python-configargparse-0.10.0-4.3.1<>,މ[A /=„׏bŚ>TFKF@TgWL<66_J87uST`{ ~d\ _҃V߅aF̥b?sf/14u츺ڤɆe(9~(stV;\|M]\\!j:?d % H(,48KTX q       H  s     H tG(j8t9:F $G 8 H d I X Y \ ] ^ b Qc d e f l u v w\ x yzCpython-configargparse0. drop-in replacement for argparseConfigArgParse allows options to also be set via config files and/or environment variables. Applications with more than a handful of user-settable options are best configured through a combination of command line args, config files, hard-coded defaults, and in some cases, environment variables. Python’s command line parsing modules such as argparse have very limited support for config files and environment variables, so this module extends argparse to add these features[A build70\!}ǸV9Jrd/Tf*雷]@uמi2HDvm>քyi۔^*Y,o4IG\aN3[&cٚ{T*`bJ8cٓE~h#)Af ji:$s} VTN@V ]YCrz;Q[zIX5գBO Y](OBAU(~ae{RS#C!v{( m pTC*CqjxQҨ4`jʣP T4A4+u,Kڎ{DMWs9oOa'5+fw:nnRַe]fch5:ժ M]Yr'쏱eJ7! aj I~7a>&6fOQЉq