.\" -*- nroff -*- .ds g \" empty .ds G \" empty .\" Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half .\" the current line-length - indent, use the default indent. .de Tp .ie \\n(.$=0:((0\\$1)*2u>(\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu)) .TP .el .TP "\\$1" .. .TH PKGDIFF 8 "11 Apr 2018" "Slackware Version 15.0 .SH NAME pkgdiff \- compare the file contents of two packages. .SH SYNOPSIS .B pkgdiff [ .B \--help ] [ .B \-c ] [ .B \-a ] .BI packagename .BI packagename2 .SH DESCRIPTION .B pkgdiff Displays the differences in the files contained in two packages. This works with plain .tar, Slackware packages (.tgz, .tbz, .tlz, .txz), .rpm, and .deb. By default, the results will be displayed in a tree-style unified diff format. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \--help Display help for using the pkgdiff utility. .TP .B \-c Colorize the tree-style output a-la DIR_COLORS. If piping to a pager such as less, you'll need to enable displaying raw data. For example: .P pkgdiff -c package-1.0-i586-1.txz package-2.0-i586-1.txz | less -r .TP .B \-a Instead of a tree-style output format, generate a simple unified diff of the package file lists. .SH EXAMPLES .TP .B Compare two packages and pipe the result to less: .P pkgdiff package-1.0-i586-1.txz package-2.0-i586-1.txz | less .SH AUTHOR Patrick J. Volkerding <volkerdi@slackware.com> .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR makepkg(8), .BR removepkg(8), .BR explodepkg(8), .BR pkgtool(8), .BR upgradepkg(8)