.\" -*- nroff -*-
.ds g \" empty
.ds G \" empty
.\" Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half
.\" the current line-length - indent, use the default indent.
.de Tp
.ie \\n(.$=0:((0\\$1)*2u>(\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu)) .TP
.el .TP "\\$1"
.TH MAKEPKG 8 "21 May 1994" "Slackware Version 2.0.0"
makepkg \- make Slackware packages.
.B makepkg
.B -l, --linkadd y|n
.B -c, --chown y|n
.B --threads <number>
.B --compress <option>
.B --acls
.B --xattrs
.B --remove-rpaths
.B --remove-tmp-rpaths
.BI packagename
.B makepkg
creates a new Slackware compatible package.
The package is constructed using the contents of the current directory and
all subdirectories. If symbolic links exist, they will be converted to script
code to recreate them when the package is installed. This code will be
appended to the primary installation script 
.B ( install/doinst.sh )
, or, if that script does not exist it will be created with those contents.
The package will be written out to the file
.BI packagename
which should be the full name, including the extension.  This is usually .txz,
but .tgz, .tbz, and .tlz are also accepted.  The proper compression utility
(xz, gzip, bzip2, or lzip) needs to be installed on the machine.
.B \-l, --linkadd y|n
If y, add any symbolic links found to the install script (doinst.sh) and
delete them.  This is the recommended action.  If this option is not used,
makepkg will prompt if symbolic links are found.
.B \-p, --prepend
If this option is given, then any symbolic links added to doinst.sh will be
prepended to the existing script.  This is useful for packages that contain
shared libraries that need to be linked first because programs will use them
later in the doinst.sh script.
.B \-c, --chown y|n
If y, makepkg will reset all directory permissions to 755 and ownership to root:root.
In general, you should have the permissions and ownerships worked out yourself, so
relying on setting this option to y is somewhat sloppy.  It is not the default.  If an
option is not provided, makepkg will prompt.
.B --threads <number>
For xz/plzip compressed packages, set the maximum number of threads to be used for
compression. Only has an effect on large packages. For plzip the default is the number
of CPU threads available. For xz the default is to let xz decide how many threads to
use, except on 32-bit platforms where the default number of threads is 2.
.B --compress <option>
Supply a custom option to the compressor. This will be used in place of the default, which is: -9
.B --acls
Support storing POSIX ACLs in the package. The resulting package will not be compatible
with pkgtools version < 15.0.
.B --xattrs
Support storing extended attributes in the package. The resulting package will not be
compatible with pkgtools version < 15.0.
.B --remove-rpaths
Remove all rpaths from ELF objects. By default, makepkg will warn if any are found.
.B --remove-tmp-rpaths
Remove all rpaths from ELF objects containing an rpath wih the /tmp directory in it.
Such rpaths could be a security hole.
A UNIX date-time (seconds since 1 Jan 1970). If set, any newer timestamps in the package
will be rewritten ("clamped") to this date-time. See
.I https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/
for more details.
There are 3 types of installation scripts supported in the Slackware package
The first is the 
.B primary
installation script. This is found in the subdirectory
.B ./install
and must have the name
.B doinst.sh
in order to be recognized. This ( and other install scripts ) should be written
using the basic Bourne shell syntax recognized by the
.B ash
shell, since this is the shell that will be used to execute the script when
installing from a Slackware install floppy. This is a common trap - beware of
.B bash
syntax extensions, because the script will work fine when installed from the
hard drive, but will bomb out when installed from floppy. If the package is
for personal use, this isn't a problem. Be careful, though, if you plan to
share your package with other users. The
.B primary installation script
is executed immediately after the package is installed with 
.B installpkg, pkgtool, 
.B setup.
The second type of script is the
.B configuration
script. This is found in the subdirectory
.B ./var/lib/pkgtools/setup
and must have a name that starts with
.B setup.
in order to be recongnized. An example is the timezone script: 
.B /var/lib/pkgtools/setup/setup.timeconfig. 
These scripts are executed during the
phase of
.B setup, 
and are re-executed each time the user runs the
option from
.B setup
from then on.
Typically, the user will go through this phase of setup following the 
installation of all the packages. Anything that needs to be interactive
should go in one of these scripts to avoid halting the package installation
process during 
.B setup. 
The third type of script is the
.B onlyonce
script. Like the name suggests, these are executed only once after the package
is installed, in contrast to the standard
.B configuration
script. These scripts are also found in the
.B ./var/lib/pkgtools/setup
directory and must have a name that starts with
.B setup., 
but in addition the name must contain the string
.B onlyonce.
An example might be a script with the name 
.B /var/lib/pkgtools/setup/setup.onlyonce.testscript
.B makepkg
uses GNU tar plus GNU gzip to create its packages. A simple way to 
extract the contents of a package (without executing the installation
scripts, of course) is to use a command like this:
explodepkg package.tgz
Or, something like this:
gzip -dc package.tgz | tar xvvf -
Patrick J. Volkerding <volkerdi@slackware.com>
.BR installpkg(8),
.BR explodepkg(8),
.BR removepkg(8),
.BR pkgtool(8), 
.BR upgradepkg(8)