system/emulators/!INDEX generated by keeper 1.54; do not edit by hand! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ commodore/ emulators and tools for Commodore 64, 128, PET, and Amiga dosemu/ various versions of the dos emulators zx/ emulators for Sinclair ZX80/ZX81/Spectrum 68k-simulator.tar.gz MC-68000 Simulator for X-Windows Flexemu-1.00.tgz FLEX Operating system emulator with full graphics display Sim8051_1.0.tgz simulator for the 8051 microcontroller family apple2-emul-0.7.3.tar.gz Apple II+, //e emulator. Uses svgalib or X bsod.tar.gz the Blue Screen of Death for Linux bsvc-2.1-src.tar.gz Microprocessor Simulator (Motorola 68000) cpm-0.2.1-glibc-rjm.patch.gz Z80 and CP/M emulator cpm-0.2.1.tar.gz Z80 and CP/M emulator flexemu-0.80.tgz FLEX Operating system emulator with full graphics display mz700em-0.2.tar.gz Sharp MZ700 emulator, uses SVGAlib nc100em-1.0.tar.gz Amstrad NC100 emulators for SVGAlib, X, ttys snes9x_linux0.1.tar.gz SNES Emulator for Linux SVGA and X ti4linux-0.2.tar.gz TI-99/4A emulator, requires ROMs x48-0.4.0.tar.gz emulates HP48 calculator software xc16emu-0.5.1.tar.gz Emulator for the Commodore C16/C116/plus/4 style computers.