Begin3 Title: xnetload Version: 1.6.0 Entered-date: 9FEB1999 Description: Xnetload displays packet traffic and uptime in an X window. It requires the /proc file system. It can be compiled to use IP-accounting. It also works with new 2.2 kernels, where it will display bytes/s instead of packets/s. When using IP-accounting, it issues the accouting rules itself. The graph now displays log10 of the packet/byte count, to avoid problems with the StripChart widget flooding with lines. My homepage is the primary site now. Keywords: network, monitor, X, proc Author: (R.F. Smith) Maintained-by: (R.F. Smith) Primary-site: 20kB xnetload-1.6.0.tar.gz Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/system/status/xstatus Copying-policy: GPL End