Summary: file history and comparison tools Name: fhist Version: 1.4 Release: 1 Copyright: GPL Group: Development/Tools Source: URL: BuildRoot: /tmp/fhist-build-root %description The FHist package contains 3 utilities, a file history tool ``fhist'', a file comparison tool ``fcomp'', and a file merging tool ``fmerge''. All three are bundled together, because they all use the same minimal-difference algorithm. The history tool presented here, fhist, is a minimal history tool. It provides no locking or branching. This can be useful in contexts where the configuration management or change control be being provided by some other tool. %prep %setup %build ./configure --prefix=/usr make %install make RPM_BUILD_ROOT=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install %files /usr/bin/fcomp /usr/bin/fhist /usr/bin/fmerge /usr/lib/fhist/en/LC_MESSAGES/ /usr/lib/fhist/en/LC_MESSAGES/ /usr/lib/fhist/en/LC_MESSAGES/ /usr/man/man1/fcomp.1 /usr/man/man1/fhist.1 /usr/man/man1/fhist_lic.1 /usr/man/man1/fmerge.1 /usr/share/fhist/en/building.dvi /usr/share/fhist/en/ /usr/share/fhist/en/building.txt /usr/share/fhist/en/man1/fcomp.1 /usr/share/fhist/en/man1/fhist.1 /usr/share/fhist/en/man1/fhist_lic.1 /usr/share/fhist/en/man1/fmerge.1 /usr/share/fhist/en/readme.dvi /usr/share/fhist/en/ /usr/share/fhist/en/readme.txt /usr/share/fhist/en/reference.dvi /usr/share/fhist/en/ /usr/share/fhist/en/reference.txt %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT