Begin3 Title: Zdisk Version: 1.28 Entered-date: 04MAY99 Description: The purpose of 'zdisk' is to have a kernel and a rescue system on one floppy disk, there's a 'make zdisk' option for the kernel that just copies the kernel to a floppy. Zdisk copies a kernel of your choice to a floppy and puts a little rescue system on the same floppy, creating a boot-rescue floppy. The kernel can't be more than 720 Kb in size. zdisk-1.28.tar.gz 1049Kb Keywords: Create Boot-Rescue Floppy Author: (Kent Robotti) Maintained-by: Primary-site: Alternate-site: Platforms: Linux system with floppy drive Copying-policy: GPL End ============================================================================ P.S: This little system includes the program 'fsresize', you can use it to resize a fat16 or FAT32 DOS/WIN95/98 partition. For example if you had a WIN98 FAT32 system on /dev/hda1 you wanted to reduce in size to 500 megabytes. # fsresize /dev/hda1 500m There's more info on 'fsresize' etc. when you boot the little floppy system. There's also a step by step guide to how zdisk was created, included in the README. The only rescue system you'll ever need, but probably not the only one you'll ever want. ============================================================================