================================= Salt Packages for AIX 7.x ================================= Version: salt. (2018.3.2) Date: 2018-07-09 To Install: ----------- Salt is installed mainly into the /opt/salt directory, and a minimum of 2GBytes of disk space is required to install. Wrapper scripts for the command-line interfaces are installed in the /usr/bin directory (see the "Usage on AIX" section below). Note: updates are handled by the install script. 1. Browse to https://enterprise.saltstack.com/downloads/aix and download the *.gz installation file for your OS version. 2. Run the following commands to extract the installation file into a directory: gzip --decompress salt_2018.3.2.tar.gz tar -xvf salt_2018.3.2.tar cd salt_2018.3.2 3. Run the following command to install: ./install_salt.sh To Uninstall: ------------- 1. Run the following command: ./install_salt.sh -u 2. To completely remove any trace of salt on the system , run command: ./install_salt.sh -u -f Note: If install_salt.sh fails to uninstall Salt and you intend to install a new version, you must uninstall using an alternate method. Otherwise the previous package may remain in the cache. The install script install_salt.sh as a number of self-explanatory options, which can be examined using the -h option: ./install_salt.sh -h Usage on AIX ------------ Wrapper scripts are provided to access the Salt command-line interfaces. These wrapper scripts execute with environmental variable overrides for library and python paths. These wrapper scripts are provided in /usr/bin, which is typically included in the environmental variable PATH. The following wrapper scripts are available: salt-ssh salt-proxy salt-minion Note: with this release only salt-minion functionality is provided Salt command line functionality is available through the use of these wrapper scripts. For example, to start the salt-minion as a daemon: [/usr/bin/]salt-minion -d Additionally the use of AIX System Resource Controller commands can now be used to start, stop and list the following salt daemons with startsrc, stopsrc and lssrc, if srcmstr is active: salt-minion For example: startsrc -s salt-minion stopsrc -s salt-minion lssrc -g salt