sdesc: "Conversion utilitities for face graphics" ldesc: "The program (two programmes really - but they're just links to each other) converts 48x48x1 images to and from a compressed format. The uncompressed images are expected to contain 48x48/4 (576) hex digits. All other characters and any `0's followed by `X' or `x' are ignored. Usually the files are 48 lines of '0x%04X,0x%04X,0x%04X,'. The compressed images contain some number of printable characters. Non printable characters, including ' ' are ignored. The purpose of the programme is to allow the inclusion of face images within mail headers using the field name 'X-face: '. The programmes make use of a library which can be used to allow the compression and decompression algorithms to be used in other programmes such as mail dispatchers and mail notification daemons." category: Devel Mail Libs Utils requires: cygwin