\documentclass[a4paper,12pt,twocolumn,twoside]{article} \usepackage{palatino} %\usepackage{mypackage} \usepackage{hangul} \usepackage{color} %\usepackage{multicol} %\usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{graphicx} %\usepackage{fancyhdr} \makeindex %\pagestyle{fancy} %\fancyhead{} % clear all fields %\fancyhead[RO,LE]{\bfseries Consonants:} %\lfoot{} %\cfoot{\thepage} %\rfoot{} %\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.4pt} \usepackage{hyperref} %\makeindex %\pagestyle{fancy} %\lhead{} %\chead{Student L. Kuperman} %\rhead{} %\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.4pt} %\fancyhead{} % clear all fields %\fancyhead[RO,LE]{\bfseries \thepage} %\fancyfoot{} %\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.4pt} %\include{myftnote} %\title{\textbf{Korean--English Dictionary}} %\author{} \setlength{\parindent}{10pt} \begin{document} \onecolumn \pagenumbering{roman} %\maketitle \vspace*{3cm} \begin{center} {\Huge \textbf{Korean--English Dictionary}} \\ \vspace{20pt} {\Huge \textbf{ÇÑ¿µ»çÀü}} \\ \vspace{20pt} \scalebox{4}{\textbf{ùÛçÈÞöîð}} \end{center} \thispagestyle{empty} \newpage \thispagestyle{empty} %\rule{0pt}{4ex} %\bigskip \vspace*{3cm} \noindent Copyright \copyright\ \today\ Leon Kuperman. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation License''. \\ \noindent Created using \HLaTeX \newpage \pagenumbering{roman} %\lhead{\bfseries {\large Table of Contents}} %\chead{} %\rhead{} \tableofcontents %\bigskip \bigskip %\listoffigures %\listoftables \include{Fdl} \newpage \pagenumbering{arabic} %\lhead{ %\textbf{Consonats:} %{\Large \textbf{¤¡}}k %$[${\Large \textbf{¤¢}}kk$]$ %{\Large \textbf{¤¤}}n %{\Large \textbf{¤§}}t %$[${\Large \textbf{¤¨}}tt$]$ %{\Large \textbf{¤©}}l %{\Large \textbf{¤±}}m %{\Large \textbf{¤²}}p %$[${\Large \textbf{¤³}}pp$]$ %{\Large \textbf{¤µ}}s %$[${\Large \textbf{¤¶}}ss$]$ %{\Large \textbf{¤·}} %{\Large \textbf{¤¸}}\u{c} %{\Large \textbf{¤º}}$\mathrm{\breve{c}^h}$ %{\Large \textbf{¤»}}$\mathrm{k^h}$ %{\Large \textbf{¤¼}}$\mathrm{t^h}$ %{\Large \textbf{¤½}}$\mathrm{p^h}$ %{\Large \textbf{¤¾}}h \\ %\textbf{Vowels:} \textbf{¾Æ}a \textbf{¾Ö}\ae{} \textbf{¾ß}ya %\textbf{¾ê}y\ae{} \textbf{¾î}o \textbf{¿¡}e %\textbf{¿©}yo \textbf{¿¹}ye \textbf{¿À}o %\textbf{¿Í}wa \textbf{¿Ö}w\ae{} \textbf{¿Ü}we %\textbf{¿ä}yo \textbf{¿ì}u \textbf{¿ö}wo \textbf{¿þ}we %\textbf{À§}wi \textbf{À¯}yu \textbf{À¸}u \textbf{ÀÇ}uy \textbf{ÀÌ}i %} %\chead{} %\rhead{} %\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.4pt} \vspace*{1cm} %\thispagestyle{plain} \begin{center} {\Large \textbf{Korean Alphabet}} \\ \end{center} \begin{center} \begin{tabular} {l l l l l l l} \multicolumn{7}{c}{{\large \textbf{Consonants and their names}} (click and go)} \\[1ex] \textbf{±â¿ª} & \textbf{´ÏÀº} & \textbf{µð±Ú} & \textbf{¸®À»} & \textbf{¹ÌÀ½} & \textbf{ºñÀ¾} & \textbf{½Ã¿Ê} \\ \textbf{kiyok} & \textbf{niun} & \textbf{tigut} & \textbf{riul} & \textbf{mium} & \textbf{piup} & \textbf{\u{s}iot} \\ \hyperlink{k-letter}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{{\Huge ¤¡}}}} } & \hyperlink{n-letter}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{{\Huge ¤¤}}}} } & \hyperlink{t-letter}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{{\Huge ¤§}}}} } & \hyperlink{l-letter}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{{\Huge ¤©}}}} } & \hyperlink{m-letter}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{{\Huge ¤±}}}} } & \hyperlink{p-letter}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{{\Huge ¤²}}}} } & \hyperlink{s-letter}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{{\Huge ¤µ}}}} } \\ \textbf{ÀÌÀÀ} & \textbf{ÁöÀÁ} & \textbf{Ä¡ÀÂ} & \textbf{Å°ÀÃ} & \textbf{ƼÀÄ} & \textbf{ÇÇÀÅ} & \textbf{È÷ÀÆ} \\ \textbf{iung} & \textbf{\u{c}iut} & $\mathbf{\breve{c}^h}$\textbf{iut} & $\mathbf{k^h}$\textbf{iuk} & $\mathbf{t^h}$\textbf{iut} & $\mathbf{p^h}$\textbf{iup} & \textbf{hiut} \\ \hyperlink{zero-letter}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{{\Huge ¤·}}}} } & \hyperlink{ch-letter}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{{\Huge ¤¸}}}} } & \hyperlink{ch-h-letter}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{{\Huge ¤º}}}} } & \hyperlink{kk-letter}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{{\Huge ¤»}}}} } & \hyperlink{tt-letter}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{{\Huge ¤¼}}}} } & \hyperlink{pp-letter}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{{\Huge ¤½}}}} } & \hyperlink{h-letter}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{{\Huge ¤¾}}}} } \\[1ex] \multicolumn{7}{c}{{\large \textbf{Vowels}}}\\[1ex] \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¾Æ}}}\textbf{a} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¾Ö}}}\textbf{\ae} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¾ß}}}\textbf{ya} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¾ê}}}\textbf{y\ae} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¾î}}}\textbf{o} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¿¡}}}\textbf{e} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¿©}}}\textbf{yo} \\ \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¿¹}}}\textbf{ye} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¿À}}}\textbf{o} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¿Í}}}\textbf{wa} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¿Ö}}}\textbf{w\ae} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¿Ü}}}\textbf{we} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¿ä}}}\textbf{yo} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¿ì}}}\textbf{u} \\ \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¿ö}}}\textbf{wo} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{¿þ}}}\textbf{we} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{À§}}}\textbf{wi} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{À¯}}}\textbf{yu} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{À¸}}}\textbf{u} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{ÀÇ}}}\textbf{uy} & \textbf{{\Huge\textcolor[rgb]{0,0,0.8}{ÀÌ}}}\textbf{i} \end{tabular} \end{center} \bigskip \bigskip \bigskip %\begin{multicols}{3} \setlength\columnseprule{.4pt} \twocolumn \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{¤¡} \noindent \hypertarget{k-letter}{ \scalebox{6}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{¤¡}}}} }\\ \\ \textbf{°¡´Ù} go; proceed; travel; attend (some place) \textbf{°¡°Ô} a shop; a store \textbf{°¡±î -} be close, near \textbf{°¡²û} sometimes; now and then; occasionally \textbf{°¡¸£Ä¡´Ù} teach; instruct (in); educate \textbf{°¡¹æ} a bag; a briefcase; a suitcase; a trunk \textbf{°¡º­} --- be light \textbf{°¡¼ö Ê°â¢} a singer; a vocalist. $\sim$À¯Çà --- a popular song singer \textbf{°¡À»} autumn; fall \textbf{°¡Á· Ê«ðé} a family; a household; members of a family \textbf{°¡Àå} most; extremely \textbf{°¡Áö} a branch; \textbf{Å«°¡Áö} a bough; a limb; \textbf{ÀÜ°¡Áö} a twig; a sprig \textbf{°¡Áö°¢»ö --- ÊÀßä} (of) every kind and description. \textbf{°¡Áö°¢»öÀÇ} various; diverse; of all kinds (sorts). \textbf{°¡Áö°¢»öÀÇ»ç¶÷µé} all sorts and conditions of people. \textbf{°¥ºñ} the ribs \textbf{°¥¾Æ ÀÔ´Ù} --- change (one's clothes) \textbf{°¨»çÇÕ´Ï´Ù} thank you \textbf{°¨ÀÚ} potato(es) \textbf{°¨ÀÚ±ø} crispy fried potatoes, potato chips \textbf{°©} pack (cigarettes) \textbf{°©ÀÚ±â} suddenly \textbf{°ª} \textbf{1.}~value; worth \textbf{°ªÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù} be worth; be valuable; be of value; be worthy \textbf{2.}~price; cost; charge \textbf{°¬´Ù¿À} go (and come back) \textbf{°®´ÙÁÖ} --- bring \textbf{°°´Ù} --- (be) like; similar; be the same; (be) equal (to) \textbf{°°ÀÌ} \textbf{1.}~like. A ´Â B ¿Í ²À °°ÀÌ ¸¸µé¾îÁ³´Ù A is made exactly like B. \textbf{2.}~together \textbf{°³}$^1$ an inlet; an estuary \textbf{°³}$^2$ a dog; a hound. ¼öij a male dog. ¾Ïij a bitch. µéij a stray dog. °³¸¦ ±â¸£´Ù keep a dog. °³°¡ ¢´Ù a dog barks. \textbf{°³ ËÁ, ËÍ, Ë¿} a piece; items, units, objects (counter). »ç°ú ¼¼°³ three apples. \textbf{°³ ËÏ} a lid; a cover \textbf{°³¿ù} months (time or duration) (counter) \textbf{°³ÇÐ ËÒùÊ} --- the beginning of school --- $\sim$ÇÏ´Ù (school) begin \textbf{°Å±â} there \textbf{°ÆÁ¤} anxiety; concern; apprehension; worry; trouble; care; fear. $\sim$ÇÏ´Ù feel anxiety; be worried (about) \textbf{°Å¸®} \textbf{1.}~a street; a road; a town; a quarter. \textbf{2.}~distance \begin{figure}[h!] %\begin{minipage}[c]{0.1\textwidth} \begin{minipage}[c]{7ex} \hspace*{1em}\textbf{°Ç°­} \end{minipage}% %\hfill %\begin{minipage}[c]{0.2\textwidth} \begin{minipage}[c]{15pt} \centering %\includegraphics[width=30pt]{health.ps} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{health.ps} \end{minipage}% %\hfill %\begin{minipage}[c]{0.1\textwidth} \begin{minipage}[c]{1em} \textbf{ˬ} \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}[c]{6em} \hspace*{1ex}health \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[c]{0.4\textwidth} $\sim$ÇÏ´Ù (be) healthy; well; sound \end{minipage} \end{figure} \textbf{°Ç³ÊÆí} the opposite side; the other side. °Ç³ÊÆí¿¡ across; opposite; on the opposite side \textbf{°Ç¹°} involuntarily emitted semen \textbf{°Ç¹° ËïÚª} a building; a structure \textbf{°Ç¹Ý ËõÚï} a keyboard. $\sim$¾Ç±â keyboard instruments \textbf{°È´Ù} \textbf{1.}~roll [turn] up (one's sleeves); tuck up; fold up. ¼Ò¸Å¸¦ °È¾î ¿Ã¸®´Ù tuck [roll] up one's sleeves. \textbf{2.}~remove; take away; take down; pull down. \textbf{3.}~walk \textbf{°É¸®´Ù} \textbf{1.}~hang (from, on) \textbf{2.}~be against (a law); trespass (a law); be contrary to. \textbf{3.}~take (time) \textbf{°É¾î°¡´Ù} walk, go on foot \textbf{°É¾î¿À´Ù} walk, come on foot \textbf{°ÉÀ½} walking; stepping; a step; pace. ÇÑ°ÉÀ½ ÇÑ°ÉÀ½ step by step. ºü¸¥ °ÉÀ½À¸·Î at a rapid pace; with a rapid step. °ÉÀ½À» ÀçÃËÇÏ´Ù [´ÊÃß´Ù] quicken [slacken] one's pace \textbf{°ÉÀ½¸¶} Let's walk now! \textbf{°Ü¿ï} winter; the winter season \textbf{°áÈç} marriage; wedding; matrimony. \textbf{°æÁ¦ Ìèð­} economy. °æÁ¦ÇÐ economics \textbf{°è»ê¼­} bill, check \textbf{°è½Ã´Ù} be, exist, stay (honorific) \textbf{°í±â} meat \textbf{°í´ë} Korea University \textbf{°í¸¶} --- be/feel thankful \textbf{°í¸ð} aunt (father's sister) \textbf{°í¸ðºÎ} uncle (father's sister's husband) \textbf{°í¾çÀÌ} cat \textbf{°ñÇÁ} golf \textbf{°ñÇÁ(¸¦)Ä¡ -} play golf \textbf{°í¸§} pus \textbf{-°÷} place \textbf{°øºÎ(¸¦)ÇÏ-} study \textbf{Á¤¿ø} park \textbf{°øÃ¥} notebook \textbf{°áÁ¤} decision \textbf{°í¸¿½À´Ï´Ù} tank you \textbf{°ú¸ñ} school subject \textbf{°úÀÏ} fruit \textbf{±¤È­¹®} Kwanghwamun, Kwanghwa Gate \textbf{±¦Âú-} be OK, be alright \textbf{±¦Âú¾Æ¿ä} you're welcome! \emph{or} don't mention it!; it makes no difference, it doesn't matter, it's okay. (Literally: \emph{it's one of ten million} (words)) --- \textbf{¾Æ´Ï¿À, ±¦Âú¾Æ¿ä} not at all, it's all right; no, thanks. \textbf{±²ÀåÇÏ-} be quite something, be impressive \textbf{±²ÀåÈ÷} very, very much \textbf{±³¼ö} professor \textbf{±³½Ç} classroom \textbf{±³¿Ü} suburb(s) \textbf{±³Àç} teaching materials; textbook \textbf{±³È¯} exchange \textbf{±³È¯¿ø} switchboard, telephone, exchange operator \textbf{±³È¯Çлý} exchange student \textbf{±³È¸} church (Protestant) \textbf{±¸°æ(À») ÇÏ -} do viewing or sightsee \textbf{±¸°æ(À») °¡ -} go view\-ing/sight\-seeing \textbf{±¸µÎ} shoes \textbf{±¹} soup \textbf{±¹¸³} national (-ly) established \textbf{±¹¸³´ëÇб³} a national university \textbf{±ºµ¥} places, institutions (counter) \textbf{±ºÀÎ} soldier, serviceman \textbf{±Á} hoof \textbf{±Ç} bound volumes (counter) \textbf{±¼} oyster \textbf{±¼} cave \textbf{±Â} exorcism \textbf{±Í} ear \textbf{±×} that NOUN \textbf{±×³É} just, just (as one is), without doing anything \textbf{±×·¡µµ} even so, nevertheless \textbf{±×·¡¼­} and so; and then; therefore \textbf{±×·¡¿ä(?)} is that so? really? (that's so. really) \textbf{±×·¯´Ï±î} so, what I mean to say is; so, what you're saying is \textbf{±×·¯¸é} then, in that case, if so \textbf{±×·±µ¥} but; and then; by the way \textbf{±×·³} in that case; then \textbf{±×·¸°Ô} in that way, like that; so \textbf{±×·¸Áö¸¸} but \textbf{±×¸®°í} and also; and then \textbf{±×¸²} picture \textbf{±×Àú²²} day before yesterday \textbf{±ØÀå} theatre; cinema \textbf{±Ùó} the area near, the vicinity \textbf{±Û½ê¿ä} I don't really know. Let me think \textbf{±Ý³â} this year \textbf{±Ý¿äÀÏ} Friday \textbf{±â´Ù¸® -} wait \textbf{±âºÐ} feelings, mood \textbf{±âºÐ(ÀÌ) ³ª»Ú -} be in a bad mood \textbf{±âºÐ(ÀÌ) ÁÁ -} be in a good mood \textbf{±â¼÷»ç} dormitory \textbf{±âÂ÷} train \textbf{±æ} road, way, street \textbf{±îÆä} caf\'e \textbf{±ð -} cut (hair), sharpen (pencil), mow (grass) \textbf{±ú} sesame \textbf{±ú²ýÀÌ} neatly, cleanly \textbf{±ú²ýÇÏ -} be clean \textbf{²À} without fail; be sure to \textbf{²É} flower(s) \textbf{²÷ -} quit (smoking, drinking) \textbf{³¡} the end; the tip \textbf{³¡³ª -} it stops, ends, finishes \textbf{³¡³» -} finishes it \textbf{³¢ -} wear (gloves, ring) \textbf{³¢ -} wear (lenses) \textbf{±è¹ä} kimbap (rice/sea\-weed/ve\-ge\-tables) \textbf{±èÄ¡} kimchi (pickled spicy cabbage) \\ \\ \\ %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{¤¤} \hypertarget{n-letter}{ \scalebox{6}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{¤¤}}}} }\\ \\ \textbf{³ª} I \textbf{³ª(¤µ)-} get/be better \textbf{³ª°¡ -} attend (church); go out \textbf{³ª¶ó} country, nation \textbf{³ª¹«} tree \textbf{³ª»Ú´Ù} be bad \textbf{³ª¿À´Ù} come out \textbf{³ªÀÌ} age \textbf{³ªÁß¿¡} in the future, some time later, later \textbf{³¯} day \textbf{³¯¾¾} weather \textbf{³²´ë¹®} Great South Gate \textbf{³²µ¿»ý} younger brother \textbf{³²¸Å} brother and sister \textbf{³²ÀÚ} man \textbf{³²ÀÚÄ£±¸} boyfriend \textbf{³²Æí} husband \textbf{³·} daytime; noon \textbf{³»´Ù} pay \textbf{³»³â} next year \textbf{³»·Á°¡´Ù} go down \textbf{³»·Á¿À´Ù} come down \textbf{³»¸®´Ù} descend \textbf{³»ÀÏ} tomorrow \textbf{³Ã¸é} cold noodle dish \textbf{³Ã¼ö} ice water \textbf{³ÃÄ¿ÇÇ} ice coffee \textbf{³Ê¹«} too much so, too; very, to an excessive degree \textbf{³Ö -} put in, insert \textbf{³×} yes \textbf{³ØŸÀÌ} tie, necktie \textbf{- ³â»ý(ÀÌ¿¡¿ä)} is a person born in such-and-such a year \textbf{³ë-¤©-} play \textbf{³ë·¡} song \textbf{³ë·¡¹æ} nor\ae{}bang; Korean karaoke box \textbf{³ëÆ®} notebook \textbf{³í} paddy field \textbf{³õ-} put/place it \textbf{´©w-} lie down \textbf{´©°¡} who? (as subject) \textbf{´©±¸} who? (non-subject) \textbf{´©³ª} (boy's) older sister \textbf{´©´Ô} (boy's) older sister (honorific) \textbf{´«} snow \textbf{´«} eye \textbf{´º½º} the news \textbf{´º¿å} New York \textbf{´Ã} always \textbf{´Ê-} be late \textbf{´Ê°Ô} late (adv)\\ \\ \\ %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{¤§} \hypertarget{t-letter}{ \scalebox{6}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{¤§}}}} }\\ \\ \textbf{´Ù} all, everything \textbf{´Ù²¿±â} chicken (as meat) \textbf{´Ù´Ï-} attend, go on a regular basis \textbf{´Ù¸£-} be different \textbf{´Ù¸¥ NOUN} (an)other NOUN(s) \textbf{´Ù¸®} leg \textbf{´Ù¹æ} tea room, tabang \textbf{´ÙÀ½} after; adjacent, next to \textbf{´ÙÄ¡-} get hurt, injure oneself \textbf{´Û-} polish; brush (teeth) \textbf{´Ý-} close it (´Ý¾Æ¿ä closes it) (´Ý´Â´Ù closes it (plain style)) \textbf{´Þ} \textbf{1} months (counter) \textbf{2} moon \textbf{´Þ¶ó} dollar (counter) \textbf{´ß} chicken (as a bird) \textbf{´ß°í±â} chicken (as meat) \textbf{´ã¹è} cigarette(s) \textbf{´ë} vehicles, machines (counter) \textbf{´ë»ç°ü} embassy \textbf{´ëÇÐ} four-year college \textbf{´ëÇб³} university \textbf{´ì} house (honorific) \textbf{´õ} more \textbf{´öºÐ¿¡} thanks to NOUN; thanks to you \textbf{´õ w-} be hot \textbf{µ¥} place \textbf{µ¥ÀÌÆ®} a date \textbf{µ¥ÀÌÆ®(¸¦) ÇÏ-} have a date \textbf{µµ} degree of temperature \textbf{µµ¼­°ü} library \textbf{µµ½Ã} city \textbf{µµ¿ÍÁÖ-} help \textbf{µµÂø(À») ÇÏ-} arrive \textbf{µ¶¸³} independence \textbf{µ¶¾î} German language \textbf{µ¶ÀÏ} Germany \textbf{µ¶Àϸ»} German language \textbf{µ¶ÀÏ»ç¶÷} a German \textbf{µ·} money \textbf{µ·(ÀÌ)µå-¤©-} costs money \textbf{µ¹¾Æ°¡-} goes back, returns there \textbf{µ¹¾Æ°¡½Ã-} die, pass away (honorific) \textbf{µ¹¾Æ¿ä-} comes back, returns here \textbf{µ¿³×} neighborhood \textbf{µ¿´ë¹®} Greate East Gate \textbf{µ¿»ý} younger brother or sister \textbf{µ¿¾È} for the duration of, during, for (a week) \textbf{µÅ¿ä} it's OK; it'll do; it's acceptable; it works \textbf{µÇ-} become \textbf{µÑ´Ù} both, both of them \textbf{µÚ} at the back; behind \textbf{µå-¤©-} costs (money) \textbf{µå-¤©-} lift; hold \textbf{µå¶óÀÌÅ©¸®´×} dry cleaning \textbf{µå¸®-} give (honorific) \textbf{µå½Ã-} eat, drink (honorific) \textbf{µè-} listen to; hear; take (courses) \textbf{µé¾î°¡-} go in, enters \textbf{µé¾î¿À-} come in, enter; return home \textbf{µé¾î¿À¼¼¿ä!} come in! (Literally: \emph{please inter}) \textbf{µî} back, spine \textbf{µû´Ô} daughter (hon.) \textbf{µþ} daughter \textbf{¶§} time (when) \textbf{¶§¹®¿¡} because of, on account of \textbf{¶°³ª-} leave, depart \textbf{¶Ç} moreover, what's more; (yet) again \textbf{¶Ç ºÁ¿ä} see you later! (polite style) (literally: \emph{see you again}) \textbf{¶Ç ºË°Ú½À´Ï´Ù} see you later! (formal) (Explanation: ¶Ç \emph{again,} ºË°Ú½À´Ï´Ù \emph{humbly see/meet.} Literally: \emph{I will humbly see you again.}) \textbf{¶È¶ÈÇÏ-} be bright, intelligent \\ \\ \\ %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{¤©} \hypertarget{l-letter}{ \scalebox{6}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{¤©}}}} }\\ \\ \textbf{¶óµð¿À} radio \textbf{¶óÀÌŸ} lighter \textbf{·¯½Ã¾Æ} Russia \textbf{·¯½Ã¾Æ¸»} Russian language \textbf{·¯½Ã¾Æ»ç¶÷} Russian person \textbf{·±´ø} London \textbf{·¹½ºÅä¶û} restaurant \textbf{¸®} Korean mile (li) = 1/3 U.S. mile (counter) \\ \\ \\ %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{¤±} \hypertarget{m-letter}{ \scalebox{6}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{¤±}}}} }\\ \\ \textbf{¸¶·ç} the living room (in an apartment) \textbf{¸¶¸®} animals, fish, birds (counter) \textbf{¸¶½Ã-} drink \textbf{¸¶À½} one's mind, spiritual center, heart \textbf{¸¶Ä¡-} finish it \textbf{¸¸³ª-} meet \textbf{¸¸³ª¼­ ¹Ý°©½À´Ï´Ù} nice to meet you; nice to see you; (literally: \emph{I meet you, so I am pleased}) \textbf{¸¸È­} comics, cartoons \textbf{¸¹-} be much/many \textbf{¸¹ÀÌ} a lot, much, lots (adverb) \textbf{¸»} horse \textbf{¸»} language; words, speech \textbf{¸»(À») µé-} obey (listen to words) \textbf{¸»¾¸} words, speech (humble or honorific equivalent of ¸») \textbf{¸»¾¸ÇÏ-} say (huble) \textbf{¸»¾¸Çϼ¼¿ä} go ahead; please say what you have to say \textbf{¸»(À») ÇÏ-} speak, talk \textbf{¸À} taste \textbf{¸À ¾ø-} taste bad, no taste good \textbf{¸À(ÀÌ) ÀÖ-} be tasty, delicious \textbf{¸Â-} be right, correct; hit the mark \textbf{¸ÂÀºÆí} ac\-ross/op\-po\-site from \textbf{¸Å-} put on/wear (a tie) \textbf{¸Å-} tie \textbf{¸Åw-} be spicy \textbf{¸ÅÀÏ} every day \textbf{¸ÅÇ¥¼Ò} ticket counter \textbf{¸ÆÁÖ} beer \textbf{¹¹} what? \textbf{¸Ó-¤©-} be distant, far \textbf{¸Ó¸®} head; hair \textbf{¸Ó¸®(°¡) ³ª»Ú-} be dumb \textbf{¸Ó¸®(°¡) ÁÁ-} be bright/in\-te\-lli\-gent \textbf{¸Ô-} eat \textbf{¸ÔÀÌ- (w/ºÒ)} starch it \textbf{¸ÕÀú} first (or all), before anything else \textbf{¸Ö¸®} far \textbf{¸Ö¸®¼­} from a distance \textbf{¸Ó¸®ºø} comb \textbf{¸ç´À¸®} daughter-in-law \textbf{¸í} persons, people (counter) \textbf{¸íÇÔ} namechard, business card \textbf{¸î} how many?; some/several \textbf{¸î³â»ýÀ̼¼¿ä?} what year were you born in? \textbf{¸îÇгâÀ̼¼¿ä?} what year are you (in school)? \textbf{¸ðµÎ} all, everyone \textbf{¸ð·¹} day after tomorrow \textbf{¸ð¸£-} not know \textbf{¸ð¸£°Ú¾î¿ä} I don't understand \textbf{¸ðÀÚ} hat \textbf{¸ñ} throat \textbf{¸ñ¿äÀÏ} Thursday \textbf{¸ô¶ó¿ä} I don't know \textbf{¸ö} body \textbf{¸ø} \textbf{1} pond \textbf{2} nail \textbf{¹«-¤©-} bite \textbf{¹«°Åw-} be heavy \textbf{¹«±ÃÈ­ ÙíÏãü£} [½Ä¹°] the national flower of Korea --- the Rose of Sharon. \textbf{¹«±ÃÈ­ µ¿»ê} the beautiful land of Korea. \\ {\small Every year from June to October a profusion of \emph{mugunghwa} blossoms graces the entire country. Unlike most flowers, the \emph{mugunghwa} is remarkably tenacious and is able to withstand both blight and insects.} %\begin{figure}[h!] %\centering \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=142pt]{mugunghwa.eps} \end{center} %\end{figure} \textbf{¹«¸­} knee \textbf{¹«½¼} which?, what kind of? \textbf{¹«¾ù} what? \textbf{¹«¿ª} trade \textbf{¹«¿ªÈ¸»ç} trading company \textbf{¹®} door, gate \textbf{¹®Á¦} problem \textbf{¹°} water \textbf{¹°-} ask \textbf{¹°°Ç} goods \textbf{¹°·é} of course \textbf{¹°·ÐÀÌ¿¡¿ä.} of course. \textbf{¹¹} what? \textbf{¹Ì±¹} America, USA \textbf{¹Ì±¹»ç¶÷} person from USA, American \textbf{¹Ì¼¼½º} Mrs, (before the name) \textbf{¹Ì½º} Miss (before the name) \textbf{¹Ì¾ÈÇÏ-} be sorry, feel sorry \textbf{¹Ì¾ÈÇÕ´Ï´Ù} I'm sorry, excuse me (Literally: \emph{I feel uneasy}) \textbf{¹ÌÈ¥(ÀÌ¿¡¿ä)} (is) unmarried \textbf{¹Ø} at the bottom, below, under(neath) \\ \\ \\ %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{¤²} \hypertarget{p-letter}{ \scalebox{6}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{¤²}}}} }\\ \\ \textbf{¹Ù²Ù-} exchange, change \textbf{¹Ù´Ù} ocean, sea \textbf{¹Ù·Î} just (below, above); straight \textbf{¹Ù»Ú-} be busy \textbf{¹ÙÁö} trousers \textbf{¹Ú»ç} Dr., Ph.D. \textbf{¹Û} outside \textbf{¹Ý} half \textbf{¹Ý} one's class, homeroom \textbf{¹ÝÁö} (finger)ring \textbf{¹ÝÂù} side dishes \textbf{¹Þ-} receive, get \textbf{¹ß} foot \textbf{¹ß°¡¶ô} toe \textbf{¹ã} night; evening \textbf{¹ã} chestnut \textbf{¹ä} cooked rice \textbf{¹æ} room \textbf{¹æ±Ý} just a moment ago, just now \textbf{¹æÇÐ} vacation \textbf{¹ç} field \textbf{¹è} stomach \textbf{¹è(°¡) ºÎ¸£-} (stomach) be full, sated \textbf{¹è¿ì-} learn \textbf{¹éÈ­Á¡} department store \textbf{¹ö¸®-} throw it away \textbf{¹ö½º} bus \textbf{¹ø} times (counter) \textbf{¹øÈ£} number \textbf{¹ú½á} already \textbf{¹þ-} take off (clothes) \textbf{º°·Î + negative} (not) particularly \textbf{º´} bottle (counter) \textbf{º¸-} look at, see \textbf{º¸³»-} spend (time); send \textbf{º¸Åë} usually, normally \textbf{º¹µµ} corridor, hallway \textbf{º¼Ææ} ballpoint pen \textbf{º½} spring \textbf{ºÀÁö} paper bag (counter) \textbf{ºÎ¸£-} sing (a song) \textbf{ºÎ¸£-} be full (stomach) \textbf{ºÎ¸ð(µé)} parents \textbf{ºÎ¾ý} kitchen \textbf{ºÎÀÎ} your/his wife \textbf{ºÎÀÚ} rich person \textbf{ºÎÃ÷} boots \textbf{ºÎÄ¡-} post it, mail it \textbf{ºÎŹ(À») ÇÏ-} make a request, ask a fa\-vor/er\-rand \textbf{-ºÐ} esteemed people (counter) \textbf{-ºÐ} minutes (counter) \textbf{-ºÐ} person (honorific) \textbf{ºÐÇÊ} chalk \textbf{ºÒ} \textbf{1} fire; light; a light \textbf{2} U.S. dollars (counter) \textbf{ºÒ°í±â} \emph{pulgogi} \textbf{ºÒ¾î} French language \textbf{ºÒÆíÇÏ-} be uncomfortable, inconvenient \textbf{ºñ} rain \textbf{ºñºö¹ä} \emph{pibimpap} \textbf{ºñ½Î-} be expensive \textbf{ºñÄ¡} beach \textbf{ºñÇà±â} airplane \textbf{ºôµù} building \textbf{ºø-} comb \textbf{ºù¼ö} shaved ice, ice slush \textbf{ºü¸£-} be fast \textbf{»¡¸®} quickly \textbf{»§} bread \textbf{»§Áý} bakery \textbf{»µ½º} bus \textbf{»Ô} horn \\ \\ \\ %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{¤µ} \hypertarget{s-letter}{ \scalebox{6}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{¤µ}}}} }\\ \\ \textbf{»ç-} buy \textbf{»ç-¤©-} live \textbf{»ç°ú} apple \textbf{»ç¶÷} people (counter) \textbf{»ç¶÷} person \textbf{»ç¶û(À») ÇÏ-} love \textbf{»ç¸³} private(-ly established) \textbf{»ç±é´ëÇб³} a private university \textbf{»ç¸ð´Ô} \textbf{1} your wife; somebody else's wife (ele\-gant/ho\-no\-ri\-fic) \textbf{2} Madam, Mrs; one's teacher's wife (you can use it separately when speaking to/about your teacher's wife) \textbf{»ç¹«½Ç} office \textbf{»ç½Ç} fact; in fact \textbf{»ç½ÇÀº} in fact \textbf{»ç¾÷} business \textbf{»çÀ§} son-in-law \textbf{»çÀÌ} between \textbf{»çÀÌ´Ù} a Korean soft drink like $\mathrm{Seven}$-$\mathrm{up^{TM}}$ \textbf{»çÀå} company president \textbf{»çÃÌ} cousin \textbf{»çÃÌ´©³ª} cousin (boy's older female cousin) \textbf{»çÃ̵¿»ý} cousin (boy or girl's younger cousin ) (either gender) \textbf{»çÃ̾ð´Ï} cousin (girl's older female cousin) \textbf{»çÃÌÇü} cousin (boy's older male cousin) \textbf{»ê} mountain \textbf{»êº¸(¸¦) ÇÏ-} stroll, take a walk \textbf{»ì} \textbf{1} years of age (counter) \textbf{2} flesh \textbf{»ïÃÌ} uncle (on father's side) \textbf{»ïÇгâ(»ý)} third-year student \textbf{»ó} table \textbf{»ó·ù} upper reaches of a river \textbf{»óÀÚ} box, case, chest (counter) \textbf{»õ} new \textbf{»õº®} dawn \textbf{»õ¿ì} shrimp \textbf{»õ¿ì±ø} shrimp chips \textbf{»÷µåÀ§Ä¡} sandwich \textbf{»ý¸ÆÁÖ} draft beer \textbf{»ý½Å} birthday (honorific) \textbf{»ýÀÏ} birthday \textbf{»ý±â-} turn out a certain way \textbf{»ýÅ©¸²} fresh cream \textbf{»þ¾²} shirt, dress-shirt \textbf{¼­-} stand \textbf{¼­} from (colloquial, means \emph{from the something which is the \emph{place}}) \textbf{¼­°­´ë} Sogang University \textbf{¼­¿ï´ë} Seoul National University \textbf{¼­Á¡} bookstore \textbf{¼±±³»ç} missionary \textbf{¼±¹°} present, gift \textbf{¼±»ý} teacher \textbf{¼±»ý´Ô} teacher (honorific); Mr, Mister \textbf{¼³°ÐÀÌ} dirty dishes \textbf{¼³°ÐÀÌ(¸¦) ÇÏ-} wash the dishes \textbf{¼³»ç} diarrhea \textbf{¼³ÅÁ} sugar \textbf{¼³È­} tale, legend \textbf{¼º} surname \textbf{¼º¾¾} (your or his) esteemed surname \textbf{¼ºÇÔ} surname (honorific) \textbf{¼º³É} match(es) \textbf{¼º´ç} church (Catholic) \textbf{¼¼Å¹} laundry \textbf{¼¼Å¹(À») ÇÏ-} do laundry, launder \textbf{¼¼Å¹¼Ò} laundromat, cleaners \textbf{½º¿þŸ} sweater, jumper \textbf{¼Ò°³(¸¦) ÇÏ-} introduce \textbf{¼Ò°³(¸¦) ¹Þ-} be/get introduced \textbf{¼ÒÁÖ} Korean rice vodka, soju \textbf{¼Ó} inside \textbf{¼Õ} hand \textbf{¼Õ°¡¶ô} finger \textbf{¼Õ³à(µþ)} granddaughter \textbf{¼Õ´Ô} guest; customer \textbf{¼ÕÀÚ} grandson \textbf{¼ÕÁÖ(¾ÆÀÌ)} grandchild(ren) \textbf{¼îÇÎ} shopping \textbf{¼ù°¡¶ô} spoon \textbf{¼ö°Ç} towel \textbf{¼ö°í} hard work \textbf{¼ö°íÇϼ¼¿ä} goog-bye! (to someone working) (Explanation: ¼ö°í \emph{hard work}, i.e., \emph{keep up the good work}) \textbf{¼ö°íÇϼ̾î¿ä} thank you for helping me; well done! (Explanation: ¼ö°í \emph{hard work}, i.e., \emph{well done}) \textbf{¼ö°íÇϽʴϴÙ} hello! (to someone working) Explanation: ¼ö°í \emph{hard work}, i.e., \emph{you're doing a great job}) \textbf{¼ö¾÷} class, lesson \textbf{¼ö¿µ(À») ÇÏ-} swim \textbf{¼ö¿µÀå} swimming pool \textbf{¼ö¿äÀÏ} Wednesday \textbf{¼öÀÔÇ°} imported goods \textbf{½´ÆÛ¸¶ÄÏ} supermarket \textbf{¼÷Á¦} homework, assignment \textbf{¼ú} any alcoholic drink \textbf{¼úÁý} bar, tavern, drinking establishment \textbf{½¬-} rest \textbf{½¬w-} be easy \textbf{½±°Ô} easily \textbf{½±½Ã´Ù} let's rest \textbf{½ºÄ«ÇÁ} scarf \textbf{½ºÄÉÀÌÆ®} skate(s) \textbf{½ºÅ°} ski(s) \textbf{½ºÅ°(¸¦) Ÿ-} ski \textbf{½ºÆ÷Ã÷} sports \textbf{½Ã} \textbf{1} o'clock (counter) \textbf{2} poem {\large \textbf{½Ã°£}} hours (counter); time --- \textbf{½Ã°£ÀÌ ´Ù µÆ½À´Ï´Ù} it's time (to begin or stop) (Explanation: ½Ã°£ \emph{time}; ½Ã°£ÀÌ \emph{time} (as subject); ´Ù \emph{all, completely;} µÆ½À´Ï´Ù \emph{it has become \dots{}}) \textbf{½Ã°è} watch \textbf{½Ã°ñ} countryside, the country \textbf{½Å¶ó} Silla (ancient Korean state) \textbf{½Ã³»} downtown, city center \textbf{½É¸®} psychology \textbf{½Ã´ì} esteemed house/home of the parents-in-law (for females) \textbf{½ÃºÎ¸ð} parents-in-law (for females) \textbf{½Ã¾Æ¹ö´Ô} father-in-law (woman's) (honorific) \textbf{½Ã¾Æ¹öÁö} father-in-law (woman's) \textbf{½Ã¾î¸Ó´Ï} mother-in-law (woman's) \textbf{½Ã¾î¸Ó´Ô} mother-in-law (woman's) (honorific) \textbf{½ÃÀÛ(À») ÇÏ-} begin \textbf{½ÃÀå} market \textbf{½Ãû} city hall \textbf{½ÃÅ°-} order \textbf{½ÃÇè} examination \textbf{½Ä±¸} family members \textbf{½Ä´ç} dining room, restaurant, cafeteria, refectory \textbf{½ÄŹ} dining table, kitchen table \textbf{½Å-} wear (footwear) \textbf{½Å¹®} newspaper \textbf{½Å¿ëÄ«µå} credit card \textbf{½Å¹ß} shoes, footwear in general \textbf{½Ç·¹} discourtesy \textbf{½Ç·Ê} discourtesy \textbf{½Ç·ÊÇÏ°Ú½À´Ï´Ù} excuse me \emph{(for what I'm about to do)}. (Literally: \emph{I am about to commit a discourtesy}) \textbf{½Ç·ÊÇÕ´Ï´Ù} excuse me \emph{(for what I am doing)}. (Literally: \emph{I am commiting a discourtesy}) \textbf{½Ç·ÊÇß½À´Ï´Ù} excuse me \emph{(for what I did)}. (literally: \emph{I have committed a discourtesy}) \textbf{½Ç¸Á} disappointment \textbf{½ÇÀº} in fact \textbf{½È-} be disliked, distasteful \textbf{½È¾îÇÏ-} dislike it \textbf{½É½ÉÇÏ-} be bored \textbf{½Í-} want to \textbf{½Î-} cheap, inexpensive \textbf{½Ò} hulled rice \textbf{½ñ¾ÆÁö-} pours (rain) \textbf{¾²-} wear (glasses) \textbf{¾²-} wear (a hat) \textbf{¾²-} use it \textbf{¾²-} write \textbf{-¾¾} \textbf{1} polite title for name \textbf{2} seed \\ \\ \\ %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{¤·} \hypertarget{zero-letter}{ \scalebox{6}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{¤·}}}} }\\ \\ \textbf{¾Æ-¤©-} know it \textbf{¾Æ°¡¾¾} young lady; form of address for unmarried women \textbf{¾Æ±â} baby \textbf{¾Æ±î} a short while ago, just a moment ago \textbf{¾Æ³»} my wife \textbf{¾Æ´Ï¸é} or (sentence-initial), or (between nouns) \textbf{¾Æ´Ï¿¡¿ä} no; it is not \textbf{¾Æ´Ï¿À} no \textbf{¾Æµå´Ô} son (honorific) \textbf{¾Æµé} son \textbf{¾Æ·¡} below, lower, down, downstairs \textbf{¾Æ·¡Ãþ} downstairs; the floor below \textbf{¾Æ¸£¹ÙÀÌÆ®} part-time work for students \textbf{¾Æ¸£¹ÙÀÌÆ®(¸¦) ÇÏ-} do part-time work for students \textbf{¾Æ¸¶} maybe, probably, perhaps \textbf{¾Æ¸¶µµ} maybe, probably (more tentative) \textbf{¾Æ¹«°Å³ª} anything, anything at all \textbf{¾Æ¹ö´Ô} father (honorific) \textbf{¾Æ¹öÁö} father \textbf{¾ÆÀÌ} child \textbf{¾ÆÀ̽ºÅ©¸²} ice cream \textbf{¾ÆÀú¾¾} mister (any man old enough to be married); form of address \textbf{¾ÆÁÖ} very \textbf{¾ÆÁÖ¸Ó´Ï} ma'am (any woman old enough to be married) \textbf{¾ÆÁܸ¶} ma'am (casual for ¾ÆÁÖ¸Ó´Ï) \textbf{¾ÆÁ÷} (not) yet, still \textbf{¾Æħ} morning; breakfast \textbf{¾ÆÇÁ-} hurt, be painful \textbf{¾È} inside \textbf{¾È°æ} glasses \textbf{¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä?} how are you?; hello! (literally: \emph{are you peaceful (well)?}) \textbf{¾È³çÈ÷} in good health \textbf{¾È³çÈ÷ °¡¼¼¿ä} good-bye! (To one who is leaving. Literally: \emph{go in peace (i.e., health)}) \textbf{¾È³çÈ÷ °è¼¼¿ä} good-bye! (To one who is staying. Literally: \emph{stay in peace (i.e., health)}) \textbf{¾È³çÈ÷ ÁÖ¹«¼¼¿ä} good night (honorific) \textbf{¾ÈµÅ¿ä} it's no good; it won't do; it's not acceptable; it doesn't work \textbf{¾ÈÁÖ} snacks to go with alcohol, food to go with alcoholic drinks \textbf{¾É-} sits \textbf{¾ÉÀ¸¼¼¿ä} please take a seat, sit down \textbf{¾Ë°Ú¾î¿ä} I understand \textbf{¾Ë¾Æ µé-} understand, catch (something said) \textbf{¾Õ} in front \textbf{¾Ö} child \textbf{¾Ö±â} baby \textbf{¾ß±¸} baseball \textbf{¾ß±¸ (¸¦) ÇÏ-} play baseball \textbf{¾à} medicine \textbf{¾à(À») ¸Ô-} take (eat) medicine \textbf{¾à¹æ} drugstore \textbf{¾àÈ¥(À») ÇÏ-} get engaged \textbf{¾àÈ¥ÀÚ} fianc\'e(e) \textbf{¾ç´ã¹è} foreign cigarettes \textbf{¾ç¸»} socks \textbf{¾çº¹} a suit \textbf{¾çÁÖ} whiskey; western spirits \textbf{¾ê±â} talk, chat, story \textbf{¾î´À} which? what kind of? \textbf{¾îµð} where? \textbf{¾î¶§¿ä?} how is it? how about it? \textbf{¾î¶»°Ô?} how? in what way? \textbf{¾î·Áw-} be difficult \textbf{¾î¸®-} be young (a child) \textbf{¾î¸Ó´Ï} mother \textbf{¾î¸Ó´Ô} mother (honorific) \textbf{¾î¼­ ¿À¼¼¿ä!} welcome! (Literally: \emph{come (in) right away!}) \textbf{¾îÁ¦} yesterday \textbf{¾ð´Ï} older sister (girl's) \textbf{¾ðÁ¦} when? \textbf{¾ðÁ¦³ª} always \textbf{¾ðÁ¨°¡} sometime or other, at one time; some time ago \textbf{¾ó¸¶} how many? how much? \textbf{¾ó¸¶³ª} about how much? approximately how much? \textbf{¾óÀ½} ice \textbf{¾ø-} be nonexistent, not exist, not have \textbf{¾ø¾î¿ä} does not exist, here is not, aren't \textbf{¾ûÅ͸®} rubbish, junk; something or someone cheap and shabby \textbf{¿¡} to (\emph{to the place} e.g., to go to the place) \textbf{¿¡°Ô} to (\emph{to the living thing} e.g., to give something to the living thing) \textbf{¿¡°Ô¼­} from (\emph{from the living thing}) \textbf{¿¡¼­} from (\emph{place}) \textbf{¿¤¸®º£ÀÌÅÍ} elevator, lift \textbf{¿©-¤©-} open it \textbf{¿©°ü} small hotel, inn \textbf{¿©±â} here \textbf{¿©±â Á» ºÁ¿ä} say there! excuse me! \textbf{¿©µ¿»ý} younger sister \textbf{¿©·¯} --- several, various \textbf{¿©¸§} summer \textbf{¿©º¸¼¼¿ä!} hello! hey there! excuse me! (\emph{hello} on the telephone, or when peering into a dark house. Also means \emph{look here!} \textbf{¿©ÀÚ} woman \textbf{¿©ÀÚÄ£±¸} girlfriend \textbf{¿ª} train station \textbf{-¿¬/-³â} years (counter) \textbf{¿¬±¸} research \textbf{¿¬±¸(¸¦) ÇÏ-} do research \textbf{¿¬±¸½Ç} (professor's) office \textbf{¿¬±Ø} play, drama \textbf{¿¬±â} postponement \textbf{¿¬±â} performance \textbf{¿¬´ë} Yonsei University \textbf{¿¬¶ô(À») ÇÏ-} --- get in touch, make contact \textbf{¿¬¼¼} age (honorific) \textbf{¿¬ÇÊ} pencil \textbf{¿­¼è} key \textbf{¿­½ÉÈ÷} diligently \textbf{¿µ±¹} England \textbf{¿µ±¹»ç¶÷} English person \textbf{¿µ»ç°ü} consulate {\large \textbf{¿ë¼­Çϼ¼¿ä}} please forgive me \textbf{¿µ¾î} English language \textbf{¿µÈ­} movie, film \textbf{¿µÈ­±¸°æ(À») ÇÏ-} see a film \textbf{¿µÈ­¹è¿ì} movie actor \textbf{¿·} next to, beside \textbf{¿¹} yes \textbf{¿¹»Ú-} pretty, cute \textbf{¿¹¾à} reservation \textbf{¿¹¾à(À») ÇÏ-} make a reservation \textbf{¿À-} come \textbf{¿À´Ã} today \textbf{¿À·»Áö Á꽺} orange juice \textbf{¿À¸£-} ascend, rise \textbf{¿À¸¥ÂÊ} on the right \textbf{¿À¸¥Æí} on the right \textbf{¿Àºü} older brother (girl's) \textbf{¿ÀÀü} morning, A.M. \textbf{¿À¡¾î} squid \textbf{¿À¡¾î±ø} squid chips \textbf{¿ÀÈÄ} afternoon, P.M. \textbf{¿Á} jade \textbf{¿Ã¶ó°¡-} go up \textbf{¿Ã¶ó¿À-} come up \textbf{¿Ê} clothes; garment \textbf{¿Í¿ä} get, receive; ³ª´Â ÆíÁö°¡ ¾î¸Ó´ÏÇÑÅ×¼­ ¿Í¿ä I get letter(s) from my mother \textbf{¿ÍÀÌ»þ¾²} shirt, dress shirt \textbf{¿ÍÀÎ} wine \textbf{¿Ö(¿ä?)} why? \textbf{¿Ö³ÄÇϸé} the reason is; because \textbf{¿Ü±³°ü} diplomat \textbf{¿Ü±¹} foreign country \textbf{¿Ü±¹»ç¶÷} a foreigner \textbf{¿Ü±¹¾î} foreign language \textbf{¿Ü»ïÃÌ} uncle (on mother's side) \textbf{¿ÜÇÒ¸Ó´Ï} grandmother (on mother's side) \textbf{¿ÜÇҾƹöÁö} grandfather (on mother's side) \textbf{¿ÞÂÊ} on the left \textbf{¿ÞÆí} on the left \textbf{¿ä¸®} cooking, cuisine \textbf{¿ä¸®(¸¦) ÇÏ-} cook \textbf{¿äÁò} nowadays, these days \textbf{¿ë¹«} business, matter to take care of \textbf{¿ë¼­(¸¦) ÇÏ-} forgive \textbf{¿ì¸®} we, our \textbf{¿ì»ê} umbrella \textbf{¿ì¼±} first of all, before anything else \textbf{¿ìÀ¯} milk \textbf{¿ìü±¹} post office \textbf{¿îµ¿} sports \textbf{¿îµ¿(À») ÇÏ-} do sports; exercise \textbf{¿îµ¿Àå} sports stadium \textbf{¿îµ¿È­} sneakers, tennis shoes \textbf{-¿ø} Korean monetary unit, won \textbf{¿ù(´Þ)} month names (counter) \textbf{¿ù¿äÀÏ} Monday \textbf{À§} above, over, on (top); upstairs \textbf{À§½ºÅ°} whisky \textbf{À§Ãþ} upstairs, the floor above \textbf{ÀºÅð(¸¦) ÇÏ-} retire \textbf{ÀºÇà} bank \textbf{ÀºÇà¿ø} banker \textbf{À½·á¼ö} beverage, something to drink \textbf{À½½Ä} food \textbf{À½½ÄÁ¡} restaurant \textbf{À½¾Ç} music \textbf{À½¾Çȸ} concert \textbf{ÀÇ»ç} doctor, physician \textbf{ÀÇÀÚ} chair \textbf{ÀÌ} tooth, teeth \textbf{ÀÌ} this \textbf{-ÀÌ-} be (the same as, equal to) (copula) \textbf{ÀÌ´ë} Ewha Women's University \textbf{À̵û°¡} in a while, a while later \textbf{ÀÌ·¸°Ô} in this way, like this \textbf{À̸§} (given) name \textbf{À̸ð} aunt (mother's sister) \textbf{À̸ðºÎ} uncle (mother's sister's husband) \textbf{À̹ø NOUN} this NOUN (week, month) \textbf{ÀÌ»óÇÏ-} be stange, odd \textbf{À̾߱â} talk, chat, story \textbf{À̾߱â(¸¦) ÇÏ-} talk, chat \textbf{ÀÌÁ¦} now (finally) \textbf{ÀÌÇгâ(»ý)} second-year student \textbf{ÀÌÈ¥(À») ÇÏ-} get divorced \textbf{-ÀκÐ} portion (of food) \textbf{Àλï} ginseng \textbf{ÀλïÁÖ} ginseng wine \textbf{ÀÎÁ¦} now (finally) \textbf{ÀÏ} matter, business \textbf{ÀÏ} days (counter) \textbf{ÀÏ(À») ÇÏ-} work, do work \textbf{ÀϺ»} Japan \textbf{ÀϺ»¸»} Japanese language \textbf{ÀϺ»»ç¶÷} person from Japan \textbf{ÀϾî} Japanese language \textbf{ÀϾ-} get up; stand up \textbf{ÀÏ¿äÀÏ} Sunday \textbf{ÀÏÂï} early (adv) \textbf{ÀÏÇгâ(»ý)} first-year student \textbf{ÀÐ-} read \textbf{ÀÔ-} wear; put on \textbf{ÀÔ} mouth \textbf{ÀÖ-} be, exist; stay; have \textbf{ÀÖ¾î¿ä} it exists, there is/are \textbf{Àؾî¹ö¸®-} forget \\ \\ \\ %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{¤¸} \hypertarget{ch-letter}{ \scalebox{6}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{¤¸}}}} }\\ \\ \textbf{ÀÚ-} sleep (ÀÚ¿ä sleeps) \textbf{ÀÚ³àºÐ} children (honorific) \textbf{ÀÚµ¿Â÷} car, automobile \textbf{ÀÚ·á} materials (written) \textbf{ÀÚ¸£-} cut \textbf{ÀÚ¸Å} sisters \textbf{ÀÚÀü°Å} bicycle \textbf{ÀÚÁ¦ºÐ} children (honirific) \textbf{ÀÚÁÖ} often \textbf{ÀÛ-} --- be little \textbf{ÀÛ³â} last year \textbf{ÀÛÀº¾Æ¹öÁö} uncle (fater's younger brother) \textbf{ÀÜ} glass (to drink); cupfuls (counter) \textbf{Àß} well; often \textbf{Àߵſä} It's going well. It's turning out well. \textbf{Àß »ý°å-} be hand\-some/good-look\-ing (usually said of males) \textbf{Àß »ý°å¾î¿ä} be hand\-some/good-look\-ing (usually said of males) \textbf{Àß ¾È µÅ¿ä} it's not going well \textbf{Àß ÀÚ¿ä!} good night (polite, but not honorific) \textbf{ÀßÇÏ-} do well, do (it) well \textbf{Àá±ñ} a short while, a moment \textbf{Àá½Ã} a short while \textbf{Àâ¼ö½Ã-} eat (honorific) \textbf{ÀâÁö} magazine \textbf{-Àå} flat objects (counter) \textbf{Àå(À») º¸-} do grocery shopping \textbf{Àå°©} gloves \textbf{À帶} rainy season, seasonal rains \textbf{À帶(°¡) Áö-} rainy season sets in \textbf{Àå¸ð} mother-in-law (man's) \textbf{ÀåÀÎ} father-in-law (man's) \textbf{ÀåÀξ} father-in-law (man's) (elegant) \textbf{ÀåÀÎÀå¸ð} parents-in-law (man's) \textbf{ÀðÄÏ} jacket \textbf{Àç¹Ì ¾ø-} be not interesting, boring \textbf{Àç¹Ì ÀÖ-} be interesting \textbf{Àç¹ÌÀÖ°Ô} interestingly, in such a way that it is interesting \textbf{Àï¹Ý} tray (flat thing to carry dishes) \textbf{Àú} yon, that (over there) \textbf{Àú±â} over there \textbf{Àú±â¿ä!} hey there! (a bit brusque or even rude) \textbf{Àú³á} evening; supper \textbf{Àú·¸°Ô} in that way \textbf{Àû-} are few \textbf{Àü°ø} one's major, specialization \textbf{Àü°ø(À») ÇÏ-} major in something \textbf{ÀüºÎ} the whole thing, total \textbf{ÀüºÎ´Ù} everyting, all of it \textbf{Àü¿¡} earlier, before \textbf{ÀüÈ­} telephone \textbf{ÀüÈ­(¸¦) ÇÏ-} make a phone call \textbf{ÀüÈ­(¸¦) °Å-¤©-} make a phone call \textbf{ÀüÈ­(¸¦) ¹Þ-} answer the phone \textbf{ÀüÈ­¹øÈ£} telephone number \textbf{ÀüÇô} $[$not$]$ at all \textbf{Àþ-} be young (but past puberty) \textbf{Á¡½É} lunch \textbf{Á¢½Ã} plate \textbf{Á£°¡¶ô} chopsticks \textbf{Á¤°¢(¿¡)} exactly at (a time) \textbf{Á¤°ÅÀå} station/stop (train) \textbf{Á¤·ùÀå} bus stop \textbf{Á¤¸»(·Î)} truly, really \textbf{Á¤¸»ÀÌ¿¡¿ä?} really? is it true? \textbf{Á¤¹®} main gate (of a university) \textbf{Á¤¿­Àû(À¸·Î)} passionate(ly) \textbf{Á¤¿ø} garden \textbf{Á¤Ä¡} politics \textbf{Á¤Ä¡ÇÐ} political science \textbf{Á¦ÀÏ} the most; number one \textbf{Á¦Ç°} manufactured good(s) \textbf{Á¶±Ý} a little \textbf{Á¶ºÎ¸ð} grandparents \textbf{Á¶Ä«} nephew \textbf{Á¶Ä«µþ} niece \textbf{Á¹¾÷(À») ÇÏ-} graduate \textbf{Á»} a little; please \textbf{Á¾ÀÌ} paper \textbf{ÁÁ-} be good; be liked \textbf{ÁÁ-} be good \textbf{ÁÁ¾ÆÇÏ-}, \textbf{ÁÁ¾ÆÇϳª¿ä}, \textbf{ÁÁ¾ÆÇÕ´Ï´Ù} to like it (in the sense ``love'') Examples: \\ ³ª´Â ÀÌ°ÍÀÌ ÁÁ¾Æ¿ä I like this; ä¼Ò¸¦ ÁÁ¾ÆÇϳª¿ä? Do you like vegetables? ³ª´Â Á¤±¸ Ä¡´Â°ÍÀ» ÁÁ¾ÆÇÑ´Ù I like playing tennis \textbf{Á˼ÛÇÕ´Ï´Ù} I'm sorry, excuse me (literally: \emph{I feel uneasy}) \textbf{ÁÖ} a state, a province \textbf{ÁÖ-} give \textbf{ÁÖ°£} week (counter) \textbf{ÁÖ·Î} mainly, mostly, for the most part \textbf{ÁÖ¸³} state (-established), provincial(-ly established) \textbf{ÁÖ¸³´ëÇб³} a state university \textbf{ÁÖ¸»} weekend \textbf{ÁÖ¹«½Ã-} sleep (honorific) \textbf{ÁÖ¹®(À») ÇÏ-} order (at restaurant) \textbf{ÁÖ¼¼¿ä} please give \textbf{ÁÖÀÏ} week (counter) \textbf{ÁÖÁß¿¡} during the week, on week days \textbf{Á×-} die \textbf{Áß°£} middle, midway \textbf{Áß°£¿¡} midway, in the middle \textbf{Áß±¹} China \textbf{Áß±¹¸»} Cinese language \textbf{Áß±¹»ç¶÷} person from China \textbf{Á꽺} juice \textbf{Áñ°Åw-} be enjoyable, pleasant, fun \textbf{ÁÙ°Ì°Ô} enjoyably \textbf{Áö±Ý} now \textbf{Áö³­} past, last \textbf{Áö³»-} get along \textbf{ÁöÇÏö} subway, underground, metro \textbf{ÁøÁö} rice, meal (honorific) {\large \textbf{Áú¹®}} question \textbf{Áý} house, home \textbf{Áý»ç¶÷} my wife \textbf{Â¥-} salt (Â¥¿ä is salty) \textbf{°Áî} jazz \textbf{ÂÊ} side, direction \\ \\ \\ %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{¤º} \hypertarget{ch-h-letter}{ \scalebox{6}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{¤º}}}} }\\ \\ \textbf{Â÷} car, vehicle \textbf{Â÷} tea \textbf{Â÷-} wear (a watch) \textbf{Â÷-} cold (ÀÚ¿ä is cold) \textbf{Â÷Ç¥} ticket (train, bus) \textbf{ÂøÇÏ-} be good by nature; be a good boy (girl, dog) \textbf{Âü} truly, really (exclamation) \textbf{ä¼Ò} vegetable(s) \textbf{Ī¹È} window \textbf{ã-} look for; find \textbf{ã-} withdraw (money) from; fetch (money) \textbf{ä} buildings (counter) \textbf{Ã¥} book \textbf{Ã¥»ó} desk \textbf{óÀ½} the beginning; first time \textbf{óÀ½ ºË°Ú½À´Ï´Ù} pleased to make your acquaintance (formal style) (Explanation: óÀ¾ \emph{beginning, first time,} ºË°Ú½À´Ï´Ù \emph{will humbly see/meet.} (literally: \emph{I see you for the first time} i.e., \emph{how do you do?}) \textbf{õ} thousand \textbf{õ¸¸¿¡¿ä} you're welcome! \emph{or} don't mention it! (Literally: \emph{it's one of ten million} (words)) \textbf{õõÈ÷} slowly \textbf{öµµ} railway \textbf{ù} first \textbf{û¹ÙÁö} jeans \textbf{û¼Ò(¸¦) ÇÏ-} clean up \textbf{ÃÊ´ë(¸¦) ÇÏ-} invite someone \textbf{ÃÊ´ë(¸¦) ¹Þ-} be/get invited \textbf{-ÃÊ} (a) second (counter) \textbf{Ãßw-} be cold \textbf{Ãã(¹É) Ãß-} dances (a dance) \textbf{ÃëÇÏ-} get tipsy/drunk \textbf{-Ãþ} floors (of a building) (counter) \textbf{Ä¡-} strike, hit \textbf{Ä¡-} play (tennis, golf) \textbf{Ä¡¸¶} skirt \textbf{Ä£±¸} friend \textbf{ģô} relative \textbf{Ä¥ÆÇ} blackboard \\ \\ \\ %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{¤»} \hypertarget{kk-letter}{ \scalebox{6}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{¤»}}}} }\\ \\ \textbf{ij} digs out \textbf{ij³ª´Ù} Canada \textbf{ij³ª´Ù »ç¶÷} a Canadian \textbf{Ä·ÆÛ½º} campus \textbf{Ä¿ÇÇ} coffee \textbf{ÄÓ·¹} pair (of shois, etc.) \textbf{ÄÚ} nose \textbf{ÄÚ¸Þµð} comedy \textbf{ÄÚÆ®} coat \textbf{ÄÜÅÃÆ®·»Áî} contact lenses \textbf{Äݶó} cola \textbf{Å©-} be large \textbf{Å©¸²} cream \textbf{Å«¾Æ¹öÁö} uncle (father's elder brother) \\ \\ \\ %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{¤¼} \hypertarget{tt-letter}{ \scalebox{6}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{¤¼}}}} }\\ \\ \textbf{Ÿ-} add/put (sugar) \textbf{Ÿ-} ride in, ride on \textbf{Ÿ°í°¡-} go (riding) \textbf{Ÿ°í¿À-} come (riding) \textbf{Ÿ¿Ã} towel \textbf{Å»} mask \textbf{ž-} be born \textbf{Å״Ͻº} tennis \textbf{Å״Ͻº(¸¦) Ä¡-} play tennis \textbf{Å×À̺í} table \textbf{Å×·¹ºñÀü} television \textbf{Å丶Åä Á꽺} tomato juice \textbf{Åä¿äÀÏ} Saturday \textbf{ÅëÇÏ-} get through to, make contact with \textbf{ÅëÈ­(¸¦) ÇÏ-} get through to, make contact with on phone \\ \\ \\ %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{¤½} \hypertarget{pp-letter}{ \scalebox{6}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{¤½}}}} }\\ \\ \textbf{ÆÄ-¤©-} sell it \textbf{ÆÄ¿îµå} pounds (sterling) (counter) \textbf{ÆÄƼ} party \textbf{ÆÈ} arm \textbf{Ææ} ballpoint pen \textbf{Æí} side, direction \textbf{ÆíÁö} letter \textbf{ÆíÇÏ-} be comfortable; convenient \textbf{ÆíÈ÷} comfortably; conveniently \textbf{Ç¥} ticket \textbf{Ǫ-¤©-} solve it; undo it \textbf{Ç®} \textbf{1} starch, glue \textbf{2} grass \textbf{Ç®(À») ¸ÔÀÌ-} starch it \textbf{ÇÁ¶û½º} France \textbf{ÇÁ¶û½º¸»} French language \textbf{ÇÁ¶û½º»ç¶÷} person from France \textbf{ÇÁ·Î} program (TV); pro (sports) \textbf{ÇÁ¸®¸¶} nondairy creamer \textbf{Ç÷¡Æû} platform \textbf{ÇÇ-} bloom, blossom \textbf{ÇÇ°ïÇÏ-} be tired \textbf{ÇǾƳë} piano \textbf{ÇǾƳë(¸¦) Ä¡-} play piano \textbf{ÇÇ¿ì-} smoke \textbf{ÇÇÀÚ} pizza \\ \\ \\ %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{¤¾} \hypertarget{h-letter}{ \scalebox{6}{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\textbf{¤¾}}}} }\\ \\ \textbf{ÇÏ-} do (ÇÕ´Ï´Ù does it (formal style)) \textbf{ÇÏ°í} and \textbf{Çб³} school \textbf{Çбâ} term, semester \textbf{-Çгâ(ÀÌ¿¡¿ä)} is a student in such-and-such a year or grade (at school) \textbf{Çлý} student \textbf{Çлýȸ°ü} student union (building) \textbf{ÇÑ} about, approximately \textbf{Çѱ¹} Korea \textbf{Çѱ¹¸»} Korean language \textbf{Çѱ¹»ç¶÷} a Korean \textbf{Çѱ¹¾î} Korean language \textbf{Çѱ¹ÇÐ} Korean Studies \textbf{ÇÑÅ×} \textbf{1} to (to the \emph{living thing} e.g., to give something to the living thing) \textbf{2} from (from the place) (colloquial) \textbf{ÇÑÅ×¼­} from (from the \emph{living thing}) \textbf{ÇÒ¸Ó´Ï} grandmother \textbf{ÇÒ¸Ó´Ô} grandmother (honorific) \textbf{ÇҾƹö´Ô} grandfather (honorific) \textbf{ÇҾƹöÁö} grandfather \textbf{ÇÔ²²} together \textbf{ÇÕ¸®} rationality, reason \textbf{ÇÖµµ±×} hot dog \textbf{Ç×»ó} always \textbf{ÇØ} years (counter) \textbf{Çܹö°Å} hamburger \textbf{-Çà} bound for (a place). e.g.: ´ëÀüÇà ±âÂ÷ a T\ae{}jon train, train bound for T\ae{}jon \textbf{Ç㸮} waist, lower back \textbf{Çô} tongue \textbf{Çü} older brother \textbf{ÇüÁ¦} brothers (for males); brothers and sisters \textbf{È£ÁÖ} Australia \textbf{È£ÁÖ»ç¶÷} an Australian \textbf{È£ÅÚ} hotel \textbf{È¥ÀÚ(¼­)} alone, on one's own, by oneself \textbf{È«Â÷} black tea, English tea \textbf{È«Äá} Hong Kong \textbf{È«Äá»ç¶÷} person from Hong Kong \textbf{È­¿äÀÏ} Tuesday \textbf{È­Àå½Ç} toilet, restroom, bathroom, washroom \textbf{ȸ»ç} company \textbf{ȸ»ç¿ø} company employee \textbf{ȸȭ} conversation \textbf{ÈÄ¿¡} after, later \textbf{ÈÞÁö} tissue paper; toilet tissue, $\mathrm{Kleenex^{TM}}$ \textbf{È帮-} be cloudy, overcast \textbf{È帮-} become/get cloudy \textbf{Èû} strength, energy \textbf{Èû(ÀÌ) µå-¤©-} be difficult, taxing (strength enters) %\end{multicols} \end{document}