system/misc/!INDEX generated by keeper 1.54; do not edit by hand! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ amiga-fdisk-0.04.tar.gz fdisk for hard disks using the Rigid Disk Block ckill1.6.tar.gz improved version of Unix kill die-1.1.tar.gz kill off processes by command name exsoul-1.0.tgz write/wall like program to express your feeling fingerprobe.tar do user usage monitoring through finger ms-cardread.c.gz Gives ASCII dump of MS-Windows note cards mxapps_1.08.tar.gz X/Motif Mail/FTP clients for Linux procdirs-0.22.gz list current working directories of all running processes renice100.tgz changes a processes priority level rtstools-1.0.tgz Posix.1b Real Time Scheduler Tools for Linux semex-1.1.tar.gz Tester and exerciser for Unix System V semaphore functions sh-utils-1.12+security.tar.gz sh-utils-1.12 with a few security enhancements smallutils-1.3.tar.gz group of very small standard utilities stime-0.1.tar.gz shows sytem time in seconds totem-2.1.tar.gz associates kernel version with names via /proc/totem util-linux-2.9r.tar.gz Miscellaneous utilities for Linux webalias-1.0.1.tar.gz CGI script for manipulating the sendmail /etc/aliases file zen-0.1b.tar.gz bash and perl scripts to make linux just a little bit prettier