regt. Promoted lt.-col. on unattached list 15th Aug., 1826. Eldest son of John Brander, of Pitgavenny House, Elgin, by Margaret, dau. of Alexander Brander, Provost of Elgin. M., Jan., 1834, Margaret Browne. J.P. and D.L. for co. Elgin. D. s. p., 1854, at Pitgavenny.

18.  Capt. h. p. 1827. D. in 1833, while serving with the Rl. African Corps.

19.  Killed at Quatre Bras. Son of the Rev. John Gordon, of Duffus, N.B.

20.  Adjt. 14th Sept., 1815. Capt. h. p. 13th Feb., 1827. D. as capt. 48th Foot, at Chatham, Apr., 1833.

21.  Retd. 1826. D. in Skye, 1827.

22.  Capt. 3rd Dec., 1829. D. at Sterling 13th Feb., 1832.

23.  160D. as lieut. h. p. unattached, 1875, as a military Knight of Windsor.

24.  Retired on h. p. 25th Oct., 1821. D. at Stratford, Essex, 13th June, 1827.

25.  Bn. 3rd April, 1790, at Greenock. His father was a merchant, and his mother, Margaret MacGregor, a descendant of the Glengyle family. Entered the army from the militia. Accompanied the 1st Batt. 42nd Highlanders to the Pa.; was present at Salamanca, the siege of Burgos, storming of St. Michael, the retreat to Portugal, and at all the actions in the Pyrenees. Was wounded at Burgos, and again severely at Waterloo. On the reduction of the army after Waterloo, he joined the 94th (the old Scots Brigade), and, on a further reduction, was appointed to the 8th Rl. Veteran Batt. Capt. Orr was Superintendent of the late Scottish Naval and Military Academy for thirty years. M. in 1816, Jane, 2nd dau. of Alex. Rollock, of Glasgow, and had issue. D. 7th Dec., 1879.

26.  H. p. 25th March, 1817.

27.  Killed at Quatre Bras. Eldest son of George Gerard, jun., of Midstrath, N.B.

28.  Of Balmakewan. Attained rank of lt.-col. h. p., and d. in Oct., 1851.

29.  H. p. 1825. D. at Edinburgh, 1835.

30.  H. p. 25th March, 1817.

31.  H. p. 26th Aug., 1819. D. 1852.

32.  Left the regt. in 1818. D. at Perth in July, 1829.

33.  H. p. 1829. D. in London, 27th Dec., 1847.

34.  H. p. 1835. D. at Chatham, 1839.

35.  H. p. 1818. D. at Perth, 2nd Jan., 1837.


(2nd Battalion.)

Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 John M. Hamerton, W. 31 Mar. 1814 4 June, 1811
2 George O’Malley 27 Apr. 1815 Lt.-Col., 4 June, 1813
John Jessop 15 June, 1804 Maj., 4 June, 1814
3 Adam Brugh, W. 11 June, 1807
4 David Power, W. 31 Dec. 1807
5 Wm. Burney, W. 2 June, 1814
6 Mildmay Fane, W. 30 Mar. 1815 28 July, 1814
7 Robert Russell, W. 14 July, 1808
8 Ralph J. Twinberrow 30 Mar. 1809
9 Robert Grier 13 May, 1812
Wm. Tomkins, K. 20 May, 1813
10 W.B. Strong 16 Dec. 1813
11 John Campbell, W. 28 Mar. 1814
12 Nich. Toler Kingsley 29 Mar. 1814
13 James Burke 30 Mar. 1814
14 Henry Martin 31 Mar. 1814
15 Wm. Marcus Hearn 7 July, 1814
16 Alexander Reddock 2 Feb. 1815
17 James Christie, W. 26 Nov. 1812
18 Benjamin Whitney, W. 25 Feb. 1813
19 Gillespie Dunlevie 20 May, 1813
20 Peter Cooke, K. 18 Nov. 1813
21 Thomas McCann, Adjt., W. 31 Mar. 1814
22 James Carnegie Webster, W. 21 Apr. 1814
23 Alexander Wilson, W. 19 May, 1814
24 Thos. Aubrey Sinclair 4 May, 1815
25 James Williams 4 Oct. 1810
26 Henry Jones 9 July, 1803
Oliver Halpin 29 Apr. 1813 11 Apr. 1811
John Collins 1 Dec. 1808
Wm. Newton 27 Dec. 1810
Facings yellow. Lace silver.

1.  Afterwards Gen. John Millett Hamerton, C.B., Col.-in-Chf. 55th Regt. The following obituary notice appeared in the Illustrated London News in Feb., 1855:—“This highly-distinguished officer died on the 27th ult., at Orchardstown, his country residence in Tipperary, after a short illness. He was a soldier from his youth, and obtained his first commission of cornet at the early age of fifteen, in 1792. In 1794 he served under the Duke of York; in 1795 embarked for the West Indies; in 1796 assisted at the capture of St. Lucia; and, in 1801, fought with distinction in Egypt. Subsequently he took part in the Pa. campaigns, in command of the 1st Batt. of the 44th. At Waterloo he bravely led on the 2nd Batt. of the same gallant regiment, and was left for dead on that bloody field, having received several severe wounds in the head and thigh. Owing to the attachment of a faithful non-commissioned officer, Sergeant Ryan, who brought his wounded and insensible commander under the care of skilful medical treatment, he slowly recovered, and with his devoted follower returned home. A chivalric soldier, an honourable and most amiable gentleman, General Hamerton is deeply lamented by all who came within the influence of his high and endearing qualities.” He m. Mrs. Hennessy (née Sullivan), and had issue.

2.  Was twice wounded at Waterloo and had two horses shot under him. C.B. Previous to entering the army had served as a volunteer with the militia, and did good service during the Irish Rebellion. In 1825 succeeded to the command of the Connaught Rangers. He was 5th son of George O’Malley, of Gornsay, Castlebar, co. Mayo. D. in London, 16th May, 1843. M.I. at Castlebar.

3.  Bt.-maj. for Waterloo. D. 1825.

4.  Serving in 1817.

5.  Afterwards Col. W. Burney, K.H., retired full pay. Entered the army in 1808. He served at the capture of Ischia and Procida in 1809; defence of Cadiz (1810); Sabugal, Fuentes d’Onor, and the retreat from Burgos; subsequently 163in the campaign in Holland (1814); Quatre Bras, where he was twice wounded; and the Burmese war. Commissions dated: Ensign, April 28th, 1808; Lieut. May 1st, 1810; Capt. June 2nd, 1814; Maj. Sept. 6th, 1827; Lt.-col. Nov. 23rd, 1841; Col. Nov. 28th, 1854. Living in 1876.

6.  5th son of the Hon. Henry Fane, M.P., by Anne, dau. of Edward Buckley Batson. Served in the Pa., and was present at Vittoria, capture of San Sebastian, and Nive. Severely wounded at Quatre Bras. Attained rank of Gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 54th Regt. D. 12th March, 1868.

7.  Retd. as lieut. f. p. 10th Rl. Veteran Batt. in 1821.

8.  D. 1823 as lieut.

9.  H. p. 25th March, 1817.

10.  H. p. 25th March, 1817.

11.  Serving in 1816. Out of the regt. in Jan., 1817.

12.  Serving in 1816. Out of the regt. in Jan., 1817.

13.  H. p. 25th March, 1816.

14.  H. p. 25th March, 1816.

15.  H. p. 25th March, 1816.

16.  H. p. 25th March, 1816.

17.  Siborne immortalises the name of this officer, in his history of the battle of Quatre Bras, as follows:—“A French lancer gallantly charged at the colours of the 44th, and severely wounded Ensign Christie, who carried one of them, by a thrust of his lance, which, entering the left eye, penetrated to the lower jaw. The Frenchman then endeavoured to seize the standard, but the brave Christie, notwithstanding the agony of his wound, with a presence of mind almost unequalled, flung himself upon it—not to save himself, but to preserve the honour of his regiment. As the colour fluttered in its fall, the Frenchman tore off a portion of the silk with the point of his lance; but he was not permitted to bear the fragment beyond the ranks. Both shot and bayoneted by the nearest of the soldiers of the 44th, he was borne to the earth, paying with the sacrifice of his life for his display of unavailing bravery.” Promoted lieut. 26th Oct., 1815. Placed on h. p. 25th March, 1816. Living 1827.

18.  Capt. 28th Apr., 1825. Exchanged to 14th Foot 16th Sept., 1826. Retd. as major 1840. D. 1862.

19.  H. p. 65th Foot 13th March, 1823.

20.  Killed at Quatre Bras whilst carrying the King’s colours. Bn. 17th May, 1789. 4th son of Richard Cooke, of Stourbridge, co. Tipperary, by Mary, dau. of Jeremiah Laylor, of Barnagrotty, King’s county.

21.  H. p. 24th Feb., 1816.

22.  Aftds. Lt.-Col. Jas. Carnegie Webster, h. p. unattached. Severely wounded at Quatre Bras. Living in 1876.

23.  Lieut. 31st May, 1821. Serving 1830.

24.  H. p. 25th March, 1816.

25.  H. p. 25th Apr., 1816. D. Dec., 1853.

26.  Qr.-Mr. 92nd Highrs. 3rd Sept., 1830.


51st (or the 2nd YORKSHIRE WEST RIDING)

Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Hugh Henry Mitchell 13 June, 1811 4 June, 1813
2 Samuel Rice 13 July, 1809 Lt.-Col., 22 Nov. 1813
3 John Thos. Keyt 24 June, 1804 Maj., 4 June, 1814
4 James Campbell 1 Aug. 1805
5 William Thwaites 2 Jan. 1807 Maj., 4 June, 1814
6 Richard Storer 13 July, 1809
7 Jas Henry Phelps 21 Sept. 1809
8 James Ross 12 Dec. 1811
9 John Ross 15 Apr. 1813
10 Sam. Beardsley, W. 16 Sept. 1813
11 Edward Frederick 28 Apr. 1814
12 Benjamin B. Hawley 10 May, 1809
13 Thos. Brook 18 May, 1809
14 Francis Minchin 12 July, 1809
15 Walter George Mahon 13 July, 1809
16 Wm. Henry Hare 20 July, 1809
17 Oliver Ainsworth 26 July, 1810
18 Henry Read 20 Feb. 1811
19 Francis Kennedy 21 Feb. 1811
20 Joseph Dyas 11 July, 1811
21 John Flamanck 12 Dec. 1811
22 Wm. Henry Elliott 13 Aug. 1812
23 Wm. Davidson Simpson 3 Dec. 1812
24 Frederick Mainwaring 15 Apr. 1813
25 Wm. Jones, Adjt. 16 Apr. 1813
26 Chas. Wm. Tyndale, W. 3 June, 1813
27 Henry Martin 21 Oct. 1813
28 Harry Hervis Roberts 7 Jan. 1814
29 Egerton C.H. Isaacson 14 July, 1814
30 Thos. Troward 29 Sept. 1814
31 John Lintott 25 Dec. 1814 22 Apr. 1813
32 G.F. Berkeley St. John 3 June, 1813
33 Henry Krause 21 Oct. 1813
34 W. Johnstone 6 Jan. 1814 25 Oct. 1813
35 Alexander Fraser 21 Apr. 1814
36 John Blair 14 July, 1814 18 May, 1814
37 Henry Lock 13 Oct. 1814
38 John Gibbs 15 Feb. 1810
39 Thos. Askey 18 Mar. 1813
40 Richard Webster 14 July, 1808 26 Oct. 1804
41 John F. Clarke 25 June, 1812
42 Percy FitzPatrick 11 Mar. 1813
Facings grass green. Lace gold.

L.  On the morning of 18th June, 1815, the 51st was composed of 2 field officers, 9 captains, 26 subalterns, 6 staff officers, 39 sergts., 18 drummers, and 521 privates.

1.  Served under Sir Eyre Coote in Egypt, and was present at the taking of Alexandria. Commanded the 4th British Brigade at Waterloo. C.B. and K. St. Vladimir. M. in 1804, Lady Harriet Somerset, youngest dau. of the 5th Duke of Beaufort, and had issue. D. in London, 20th April, 1817, aged 45.

2.  Served in the Pa., and had the gold medal for Nivelle. Commanded the 51st at Waterloo. C.B. Lt.-col. of this regt. 1817. D. 7th March, 1840. He belonged to an old family in Carmarthenshire, and was brother to Ralph Rice, Judge at Bombay, who d. 1850.

3.  At Waterloo, Maj. Keyt was appointed by Col. Mitchell to command the light companies of the 51st, 14th, and 23rd regts. (which three regts. were under Col. Mitchell’s command), and for this command he was made bt. lt.-col. and C.B., after Waterloo. Was appointed Lt.-col. of the 84th Regt. in 1828, and d. in Jamaica in 1835.

4.  166Promoted maj. in this regt., 17th May, 1821; lt.-col. in 1881; and retired on h. p. 1838. K.H. M.-Gen. 1854. Served in the Pa., and in 1848 received the silver war medal with five clasps. D. at Breslington, 8th May, 1856.

5.  Major 22nd June, 1815. Quitted the service before 1824.

6.  Retd. as capt. 1823. D. at Egham, 1844.

7.  Lt.-col. 1837. D. at Sydney, 1842.

8.  Retd. 1824.

9.  Maj. in this regt., 5th Nov., 1825. Lt.-col. on unattached list 1836, served in the Pa. and in the Walcheren expedition. Was severely wounded at Waterloo, and is said, “to have lost five brothers in this battle.” D. at Hardway, Herts, 16th Sept., 1851, aged 61.

10.  Retd. 1820 as capt.

11.  Edward Henry Frederick was 5th son of Sir John Frederick, Bart., by Mary, youngest dau. and co-heir of Richard Garth, of Morden, Surrey. Bn. 6th Aug., 1788. Retired on h. p. as capt. 7th April, 1826. D. 1846.

12.  Capt. 7th Apr. 1825. Retd. 1835.

13.  H. p. 1825. D. 21st Dec., 1845 at Askham Bryan, Yorkshire.

14.  Capt. 22nd June, 1815. Out of the regt. before 1824. Barrack-master at Sheffield, 1854. D. a military Knight of Windsor, 1865.

15.  Capt. 91st Foot 1830. Retd. same year.

16.  Capt. 18th Nov., 1819. H. p. 25th July, 1822. Living 1846.

17.  Capt. 14th Aug., 1828. Retd. 1843. D. 3rd Dec., 1859, at Launceston, Australia.

18.  Paymaster 68th Foot 8th Oct., 1818. Out of the army, 1836.

19.  H. p. 1824. D. at Lincoln, 1857.

20.  One of the greatest heroes of the Par. War. Led the Forlorn Hope on two successive occasions during the siege of Badajoz, in 1811, when Fort San Christoval was assaulted by the British. The second assault, on the night of 9th June, is graphically described in Reminiscences of a Subaltern:—“At ten o’clock at night, 200 men moved forward to the assault, Dyas leading the advance. He made a circuit until he came exactly opposite to the breach instead of entering the ditch as before; a sheep-path, which he remembered in the evening while he and Major MacGeechy made their observations, served to guide them to the part of the glacis in front of the breach. Arrived at this spot, the detachment descended the ditch, and found themselves at the foot of the breach; but here an unlooked-for event stopped their further progress, and would have been in itself sufficient to have caused the failure of the attack. The ladders were entrusted to a party composed of a foreign corps in our pay, called ‘the Chasseurs Britanniques’; these men, the moment they reached the glacis, glad to rid themselves of their load, flung the ladders into the ditch, instead of sliding them between the palisadoes; they fell across them, and so stuck fast, and being made of heavy green wood, it was next to impossible to move, much less place them upright against the breach, and almost all the storming party were massacred in the attempt. Placed in a situation so frightful, it required a man of the most determined character to continue the attack. Every officer of the detachment had fallen, Major MacGeechy one of the first; and at this moment Dyas and about five-and-twenty men were all that remained of the 200. 167Undismayed by these circumstances, the soldiers persevered, and Dyas, although wounded and bleeding, succeeded in disentangling one ladder, and placing it against what was considered to be the breach, it was speedily mounted, but upon arriving at the top of the ladder, instead of the breach, it was found to be a stone wall that had been constructed in the night, and which completely cut off all communication between the ditch and the bastion, so that when the men reached the top of this wall, they were, in effect, as far from the breach as if they had been in their own batteries. From this faithful detail it is evident that the soldiers did as much as possible to ensure success, and that failure was owing to a combination of untoward circumstances over which the troops had no control. Nineteen men were all that escaped.” The gallantry of Ensign Joseph Dyas was proclaimed to the world in Wellington’s account of the two assaults of San Christoval, but for all that a grateful War Office allowed him to remain a subaltern for ten years longer!

“I know a man of whom ’tis truly said
He bravely twice a storming party led,
And volunteered both times; now here’s the rub,
The gallant fellow still remains a sub.”

In Dec. 1820, owing to the representations of Col. Gurwood and Sir H. Torrens, the Duke of York promoted Dyas a capt. in the 2nd Ceylon Regt., but impaired health obliged him to retire on h. p. 9th Aug., 1821. D. 28th Apr., 1850 at Ballymuir, Ireland.

21.  Major 16th Dec., 1836. H. p. 30th June, 1837. Retd. 1849 as bt.-col. unattached.

22.  Commanded the above regiment for many years. Was son of Capt. John Elliott, R.N., one of Capt. Cook’s circumnavigators. Attained the rank of Gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 51st Regt. G.C.B. and K.H. M. in 1831 a dau. of W. Adams, of Ipswich. D. in London, 27th Feb., 1874.

23.  Retd. 1821. D. April, 1855.

24.  Afterwards maj. in same regt. Promoted lt.-col. unattached list 1849. Served in the Pa. with the 51st. M. Mary, dau. of Lt.-Col. Popham, and had issue. D. in Jersey, 25th Sept., 1858. He was 4th son of Edward Mainwaring, and grandson of Edward Mainwaring, of Whitmore Hall, co. Stafford—a family co-existent with the Norman Conquest.

25.  H. p. 60th Rifles 25th Feb., 1819.

26.  Son of Col. Tyndale of 1st Life Guards. He represented the younger branch of an ancient Gloucestershire family which resided at Stanchcombe in that county. Retired on h. p. as capt. in 1837, and was aftds. maj. on unattached list. For a short time held the post of military sec. to Gen. Sir A. Woodford at Gibraltar. M. in 1845 his cousin, a dau. of Samuel Phelps. D. s. p. at Gosport, 23rd Dec., 1854.

27.  H. p. 1818. D. 1840.

28.  H. p. 1818. Retd. 1840.

29.  Served in the Pa. Retired on h. p. as lieut. 1823. For some years previous to that date he was lieut. to the garrison company in the Bahamas. Was subsequently adjt. to the Brecknock Militia. D. at his residence, Upper Nutwell, co. Devon, 29th Dec., 1860.

30.  H. p. 1818. Retd. 1829. D. 17th June, 1859.

31.  Capt. 29th May, 1817. Exchanged to 13th Foot, 9 Apr., 1825. D. at Dinapore, 9th Aug., 1829.

32.  168Second son (by a second wife) of Gen. the Hon. Frederick St. John (son of 3rd Visct. Bolingbroke). Acted as orderly officer to Sir H. Clinton at Waterloo. Aftds. maj. in the 52nd L.I. Retd. 1840. M. in Jan., 1836, Henrietta, third dau. of the Rev. John Jephson, and had issue. A Knight of Windsor. D. 24th July, 1866.

33.  H. p. 1818. Retd. 1825. Took Holy Orders and settled in Dublin.

34.  Eldest son of the Rev. H. Johnston, of Malherry, co. Dublin. H. p. 25th Dec., 1818. M. 2nd July, 1831, Sarah, dau. of Wm. Mills, of Cordoxtown, co. Kildare, and granddaughter of Sir John Dillon, Bart. D. 1836 at Dublin.

35.  Lieut. 47th Foot, 14th Sept., 1820. Capt. 1833. Retd. 1839.

36.  Lieut. 15th Foot, 8th Apr., 1825. D. at Montreal, 25th May, 1833.

37.  H. p. 60th Foot, 30th Sept., 1819. D. at Mominabad, East Indies, 16th May, 1824.

38.  H. p. 1846. D. same year.

39.  H. p. 97th Foot 18th Feb., 1819. Retd. 1830.

40.  Surgeon 4th D.G. 3rd Aug., 1826. D. at Piershill Barracks, Edinburgh, 14th Feb., 1831.

41.  Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals, 1843. H. p. 1847. D. 29th Oct., 1848.

42.  H. p. 1818.



(1st Battalion.)

Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Sir John Colborne, K.C.B. 18 July, 1811 Col., 4 June, 1814
2 Charles Rowan, W. 9 May, 1811 Lt.-Col., 27 Apr. 1812
3 Patrick Campbell 16 Aug. 1804 Maj., 21 June, 1813
4 Wm. Chalmers 27 Aug. 1807 Maj., 26 Aug. 1813
5 Wm. Rowan, W. 19 Oct. 1808 Maj., 3 Mar. 1814
6 Charles Diggle, W. 24 May, 1810
7 John Shedden 9 May, 1811
8 James Fred. Love, W. 11 July, 1811 Maj.,16 Mar. 1815
9 James McNair 11 May, 1812
10 Edward Langton 12 May, 1812
11 John Cross 31 Dec. 1812
Charles, Earl of March 8 Apr. 1813 9 July, 1812
Charles Yorke 24 Dec. 1813
12 John Winterbottom, Adjt., W. 28 Feb. 1810
13 Charles Dawson, W. 21 June, 1810
14 Mathew Anderson, W. 19 July, 1810 12 Oct. 1809
15 Charles Kenny 13 Sept. 1810
16 George Harley Love 18 Apr. 1811
17 Wm. Ripley 2 May, 1811
18 J.C. Barrett 9 May, 1811
19 Wm. Henry Clerke 19 Sept. 1811 29 July, 1811
20 George Hall 9 May, 1812
21 Wm. Richmond Nixon 11 May, 1812
22 George Gawler 12 May, 1812
23 George Whichcote 8 July, 1812
24 Wm. Ogilvy 17 Sept. 1812
25 Edward Richard Northey 1 Oct. 1812
26 Hon. Wm. Browne 26 Nov. 1812
27 Edward Scoones 24 Dec. 1812
28 George Campbell, W. 25 Feb. 1813
29 Wm. Austin 6 Apr. 1813
17030 John J. Snodgrass 7 Apr. 1813
31 Jas. Stewart Cargill 8 Apr. 1813
32 Wm. Crawley Yonge 29 Apr. 1813
33 Thos. Cottingham, W. 5 Aug. 1813
34 Charles Holman 11 Nov. 1813
35 George Moore 6 Dec. 1813
36 Edward Mitchell 8 Dec. 1813
37 Charles Shaw 9 Dec. 1813
38 John Hart 20 Jan. 1814
39 Geo. Ewing Scott 10 Feb. 1814
40 Henry Thos. Oakes 11 Feb. 1814
41 John Rogers Griffiths 12 Apr. 1815
42 John Burnet 8 May, 1815
43 Ronald Stewart 9 May, 1815
44 George Robson 10 May, 1815
45 Fred. Wm. Love 11 May, 1815
46 Joseph Jackson 7 Dec. 1813
47 Thos. Massie 8 Dec. 1813
48 Wm. Nettles, K. 9 Dec. 1813
49 Duncan Macnab 16 Dec. 1813
50 John Montague 10 Feb. 1814
51 James Frere May 28 Apr. 1814
52 Eaton Monins 1 Dec. 1814
53 Wm. Leeke 4 May, 1815
James Clark 17 Apr. 1814
Benjamin Sweeten 22 Apr. 1813
J.B. Gibson 20 Dec. 1810 7 Dec. 1809
Pryce Jones 20 Apr. 1809
Wm. Macartney 3 Sept. 1812
54 Thos. Brisbane 3 June, 1813
Facings buff. Lace silver.

1.  171Afterwards F.-M. Lord Seaton, G.C.B., G.C.H., &c., and Col.-in-Chf. 2nd Life Guards. Only son of Samuel Colborne, of Lyndhurst, Hants, by Cordelia, dau. of John Garstin, of Castle Leiragh, co. Westmeath. Bn. 16th Feb., 1778. Educated at Christ’s Hospital and Winchester College. Ensign 20th Foot, 1794. Served in Egypt and at the battle of Maida. Was military sec. to Sir John Moore. Commanded a brigade in Portugal, Spain, and France (gold cross and three clasps). “Of his own accord he led the forward movement at Waterloo which determined the fortune of the day. When the column of the Imperial Guard was gaining the summit of the British position, and was forcing back one of the companies of the 95th, Colborne, seeing his left endangered, started the 52nd on its advance. Wellington saw the movement, and instantly sent to desire him to continue it.” Col. Chesney, the able author of Waterloo Lectures in commenting on the steadfast manner in which the British Guards faced the advancing Imperial Guards on the summit of the hill, says: “While on their left, Colborne, peerless among all the brave men who led Wellington’s battalions, coolly formed in line the 52nd, and without other prompting than that of his own genius for battle, advanced against their flank.” Created Baron Seaton, of Seaton, Devon, 14th Dec., 1839. F.-M. in 1860. M. 21st June, 1814, Eliz., eld. dau. of Rev. James Yonge, rector of Newton Ferrers, and had issue. D. 17th April, 1863.

2.  Afterwards Sir Charles Rowan, K.C.B. Chief Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. Served as A.A.G. to the Light Division in the Pa. (gold medal and two clasps). 5th son of Robert Rowan, of Mullans, co. Antrim, by Eliza, dau. of Hill Wilson, of Purdysburn, co. Down. C.B. for Waterloo. Retired as bt. lt.-col. D. s. p. 8th May, 1852.

3.  Commanded the 52nd at Nive (gold medal). Placed on h. p. 4th May 1818; lt.-col. h. p. 1830. C.B. Living 1842.

4.  Afterwards Gen. Sir W. Chalmers. C.B. and K.C.H. Col.-in-Chf. 78th Highlanders. Served in Sicily, in the Walcheren expedition, and throughout the Par. War; being present at seventeen engagements. Commanded a wing of the 52nd at Waterloo and had three horses shot under him. Bt. lt.-col., 18th June, 1815. Eldest son of Wm. Chalmers, of Glenericht, Perthshire. Bn. 1787. D. at Dundee, 2nd June, 1860.

5.  Younger brother to Sir Charles Rowan. Aftds. F.-M. Sir Wm. Rowan, G.C.B., and Col.-in-Chf. 52nd L.I. Saw much active service all over Europe, and was a highly distinguished officer. M., 1811, Martha, dau. of John Spong, of Mill Hall, Kent, and d. s. p. at Bath, 26th Sept., 1879.

6.  Saw much service in the Pa. Severely wounded at Waterloo. Bt. maj. Aftds. maj.-gen., and K.H. D. at Cheltenham, 18th Sept., 1862.

7.  Probably son of Lt.-Col. John Shedden, h. p. 114th Regt. Quitted the service before 1824 as bt. maj.

8.  Afterwards Gen. Sir James Love. K.C.B. and K.H. Inspector-Gen. of Infantry and Col.-in-Chf. 57th Regt. Served in Sweden, Spain, Portugal, and America, and received four severe wounds at Waterloo. Aftds. British Resident at Zante, and Lt.-Gov. of Jersey. Bn. 1789. Son of James Love by Mary Wyse. M., 1825, Mary, dau. of Thos. Heavyside. D. 13th Jan., 1866.

9.  Maj. in same regt. 1822. Lt.-Col. of 73rd Regt., 1830. K.H. Of Greenfield, near Glasgow. D. there, 15th April, 1836.

10.  Elder son of Wm. Gore Langton, of Combe Hay, by Jacintha, only child of Henry Powell Collins. Bn. 1789. Served at Corunna. H. p. 1817. D. 3rd March, 1860, at Stapleton Park, Bristol.

11.  172Bn. 1787, son of Wm. Cross, of Dartan, co. Armagh, by Mrs. Mary Stratford (née Irwin). Served with the 52nd in Sweden, Spain, and Portugal (medal with ten clasps). Subsequently commanded the 68th Regt., and retired as col. in 1843. K.H. Lt.-Gov. comg. forces in Jamaica. D. 27th Sept. 1850.

12.  Bn. in the parish of Saddleworth, Yorkshire, in 1781. Previous to enlisting in the 52nd, in 1799, worked as a cloth weaver. Corporal, 1801; sergt., 1803; sergt.-major, 1805; ensign and adjt., 1808; lieut. and adjt., 1810; paymaster, 1821. D. of yellow fever at St. Anne’s, Barbados, 26th Nov., 1838. Served all through the Par. War, and was wounded on several occasions.

13.  Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. before 1824.

14.  Retd. 1821.

15.  Capt. 19th Foot 10th Jan., 1834. Out of the said regt. before 1842.

16.  Adjt. 29th May, 1823. Out of said regt. in 1829.

17.  H. p. 1st Aug., 1816.

18.  H. p. 18th Feb., 1819.

19.  Eldest son of the Rev. Sir W.H. Clerke, Bart., rector of Bury, in Lancashire, by Byzantia, eldest dau. of Thos. Cartwright, of Aynho, co. Northampton. Succeeded 1818. M., 1820, Mary, dau. of Geo. Kenrick, of Mertyn, co. Flint, and had issue. D. 1861.

20.  Afterwards Maj. 72nd Regt. Living 1830.

21.  H.p. 1819.

22.  Son. of Capt. Samuel Gawler, 73rd Regt., who was killed at the storming of Fort Muggerall, 24th Dec., 1804. Bn. 21st July, 1795. Educated at R.M. College, Great Marlow. A commission was given to him in 1810 in recognition of his father’s services. Served in the Pa., and led the ladder party of the stormers of the 52nd at Badajoz. An extract from his journal is given in Moorsom’s Records of the 52nd Regiment, and graphically describes the crisis of Waterloo. If Col. Gawler claims the whole credit for the 52nd, he is at one with the rest of the officers of that gallant regt. The truth seems to be that there were two distinct columns of Napoleon’s Guards launched against our troops at the close of Waterloo, and that whilst one was met and routed by our Guards in the centre, the other was attacked in flank by the 52nd and hurled back. Promoted from the 52nd to an unattached lt.-colonelcy, 12th Aug, 1834. K.H. Col. 1846. Appointed Governor and Resident Commissioner of South Australia, April, 1838. Superseded, 15th May, 1841. M., 21st Sept., 1820, Maria, eldest dau. of John Cox, of Derby, and had issue. D. 7th May, 1869. Bd. at Southsea, Portsmouth. Miss Gawler (daughter of Col. Gawler) supplied part of the above information.

23.  Ensign 10th Jan., 1811. Bn. 21st Dec., 1794. 4th son of Sir Thos. Whichcote, Bart., by Diana, dau. of Edward Turnor, of Stoke Rochford, co. Lincoln. Whichcote joined the 52nd as a volunteer in Dec., 1810, and served with the regt. in the Pa., France, and Flanders, and was present in the actions of Sabugal, El Bodon, and Alfayetes, siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo and of Badajoz, battle of Salamanca, retreat from Burgos, battle of Vittoria, action at Vera, battles of the Pyrenees, Nivelle, the Nive, Orthes, Tarbes, and Toulouse (medal with nine clasps). Capt. 22nd June, 1818. Exchanged to 4th D.G. 25th July, 1822. Attained the rank of General 5th Dec., 1871. At the time of his death, which occurred 26th Aug., 1891, he was “Father of the British Army.”

24.  173Afterwards the Hon. Wm. Ogilvy, of Loyal, Perthshire. 4th son of Walter Ogilvy, de jure Earl of Airlie, by Jane, dau. of John Ogilvy, of Murkle. Saw much service in the Pa. Previous to entering the army served in the navy. Capt. 5th Oct., 1815. Exchanged to the Cape Corps. H. p. 1816. His eldest brother, in 1826, was, by Act of Parliament, recognised as Earl of Airlie with the other dignities appertaining to that title. M.P. for St. Andrews and the eastern burghs. D. in April, 1871.

25.  Afterwards in the 3rd Foot Guards. Served in the Pa. and the South of France. Of Woodcote House, Epsom, Surrey. Bn. 8th Feb., 1795. Eldest son of the Rev. Edward Northey, Canon of Windsor, by Charlotte Taylor (sister of Gen. Sir Herbert Taylor). High Sheriff for Surrey, 1856. Was twice md., and by his wife (Charlotte, dau. of Gen. Sir George Anson, G.C.B.) had issue. D. in Dec., 1878.

26.  3rd son of Valentine, 5th Viscount Kenmare. M., 26th April, 1826, Anne, dau. of Thos. Segrave. H. p. 1817.

27.  Afterwards Maj. 81st Regt. Quitted the service with that rank. Living 1876.

28.  H. p. 49th Foot 7th Aug., 1823.

29.  Served at the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. Lieut. 97th Foot 25th March, 1824. Capt. 51st Foot 26th Sept., 1834. Retd. on h. p. as major 42nd Highlanders 25th July, 1845.

30.  Afterwards Lt.-Col. Snodgrass. M. Maria, dau. of Maj.-Gen. Sir Archibald Campbell, Bart. D. in Nova Scotia, April, 1841, whilst holding the appointment of D.Q.M.G. in that colony.

31.  H. p. 25th July, 1816.

32.  Afterwards Colonial Sec. at Cape of Good Hope. Son of the Rev. Duke Yonge. Served in the Pa. Retired on h. p. as lieut. in 1823. D. 26th Feb., 1854.

33.  Placed on h. p. 1818. Served in the Pa., and in 1848 received the war medal with eight clasps. D. in Apr., 1861.

34.  H. p. 25th Dec., 1818.

35.  Lieut. 32nd Foot 29th Sept., 1817. Paymaster, 19th Oct., 1826. Serving in 1846.

36.  H. p. 1816. Lieut. 47th Foot, 10th Apr., 1818.

37.  Afterwards Sir Charles Shaw, K.T.S. Served in the Pa. In 1831 joined the Liberation Army of Portugal, in the Azores, as Col. of Marines on board the fleet of Sir George Sartorius, and commanded a regt. throughout the civil war in Portugal. Served in the Spanish Legion from 1835. 3rd son of Charles Shaw, of Ayr, North Berwick. M. Louisa, only dau. of Major Martin Curry, 67th Regt. D. at Homburg in 1871, and was buried there with military honours.

38.  Lieut. 4th Lt. Dns., 5th July, 1821. Capt. 16th June, 1825. H. p. 1827.

39.  Lieut. 25th Foot 13th Dec., 1821. Serving 1824.

40.  Placed on h. p. 1817. Eldest son of Sir Henry Oakes, Bart., by Dorothea, dau. of George Bowles, of Mount Prospect, co. Cork. M., 1st May, 1817, Frances, 5th dau. of Wm. Douglas, of Teddington, Middlesex, and had issue. Succeeded his father in 1827. D. 30th Sept., 1850.

41.  Adjt. to the 52nd after the battle of Waterloo, vice Winterbottom wounded. H. p. 1816. Living 1830.

42.  174H. p. 1816.

43.  H. p. 1816.

44.  H. p. 1816.

45.  H. p. 1816. D. 1829.

46.  Retd. before 1st Jan., 1816.

47.  Lieut. 28th Sept., 1815. Retd. before 1st Jan., 1817.

48.  One of the five sons of Capt. Robert Nettles, of Nettleville, co. Cork, by Esther, dau. of John Conran, of Dublin. Killed whilst carrying the King’s colours, which were aftds. found under his body on the field of battle.

49.  Lieut. 17th July, 1817. H. p. 25th Dec., 1818.

50.  The following creditable conduct of this young officer is narrated by Capt. Moorsom in the History of the 52nd:—“Ensign John Montague was ordered to the rear with a detachment of invalids a few days before Waterloo, and had gone back a day’s march, when he met a party proceeding to the front to join the 52nd. As an engagement was daily expected he asked the date of commission of the young officer proceeding to Waterloo, and, finding himself the senior, assumed command of the whole—directed the junior to proceed with the invalids, while he (Montague) returned to his regt. By so doing he was able to be present at the great conflict.” Capt. in 40th Regt. 7th Aug., 1823. Living 1830.

51.  Younger bro. of Sir John May, R.A. Bn. 31st March, 1898. Lieut. 29th Jan., 1818. Capt. 57th Foot, 1st Aug., 1826. Exchanged to 41st Foot 10th Aug. same year. Major of last-named regt. at time of his death, which occurred on board the Orontes, near the Cape of Good Hope, 2nd June, 1837.

52.  Afterwards Maj.-Gen. Eaton Monins, younger brother to Wm. Monins of 18th Hussars. D. at Walmer 16th June, 1861.

53.  Son of Samuel Leeke, of Havant, Hants. Promoted lieut. 20th Nov., 1823. Quitted the service 1824. Entered as fellow commoner at Queen’s College, Cambridge, 1825. Ordained Jan., 1829, to curacy of West Ham, Pevensey. Curate of Brailsford, Derby, 1831. Incumbent of Holbrooke, co. Derby, 1840. M., in Oct., 1828, to Mary Anne, dau. of John Cox, of Derby. D. at Holbrooke 6th June, 1879. (Communicated by Miss Gawler.) Mr. Leeke wrote and published Lord Seaton’s Regiment at Waterloo, a book that attracted considerable attention at the time.

54.  H. p. 1830. D. 1855.



(2nd Battalion.)

Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Charles Morice, K. 4 June, 1813 Col. 4 June, 1814
2 George Muttlebury 28 Nov. 1811 Lt.-Col., 17 Mar. 1814
3 J. Lewis Watson 9 July, 1803 Maj., 4 June, 1813
4 Henry Lindsay, W. 9 July, 1803 Maj., 4 June, 1814
Hon. Wm. Curzon, K. 17 Dec. 1812
5 Geo. Sackville Cotter 3 June, 1813
6 Charles Cuyler 10 June, 1813
7 Benjamin Hobhouse, K. 12 Aug. 1813
8 George Ulrick Barlow 30 Dec. 1813
9 Robert Blackwood, K. 8 Nov. 1813
10 Wm. Harrison 27 Jan. 1808
11 Roger Franklyn 18 Apr. 1810
12 Stephen Parker 11 Apr. 1811
13 Brooke Pigot, W. 9 May, 1811
14 Christopher Busteed, W. 25 Jan. 1813 15 Jan. 1813
15 Neil Roy 1 July, 1813
16 Chas. Wm. Ingle 1 Feb. 1814
17 Joseph Hill 2 Feb. 1814
18 Henry Oldershaw, Adjt. 3 Feb. 1814
19 Charles Lenox Dickson 21 Apr. 1814
20 Edm. Martin Wightwick, K. 5 May, 1814
21 John Stewart, W. 10 Nov. 1814
22 Henry Anderson, W. 15 June, 1815
23 Edward Hodder, W. 29 July, 1813
24 Wm. Bartlett 3 Feb. 1814
25 Charles Seward 24 Feb. 1814
26 Henry Duncan Keith 21 Apr. 1814
27 Geo. S.H. Ainslie 10 Nov. 1814
28 Christopher Clarke, W. (Volunteer).
29 Philip Vyvian 28 Jan. 1813
30 Matthew Stevens 6 Dec. 1810
Clement Banks 5 June, 1806
James Bartlett 16 July, 1812
Facings green. Lace gold.

1.  Had been wounded in the previous year in the night attack on Bergen-op-Zoom. Killed at Quatre Bras. His death, and that of many of the men of the 69th, was entirely due to the inexperience of the Prince of Orange, who stopped Col. Morice from forming square, and ordered him to re-form column.

2.  C.B. for Waterloo. “Section after section of the 69th was swept off by the enemy’s artillery at Waterloo, whilst the French cavalry repeatedly surrounded the devoted regt.; but whenever the smoke cleared off, there it stood firm and undaunted.” Lt.-Col. of this regt. in July, 1817. M., 31st October, 1828, Mrs. Brown, of Cavendish Place, Bath. D. 11th Jan., 1854.

3.  Bt. lt.-col. for Waterloo. Maj. 71st Highlanders, 1819. Retd. on h. p., 1829. D. at Leasingham Hall, Lincoln, 12th April, 1842.

4.  Severely wounded at Quatre Bras in defending the colours. H. p. 16th Dec., 1819. His name disappeared from the Army List after 1827.

5.  2nd son of the Rev. George Sackville Cotter, by Margaret, dau. of Bayly Rogers, of Cork. Placed on h. p. 1st Dec., 1816. Aftds. settled in 177Canada, where he held the rank of col. in the volunteers. His experiences at Quatre Bras and Waterloo are given in Capt. (aftds. Gen. Sir Wm.) Butler’s Historical Events Connected with the 69th Regiment. D. in Canada, 9th April, 1869, leaving issue by his wife, Jane, dau. and co-heir of Wm. Crofts, of Danesfort, co. Cork.

6.  Afterwards Sir Charles Cuyler, Bart. Eldest son of Gen. Sir Cornelius Cuyler, Bart., by Anne, dau. of Maj. Grant. M., 6th Feb., 1823, Catherine, dau. of the Rev. Fitzwilliam Halifax, and had issue. Lt.-Col. 69th Regt., 1826. D. 23rd July, 1862.

7.  2nd son of Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart., by his first wife, Charlotte, dau. and heir of Samuel Cam, of Chantry House, Wilts. Acted as orderly officer to Sir Colin Halkett at Waterloo, and being a conspicuous figure on a fine horse, was a mark for the enemy’s bullets.

8.  Eldest son of Sir George Barlow, Bart., of Fort William, Bengal, by Eliz., dau. of Burton Smith. Bn. 8th Oct., 1791. Exchanged to the 4th Lt. Dns., 5th April, 1821. M., 27th Feb., 1817, Hilare, 3rd dau. of Capt. Sir R. Barlow, R.N., K.C.B. D. s. p. in India, 1824. His widow remarried, 1829, Wm., Earl Nelson.

9.  Eldest son of the Hon. and Rev. Hans Blackwood, who succeeded his brother, in 1836, as Baron Dufferin. Bn. 13th July, 1788. Buried in the orchard at Hougomont.

10.  Capt. 13th Aug., 1815. H. p. 25th Nov., 1816.

11.  H. p. 25th March, 1826.

12.  Capt. 62nd Foot, 25th June, 1830. D. at Pau in May, 1853.

13.  Capt. 29th Aug., 1826. Retd. f. p. Nov., 1840.

14.  D. at Mullingar as lieut. in above regt., 4th Nov., 1828. His Waterloo medal was formerly in the Tancred collection.

15.  Serving in 1824. Out of the regt. before 1830.

16.  H. p. 25th April, 1826.

17.  Retd. 1835 as capt.

18.  Qr.-mr. 33rd Foot 3rd Aug., 1832. Serving 1842.

19.  H. p. 7th Sept., 1826. D. May, 1860.

20.  D. 17th June, 1815, from wounds received at Quatre Bras; 5th son of Wm. Wightwick, of New Romney, Kent.

21.  H. p. 1816.

22.  “Bn. in co. Kilkenny. Obtained his ensigncy through the interest of the Marquis of Ormonde. Served at the bombardment of Antwerp and at Bergen-op-Zoom. Slightly wounded at Quatre Bras by a ricochetting bullet; served as a lieut. of the light company at Waterloo, and near the close of the battle was shot through the left lung, the ball making its exit at the back, breaking the scapula. He aftds. served in the 75th Foot. Was for 26 years commandant of the Invalid Depôt at Chatham, and d. in 1860, having attained the rank of colonel.” Communicated by above officer’s son Major-Gen. E.A. Anderson.

23.  7th son of Geo. Hodder, of Fountainstown, co. Cork. H. p. lieut., 1826. Living in 1855.

24.  Lieut. 10th Aug., 1815. H. p. 25th April, 1826.

25.  178Lieut. 11th Aug., 1815. H. p. 25th Nov., 1816.

26.  Lieut. 14th Aug., 1815. Exchanged to 2nd Foot, 25th Jan., 1825. Serving 1830.

27.  Afterwards served in the 1st Dragoons. Assumed the surname of Harcourt. Placed on h. p. as cornet, 1822. D. at Bedford, 29th Dec., 1867, aged 72.

28.  A cadet from the Military College. Greatly distinguished himself at Quatre Bras, where the 69th was badly cut up by Kellermann’s Cuirassiers. He killed three cuirassiers before he himself fell covered with 22 sabre cuts. Recovered from his wounds, and was rewarded with an ensigncy in the 42nd Highlanders. He d. in 1831 as a subaltern in 33rd Foot. Sir W. Butler’s Records of 69th Regt. (London, 1870).

29.  Assumed the surname of Robinson. H. p. 88th Foot, 28th June, 1827.

30.  This was “the same man who, eighteen years before, at St. Vincent, had broken the stern galley window of the San Nicholas, and led the way for Nelson to the quarter-deck of the Spanish vessel.” He appears to have been a Scotchman, with a keen sense of humour, as, when a man was killed by his side, by a long shot from the enemy, on the morning of Waterloo Day, he quietly remarked, “Aweel, it is time for a respectable non-combatant to gang awa’!”—Sir W. Butler’s Records of 69th Regt. D. as Qr.-mr. 69th Foot, at Cannanore, India, 1821.



Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Thomas Reynell, W. 5 Aug. 1813 Col., 4 June, 1813
2 Arthur Jones, W. 22 June, 1809 Lt.-Col., 4 June, 1814
3 Leslie Walker 2 Sept. 1813
4 Samuel Reed 29 Sept. 1808 29 Nov. 1806
5 Joseph T. Pidgeon 1 Dec. 1808
6 Archibald Armstrong 10 May, 1809
7 Donald Campbell, W. 22 June, 1809
Edmund L’Estrange, K. 6 July, 1809 Maj., 12 Apr. 1814
8 Wm. Alex. Grant, W. 12 Oct. 1809
9 James Henderson, W. 19 Oct. 1809
10 Augustus J. MʻIntyre 17 May, 1810
11 Charles Johnstone, W. 10 Dec. 1812 Maj., 4 June, 1814
12 Alexander Grant 15 Apr. 1813
13 Joseph Barailler, W. 7 Feb. 1808
14 Loftus Richards 21 Apr. 1808
15 John Raleigh Elwes, W. 12 May, 1808
16 Charles Stewart 29 Dec. 1808
17 Robert Baldwin 11 May, 1809
18 Wm. Crosbie Hanson 6 July, 1809
19 Robert Lind, W. 10 Oct. 1809
20 John Roberts, W. 12 Oct. 1809
21 James Coates, W. 13 Oct. 1809
22 John Fraser 17 Oct. 1809
23 Edward Gilborne 18 Oct. 1809
24 John Witney 19 Oct. 1809
25 William Long 14 June, 1810
26 Robert Law, W. 27 May, 1811
27 Charles T. Cox 29 May, 1811
28 Carique Lewin, W. 27 June, 1811
18029 Wm. Woolcombe 9 Sept. 1811
30 Wm. Torriano 12 Dec. 1811
31 George Wm. Horton 23 Jan. 1812 25 July, 1811
32 John Coote, W. 27 May, 1812
33 Wm. Anderson, Adjt., W. 7 Aug. 1812
34 Chas. Moorhead 3 Sept. 1812
35 David Soutar 24 Sept. 1812
36 Norman Campbell 14 Apr. 1814
37 Abraham Moffatt 5 Aug. 1813
38 Wm. Smith 1 Sept. 1813
39 Henry Walker Thompson 16 Sept. 1813
John Todd, K. 18 Nov. 1813
40 John Barnett 25 Nov. 1813
41 Archibald M. Henderson 25 Dec. 1813
42 John Spalding 28 Jan. 1814
43 John Impett 14 Apr. 1814
44 Anthony R. L’Estrange 7 Dec. 1814
45 Rob. Copley (Volunteer)
46 Hugh Mackenzie 8 Nov. 1798
Wm. Gavin 2 Apr. 1812
47 Arthur Stewart 3 Sept. 1812
John Winterscale 8 Feb. 1810
Samuel Hill 22 Mar. 1810
Facings buff. Lace silver.

1.  181Afterwards Gen. Sir T. Reynell, Bart., K.C.B., Col.-in-Chf. 71st L.I. 3rd son of Thomas Reynell (who was killed at the battle of Saratoga, in America, in 1777), by Anne, dau. of Samuel Coutty, of Kinsale. Served in Egypt in 1801. Recd. the orders of St. George of Russia and Maria Theresa of Austria for his services at Waterloo, in addition to the C.B. Commanded a division at the siege of Bhurtpore, and received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament. M., 12th Feb., 1831, Lady Eliz. Pack, widow of Maj.-Gen. Sir Denis Pack, and d. s. p.

2.  The following memoir of Col. Jones’s services appeared in the United Service Journal for 1837:—“Nov. 12th, on Lake Erie, Upper Canada, Lt.-Col. Arthur Jones, C.B., late of the 71st Highland L.I. This officer was appointed Ensign 36th Foot, 1st Jan., 1795; Lt. 71st Foot 5th Oct., 1795; Capt., 24th March, 1803; Maj., 22nd June, 1809; and Bt. Lt.-Col., 4th June, 1814. He served at Madras from his first appointment to October, 1797, when his regiment embarked for Europe. In August, 1805, he sailed, with the expedition under Lt. Gen. Sir D. Baird, for the Cape of Good Hope; he was present with the regt. at the action on the 8th Jan., 1806; and also at the surrender of the town and castle of Cape Town on the 10th. He embarked at the Cape in April following, with his regt., on the expedition to South America, under Gen. Beresford. On the 25th June, the landing of this small force was effected at the point of Quilmes, up the River Plate, without opposition. He was present in the affairs of the 26th and 27th, which terminated in the surrender of the city of Buenos Ayres to the British; and was with the troops employed in dispersing the enemy from the vicinity of the city, on the 1st August; at the defending of the city on the 10th, 11th, and 12th, when the British were obliged to capitulate, and become prisoners of war; and was marched, as such, a considerable distance into the interior of the country. He next served with the army in Portugal, and was present at the action of Roleia, and battle of Vimiero. He served under the late Sir John Moore in Spain; was present the whole of that campaign, and at the battle of Corunna. He embarked in July, 1809, on the expedition to the Scheldt, and was present at the siege of Flushing; he returned with his regt. to England in December, and in May, 1810, was ordered to join the 2nd batt. in Scotland; and shortly after the command of the batt. devolved on him. In Jan., 1814, he proceeded to join the 1st batt. in Spain, landed at St. Sebastian, and marched in charge of a detachment for the 2nd division of the army, which he joined in Aire on the 10th of March, and served with it in the different operations that took place against the enemy from that period until a short time after the battle of Toulouse, 10th April, 1814. In Feb., 1815, he embarked with the 71st Light Infantry for North America, but was countermanded, and they proceeded in April to Belgium, and he was present with it at the battle of Waterloo. He remained with the regt., which formed part of the Army of Occupation, until October, 1818, when he embarked with it for England, and for Ireland in May, 1822. The command of the regt. devolved on him in May, 1824, when he embarked with it for North America, and was promoted lt.-col., 2nd June, 1825; he remained in command of the regt. till June, 1831. Lt.-Col. Jones was wounded when capt. at the battle of Vimiero; and wounded severely when bt. lt.-col. at the battle of Waterloo, late in the evening. For his services, and particularly for his conduct at Waterloo, stated by Maj.-Gen. Sir F. Adam (then Commander of the 3rd British Light Brigade) in a letter to the Duke of Wellington, and from his Grace’s recommendation in consequence, Lt.-Col. Jones was appointed a Companion of the Bath.”

3.  182C.B. for Waterloo. Exchanged in 1819 to 54th Regt. Bt. lt.-col., 31st Aug., 1815. Lt.-col., unattached, 1st July, 1828. Living 1830.

4.  Bt.-maj. for Waterloo. Retd. on h. p. 1821. Lt.-col., h. p. 1837. D. 13th July, 1842.

5.  Retd. as lt.-col. in 1841 by the sale of his commission. He held the Par. medal with 8 clasps. D. in Oct., 1850.

6.  Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. before 1824.

7.  Retd. f. p. 2nd Rl. Veteran Batt., 1821.

8.  Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. before 1824.

9.  Serving as senior capt. in 1830. Out of the regt. before 1842.

10.  H. p. 56th Foot 31st Dec., 1818.

11.  Capt. and bt.-major h. p. Rifle Brigade, 6th Apr., 1820.

12.  Serving in 1830. Out of the regt. before 1842.

13.  Capt. in 37th Foot in 1820. Living 1825.

14.  Belonged to the family of “Richards of Macmine,” co. Wexford. Placed on h. p. 25th Feb., 1816. Living 1825.

15.  D. a few days after Waterloo from his wounds. Youngest son of Col. Elwes, and brother of Sir W. Elwes, Bart. He had been only ten months married to a dau. of Col. Aird, Rl. Waggon Train.

16.  Capt. 27th July, 1820. Major 24th May, 1836. H. p. 24th Apr., 1838. D. 24th Dec., 1851, as lt.-col.

17.  H. p. 7th Fusiliers, 6th June, 1816.

18.  Capt. 16th May, 1822. Serving 1830.

19.  Belonged to a respectable family in the county of Antrim. “He received a grape shot at Waterloo, weighing 10 oz., which he kept as a relic, hooped in silver. The shot entered at the breast, and was cut out at the shoulder three days after.” D. at Waterloo Cottage, Cookstown, co. Antrim, 3rd July, 1851, aged 70.

20.  Capt. 7th Apr., 1825. H. p. 6th June, 1827. D. as bt.-major 16th Jan., 1854.

21.  Was fifteen years a lt. in this regt. M. the only dau. of John Wilson town clerk of Lanark; she d. at Lanark in Dec., 1815.

22.  Joined the 71st Regt. as a private when sixteen years of age. Eight years after he received an ensign’s commission for distinguished gallantry. At the taking of the Cape of Good Hope was one of a party of thirty who volunteered to storm a battery. John Fraser was the only man of this Forlorn Hope who lived to return, and he was not unwounded. At Buenos Ayres he was publicly complimented by Sir Denis Pack for his conspicuous gallantry. Placed on h. p. before 1820, and d. at Edinburgh, 20th June, 1824.

23.  H. p. 1818.

24.  Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. before 1824.

25.  Capt. 31st Oct., 1822. Retd. as h. p. maj. 9th Foot, 1838. D. in March, 1860.

26.  Capt. 18th Oct., 1821. Exchanged to 33rd Foot 20th March, 1823. Capt. Ceylon Rifles 25th Sept., 1824. Serving 1830.

27.  183Afterwards Lt. C.T. Cox, h. p. 71st Highland Light Infantry. Entered the Army in 1809. Was engaged in numerous battles during the campaigns from 1810 to 1815, including the retreat to and the occupation of the lines of Torres Vedras, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Tarbes, and Toulouse. At Vittoria he was sev. wnded, a musket ball having passed through the lungs and lodged in the body. He was taken prisoner, but the enemy being hard pressed, he was left on the field. He was present at the capture of Paris. Commissions dated: Ensign, June 29, 1809; Lt., May 29, 1811. D. 1875.

28.  3rd son of James Lewin, of Cloghans, co. Mayo. Retd. on h. p. as a lt. from 19th Lt. Dns. in 1822. D. s. p. 1844.

29.  H. p. 25th Oct., 1821.

30.  Son of Capt. Torriano, 30th Foot, who was killed in action at Toulon, 15th Oct., 1793, and grandson of Capt. C. Torriano, R.A., wounded and disabled for life at the battle of Laffeldt, 1st July, 1747. Lieut. Wm. Torriano joined the 1st Batt. 71st in 1811 and proceeded to Portugal. Promoted lieut. into 2nd Batt. at home, but remained with 1st Batt. in the field until the return of the army from France. Was present at Arroyos des Molinos, Almaraz, with covering army before Badajoz; severely wounded at Vittoria and taken prisoner, but shortly after retaken at Nive; Bayonne (twice wounded); Orthes, and Toulouse, besides many minor affairs. A French reserve battery was captured by the 71st towards the close of the battle of Waterloo, and Siborne (Vol. II., p. 234) narrates how “some men of the right flank company of the 71st, under Lieut. Torriano, immediately turned round one of the guns, which was then discharged into the retiring columns of the Imperial Guard by Capt. Campbell, A.D.C. to Major-General Adam, and was, there is reason to believe, the last French gun fired on that day.” Adjt. 18th Oct., 1821. Retd. 1824 by the sale of his commission. D. at Budleigh Salterton, Devonshire, 1862. Above information communicated by Col. C. Torriano, late R.A.

31.  2nd son of Thomas Horton, of Howroyde, co. York, by Lady Mary Gordon, dau. of George, 3rd Earl of Aberdeen. Served in the Pa. Capt. 81st Regt. 1820; Bt.-maj. 1821; Lt.-col., unattached, 1826; Col. 1842. M., 1826, Frances, dau. of Rev. Wm. Garnier, rector of Rookesbury, Hants, and had issue. Living 1876.

32.  Retd. f. p. 1821. D. at Halifax, N.S., 1st Oct., 1852.

33.  H. p. 25th Dec., 1818.

34.  H. p. 25th Dec., 1818.

35.  Lieut. Connaught Rangers 7th Jan., 1819. Capt. 2nd Feb., 1830. Paymaster 71st Foot 1843. D. 16th Dec., 1849.

36.  H. p. 25th Dec., 1818.

37.  H. p. 1816.

38.  H. p. 1816. D. in Apr., 1860.

39.  Lieut. h. p. 74th Foot, 1822.

40.  Lieut. 23rd Nov., 1815. H. p. 61st Foot 12th Sept., 1822. D. as lt.-col. 3rd West York Militia, at Dublin, 24th Feb., 1855.

41.  H. p. 27th Foot 22nd May, 1817.

42.  Lieut. 25th Foot 30th March, 1826. Serving 1830.

43.  184Capt. 6th Feb., 1835. H. p. Jan., 1841.

44.  Afterwards maj. in this regt., and retired on f. p. in 1852. Youngest brother to Maj. L’Estrange, of same regt., who fell at Waterloo. D. at Edinburgh, 1873.

45.  Commissioned ensign in above regt. 22nd June, 1815. H. p. 1816. Living 1830.

46.  H. p. 1824. D. 25th June, 1854.

47.  Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals 1845. H. p. same year. D. 1854.


(2nd Battalion.)

Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Wm. George Harris, W. 29 Dec. 1806 Col., 4 June, 1814
Dawson Kelly 31 Oct. 1811
2 Arch. John Maclean, W. 28 May, 1812
3 Henry Coane, W. 8 Mar. 1810 8 Feb. 1810
Alexander Robertson, K. 21 Nov. 1810
4 Wm. Wharton, W. 13 Aug. 1812
John M. Kennedy, K. 8 Oct. 1812
5 John Garland, W. 26 Nov. 1813
6 Richard Leyne 2 Feb. 1809
7 Jos. Wm. H. Strachan, K. 11 Oct. 1810 26 Oct. 1809
John R. McConnell, W. 8 Aug. 1811
John Acres, K. 20 Nov. 1811
Matthew Hollis, K. 12 Dec. 1811
8 Joseph Dowling 13 Aug. 1812
9 Thos. Reynolds, W. 10 Mar. 1814
10 Donald Browne, W. 24 Mar. 1814
11 John Y. Lloyd, W. 4 Aug. 1814
12 Robert Stewart (sic) 11 Aug. 1814
13 Robert Greville Hesilrige, W. 17 Sept. 1810
14 Wm. MacBean, W. 1 Apr. 1813
15 Thomas Deacon, W. 5 Apr. 1813
16 Chas. Bedford Eastwood, W. 6 Apr. 1813
17 George Dandridge Bridge, W. 7 Apr. 1813
18 George Hughes 29 Apr. 1813
Wm. Lawson Lowe, K. 19 Aug. 1813
19 Aldworth Blennerhassett 23 Mar. 1814
20 Charles Page, K. 10 Aug. 1814
21 Patrick Hay, Adjt., W. 19 Jan. 1815
John Williams 31 May, 1810
22 Duncan McDearmid 5 Sept. 1811 24 Jan. 1811
23 John Riach 2 July, 1812
24 Frederick B. White 23 Mar. 1815
Facings dark green. Lace gold.

1.  Afterwards Lt.-Gen. Lord Harris, K.C.H. and C.B., Col.-in-Chf., 73rd Regt. Son of the famous Gen. Sir George Harris, of Seringapatam renown, who was created a baron in Aug., 1815. Bn. 17th Jan., 1782. Served under his father in India, and was one of the first to enter the breach at Seringapatam. At Waterloo the 73rd were literally cut to pieces, and at the close of the battle only fifty unwounded men were left out of a total of from 500 to 600 men. “Once, and once only, during the dreadful carnage at Waterloo did the stern 73rd hesitate to fill up a gap which the relentless iron had torn in their square. Their Colonel, at once pushing his horse lengthwise across the space, said, with a smile, ‘Well, my lads, if you won’t, I must.’ Immediately his horse was led back to his proper place and the ranks closed up by men still more devoted than before.” C.B. and K.W. for Waterloo. Was twice md., and left issue by both wives. D. 30th May, 1845.

2.  D. from his wounds at Brussels. Bn. 16th June, 1778. 4th son of Gilbert Maclaine, of Scalasdale, in the island of Mull.

3.  There were two capts. of this name in the 73rd in 1815, Anthony and Henry. The former d. at Kandy, Ceylon, as maj., 5th Jan., 1819. The latter quitted the service in 1820. The Coanes are Irish, but a branch was settled at Bath in 1815.

4.  Served in the Pa., and was present at Fuentes d’Onor and siege of Badajoz. Was with the 85th in the Walcheren expedition, and with the 73rd during the campaigns of 1813 and 1814 in Swedish Pomerania, Hanover, and the Netherlands. Severely wounded at Waterloo, being shot through both thighs by a musket ball. Retired on h. p. 1st June, 1820. D. in 1855.

5.  Son of John Garland, of Dorchester. Was desperately wounded at Waterloo. After the battle he was carried to Brussels, and after months of suffering was able to return to Dorchester. He was not then expected to recover, and by some error his death was reported in the papers in the autumn of 1816. Here is the first obituary notice in the Gentleman’s Magazine:—“At his father’s, Dorchester, Capt. John Garland, 73rd Foot. He was in most of the Peninsular battles, and was desperately wounded at Waterloo at the close of the action, only two men of his company being then left, and was confined at Brussels until his recent return to England.” 187But John Garland did not die in 1816, and lived to become a bt. maj. on unattached list in 1825, and a bt. lt.-col. in 1838. His second obituary notice is given in the Annual Register for 1851:—“Jan. 17. At Lille, Lt.-Col. John Garland, K.H., late of Quatre Bras Cottage, Dorchester, who was severely wounded at Waterloo.”

6.  Capt. 2nd Aug., 1815. Eldest son of Dr. Maurice Leyne, of Tralee, by Agnes, dau. of Cornelius the McGillicuddy of the Reeks. Bn. 1790. Served first in the Kerry Militia comded. by Col. Crosbie. Joined the 73rd with 400 volunteers from his militia regt., the latter being induced to join the regular army by Leyne. His zeal was rewarded with a lieutenancy in the 73rd. At Waterloo succeeded to the command of the regt. and kept it as long as the regt. was in France. Placed on h. p. 5th July, 1817. Subsequently joined the 58th Foot for a few years and served in New South Wales. Md., in 1817, Eliz., dau. of James Connor, of Tralee, Clerk of the Peace for Kerry. Capt. Leyne was for some years a stipendiary magistrate. Above information communicated by Mr. Leyne, son of Capt. R. Leyne.

7.  Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. before 1824.

8.  Lieut. 1st Rl. Veteran Batt. 27th Nov., 1823. Barrack-master at Coventry in 1830.

9.  H. p. 12th Foot 1824.

10.  Had his left arm amputated after the battle, and d. shortly after.

11.  Capt. 3rd Feb. 1820. Major 20th March, 1828. Serving in 1830.

12.  Eldest son of Robt. Steuart, of Brownlee, Lanarkshire. H. p. 25th Dec., 1818. Restored to full pay 1819. Capt. 91st Foot, 3rd March, 1825. H. p. unat. 19th June, 1826. D. 5th Nov., 1849. Above information was communicated by Capt. Alex. Steuart, Queensland Defence Force, great nephew to Capt. Robt. Steuart.

13.  3rd son of Col. Grey Haselrigge, by Bridget, dau. of Rev. Richard Buckley, and a direct descendant of Col. Sir Arthur Haselrigge, Bart., the Parliamentary commander, whose regt. of cuirassiers, known us the “Lobsters,” performed some signal service during the Civil Wars. Bn. 23rd Oct., 1796. Quitted the service as lieut. D. unm.

14.  D. as lieut. in 1819.

15.  Lieut. 3rd Aug., 1815. Lieut. 16th Foot 6th Feb., 1822. 1st Lieut. Ceylon Rifles 12th Jan., 1824. Capt. 29th Apr., 1836. H. p. 7th Sept., 1836. Living 1846. Sergt. Thos. Morris, of the 73rd, in his Recollections of Military Service, records that Ensign Deacon was shot through an arm at Quatre Bras and conveyed by the baggage-train to Brussels. “The officer’s wife, who with her three children had been left with the baggage guard, passed the whole night in searching for her husband among the wounded. At length she was informed he had been conveyed to Brussels.... Conveyances there were none to be had, and she was in the last state of pregnancy. She made the best of her way on foot with her children, exposed to the terrific storm of thunder, lightning, and rain, which continued without intermission for about ten hours. Faint, exhausted, and wet to the skin, having no other clothes but a black silk dress and light shawl, she yet happily surmounted all these difficulties, reached Brussels on the morning of the 18th, and found her husband in very comfortable quarters, where she also was accommodated, the next day giving birth to a fine girl, who was afterwards christened ‘Waterloo Deacon.‘”

16.  188Lieut. 4th Aug., 1815. Exchanged to 3rd Ceylon Regt., and was placed on h. p. 11th June, 1818.

17.  Lieut. 3rd Oct., 1815. H. p. 1817.

18.  Lieut. 4th Oct., 1815. H. p. 3rd Aug., 1822.

19.  Lieut. 5th Oct., 1815. Lieut. 38th Foot 1st Dec., 1823. Capt. 26th Aug., 1834. H. p. 1838. Living 1846.

20.  Son of Mr. Wm. Page, of Fitzroy Square, London. An autograph letter from aforesaid gentleman, written in Nov., 1815, addressed to “Capt. Leyne, commanding H.B.M. 73rd Regt., Camp near Boulogne, France,” is still in possession of the Leyne family, and bears testimony to the writer’s appreciation of Capt. Leyne’s expressions of deep sympathy with the bereaved father on the death of his brave son.

21.  Lieut. 13th Feb., 1816. Capt. 7th Feb., 1822. Serving 1824.

22.  D. in Oct., 1830.

23.  Retd. as surgeon h. p. 67th Foot in 1841. Living 1846.

24.  H. p. 25th June, 1817. Living 1830.



Rank in the
LIEUT.-COLONEL. Regiment. Army.
1 Neil Douglas, W. 3 Dec. 1812
2 Andrew Brown, W. 15 Oct. 1812 Lt.-Col., 26 Aug. 1813
3 Duncan Cameron, W. 29 Oct. 1812 Lt.-Col., 12 Apr. 1814
4 Thomas Mylne, W. 24 Apr. 1805
5 Peter Innes 4 Sept. 1805
6 James Campbell, W. 5 Sept. 1805
7 Neil Campbell, W. 8 Apr. 1806
8 William Marshall, W. 19 July, 1806
9 Malcolm Fraser, W. 29 Nov. 1806
10 Wm. Bruce, W. 14 Mar. 1811
11 John Sinclair, W. 4 May, 1811
Robert Mackay, K. 2 Apr. 1812
12 John Cameron, W. 26 May, 1814
13 Alexander Cameron, W. 12 May, 1807
Donald Cameron, K. 13 May, 1807
14 Thomas Brown, W. 15 Dec. 1807
15 Wm. Maddocks, W. 21 Apr. 1808 25 July, 1801
16 Wm. Leaper, W. 15 Dec. 1808
17 James Fraser, W. 16 Mar. 1809
Duncan MʻPherson, K. 19 July, 1810
18 Donald MʻPhee, W. 29 Nov. 1810
19 Fulton Robertson 21 Feb. 1811
20 Ewen Cameron, W. 29 May, 1811
John Kynock, Adjt., K. 13 June, 1811
21 Alexander Forbes, W. 8 Aug. 1811
22 Charles McArthur, W. 17 Oct. 1811
23 Kewan Izod Leslie 1 Apr. 1812
24 John Powling, W. 15 Oct. 1812
25 James Cameron 25 Jan. 1813 11 July, 1811
190 Ewen Kennedy, K. 25 Feb. 1813
26 W.A. Riach, W. 17 June, 1813
27 John Thompson 18 Nov. 1813
28 George Harrison 2 Mar. 1815
29 John Mackenzie 24 Dec. 1812
30 Chas. Jas. McLean 17 June, 1813
31 John Nash, W. 18 Nov. 1813
32 James Robertson, W. 6 Jan. 1814
33 Archibald Cameron 13 Jan. 1814
34 Alex. Spiers Crawford, W. 18 May, 1814
35 James Campbell 19 May, 1814
36 Alex. Cameron (Volr.), W.
37 John McArthur 21 Nov. 1811
38 Angus Cameron 13 Feb. 1812
George Ridesdale 9 Sept. 1813
Wm. G. Burrell 14 Dec. 1809 13 July, 1809
David Perston 18 Oct. 1810 1 Feb. 1810
Facings dark green. Lace gold.

M.  The Cameron Highlanders were raised in Jan., 1794, by Lt.-Gen. Sir Alan Cameron, K.C.B. (then Maj. Cameron), who was their first colonel. The officers were mostly selected from the half-pay list, and had served, like their colonel, in the American war. The regt. served during the campaign in Holland, and the mortality was so great tha