Begin3 Title: RamFloppy Version: 3.6 Entered-date: 04MAY99 Description: Small ram linux system for the purpose of system booting or repairing, a boot-rescue system. You can put this system on a 1.44 floppy disk and use it to mount other partitions. It has support for these filesystems. ext2 iso9660 msdos ntfs ufs vfat The kernel is version: 2.2.7-ac1 It's a Libc6 system. You need at least 8 megabytes of ram = memory to boot RamFloppy. You need at least a 386 cpu to boot RamFloppy. You can extract it like this: C:\ ramf-36.exe It's a rar archive, if you want to extract it on a linux system do this: unrar x ramf-36.exe Read: C:\ramflop\README ramf-36.exe 1460Kb Keywords: Small Floppy Boot-Rescue System Author: (Kent Robotti) Maintained-by: Primary-site: Alternate-site: Platforms: System with floppy drive Copying-policy: GPL End ============================================================================ P.S: This little system includes the program 'fsresize', you can use it to resize a fat16 or FAT32 DOS/WIN95/98 partition. For example if you had a WIN98 FAT32 system on /dev/hda1 you wanted to reduce in size to 500 megabytes. # fsresize /dev/hda1 500m There's more info on 'fsresize' etc. when you boot the little floppy system. The only rescue system you'll ever need, but probably not the only one you'll ever want. ============================================================================