Begin3 Title: diald-top Version: 2.0 Entered-date: 28SEP97 Description: Maintains a 'top'-like listing of all packets and their time to live for use with diald (tested with version 0.16). Requires ncurses, flex, bison to compile, and uses named pipes for communication. Since v1.1: Incorporated patches contributed by: Steffen Ullrich Added capability to run as a client on a remote networked machine. Added a network server that runs on the machine running diald. Now uses non-blocking I/O on the monitor FIFO, and uses select rather than timeouts to choose between the keyboard and the FIFO as input streams. Fixed the help screen to fit on normal sized screens as the development was done with a 50 line screen. Fixed the nasty segfault bug in v1.1. Keywords: diald statistics Author: (Gavin J. Hurlbut) Maintained-by: author Primary-site: /pub/Linux/system/network/serial 101kB diald-top-2.0.tar.gz 1kB diald-top-2.0.lsm Copying-policy: GPL but with a twist... I want email if you hack on it :) End